AN ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY HILL’S YIELD CRITERION PARAMETERS USING STRAIN FIELD MEASURED BY DIC TECHNIQUE H. Haddadi and S. Belhabib CNRS-LPMTM, Université Paris 13 – Institut Galilée 99, av. J.-B. Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France ABSTRACT This study in an attempt to identify Hill’s criterion by exploiting strain fields and force-displacement curve. The sample used for the mechanical test is non-standard, it was developed to ensure a wide heterogeneous strain field covering the gauge area for the identification of material parameters purpose. This kind of identification method is very attractive; it is targeted to identify constitutive laws with a minimal number of non-standard mechanical tests. The identification strategy adopted here consists in the minimization of a cost-function representing a weighted least square difference between the simulated and measured data. Strain fields were measured by digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The studied material is a Dual-Phase steel used in automobile industry. First results show that identification using strain fields and force-displacement curve gives acceptable values of Hill’s criterion parameters. Introduction The identification of material parameters is very important in order to perform realistic prediction of the material behaviour by numerical simulations. An alternative to the classical methods of identification consists in the exploitation of the strain field measured on a non-standard specimen [1, 2]. We have shown in previous studies the improvement brought by the exploitation of the strain field to the quality of the identification of the material hardening parameters [3, 4]. The aim of this work is to check the feasibility of the identification of Hill’s yield criterion parameters using full-field strain measurements and forcedisplacement response of a unique non-standard sample. Material behaviour The studied material is assumed to have standard rate independent elasto-plastic behaviour. The elasticity is linear and isotropic. The yield criterion of plasticity used is the Hill’48 [5]. It is given by: f (σ ,ε p ) = σ − Y(ε p ) = 0 (1) where σ2 = F( σ yy − σ zz )2 + G( σ zz − σ xx )2 + H( σ xx − σ yy )2 + 2Lσ yz2 + 2Mσ zx2 + 2Nσ xy2 σ is the equivalent stress of Hill, σ ij (2) denotes the components of the stress tensor of Cauchy in the orthotropic axes and ε p is the equivalent plastic strain. The work-hardening is assumed to be isotropic. Its evolution is explicitly given by a Swift law: Y(ε p ⎛ εp ⎞ ) = Y0 ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎜ ε 0 ⎟⎠ ⎝ n (3) The parameters to be identified are F, G, N for Hill’s yield criterion, and Y0 , ε 0 , n for the hardening Swift law. Notice that G+H=1, this is obtained by imposing the equality between the measured yield limit and the equivalent stress given by Hill’s yield criterion for a uniaxial traction along the rolling direction. We assume also that L=M=1.5. These laws were implemented in 1 an FE code called EPIM3D [6]. The geometry of the used sample was developed to increase the heterogeneity of the strain field, ensure divers strain-paths and permit a good sensitivity to the material parameters [3, 4]. Measurement of the in-plane deformation The used technique for displacement field measurement is the digital image correlation technique. This needs a vision system in order to acquire images of the deformed surface of the sample during the test. A correlation package is necessary to process the acquired images and give access to the displacement field. The strain field is obtained by numerical differentiation. The vision system used in this study is a 4 Mega Pixels CCD sensor providing 8 bit grayscale images. The camera is placed in front of the sample surface. Fibre light guides are used as lighting source. Given that the sample surface of the studied material was not textured, a random speckle pattern was deposited on the sample surface using black and white paint. Images are processed by a graphical user's interface software called "Sept-D" developed by Vacher et al.[7]. Identification of Hill’s parameters a) with classical method Classical method consists in two totally independent identifications. The first one is the identification of the hardening parameters achieved on a classical tensile test and the second one concerns the identification of Hill’s yield criterion parameters using seven classical tensile tests. 1-identification of Swift parameters The identification of Swift parameters was performed using the mean values curves of stress vs. strain obtained during a classical tensile test along the rolling direction. The identification is based on the minimization of a least square difference, called also a cost-function, given by: 2 1 exp ⎛ σ Swift ( Ps , ε i ) − σ exp (ε i ) ⎞ ⎟ , ∑⎜ n exp i =1 ⎝ σ exp (ε i ) ⎠ n Fs (Ps ) = (4) where σ exp (ε i ) and σ Swift (Ps , ε i ) are respectively the experimental and the Swift model value of stress corresponding to the strain εi . Ps = {Y0 , ε 0 , n} is the parameters set of the Swift model and The identified values of the parameters are ε 0 = 1.66 × 10 , experimental and the Swift model average stress-strain curves. −3 Y0 = 330 n exp is the number of the experimental points. MPa, n = 0.187 [8,9]. Figure 1 shows the 900 800 700 experience model σ [MPa] 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 p ε [] Figure 1. Experimental and identified stress-strain curves obtained from tensile test. 2 2-identification of Hill’s parameters The coefficients of Hill's criterion were identified using the curve r = r(α ) of Hill's coefficient of anisotropy vs. the angle of the tensile test loading with respect to the rolling direction. These coefficients were fixed so that the theoretical values of the anisotropy coefficient of Hill r = r(α ) , given by Equation (6), fit well the experimental values given in Table 1. As for Swift parameters, the coefficients of Hill’s yield criterion were identified by minimizing a cost-function based on a weighted least square difference given by: FH (PH ) = 1 nα 2 ⎛ r H (PH ,α j ) − r exp (α j ) ⎞ w (α j ) ⎜ ⎟⎟ , ∑ ⎜ r exp (α j ) j =1 ⎝ ⎠ nα (5) with ⎧ 1 if α = 0° or 90° w(α ) = ⎨ , ⎩2 otherwise and r H (PH ,α ) = where nα ε22p 4 − 4G − (F + 4 − 3G − 2N)sin 2 (2α ) = , ε33p 2 ( (G − F) cos 2α + F + G ) (6) is the number of the angles of the tensile tests, r H (PH ,α j ) and r exp (α j ) are, respectively, the theoretical and the experimental values of the anisotropy coefficient of Hill at the jth angle. criterion. α (°) r = r(α ) PH = {F,G, N} is the parameters set of Hill's yield 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 1.01± 0.03 0.90± 0.01 0.82± 0.01 0.76± 0.04 0.88± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.02 0.98 ± 0.07 Table 1. Mean values of Hill’s coefficient of anisotropy and the related deviation for different directions of tensile test axis with respect to the rolling direction. For each value of the angle α three tests were performed. Table 1 shows the average value and dispersion of Hill's coefficient of anisotropy. The identified coefficients of Hill's yield criterion are: F=0.490, G=0.504 and N=1.270 . The evolution of the experimental and modelled Hill’s coefficient of anisotropy vs. orientation of the tensile test axis with respect to the rolling direction is depicted in Figure 3. b) by exploiting the strain field We present here the proposed method for the identification of material parameters, its implementation and the obtained results. Figure 2 depicts the identification block diagram, where the simulation is started with an initial parameters set. After computing the cost-function, the convergence conditions are checked, if not satisfied a new parameters set is generated and the cost-function is recomputed again. This procedure is repeated until meeting the convergence conditions. The optimization © procedure is based on Matlab routines which use the simplex algorithm [10]. Notice that the boundary conditions applied to the simulation are measured experimentally; in this study mean values of the measured displacement are applied. 3 Figure 2. Block diagram of the identification strategy The identification strategy consists in the minimization of the overall cost-function Φ given by the following expression: With Φ ( P ) = (1 − β1 − β 2 )Φ F (P ) + β1Φ ε (P ) + β 2Φ r (P ) (7) Φε (P ) = λ1Φε xx (P ) + (1 − λ1 )Φε yy (P ) (8) 2 sim exp 1 n F ⎛ F (t i , P) − F (t i ) ⎞ Φ F (P) = ∑ ⎜ ⎟ , exp ⎟ n F i =1 ⎜⎝ F (t i ) ⎠ Φε xx (P ) = Where Φ F , Φ ε 1 n img (9) 2 n sim exp 1 mp ⎛ ε xx ( X j , t i , P) − ε xx ( X j , t i ) ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ , ∑ ∑ exp ε xx ( X j , t i ) i =1 n mp j =1 ⎝ ⎠ n img (10) and Φ r represent a least square difference between the measured and the simulated total force, strain field and Hill’s coefficient of anisotropy r = r(α ) respectively. β1 and β 2 are weighting coefficients of the overall cost-function, so that β1 + β 2 < 1 . λ1 is the weighting coefficient of the strain field cost-function, so that λ1 ≤ 1 . n img is the number of fields and n mp is the number of virtual grid nodes per field. P = {F,G,N, Y0 , ε 0 , n} is the parameters set to identify. 4 Results and discussion The obtained results are given in table 2. The identifications identif.#1, identif.#2 and identif.#3 denote, respectively, the classical identification method, the identification using total force curve and strain fields, identification using total force curve, strain fields and r = r(α ) curve. 1.5 experience identif. #1 identif. #2 identif. #3 r[] 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 α [°] 60 70 80 90 Figure 3. Variation of Hill’s coefficient of anisotropy vs. orientation of the tensile test axis with respect to the rolling direction. Identif.#1: classical identification method; Identif.#2: identification using total force curve and strain fields; Identif.#3: identification using total force curve, strain fields and r = r(α ) curve. Figure 4. Experimental and identified longitudinal Green-Lagrange strain field ε xx at U=3.95 mm : (a) experience, (b) classical identification method; (c) identification using total force curve and strain fields ( β1 = 0.005, β 2 = 0 and λ1 = 0.95 ); (d) identification using total force curve, strain fields and r = r(α ) curve ; ( β1 = 0.0100, β 2 = 0.5 and λ1 = 0.95 ). 5 Figure 5. Experimental and identified transversal Green-Lagrange strain field ε yy at U = 3.95 mm : (a) experience, (b) classical identification method; (c) identification using total force curve and strain fields ( β1 = 0.005, β 2 = 0 and λ1 = 0.95 ); (d) identification using total force curve, strain fields and r = r(α ) curve ; ( β1 = 0.01, β 2 = 0.50 and λ1 = 0.95 ). Identif.#1 Weighting coefficients of Φ Weighting coefficients of Φε Swift’s parameters Hill’s parameters Cost-functions Identif.#2 Identif.#3 Φε β1 - 0,005 0.01 Φr β2 - 0 0.50 ΦF 1 − β1 − β 2 - 0.995 0.49 Φε xx λ1 - 0.95 0,95 Φε yy 1 − λ1 - 0.05 0,05 Y0 (MPa) 330.3 301.2 296.3 ε0 1.66 x10-3 2.97 x10-3 2.47 x10-3 n 0.187 0.236 0.229 F 0.4900 0.5534 0.4878 G 0.5040 0.5250 0.5059 N 1.270 1.105 1.269 ΦF 4.57 x10 Φε 5.24 x10-2 9.00 x10-3 8.49 x10-3 Φr 8.55 x10 -4 4.68 x10-2 8.35 x10-4 Φ 3.20 x10-3 4.00 x10-4 6.82 x10-4 -3 3.57 x10 Table 2. Identified hardening and yield criterion parameters. 6 -4 3.66 x10-4 Figure 3 shows the obtained r = r(α ) curves for the different identifications. Best results are obtained for identification using classical method and the one using experimental data of the non-standard sample but that takes into account the curve r = r(α ) coming from standard tests. The identification method that uses only strain fields and F-u curve gives an r = r(α ) curve having a profile close to the one identified on the experimental values of Hill’s coefficient of anisotropy curve. We should point out, however, that the obtained results depend relatively on the weighting coefficients. The proposed method of identification gives good agreement concerning strain fields contrary to the classical method that overestimates them (Figures 4 and 5). The identification identif.#3 shows that it is possible to obtain good results on strain fields, F-u curve and r = r(α ) curve at the same time. In order to improve the obtained results concerning the identification of Hill’s parameters using experimental data of a non-standard test, it seems necessary to add another non-standard test with an angle between the loading direction and the rolling direction different from 0°. Conclusions Hill’s yield criterion and Swift parameters were identified satisfactorily using a unique non-standard tensile sample. This study shows the feasibility of the identification of both hardening and yield criterion simultaneously. The proposed identification method is interesting because it permits to reduce the number of mechanical tests needed for the identification. In our case one non-standard tensile test was used instead of seven classical ones. In addition to this, the method gives good results concerning the prediction of strain fields and force displacement response. The obtained Hill’s parameters are indeed acceptable but their identification should be improved in order to reproduce as accurately as possible the experimental r = r(α ) curve. 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