POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-!lOOl i POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 1997 -- i rn? g 02 n 4% sT =” F n r.a .c p. m” u, 5 7,: ?$i; 2 Docket No. R97-2>‘$ 5 d NOTICE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OF FILING OF ERRATA TO TESTIMONY OF WITNESS DANIEL (USPS-T-29) (October 1, 1997) The United States Postal Service hereby provides notice that it is today filing errata to the testimony, Although corrections appendices, and exhibits of witness Daniel (USPS-T-29), are reflected on numerous in only a few underlying figures. The magnitude quite small, with some unit cost figures changing one cent. A summary of most of the changes, in underlying shaded in all appendices appendices, moreover, only in range of ten thousands of the revisions, along with copies of corrected witness Daniel’s testimony, Corrections pages, they are the result of changes of pages of and exhibits, are attached to this Notice figures, as well as figures affected by these corrections, and exhibits. is ’ Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking Anthony F. Alvemo are Summary of Revisions to testimony of Postal Service witness Daniel (USPS-T-29) Exhibit USPS-29A page 1 l Changes in Appendix I flow through to Column [l] Model Unit Cost Automation Basic is changed from 4.2210 to 4.2223 Automation 3-Digit is changed from 3.7069 to 3.7092 Automation 5-Digit is changed from 2.4849 to 2.4871 Presort Basic (UPGR Trays) is changed from 5.3554 to 5.7285 Presort Basic (NON-OCR 5.7021 to 6.0655 to 10.2787 7.7402 to 7.9503 4.5355 to 4.7996 is changed from 5.01 I5 to 5.2734 6.4947 to 6.6503 5.5955 to 5.8316 - Upgr) is changed from Presort Basic (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort Basic Weighted is changed from 10.0887 Avg is changed from Presort 315 (UPGR Trays) is changed from Presort 3/5 (NON-OCR Trays-Upgr) Presort 315 (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort 3/5 Weighted is changed from Avg is changed from . Presort Basic UPGR Trays Model Weight is changed from I .23% to I .53% . Presort Basic Wtd Avg Model Weight is changed from to 9.64% l Presort 315 UPGR Trays Model Weight is changed from 2.54% to 2.24% . Presort 3/5 UPGR Trays Model Weight is changed from 14.39% to 14.09% l As result of above Model Cost Wtd Avg is changed from 4.2564 to 4.3182 l As result of page 2 Proporlional to 4.5452 l As result of above CRA Proportional to I .0526 l As result of p. 2 CRA Fixed Adjustment to 0.7726 l Above changes flow through to Column [4] Total Unit Cost 9.34% Cost Pools change from 4.5376 Adj is changed from I .0661 is changed from 0.7737 Automation Basic is changed from 5.2736 to 5.2178 Automation 3-Digit is changed from 4.7255 to 4.6767 Automation 5-Digit is changed from 3.4227 to 3.3904 Presort Basic (UPGR Trays) is changed from 6.4829 to 6.8021 Presort Basic (NON-OCR 6.6526 to 7.1568 - Upgr) is changed from Presort Basic (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort Basic Weighted is changed from I I .5289 to Avg is changed from Presort 3/5 (UPGR Trays) is changed from I 1.5915 9.0252 to 9.1407 5.6089 to 5.6244 Presort 315 (NON-OCR Trays-Upgr) is changed from 6.1163 Presort 315 (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort 315 Weighted is changed from Avg is changed from to 6.3231 7.6975 to 7.7724 6.7389 to 6.9107 Exhibit USPS-29A page 2 All numbers change slightly, but only a few appear to change at 3 significant digits Exhibit USPS-29B page 1 l Above changes flow through to Column [I] Model Unit Cost Automation Basic is changed from 4.2985 to 4.3026 Automation 3-Digit is changed from 3.7417 to 3.7458 Automation 5-Digit is changed from 2.5299 to 2.5341 Presort Basic (UPGR Trays) is changed from 5.4234 to 5.7992 Presort Basic (NON-OCR 5.6416 to 6.0142 - Upgr) is changed from Presort Basic (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort Basic Weighted is changed from 1 I .2018 to Avg is changed from 8.8539 to 9.2369 4.6952 to 4.9686 is changed from 4.9493 to 5.2174 6.8105 to 6.9402 6.0856 to 6.2308 Presort 3/5 (UPGR Trays) is changed from Presort 3/5 (NON-OCR Trays-Upgr) Presort 3/5 (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort 3/5 Weighted I I .3603 is changed from Avg is changed from . Presort Basic UPGR Trays Model Weight is changed from 2.81% to 2.17% l Presort Basic Wtd Avg Model Weight is changed from 16.21% to 15.57% l Presort 315 UPGR Trays Model Weight is changed from 2.50% to 3.14% . Presort 3/5 UPGR Trays Model Weight is changed from 21.83% to 22.47% . As result of above Model Cost Wtd Avg is changed from 4.9715 to 5.0487 . As result of p. 2 Proportional to 4.0958 . As result of above CRA Proportional to 0.81 I3 . As result of p, 2 CRA Fixed Adjustment to 0.5342 . Above changes flow through to Column [4] Total Unit Cost Cost Pools is changed from 4.0356 Adj is changed from 0.8118 is changed from 0.5854 Automation Basic is changed from 4.0747 to 4.0248 Automation 3-Digit is changed from 3.6227 to 3.5731 Automation 5-Digit is changed from 2.6390 to 2.5900 Presort Basic (UPGR Trays) is changed from 4.9878 to 5.2389 Presort Basic (NON-OCR 5.1650 to 5.4133 is changed from 9.6785 to 9.7504 7.7726 td 8.0278 4.3967 to 4.5651 is changed from 4.6030 to 4.7669 6.1138 to 6.1645 5.5254 to 5.5891 - Upgr) is changed from Presort Basic (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) Presort Basic Weighted Avg is changed from Presort 315 (UPGR Trays) is changed from Presort 315 (NON-OCR Trays-Upgr) Presort 315 (NON-OCR-NonUpgr) is changed from Presort 315 Weightemd Avg is changed from Exhibit USPS-29B page 2 All numbers change slightly, but only a few appear to change at 3 significant BMC spb costs should be in Proportional digits Column not Fixed Column Exhibit USPS-29C page 1 Flats and Parcels Presort Delivery changed from 4.8940 to 4.8900 Automation Basic Delivery changed from 4.6940 to 4.6900 Automation 3/5-Digit Delivery changed from 4.8940 to 4.8900 Presort MP + D changed from 30.2723 to 30.2683 Automation Basic MP + D changed from 31.2758 to 31.2718 Automation 3/5-Digit MP + D changed from 17.8857 to 17.8817 Exhibit USPS-29C page 2 “Standard Regular” in titled changed to “Standard (A) Regular and ECR Letters Regular Presort Basic Mail Processing is changed from 3/5-Digit Mail Processing is changed from 9.0252 to 9.1407 6.7389 to 6.9107 5.2736 to 5.2178 Letters Automation Basic Mail Processing is changed from 3-Digit Mail Processing is changed from 4.7255 to 4.6767 5-Digit Mail Processing is changed from 3.4227 to 3.3904 Flats or Nonletters Regular Presort 19.1565 to 18.9802 II.2172 to 11.3129 14.2202 to 14.2363 8.6665 to 8.7737 Basic Delivery is changed from 3.8200 to 3.8190 3/5-Digit Delivery is changed from 3.7910 to 3.7900 Basic Delivery is changed from 3.4630 to 3.4600 3-Digit Delivery is changed from 3.4200 to 3.4170 5-Digit Delivery is changed from 3.3620 to 3.3590 Basic Delivery is changed from 4.3680 to 4.3670 High Density Delivery is changed from 3.7600 to 3.7590 Basic Delivery is changed from 7.0020 to 7.0120 3/5-Digit Delivery is changed from 7.0020 to 7.0120 Basic Delivery is changed from 6.2190 to 6.2220 3/5-Digit Delivery is changed from 6.2190 to 6.2220 High Density Delivery is changed from 5.1560 to 5.1570 Saturation 3.4950 to 3.4960 Basic MP+D is changed from 12.8452 to 12.9597 3/5-Digit MP+D is changed from 10.5299 to 10.7007 Basic MP+D is changed from 8.7366 to 8.6778 3-Digit MP+D is changed from 8.1455 to 8.0937 5-Digit MP+D is changed from 6.7847 to 6.7494 Basic Mail Processing is changed from 3/5-Digit Mail Processing is changed from Flats Automation Basic Mail Processing is changed from 3/5-Digit Mail Processing is changed from Letters Regular Presort Letters Automation Enhanced Carrier Route Letters Flats or Nonletters Regular Presort Flats Automation Enhanced Carrier Route Flats Delivery is changed from Letters Regular Presort Letters Automation Enhanced Carrier Route Letters Basic MP+D is changed from 6.8745 to 6.4363 High Density MP+D is changed from 4.7640 to 4.2367 Basic MP+D is changed from 26.1585 to 25.9922 3/5-Digit MP+D is changed from 18.2192 to 18.3249 Basic MP+D is changed from 20.4392 to 20.4583 3/5-Digit MP+D is changed from 14.8855 to 14.9957 High Density MP+D is changed from 7.5692 to 5.8426 Saturation 5.9082 to 4.1816 Flats or Nonletters Regular Presort Flats Automation Enhanced Carrier Route Flats MP+D is changed from Exhibit USPS-29 C page 3 (changes which affect boxed numbers) “Standard Regular” in titled changed to “Standard 100% DBCS dropship II~ ECR Mail processing (A) Regular and ECR” is changed from 3.0523 to 3.2863 100% DBCS droprhiprhrECR Delivery is changed from 3.3160 to 3.3130 ECR Basic letter delivery is changed from 4.3680 to 4.3670 100% DBCS dr~phlpiikeECR Total Cost is changed from 7.5888 to 7.8198 ECR Basic letter Total Cost is changed from 7.5725 to 7.5715 Exhibit USPS-29C page 4 “Standard Nonprofit” in titled changed to “Standard (A) Nonprofit and Nonprofit ECR” Letters Regular Presort Basic Mail Processing is changed from 3/5-Digit Mail Processing is changed from 7.7726 to 8.0278 5.5254 to 5.5891 4.0747 to 4.0248 Letters Automation Basic Mail Processing is changed from 3-Digit Mail Processing is changed from 3.6227 to 3.5731 5-Digit Mail Processing is changed from 2.6390 to 2.5900 2.4924 to 2.1179 Enhanced Carrier Route Letters Auto Basic Mail Processing is changed from Basic Mail Processing is changed from 2.0597 to 1.8167 is changed from 0.7487 to 0.3341 0.7487 to 0.3341 3.3370 to 3.3360 2.2420 to 2.2280 Basic Delivery is changed from 2.9140 to 2.8970 High Density Delivery is changed from 2.4710 to 2.4540 Saturation 1.8700 to 1.8610 Basic Delivery is changed from 5.8650 to 5.8670 3/5-Digit Delivery is changed from 5.8650 to 5.8670 Basic Delivery is changed from 5.4420 to 5.4410 3/5-Digit Delivery is changed from 5.4420 to 5.4410 Basic Delivery is changed from 3.6820 to 3.6590 High Density Delivery is changed from 3.2500 to 3.2270 Saturation 2.4590 to 2.4470 High Density Mail Processing Saturation Mail Processing is change from Letters Regular Presort Basic Delivery is changed from Enhanced Carrier Route Letters Automation Flats or Nonletters Basic Delivery is changed from Delivery is changed from Regular Presort Flats Automation Enhanced Carrier Route Flats Delivery is changed from Exhibit USPS-29C page 5 (changes which affect boxed numbers) “Standard Nonprofit” in titled changed to “Standard is changed from 2.4137 to 2.5289 I.7482 to 1.7649 NPECR Basic letter delivery is changed from 2.9140 to 2.8970 100% DBCS dwip iik 0.6562 to 0.5537 NPECR Basic letter Other Costs is changed from 0.6562 to 0.5537 100% DBCS drophipiikeNPECR Total Costs is changed from 6.3620 to 6.3747 NPECR Basic letter Total Costs is changed from 5.8275 to 5.7247 100% DBCS drophiplikeNPECR Mail processing (A) Nonprofit and Nonprofit ECR” NPECR Basic letter mail processing NPECR is changed from Other Costs is changed from Footnote 6 is changed to ‘CRA Before Rates Other = (Total cost - CS3.1 CS6&7 l piggy - CSlO (10123230 l piggy - CS14) wsffvolume = (6217200 l piggy - + 1121800) I + 3132000) Exhibit USPS-29C page 6 Footnote 11 is changed to “Column [lo] divided by Column [2] multiplied by 100 [to convert to cents). Exhibit USPS-29D page 2 Test Year Unit cost for Auto Basic changed from 2.2554 to 2.1164 Reconciled TY Unit cost for Letter Auto Basic changed from 2.1808 to 2.0660 Reconciled TY Unit cost for Letter Basic changed from 1.7482 to 1.7649 Reconciled TY Unit cost for Letter HD changed from 0.2364 Reconciled TY Unit cost for Letter Saturation Reconciled TY Unit cost for Nonletters Reconciled to 0.2387 to 0.2387 2.5797 to 2.6043 TY Unit cost for Nonletter HDlSat changed from 0.5194 to 0.5244 changed from 0.2364 Basic changed from Exhibit USPS-29D page 3 ‘Nontransportation” is added before “Unit Cost Avoidance” BMC nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.0904 to $0.0135 SCF nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1105 to $0.0199 DDU nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1379 to $0.0271 ‘Nontransportation” is added between “Total” and “Cost Avoided” in the third and fifth section Nonsaturation Saturation Letters Cost Avoided is changed from Nonsaturation Saturation Letters Cost Avoided is changed from Nonletters Nonletters Exhibit USPS-29p Cost Avoided is changed from Cost Avoided is changed from 0.5225 to 0.0854 0.6429 to 0.1166 2.1520 to 0.3717 2.1379 to 0.4103 page 4 “Nontransportation” BMC nontransportation is added before “Unit Cost Avoidance” unit cost avoided is changed from $0.0904 to $0.0135 SCF nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1105 to $0.0199 DDU nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1379 to $0.0271 ‘Nontransportation” is added between “Total” and “Cost Avoided” in the third and fifth section Nonsaturation Saturation Letters Cost Avoided is changed from Nonsaturation Saturation Letters Cost Avoided is changed from Nonletters Nonletters Exhibit USPS-29D Cost Avoided is changed from Cost Avoided is changed from 0.3116 to 0.0519 0.5123 to 0.0954 1.6603 to 0.1835 1.5705 to 0.2929 page 5 ‘Nontransportation” is added before “Unit Cost Avoidance” BMC nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from SO.0904 to $0.0135 SCF nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1105 to $0.0199 DDU nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1379 to $0.0271 ‘Nontransportation” is added between “Total” and “Cost Avoided” in the third and fifth section Total Other Letters Cost Avoided is changed from ECR Basic Letters (Migrating) Exhibit USPS-29D 0.2300 Cost Avoided is changed from05497 to 0.0360 to 0.0901 page 6 ‘Nontransportation” is added before “Unit Cost Avoidance” BMC nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.0904 to $0.0135 SCF nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1105 to $0.0199 DDU nontransportation unit cost avoided is changed from $0.1379 to $0.0271 ‘Nontransportation” is added between “Total” and “Cost Avoided” in the third and fifth section Total Other Letters Cost Avoided is changed from ECR Basic Letters (Migrating) 0.1165 Cost Avoided is changed from0.3130 to 0.0193 to 0.0515 to 92.77 Exhibit USPS-29 E page 7 Table 1: Cost Pool Analysis Summary Proportional Cost is changed from 92.78 Fixed Cost is changed from 30.99 to 31.07 Total CRA Costs by Facility is changed from 127.77 to 123.84 56.96 to 57.21 92.78 to. 92.77 1.63 to 1.62 30.99 to 31.07 Table 2: Nonmodel Cost Factor Development Weighted Average Model Cost is changed from Proportional Cost Pools is changed from CRA Proportional Adjustment CRA Fixed Adjustment is changed from is changed from Table 3: Total Cost Development, wlumn 1 (model costs in cents). Inter Mach NonBC is changed from 70.29 to 70.77 inter Mach BC is changed from 68.13 to 68.61 Inter NM0 is changed from 151.27 to 151.48 lntra Mach NonBC is changed from 53.80 to 54.12 lntra Mach BC is changed from 51.64 to 51.95 lntra NM0 is changed from 105.26 to 105.47 NM0 Inter>108 Dif. is changed from 427.89 to 429.74 NMC lntra >108” Dif is changed from 308.99 to 310.84 Table 3: Total Cost Development, wlumn 4 (total cost in cents). Inter Mach NonBC is changed from 146.00 to 146.33 Inter Mach BC is changed from 141.98 to 142.33 Inter NM0 is changed from 277.42 to 276.70 lntra Mach NonBC is changed from 119.13 to 119.32 lntra Mach BC is changed from 115.10 to 115.31 lntra NM0 is changed from 202.46 to 202.09 NM0 Inter>108 Dif. is changed from 728.06 to 727.89 NM0 lntra >108” Dif is changed from 534.35 to 535.09 131.4 to 130.4 26.9 to 27.0 Discount is changed from 75.0 to 74.6 Table 4: Discount/Surcharge Cost Summary Inter-BMC NM0 Surcharge Machinable is changed from Intra-BMC Discount is changed from Nonmachinable Intra-BMC Wtd Avg. Intra-BMC Discount is changed from 31.1 to 31.2 NM0 Cost Diff for InteH08” is changed from 450.6 to 581.6 NM0 Cost Diff for lntra ~108” is changed from 331.9 to 415.8 Exhibit USPS-29E page 2 All numbers change slightly, but only a few appear to change at 3 significant digits Exhibit USPS-29E pages 3-6 Several numbers change slightly, as a result of changes described in Appendix V Exhibit USPS-29 F page 1 Table 1: Cost Pool Analysis Summary Proportional costs is changed from 47.513 to 47.483 Fixed Costs is changed from 15.933 to 15.972 Total Costs is changed from 63.446 to 63.455 Weighted Average Model Cost is changed from 36.19 to 35.83 Proportional 47.51 to 47.48 1.31 to 1.33 15.93 to 15.97 37.733 to 37.398 Average BMC Cost is changed from 29.123 to 28.553 Average 5-D Presort is changed from 12.167 to 12.137 65.47 to 65.53 Average BMC Cost is changed from 54.17 to 53.81 Average 5-D Presort is changed from 31.91 to 32.96 65.47 to 65.53 Average BMC cost is changed from 54.17 to 53.81 Average 5-D Presort is changed from 31.91 to 32.96 Average BMC cost is changed from 11.3 to 11.7 Average 5-D Presort is changed from 33.6 to 33.5 Table 2: Nonmodel Cost Factor Development Cost Pools is changed from CPA Proportional Adjustment CRA Fixed Adjustment is changed from Table 3: Total Cost Development, Average Nonpresort column 1 (model cost in cents) is changed from Table 3: Total Cost Development, Average Nonpresort is changed from column 4 (total cost in cents). is changed from Table 4: Discount Cost Summary, wlumn Average Nonpresort 2 (cost) is changed from Table 4: Discount Cost Summary, wlumn 2 (discount) Exhibit USPS-29F page 2 All numbers change slightly, but only a few appear to change at 3 significant digits Appendix I (Cost Summary Pages Only; Mailflow diagrams are unaffected) Pages 1, 3, 5, 7: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) l Sort to P.O. Box piggyback factor is changed from 1.368 to 1.366 l Accept/Verification 0.1844 to 0.1870 . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Operation Unit cost is changed from Page 9: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Pages 11, 15, 19, 23: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . Pages 15 and 19 which were inadvertently . RBCS Image Processed (piggyback factor) costs. Operation omitted in original filing are attached Unit Cost formula is changed to add indirect Unit Cost is changed from . Accept/Verification . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Operation 1.7525 Unit Cost changed from 0.1844 to 2.5757 to 0.1870 Page 27: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . RBCS Operation . AccepWerification . Bundle Sorting Operation . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Unit Cost changed as above from Operation 1.7525 Unit Cost changed from0.1844 Unit Cost is changed from 1.7447 to 2.5757 to 0.1870 to 1.7494 to 2.5757 to 0.1870 to 0.7946 Page 31: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . RBCS Operation . AccepWerification . Bundle Sorting Operation . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Unit Cost changed as above from Operation Page 35 which was inadvertently Page 43: the “* is changed 1.7525 Unit Cost changed from0.1844 Unit Cost is changed from 0.7865 omitted in original filing is attached in footnotes 2 - 4 to ‘I” Appendix 111(Cost Summary Pages Only; Mailflow diagrams are unaffected) Pages 1, 3, 5, 7: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) l Sort to P.O. Box piggyback factor is changed from l AccepWerification . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Operation 1.368 Unit Cost is changed from 0.2664 to 1.366 to 0.2707 Page 9: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs-at bottom) . “* 100’ is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Pages 11, 15, 19, 23: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . RBCS Image Processed (piggyback Operation Unit Cost formula is changed to add indirect factor) costs. Unit Cost is changed from . AccepWerification . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Operation 1.7525 Unit Cost changed from0.2664 to 2.5757 to 0.2707 to 2.5757 to 0.2707 to 1.6692 to 2.5757 to 0.2707 to 0.8229 Page 27: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . RBCS Operation . AccepWerification . Bundle Sorting Operation . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Unit Cost is changed as above from 1.7525 Operation Unit Cost changed from0.2664 Unit Cost is changed from 1.6668 Page 31: (Note changes flow through to Total Model Costs at bottom) . RBCS Operation . AccepWerification . Bundle Sorting Operation . “* 100” is added to end of footnote for Column [4] Page 43: Unit Cost is changed as above from 1.7525 Operation Unit Cost changed from0.2664 Unit Cost is changed from 0.8147 the “-’ is changed in footnotes 2 - 4 to “P Appendix V Page 1 . The Nonmachinable Nonpresort Dispatch profile from Destination Inter-BMC Mail Flow BMCs 25% to 12.9% NMO’s loaded on pallets is changed from 3.8% to 31.0% - NMO’s in OTRs is changed from 59.4% to 53.6% - NMOs in OWC is changed from 11.7% to 2.5% - Bedloaded - NMOs is changed from Arrival profile rates at Destination SCF - Bedloaded - NMOs is changed from 11.3% to 10.6% NMOs on pallets is changed from 27.2% to 31.0% - NMOs in OTRs is changed from 47.0% to 44.1% - NMOs in OWC changed from 2.2% to 2.0% 3.3% to 2.3% Percent bypassing destination SCF - Bedloaded NMOs is changed from - NMOs in OTRs is changed from 7.4% to 9.6% - NMOs in OWC is changed from 1.6% to 0.4% Dispatch profile from destination SCF - Bedload NMOs is changed from 23.4% to 24.4% - OTRs loose is changed from 52.8% to 50.7% - OWC is changed from 11.4% to 12.6% Pages 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 The footnote for wlumn l 6 is changed from ‘Column [1]‘Column[5]/10000’ to ‘Column[l]‘Column[5].’ . Changes from page 1 and 15 are rippled through Page 10 . The footnote for wlumn 6 is changed from ‘Column [1]‘Column[5]/10000’ to ‘Column[l]‘Column[5].’ l Changes from page 1 and 15 are rippled through l Arrival profile at Destination BMC is changed (Column 26 are computed Unload Bedload Loose # of handlings . is changed from usually.) 1 .OOOO to .9620 Unload Pallets is added and # of handling is changed to .0030 Unload OTR is added and # of handling is changed to .0080 Unload Gaylord is added and # of handling is changed to .0260 Unload OWC is added and # of handling is changed to .OOlO 0. Primary (key) is changed to 0. Primary (scan). Page 11 . The footnote for wlumn 6 is changed from ‘Column [1]‘Column[5]/10000’ ‘Column[l]‘Cblumn[5].’ l Changes from page 1 and 15 are rippled through to l Arrival profile at Destination BMC is changed (Column 2-6 are computed Unload Bedload Loose # of handlings is changed from 1 .OOOO usually.) to .9620 Unload Pallets is added and # of handling is changed to .0030 Unload OTR is added and # of handling is changed to .0080 Unload Gaylord is added and # of handling is changed to .0260 Unload OWC is added and # of handling is changed to .OOlO Page 12 . The footnote for wlumn 6 is changed from ‘Column [1]‘Column[5]/10000’ to ‘Column[l]‘Column[5].’ . Changes from page 1 and 15 are rippled through . Arrival profile at Destination BMC is changed (Column 26 are computed Unload Bedload NMOs # of handlings is changed from usually.) 1 .OOOO to .9860 Unload Pallets is added and # of handling is changed to .0080 Unload OTR is added and # of handling is changed to .0070 Page 15 Dumping UnitsNVkhr Marginal is changed from 11.9 to 11.7 133.7 to 131.2 Manually dump sacks is changed from 187.5 to 184.1 Tend container 10.0 to 9.8 231.9 to 227.6 Sack shake out UnitsMlkhr UnitsAVkhr Marginal is changed from Marginal is changed from Sack and Tie is changed from Page 16 “divided by the variabilities Appendix in USPS-T-12 Table 4” is added to the end of reference VI Pages 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 . The footnote for wlumn 6 is changed.from ‘Column [1]‘Column[5]110000’ to 6 is changed from ‘Column [1]‘Column[5]110000’ to ‘Column[l]‘Column[5].’ . Changes from page 11 are rippled through Pages 3,6, 9 . The footnote for wlumn ‘Column[l]‘Column[5].’ 11, . The footnote for Source of Inputs is changed to ‘App. VI page 1 l-12 and from page 1 of App. V. l Changes from page 11 and from the mail flow on page 1 of Appendix V are rippled through. Page 11 11.9 to 11.7 133.7 to 131.2 Manually dump sacks is changed from 187.5 to 184.1 Key Rate Primary UnitsNVkhr Marginal is changed from 974.4 to 895.6 NM0 Secondary 303.5 to 514.6 12.3 to 12.6 Dumping UnitsMlkhr Marginal is changed from Sack shake out UnitsMlkhr Crossdock UnitsMlkhr Marginal is changed from Marginal is changed from UnitsNVkhr Marginal is changed from Page 12 “divided by the variabilities in USPS-T-12 Table 4” is added to the end of reference l/. Revised 1011197 16 1 ratio has now grown to 3.4 to 1 .O in FY96.” 2 from Docket No. R84-1 potentially 3 difference 4 conservative. 5 included in the Docket No. R84-1 study, such as Postal Paks and pallets, applies the 6 FY96 machinability-specific 7 percent fullness of the containers.” 8 9 between machinable The methodology Therefore, understate the wnversion factors updated the NM0 cost difference. Thus, the cost and NM0 parcels found in Table 1 below is used to compute wnversion cubic feet data, container factors for containers dimensions, not and an estimated The models estimate that it costs over three times as much to load and unload NMOs as it costs to load and unload machinable parcels ($0.27 versus $0.82). This is 10 because fewer NMOs fit in a given container and because NMOs cannot be sacked, 11 but must instead be unloaded and sorted individually, 12 containers. 13 loading and unloading 14 and productivities. 15 BMC machinable 16 Appendix V. Also in Appendix V, the modeled costs of Inter-BMC and Intra-BMC 17 pieces with length plus girth between 108” and 130” are calculated. 18 assume the average size of these parcels will be 8.19 cubic feet per piece as reported 19 in witness Mayes’ (USPS-T-38) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Although not presented unless they are placed in larger, in the original Docket No. R84-1 study, similar activities occurring at PBDCs are estimated using BMC profiles The average unit cost estimates of modeled operations for Inter- and NM0 parcels are shown in Table 1 below and are detailed in workpapers NM0 The models (Mayes WP I.H. page 13). Table 1: lY Inter-BMC Processing Cost Estimates for Machinable and Nonmachinable Parcel Post Operation Descriotion Unload Sort-Related” Load Total Machinable $ per Piece 12.0 44.3 14.5 70.8 NM0 # per Piece 39.7 69.6 42.2 151.5 Modeled Difference 27.7 25.3 27.7 80.7 Adjusted Difference 44.9 41.0 44.9 130.8 29 ” NM0 cubic feet per piece (1.84) divided by machinablb cubic feet per piece (0.55) equals 3.4. ” See Appendix V at page 17. ” Sort-related includes costs associated with dumping containers, sack sorting and sack shake out, (i.e., inducting parcels) and with lending container loaders and sack and tie operations (i.e., sweeping runouts). Revised lCVlI97 18 1 directed to the appropriate 2 summary, machinable 3 destination 4 secondary scheme for sortation to the 5-digit level. In Inter-BMC parcels incur an average of 1.71 PSM sorts at the BMC, in addition to one sort at the origin BMC, for a total of 2.71 PSM sorts Machinable Inter-BMC parcels also incur fewer PSM sorts on average at the 5 destination 6 parcels are not generally 7 processed 8 need to be scanned on the secondary 9 held out on the primary PSM sort, Intra-BMC parcels receive 1.83 PSM sorts at the BMC than Intra-BMC parcels incur.“* inducted directly to the secondary machinable Intra-BMC PSM. They must first be on the primary PSM in order to receive 5-digit barcodes so that they only 10 BMC on average. 11 be inducted directly to the secondary, 12 at the destination 13 Nonbarcoded As discussed PSM. Since, however, 17 percent of parcels are above, Inter-BMC parcels often have an opportunity thereby incurring an average of 1.71 PSM sorts BMC. In addition, the Postal Pak network” lowers loading and unloading costs 14 between BMCs. As a result, only Inter-BMC parcel costs are reduced through use of 15 Postal Paks. The cost comparison 16 Inter-BMC and Intra-BMC machinable 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 to of loading, unloading and sorting nonbarcoded parcels is shown in Table 2 below. Table 2: TY Nonbarcoded, Machinable Processing Cost Estimates for Inter-BMC and Intra-BMC Parcel Post Ooeration Descriotion Unload Sort-RelatedLoad Total Inter-BMC # oer Piece 12.0 44.3 14.5 70.8 Intra-BMC g! oer Piece 9.5 32.3 12.2 54.0 Modeled Difference 2.5 12.0 2.3 16.8 Adjusted Difference 4.1 19.4 31 27.2 s2 Appendix V at 5. U A Postal Pak is a collapsible cardboard container designed to transport parcels between BMCs. A ‘Postal Pak Network’ has been designed to facilttate the transportation of empty Postal Paks from a surplus facility to a deficit facility in order to balance the supply of Postal Paks within the Network. Postal Paks are used only in Inter-BMC transportation Thus Inter-BMC machinable parcels will be efficiently loaded, unloaded, and transported in Postal Paks between BMCs. y Sort-related includes costs associated with dumping containers, sack sorting and sack shake out, (i.e., inducting parcels) and with tending container loaders and sack and lie operations (i.e., sweeping runouts). Revised 1011197 1 19 As mentioned above, it costs more to load and unload NMOs than to load and 2 unload machinable 3 unloading 4 unload operation. 5 operation, tntra-BMC 6 machinable parcels. 7 Intra-BMC NMOs receive one sort at the BMC.% Thus, Intra-BMC NMOs avoid an 8 entire costly manual sort as opposed to the smaller cost difference 9 between Inter-BMC and Intra-BMC machinable 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ?7 18 19 20 21 parcels. operation As a result, avoiding a more expensive saves more than avoiding a less expensive machinable loaId and Thus, since Intra-BMC parcels avoid one loading and unloading NMOs save more of the platform related costs than Intra-BMC Furthermore, Inter-BMC and Intra-BMC Inter-BMC NMOs receive two sorts at BMCs <and parcels. of 0.88 sorts The cost comparison between NMOs is shown below in Table 3. Table 3: TY Nonmachinable Processing Cost Estimates for Inter-BMC and Intra-BMC Parcel Post Inter-BMC # per Piece 39.7 69.6 42.2 151.5 Operation Description Unload Sort-Related% Load Total 22 Machinable 23 nonmachinable 24 shown on page 1 of Exhibit USPS-29E, 25 parcels on average is 31.2 ‘cents.” parcels represent Intra-BMC g! oer Piece 28.6 44.7 32.1 105.4 approximately Modeled Difference 11.1 24.9 10.1 46.1 Another proposed 28 barwding 29 certified barwdes. Barwded the weighted Therefore, as average cost saved by Intra-BMC Mail Flow Models rate initiative supported discount for Standard (B) machinable Customer barwded Adjusted Difference 18.1 40.3 16.4 74.8 91.3 percent of parcel post and parcels (NMOs) represent the remaining 8.7 percent. 3. Machinable 26 27 NM0 loading and in this testimony is a customer parcels bearing mailer-applied, machinable parcels are processed postal- on PSMs s NMOs are usually only sorted to the 3-Digit level at the destination BMC. Sortation to the 5-Digit level is primarily accomplished at the destination P&DC. See mail flow diagram in Appendix V. s Sort-related includes costs associated with dumping containers. sack sorting and sack shake out, (i.e.. inducting parcels) and with tending container loaders and sack and tie operations (i.e., sweeping runotis). ” The weighted average calculation is 27.0 cants l 91.3% + 74.6 cents * 6.7% = 24.7+ 6.5 = 31.2 cants. Revised 1011197 20 1 retrofitted with the Package Barcode System (PBCS), which became fully operational 2 1993. The PBCS was designed with the capability to sort properly barwded 3 machinable 4 the ability to apply a barwded 5 savings generated 6 calculated 7 cost of scanning a customer barwded 8 of pure keying- 9 with customer barwding. parcels at rates in excess of 2800 pieces per hour.” The PBCS also has label to match a keyed 5-digit ZIP Code. Therefore, by mailer-applied barwdes to nonpresorted in machinable the parcels are as the cost of keying a parcel once, plus ribbon and label costs, less the parcel once. This testimony compares the cost and the cost of pure scanningM to determine The wsts summarized savings in connection in Exhibit USPS-29E on page 6 10 assume that once the PBCS has applied a barcode to a keyed parcel in the primary, all 11 other subsequent 12 the Postal Service applied the barcode. 13 barwdes 14 time. It seems likely, however, that list-generated 15 more accurate than keyer-generated 16 greater in the latter circumstance. 17 4.0 cents per piece is shown below in Table 4 and developed 18 of Exhibit USPS-29E. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 operations have the same costs regardless The accuracy of postal-applied versus the accuracy of mailer-applied barwdes, C. Modeled #per PC. 5.8 3.6 2.2 Analyze CRA Mail Processing mailer-applied at thjs barcodes would be because the chance of human error is barwding savings of in more detail on page 6 Cost Avoidance Adjusted c oer PC. 9.3 a 3.5 Ribbon/ Label c 0.5 0.0 0.5 = m Cost Pools The mail flow models depict BMC mail processing proxy for loading, unloading, (keyer) barcodes could not be quantified A summary of mailer-applied Table 4: Prebarcoding Operation Descriotion Nonbarcoded PPSM (Keying) Prebarwded PPSM (Scanning) Difference of whether the mailer or and sorting operations operations and are used as a (where necessary) at upstream y Docket No. MC93:1, USPS LH-SP-9. 59 This testimony uses the average annual rate of 806 pieces per hour achieved in FY93 (before PBCS). M The PSM volume variable secondary productivity is used as a proxy for scanning only in the primary MibR USPS-29A Page 1 of 2 Revised lOH197 ‘Automation Basic Enhanced Carrier Route* 0 4066 46.36% 100.00% ’ RR Model Cost Weighted Average = Column [1] * Column [6] ‘Automation Basic Enhanced Carrier Route Model Cost is from Appendi I at page 9. [II Model Unit Cast from Cost Summary Sheet in Appendix I. 12) Propor&mel Cast Paok from Ehibil USPS-29A at page 2 divided by RR Model Cost Weighted Average (31 Fixed Cast PO& from Exhibi USPS-29A ai page 2. (41 Total Unit Cost = Column (11. Column (2) + Cokrmn (31. (51 DPS Percent from Cost Summary Sheet in Appendix I. [6] Model Weighk ate percent shares of each rate category based on TY Before Rates Volume Forecast and within U-e Presort Rate categories according to percentages in the Mail Charactcrktics Study (USPS LR-H-105). Exhibii USPS99A Page 2 Of 2 Revised IO/l/97 STANDARD (A) REGUAR LETTER MAIL PROCESSING From USPS LR-H-106 Fixed mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mecparc ocrl p”.Xll tpbs 0th spbsPrio BusReply INTL LD15 LD41 LD44 LD46 Exp LD46 0th LD48-SSv LD49 LD79 MAILGRAM Registry REWRAP IBulk pr ICancMPP IEEQMT 1MlSC lOPbulk 10Ppref 1Platfrm 1POUCHNG lSackS_h iSackS_m 0.001 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.001 0.100 0.002 0.001 0.005 i$r;,yg$(&$j~ .XI~.~_*.,..,~I,~>,~I 0.015 0.034 0.000 0.005 0.002 ‘i!i,;~~:iitir’iiil ~~~~~~~~i;~~;l~~~ 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.002 0.013 0.020 ‘;&~;:‘&$$jg,: jl,..~;,...~.),.._._. 0.317 0.253 0.346 0.223 0.040 0.050 0.346 0.040 0.050 CRA COST POOLS Reason In Mailflow Models Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related In Mailflow Models Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related In Mailflow Models Piece Distribution Related In Bundle Sorting Models Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribubon Related Piece Distribution Related In Mailflow Models In Mailflow Models Piece Distribution Related In Mailflow Models In Mailflow Models Piece Distributvx Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related In Mailflow Models In Ma~lflow Models Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related In Bundle Sorting Models Piece Distribution Related Ptece Distribution Related Piece Distribution Related In Bundle Sorting Models Bundle Sorting Related Not Worksharing Related Bundle Sorting Related Not Worksharing Related Not Worksharing Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Dtstribution Related 0.436 0.013 0.004 0.060 0.092 Not Worksharing Related Not Worksharing Related Bundle Sorting Related Not Worksharing Related Not Worksharing Related Not Worksharing Related In proportion to mods pools ExhibR USPS-298 Page i of 2 Revised 1O/l /97 Development and Summary of Standard (A) Nonprofii Mail Processing Costs 31.69% Automation Basic NECR’ 0.3065 52.90% ’ NP Model Cost Welghted Average = Column [l] l Column [6] ‘Automation Basic NECR Model Cost k from Appendix III at page 9. [l] Model Unit Cost from Cost Summary Sheets in Appendix III. [2] Proportional Cost Pook from Exhibit USPS-29B at page 2 divided by NP Model Cost Weighted Average [3] Fiied Cost Pools from Exhibit USPS-29B at page 2. (4) Total Unit Cost = Column [l] * Column [2] + Column [3]. [S] DPS Percentages from Cost Summary Sheets in Appendix Ill. [6] Model Weights are percent shares of each rate category based on TY Before Rates Volume Forecast and within the Presort Rate categories according to percentages in tie Mail Characterisitics Study (USPS LR-H-195). 100.00% Ehibt USPS-29B Page 2 of 2 Revised 1OH197 STANDARD (A) NONPROFIT LElTER CRA MAlL PROCESSING COST POOLS From USPS LR-H-106 mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods Subtotal Reason In Mailflow Models Piece Disbibution Related Piece Disbibution Related Piece Diibibution Related Piece Diibtion Related In Mailflow Models Piece Diibibulion Related Piece Diitibulion Related In Mailflow Models Piece Disttibution Related In Bundle Sorting Models Piece Disbibution Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Disbibution Related In Mailflow Models In Mailtlow Models Piece Distribution Related In Mailflow Models In Mailnow Models Piece Distdbvtion Related Piece Disbibtion Related Piece Disbibution Related In Mailflow Models In Mailflow Models Piece Distrtbvtion Related Piece Diitribution Related Piece Distribution Related In Bundle Sorting Models Piece Distribvtion Related Piece Distribution Related Piece Disbibution Related In Bundle Sorijng Models Bundle Sorting Related Not Worksharing Related Bundle Sorting Related Not Worksharing Related Not Worksharing Related Piece Diitdbtion Related Piece Diibtion Related bcs/ express fsml km/ manf man1 manp mecparc on/ plklrity spbs 0th spbsPrio BusReply INTL LD15 LD41 LD42 LD43 LD44 LD48 EZQ LD48 Dth LD48-SSv LD49 BMCS BMCS BMCS BMCs BMCs BMCs Subtotal Pla 0.051 0238 Not Worksharing Related Not Work&ring Related Bundle Sorting Related Not Workshating Related Not Worksharing Related Not Worksharing Related In proportion to mods pools USPS-29c Page 1 of 6 Revised IO/l/97 First-Class Unit Cost Estimates MP+D costs Mail Processing costs Delivery 2 costs Letters Single Piece Bulk Metered Presort Automation Basic 3-Digit 5-Digit Carrier Route 16.7434 13.6851 11.3453 9.0298 8.1997 6.5995 6.4170 11.7424 4/ 9.5391 3 7.1993 2 5.3188 4.5477 3.0265 2.2910 5.0010 4.1460 4.1460 r/ a 2 a 3.7110 3.6520 3.5730 4.1260 6.8879 2 4.7178 1/ 4.3550 3.0390 3.4693 2.9574 1.9475 0.6204 2.8110 2.7750 2.7260 2.8200 * Cards Single Piece Presort Automation Basic 3-Digit 5-Digit Carrier Route Flats and Parcels Single Piece Presort Automation Basic 3/5-Digit x y 11.2429 7.7568 6.2803 5.7324 4.6735 3.4404 2 2 2 2 35.9550 41 5.0010 * y @$;$@j&~ 25.3783 26.3818 u 12.9917 .& j&g&y&; ~~~~~~ * Letter, Flat and Parcel Delivery costs have been aggregated for Single Piece Postal Service witness Hatfield (USPS-T-25) Postal Service witness Seckar (USPS-T-26) 3/ Postal Service witness Hume (USPS-T-18) 41 From USPS LR-H-106. 5/ From USPS LR-H-106. However, after the completion of rate design, this number was revised to 10.5814. for a total of 14.7274. See USPS LR-H-106. USPSZ9C Page 2 of 6 Revised 1011197 Mail Processing costs Delivery costs u USPS23C PFlge3of6 Rmkd .%I 8/97 MP+D Mail Processing costs Delivery costs u Transportation costs Y Other costs 0.5642 0.5642 0.5642 0.5642 0.6562 0.6562 0.6562 0.6562 0.5642 0.5642 0.8562 0.6582 0.5842 0.5642 0.5642 0.5642 0.6562 0.6562 0.6562 0.6562 0.5642 0.5642 0.6562 0.6562 0.5842 0.5842 0.6562 0.6562 0.5642 0.5642 0.5642 0.8562 0.6582 0.8562 .Y Lettats II 2 Y 4/ Y 6/ USPS-T-2g USPS-T-Zg USPS-T-26 USPS-T-18 CRA Before CRA Before (Exhibit USPS-29A) (Exhibit USPS-290) - ECR MP costs rskct cwmnt Iwel d dropshipping -Automation fiats MP cats reflect mail characteristics enby prohle Rates (BR) CSK 14 costs in cenkkdums = (315973c6o847)/(34359010+32424240) Rata Other =(Total cost-CS3.i * piggy-CS667*piggy-CSlO’piggy-CS14) coskAvlume=(27481700+16543300)/(34359010+32424240) Total USPS-29c Page 4 of 6 Revised IO/l/97 MP+D costs Mail Processing costs Letters 18.6549 y 9.0584 3/ 13.9147 3 7.3914 3/ Delivery costs u USPS-29c Page 5 of 6 Revised 1011197 MP+D costs Mail Processing costs Delivery Transportation costs 41 costs Y Lenen 0.5091 0.5091 2.9240 2.8860 2.8360 2.7830 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 18.6549 y 9.0584 _y 0.5091 0.5091 15.5337 y 9.4846 y 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 0.5091 Dther costs tv Total USPS99C Page 6 of 6 Revbed 10/l/97 Development Mail Processing c/s 3.1 Direci Labor Pigglback 131 I41 Total Attributable costs 111 I Sfmdmd f.4) RegUlar ECR of “OtheP Costs Delivery CIS6F.7 PI Transportation Piggyback 161 C/S 10 m Piggyback 161 CIS 14 PI 1.30701 1.30485 359,374 298,891 1.19684 1.19686 315.973 60.847 1.19691 1.19672 60,395 7,090 Total “other” costs ‘OtherUnti Cask FOI 1111 0.6662 4,905,591 2,144.27: 34,359,OlC 32,424.24C 1,735,49.3 306,208 1.56284 1S6331 10,123,23C 3,132,OOC 388.521 31,682 1.55015 1.58836 696,995 830,413 274,011 163,43? 0.6537 NOnpdTl Nonprofit ECR [1] [Z]’ [3] [4] [6j [6] m [S] p] 1,078,21’ 156.091 Test Year Cost Segments Test Year Cost Segments Test Year Cost Segments USPS LR-H-77. Test Year Cost Segments USPS LR-H-77. Test Year Cost Segments USPS LR-H-77. Test Year Cost Segments and Components. and Components. and Components. and Components. and Components. and Components. 198,111 52,682 1.30679 1.30368 76,949 15,433 62.17i 11,21( Exhibit USPS29D Page 2 of 6 Revised 0/l 0197 Reconciling Base Year Nonprofit 111 ECR Unft Cost to lest I4 Year CRA Base Year Unit Cost Wage Rate Adjustment Auto Basic Basic High Density Saturation I31 Test Year Unit Cost ‘:;‘p$ff&T; 1.7169 0.2322 0.2322 1.053 1.053 1.053 1 .a079 0.2445 0.2445 (41 Test Year Volume 356.91 1,470.33 39.47 496.01 Nonletters Basic High Density Saturation 2.5336 0.5102 0.5102 1.053 1.053 1.053 2.6679 0.5372 0.5372 572.45 14.39 174.43 Total Average Shape Letter Rate Category 3,131.99 I/ Average TY Unit Cost (Total Cost/Total Volume) 2/ Average TY CRA Unit Cost (LR-H-106) 3/ Reconciliation Factor (Row 2/ divided by Row II) 1.6564 1.6169 0.9762 (l] (Base Year (BY) Unit Cost from USPS LR-i-i-109) I (Billing Determinant Volume (shorn below)). 121 Wage Rate Adjustment = (BY Wage Rate $23.777) / (I?’ Wage Rate $25.031 from USPS LR-H-146). [3] Test Year (TY) Unit Cost = BY Unit Cost (Column [l]) *Wage Rate Adjustment (Column 121). [4] Exhibit USPS-GA (witness Tolley). [5] Test Year Total Cost = TY’ Unit Cost (Column [3]) l Ty Volume (Column [4D. [S] Reconciled TY Unit Cost = TY Unit Cost (Column [3]) * Reconciliation Factor (Row 31). LR-H-145 Volume Not WS Endorsed Letters WS Endorsed Letters Not WS Endorsed Nonletters WS Endorsed Nonletters 1,038.707,723 437.996.045 447,500.229 184,252.466 LR-H-109 Cokts (000s) 31,571 1,017 11,340 940 Ill Unft Cost 1.7169 0.2322 2.5336 0.5102 Exhibii USPS-29D Page 3 of 6 Revised 10Hl97 Dmpship Normalization m Non-Saturation Saturation of Saturation vs. Non-Saturation ECR Mail Processing Cost Differences Pounds By Entry Point (from FY96 Billing Determinants None BMC ScF 104,660,956 310.613,167 192.176644 19,615,933 10.930.722 109.649.661 USPS LRH-145) p@J 6436,165 22,714,97a Pounds USPS LRH-145) QDJJ 43,016.625 960,006,342 Non-Saturation Saturation Nonletters Non-Saturation Saturation By Entry Point (from FY96 Billing Determinants ~ BMC m 131,003.169 516,040,026 1,172,263,460 56.525.216 22,291,610 406.627.050 FY96 Billing Determinant Volume USPS LR-H-145 Non-Saturation Letters 9,663.621,071 Saturation Letters 2.525.426603 Nonsaturation Nonletten 6.462,695,453 Saturation Nonletters 6.526.590,669 Exhibit USPS-29D Page 4 of 6 Revised lOlll97 Dropship Normalization of Saturation vs. Non-Saturation Nonprofti ECR Mail Pmcessing Cost Differences Pounds By Entry Point (from FY96 Billing Determinants None m BMC 25,932.915 31,506.007 20.562.914 3J62.792 526,596 11,520.665 USPS LRH-146) pDJ 4,361.725 6,693,761 Pounds By Entry Point (from FY96 Billing Determinants ~ BMC pzJ 16,942,425 15.347,935 25.362.616 2.337.621 223;llZ 15,470.905 USPS LRH-146) pDJ 4.026.650 8,441,349 Lenen Non-Saturation Saturation Non-Saturation Saturation Nonletters Non-Saturation Saturation FY96 Billing Determinant Volume USPS LR-H-145 Non-Saturation Letters 1.030,707.723 Saturation Letters 437.996,645 Nonsaturation Nonletters 447,500,229 Saturation Nonletters 164.252,466 Exhibit USPS-29D Page 5 of 6 Revised 10/l/97 Regular 100% DBCS 5-Digit Automation Letter Dropship Adjustment to Reflect Basic ECR Letter Dropship Profile Pounds Total Other Letters ECR Basic Letters (Migrating) By Entry Point (from FY96 Billing Determinants None !g& gJ 712,294 373.541 91,454 115,696 323,460 237.304 Total Other Letters ECR Basic Letters (Migratlng) FY96 Billing Determinant Volume USPS LR-H-145 Total Other Letters 19,075,363 ECR Basic Letters (Migrating) 10.090,942 USPS LRH-145) DDU 0 0 Exhibh USPS-29D Page 6 of 6 Revised 1O/1/97 Nonprofit 100% DBCS 5-Digit Automation Letter Dmpship Adjustment to Reflect Basic Nonprofit ECR Letter Dmpship Profile Pounds Total Other Letters ECR Basic Letters (Migrating) By Entry Point (from FY96 Billing Determinants m None BMC 272.208 46.888 42,714 25.712 32,212 26,071 Total Other Letters ECR Basic Letters (Migrating) PY98 Billing Determinant Volume USPS LR-H-145 7.687,399 Total Other Letten 1.850.970 ECR Basic Letters (Mlgratlng) USPS LRH-146) (IDJI 0 0 361.810 83,996 Exhibit USPS-29E Paae 1 of 6 Revised 1 g/l/97 PARCEL POST MAIL PROCESSING COST SUMMARY Table 1: Cost Pool Analysis Modeled (Pmportional) Not parcels (Fixed) Not worksharing (Fixed) Not Modeled (Fixed) CRA Costs by Facility : Summary BMC 6364 Table 2: Nonmodel (from Page 2) SCF 2344 ,,,, 47% 63 04 AND DMLOPMENT NonMOD 629 Proportional 82 @j;?z !2.E!6 ,, 12) #$$g,, ’ Cost Factor Development Weighted Avg Modal Cost’ Proportional Cost Pools CRA Proportional Adjustment CRA Fixcd Adjustment 67.21 92.77 1.62’ 31.07 Table 3: Total Cost Development Model Cost’ Proportional Fixed Total Cost3 1 Inter Mach NonBC Inter Mach BC lntra Mach NonBC lntra Mach BC NM0 Inter > 108’ Drf. NM0 In!ra > 108’ - Drf Table 4: Discount/Surcharge Cost Summary Inter-BMC NM0 Surchame Intra-BMC Discount: Machinable Nonmachinable Weighted Average Prebarcode Discount NM0 Cost Diff. for Inter-BMC Z. 108 NM0 Cost Diff. for Intra-BMC > 108 ..--- -- 27.0 74 6 3:.2 4.0 5el.G 415e -1 ‘Weighted average model costs from Appendix V on cost summary pages 2-4, and 7-12. ‘Model costs from Appendix V on cost summary pages. %otal Costs = Model Costs times Proportional Adjustment plus Fixed Adjustment. Ez&ibii USPS-29E Page 2 of 6 Revised 1OH197 PARCEL POST MAIL PROCESSING CRA COST I‘OOLS From USPS LR-H-106 1 mods bcs/ 2 mods 3 mods 4 mods 5 mods 6 mods 7 mods 6 mods 9 mods 10 mods 11 mods 12 mods 13 mods 14 mods 15 mods 16 mods 17 mods 16 mods 19 mods 20 mods 21 mods 2-J mo& express fsml km/ manf manl manp mecparc ocrl priority spbs 0th spbsPrio BusRepty INTL LD15 LD41 LD42 LD43 LD44 LD46 Exp LD46 0th LD46-SSV 23 mods 24 mods 25 mo& LD49 Lp79 MA,LGm,,, 26 27 26 29 30 Registq REWRAP IBulk pr ICancMPP IEEQMT mods mods mods mods mods 31 mods 1MlSC 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 lOPbulk IOPpref IPlatfrm IPOUCHN 1Sacks-h ,Sa,-kS-,,, , SCAN 1SUPPOR mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods SUbtOtd 40 41 42 43 U 45 BMCs “mo BMCs psm BMCs spb BMCs ssm BMCs Othr BMCs Pla Subtotal 46 Non Mods T&II gp&$~$@ .a<::,.~,,<~ I.. ..I 0.006 $$$$$@& 0.104 ?&2&@~~ 0.000 0.000 0.016 ;ga$&@ 0.103 ,.~.; ..,0.006 ,.,,~,.. ‘;.;$iQ221: $@$j& Ijj?..:~ t, I~ 0.396 $cz&~~ &&&$$ ~~~~~~~~~ 0.002 0.011 ,,.,,, ,, $z;,;A&$$$ _\_:I,0.657 gx~$~; >,~., .~..~,~,.,A ., ,,I 1.207 ~~~i~~~~ g$ggs: $$?s;pj.i $!,~?Yj<~~S: $i&@@$; ““i:“‘(j‘;6-i~ .,,..,,,,,., ~l~~jlfl,I %+;;j&~: $$$f&$@ ~~~~~~~, ;G%$(;*$.y; big@& y$#gg+$ $$j~p$ $#q@ g&gjj& @$@gg Reason Not parcels Not parcek Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcek Modeled Modeled Not parcels Not parcels Not Modeled Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not Modeled Not worksharing Not worksharing Not parcels Not worksharing Not worksharing Not workshating Not workshating Not parcels Not workshating Not worksharing Not Modeled Not worksharing Not Modeled Not Modeled Not Modeled Not Modeled Modeled Not Modeled Not Modeled Not Modeled Not worksharing Not Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Unload ““load Unb.d Lh!o,d ““lead Sedlold Sac% @ BYC Bsdb.d Loc.a @ BMC S.&a In OTR @ BYt lcc.e k OTR @ SW OWC a WC “nkad RIH @ EHC ‘i5a B?a 1.880 4380 2.450 IBO “nhd Pc.t.1 Rk @ SYC 10,Mo Unload Badbnd Saclo @ SCF 2,091 “nbd S.&s In OTFJ @ SCF 253 “nbxd Imc In OTR @ SCF 5,264 ““bad WC @ SCF I.142 “nk.d Bedl0.d S.cb @ DD” 2,673 “nbd baxe in OTR @ DDU 6,025 ““lord OWC @ DD” 1.302 Total Par Pk. Unlmding Unit Costs Dump OTR 0, “d. Dump OTR 0, he Dump ahu whrkd Dump RIM Dump PM.1 Rk S.Ck sorter I pr opr.’ t&l cap 0.027 0.028 0.049 0.016 0.019 0.044 O.D33 0.024 0.029 0.014 0.016 0.036 0.029 0.016 0.024 268.44 12.54 P.06 29.41 61.21 106.96 5.24 24451 61.38 3.44 85.01 43.26 78.47 9694 a.32 0.1199 Iwo 4.380 cant S.Ck.tlakeoL# 2.450 160 lO.m, 2,530 2.m lO.ooO hnvry Sort VW) Rimuy so* (sun, 5,850 S.emd.ry (SC.“) 11,225 sweep FlunoLh P. Rk a OBMC 10.m sweep Runoh OTRI @ DBMC 7,327 Sack and Toe 2,673 Cro.sdcck S&lord S.cb@SCF 2.091 Crdcck Sacks in OTR@SCF 253 Cfcesdosk loou in OTR@SCF 5.264 Crc.sdock OWC Q SCF 1,142 Manually Dump Sacks @ DDU 2,673 Total Pm Pime. Sort-Rdahd Unit Costs Be&d, @ SCF Bedload loac @ SCF L-d Sacks in OTRs Q SCF Lad Lose in OTRs @ SCF Lord OWC. @ SCF Lc.d RII.+s @ SCF Lord PM.1 Rk @ SMC Bcdbad Sacks @ BMC Lo.d OTRs w, .xb @ BHC Lad OTRs WI DC @ BMC Led owe @ SHC B.dbd @ SCF Lead OTRm wl loou @ SCF Lmd CWC @ SCF Total Per Pibeding Unit Cc&s uo 660 1.660 4.380 2.m 150 lO.Mo 2,584 264 6,025 1.302 2.344 5.264 1,142 0.040 0.048 0.112 0.025 0.149 0.027 0.092 0.076 0.026 0.022 0.029 0.031 0.037 0.087 0~025 0.032 0.076 10.16 251.59 126.02 11.15 101.20 51.M r41.00 1a5.71 4.17 223.86 58.m 9.05 223.52 113.73 5610 170.10 86.55 6.,447 0.047 0.111 0.110 0.110 “nk.d Unlo.d Un!c.d Unlmd Unhd U&ad NYO. NMC. NHC. 6da.d NMO. NM- h OWC 5 SCF in OTRs @ SCF on Rlleb @ SCF NMO. @ DD” k OTRm @ DD” in DWC @ DDU 6,025 1302 342.13 246.50 14.36 1104.62 bwbk “SPS-296 P.,w4c46 Rwa‘d 1011197 N‘ch,n‘bl* op‘mtion M.r.BYC Drcliption Urdosd‘r‘ 0 OSCF “h.d S.dlo.d S.cb 0 BMC “n!c.d Bdbd boss a 6MC “n!c.d S.&x In OTR ~BMC Urdmd boss in OTR 0 BMC “nbd OWC 0 SMC “nbsd P.ll.4 0 SMC “nlolld P&l Rk 0 BMC “nkd Bsdbsd Ssck. @ SCF Unbid 5%&s in OTR @ StF “rbd boss In OTR 0 SCF ““1-d OWC @ SCF “nk.d B.d!a.d S.&a @ DD” ““kd ka‘ I” OTR 0 OD” “nkad WC 0 DO” Tot.1 P.r Pi... “nlo.dinp “nk ModsId co‘t‘ t lmdlm,,. 10.0X 450 mo fur , Pt‘c.. I ,m, cq.,.’ 0.027 0.026 0.049 0.016 0.019 0.044 O.CO3 0.024 0.029 0.014 0.0,6 0.038 0.029 0.016 0.036 u‘chh‘bl. l-Y MI cast’ 2+&u 12.54 ss.n.2 29.41 61.21 1M.H 5.24 24.51 6,.36 3.44 m.0, 0.26 76.47 m.94 .9.32 o.,,es ,*.-WC Yd‘t‘d cc.* cQ‘mti.m Ds‘cnpCio” t h‘ndlinp Unhd Q OSCF 455 “n!a.d 6.db.d 6a.h 0 SMC 66n “n1o.d Bsdlosd Lw.. a 6MC 1.880 “nl.,.d S.&x In OTR Q BYC “nlcad Imu In OTR 0 6,X 4x4 “nhd OWC 0 BMC 2.450 ,eo “n1o.d P.ll.t @ BMC “n!.md 6sdlmd S.zb 0 SCF 2.091 253 “nlc.d S.&x In OTR 0 SCF ““lad Imu In OTR 0 SCF 5.264 “nk.d OWC 0 SCF 1.142 “nlcd B‘dhd S‘sh 0 DO” 2.673 ““k-d l.c.. In OTR 0 DDU 6.025 1.302 “nk.d WC @ DD” Tu‘l P” Pir. ““hdii “nn co‘,‘ B‘dIMd sub @ SCF Bsdmd tom. @ SCF Lc..d S.&x in OTR‘ @ SCF Lead Lmu R OTR. @ SCF Lead WC‘ @ SCF b.d RIl.!a 0 SCF Bullcad S.&x fj BMC L..d OTR. w, uch 0 SMC Lc.d OTR. r, tsc.. Q BMC LadcwC~BMC 6.dhd S.&s 0 StF hdOTR.r,bm.~SCF LosdCWt~SCF T*lP‘rPi‘.abdlrq”nk for ,0.006 Pm..‘ I pu .pr+ .O 0.026 0.049 0.016 0.019 0.044 0.033 0.029 0.014 6.016 0.0% 6.929 6.016 o.m6 0.025 0.149 0.027 0.032 0.076 0.026 0.029 0.025 o.m2 0.076 TV tms, en‘,’ 2hs.44 12.Y u.ot 29.4, 81.21 10696 5.24 81.38 3.44 m.01 43 26 76.47 9594 4932 0.90~6 11.15 101.20 61~06 141.w 1m.71 4.17 6609 9.05 223.52 113.73 5.%,0 170.10 bs 55 a,223 !ahibH USPS-295 P.~,s6d6 R‘vusd 101,197 Nonm‘ehlrn~ 0.1* 0.047 0.111 0.110 0.110 Ir.r‘PYt 75.09 342 13 246% 106 1104.82 Pdm.ry NM0 SW, a OBMC Pnmsry NM0 sat 0 DBMC MO”. 1°C @ SCF MO”. OTR. @ SCF wav‘ P‘ll‘l 0 SCF MO”. OWC WSCF b!a”“‘l SW, Q SCF MO”‘ ,nc @ SCF Uov. OTR. 0 SCF MW‘ owe @SCF T*l P*r Piscs ScnlRslstd Tc4.l Yod‘l‘d “Ill cost PropartiM‘l Ad,“Find Adjwtrnsd Tc4.I “Ilk CO.1 u0d.l.d con. fcf ~0.900 Pirn‘ Total Test Ye& Attributable Costs Avoided by Nonpresort Prehrcoded Machinable Parcels’ to.0400 SPECIAL STANDARD MAIL PROCESSING COST SUMMARY Table 1: Cost Pool Analysis Not worksha, I,;) Not Modeled Summary (from page 2) 4 617 4 no2 Table 2: Nonmodel Exhibii USPS-29F Paw 1 of 2 Revised1 O/1/97 AND DEVELOPMENT 1668 15.97) 1 772 -la;! ; Cost Factor Development Weighted Avg Model Cost’ Proportional Cost Pools CRA proportional Ad~uslrncnt CRA Fixed AdJustment -- . -- 35.03 47.4B 1.33 f5,q7_ : Table 3: Total Cost Development Table 6: Volume USPS USPS USPS Parcel Parcel USPS USPS USPS USPS USPS USPS LR-H-145 LR-H-145 LR-H-145 Post Proxy Post Proxy LR-H-131 LR-H-131 LR-H-131 LR-H-131 LR-H-131 LR-H-131 Nonpresort BMC Presort 5-D Presort Inter-BMC lntra-BMC Machinable NonMachinable Nonpresort NonBC Nonpresort BC BMC Presort NonBC BMC Presort BC 66% 12% 2% 80% 20% 67% 13% 74% 26% 29% 71% Percentages Inter Mach NonBC Inter Mach BC Inter NM0 lntra Mach NonBC lntra Mach BC lntra NM0 BMC Presort NonBC BMC PresortBC BMC NM0 5-D Presort 44% 16% 9% 11% 4% 2% 3% 7% 2% 2% 100% 51% 16% 10% 13% 5% 3% 25% 62% 13% Exhibit USPS-29F Page 2 Of 2 Revised loll197 SPECIAL STANDARD mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods mods SUBTOTAL bcs/ express fsm/ ISml manf manl manp mecparc ocrl pri0rity rpbs Dth SpbsPrio BusReply INTL LD15 LD41 LD42 LD43 LD44 LD40 Exp LD46 0th LWB-ssv LD49 LD79 MAILGRAM Registry REWRAP 1Bulk pr 1CancMPP 1EEQMT 1MIs.C lOPbulk 1OPpref 1Platfrm 1POUCHNG lSackS_h lSackS_m 1SCAN 1SUPPORT BMCs BMCs BMCs BMCs BMCs BMCs SUBTOTAL nmo Non Mods m vb ssm Othr PlS MAIL PROCESSING CRA COST POOLS Reason Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Modeled Modeled Not parcels Not parcels Not Modeled Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not parcels Not Modeled Not worksharing Not worksharing Not parcels Not worksharing Not workshanng Not worksharing Not worksharing Not parcels Not worksharing Not worksharing Not Modeled Not worksharing Not Modeled Not Modeled USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 1 of 43 Revised 10/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Automation Basic Letters Cost Summary 111 Mix of Handlings Outgoing Primary Manual MPBCS 121 Pieces per Hour II Wa.X R& I4 Direct Label CenWPiece PI Piggyback Factor 161 Premium Pay Adj. Operation Unit Cost [aI Modeled Unit Cost I71 220 4,405 812 8,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.1336 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1316 -0.0127 4.1677 0.5084 0.0915 0.2240 70 725 691 0,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.6823 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1547 -0.0127 4.8975 0.5084 0.0342 0.0369 AADC Disbibtion Manual MPBCS 396 5,791 759 8,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.3524 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1408 -0.0127 4.4587 0.5084 0.1766 0.2944 SCF Operations Manual MPBCS 570 3,368 896 0,393 525.445 $25.445 2.0390 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1193 -0.0127 3.7770 0.5064 0.2155 0.1712 Incoming Primary Manual MPBCS 319 1,438 562 0,393 $25.445 $25.445 4.5276 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1902 -0.0127 6.0217 0.5084 0.1921 0.0731 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,443 1,474 2,224 5,633 5,351 1,266 1,247 1,234 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9480 1.9480 1.9480 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.7558 0.4364 0.1431 0.4591 0.4362 0.0359 0.0353 0.0350 2,341 1,171 525.45 $25.45 1.0868 2.1735 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS Other Accept.NerificaLion sari to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS 0%LIPS 10,000 609 357 63.05% Figures in Columns [I], (21, (31, and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appends. colurnn]4]=~~~~~~~~-i’)~~ ma! ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor PO.,z - 1) Column [7] = (Column (41. Column [S] m0e,2 ) + Column [6] Column i8i = column [7] * Column [l] m,~lnav/ 10,000 ITOTAL UNIT COST USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 3 of 43 Revised 1OH I97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Automation 3-Digit Letters Cost Summary [II Mix of Handlings 121 Pieces per Hour 131 Wage Rate Direct Labor Cents/Piece [51 Piggyback Factor IsI Premium Pay Adj. m Operation Unit Cost IsI Modeled Unit Cost I41 Incoming Primary Manual MPBCS 989 9,485 562 0,393 $25.445 $25.445 4.5276 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1902 -0.0127 6.0217 0.5084 0.5957 0.4822 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS Firs-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,225 1,466 2,295 5,812 5,521 1,306 1,207 1,274 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.9389 2.2261 .0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9480 1.9480 1.9480 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.6418 0.4341 0.1477 0.4737 0.4500 0.0370 0.0364 0.0361 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 Other Accept.Nerification sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS % DPS 10,000 628 337 65.06% Figures in Columns [l], 121,[3], and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix. ~~..~,.~~ ;;:~,ti’:;i I~.lj(,~.::.,-:I, I .;._ ,III/I,j: .,,.I(Il(~,i;.l Column [4] =,‘~~~~Fa]~~~l-;~~if~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.” Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor DaOe42 - 1) Column m = (Column [4] * Column [5] paOe42)+ Column [S] Column [8] = Column m * Column [1] ma,low 110,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 5 of 43 Revised 1O/l /97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Automation 5-Digit Letters Cost Summary VI Mix of Handlings Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass other Acceot.Nerification soft 840 1,466 2,416 6,118 5,812 1,375 1,354 1,341 I31 Wage Rate Direct Labor CenWPiece PI Piggyback Factor tsl Premium Pay Adj. ITI Operation Unit Cost PI Modeled Unit Cost 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 525.445 525.445 $25.445 525.445 $25.445 525.445 $25.445 525.445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9480 1.9480 1.9480 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.4403 0.4341 0.1554 0.4987 0.4737 0.0389 0.0384 0.0380 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1.0868 2.1735 I21 Pieces per Hour I41 10,000 i0 P 0. 60~s: DPS Non-DPS % DPS 661 304 68.48% Figures in Columns [l], 121,[3], and [S] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix. Column [8] = Column [7] * Column [l] m,,,nau/ 10,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 7 of 43 Revised lo/1197 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Automation 5-D 100% DBCS Letters Cost Summary’ 111 Mix of Handlings Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sties Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass Accept.Nerification sort to P. 0. Boxes. DPS Non-DPS 975 0 0 10,000 9,500 0 0 0 I4 PI t31 Wage Rate [41 Direct Labor Cents/Piece I51 Piggyback Factor Premium Pay Adj. 171 Operation Unit Cost 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17.124 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.9369 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9480 1.9480 1.9480 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1.0868 2.1735 Pieces per Hour 10,000 871 94 Figures in Column (11, (21, 131.and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix. Column [‘$I= ~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~‘~~~~~ I~~~>~ ,,,,m42: ~:,~ci,,?,,t,l ~,,,h Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor w,,.4 - 1) Column [7] = (Column [4] * Column [S] wp.42) + Column [6] Column [8] = Column [7] * Column [1] m.,,na / 10,000 * This cost summary describes tie cost of processing ECR Basic letters projected to qualify for and migrate to the Regular Automation 5-Digit category All such migrating letters till destinate at sites with DBCSs, because Automation ECR Basic is available at all other sties. An adjustment to account for the ECR Basic letter dropship profile is performed in Exhibit USPS29D. The cost of delivering DPS letters and non-DPS letters is reweighted below to reflect the higher percentage of DPS sortation. Percent DPS Non-DPS Total Dehvery Costs Cost in Cents PI Modeled Unit Cost 0.5108 0.0000 0.0000 0.8151 0.7744 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 9 of 43 Revised 1O/1/97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Automation ECR Letters Cost Summary Ill Mix of Handlings Incoming Secondary CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass Other Sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS % DPS I21 Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate Direct Labor Cents/Piece Piggyback Factor Is1 Premium Pay Adj. VI Operation Unit Cost I41 I51 I61 Modeled Unit Cost 5,012 4,936 4.087 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.9480 1.9480 1.9480 0.0061 0.0061 -0.0061 0.2834 0.2834 0.2834 0.1420 0.1399 0.1385 02 0 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1.0868 2.1735 1.3660 1.3660 -9.0446 4.0891 -1.4399 2.8799 -0.0118 0.0000 48.38% Figures in Column [l], [2]. [3], and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appends. Colu,,,,, [4] = -~l~f”il~~~~:c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MODEL COST .:.i.r,..ii,ii: :.~.Y!F,...,_,,.,, /,l.~l,,l_,l ,._,2?9L,,.:,:,,, .>:~,.‘2?:.>,1 Column [6] = Column [4] ’ (premium pay factor m.,2 - 1) Column [7] = (Column [4]* Column 151w9*,~ ) + Column 161 Column [8] = Column [7]‘ Column (11 m,,rfiw /IO,000 0.4086 USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 11 of 43 Revised IO/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Upgradable Tray Basic Letters Cost Summary VI Mix of Handlings tzl Pieces per Hour I31 Wage Rate 14) Direct Labor CenklPIece PI Piggyback Factor VI Premium Pay Adj. 2,016 144 1,969 215 612 7,350 616 4,905 11,904 0.393 $25.445 525.445 514.919 525.445 $25.445 525.445 3.1336 0.3462 1.0293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1316 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0009 -0.0127 71 956 691 8,393 t25.445 525.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 a1547 -0.0127 AADC Distribtion Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 260 4,554 2,050 146 2,002 1,031 759 7.350 616 4,905 11,904 6,393 $25445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 S25.445 525.445 3.3524 0.3462 1.0293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 4 1406 -0 0145 -0 0766 -0.0214 -0 0009 -0 0127 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 476 1,093 434 31 424 1,030 096 7,350 616 4,905 11,964 0,393 525.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25 445 $25445 $25 445 2.0390 0.3462 1 A293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2 0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0009 -0.0127 lncomlng Pnmary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 262 0 0 0 0 1,314 562 7,350 616 4,905 11,904 0,393 $25.445 525.445 $14.919 525.445 $25.445 $25.445 4.5276 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0 3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 1,775 1,469 2,122 5,372 5,103 1,207 1.169 1,177 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17.124 $25445 $25.445 $25.445 S25.445 $25~445 S25 445 525 445 525.445 3~9309 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0.3406 0 1466 0.1466 0.1466 2,341 1,171 525.445 525.445 1.0666 2.1735 Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS Outgolng Secondary Manual MPBCS Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sties Manual Non-Ado Sties MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass Other ,AcceptanceNeriiicabon Sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS %DPS 152 4,479 m Operation Unit cost 181 Modeled Unit cost 4.6975 0.0346 0 0466 0.5064 4.4507 0.1246 0.7107 0.3237 "~'~~1:w5z"~~:.:o~~'-: \;, tw .;. .~,.:,,?:i::,~I,. 1 ;,i 0.7167 0.0105 0.3561 0.0713 0.5064 0.0524 -0.1193 0 3561 0.5064 0.0151 0.0934 -0 0145 -0 0766 -0 0214 -0 0009 -0.0127 6.0217 0.7107 ,~?&*~;,;I,, 3,:<...,.~.~._ ., 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0 1576 0 0000 0 oooo 1.3720 1 3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9400 1.9400 1.9400 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.6151 0.6151 0.2632 0.2632 0.2632 0.9300 0.4350 0.1365 0.4379 0.4160 0 0342 0.0337 0.0333 1.3660 1.3660 -0.0456 -0.0913 1.4309 2.6777 0.0635 0.1107 -0.1902 0.0000 0.0000 0.0666 10,000 560 365 60.14% Figures in Columns [1], 121,131,and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix Column [4] = @+&& Column [6] = Column [4] *(premium Pay f&t& Lw,2 - 1) Column r] = (Column [4] * Column [5] pw 12) + Column [6] Column [0] = Column V] * Column [l] rmlw I 10,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page15of43 Revised IO/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Upgradable Tray 3/5-Digit Presort Letters Cost Summary VI Mkoof Handlings [zl Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate M Direct Labor CentsiPiece m Piggyback Factor Is] m Premium Pay Adj. Operation unit Cost PI Modeled unit cost Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 a12 7,350 a16 4.985 11,984 8,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 S25.445 S25.445 3.1336 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1316 -0.0145 -0.0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 4.1677 07107 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.7187 0.3561 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 0 0 691 8,393 S25445 S25.445 3.6823 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1547 -0.0127 4.8975 0.5084 0 0000 0.0000 AADC Distribution Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 7,350 a16 4,985 11,984 8,393 S25445 S25 445 S14919 $25 445 S25.445 S25 445 3 3524 0.3462 1 a293 05104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 17190 -0.1408 -0.0145 .o.o76a -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 4.4587 07107 ~~&$?$?$ “‘“,6:ii:iy“‘~ 0 3561 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 896 7,350 a16 4.985 11.984 8,393 S25.445 S25~445 S14.919 S25.445 S25.445 $25.445 2.8398 0.3462 1 .a293 0.5104 0.2123 0~3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1193 6.0145 -0.0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 3.7770 0.7107 $g&&!$ 0.7187 0.3561 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0~0000 0.0000 0.0000 Incoming Primary M?A”UE3 MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 620 9,116 3,176 187 3.074 759 562 7,350 a16 4,985 11.984 8.393 S25.445 S25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 S25.445 4.5276 0 3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1902 -0.0145 -0 0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 6.0217 0.3731 0.7107 0.6479 r’~~o!~~~~;6i:.i~~~~~~~~ 0.7187 0.0135 0.3561 0.1095 0 5084 0.0386 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Firs-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,637 1,557 2,137 5,412 5,141 1.216 1.198 1,186 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17.124 S25445 S25.445 S25 445 S25.445 $25.445 S25.445 S25.445 S25~445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0 3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1~3720 1.3720 1.7190 2 4340 2.4340 1 9480 1.9480 1.9480 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0 0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 Other AcceptanceNerificabon 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0~8151 0.8151 0.2632 0.2632 0.2832 0.8577 0.4610 0.1375 0.4411 0.4191 0.0344 0~0339 0.0336 .~~~~~;~~~~~~~:~~;:‘~d~~~~~~ ,~:~,.c. .~!1.1f,. >.:.i(yi- .,,,~.~, . .:,. 10,000 serf 10 P. 0. Bowes- DPS Non-DPS %DPS 585 380 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1.0868 2.1735 1.3660 1.3660 -0.0456 -0.0913 60.58% Figures in Columns [l]. [2], [3], and [5] are reported in subsequent CO,“,“” (41 =~~~~~~~~~ pages in this Appends. Column [6] = Column [4] * (premix Column [7] = (Column [4] * Column [5] wQ.1z) + Column (61 Column (a) = Column (71 *Column [l] nvllna / 10,000 FIXED ADJUSTMENT TOTAL UNIT COST I .4389 2.8777 0.0841 0 1095 USPS-T-29 Appendix I PaQelsOf‘t3 Revised 10/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Upgradable Packages in “Non-OCR Upgradable” Trays, Basic Letters Cost Summary VI Mb: of Handlings PI PieCeS per Hour PI Wage Rate 141 PI Direct Labor Piggyback CenWPiece : Factor PI I? PI Premium Pay Adj. Operation una Cost Modeled unit cost 4.1677 0.0731 Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 175 5,173 2,329 166 2,274 248 812 7,350 616 4,985 11,964 6,393 S25.445 S25.445 s14.919 525.445 525.445 S25.445 3 1336 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 6.1316 -0.0145 4.0768 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 62 1,104 691 6,393 S25.445 525.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1547 -0~0127 ADC Drstibubon Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 230 2,573 1.158 63 1,131 1,009 759 7,350 616 4,965 11,964 6,393 S25.445 S25.445 514.919 $25~445 $25.445 525.445 3 3524 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1406 4.4567 0.1024 -0.0145 0.7107 0.1829 -0 0768 ~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -0.0214 0.71 a7 0.0059 -c.ooas 0.3561 0.0403 -0.0127 0.5064 0.0513 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 384 617 245 la 240 1,632 896 7,350 616 4.985 11,984 6.393 525.445 525.445 s14.919 525 445 525.445 $25.445 2.8396 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1193 -0.0145 -0 0766 -0.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 lncommg Pnmary HanUal MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 389 1,634 650 46 634 1,336 562 7,350 816 4,965 11,964 6,393 $25445 $25.445 s14.919 S25 445 S25.445 S25.445 4.5276 0.3462 1.6293 0 5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.71 so 1.71 so -0.1902 -0.0145 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Siies Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS Firs-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Frrst-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,801 1,492 2,106 5,334 5,067 1,199 1,181 1,169 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 S25.445 525~445 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 S25 445 S25445 S25 445 3.9369 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0.3406 0.1466 0.1466 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9460 1.9460 1.9480 2,341 1,171 $25.445 525.445 1.0666 2.1735 1.3660 1.3660 Other AcceptanceNeimcation 10,000 sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorting Basic 576 369 10,000 %DPS 59.71% 6.0214 6.0069 -0.0127 0.7107 ~\j.~~~~~,~~~~~~eg48‘i:ii .~.,~. ..-. . . ~..~,j ,.0.3677 c ,~,. ..I ,i;7\i Bi”“‘ ..blb‘lid‘ 0.3561 0.5064 0.0610 0 0126 4.6975 0.5064 0.0400 0.0561 37770 0 1451 0.7107 0.0439 ~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~-: 0.7167 0.0013 0.3561 0.0065 0.5084 0.0630 6.0217 0.7107 0.2343 -0.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 0.7187 0.3561 0.5064 0.0033 0.0226 0.0679 -0.1654 0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.6151 0 2632 0.2632 0.2632 0.9436 0.4416 0.1355 0.4346 0.4130 0 0340 0 0334 0.0331 -0.0768 j 0.1162 ~~~.~.~.., i~i:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 23 of 43 Revised 10/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Upgradable Packages in “Non-OCR Upgradable” Trays 3/5 PresoR Letters Cost Summary PI Mix of Handlings Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS VI Pieces per Hour PI waoe R& 141 Direct Labor Cents/Piece PI Piuavback PI Premium Pay Ad] 612 7.350 616 4.965 11.964 8,393 525.445 $25.445 $14.919 S25.445 S25.445 S25.445 3.1336 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0 3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1316 6.0145 6.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 m ODeration unit Cost PI Modeled unit cost 4~1677 I.l~.0.7107 ~~,~~..~ ~.,~~, .+5$:2,~~~~~:~ ,.,. ,/ 6..r .CI... 07167 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 0 0 691 6,393 S25.445 $25.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.1547 -0.0127 4.6975 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 ADC Distdbution Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 7,350 616 4,985 11.984 8.393 525.445 S25.445 514.919 S25.445 S25.445 S25.445 3.3524 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1408 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 4.4587 0.7107 &:!4$&:<,;; 0.7187 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 896 7,350 816 4,965 11,964 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 514.919 $25.445 525.445 525.445 2.8398 0 3462 I a293 0 5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 17190 1.7190 -0.1193 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 3.7770 .,_, 0.7107 . j\ ;;:i:~~~:::i 0.7187 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000 SCF Operabons Ma”“6 MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS lncommg Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 535 9,043 3.151 166 3,050 753 562 7,350 616 4,985 11,964 6,393 S25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 S25.445 $25.445 4.5276 0.3462 1~8293 0 5104 02123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1902 6.0217 0 3222 -0.0069 -0.0127 0.3561 0.5064 O.lOB6 0.0363 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Thrrd-Pass 1,637 1,557 2,137 5.412 5,141 1,216 1,198 1,186 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 625445 S25445 S25.445 S25.445 S25.445 525.445 625.445 525445 3.9369 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0.3408 0.1466 0.1486 0.1466 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1 9460 1.9480 1.9460 -0.1654 -0,0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0~0062 6.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 08151 0.6151 0.2632 0.2832 0.2832 0.6577 0.4610 0.1375 04411 0.4191 0 0344 0.0339 0~0336 2,341 1,171 S25.445 S25.445 1.0666 2.1735 1.3660 1.3660 -0.0456 -0.0913 1.4369 2.6777 0.5377 0.0641 0 1095 0.5377 Other AcceptanceNeri6catio” 10.000 sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorting Basic 565 360 10,000 %DPS 60.58% Figures in Columns [l]. [2], [3], and [5] sre reported in subsequent pages in tils Appendix c,.&,,,,~ (41 = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor ps,l~ 1) column r] = (Column [4] * Column [5] -A2 ) + Column 161 Column [6] = Column r] *Column [l] WIW I 10,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 27 of 43 Revised 1011197 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Non-OCR Basic Letters Cost Summary 111 Mix of Handllngs Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-oss MPBCS PI Pieces per Hour PI Waae Raie (41 Direct Labor Cents/Piece PI Piggyback FXtOr PI Premium PayAdj. l-4 Ooerabon unit cost [El Modeled unit cost 737 407 52 398 62 612 7,350 616 4,985 11,964 8.393 $25445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3 1336 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1316 -0.0145 152 149 691 0.393 S25.445 $25.445 3~6623 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0 1547 -0.0127 ADC Dlsbibution Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 1,426 604 445 57 434 201 759 7.350 616 4,985 11,984 8,393 S25~445 $25~445 $14.919 525~445 525.445 $25 445 3.3524 0 3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1408 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 1,114 193 94 12 92 310 896 7,350 816 4.985 11,984 8,393 $25445 $25.445 $14919 S25.445 $25.445 $25.445 2.8398 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1193 3.7770 0 4208 -0.0145 0.7107 0.0137 -0 076.8 :If~~~~~~~~~rj’~~~~~~~~ -0 0214 0.7187 0.0009 -0 0069 0.3561 0.0033 -0.0127 0.5084 0.0156 Incoming Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 3,530 2,604 1,274 163 1,243 519 562 7,350 816 4,985 11.984 8.393 1125445 $25 445 $14.919 S25.445 $25,445 S25~445 4.5276 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1~7190 -0.1902 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0 0089 -0.0127 0.7187 0.3561 0.5084 0.0117 0 0443 0.0264 IncomIng Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sties MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS F&-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 3,670 3,465 893 2,262 2,149 508 501 496 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25 445 $25.445 $25 445 $25 445 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 525 445 3.9389 2.2261 0~3636 0.3408 0.3408 0.1466 0 1466 0.1466 1.3720 1.3720 17190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9480 1.9480 1.9460 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0 0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.6151 0~6151 0.2832 0.2632 0 2632 1.9227 1.0316 0~0575 0.1644 0.1752 0 0144 0.0142 0.0140 2,341 1,171 $25.445 525.445 1.0866 2.1735 1.3660 1.3660 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS OUlFX AcceptanceNemicabon 932 10,000 sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorting Basic 244 721 10,000 %DPS 25.33% Column (71 = (Column 141* Column [5] ww12 ) + Column [S] Column [S] = Column p] *Column [I] d,m! 10,000 4.1677 0.3664 0.7107 0.0524 -0.0768 ~~i‘~~~~~~~~~~~ -0.0214 0.7167 0.0036 -0.0089 0 3561 0.0142 6.0127 0 5064 0 0032 4.6975 0.5064 0.0742 0.0076 4.4507 0.6359 0.7107 0.0572 ~~~~~~,:~~~~~qj:ipj:i;; 0.7187 0.0041 0.3561 0.0154 0.5064 0.0102 6.0217 2 1254 0.7107 ~,~~~~~~~~~ea~~~~~~~~~~ ,, ~rli,,0 \1.351 USPS-T-29 Appendw I Page 31 Of 43 Revised 1011197 Test Year Standard (A) Regular Non-OCR 3A-Digit Presort Letters Cost Summary 111 Mix of Handllngs [21 Pieces per Hour PI wage Rate M Direct Labor CenWPlece m Piggyback Factor PI m Premium Pay Adj Operation Unit Cost a12 7,350 a16 4,985 11.984 8,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25~445 3.1336 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1316 -0.0145 6.0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 4.1677 0.7107 $$$j$& 0.7187 0.3561 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 691 8,393 525~445 $25.445 3.6823 0 3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0 1547 -0.0127 4~8975 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 ADC Ditibubon Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 7,350 a16 4,985 11,984 8,393 S25 445 525.445 514.919 925.445 525445 $25 445, 3.3524 0.3462 1 a293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1 4500 1 4500 17190 1.7190 -0.1408 -0.0145 6.0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 6.0127 4.4587 0.7107 ;&$$&$$?j 0.7187 0.3561 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 SCF Operabons Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 a96 7,350 al6 4,985 11,984 a.393 $25445 $25 445 $14.919 $25.445 $25445 $25 445 2.8398 0.3462 1 .a293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 4.1193 6.0145 -L.O76a -0.0214 6.0089 -0.0127 3.7770 0.7107 $$&i$$$ 0.7187 0.3561 0.5084 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0~0000 Incoming Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 1,928 4,004 1,760 279 1,699 500 562 7,350 a16 4,985 11,984 8.393 $25.445 S25.445 $14.919 525.445 $25445 525.445 4.5276 0.3462 1.8293 0 5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.1902 -0.0145 -0.0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 6.0217 1.1612 0.7107../. .,.,. 0,,,2845 ~~~~~~:i:~~tr~~~~~~~., 0.7187 0.0201 0.3561 0.0605 0.5084 0 0254 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Frst-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 3,743 3,347 914 2,315 2.199 520 512 507 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25,445 $25 445 $25.445 525~445 525.445 525.445 525.445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3836 0~3408 0 3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2.4340 2.4340 1.9480 1.9480 1 9480 -0.1654 -0.0935 0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 0.0062 -0.0062 6.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.0147 0.0145 0.0144 2,341 1,171 $25.445 525.445 I.0868 2.1735 1.3660 1.3660 -C-O456 i .43a9 0.0360 Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS Outgoing Secondary Manual Other AcceptanceNerificabon [El Modeled Unit Cost 1.9606 0 9909 0 0588 0.1687 0.1792 10,000 sotf to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorting Basic 250 715 10,000 %DPS 25.91% Figures in Columns [I], 121,131,and [5] are reported In subsequent pages in tiis Appends. Column (41 = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,l ,_.., ,..,li, ___, l.,~.,~ll..l,~, rr~/,~c Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor mw,2 - 1) Column r] = (Column (41 * Column [S] pr*,~ ) + Column [6] Column [a] = Column (71 * Column [I] mile,. / 10,000 Productivities USPS-T-29 Appendix I Page 43 of 43 Revised 1011197 See Library Reference H-113 Operation Numbers Non-Incoming Secondary MLOCR RBCS LMLM MPBCS-OSS MPBCSIDBCS 831-835. 841-845. 851-855. 881-885 776 971-975 871-875. 891-895 Incoming Secondary MPBCS DBCS Sector SegmentiDPS CSBCS’ 876, 877, 878.079. 898, 897, 898, 899 914, 915, 918, 919 Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual 045-049 040-042 043 044 150-159 160-169 Productivities OP (Bulk Business Mail) OS Managed Mail (State) SCF IP MODS Sites Non-Automated Sites’ Sort to P.O. Box Productivities DPS3 Non-DPS4 PPH 7,350 816 4,985 11,984 8.393 6,633 7,467 17.124 812 691 759 896 562 646 1.143 2,341 1,171 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Automation Basic Letters Cost Summary Ill Mix of Handlings Outgoing Primary Manual MPBCS I21 Pieces per Hour I31 Wage Rate 14 Direct Labor Cents/Piece Piggyback FXt0r 161 Premium Pay Adj. [51 USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 1 of 43 Revised 1O/1/97 I81 Modeled Unit cost 239 4,790 812 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.1336 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1316 -0.0127 4.1677 0.5084 0.0997 0.2439 76 790 691 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.6823 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1547 ~3.0127 4.0975 0.5084 0.0372 0.0401 AADC Distiibution Manual MPBCS 396 5,590 759 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.3524 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1408 -0.0127 4.4587 0.5084 0.1766 0.2842 SCF Operations Manual MPBCS 565 3,350 896 6,393 $25.445 525.445 2.6396 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1193 -0.0127 3.7770 0.5084 0.2135 0.1703 Incoming Primary MaIWal MPBCS 324 1,489 562 6,393 525.445 $25.445 4.5276 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1902 -0.0127 6.0217 0.5084 0.1952 0.0757 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,471 1,375 2,212 5,724 5,438 1,286 1,267 1,254 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.9309 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.946 1.948 1.948 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.7704 0.4071 0.1423 0.4666 0.4432 0.0364 0.0359 0.0355 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1.0868 2.1735 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS Other Accept.Nerification sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS % DPS - 10,000 517 290 64.08% Column [8] = Column [7] * Column [1] m,,lOw/ 10,000 .--__- TOTAL UNIT COST - ~~,~:~~~~~a USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 3 of 43 Revised 1O/1/97 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Automation 3-Digit Letters Cost Summary VI Mii of Handling6 I21 Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate w1 Direct Labor Cents/Piece 151 Piggyback Factor El Premium Pay Adj. VI Operation Unit Cost WI Modeled Unit Cost Incoming Primary Manual MPBCS 969 9,506 562 6,393 525.445 525.445 4.5276 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1902 -0.0127 6.0217 0.5084 0.5837 0.4833 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,239 1,368 2,286 5,915 5,619 1,329 1,309 1,296 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7.467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 525.445 525.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.9369 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.948 1.948 1.948 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2307 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.6492 0.4049 0.1470 0.4821 0.4580 0.0377 0.0371 0.0367 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 other Accept.Nerification Sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS % DPS 10,000 535 273 66% Figures in Columns [l], [2], [3], and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appends. Co,umn [4] I ,~~~ot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MODEL COST Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor pOe12- 1) Column [7] = (Column [4] * Column [S] PO,,2 ) + Column [6] Column [8] = Column [7] * Column [l] maiIna / 10,000 --- USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 5 of 43 Revised 1O/1/97 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Automation 5-Digit Letters Cost Summary VI Mi of Handling6 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass Other Accept.Nerification sort to P 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS % DPS 850 1,368 2,406 6,226 5,915 1,399 1,376 1,365 131 Wage Rate WI Direct Labor Cents/Piece I61 m Piggyback Factor Pay Adj. Operation Unit Cost WI Modeled Unit Cost 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 525.445 $25.445 525.445 525.445 $25.445 3.9369 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.948 1.948 1.948 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.4453 0.4049 0.1548 0.5075 0.4821 0.0396 0.0390 0.0386 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 PI Pieces per Hour I51 10,000 563 245 69.70% Figures in Columns [I], [2], [3], and [S] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix. Column [4] = ‘~~~~~~.~~ifi~~,:~~~ ,. ,. ,.. ,.,,, .. ,_ ..,., ...,,. ., .,. Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor mo.4 1) Golump [7] = (Column [4] * Column [5] p.p.,2) + Column [6] Column [8] = Column [7] * Column [l] mrilnDl 110,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 7 of 43 Revised 1OH197 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Automation 5-Digit 100% DBCS Letters Cost Summary I11 Mix of Handling6 kxoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass Other Accept.Nerification sorl to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS 975 0 0 10,000 9,500 0 0 0 121 Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate MI Direct Labor Cents/Piece 151 Pigg@ack Factor 161 Premium Pay Adj. VI Operation Unit Cost @I Modeled Unit Cost 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.45 $25.45 $25.45 $25.45 $25.45 $25.45 $25.45 $25.45 3.9389 2.2261 0.3836 0.3408 0.3408 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.948 1.948 1.948 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0.2832 0.2832 0.2832 0.5108 0.0000 0.0000 0.8151 0.7744 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2,341 1,171 $25.45 $25.45 1.0868 2.1735 10,000 729 79 -0.0456 -0.0913 Figures in Columns [I], [2], [3], and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix. Column [7] = (Column [4] * Column [5] ~~. ,? ) + Column [6] Column [8] = Column [7] * Column [I] m,,lnw / 10,000 * This cost summary describes the cost of processing NPECR Basic letters projected to qualify for and migrate to tie Nonprofit Automation 5-Digit category. All such migrating letters will destinate at sites with DBCSs, because Automation NPECR Basic is available at all other sites. An adjustment to reflect the NPECR Basic letter dropship profile is performed in Exhibit USPS99D. The cost of delivering DPS letters and non-DPS letters is reweighted below to reflect the higher percentage of DPS. DPS Non-DPS Total Delivery Costs Percent 90.25% 9.75% 100.00% Cost in Cents 2.661 3.912 2.783 USPS-T-29 Appendix III Page 9 of 43 Revised 1011I97 Test Year Standard (A) NonproM ECR Automation Basic Letters Cost Summary PI Mix of Handling6 Incoming Secondary CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass Other sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS % DPS [21 Pieces per Hour 131 Wage Rate I41 Direct Labor Cents/Piece 151 Piggyback Factor PI PremiUm Pay Adj. m Operation Unit Cost PI Modeled Unit Cost 5,480 5,397 5,343 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 1.372 1.372 1.372 -0.0062 -0.0059 -0.0059 0.1976 0.1979 0.1979 0.1083 0.1068 0.1058 86 0 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1.0868 2.1735 1.366 1.366 -0.0435 -0.0869 -1.4410 2.8821 -0.0124 0.0000 52.90% Figures in Columns [l], 121,[3], and [5] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appends. ,~‘i:‘~~~~Ij_ ,~~:1( ..‘ark .;,~~~,)~.~~.,~ ‘i~,‘~,‘~~...~,,I,. I, .~.~~~ Column [4] = $&i$#&@~; “?~‘~:i?$#@j&jj~ I; ‘..‘~~i;I:~~~~~‘~~~~~~,3 MODEL COST ,, ., . ,..j,I I.,.,j . Psw. 2 .><~..,,i+ IT..I~~..~,~.~....,L,~~.,.~~.-:~ 2, Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor pase42- 1) Column m = (Column [4] * Column [5] wDc42) + Column [6] Column [E] = Column m * Column [I] mailna I 10,000 0.3085 USPS-T-29 Appendu III Page 11 of 43 Revised 1011197 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Upgradable Tray Basic Letters Cost Summary IV PI PI I41 m PI m Mix of Handllngs Pieces per Hour Wa!X R& Direct Labor CenWPlece Piggyback Factor Premium Pay Adj. Operation Unit Cost ISI Modeled Unit cost Outgoing Primary MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 165 4,679 2,196 157 2,144 234 612 7,350 618 4,905 11.984 6,393 525.445 525.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.1336 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1316 -0.0145 -0.0766 -o,02,4 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 77 1,041 691 6,393 S25.445 $25.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1547 -0.0127 AADC Dlsbibulion Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Pracessed LMLM BCS-oss MPBCS 260 4,236 1,907 136 1,662 1,074 759 7,350 616 4,985 11,964 0,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 S25 445 3.3524 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1406 -0 0145 -0.0768 -0.0214 -0.0089 0.0127 4.4587 0.1247 07107 0.3011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.7107 0.0098 0.3561 0.0663 0.5064 0 0546 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-oss MPBCS 466 1,019 406 29 399 1,874 896 7,350 616 4.985 11,964 8.393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25445 $25.445 2.8396 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1 450 1719 1719 -0.1193 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 3.7770 0 1760 0.7107 0.0725 ;,$j&~#;; ;;$&i,@$$ ;j., 0.7107 0.0021 0.3561 0.0142 0 5064 0.0953 Incoming Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM KS-oss MPBCS 264 0 0 0 0 1,346 562 7,350 616 4.985 11.984 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 4.5276 0.3462 1.a293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1902 6 0217 -0~0145 0.7107 -0.0766 :@jSjii&$ -0.0214 07167 -0.0069 0.3561 -0.0127 0.5064 0.1591 0~0000 0.0000 0.0000 0~0000 0.0664 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,799 1,369 2,112 5,466 5,193 1,226 1.210 1.196 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.45 525.45 $25 45 $25.45 $25.45 525 45 $25.45 $25.45 3.9369 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0~3406 0.1466 0.1486 0.1466 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.946 1.948 1.946 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0 0161 -0 0143 -0 0143 -0.0062 -0 0062 -0 0062 0.9424 0.4054 0.1359 0.4455 0.4232 0.0346 0.0343 0.0339 2,341 1,171 $25.45 $25.45 1 0666 2.1735 1.366 1.366 MaNIaI cmler AcceptanceNeriricaban -0.0089 -0.0127 10,000 sort lo P. 0 Boxes: DPS Non-DPS lDPS 494 313 61.19% Figures in Columns [I], 121.[3], and [S] are reported in subsequent pages in U!is Appendu. Column v] = (Column [4] * Column [5] pp12 ) + Column 161 Column [S] = Column r] * Column [I] mnw I 10,000 4.1677 0.0689 0.7107 0.3467 :~~I”~~~~~~~~i~,~~~~~~: .:xii,...I,..,.:.^,_~,‘-.-,byo~yi.5 ,I~, 0.7167 0.3561 0.0764 0.5064 0.0119 4.8975 0.5084 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.8151 0.8151 0~2832 0.2632 0.2632 0.0377 0.0529 USPS-T-29 Appendii III Page 15 Of 43 Revised 1 O/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Nonproht Upgradable Tray 3/5-Digti Presort Letters Cost Summary 111 Mixof Handlings Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-oss MPBCS w m 131 Waae Rate VI Direct Labor CenkfPiece 151 Piggyback FaCtOr Premium Pay Adj 612 7,350 616 4,965 11.984 8.393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.1336 0 3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -C.1316 -0.0145 0.0766 0.0214 -0.0089 a.0127 4.1677 0.7107 $?&&@f;8 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.8975 0.5064 0.0000 0~0000 Pi.Zs per Hour operation unit cost (81 Modeled Unit cost Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 0 0 691 6.393 $25.445 $25.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1547 -0.0127 AADC Distribution Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 7.350 616 4,905 11,984 8,393 $25.445 $25 445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3,3524 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1~450 1.450 1.719 1.719 0.1406 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 4.4587 0.7107 !;i:j~;$@;;j;; 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0~0000 0.0000 0~0000 0.0000 SCF Operabons Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 696 7,350 616 4,905 11,984 6,393 $25.445 $25 445 $14.919 $25 445 $25.445 $25 445 2.8398 0.3462 1 .a293 05104 0.2123 0 3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1193 -0.0145 4~0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 3 7770 0.7107 ;f$$$$~~~~; 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0~0000 0.0000 lncomlng Pnmary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 761 9.313 3,269 193 3,164 777 562 7,350 616 4,985 11.964 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 4 5276 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1719 -0.1902 -0.0145 a.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 6.0217 0.4560 07107 0.6619 ~~~~~~~~~~: ‘“@&&‘.ii, 0.7167 0.0139 0.1127 0.3561 0.5064 0.0395 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sties Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DSCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,641 1,453 2,135 5,525 5,249 1,242 1,223 1,211 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 525.445 525.445 $25~445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0.3408 0.1486 0.1466 0.1466 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.946 1.948 1.946 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 0.0062 -0.0062 0.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.6151 0.6151 0.2632 0.2632 0.2632 0~4302 0.1374 0~4504 0.4279 0.0352 0.0346 0.0343 2,341 1,171 $25.445 $25.445 1 0666 2.1735 1.366 1.366 -0.0456 -0.0913 1.4369 2 6777 0.0716 0.0666 Other AcceptanceNeriication 0.8596 10,000 sort to P. 0 Boxes: DPS Non-DPS %DPS 499 308 61 65% USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 19 Of 43 Revised 1011197 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprom Upgradable Packages in “Non-OCR Upgradable” Trays Basic Letters Cost Summary VI Mix of Handkngs PI Pieces per Hour PI wage Rate 141 Direct Labor Cents/Piece m Piggyback 161 Premium Pay Adj m Operation Unit Cost PI Modeled Unit Cost Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 229 6,742 3,035 217 2,963 323 612 7,350 616 4,965 11,984 8,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25 445 3.1336 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1 372 2.095 1.450 1 450 1.719 1.719 -0.1316 -0.0145 a.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 0.3561 0.5064 0.1055 0.0164 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 106 1,436 691 8,393 $25.445 $25.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1547 -0.0127 4.8975 0.5064 0.0521 0.0731 AADC Dlstibution Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-oss MPBCS 250 1,954 880 63 859 1,221 759 7,350 616 4.985 11.964 8.393 $25445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.3524 0.3462 1~6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1 372 2 095 1.450 1 450 1.719 1.719 6.1406 -0 0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 409 470 188 13 164 1,675 696 7,350 616 4.985 11.964 8.393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 2.6396 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1 372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0 1193 3.7770 0.1544 -0.0069 -0.0127 0.3561 0.5064 0.0065 0.0953 Incoming Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 356 923 370 26 361 1,466 562 7,350 616 4,965 11,964 6.393 $25.445 525.445 $14.919 $25.445 525.445 525.445 4.5276 0.3462 1.8293 0 5104 02123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1902 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0 0069 -0.0127 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sties Manual Non-Auto Srtcs MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,828 1,363 2,099 5,432 5,160 1,221 1,202 1,190 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17.124 17.124 525.445 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 $25 445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3 9389 2.2261 0.3836 0.3406 0.3406 0.1466 0.1466 0.1466 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.946 1.946 1.948 -0 1654 -0.0935 -0.0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 -0.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5 2367 2 9607 0.6433 0.6151 0.6151 0 2832 0.2632 0.2632 0.9576 0 4095 0.1350 0.4427 0.4206 0.0346 0.0341 0.0337 2,341 1,171 525.445 $25.445 1.0666 2 1735 1.366 1.366 -0.0456 4.0913 1.4369 2.6777 0.1157 0.0706 0.0911 0.1157 0h?r AcceptanceNeticaton soli lo P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorting Basic %DPS 4.1677 0.0953 0.7107 0.4791 -~~~~~~~~~~cia~~~~~~~~ ?:X: .‘~“~,wii’~y ,..,..,b.~.~,~,,~,“~ 4~4587 0.1117 0.7107 .~.~,.~.0.1389 ~~~~~~~,~~~~~~.~,~~~~~~ 0~7167 0.0045 0.3561 0.0306 0.5064 0.0621 10,000 491 316 10,000 60.80% Figures in Columns [l], [2], (31, and (51 are reported in subsequent pages in mis Appendh Column [4] = Column [6] = Column [4] *(premium pay factor,,2 Column r] = (Column (41. Column [5] pw,2 ) + Column 161 Column [6] = Column r] *Column [l] &NW / 10,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 23 of 43 Revised 1O/1/97 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprom Upgradable Packages in “Non-OCR Upgradable” Trays 315 Presort Letlers Cost Summary 111 Mix of Handling8 VI Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate 141 Direct Labor Cent8lPiece PI Piggyback Factor PI Premium Pay Adj. m Operation Unit Cost I81 Modeled Unit Cost Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-oss MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 612 7,350 616 4,965 11,984 8,393 525445 $25.445 514.919 525 445 525.445 $25 445 3.1336 0.3462 1II293 0.5104 0.2123 0 3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 17190 -0.131612 4.1677 -0.014540 0.7107 6.076631 $$@Q$ -0.021436 0.7167 -0.006916 0.3561 -0.012733 0.5064 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 0 0 691 8,393 $25.445 $25 445 3.6623 0.3032 1.3720 1.7190 -0.154658 4.8975 0.0000 -0.012733 0.5064 0.0000 AADC Disbibtion Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 7,350 616 4,965 11,984 8.393 825445 $25 445 $14.919 525.445 $25.445 $25 445 3 3524 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 17190 -0.140602 4 4587 -0.014540 0.7107 6.076631 I‘;?@$@,:;;; -0.021436 0.7187 -0.008918 0.3561 -0 012733 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 896 7,350 616 4,965 11,984 6.393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 2.8398 0.3462 1.6293 05104 0.2123 0.3032 1.3720 2 0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 4119273 3.7770 -0.014540 0.7107 -0.076631 ~;~&$~~;~. -0.021436 0.7167 -0.006916 0.3561 -0.012733 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000 Incoming Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPSCS 532 9.126 3,203 189 3,100 761 562 7,350 616 4,965 11,964 8.393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 $25.445 525.445 525.445 4.5276 0.3462 1.6293 0 5104 0 2123 0.3032 1.3720 2.0950 1.4500 1.4500 1.7190 1.7190 -0.190158 IncomIng Secondary Manual MODS Sties Manual Non-Auto Siies MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pa88 CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 1,641 1,453 2,135 5,525 5,249 1,242 1,223 1.211 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 $25.445 525.445 $25.445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0.3406 0.1466 0.1466 0.1486 1.3720 1.3720 1.7190 2 4340 2 4340 1.9480 1.9480 1.9460 -0.165432 -0.093496 -0.016112 -0.014312 -0.014312 -0.006241 -0 006241 -0.006241 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0.6151 0.6151 0.2632 0.2632 0 2632 0.6596 0.4302 0.1374 0.4504 0.4279 0.0352 0.0346 0.0343 Other AcceptanceNeriflcation 10.000 2,341 1,171 525.445 525.445 1.0666 2.1735 1~3660 1.3660 -0.045644 -0.091287 1.4389 2.0777 0.4196 0.0716 0.0666 0.4196 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6.0217 0.3206 -0 014540 0.7107 0 6466 -0,,,7,j831 i;!~.~~~~~~~r;~~~~~~~~~~~~, -0 021438 0.7167 0.0136 -0.006916 0.3561 0.1104 -0.012733 0 5064 0.0367 sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorbng Basic 499 306 10,000 OADPS 61.65% Figures in Columns [1], 121,[3], and [S] are reported in subsequent pages in this Appendix. c~,~,,,,, [4] = ~~~~~,~~~~i’~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column [6] = Column 14) * (premium pay factor pp~~ - 1) Column [7] = (Column (41 *Column [5] pi II ) + Column [6] Column [a] = Column [7] * Column [l] dw I 10,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix 111 Pagc27of43 Revised 1011197 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Non-OCR Upgradable Basic Letters Cost Summary IV Mu Of Handlings Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS PI Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate I4 Direct Labor CenklPiece m Piggyback Is] I7 PI Premium Pay Adj. operatxln unit cost Modeled hi cost 1,454 797 441 57 430 67 612 7,350 616 4,965 11.964 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 S25.445 $25.445 $25.445 3.1336 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1 450 1.719 1.719 -t.l316 4.1677 0.606 a0145 0.7107 0.057 -0.0766 ~~~~~~~~:~~~~~.~~~~~5-iIE6.0214 0.7107 0.004 -COO69 0.3561 0.015 6.0127 0.5064 0.003 233 161 691 8.393 S25.445 $25.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1547 -0.0127 ADC Disbibtion Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 2,437 966 546 70 533 229 759 7,350 616 4,965 11,964 6,393 $25.445 $25.445 $14.919 525.445 525.445 525.445 3 3524 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 02123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1406 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 SCF Operations Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 1,665 237 117 15 114 356 696 7,350 616 4,965 11.964 6,393 S25.445 $25 445 s14.919 S25.445 S25.445 S25.445 2.6396 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 4.1193 3.7770 0.704 -0.0069 0.3561 0.5064 0.004 0.016 lncomlng Pnmaly Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 3,615 1,499 739 95 721 424 562 7,350 616 4,965 11,964 6,393 525.445 525.445 514.919 S25.445 S25.445 S25.445 4 5276 0.3462 1.6293 0 5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 I.719 -0.1902 -0.0145 -0.0766 6.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 Incoming Secondary Manual All Sites Manual MODS Sites MPBCS DBCS First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 4,407 3,265 714 1,647 1,755 415 409 405 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17.124 S25445 S25.445 525.445 125.445 525.445 525.445 525 445 S25.445 3.9369 2.2261 0.3636 0.3406 0.3406 0 1466 0 1466 0.1466 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.946 1.946 1.946 -0.1654 -0.0935 -0 0161 -0.0143 -0.0143 6.0062 -0.0062 -0.0062 5.2367 2.9607 0.6433 0 6151 0.6151 0.2632 0.2632 0.2632 2.309 0.973 0 046 0.151 0.143 0.012 0.012 0011 OUW AcceptanceNetication 10.000 2,341 1,171 525~445 S25445 1.0666 2.1735 1.366 1.366 0.045644 1.4369 0.024 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS -0.0127 4 6975 0.5064 0.114 0.006 4.4567 1.067 0.7107 0.070 &:s;i%~~<~~~~! ~;/@;J;$&;i;;; 0.7167 0.005 0.3561 0.019 0.5064 0.012 6.0217 2.177 0.7107 0~107 ~~~~~~~~~~:~,.~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..._.;~~,~~,.~ ,..,:~i~~i~.>:..~ /~ .,,., v 0.7167 0.007 0.3561 0.026 0.5064 0.022 sort to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Somng Basic 167 640 10,000 %DPS 20.66% Figures I” columns [l], [Z], [3], and 151are reported in subsequent Pages in mis &Pendm column [4] = column [6] = Column 141. (premium pay factor pwaz - 1) column r]= (Column [4] * Column [5] pw12 1 + Column 161 Column [6] = Column (71-Column ( I 10,000 USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 31 Of 43 Revised IO/l/97 Test Year Standard (A) Nonprofit Non-OCR Upgradable 3/5-Digit Presort Letters Cost Summa-v VI Mix of Handlings PI Pieces per Hour PI Wage Rate 141 Direct Labor CenWPiece I51 Piggyback Factor VI Premium Pay Adj PI operation unit cost 181 Modeled Unit cost Outgoing Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 612 7,350 616 4,985 11,984 6,393 S25.445 525.445 S14.919 525.445 925.445 525 445 3.1336 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0~2123 0.3032 1,372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0 1316 -0.0145 0.0766 -0.0214 -0 0089 -0.0127 4.1677 0.7107 !$;&~i;&; 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Outgoing Secondary Manual MPBCS 0 0 691 8.393 S25445 $25.445 3.6623 0.3032 1.372 1.719 -0.1547 -0.0127 4.6975 0.5064 0.0000 0.0000 ADC Ditibtion Manual MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 7.350 616 4,965 11,964 8,393 S25.445 S25.445 S14.919 S25.445 S25.445 225.445 3.3524 0.3462 1.6293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0.1406 -0.0145 -0.0766 -0.0214 -0.0089 -0.0127 4.4507 0.7107 ;$$$$R!&:: 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SCF Operations MaWal MLOCR RBCS Images Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 096 7,350 616 4,965 11.984 8.393 525.445 S25.445 s14919 S25 445 S25445 525.445 2.8398 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2.095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1.719 -0 1193 -0.0145 -0.0766 3.7770 0.7107 &j#@@;i’j 0.0000 0.0000 O.,,O,,O -0.0214 -0.0069 -0.0127 0.7167 0.3561 0.5064 0~0000 0.0000 0.0000 Incoming Primary Manual MLOCR RBCS lmaaes Processed LMLM BCS-OSS MPBCS 2,132 3,212 1,422 225 1,373 403 562 7,350 616 4,985 11,984 0,393 S25.445 S25.445 S14.919 525.445 525.445 525.445 4 5276 0.3462 1.8293 0.5104 0.2123 0.3032 1.372 2~095 1.450 1.450 1.719 1719 -0.1902 -0.0145 6.0766 6.0214 4.0089 -0.0127 Incoming Secondary Manual MODS Sites Manual Non-Auto Sites MPBCS DBCS. First-Pass DBCS Second-Pass CSBCS First-Pass CSBCS Second-Pass CSBCS Third-Pass 4.515 3.135 726 1.880 1,766 423 416 412 646 1,143 6,633 7,467 7,467 17,124 17,124 17,124 S25445 $25.445 525.445 525.445 525.445 525.445 S25.445 S25 445 3.9389 2.2261 0.3636 0 3406 0.3406 0.1466 0.1466 0.1466 1.372 1.372 1.719 2.434 2.434 1.946 1.948 1.948 -0.1654 -0.0935 6.0161 -0.0143 0.0143 -0 0062 -0.0062 0.0062 2,341 1,171 125.445 925.445 1 0666 2.1735 1.366 1.366 0.0456 0.0913 Other AcceptanceNenfication soil to P. 0. Boxes: DPS Non-DPS Bundle Sorting Basic %DPS 6.0217 1.2839 0.7107 0~2263 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 07167 0 0162 0.3561 0.0469 0.5064 0.0205 5.2387 2.9607 0.6433 0.6151 0.6151 0.2632 0.2632 0.2632 2 3654 0 9282 0.0467 0.1532 0.1456 0.0120 0.0116 0.0117 10,000 170 637 10,000 21.050~ Figures in Columns [I]. [2]. [3], and [5] are reported in subsequent pages i” this Appendix. Col”mn [41 = -~~~~~‘~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ MODEL COST ,_,“,,~.,,....,I~ .-m! . ...::, . .<.: E?OI i ~.,,! ,,,, L/ ! Column [6] = Column [4] * (premium pay factor mw4 - 1) Column r] = (Column [4] * Column [5) pw’12 ) + Column 161 Column [B] = Column V] * Column [I] dlti I 10,000 1.4389 0 0244 2.0777 0.1634 “~.~~:~~;ig~~~~~~~ USPS-T-29 Appendix Ill Page 43 of 43 Revised 1011197 See Libraw Reference H-l 13 Operation Numbers Non-Incoming Secondary MLOCR RBCS LMLM MPBCS-OSS MPBCSIDBCS 831-035, 041-045, 851-055, 081-885 776 971-975 871-875, 891-895 Incoming Secondary MPBCS DBCS DPS CSBCS’ 876,877, 878, 879, 096. 897, 098, 899 914, 915, 918, 919 Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual 045-049 040-042 043 044 150-159 160-169 Productivities OP (Bulk Business Mail) OS Managed Mail (State) SCF IP MODS Sites Non-Automated Sites2 Sort to P.O. Box Productivities DPSJ Non-DPS4 - PPH 7,350 816 4,985 11,984 8,393 6,633 7,467 17.124 012 691 759 896 562 646 1,143 2,341 1.171 Machinable Nonmachinable Nonpresort Nonpresort Inter-BMC Inter-BMC Mail Flow Mail Flow Barcoded Machinable Nonpresort VI # handlings Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload Sacks Bedlcad loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Origin BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks I” OTR Unload loose I” OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0 Primary (scan) Sweep Runouts P.Pak Load Postal Pak Destination BMC Unload Postal Pak Dump Postal Pak D. Primary (scan) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose I” OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks I” OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL 1.0000 0.0450 0.0680 0.1880 0.4380 0.2450 0.0160 Inter-BMC 121 unitslhr Model Coat Summary 131 conversion 325 8 315.3 186 18.6 18.6 23.9 [41 pipgvback ._. [51 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.64 1.84 0.0268 0.0248 0.1488 0.0272 0.0322 0.0758 0.0260 2.13 2.13 2.13 2 13 2 13 0.0486 0.0156 0.0185 0.0437 0~0328 0.0033 0.0029 0.0081 0.0107 0~0005 101.0 101.0 1.0 1.0 78 4 1.0 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0313 0.0371 0.0874 0.0009 5.8 1 93.0 78.4 33 3 75.3 $ Per 0Per.’ El % Per facility’ 0.0763 0.0268 0.0011 0.0101 0.0051 0.0141 0.0186 0.0004 5.8 1.0 93.0 78~4 33.3 75.3 93 0 78.4 33.3 75.3 58 5.8 1.0 101.0 101.0 1.0000 21.9 1.oooo ~.~~;~~~:~~ 0 5850 1433 3 1.1225 1433 3 0.7327 .::$i:$;$# 0.2673&$@$ 0.2384 325.8 0~0289 18.6 0.6025 18.6 0.1302 18.6 USPS-T-29 Appendix V Pagezof17 Revised 10/l/97 0.0224 0.0114 0.1097 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 01142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12~6 12.6 12.6 325 8 186 18.6 58 93 0 78.4 33.3 39.2 93.0 78.4 33.3 5.8 78.4 33.3 1 84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1 84 1 84 1.84 1.84 0.0294 0.0136 0 0161 0 0379 0 0953 0 0402 0.0476 0.1121 0.0248 0.0322 0 0758 0.2673 0.6025 0 1302 0.2673 2.7075 275.1 37.2 37.2 184.1 5~8 78 4 33.3 5.8 1.84 1 84 1.84 1.84 Model Cost 0.0294 0.0161 0~0379 0.0439 0.0061 0.0003 0.0065 0.0043 0.0199 0.0010 0.0252 0 0128 0.0058 0.0170 0.0087 0.0342 0~0078 0.0097 0 0049 0.0117 Nonbarcoded Machinable Nonpresort Ill [31 [21 # handlinns Origin SCF Unload Containers' Bedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Origin SMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks In OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont. Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0. Primary (key) Sweep Runouts P.Pak Load Postal Pak Destination BMC Unload Postal Pak Dump Postal Pak D Primary (scan) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HampersJOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks In OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs wl loose Load Hampers/OWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL Inter-BMC uniWhr converwon USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page3of17 Revised IO/l/97 Model Cost Summary [41 piawback [51 $ per oper.’ 1'51 S per facilti 325,8 315.3 18.6 18.6 18.6 23.9 58 1 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0268 0.0248 0.1488 0.0272 0,0322 0.0756 0~0260 0.0266 0.0011 0.0101 0.0051 0.0141 0.0186 0.0004 ~~~~~~l:~~ 333.8 0.0450 0.0680 1111.6 0.1880 37.2 0 4380 37.2 0.2450 37.2 0.0160 21.9 0 188O:~x$~,i'tf$ 5.8 1.0 93.0 78,4 33.3 75 3 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 5.8 5.8 1.0 101.0 101.0 2.13 2 13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0279 0.0486 0.0156 0.0185 0.0437 0.0013 0.0033 0.0029 0.0081 0 0107 2.13 2~13 2.13 0 0313 0.0371 0.0874 0.0009 0.6025 0 1302 325.8 18.6 18.6 18~6 101.0 101.0 1.0 1.0 78.4 1.0 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 01142 0 2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12.6 126 12.6 325 8 18.6 18.6 58 93.0 78.4 33.3 392 93.0 784 33.3 5.8 78.4 33.3 1.84 1 84 1.84 1.84 1.64 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1 84 1.84 0.0294 0.0136 0.0161 0.0379 0.0953 0.0402 0.0476 0.1121 0.0248 0.0322 0 0758 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 0.2673 2~7075 275.1 37 2 37.2 184.1 58 78.4 33.3 5~8 1~84 1.84 1.84 1.84 Model cost 0.0294 0.0161 0.0379 0,0439 10000 0.0450 0.0680 0.1880 0.4380 0.2450 0.0160 i*i\:i\<,~:>:>i. 0.4380 \??!,T;:$~;~; 0.2450 ~~~;~~~~~, 0.0160 "~'~;~;~~;~. 0.2330 456.6 0.2330 $$$$@ 1 .oooo 895.6 F F,.~~iii- .j 1 .oooo &~~ij~~~~ 1 0000 23~9 1 0000 21.9 1 .oooo ;,$p~,$j;~. 0 5850 1433.3 1.1225 1433.3 o.7327 ':i:;?z$;~~&y o,2673 g?&&;#;, 0.2384 0~0289 0.0224 0.0114 0.1097 0.0061 0.0003 0 0065 0 0043 0.0199 0.0010 0.0252 0.0128 0 0058 0.0170 0.0087 0.0342 0.0078 0.0097 0.0049 0.0117 “i~.‘~~~pz,; .i.., . . i j1 Nonmachinable Nonpresort I:11 # handlings Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload NMOs Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs in OWCs Load NMOs on Pallets Origin BMC Unload Bedloaded NMOs Unload NMOs in OTRs Unload NMOs in OWC Unload NMOs on Pallets 0. Primary NM0 Sort Load NMOs on Pallets Destination BMC Unload NMOs on Pallets D. Primary NM0 Sort Bedload from IHC Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs on Pallet Load NMOs in OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload to IHC Unload OTRs Unload Pallet Unload OWC Move IHC Move OTRs Move Pallet Move OWC Manual Sort Move IHC Move OTRs Move OWC Bedload NMOs Load OTRs w/ loose Load Hampers/OWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload NMOs Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC TOTAL Inter-BMC PI units/hr Model Cost Summary 131 conversion I41 piggyback 1 .oooo 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 315.3 16.6 16.6 23.9 1.0 30.8 13.1 22.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 268.0 37.2 37.2 21.9 168.7 23.9 1.0 30.8 13.1 22.3 1 .o 22.3 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.65 2.13 21.9 168.7 315.3 18.6 23.9 18.6 22.3 1 .o 1 .o 30.8 22.3 13.1 2.13 1.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 275.1 37.2 21.9 37.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 514.6 25.1 25.1 25.1 315.3 18.6 18.6 1.0 30.8 22.3 13.1 23.3 30.8 22.3 13.1 1.0 23.3 30.8 13.1 1.0 30.8 13.1 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.64 1.84 1.54 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 275.1 37.2 37.2 1 .o 30.8 1.84 1.64 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 2.0000 USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page4of17 Revised 1O/1197 (51 I61 $ per oper.’ $ per facility2 0.1771 0.0678 0.0678 0.1488 0.0060 0.0819 0.0594 0.1926 0.0428 0.0878 0.0011 0.4175 0.1877 0.0075 0.0472 0.0342 0.1110 0.0247 0.1105 0.0014 0.2485 0.2485 0.1012 0.1012 ‘~~~~~~~~~~r 0.1105 0.1105 0.2485 0.2485 Barcoded Machinable Nonpresort [ll # handlings Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont. Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0. Primary (scan) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL 1 .oooo 0.0450 0.0680 0.1880 0.4380 0.2450 0.0160 Intra-BMC PI unih/hr 131 conversion 325.0 315.3 18.6 18.6 18.6 23.9 5.8 1 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 Model Cost Summary [41 piggyback ISI $ per oper.’ USPS-T-29 AppendixV Page7 of 17 Revised 1O/i 197 PI 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0268 0.0248 0.1488 0.0272 0.0322 0.0758 0.0260 $ per facility’ 0.0763 0.0268 0.0011 0.0101 0.0051 0.0141 0.0186 0.0004 333.8 1111.6 37.2 37.2 37.2 21.9 ;;$$$$sgg ::>;;‘:p‘:, ~:,‘.,T~~ ~;.~;i;:.~~$,:~ ~~~~~~~~~~~r ?$j~$~::~~;~ 456.6 ,.,I,,I,.,~ ,..,.~,, &&+&t 1433.3 1433.3 <>g[~$?j$jj: $$@f,&; 325.8 0.0289 18.6 0.6025 18.6 0.1302 18.6 5.8 1 .o 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 5.8 5.8 1.0 1 .o 78.4 1.0 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0486 0.0156 0.0185 0.0437 0.0033 0.0029 0.0081 0.0107 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0313 0.0371 0.0874 0.0009 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 325.8 18.6 18.6 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 39.2 93.0 78.4 33.3 5.8 78.4 33.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0294 0.0136 0.0181 0.0379 0.0953 0.0402 0.0478 0.1121 0.0248 0.0322 0.0758 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 0.2673 1.8300 275.1 37.2 37.2 184.1 5.8 78.4 33.3 5.8 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0294 0.0161 0.0379 0.0450 0.0680 0.1880 0.4380 0.2450 0.0160 0,,880 0.4380 0.2450 0 .0160 0.2330 0.2330 1 .oooo 0.8300 0,732, 0.2673 0.2384 0.0224 0.0114 0.1097 0.0061 0.0003 0.0085 0.0043 0.0199 0.0010 0.0252 0.0128 0.0058 0.0170 0.0087 0.0342 0.0078 0.0097 0.0049 Nonbarcoded Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont. Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0. Primary (key) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs WI loose Load HemperslOWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL Machinable Nonpresort III I4 # handlings unilwhr 1 .oooo 0.0450 0.0680 0.1880 0.4380 0.2450 0.0160 IntraBMC I31 conversion 325.8 315.3 18.6 18.6 18.6 23.9 0.0450 333.8 0.0680 1111.6 0.1880 37.2 0.4380 37.2 0.2450 37.2 0.0160 21.9 0.1880~~~~~~~~~: 0.4380 :‘i@$%~, 0.2450 ‘;:::f$#~., o,0160~~~~~~;j~,: Model Cost Summary w PI PI piaavback -_. $ per oper.’ $ per facilit?? '0.0763 . 5.8 1 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0268 0.0248 0.1488 0.0272 0.0322 0.0758 0.0280 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0279 0.0486 0.0156 0.0185 0.0437 0.0328 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0313 0.0371 0.0874 0.2384 0.0289 0.6025 0.1302 325.8 18.6 18.6 18.6 5.8 1 .o 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 5.8 5.8 1 .o 1 .o 78.4 1 .o 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 325.8 18.6 18.6 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 39.2 93.0 78.4 33.3 5.8 78.4 33.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0294 0.0136 0.0161 0.0379 0.0953 0.0402 0.0476 0.1121 0.0248 0.0322 0.0758 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 0.2673 1.8300 275.1 37.2 37.2 184,,1 5.8 78.4 33.3 5.8 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 Model Cost 0.0294 0.0161 0.0379 0.0439 0.2330 456.6 0.2330 $@$@ 1 .oooo 895.6 0.8300 1433.3 0.7327 :;~$~~~~$& o,2673 i:‘~~~~.~~~ USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page8of17 Revised lOlll97 0.0268 0.0011 0.0101 0.0051 0.0141 0.0186 0.0004 ~~~~~~z~~iri~~ 0.0013 0.0033 0.0029 0.0081 0.0107 0.0005 0.0009 0.0224 0.0114 0.1097 0.0061 0.0003 0.0085 0.0043 0.0199 0.0010 0.0252 0.0128 0.0058 0.0170 0.0087 0.0342 0.0078 0.0097 0.0049 0.0117 Nonmachinable Nonpresort PI # handlings Origin SCF Unload Containen’ Bedload NMOs Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs in OWCs Load NMOs on Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedloaded NMOs Unload NMOs in OTRs Unload NMOs in OWC Unload NMOs on Pallets D. Primary NM0 Sort Bedload from IHC Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs on Pallet Load NMOs in OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload to IHC Unload OTRs Unload Pallet Unload OWC Move IHC Move OTRs Move Pallet Move OWC Manual Sort Move IHC Move OTRs Move OWC Bedload NMOs Load OTRs w/ loose Load Hampers/OWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload NMOs Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC TOTAL 1 .oooo 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 1 .oooo Intra-BMC PI unitslhr Model Cost Summary [31 converSion 1.o 141 piggyback 315.3 18.6 18.6 23.9 30.8 13.1 22.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 288.0 37.2 37.2 21.9 168.7 315.3 18.8 23.9 18.6 1 .o 30.8 13.1 22.3 1.0 1.0 30.8 22.3 13.1 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 275.1 37.2 21.9 37.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 514.8 25.1 25.1 25.1 315.3 18,,6 18.6 1 .o 30.8 22.3 13.1 23.3 30.8 22.3 13.1 1.0 23.3 30.8 13.1 1 .o 30.8 13.1 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.54 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 275.1 37.2 37.2 1.0 30.8 1.84 1.84 USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page9of17 Revised 1O/l 197 [51 PI $ per oper.’ $ per facilit$ Barcoded Machinable 111 # handlings DBMC Model Cost Summaw I21 units/hr lJ~~nsti,,!=*, ct9 U:!wr: UT’ lJrc4~.: ay ~ilI?J ,Jr!‘p p,y’ ~~~:~tj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs wl sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load Hampers/OWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL USPS-T-29 Appendix V PagelOof17 Revised 1011197 131 conversion [41 piggyback [51 PI $ per OPer.’ .,b per !FII~lit? 113 c :?i 33 $g$ 2:s c c437 2.03 0.0360 Iq I;r ;*,, .,., .~.,,., 0.0360 2.13.’ 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0313 0.0371 0.0874 0.0289 0.6025 0.1302 18.6 18.6 18.6 ‘!:A 5 33 3 1.0 1.0 78.4 1.0 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12.8 12.8 12.6 325.8 18.6 18.6 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 39.2 93.0 78.4 33.3 5.8 78.4 33.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0294 0.0136 0.0161 0.0379 0.0953 0.0402 0.0476 0.1121 0.0248 0.0322 0.0758 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 0.2873 1.8300 275.1 37.2 37.2 184.1 5.8 78.4 33.3 5.8 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 Model Cost 0.0294 0.0161 0.0379 0.0439 0.0009 0.0224 0.0114 0.1097 0.0061 0.0003 0.0085 0.0043 0.0199 0.0010 0.0252 0.0128 0.0058 0.0170 0.0087 0.0342 0.0078 0.0097 0.0049 0.0117 ,‘ii‘;j~$fj~$g&q Source of Inputs: Appendix V page 1516 model costs are calculated in this testimony for the sole purpose of comparing an average Parcel Post model cost to the CRA parcel post mail processing cost pools in order to calculate the CRA ‘DBMC proportional adjustment factor. Nonbarcoded Machinable III Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Ciossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page 11 of 17 Revised 1011197 DBMC Model Cost Summary’ PI I31 [41 PI 2 ‘3 2 ‘3 2.03 0 x236 0 iM30.0576 0 cxi; ” Rx;; 0.0576 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0313 0.0371 0.0874 0.0009 0.0224 0.0114 0.1097 0.0061 0.0003 0.0085 0.0043 0.0199 0.0010 0.0252 0.0128 0.0058 0.0170 0.0087 0.0342 0.0078 0.0097 0.0049 0.2384 0.0269 0.6025 0.1302 18.6 18.6 18.6 1M 5 353 1.0 1.0 78.4 1 .o 5.8 93.0 70.4 33.3 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 325.8 18.6 18.6 5.0 93.0 76.4 33.3 39.2 93.0 78.4 33.3 5.0 70.4 33.3 1.84 1.84 1.04 1.84 1.04 1 .a4 1.04 1.04 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0294 0.0136 0.0161 0.0379 0.0953 0.0402 0.0476 0.1121 0.0248 0.0322 0.0758 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 0.2673 1 .a300 275.1 37.2 37.2 184.1 5.0 70.4 1.84 1.84 1.04 0.0294 0.0161 0.0379 Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL PI ‘DBMC model costs are calculated in this testimony for the sole purpose of comparing an average Parcel Post model cost to the CRA parcel post mail processing cost pools in order to calculate the CRA propotiional adjustment factor. Nonmachinable 111 # handlings USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page 12 of 17 Revised 1011197 DBMC Model Cost Summary’ 121 units/hr 131 conversion 288.0 21 :j 372 168.7 315.3 18.6 23.9 18.6 1 .o 22 3 33 a 1 .o 1.0 30.8 22.3 13.1 275.1 37.2 21.9 37.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 514.6 25.1 25.1 25.1 315.3 18.6 18.6 1.0 30.8 22.3 13.1 23.3 30.8 22.3 13.1 1.0 23.3 30.8 13.1 1.0 30.8 13.1 275.1 37.2 37.2 1.0 30.8 [41 I51 piggyback 161 S per oper.’ S per facilit$ ~~~~~~i 2.13 0.1877.d~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O‘llC1 0 3 ,X 2.13 2 .?I 1.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.84 1.84 1.84 I.84 1.84 1.04 1.84 1.04 1.54 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.04 1.04 1.84 1.84 ‘DBMC model costs are calculated in this testimony for the sole purpose of comparing an average Parcel Post model cost to the CRA parcel post mail processing cost pools in order to calculate the CRA proporhanal adjustment factor. Nonmachinable Length Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload NMOs Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs in OWCs Load NMOs on Pallets Origin BMC Unload Bedloaded NMOs Unload NMOs in OTRs Unload NMOs in OWC Unload NMOs on Pallets 0. Primaly NM0 Sort Load NMOs on Pallets Destination BMC Unload NMOs on Pallets D. Primary NM0 Sort Bedload from IHC Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs on Pallet Load NMOs in OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload to IHC Unload OTRs Unload Pallet Unload OWC Move IHC Move OTRs Move Pallet Move OWC Manual Sort Move IHC Move OTRs Move OWC Bedload NMOs Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery Lynn Unload Bedload NMOs Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC TOTAL USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page 13 of 17 Revised 1011197 Nonpresort Inter-BMC Cost Development plus Girth Between 108”and 130” PI PI # handlinas units/hr 131 141 conversion piggyback I51 PI $ per oper.’ % per facilitg 1.oooo 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 315.3 18.6 18.6 23.9 1.0 6.9 2.9 5.0 I .a4 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 288.0 37.2 37.2 21.9 168.7 23.9 1.0 6.9 2.9 5.0 I .o 5.0 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.65 2.13 21.9 168.7 315.3 18.6 23.9 18.6 5.0 1 .o 1.0 6.9 5.0 2.9 2.13 1.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 275.1 37.2 21.9 37.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 514.6 25.1 25.1 25.1 315.3 18.6 18.6 1.0 6.9 5.0 2.9 5.2 6.9 5.0 2.9 1.0 5.2 6.9 2.9 1.0 6.9 2.9 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.54 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 275.1 37.2 37.2 1 .o 6.9 2.9 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 2.0000 1.84 1.84 1.84 Model Cost 0.4281 0.0557 &$$$#?r*hiJ Nonmachinable Length Nonpresort Inter-BMC Cost Development plus Girth Between 108” and 130” Fl # handlinas Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload NMOs Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs in OWCs Load NMOs on Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedloaded NMOs Unload NMOs in OTRs Unload NMOs in OWC Unload NMOs on Pallets D. Primary NM0 Sort Bedload from IHC Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs on Pallet Load NMOs in OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload to IHC Unload OTRs Unload Pallet Unload OWC Move IHC Move OTRs Move Pallet Move OWC Manual Sort Move IHC Move OTRs Move OWC Bedload NMOs Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery lmn Unload Bedload NMOs Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC TOTAL USPS-T-29 Appendix V Pagel4of17 Revised 1011197 1 .oooo 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 0.0400 0.7250 0.2220 0.0130 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 1 .oooo PI unitslhr I31 [41 conversion piggyback 315.3 18.6 18.6 23.9 1.0 6.9 2.9 5.0 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 288.0 37.2 37.2 21.9 168.7 315.3 18.6 23.9 18.6 1.0 6.9 2.9 5.0 1.0 1.0 6.9 5.0 2.9 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 275.1 37.2 21.9 37.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 514.6 25.1 25.1 25.1 315.3 18.6 18.8 1.0 6.9 5.0 2.9 5.2 6.9 5.0 2.9 1.0 5.2 6.9 2.9 1.0 6.9 2.9 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.54 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 275.1 37.2 37.2 1.0 6.9 2.9 1.84 1.84 1.84 IModel Cost 151 1'31 $ per oper.’ $ per facility2 0.4281 0.0557 ;:~~~#~$,~~; $1 Productivities and Conversion Factors for Direct Labor Operations UNLOADING Unload sacked machinable parcels to extended conveyor Unload machinable parcels to extended conveyor Unload non-machinable parcels Unload non-machinable parcels to IHC only (proxy for sacks) Unload machinable parcels sacked in OTRs Unload parcels loose in OTRs Unload Wire Tainer/Hamper/APC (Other Wheeled Cont. - OWC) Unload Pallets Unload Postal Paks Unload Gaylords (of BMC presorted parcels) Unload Pallets (of BMC presorted NMOs) DUMPING 8 SACK HANDLING Dump Sacks in OTRs Dump OTRs (loose) Dump Other Wheeled Containers Dump Pallets Dump Postal Paks Dump Gaylords Sack shake out Manually dump sacks Sack sorter (FY96 PIRS) Unitsmkhr Marginal 333.8 II USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page 15 of 16 Revised 1011197 Conversion Machinable 5.8 1.0 nla 5.8 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 101.0 104.5 nla Factors 31 NM0 n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 n/a 30.8 13.1 22.3 n/a nla 26.3 93.0 78.4 33.3 75.3 101.0 104.5 5.8 5.8 5.8 nla 30.8 13.1 22.3 nla n/a nla n/a nla PARCEL SORTING MACHINE DISTRIBUTION Key Rate Primary (FY93 PIRS) Scan Rate Primary Secondary Rate (PIRS 96) 1.0 1.0 1.0 nla NONMACHINABLE OUTSIDES DISTRIBUTION NM0 Distribution (PY 96, PIRS) NM0 Distribution at SCFs (MODS FY 96) n/a n/a 1.0 1.0 OTHER OPERATIONS Tend container loader/sweep runouts (Origin BMC - Postal Pak) Tend container loader/weep runouts (Destinating BMC - OTR) Crossdock BMC Presorted Pallets Crossdock BMC Presorted Gaylords Crossdock IHCs w/5-d sacks or NMOs Sack and Tie 101 .o 78.4 nla 104.5 39.2 1.0 n/a nla 26.3 nla 23.3 nla LOADING Bedload NMOs to van (proxy for machinables) Bedload Sacked Machinables Load loose parcels in OTRs to van Load sacked machinables in OTRs to van Load Other Wheeled Containers (OWC) to van Load pallets to van Load Postal Paks to van Load Gaylord to van 1 .o 5.8 78.4 93.0 33.3 75.3 101.0 104.5 1 .o nla 30.8 nla 13.1 22.3 n/a n/a (OWC) nla USPS-T-29 Appendix V Page 16 of 16 Revised 1011197 Other Inputs TY Clerk and Mail Handler Wage Rate Mail Processing Operation Specific Parcel Sorting Machine NM0 Sorting at BMC NM0 Sorting at SCF Other Operations at BMCs Sack Sorting Machine - BMC Platform Non-BMC Platform BMC Piggyback $25.445 Factors Mail Flow Arrival and Dispatch Profiles Machinable Parcels Arriving in Bedloaded Sacks at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving Bedloaded at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving sacked in OTRs at BMC Machinable Parcels Aniving loose in OTRs at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving in HamperslAPCIOWC (OWC) at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving Palletized at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving Bedloaded at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving Palletized at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving in OTR Containers at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving in HamperslAPCIOWC (OWC) at BMC Mschinable Parcels Arriving in Postal Paks at Destination BMC (from Origin BMC) NMOs Arriving Palletized at Destination BMC (from Origin BMC) Machinable Parcels Dispatched in Bedloaded Sacks to Service Area Machinable Parcels Dispatched loose in OTRs to Service Area Machinable Parcels Dispatched sacked in OTRs to Service Area Machinable Parcels Dispatched in Hampers/APC/OWC (OWC) to Service Area Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched Bedloaded to Plant Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched on Pallets to Plant Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in OTRs to Plant Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in Hampers/APClOWC (OWC) to Plant Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched Bedloaded to Delivery Unit (proxy math) Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in OTRs to Delivery Unit (proxy math) Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in Hampers/APClOWC (OWC) to Delivery Unit (proxy) Mail Flow Operating Assumptions Percent with direct transportation to destinating delivery unit from BMC Percent Sorted to 5-Digits by Primary Parcel Sorting Machine Destinating BMCs will feed barcoded destinating mail unfiltered to secondary Probability that mail fed directly to nonspecific secondary will receive more than one sort ~~~, ,j ,~...l ~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~‘~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sl Z 31 41 51 National databases (PIRS and MODS) Page 17 of this appendix. USPS LR-H-131 Productivity of Secondary as Proxy 6/ USPS L&,+,46 71 USPS LR-H-77 81 USPS-T-29 Section V.B.2. 91 USPS LR-PCR-40 lo/Proxy based on Planning Guidelines 2.027 1.647 1.536 1.687 2.414 1.844 2.125 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 4.50% 6.80% 18.80% 43.80% 24.50% 1.60% 4.00% 1.30% 72.50% 22.20% 41 41 41 4/ 41 41 41 41 4/ 41 100% 81 100% 81 23.84% 60.25% 2.89% 13.02% 12.91% 30.98% 53.63% 2.48% 26.73% 60.25% 13.02% 12% 17% 50% 50% (PGLs) 11 II II 11 I/ l/ l/ II II II II 91 81 81 81 Barcoded Machinable Origin SCF Unload ContaInerr’ Bedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Origin BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose In OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cant Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Softer Sack shakeout 0. Primary (scan) Sweep Runouk P.Pak Load Postal Pak Destination BMC Unload Postal Pak Dump Post.1 Pak D. Primary (scan) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouk OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ sacks Load OTRs WI loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdxk Sacks In OTR Crossdock loose I” OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load Hampers/OWC Destination Delivery Unl Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL Nonpresort [‘I PI # handlings unksfhr 1.0000 0.0224 0.0336 0.1884 0 4396 0.3090 0 0070 0.0224 00336 0.1884 0.4396 0 3090 0.0070 0.1 aa 0.4396 0.3090 o,oo70 o.21 o8 0.2108 1.oooo 1.oooo 1.oooo 131 conversion 325.8 315.3 16~6 la.6 18~6 23.9 333.8 1111.6 37.2 37.2 37.2 21.9 ~~;~:;.$~~~~ ‘;SjS:?~,.~. ::qsq y;z??f;;~. ..&d:i .~,~~ 456 6 131.2 1433 9.8 23 9 1.oooo ..~C~ 21~.., 9 ./~. 1.olJoo “i;?~,3*~,!!; o.5a50 ..,,..Jobyj1.1225 0.7327 0.2673 0,2384 0.0289 0 6025 0.1302 Inter-BMC 1433 9.8 227.6 325,a la.6 186 18~6 [41 piswback I51 $ per oper.’ 161 % per facilii .0.0255 0.0086 0.0002 0 0050 0.0015 0.0038 0.0063 0 0001 ~~~~~~.‘~I~ 0 0002 19.2 1 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 I .a4 1.84 I .a4 I .a4 1.84 1.a4 0.0086 0.0075 0.1488 0.0082 0.0087 0.0204 0.0076 192 1.0 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 307 4 291.8 124.0 259.3 19.2 19.2 1.0 347.5 347.5 2.13 0.0084 1.84 I.84 0.0046 0.0023 ~~~~~RI’Z 0.0024 0.0089 0.0026 0.0043 347.5 347.5 1~0 1.0 291.8 1.0 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 0.2091 275 1 0.0253 37.2 0.5284 37.2 0.1142 37.2 o~20Ql y$f;+&$; 0.0253 ~~~~~~~~~ 0~5284 $:a$& 0 1 142 .~:;jrj;~g 1:>:.> ~2 ._ o,2344 325.8 0.5284 la.6 01142 la.6 19.2 307.4 ?91.8 124.0 39.2 307.4 291 .a 124~0 19.2 291.8 124.0 0.2673 0.6025 19.2 291.8 124.0 275.1 37.2 Model Cost Summary USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page 1 of 13 Reivsed 1O/l /97 1.84 1.84 0.0087 0.0204 Nonbarccded Machinable PI # handlings Origin SCF Unload Containerr’ Sedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Origin BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont. Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0. Primary (key) Sweep Runouts P.Pak Load Postal Pak Destination BMC Unload Postal Pak Dump Postal Pak D, Primary (scan) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/sacks Load OTRs w/loose Load I-lamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose I” OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery Unl Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL 1.0000 0.0224 0.0336 0.1664 0.4396 0.3090 0.0070 Nonpresort 121 uniWhr Inter-BMC [31 conversion 325.9 315.3 16.6 16.6 16.6 23.9 USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page2of13 Revised 1 O/1/97 Model Cost Summary [41 piggyback (51 S per oper. El $ per facilii$ 192 1 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 333 a 0.0224 1111.6 0.0336 37.2 0 1664 37.2 0.4396 37.2 0.3090 21.9 0.0070 0, , 664 #x~+~;; o,43g6 i’;.i$ &; 0.3090 $ts$# 0~0070 g&&y 456.6 0.2106 131.2 0.2106 .,::j’;r;:$$Y$ 1 .oooo ,~.,~,.,j.,~..~,~ 9.8 1 .oooo 23.9 1.0000 19.2 1.0 307 4 291.8 124.0 259 3 307.4 291 6 124.0 259.3 19.2 19.2 1.0 347.5 347.5 1.69 2 03 2 03 213 0 0151 0.0065 21.9 1 .oooo l.oooo$;?~;~~~;~ 1433 0.5650 1433 1.1225 9.8 0.7327 227.6 0 2673 325.6 0.2364 16.6 0.0289 16.6 0 6025 166 0.1302 347.5 347.5 1.0 1.0 291.8 1.0 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 2.13 1,69 2.03 2.03 1.69 1.69 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0071 0~0071 0.0105 ~~~~i~~~~~~~~. 0.0211 0~0360 0.0404 0.0360 0.0110 0.0150 0.0504 0.1666 0.0021 0.0066 0.0003 0.0095 0.0060 0.0100 0.0031 0.0235 19.2 307 4 291.8 124.0 39.2 307 4 291.8 124.0 19.2 291 a 124.0 1.94 1.64 1.64 1.64 1 .a4 1.84 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 0.0204 0.0023 ~$;**gg~;‘:‘; 19.2 291.8 124.0 1.64 1.64 1.64 0 0089 0.0043 0.0102 0.0024 0.0026 0.0013 0.2673 0 6025 0.1302 275.1 37.2 37.2 00.0576 0170 ;$,;$$FT~;i:$@$@: ~. 0.0036 ,,,~, 0.0151 0 0065 ~&;~~&~j&gY~~(:, Nonmachinable Nonpresort III # handlincs Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload NMOs Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs in OWCs Load NMOs on Pallets Origin BMC Unload Bedloaded NMOs Unload NMOs in OTRs Unload NMOs in OWC Unload NMOs on Pallets 0. Primary NM0 Sort Load NMOs on Pallets Destination BMC Unload NMOs on Pallets D. Primary NM0 Sort Bedload from IHC Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs on Pallet Load NMOs in Desti”atio” scFOWC I I”l”m-l TOTAL nwc 1 .oooo 0.0230 0.7260 0.2500 0.0010 0.0230 0.7260 0.2500 0.0010 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 1 .oooo j.,.~,..,. ,.,,...~,. ~,..,. ~&ml~$~~; ;{.;‘:+$;qy~& ~:~~~~~, ~~~~~.i’~~~~~~ jl ~.~.i~..~~.T: : “,3”7 2.0000 Inter-BMC PI unitslhr 315.3 18.6 18.6 23.9 USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page 3 Of 13 Revised IO/l197 Model Cost Summary I31 conversion 1 .o 291.8 124.0 259.3 I41 piggyback 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 I51 El $ per oper.’ $ per facilit$ 0..0257 0.0109 0.0109 0.1488 0.0087 0.0204 0.0076 0.0034 0.0063 0.0051 0.0000 0.2681 0.0043 0.0036 288.0 37.2 37.2 21.9 168.7 23.9 1.0 291.8 124.0 259.3 1.0 259.3 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.65 2.13 0.1877 0.0050 0.0117 21.9 168.7 315.3 18.6 23.9 18.6 259.3 1.0 1.0 291.6 259.3 124.0 2.13 1.65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0095 0.0095 0.2485 0.2485 275.1 37.2 21.9 1.0 291.8 259.3 124.0 269.9 291.8 259.3 124.0 1 .o 269.9 291.8 124.0 1 .o 291.8 124.0 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.64 0.1706~~~~~~~~~~~.i 0.0043 cj$~:::~>&$jg~ 1.0 291.8 1.84 1.84 0.1706 0.0043 0.0095 0.2485 0.0087 0.0029 0.0000 0.2485 0.0067 0.2888 o,,7,5j::;;:i,~,~~~~~~~tI o,o, o. :~~~:;~~~~~~~. o,oo87 ~~,~~~~~~~~j o,0235 ~,~~~~~~~~ ;y;"";;:.,t:" j .':.,\::.~+ ~~~l-~~~~~~~~: o.oo83 ~~~~~'~~~~ 0.0456 0.0026 Machinable Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont. Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0. Primary (scan) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs WI sacks Load OTRs w/loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HampersJOWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL Nonpresort IntraBMC Ill IA # handlings unitshr 1 .oooo 0.0224 0.0336 0.1684 0.4396 0.3090 0.0070 0.0224 0.0336 0.1684 0.4396 0.3090 0.0070 0.1684 0.4396 0.3090 0.0070 0.2108 0.2108 1 .oooo 0.8300 0.7327 0.2673 0.2384 0.0289 0.6025 0.1302 325.8 315.3 18.6 18.6 16.6 23.9 USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page4of13 Revised 1011197 Modal Cost Summary 131 conversion 19.2 1 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 333.8 19.2 1111.6 1 .o 37.2 307.4 37.2 291.6 37.2 124.0 21.9 259.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 307.4 “~~$$~,~~‘:f: 291.8 ~~iF~~~~~~~~~~i 124.0 ~~~~;ri~~~~~ 259.3 456.6 19.2 ~~j$:&$~ 19.2 ._jljj~ Ij~~.,/ 1433.3 1 .o 1433.3 1 .o 9.8 291.8 227.6 1.0 325.8 19.2 18.6 307.4 18.6 291.8 18.6 124.0 [41 piggyback 151 % per oper. PI 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0086 0.0075 0.1488 0.0062 0.0087 0.0204 0.0076 % per facilit$ 0.0255 0.0086 0.0002 0.0050 0.0015 0.0038 0.0063 0.0001 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0486 0.0047 0.0050 0.0117 0.0016 0.0009 0.0022 0.0036 2.03 1.69 1.69 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0360 0.0150 0.1886 0.0086 0.0095 0.0100 0.0235 0.0299 0.0110 0.0504 0.0021 0.0003 0.0060 0.0031 0.0445 0.0019 0.0001 0.0023 0.0012 0.0199 0.0003 0.0068 0.0034 0.0018 0.0046 0.0023 0.0099 0.0024 0.0026 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 325.8 18.6 18.6 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 39.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 19.2 291.8 124.0 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0089 0.0041 0.0043 0.0102 0.0953 0.0122 0.0128 0.0301 0.0075 0.0087 0.0204 0.2673 0.6025 275.1 37.2 19.2 291.8 124.0 19.2 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0089 0.0043 Machinable Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload Sacks Bedload loose Load Sacks in OTRs Load Loose in OTRs Load OWCs Load Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedload Sack Unload Bedload Loose Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload Other Wheeled Cont. Unload Pallet Dump OTR of sacks Dump OTR of loose Dump Other Wheeled Cont. Dump Pallet Sack Sorter Sack shakeout 0. Primary (key) Secondary (scan) Sweep Runouts OTR Sack and Tie Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/sacks Load OTRs WI loose Load HamperslOWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload Sacks in OTR Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL Nonpresort Intra-BMC Ill PI # handlings unitslhr 1 .oooo 0.0224 0.0336 0.1884 0.4396 0.3090 0.0070 0.0224 333.8 0.0336 1111.6 0.1884 37.2 0.4396 37.2 0.3090 37.2 0.0070 21.9 0.1884 i~~~~~~~~~ 0.4396 ;&$;i&$ 0.309,~~~~~~~~ 0.0070 ;$@$$:xj 0.2108 456.6 ,,21086’1C3&~~ 1 ,oooo gggyg o,8300 .‘Ai,4.& 0.7327 0.2673 0.2384 0.0289 0.6025 0.1302 9.8 227.6 325.8 18.6 18.6 18.6 0.2091 275.1 0.0253 37.2 0.5284 37.2 0.1142 37.2 0.2091 ~~~~~;~ o,0253 $&~z$& :;‘:,::,.~,:>:t ~..1,.., 0.5284 ‘&igt~~~; 0.1142~~~~~~ 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 325.9 18.6 18.6 0.2673 0.6025 275.1 37.2 Model Cost Summary [31 conversion 325.8 315.3 18.6 18.6 18.6 23.9 USPS-T-29 Appendix VI PaQe5of13 Retied 1OH/97 19.2 1 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 19.2 1.0 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 19.2 19.2 1 .o 1 .o 291.8 1 .o 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 39.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 19.2 291.8 124.0 19.2 291.6 124.0 141 piggyback t51 $ per oper. PI $ per facifii 0.0255 0.0086 0.0086 1.84 0.0075 0.0002 1.84 0.1488 0.0050 1.84 0.0082 0.0015 1.84 0.0087 0.0038 1.84 0.0204 0.0063 1.84 0.0076 0.0001 0.1909 2.13 0.0084 0.0002 2.13 0.0486 0.0016 2.13 0.0047 0.0009 2.13 0.0050 0.0022 2.13 0.0117 0.0036 2.13 0.0095 0.0001 1 ,69 ‘~~~~~~~~~~~:i~~~~~,~~~~,~~~~ , ,6g ~~~~~~;iii;;~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~ 1.69 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 .69 :x: ~~~~a,~~~~~~~.~~~.,~~~~~~~~ j 2,41 ..:‘.~,.,::.‘o.b‘dio 0.0015 1.69 1.69 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0150 0.1886 0.0086 0.0095 0.0100 0.0235 1.84 0.0204 1.84 1.84 0.0110 0.0504 0.0021 0.0003 0.0060 0.0031 0.0023 ~!j$&gip~~~ ;I;; 0.0089 0.0024 0.0043 0.0026 Nonmachinable Nonpresort 111 # handlings Origin SCF Unload Containers’ Bedload NMOs Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs in OWCs Load NMOs on Pallets Destination BMC Unload Bedloaded NMOs Unload NMOs in OTRs Unload NMOs in OWC Unload NMOs on Pallets D. Primary NM0 Sort Bedload from IHC Load NMOs in OTRs Load NMOs on Pallet Load NMOs in OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload to IHC Unload OTRs Unload Pallet Unload OWC Move IHC Move OTRs Move Pallet Move OWC Manual Sort Move IHC Move OTRs Move OWC Bedload NMOs Load OTRs w/ loose Load HamperslOWC Destination Delivery Unlr Unload Bedload NMOs Unload loose in OTR Intra-BMC PI unitslhr Model Cost Summary (31 conversion I41 piggyback ‘I .oooo 0.0230 0.7260 0.2500 0.0010 315.3 18.6 18.6 23.9 1.0 291.8 124.0 259.3 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0230 288.0 1.0 291.8 124.0 259.3 1 .o 1 .o 291.8 259.3 124.0 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 I .65 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 1.0 291.8 259.3 124.0 269.9 291.8 259.3 124.0 1.0 269.9 291.8 124.0 1 .o 291.8 124.0 1.84 1.84 1.0 291.8 1.84 1.84 0.2673 0.6025 275.1 37.2 USPS-T-29 Appendix VI PaQe6Of13 Revised 1O/l 197 I51 PI $ per Oper.’ $ per facilit? 0.0257 . 0.0109 0.0109 0.1488 0.0034 0.0087 0.0063 0.0204 0.0051 0.0076 .,.~.rA,~ 0.0000 .., ,,.,I,. ~~.,,j :::ii-.+/,~,~ 11-;& 4gq:;;; ..,,i><,.l ‘-:.: 0.1877 0.0043 0.0050 0.0036 0.0117 0.0029 0.0095 0.0000 0.2485 0.2485 0.17 1 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~!~ SK;; 0.0100~l’r~~~~~~~~~~~~. 0.0087 :~~~~~~~~~~ 0.0235 ~~,~~~~:~~~ 0.0087’~~~~~g~~~ 0.0204 :~~~~~9~;B~ 0.0495 0.1706 0.0456 0.0043 0.0026 Machinable BMC Presort PI # handlings Origin SCF Unload Gaylord Load Gaylord Origin BMC Unload Gaylord Crsdk Gaylord Load Gaylord Destination BMC Unload Gaylord Dump Gaylord D. Primary (Scan) Secondary (scan) Container Loader OTR Sack 8 Tie Bedload Vans Load OTRs w/ sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload OTRs w/lsacks Unload OTRs w/ loose Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sack Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs wl loose Load HampenlOWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL 1 .oooo 1 .oooo USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page7of13 Revised 1O/l /97 Model Cost Summary PI unitslhr 131 conversion 21.9 23.9 [41 piggyback t51 I61 $ per oper.’ 8 per faCifit3 359.8 359.8 359.8 359.8 359.8 1 .oooo _.~(,~~.~~/~,,~~.~ 21.9 1 .oooo ~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5850 1433.3 1.1225 1433.3 0.7327 9.8 0.2673 227.6 0.2384 325.8 0.0289 18.6 0.8025 18.6 0.1302 18.6 359.8 359.8 1.0 1 .o 291.8 1.0 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2091 0.0253 0.5284 0.1142 0.2344 0.5284 0.1142 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 39.2 307.4 291 .a 124.0 19.2 291 .a 124.0 0.2673 0.6025 0.1302 275.1 37.2 37.2 37.2 ~~~~~~~~~; ::i:;II~,,;~~~~~~: :d~~~~~~~~ll i”~~~~;_~~~~~: 325.8 18.6 18.6 275.1 37.2 37.2 19.2 291.8 124.0 1.84 0.0102 0.0013 Machinable Origin SCF Unload Gaylord Load Gaylord Origin BMC Unload Gaylord Crsdk Gaylord Load Gaylord Destination BMC Unload Gaylord Dump Gaylord D. Primary (Key) Secondary (scan) Container Loader OTR Sack 8 Tie Bedload Vans Load OTRs WI sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load OWC Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload OTRs w/lsacks Unload OTRs w/ loose Unload OWC Crossdock Bedload Sack Crossdock Sacks in OTR Crossdock loose in OTR Crossdock OWC Bedload Sacks Load OTRs w/ loose Load Hampers/OWC Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Unload loose in OTR Unload OWC Dump Sacks TOTAL USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page8of13 Revised 10/i/97 BMC Presort Model Cost Summary [II PI # handlings units/hr 1.oooo 1 .oooo [31 conversion 21.9 23.9 1 .oooo 21.9 1 0000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~; , 0000 :~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~ 1433.3 0.8300 0.7327 9.8 227.6 0.2673 325.8 0.2384 0.0289 18.6 0.6025 18.6 18.6 0.1302 275.1 0.2673 0.6025 37.2 37.2 0.1302 0.2673 ~~~.:r~~~~~~ 1.8300 I41 piggyback PI PI S per oper.’ S per facilitg 0.0114 0.0060 0.0060 0.0055 0.0055 ‘$;g?ji&i&;,,i:< :>,:A-.:~ . ‘.~.&...,,.<‘:,h. 0.0069 0.0069 :~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 359.8 359.8 1.84 1.84 359.8 359.8 359.8 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.0063 0.0063 ~~~~~~~~~~~,i- 359.8 359.8 1.0 1.0 291.8 1.0 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 2.13 0.0089 0.0069 1.69 1.69 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 39.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 19.2 291.8 124.0 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.0110 0.0504 0.0021 0.0003 0.0080 0.0235 0.0031 ;;;i,‘y;,w&f&g;;; !;: o,oo8g i:?i ,:,.5.jl :,~-.,:‘:;:$, 0.0019 0.0001 0.0023 0.0012 1.84 1.84 0.0087 0.0204 19.2 291.8 124.0 19.2 1.84 1.84 1.64 1.84 Model Cost ..~. 0.0046 0.0023 ~~~~~~ii~i:~,~ 0.0089 0.0024 0.0043 0.0026 0.0102 0.0013 Nonmachinable 111 # handlings Oriain BMC Presort PI unitslhr USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page9of13 Revised IO/l/97 Model Cost Summary [31 [41 conversion plggyback PI 161 $ per oper.’ $ per facili$ SCF 305 0 305.0 305.0 305.0 305.0 305.0 1.0 1.0 291.8 259.3 124.0 1.0 291.8 259.3 124~0 269~9 291.8 259.3 124.0 1.0 269.9 291.6 124.0 1.0 291.8 124.0 1.0 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.1706 0~0043 0.0495 0.0456 0.0026 5-Digit 111 # handlings Origin SCF Unload Sack Bedload Sacks Origin BMC Unload Bedload Sack SSM Bedload Sacks Destination BMC Unload Bedload Sack SSM Bedload Sacks Destination SCF Unload Bedload Sack Crossdock Bedload Sacks1 Bedload Sacks Destination Delivery Unit Unload Bedload Sacks1 Dump Sacks TOTAL 121 units/hr USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page 10 of 13 Revised 1011197 Presort [31 cOnversion t41 piggyback I51 $ per oper. 161 $ per facilit$ 0.0075 0.0357 0.0075 0.0241 0.0084 0.0070 0.0086 0.0241 0.0084 0.0070 0.0086 ~:~;~&$g~~~~ ii:liu,~,.~;~,,~ ,.;,. j ..Ij i 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 333.8 325.8 19.2 19.2 1.84 1.84 0.0357 0.0075 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 333.8 456.6 325.8 19.2 19.2 19.2 2.13 2.41 2.13 0.0084 0.0070 0.0086 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 1 .oooo 333.8 458.6 325.8 19.2 19.2 19.2 2.13 2.41 2.13 0.0084 0.0070 0.0086 1 ,oooo ygrf?~.; 1 .oooo 325.8 19.2 1 84 _.,;.-,-l,l~,., 0.0075 ,.,/, ., .~...~ ,.,.. o :6~ 19.2 gg$#$ 0.0089 o.oc 1 .oooo 275.1 1.84 IModel Weight~hib~UfPS-~F 2.0% 1 USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page 11 of 12 Productivities and Conversion Factors for Direct Labor Operations UnitslWkhr Marginal UNLOADING Rev’sed 1o’1/g7 Conversion Factors 3/ Machinable 19.2 1.0 n/a 19.2 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 347.5 359.8 n/a NM0 nla nla 1.0 1.0 n/a 291.8 124.0 259,3 n/a n/a 305.0 307.4 291.8 124.0 259.3 347.5 359.8 19.2 19.2 19.2 n/a 291.8 124.0 259.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a PARCEL SORTING MACHINE DISTRIBUTION Key Rate Primary (FY93 PIRS) Scan Rate Primary Secondary Rate (PIRS 96) 1.0 1.0 1.0 n/a NONMACHINABLE OUTSIDES DISTRIBUTION NM0 Distribution (FY 95, PIRS) NM0 Secondary Distribution at SCFs (MODS FY 95) n/a n/a 10 1.0 OTHER OPERATIONS Tend contarner loader/sweep runouts (Origin BMC - Postal Pak) Tend container loader/sweep runouts (Deshnating BMC OTR) Crossdock BMC Presorted Pallets Crossdock BMC Presorted Gaylords Crossdock IHCs wl5-d sacks or NMOs Crossdock IHCs w15d presorted sacks Sack and Tie 347.5 291.8 n/a 359.8 39 2 129.8 1.0 nla nla 305.0 n/a 269 9 LOADING Bedload NMOs to van (proxy for machinables) Bedload Sacked Machinables Load loose parcels in OTRs to van Load sacked machinables in OTRs to van Load Other Wheeled Containers (OWC) to van Load pallets to van Load Postal Paks to van Load Gaylord to van 1.0 19.2 291.8 307.4 124.0 259 3 347 5 359.8 1.0 n/a 291.8 n/a 124.0 259.3 nla nla Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload Unload sacked machinable parcels to extended conveyor machrnable parcels to extended conveyor non-machinable parcels non-machinable parcels to IHC only (proxy for sacks) machtnable parcels sacked in OTRs parcels loose in OTRs Wire Tainer/Hamper/APC (Other Wheeled Cont. - OWC) Pallets Postal Paks Gaylords (of BMC presorted parcels) Pallets (of BMC presorted NMOs) DUMPING 8 SACK HANDLING Dump Sacks in OTRs Dump OTRs (loose) Dump Other Wheeled Containers Dump Pallets Dump Postal Paks Dump Gaylords Sack shake out Manually dump sacks Sack sorter (FY96 PIRS) (OWC) n/a n/a USPS-T-29 Appendix VI Page 12 Of 12 Rewed 10/l/97 Other Inputs lY Clerk and Mail Handier Wage Rate Mail Processing Operation Specific Parcel Sorting Machine NM0 Sorting at BMC NM0 Sorting at SCF Other Operations at BMCs Sack Sorting Machine - BMC Platform Non-BMC Platform BMC Piggyback $25.445 6/ Factors Mail Flow Arrival and Dispatch Profiles Machinable Parcels Arriving in Bedloaded Sacks at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving Bedloaded at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving sacked in OTRs at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving loose I” OTRs at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving I” Hampers/APC/OWC (OWC) at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving Palletized at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving Bedloaded at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving Palletlzed at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving in OTR Containers at BMC Non-Machinable Parcels Arriving in HamperslAPCIOWC (OWC) at BMC Machinable Parcels Arriving in Postal Paks at Destination BMC (from Orlgin BMC) NMOs Arriwng Palletized at Destination BMC (from Origin BMC) Machinab!e Parcels g&patched in Bedloaded Sacks to Service Area Machinable Parcels Disbatched loose in OTRs to Service Area Machinable Parcels Dispatched sacked in OTRs to Service Area Machinable Parcels Dispatched in Hampers/APC/OWC (OWC) to Service Area Non-Machtnable Parcels Dispatched Bedloaded to Plant Non-Machmable Parcels Dispatched on Pallets to Plant Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in OTRs to Plant Non-Machmable Parcels Dispatched in Hampers!APC/OWC (OWC) to Plant Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched Bedloaded to Delivery Unit (proxy math) Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in OTRs to Delivery Unit (proxy math) Non-Machinable Parcels Dispatched in HampersiAPCIOWC (OWC) to Delivery Unit (proxy) Mail Flow Operating AssumpUons Percent with direct transportation to destinating dellvery unit from BMC Percent Sorted to 5.Digits by Primary Parcel Sorting Machine Destinating BMCs will feed barcoded destinating mail unfiltered to secondary Probability that mail fed directly to nonspecific secondary will receive more than one sort 1/ . .~~~~.._.,j,, ,,j,, Ij~~j~ ,~~~ .,..,,~.., ~~~~~~~~~.i-r~~d!~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~ 2/ National databases (PIRS and MODS) 31 Page 13 of this appendix. 4/ USPS LR-H-131 5/ Productivity of Secondary as Proxy 6/ USPS LR-H-146 7/ USPS LR-H-77 8/ USPS-T-29 Section V.B.2. 9/ USPS LR-PCR40 IO/Proxy based on Planning Guidelines 2.027 1.647 1.536 1.687 2.414 1.844 2.125 71 71 7/ 71 71 71 71 2.24% 3.36% 18.84% 43 96% 30.90% 0 70% 2.30% 0.10% 72.60% 25.00% 4/ 41 4/ 4/ 4/ 4/ 4/ 4/ 4/ 4/ 100% 8/ 100% 8/ 23.84% 60.25% 2.89% 13.02% 12.91% 30 98% 53 63% 2.48% 26.73% 60.25% 13~02% 12% 17% 50% 50% (PGLs) l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ 91 8/ 8/ 81 -2CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding in accordance document with section 12 of the Rules of Practice (i2k4*3LbM Anthony 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2997; Fax -6187 October 1, 1997 upon all F. Alvet’do
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