
EPMESC X, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, Hainan, China
©2006 Tsinghua University Press & Springer
Monotonic and Cyclic Analysis of Granular Soils
N. Khalili *, M. A. Habte, S. Valliappan
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia
Email: n.khalili@unsw.edu.au
Abstract A simple yet rigorous bounding surface plasticity model is developed to describe the stress-strain behaviour
of variably saturated granular soils subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. The model is formulated incrementally
within the critical state framework using the effective stress approach. Both plastic volumetric strain and matric
suction are introduced as hardening parameters. Cyclic behaviour is captured through a radial mapping rule in which
the point of stress reversal is taken as the centre of projection. The effect of particle crushing at high stresses is
considered through a three-segmented critical state and isotropic compression lines. A non-associative flow rule is
employed to generalise application of the model to all soil types. The model is validated using experimental data from
the literature.
Key words: bounding surface plasticity, effective stress, granular soils, cyclic loading, suction hardening
Response of granular materials to monotonic and cyclic loadings is complex due to the pressure and specific volume
dependency of the stress-stain relationship and the highly nonlinear behaviour of the soil matrix. This is particularly
the case under undrained conditions in which repeated loading and unloading can lead to a substantial rise in pore
water pressure and a sudden loss in the shear strength and the stiffness of the soil. In fact, the study of loading and
unloading response in soils and development of relationships for its prediction in natural formations and engineered
materials has been a major area of research in modern geomechanics. Concerted effort has been made to develop
predictive capabilities associated with such topics as earthquake engineering, soil-structure interaction, soil
liquefaction, off-shore engineering, etc.
The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive and unified elasto-plastic constitutive model for monotonic
and cyclic loading of granular soils. The model is formulated using the bounding surface plasticity theory within a
critical state framework. A new bounding surface along with a radial mapping rule is introduced to obtain a more
realistic response under monotonic and cyclic loading. Other crucial aspects taken into account are the nonassociativity of the flow rule, and the crushing of the soil particles at high stresses. Crushing of the particles is captured
through the introduction of a three-segmented critical state and limiting isotropic compression lines. The model is
developed within the context of both fully and partially saturated soils. Unsaturated behaviour is taken into account
using the effective stress principle, and introducing suction as a hardening parameter.
1. Notation The material behaviour is assumed isotropic and rate independent in both elastic and elastic-plastic
responses. For simplicity, triaxial stress notation q ~ p ′ is adopted throughout; p ′ = 13 (σ 1′ + 2σ 3′ ) is the mean
effective stress and q = (σ 1′ − σ 3′ ) is the deviator stress, where σ 1′ and σ 3′ are the axial and radial stresses
respectively. The corresponding work conjugate strain variables are the soil skeleton volumetric strain ε p = ε 1 + 2ε 3
and shear strain ε q = 2 3 (ε 1 − ε 3 ) . The pairs of stresses and strains are abbreviated in the vector form as σ′ = [ p′, q ]
and ε = [ε p , ε q ] . Following soil mechanics convention, compression is considered positive and tension is negative.
2. The Effective Stress In its incremental form, the effective mean stress is expressed as [1]
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p ′ = p − p a + ψ ( p a − p w ) = p net + ψ s
Where, a superimposed dot indicates the rate of change, p ′ is the effective mean stress, p is the total mean stress,
pw is the pore water pressure, pa is the pore air pressure, pnet = p − pa is the net mean stress, s = pa − pw is the
matric suction, and ψ is the incremental effective stress parameter, attaining a value of one for saturated soils and zero
for dry soils.
The effective stress parameter describes the contribution of suction to the effective stress. It is a scaling factor that
averages matric suction from the pore-scale level to a macroscopic level over a representative elementary volume. In
this formulation, the effective stress parameter is defined using an experimentally obtained correlation between soil
suction and the effective stress [1-3],
− 0.55
ψ = ⎨0.45⎜ ⎟
⎝ se ⎠
s ≤ se
se < s ≤ 25se
s > 25se
where s e is the suction value separating saturated from unsaturated states. For wetting processes, se = sex , and for
drying processes se = sae , in which sex is the air expulsion value and sae is the air entry value. For fully saturated soils,
ψ = 1 and equation (1) reduces to p& ′ = p& − p& w .
3. The Critical State The critical state (CS) is an ultimate condition towards which all states approach with increasing
deviatoric shear strain. To take into account crushing of soil particles at high stresses [4-6], the critical state line in the
υ ~ ln p′ plane is assumed to take the form of three linear segments [4].
Figure 1: Illustration of critical state line (CSL), limiting isotropic compression line (LICL),
state parameter (ξ) and elastic unload/reload line on υ ~ lnp′ plane
As shown in Figure 1, six parameters are used to define the critical state line (CSL) in the υ ~ ln p ′ plane: λ0, Γ0, υcr,
λcr, υf and λf. The parameters λ0 and Γ0 are the slope of the initial portion of the CSL and its specific volume at
p′ = 1kPa, respectively; υcr is the specific volume at the onset of particle crushing; λcr is the slope during the particle
crushing stage; and υf and λf are the specific volume at the end of crushing and the slope of the CSL at extremely high
stresses, respectively.
The CSL in the q ~ p′ plane is defined using a straight line passing through the origin. The slope of the CSL, denoted
by M cs , is linked to the critical state friction angle ( φcs′ ) through,
M cs =
6sin φcs′
3t − sin φcs′
with t = +1 for compression and t = -1 for extension. In addition, certain features of the model are linked to the state
parameter (ξ), which is a dimensionless parameter defined as the vertical distance between the current state and the
CSL in the υ ~ln p′ plane (Fig. 1).
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4. Limiting Isotropic Compression Line Similar to the critical state line, the limiting isotropic compression line
(LICL) is a reference line in the υ ~ ln p′ plane where the stress state approaches with increasing isotropic
compression. For granular soils, the limiting isotropic compression line can also be regarded as the locus of the loosest
possible state that a soil can achieve for a given effective mean stress. In the present investigation, the LICL is taken as
parallel to CSL at a constant shift along the κ line in the υ ~ ln p′ plane (Figure 1). For partially saturated soils, the
stiffening effect of suction on the soil response is manifested through its effect on the position of the LICL. In general,
a suction increase has a dual effect of increasing the slope and vertical positioning of the LICL [12].
The total strain rate is decomposed into elastic and plastic parts according to,
ε& = ε& e + ε& p
where superscripts e and p denote the elastic and plastic components, respectively. Incremental elastic strains are
linked to the incremental stresses through,
σ& = Deε& e
where D e is the elastic property matrix. The incremental plastic strain-stress relationship is written as,
ε& p = mnσ& ′
where n is the unit vector normal to the loading surface at the current stress state σ ′ , m is the unit direction of plastic
flow at σ ′ , and h is the hardening modulus. Combining (4), (5) and (6) yields the elasto-plastic stress-strain
D e mnT D e ⎞
σ& ′ = ⎜ D e −
⎟ ε&
h + nT D e m ⎠
For q ~ p ′ formulation the elastic property matrix De is defined as,
De = ⎢
0 ⎤
3G ⎥⎦
in which K and G are the drained tangential bulk and shear moduli, respectively. These tangential elastic moduli are
calculated assuming that unloading/reloading occurs along a κ line in the υ ~ ln p′ plane,
3(1 − 2ν ) υp′
and G =
2(1 + ν ) κ
where υ is the specific volume and ν is the Poisson’s ratio. In the bounding surface theory, a purely elastic region is
often assumed, bounded by a loading surface. Elastic behaviour occurs while the current stress state σ ′ lies inside the
loading surface. First yield occurs when σ ′ intercepts the loading surface, beyond which the loading surface moves in
the stress space such that σ ′ remains on it at all times. A purely elastic region is omitted in this investigation, such that
all deformation is elastic-plastic. This accords with the observation that truly elastic behaviour in sands ends at shear
strains in the order of 0.00001 [7].
The elastic-plastic behaviour is captured using the theory of bounding surface plasticity [8]. In this approach, plastic
straining occurs when the stress state σ ′ lies on or within the bounding surface. This is achieved by defining the
hardening modulus h as a decreasing function of the distance between σ ′ and an “image point”, σ ′ , on the bounding
surface. The image point is selected using a mapping rule such that the unit normal vectors to the loading surface and
the bounding surface at points σ ′ and σ ′ are the same (Fig. 2).
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Figure 2: Schematic illustration of principles of bounding surface plasticity
1. Bounding Surface The bounding surface is the limit of admissible stress states. The shape of the bounding surface
is selected from the undrained response of the material at its loosest state. The function (F) below was found to best fit
the experimental data [9],
⎛ q ⎞
ln( pc′ p′)
⎟⎟ −
F ( p′, q , pc′ ) = ⎜⎜
ln R
⎝ M cs p′ ⎠
where the superimposed bar denotes the stress condition on the bounding surface, M cs is the slope of the CSL in the
q ~ p ′ plane, pc′ is the parameter controlling the size of F and is equal to the isotropic preconsolidation stress. For
partially saturated soils, pc′ is a function of suction and plastic volumetric strain. R and N are material constants. The
bounding surface has a tear drop shape (Figure 3) and remains smooth and continuous as it intersects the p′ axis at right
angles when p ′ = 0 and p ′ = pc′ for N > 1, allowing yielding to occur during isotropic loading. This enables
prediction of plastic strains during isotropic loading, a feature lacking from most of the existing models for granular
soils ( see [10] for example). The nearly straight line shape of the bounding surface on the dense side of the critical
state ( p ′ < pc′ / R ) allows for a realistic prediction of the peak strength of granular soils which is over-estimated using
elliptical yield surfaces. The existence of a peak deviatoric stress above the critical state value on the loose side
( p ′ > pc′ / R ) is a key feature in the undrained behaviour of loose samples and is captured using the proposed
bounding surface. Strain softening due to shearing is an area of significant interest in static liquefaction analysis of
loose sands.
Figure 3: Bounding surface, loading surface and mapping rule for first time loading
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2. Loading Surface Implicit in the bounding surface formulation proposed is the existence of a loading surface on
which the current stress state lies. The loading surface is of the same shape and homologous to the bounding surface
with respect to the centre of homology. For virgin loading, the centre of homology is taken at the origin of coordinate
system in the q ~ p ′ plane and the image point is located using a radial mapping rule (Figure 3). For unloading and
reloading, the centre of homology is taken as the last point of stress reversal (Figure 4). In this case, the maximum
loading surface through the point of stress reversal serves as a local bounding surface for the loading surfaces within
the maximum loading surface. To maintain similarity with the bounding surface, the loading surfaces undergo
kinematic hardening during loading and unloading such that they remain tangent to the maximum loading surface at
the centre of homology. The image point for cyclic loading is located sequentially by projecting the stress point onto
a series of intermediate image points on successive local bounding surfaces passing through each point of stress
reversal. The modified mapping rule incorporates the loading history of the soil in the cyclic stress-strain analysis
using the stress reversal points and the corresponding maximum loading surfaces. In general, the loading surface (f)
takes the form
ln( pˆ c′ pˆ ′)
⎛ qˆ ⎞
f ( pˆ ′, qˆ , pˆ c′ ) = ⎜
⎟ −
ln R
⎝ M cs pˆ ′ ⎠
where pˆ ′ = p ′ − α p , qˆ = q − α q , pˆ c′ = p c′ − α p . α p and α q are the components of the kinematic hardening vector
α(α p ,α q ) (Fig. 4). p̂c′ is the isotropic hardening parameter controlling the size of the loading surface. The loading
surface for first time loading is obtained when α p = α q = 0 .
Figure 4: Mapping rule for unloading and reloading
The unit normal vector n = n p , nq
at the image point defining the direction of loading is given using the general
∂F ∂σ ′
∂f ∂σ′
∂F ∂σ ′
∂f ∂σ′
3. Plastic Potential The plastic potential (g=0) defines the ratio between the incremental plastic volumetric strain and
the incremental plastic shear strain. The plastic flow rule is generally defined using the relationship between plastic
dilatancy ( d = ε&vp ε&qp ) and the corresponding stress ratio η = q p ′ . The stress-dilatancy relationship adopted in this
model is,
d = (∂g ∂q ) (∂g ∂p ′) = A(M cs − η )
where A is a material constant accounting for the mechanism of plastic energy dissipation. Equation (13) is similar to
Rowe’s original stress-dilatancy relationship derived from minimum energy considerations of particle sliding [11].
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The expression for the plastic potential (g) is obtained by integrating equation (13) with respect to p′ and q,
AM cs p′
p′ ⎛ p′ ⎞ ⎤
⎜ ⎟ ⎥
g ( p′, q, po ) = t ⎢q −
A −1
A − 1 ⎜⎝ po ⎟⎠ ⎥
Typical shapes of the plastic potential are shown in Figure 5. Notice that two families of curves are identified: M cs+ for
compressive loading ( q > 0 ) and M cs− for extensive loading ( q < 0 ). Specifically, at any stress point, σ ′ , we identify
two vectors of plastic flow, one for compressive and the other for extensive loading. In this case, the components of
m = [m p , mq ]T at σ ′ are defined in the general form,
mp =
∂g ∂p ′
∂g ∂q
and m q =
∂g ∂σ ′
∂g ∂σ ′
1+ d 2
1+ d 2
with t = +1 for compressive loading ( q > 0 ) and t = -1 for extensive loading ( q < 0 ). Notice that for components of
m , the direction of loading and thus the sign of t , is determined based on the sign of deviatoric stress at σ ′ rather
than at σ ′ . Determination of the direction of the plastic flow vector based on the direction of loading enables
prediction of continual volumetric contraction observed in drained loose sands during cyclic loading as well as the
predominant volumetric contraction accompanied by volumetric expansion observed in dense sands during cyclic
loading. This feature lacks from the existing models of plasticity proposed for the cyclic analysis of granular materials.
M cs+
ε& qp
p′,ε& pp
M cs−
Figure 5: Vectors of plastic potential at σ ′ for compressive and extensive loading
4. Hardening Modulus Following the usual approach in the bounding surface plasticity, the hardening modulus h is
divided into two components h = hb + h f , where hb is the plastic modulus at σ ′ on the bounding surface, and h f is
some arbitrary modulus at σ ′ , defined as a decreasing function of the distance between σ ′ and σ ′ . Applying the
consistency condition at the bounding surface taking into account the hardening effects of both plastic volumetric strain
and matric suction, the expression for hb becomes,
hb = −
∂p c′
⎛ ∂p c′ ∂p c′ s& ⎞ ∂g ∂p ′
p ⎟
⎜ ∂ε p
⎠ ∂F ∂σ ′
The modulus h f is defined such that it is zero on the bounding surface and infinity at the point of stress reversal.
Following [3], [4] and [9], h f is assumed to be of the form,
⎛ ∂p ′ ∂p ′ s& ⎞ p ′ ⎡ p c′
h f = t ⎜ cp + c p ⎟
− 1⎥ k m (η p − η )
⎜ ∂ε
∂s ε& p ⎠ pc′ ⎣ pˆ c′
⎝ v
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where pc′ and p̂c′ define the sizes of the bounding and loading surfaces, respectively, k m is a material parameter
controlling the steepness of the response in the q ~ ε q plane, η p = ( 1 − kξ )M cs is the slope of the peak strength line
in the q ~ p ′ plane, and k is a constant defining the relationship between density and peak strength.
5. Suction Hardening In addition to plastic volumetric hardening, partially saturated soils may undergo additional
hardening due to matric suction. The effect of suction on the hardening parameter can either be coupled or decoupled
with the plastic volumetric hardening [3]. The coupled influence is expressed using a multiplicative function whereas
the decoupled effect is expressed using an additive function. The general expression for the hardening rule is written as
⎛ υΔε vp ⎞
⎟⎟ + γˆ ( s )
pc′ ( s ) = pc′ (0)γˆˆ ( s ) exp⎜⎜
⎝ λ (s ) − κ ⎠
where pc′ ( s ) and pc′ (0 ) are the respective values of the hardening parameter at suction s and at full saturation,
respectively. The functions γˆ ( s ) and γˆˆ ( s ) represent the additive and multiplicative effects of suction hardening.
Following [12], only the coupled influence of suction hardening is considered in this investigation. That is, γˆ ( s ) = 0
and γ̂ˆ (s ) is given by,
⎛ Ν (s ) − Ν (0 ) λ (s ) − λ (0 )
ln[ pc′ (0 )]⎟⎟
λ (s ) − κ
⎝ λ (s ) − κ
γˆˆ (s ) = exp⎜⎜
where Ν (0 ) and Ν (s ) are intercepts of the LICL at p′ = 1 kPa for the saturated and unsaturated states respectively,
similarly λ (0 ) and λ (s ) are slopes of the saturated and unsaturated LICL.
6. Model Parameters The constitutive parameters used in the model are: κ and ν to describe the elastic behaviour;
M cs , λ0 , Γ0 , υ cr , λcr , υ f and λ f to define the critical state; N and R to define the shape of the bounding surface;
k to define the peak strength line; k m to calibrate the hardening modulus; and A to define the stress-dilatancy
relationship. The elastic parameters κ and ν with the critical state constants M cs , λ0 , Γ0 , υ cr , λcr , υ f and λ f
can be determined from triaxial tests using conventional procedures. κ is the slope of the elastic unload reload line on
υ ~ ln p′ plane, ν is the Poisson’s ratio, M cs is the slope of the critical state line on the triaxial q ~ p ′ plane. λ0 ,
λcr and λ f are the slopes of the initial, particle crushing and final segments of the critical state line, respectively. Γ0
is the reference specific volume at the critical state at a unit confining pressure. υ cr and υ f are specific volumes on
the critical state line at the start and end of the particle crushing phase, respectively.
The parameters N and R are determined by fitting the equation of the bounding surface to the effective stress path of
undrained deviatoric response on very loose samples. R is the distance between the CSL and LICL along the κ -line,
and is determined from isotropic consolidation test data. N and R are considered to be independent of suction.
Assuming elastic strains are negligible in comparison to plastic strains, A is determined by plotting the stress ratio η
against the measured total dilatancy in standard drained triaxial compression tests. The value of k is obtained from the
slope of η p M cs versus ξ . In general, k = 2.0 for granular soils [10]. k m is strongly influenced by the initial state
parameter of the soil ξ o and the loading direction. It is best obtained by fitting, using the initial slope of drained
deviatoric loading and unloading responses in the q ~ ε q plane.
Application of the proposed model is demonstrated using results of monotonic and cyclic loading tests on fully and
partially saturated soils. A number of drained and undrained triaxial tests from the literature are analysed. In all the
cases analysed, the model predictions are shown using continuous solid lines and the experimental results using
discrete symbols.
1. Drained Triaxial Tests on Saturated Hostun Sand Figure 6 shows results of model simulation for drained triaxial
compression tests on loose and dense samples of Hostun sand. The experimental data were taken from the group of
results compiled in [11]. This data set consists of results of several classical triaxial tests on Hostun sand conducted in
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different laboratories on 70 mm and 100 mm diameter samples using triaxial apparatus with lubricated and
unlubricated ends and miscellaneous methods of sample preparation. The results in Fig. 6 show that the model
captures both q ~ ε1 and ε p ~ ε 1 responses with acceptable accuracy. The model was able to simulate the
hardening and plastic contraction observed in the loose sample, and the softening and plastic dilation observed in the
dense sample. The initial conditions for the samples used in the analyses were: p′ = 300 kPa and e = 0.945 for the
loose sample, and p′ = 300 kPa and e = 0.574 for the dense sample. The material constants used in the simulations
were: κ = 0.003, ν = 0.1, Mcs = 1.24, λ0 = 0.028, Γ0 = 2.037, λcr = 0.24, N = 2.3, R = 7.5, k = 2.0, with A = 1.0 and
km = 0.0 for the loose sample while A = 0.86 and km = 3.0 for the dense sample.
S ¡
q (kPa)
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
p' = 300, e = 0.574
p' = 300, e = 0.945
S ¡
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
p' = 300, e = 0.574
p' = 300, e = 0.945
Figure 6: Model simulations for drained compression tests on saturated samples of Hostun sand
2. Undrained Triaxial Tests on Saturated Ottawa Sand Figure 7 shows results of model simulation for undrained
triaxial compression tests on loose samples of Ottawa sand. The test data were obtained from conventional triaxial
tests on samples 63 mm in diameter and 126 mm in height, prepared using moist-tamping technique [13]. The soil
sample was made up of uniform, medium to coarse grained, rounded to sub rounded quartz grains. The results in
Figure 7 show that the model captures the undrained response within reasonable tolerance. The effective stress path
and the q ~ ε1 plots for the loose samples show that q increased initially, reaching a peak value before markedly
decreasing towards the critical state. The results confirm capability of the model to simulate static liquefaction
phenomenon observed in undrained loading of very loose sands, which is entirely controlled by the shape of the
bounding surface. The initial conditions of the samples were: p′ = 348 kPa and e = 0.793 for the first sample, and p′ =
475 kPa and e = 0.793 for the second sample. The model parameters used in the simulations were: κ = 0.005, ν = 0.3,
Mcs= 1.19, λ0 = 0.0168, Γ0 = 1.864, N = 2.5, R = 69.2, k = 2.0, A = 1.0 and km= 0.3 for both samples.
„ S
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
p' = 348, e = 0.793
p' = 475, e = 0.793
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
p' = 348, e = 0.793
p' = 475, e = 0.793
„ S
q (kPa)
Figure 7: Model simulations for undrained compression tests on saturated samples of Ottawa sand
3. Drained Triaxial Tests on Unsaturated Kurnell Sand Application of the proposed model to monotonic loading
of unsaturated soils is demonstrated using results of drained (constant suction) and undrained (constant water content)
triaxial tests on Kurnell sand [3]. These tests were conducted on samples of 50 mm in diameter and 51 mm in height
prepared by pulviation of dry soil. Suction values varying from 50 to 410 kPa were applied by keeping the pore air
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pressure constant and varying the pore water pressure. Results for drained tests at constant suction values 100 and 200
kPa are shown in Figures 8 and 9 respectively. The initial conditions for these tests were: pnet = 50 kPa and e = 0.763,
pnet = 100 kPa and e = 0.687 for the samples tested at s = 100 kPa; pnet = 51 kPa and e = 0.780, pnet = 101 kPa and e
= 0.697 for the samples tested at s = 200 kPa. The model parameters used in the simulations were: κ = 0.006, v = 0.3,
Mcs = 1.475, λ0 = 0.0284, Γ0 = 2.0373, υcr = 1.835, λcr = 0.195, υf = 1.25, λf = 0.04, N = 3, R = 7.3, k = 2.0, A = 0.7
and km = 0.1 for all the samples. In addition, the air entry value was sae = 6.0 kPa.
Figures 8 and 9 show a very good match between the model simulations and experimental data. All the samples were
initially denser than critical and hence exhibited a classic stress-strain behaviour of a strain softening material.
Specifically, hardening occurred up to a peak in the shear resistance, accompanied by initial volumetric contraction
followed by volumetric expansion. Softening towards the critical state line was observed after reaching the peak and
was accompanied by volumetric expansion.
Figure 8: Model simulations for drained triaxial tests on unsaturated samples of Kurnell sand at s = 100 kPa
Figure 9: Model simulations for drained triaxial tests on unsaturated samples of Kurnell sand at s = 200 kPa
Figure 10: Model simulations for undrained triaxial tests on unsaturated samples of Kurnell sand at s = 100 kPa
4. Undrained Triaxial Tests on Unsaturated Kurnell Sand Figure 10 shows comparison between model
simulations and experimental results for unsaturated undrained (constant water content) triaxial tests on Kurnell sand
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at a suction value of s = 100 kPa. The initial conditions of the samples were: pnet = 49 kPa and e = 0.777, and pnet = 98
kPa and e = 0.674. The model parameters used in the undrained analyses were the same as the parameters used in the
drained analyses above. Here also, the model captured both the q ~ ε q and ε p ~ ε q responses with remarkable
accuracy. These results illustrated capability of the model to capture both the deviatoric and volumetric responses of
undrained loading of variably saturated soils. Due to compressibility of the air phase in the unsaturated samples, the
results of undrained unsaturated tests show the same behaviour as saturated drained tests.
1. Drained Cyclic Tests on Saturated Toyoura Sand Figures 11 and 12 show results of cyclic, constant p′, drained
tests on loose and dense samples of Toyoura sand. The tests were conducted on 75mm diameter and 150mm high
specimens of Toyoura sand, consisting of mainly angular to sub-angular quartz grains, and prepared by pulviating air
dried samples [14]. The initial conditions were: p′ = 98.1 kPa and e = 0.845 for the loose sample, p′ = 98.1 kPa and
e = 0.653 for the dense sample. The basic material constants for both samples were: κ = 0.001, ν = 0.30, Mcs = 1.24,
λ0 = 0.030, Γ0 = 1.969, λcr = 0.24, N = 3.0, R = 5.6, k = 2.0 and A = 1.0. The parameter km for the loose sample was
1.0 for first loading and 3.0 for unloading/reloading; its corresponding values for the dense sample were 10.0 and 18.0.
The increase in the value of km for the dense sample is due to the change in the value of ξ o . The model simulations
capture the stress-strain and the associated volumetric responses during the loading and unloading stages of both
samples. In particular, the model captures the contractive response and the progressive stiffening of the loose sample.
For the dense sample, the model predicts the initial compression followed by expansion and successive softening of the
sample with the progress of cyclic loading.
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Figure 11: Model simulations for drained cyclic test on saturated samples of loose Toyoura sand
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Figure 12: Model simulations for drained cyclic test on saturated samples of dense Toyoura sand
2. Undrained Cyclic Tests on Saturated Niigata Sand Figure 13 shows the results of constant stress amplitude,
cyclic undrained tests on loose Niigata sand [15]. The initial conditions of the test were p′ = 212.6 kPa and e = 0.737.
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The basic material parameters were: κ = 0.01, ν = 0.3, Mcs = 1.48, λ0 = 0.032, Γ0 = 1.87, λcr= 0.21, N = 3.0, R = 6.2,
k = 2.0 and A = 1.0; with km = 0.14 for first loading, and km = 18.0 for unloading and reloading. The simulated
behaviour is in good agreement with the experimental data. The model captures the failure of the sample by
liquefaction in which the effective normal stress decreases progressively until the material becomes unstable at the
critical state.
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Figure 13: Model simulations for undrained cyclic test on saturated samples of loose Niigata sand
3. Undrained Cyclic Tests on unsaturated Texas Silty Sand Lastly, application of the model to cyclic loading of
unsaturated soils is demonstrated using undrained (constant water volume) cyclic triaxial tests on lightly compacted,
partially saturated samples of silty sand [16]. In these tests, cyclic loading was applied through axial strain increments
while controlling the peak deviatoric stress to a predetermined cyclic stress ratio. Results of the test conducted at a
suction value of 40 kPa with cyclic stress ratio of 0.35 is presented in Figure 14. This figure compares q ~ ε 1 and
ε p ~ ε 1 responses obtained from the model simulation against the experimental data. In the results shown, the model
simulations matched the experimental data reasonably well. The model captures the successive stiffening of the
sample with the progress of the cyclic loading and the mechanical hysteresis between unloading and reloading. It is
also interesting to note the similarity between the undrained cyclic response of unsaturated soils and the cyclic drained
response of saturated soils.
The initial conditions for this test were: pnet = 120 kPa and e = 0.898. The model parameters used in the simulations
were: κ = 0.004, v = 0.3, Mcs = 1.32, λ0 = 0.08, Γ0 = 2.142, N = 3, R = 7.5, k = 2.0, A = 1.0 for all the samples. In
addition, the air entry value was sae = 10.0 kPa. Parameter km which controls the additive hardening modulus was taken
as 120 for unloading and 160 for reloading.
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Experimental Data
Model Simulation
Figure 14. Model simulations for undrained cyclic test on unsaturated sample of Texas silty sand.
A unified bounding surface plasticity model is developed to describe the stress-strain behaviour of the granular soils
subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. The model is formulated incrementally within the critical state framework
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using the effective stress approach. Elastic behaviour is captured through isotropic elasticity, and plastic behaviour is
captured through the hardening effects of plastic volumetric strain and matric suction. The shape of the bounding
surface is selected from experimental observations of undrained stress paths for loose samples. Kinematic hardening is
incorporated implicitly through the position of the loading surface. The loading surface is assumed to have the same
shape as the bounding surface passing through the current stress point. A radial mapping rule is adopted to capture the
response during loading, unloading and reloading, with the last point of stress reversal taken as the centre of
homology. The proposed mapping rule facilitated realistic prediction of cyclic response by incorporating loading
history through points of stress reversal. The effect of particle crushing at high stresses is considered through
three-segmented critical state and isotropic compression lines. A single set of material parameters is introduced for the
complete characterization of the constitutive model. Essential elements of the proposed model are validated using
experimental data from the literature. It is shown that numerical predictions match experimental results well for both
saturated and unsaturated soils subjected to monotonic and cyclic loadings in drained and undrained conditions.
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