COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE EPMESC X, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, Hainan, China ©2006 Tsinghua University Press & Springer Earthquake Response Analysis and Energy Calculation Based on Wavelet Transform Chen Wu *, Ruizhong Zhou College of civil engineering and architecture, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350002 China Abstract In earthquake engineering, Fourier transform is a main way for spectrum analysis in the past. However, signal is requested to be stationary and the result couldn’t offer time-frequency local character. Therefore, Fourier transform isn’t suitable for dealing with seismic signal. Wavelet transform is a perfect way to analyze non-stationary signal for its multi-resolution nature. Any seismic signal can be decomposed to some frequency channels by multi-resolution analysis. Using this method, earthquake responses of MDOF system are deduced in this paper and seismic energy & displacement energy in distinct frequency channel are discussed. With examples on MDOF system, an argument that in elastic system total earthquake response can be obtained by adding all of the dynamic response contributions in distinct frequency channel is demonstrated and the reconstructed signal after restraining high frequency is applied to approximate model. With energy distribution, signal and response contributions of distinct frequency channel are analyzed. At the end of this paper, some problems about wavelet transform are discussed. Key words: Wavelet Transform, Multi-Resolution Analysis, Earthquake Responses, Energy Calculation INTRODUCTION In earthquake engineering, the most constructions have their natural modes and natural frequencies at elastic stage. For seismic signal, frequency-domain analysis sometimes is more convenient than time-domain analysis [1]. In the 20th century, Fourier transform is a main way for frequency spectrum analysis, but signal is requested to be stationary and the result couldn’t offer time-frequency local characteristics. As we know, seismic signal is quite non-stationary and time-frequency relationship just is the focus of people’s attention. Therefore, Fourier transform isn’t suitable for dealing with seismic signal. In recent years, wavelet transform has become a popular way to analyze non-stationary signal for its multi-resolution nature. With multi-resolution analysis (MRA), various frequency components in a signal are decomposed into different subspaces and dynamic response and energy distribution in distinct scale can be obtained. Hence wavelet transform is an effective method to deal with seismic wave. THEORETICAL ANALYSES 1. Multi-resolution analysis (MRA) MRA is the soul of wavelet transform. It is a spatial sequence {V j } j∈Z that monotonicity, approximation, scaling, shifting and Riesz basis existence are satisfied in L2 ( R ) [2]. From a certain MRA, a wavelet functionψ (t ) and its wavelet space {W j } j∈Z can be confirmed and L2 ( R) = ⊕ W j is held. As for j∈Z any f (t ) ∈ L ( R ) , there is 2 f (t ) = ∞ ∞ ∑ ∑d j =−∞ k =−∞ ψ j ,k (t ), j , k ∈ Z (1) j ,k where d j ,k =< f (t ),ψ j ,k (t ) > is a discrete wavelet transform for f (t ) , ψ j ,k (t ) = 2− j / 2ψ (2− j t − k ) is a binary wavelet ⎯ 1134 ⎯ function. Owing to the orthogonality of {ψ j ,k (t )} j , k∈Z , {d } j ,k j , k∈Z is orthogonal wavelet transformed and (1) is the reconstruction for f (t ) . For any j ∈ Z , W j is defined as the orthogonal complement space of V j in V j −1 : V j −1 = V j ⊕ W j & W j ⊥ W j ′ ( j ≠ j ′ ) (2) Figure 1: A tree corresponding to MRA V j is the low-frequency component in V j −1 and it reflects signal’s “profile”. W j is the high-frequency component and it reflects signal’s “detail”. As is shown in Figure1, a signal is decomposed step by step with MRA and the previous low-frequency component is the only object for current decomposition. Where S is original signal, Aj and Dj denote low-frequency signal and high-frequency signal in scale j respectively. The relation among them is j S = Aj + ∑ Dm [3], viz. any function f (t ) ∈ L2 ( R) can be reconstructed by low-frequency component whose m =1 resolution is 2− j and high-frequency components whose resolution are 2− m (1 ≤ m < j ). Above idea just is famous Mallat tower restructing algorithm: j f (t ) = f j (t ) + ∑∑ d m ,kψ m,k (t ) (3) m =1 k∈Z Table 1: Frequency distribution in MRA Frequency channel Frequency range Frequency channel Frequency range A1 0-0.5 D1 0.5-1 A2 0-0.25 D2 0.25-0.5 A3 0-0.125 D3 0.125-0.25 A4 0-0.0625 D4 0.0625-0.125 In MRA, scale, resolution and frequency are interrelated. When scale increase, frequency resolution is falling and we can get low-frequency characteristics. On the contrary, when scale is reduced, frequency resolution is rising and high-frequency characteristics are got. If the highest frequency component is assumed as 1 and the maximum scale is 4, the frequency distribution can be seen as Table1. 2. Application of MRA in earthquake response analysis of MDOF system In the given references [4, 5], wavelet transform is generally applied to signal-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system. The feasibility of application in multiple-degree-of freedom (MDOF) system is brought forward in reference [4]. In this paper, earthquake responses of MDOF system with MRA are to be analyzed. As for a dynamic system of N-DOFs linear construction, the differential equation of motion is expressed as: [ M ]{ && x(t )} + [C ]{ x& (t )} + [ K ]{ x(t )} = −[ M ]{1} a&&g (t ) (4) where [M], [C], [K] denote mass matrix, damping matrix and stiffness matrix respectively;{&x&} , acceleration, velocity and displacement of structural particle respectively; {x&} , {x} are relative T {1} = {1, 1, ......, 1}N ×1 ; a&&g (t ) denotes ground acceleration due to earthquake. Using MRA, a seismic signal can be decomposed as: a&&g (t ) = ∑ a&&gj (t ) (5) j ⎯ 1135 ⎯ where a&&gj (t ) is signal component in scale j, which can be gained by Mallat algorithm. Then substitute (5) into (4), we can get: [ M ]{ && x(t )} + [C ]{ x& (t )} + [ K ]{ x(t )} = −∑ [ M ]{1}a&&gj (t ) (6) j If mode-superposition method is used, the displacement of particle i can be written: N N k =1 k =1 xi (t ) = ∑ X ki qk (t ) = ∑ γ k X kiδ k (t ) (7) where k is the number of vibration mode; qk (t ) is generalized coordinates; γ k is participating coefficient of mode; X ki is amplitude; The displacement of equivalent SDOF system δ k (t ) can be obtained by Duhamel integral: δ k (t ) = 1 ωd t ∫ a&& (τ )e 0 −ξ k ωk ( t −τ ) g sin ω d (t − τ )dτ (8) where the natural circular frequency for damping system ωd is to be defined by: ωd = ω 1 − ξ 2 . Substitute (5) to (8), δ k (t ) can be given: δ k (t ) = 1 ωd ∑ ∫ a&& t j 0 gj (τ )e −ξk ωk ( t −τ ) sin ω d (t − τ ) dτ = ∑ δ jk (t ) (9) j Therefore, the displacement of particle i in a N-DOFs system is to be computed: xi (t ) = ∑∑ γ k X kiδ jk (t ) = ∑ x ji (t ) j k (10) j It can be seen from the above equation that the total earthquake response can be obtained by adding all of the dynamic response contributions in distinct frequency channel. If elastic time-history analysis is used to solve equation (6), the same result can be drawn (example 1). In addition, some superfrequency components in seismic signal are considered useless to dynamic response analysis [6]. If these components are filtered, data size will be compressed, calculation will be simplified and signal noise ratio will be raised. With wavelet analysis, a possibility of signal filtering is provided. When reconstructing a signal, high-frequency coefficients in one scale or several scales are not inclusive so that the reconstructed signal doesn’t contain these high-frequency components. Example 2 indicates that the reconstructed signal can be used in approximate calculation and the precision is reliable. 3. Energy analyses The energy of original seismic signal is defined by [7]: ∞ E = ∫ a&&g (t ) 2 dt (11) −∞ With MRA, (5) is substituted into (11) as follow: ∞ E = ∫ [∑ a&&gj (t )]2 dt −∞ j ∞ ∞ = ∑ ∫ a&&gj (t ) 2 dt + 2 ∑ ∫ a&&gm (t )a&&gn (t )dt j −∞ m≠n −∞ (12) The orthogonality between two wavelet functions leads to the following relation between a&&gm (t ) and a&&gn (t ) : ∫ ∞ −∞ a&&gm (t )a&&gn (t )dt = 0 ( m ≠ n) (13) Hence, ∞ E = ∑ ∫ a&&gj (t ) 2 dt = ∑ E j j −∞ (14) j Similarly, the displacement energy for floor i can be written: ∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ Q = ∫ xi (t ) 2 dt = ∫ [∑ x ji (t )]2 dt j ∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ = ∑ ∫ x ji (t ) 2 dt + 2 ∑ ∫ xmi (t ) xni (t )dt j m≠n If (9), (10) and (13) are taken into account together, it’s easy to get: ⎯ 1136 ⎯ (15) ∫ ∞ −∞ xmi (t ) xni (t )dt = 0 ( m ≠ n) (16) Therefore, displacement energy can be obtained as follow: ∞ Q = ∑ ∫ x ji (t ) 2 dt = ∑ Q j j −∞ (17) j NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 1. Example 1: Earthquake response analysis with wavelet transform A ten-floor frame building is subjected to 70gal ElCentro wave. The duration is 10s and sampling period is 0.02s.The mass in every floor is 2.5×105kg. Young’s modulus of concrete is 3.0×1010. Other parameters about each floor are shown in Table2. Now interlaminar shear modulus is used, which is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2: Computational model Table 2 Characteristic parameters of a building Floor F1 F2-F3 F4-F6 F7-F10 Height(m) 4.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.5×0.5 0.5×0.5 0.4×0.5 0.4×0.4 Column section (m×m) “db5” is regarded as the wavelet function by right of experience. N = 5 is chosen as the maximum scale because the first natural frequency for this construction is 0.5438 Hz and Nyquist frequency of this signal is 25 Hz. As is shown in Fig. 3(a), the original seismic wave is decomposed to six frequency channels with MRA (from low frequency to high frequency).The center frequency of A5 is 0.3906 Hz, which is similar to the first natural frequency. By applying six signal components to the building respectively, the top displacements due to wavelet components can be calculated with elastic time-history analysis (Fig. 3(b)). Finally, all of the displacement contributions are superposed and the total displacement is compared with the value due to original wave (Table 3).As illustrated in Table 3, two results is quite alike. Furthermore, the top velocity and top acceleration are all calculated with wavelet transform and results are same as the values due to original signal. Consequently an argument that in elastic system earthquake responses can be obtained by adding all of dynamic response contributions of distinct frequency channel is demonstrated. In addition, as can be seen from Fig. 3, every picture describes the time information about one frequency channel so that the relationship between time and frequency can be found, which could not be realized by Fourier transform. 2. Example 2: Application of MRA in approximate calculation In example 1, D1 and D2 are two highestfrequency components. In order to reduce data and develop computational efficiency, the two components are to be filtered. In program, we can replace their wavelet coefficients with zero and then reconstruct signal with “db5”wavelet function according to new wavelet coefficients. Top displacements result from original signal and reconstructed signal are shown in Table4 respectively. From Table 4, we can see that displacements due to two signals are fairly accordant and relative error is less than ±1% . It’s indicated that high-frequency components can be removed exactly with wavelet analysis and structural dynamic properties still can be reflected after high-frequency components are removed. Therefore, this method is effective and safe to dynamic approximate analysis. ⎯ 1137 ⎯ (a) (b) Figure 3: Wavelet components of distinct frequency channel and corresponding displacements Table 3 Comparison on top displacements calculated by two ways (mm) time Wavelet transform Traditional Method t = 1s t = 2s t = 3s t = 4s t = 5s t = 6s t = 7s t = 8s t = 9s t = 10s 3.3925 −2.435 20.9156 −10.8755 9.8214 −20.8445 23.8404 −31.0877 36.7573 −33.0123 3.3925 −2.435 20.9156 −10.8755 9.8214 −20.8445 23.8404 −31.0877 36.7573 −33.0123 Table 4 Comparison on top displacements with seismic signals of two kinds (mm) time t = 1s t = 2s t = 3s t = 4s t = 5s Top displacement due to reconstructed signal 3.4101 −2.4585 20.9231 −10.9212 9.8963 Top displacement due to original signal 3.3925 −2.435 20.9156 −10.8755 9.8214 Relative error 0.519% 0.965% 0.0359% 0.420% 0.763% time t = 6s t = 7s t = 8s t = 9s t = 10s Top displacement due to reconstructed signal −20.9046 23.8444 −31.1283 36.842 −33.0105 Top displacement due to original signal −20.8445 23.8404 −31.0877 36.7573 −33.0123 Relative error 0.288% 0.017% 0.131% 0.230% −0.005% 3. Example 3: Energy analyses A three-floor frame building is subjected to 200gal ElCentro wave. The duration is 10s and sampling period is 0.02s.The mass in every floor: m1 = 2726kg, m2 = 2760kg, m3 = 2300kg, interlaminar stiffness: k1 = 2.485×105N/m, k2 = 1.921×105N/m, k3 = 1.522×105N/m. We still consider “db5” as the wavelet function. Because the first natural frequency for this construction is 0.6532Hz, N = 4 is chosen as the maximum scale so that five wave bands are created. Then energy distributions of seismic signal and displacement signal in distinct frequency channel can be calculated. (Fig. 4) ⎯ 1138 ⎯ Figure 4: Energy distributions of seismic signal and displacement signal in distinct frequency channel Table 5 Displacement energies of distinct frequency channel and original signal Floor 1 2 3 Channel A4 1903.20 7827.60 14247.00 Channel D4 147.25 186.23 255.66 Channel D3 5.38 3.50 2.55 Channel D2 0.07 0.08 0.10 Channel D1 0.0016 0.0027 0.0039 Sum of displacement energies 2056.91 8017.41 14505.31 Displacement energy due to original signal 2131.8 8477 15298 Relative error 3.5% 5.4% 5.2% It can be seen from Fig. 4 that Elcentro wave has great components in the first three channels and the contributions are decreasing in latter channels. Displacement energy of each floor is mainly focus on the first channel, so the first channel (A4) has important influence on structural displacement and it is the key band for structural control. On the contrary, high-frequency components have little effect on responses as reference [6] said. In addition, from Table 5 we can see that the sum of displacement energy contributions is less than the energy due to original signal. It is because the wavelet function is not a perfect filter and it isn’t infinite in length that energy in one wave band is possible to leak to other channels after passing through the filter. The given materials show that leakage rate is to decrease with increasing time-domain length of filter [8]. DISCUSSION ON WAVELET TRANSFORM (1) Using wavelet transform, high resolutions can be obtained both in time-domain and in frequency-domain, which is better than Fourier transform. However, wavelet transform essentially is Fourier transform with flexible time-frequency window so that it doesn’t get rid of the limitation of Fourier transform thoroughly [9]. (2) The variety of wavelet basis make wavelet transform adaptable enough so that it is possible to construct or choose optimal wavelet basis according to signal characteristics. However, once the basis is confirmed, it could not be changed during decomposition and reconstruction. Hence it is possible for the basis to be the best in global but the worst in local. Now it’s still a difficult problem to select an optimal wavelet basis [10]. Experience and experiment are general way at present. (3) Different wavelet basis has different properties and has different analytic ability to signal. In calculation, different result is to be drawn if different basis is used and these results could not compare with each other. (4) Wavelet basis is finite in length so that energy leaking is inevitable. However, if basis which is long enough in time-domain length is selected, leakage rate will decrease [8]. ⎯ 1139 ⎯ CONCLUSIONS (1) MRA has favorable time-frequency localization. Using MRA, seismic signal can be decomposed to several frequency channels and time information is to be gained. With this method, dynamic parameters in each channel can be obtained and controlled conveniently. These parameters provide basic materials for structural control. (2) For SDOF and MDOF elastic system, dynamic responses due to original seismic wave can be obtained by superposing all of response contributions of each wave band. (3) Using MRA, high frequency components in a signal can be restrained and signal’s dynamic properties still can be represented by reconstructed signal. This method can be applied to approximate calculation. (4) Theoretically, the sum of energy contributions of distinct channel equals to the energy due to original wave. In calculation, finite length of wavelet basis and all kinds of energy loss will lead to energy leaking, but a small quantity of error could not influence correctness in analysis and practicability in engineering. (5) Wavelet transform is an effective way to analyze non-stationary signal, but it still is based on Fourier transform so that further work should be made in fitting non-stationary signal. At present, it still is a puzzle to choose an appropriate wavelet basis in application. REFERENCES 1. Xie LL, Yu SJ. Strong Motion Observation and Analytical Principle. Seismic Press, 1982 (in Chinese). 2. Hu CH, Li GH, Liu T, Zhou ZJ. Systems Analysis and Design Based on MATLAB6.x — Wavelet Analysis. Xi’an Electron & Technology University Press, 2004 (in Chinese). 3. Eysa S, Ali H. Time history dynamic analysis of structures using filter banks and wavelet transforms. Computers and Structures, 2005; 83: 53-68. 4. Wu DL, Zhao MJ. A preliminary research on wavelet analysis applied to the response of structures. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1999; 4(20): 174-177 (in Chinese). 5. Jiang JG, Zhou XH, Zou YH, Duan SW. Application of wavelet analysis to degree of single freedom dynamic system. 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