ASSESSMENT OF HYGROTHERMAL AGEING AND DAMAGE IN SANDWICH FOAM USING TSA. E. Lembessis, J.M.Dulieu-Barton, R.A. Shenoi. School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK ABSTRACT The present paper is an introduction to the use of Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) to assess the response to closed-cell PVC structural foams from damage sustained during service in a marine environment. The effects of damage were accelerated by hygrothermal ageing at a temperature of 60ºC in distilled water. The CTS-type foam specimens contained a scalpel induced ‘edge-crack’ which were loaded at 0º, 10º, 30º, 45º, 60º,80º and 90º to obtain fracture toughness properties. A correlation was observed between increasing foam density and resistance to moisture uptake, with moisture acting as a plasticizer replacing that which has been leached away during immersion. After exposure to moisture specimens exhibited increased brittleness with significant reductions in energy to fracture. Linear foams were found to absorb almost twice the moisture of a cross-linked equivalent, and experience the greatest change in energy to fracture, most notably in shear, the most vulnerable loading mode for a sandwich structure. A CEDIP ‘Silver’ infrared system comprising an array of 320 x 240 detectors was used to perform TSA and evaluate the effects of fracture damage. The system recording capability allows crack propagation to be captured in real-time. The thermoelastic signal data at the crack-tip was related to stress using a calibration constant obtained from a specimen in its aged or unaged states when loaded with a known uniform stress. In addition, a highresolution lens attachment allowed the cellular response to a crack-tip to be magnified, revealing the complex stress distribution on the thin struts around individual foam cells. Introduction Foam cored sandwich composites commonly employed in yacht and boat hulls are subjected to punishing conditions during their service life, exposing the structures to extremes of loading and the environment. Structural safety factors are largely based upon the tensile strength of the skin while the vulnerability of the core in shear is recognised with an extra safety factor of 0.5.This may be reduced for cores with good shear fatigue performance such as linear foams which are commonly used in regions within the hull that are subjected to slamming [1]. In the rest of the hull structure a common structural core is a PVC cross-linked, closed-cell foam of density 130 kgm-3, i.e. of the minimum density recommended in design guidelines. Lower values may be permitted but are not encouraged [2 ,3]. Core failure in a shear or mixed mode has been an ongoing concern aggravated by the destructive influence of moisture which can access the core not only through gross damage, but via diffusion mechanisms through the skin (Figure 1). An issue which has hindered the understanding of sandwich core behaviour has been the difficulty in obtaining stress information direct from the material as strain gauges are better suited to bonding on skins. This work seeks to utilise the full-field technique of Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) to assess damage sustained by the core due to ageing and its response to an event such as a crack. The intention is that this new approach will provide improved understanding of core failure and may assist designers in developing safer designs for the marine industry. Diffusion through gel coat leading to residual stress, swelling, capillary action along fibres, matrix cracking, and delamination SKIN CORE Hydrolysis of coupling agents forming molecules larger than diffused moisture entrapped in acidic pockets leading to void erosion small molecules of plasticizers & additives leached away & act as electrolyte enhancing osmotic pressure attracting moisture. Therefore higher density seawater less aggressive than freshwater Surface damage exposing fibres or core directly from collision or grounding Voids, freeze-thaw of trapped moisture may exploit minute defects and microcracks Cell outgassing (commonly CO2) accelerated by temperature rise, eg. warm seas, sun Scoring, breather holes, saw blade cuts, exposed cut cells readily absorb moisture Figure 1. Illustration of moisture damage and access routes in a marine sandwich Test Specimens Two representative closed-cell PVC foam materials were tested, a cross-linked (C70.130) and a linear blend (R63.140) from Airex, both of the type commonly used in marine structures. The specimens were cut using a fine toothed band saw from a single 20 mm thick sheet and in the same direction with the dimensions of 150 mm long and 100 mm wide. Loose particles were removed with vacuum suction prior to testing and/or immersion. The material composition and processing are unavailable in open literature, but the bulk material properties provided by the manufacturer are presented in Table 1. Cells are commonly considered as tetrakaidecahedron forms (14 faces, 36 edges, 24 vertices) though size appears to vary for the two foam types [4]. Micrographs in Figure 2 (a) and (b) depict a finer structure for the cross-linked cells with a mean diameter of 0.345 mm supported by thinner cell walls and struts 10 µm thick and edges approximately 0.19 mm long. After ageing, specimens set aside for mechanical testing had starter cracks inserted using a no.11 scalpel so that a crack-tip was approximately the same size as a single cell. The loading holes were machined at either end of the specimen and were protected by softwood end-tabs bonded to the specimens with Araldite adhesive. Density (kgm-3) Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Compressive Modulus (N/mm2) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) Tensile Modulus (N/mm2) Shear Strength (N/mm2) Shear Modulus (N/mm2) Shear Elongation % Thermal Conductivity W/mK 130 2.6 155 3.8 115 2.3 50 30 0.039 140 1.6 110 2.4 90 1.85 37 80 0.039 C70.130 (X-linked) R63.140 (Linear) Table 1 Material properties for primary cross-linked and linear foams tested R63.140 (linear) 0.6mm Molded surface (a) 0.6mm C70.130 (X-linked) Molded surface (b) x 10 R63.140 (linear) (c) x 10 C70.130 (X-linked) (d) x 50 Thin cell wall membrane (e) Figure 2 Micrographs of cellular features in experimental specimens Hygrothermal Ageing Methods for age acceleration are application rather than material orientated, so the approach to testing is based on ‘the suitability’ of a material for service in a set environment, e.g. a laminate for an aeronautics application, rather than determining the environments suitable for the material to be exposed to. Consequently, few methods link the material glass transition temperature (Tg) to the ageing temperature, which may effect thermal damage of the material rather than acceleration of damage due to moisture uptake. PVC materials and the hygrothermal diffusion of water across thin membranes such as foam cell walls are more relevant to medical applications where standards scrutinize durability and hygrothermal degradation closely, and in which the maximum recommended test temperature for PVC is restricted to 60ºC [5]. Despite generally excellent resistance to water, all polymers are permeable to some extent due to their long chain molecular structure, allowing water molecules to diffuse into interstitial sites and bond to the polar groups of the polymer causing swelling. The increased distance between polymer molecules weakens intermolecular forces, reducing the glass transition temperature (Tg) to produce a plasticizing effect and freeing molecules to rotate and translate, making Tg dependant on chain flexibility. Cross-linking can improve the strength of the polymer and hinder moisture ingress by the physical constraint of ‘blocking’ pathways and molecular chains [6]. Specimens were immersed in a Grant temperature regulated immersion tank of distilled water at 60ºC and the rate of absorption monitored gravimetrically. Five of the test specimens for each foam type, were periodically removed from the immersion tanks, ‘pat’ dried to remove excess free-water on the surface [7], weighed on a Mettler moisture balance accurate to 0.0001 g, and re-immersed within 3 mins from initial extraction. Specimens allocated for further characterisation by mechanical testing were removed at four stages during immersion 500 hrs, 1000 hrs, 10000 hrs, and 15000 hrs in addition to the final maximum exposure specimen. Once the desired ageing cycle was complete, the specimens were re-dried in air at 50ºC until no further weight loss was recorded. Specimens were then left at room temperature and humidity for a further 72 hrs, before being reweighed and prepared for mechanical testing. A progression of the gravimetric results for both foam types is shown in Figure 3. In Figure 4 the maximum percentage weight increase for 150√hrs immersion is shown for a range of material types. The materials had different densities and were -3 indicated by the suffix in kgm ;‘C’ and ‘R’ denoted cross-linked and linear respectively. Of primary interest is not the amount absorbed by each specimen, which is specific to the specimen surface preparation and exposure conditions of an elevated temperature environment, but in the relationship between the cross-linked and the linear foams. Both C70.130 and R.63.140 share a similar initial rate as water molecules enter cells cut open at the surface and through diffusion and capillary action, are transported across the thin cellular membranes to swell the cells while leaching out plasticizers and additives. Micrographs showed apparent swollen cells and pitting-like damage to cell struts and material loss may explain the fluctuations recorded in weight despite the trend of net increase. 300 C70.200 Linear (R.63.140) C70.130 250 C70.90 200 18ºC (Room Temp) 40ºC 60ºC C70.75 Material % Weight Increase R.63.140 Cross-linked (C70.130) 150 R.63.80 C51.60 100 C70.55 C70.40 50 R.63.50 R82.80 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 100 200 Figure 3. Gravimetric results for cross-linked and linear foam specimens (C70.130 and R63.140) at 60ºC. (Each data point is averaged from five specimens). 300 400 500 600 700 Maximum % Weight Increase Immersion Time (hrs) Figure 4. Final gravimetric results for range of foam materials, Predictable relationships emerged for immersion temperature and foam density with respect to moisture absorption, though the linear foam showed nearly twice the weight gain than the cross-linked material. Weight increase trends of the linear foam resemble that of a lower density cross-linked material while thicker cell walls appear to be less influential in resistance to moisture, as the lesser degree of cross-linking in the polymer chains permits a greater degree of mobility and rotation, allowing greater freedom of movement to water molecules than the thinner walled cross-linked cells. Interpretation of the trends in Figure 4 suggests that the practical implication if a linear R63.140 foam were required to match the moisture resistance of its -3 cross-linked counterpart, would require its density to be upgraded to 200kgm . Additionally, at 60ºC the increase in weight as a percentage of the initial virgin weight was approximately 266% and 136% for R63.140 (linear) and C70.130 (cross-linked) foams respectively. In Figure 4, data for the R63.140 and C70.130 at 40ºC and 18 ºC, is shown allowing an ageing approximation based upon an Arrhenius relationship by estimating a doubling of the absorption rate for every 10ºC increase in immersion temperature. In this manner 18500 hrs immersion at 60ºC may be conservatively related to a 30 year service life if the average exposure temperature is 18ºC. Thereby indicating that specimens aged beyond 18500 hrs may potentially be over-aged. Consequently, mechanical tests on specimens denoted as ‘aged’ were conducted on those extracted at the 15000 hrs interval. Fracture Toughness and Energy Absorption As a measure of the effects of ageing, tensile fracture tests were conducted using a CTS type rig shown in the experimental arrangement in Figure 5. Initial fracture tests were conducted at 1mm/min. The rig allowed the same specimen configuration to be used for testing at radial increments between mode I and mode II, providing information on the response of an age damaged specimen to the propagation of a crack. In this case the starter notch was half the specimen width. Fracture toughness values obtained for the virgin condition are given in Table 2. There is less confidence in the mode II data as during testing large bulk deformation of the foam was observed prior to failure. In general the fracture toughness of the linear foam appeared less than that of the cross-linked material, though resistance to crack propagation of virgin specimens was excellent. Linear foam was observed to suffer the greatest change with an almost 70% reduction in energy to fracture (Gc). The brittle behaviour due to hygrothermal ageing contrasted greatly to their excellent resistance to crack propagation in the virgin state, which generated lower confidence in KII results due to the extent of deformation exhibited and reflected in the ductile behaviour exhibited in the load-extension plots. Cross-linked X-linked (C70.130) Linear (R.63.140) Crack/tensile axis orientation KIC KI MPam0.5 KIICKII MPam0.5 KKICI MPam0.5 KK IICII MPam0.5 0º 10º 30º 45º 60º 80º 90º 0.281 0.255 0.227 0.167 0.102 0.058 0 0 0.031 0.063 0.074 0.086 0.116 0.144 0.177 0.162 0.143 0.105 0.064 0.033 0 0 0.015 0.04 0.047 0.055 0.088 0.116 Table 2: Initial virgin K values Figure 5 Experimental arrangement showing a C70.130 specimen in the mixed-mode loading rig within a servo-hydraulic test machine with the Cedip system. In the virgin condition, linear foams (more than cross-linked), allow a greater degree of rotation of the cell struts towards the tensile axis thereby alleviating the bending moment. The fracture surface may then display signs of local plastic tearing of cell struts and a degree of kinking in the pathway of the crack (see Figure 6a). Following ageing, increased brittleness is apparent with the fracture surface showing limited tearing and kinking (see Figure 6b) and fracturing in brittle fashion across cells at the crack-tip in contrast to the virgin crack-tip (see Figure6c). While in the wet condition, the water molecules absorbed into the cells, become positioned interstitially between polymer chains act as plasticizers and swelling the cells and material (see Figure 6d), but once specimens are re-dried, the extent of ageing damage is more readily observed. Leaching of polymer additives caused pitting-like damage to the cell struts indicated by Figure 6(e), reducing the ability of the strut to rotate and causing local weakening, which results in increased brittle fracture behaviour. Fracture toughness tests on aged specimens were conducted in mode I and II only, pending completion of TSA tests on the mixed mode samples. Figure 7 shows the calculated critical fracture energy (Gc), values derived from experimental KC values. (a) Virgin C70.130 (x-linked) Mode I propagating cracktip from scalpel insert (b) (c) (d) (e) 15000hrs aged C70.130 Mode I propagating crack tip from scalpel insert Virgin R63.140 (Linear) Mode I propagating crack tip from scalpel insert In-situ R63.140 (Linear) Cells swollen with moisture 15000 hrs aged R63.140 Pitted damage to struts Figure 6 Micrographs of cells before, during and after accelerated ageing (15000hrs) in the re-dried condition (mag. x10). Response of the aged cells to impact was of additional interest as linear foams are frequently incorporated into boat-hull structures for their resilience and energy absorption properties in areas subject to high impact loads. Cell response was determined by Vernier calliper depth and diameter measurements of impacts made by a 4.5mm steel ball from a 0.5 m -1 distance with velocity 90 ms for a high strain rate test, and by an ASTM D3029-84(F) drop test [8], with a 4.5 mm ball-tipped tup with a total weight 0.725 kg from a low height of 0.25 m for a low strain rate test. Five specimens per data point with the standard configuration (150 x 100 x 20 mm) were used. The values in Figure 7 are not absolutes for the material but subject to specific test conditions (e.g. impacting diameter, strain rate), and associated calculations such as those that give geometrical factors to solve for K [9], and some variation is expected as more specimens become available for testing. Consequently, it is the comparative changes in virgin/aged foams which are of significance. Overall, linear foam specimens were seen to be the most sensitive to hygrothermal ageing, with the greatest vulnerability exposed by loading in shear. However, K values, and consequently any values based upon them did not convey the impressive resistance offered by linear specimens to the propagation of a crack. R63.140 in its virgin state would deform extensively under shear loads, but frustrating crack growth and leading to eventual plastic tearing of the cells rather than fracture. Similar yet subdued behavior was observed in the aged specimens, and with microscopic examination of the fracture surface showing tearing of cells at the core centre, but brittle-like fracture at the edges. This would reflect the uneven depth penetration of moisture and subsequent variation of Young’s modulus through the specimen thickness. Impact testing indicated linear foam to be most sensitive to strain rate in both virgin and aged conditions, and also most vulnerable to the effects of hygrothermal ageing for both strain rates. At a low strain rate, virgin linear cells were observed to effect a recovery in the indentation depth which was absent in the aged specimen. Under visual examination indentation edges appeared smoothed with cells plastically compressed, however, cross-linked cells showed signs of brittle fracture which were emphasized by ageing. While at a high strain rate the change caused by ageing in linear foams was only 10 %, it was six times greater than the change observed for cross-linked cores. At a low strain rate the aged linear cells greatly resisted indentation by 76%, while cross-linked cell resistance decreased by 66%. Impact Depth Fracture Energy (Gc) Virgin R63.140 0.97 -2 3.16 2.689x10 1.81 4.14 4.1 (-23.2%) 3.18 (-23%) 5.212 (-24.02%) 5.2 (-24%) Aged 4.5x10-3 (-68%) 2.41 6.86 6.7 Virgin C70.130 1.406x10-2 2.75 (+1.31) mm 1.07 (-70.6%) 1.1 (-70%) 1.33 (-61.7%) 1.3(-62%) Aged Thermoelastic Coefficient 2.69mm 3.48 3.4 3.64 3.6 3.01 3.1 Mode I Mode II 1.853x10-2 High strain rate Low strain rate Figure 7 Preliminary experimental values for virgin C70.130 and R.63.140, with property changes after 15000 hrs ageing Damage sustained by the cells during hygrothermal ageing appears to have affected their energy absorption response considerably, with the implication that a hull cored with a cross-linked foam may be at greater risk to low velocity collision or grounding, while linear cored hulls designed for wave energy impact absorption may risk a reduced fatigue life with increased vulnerability to shear crack development. Thermoelastic Stress Analysis The basis of TSA is that a material will experience a small change in temperature if the volume is fractionally altered by an applied force thereby altering the energy within. Adiabatic conditions are met by rapid cycling of the load to promote energy conservation between the loading and unloading stages. The relationship between temperature and load is linear, which for an isotropic material, where the small temperature change (∆T) is directly proportional to the change in the sum of the principal stresses in the material ∆(σx+ σy). In the current work, the small temperature is detected by the 320 x 240 InSb infra-red detector array of a CEDIP ‘Silver’ system. This detected signal is processed and correlated to a loading cycle ‘reference’ signal from an Instron servo-hydraulic test machine. The thermoelastic signal produced by the Cedip system is measured in ‘DL‘ signal units and the phase angle difference between reference and the thermoelastic signal is also provided. The relationship between the thermoelastic signal (S), and stress has been described in detail in the literature. The working equation is as follows [10]: S= ( ∆ σx + σy ) (1) A where ‘A’ is a constant dependant on the system and material parameters. lin e ‘A’ was obtained for each foam type by loading a specimen under a known cyclic tensile stress to obtain an average signal value from an area on the specimen that can be related to the applied stress, σapp = σy. This is repeated for aged specimens to obtain a new ‘A’ to calibrate for material changes caused by ageing. In this work, a 10Hz loading frequency was applied and testing was conducted in position control to accommodate any changes in the foam material properties. Specimens could not be coated with matt black paint as the irregularity of the surface resulted in non-uniform coating. Though fracture data is incomplete pending finalisation of non-destructive TSA examinations, the magnitude of the change was supported by a similar change in the TSA calibration coefficients for virgin and aged specimens, and by supplementary high and low strain rate impact tests. Stress data from TSA may be exported and mixed-mode stress intensity factors KI , KII values be derived using relationships based on the well established Westergaard equations [11,12] using known principles of cardioid geometry as shown in Figure 8, to form a familiar TSA relationship as follows [13]: cr ac k y Tangent 2 2 K I2 + K II2 θ⎞ K ⎛ cos ⎜ φ + ⎟ where φ = tan−1 I 2⎠ KII ⎝ 2 πr (2) Pr Tangent 1 oj ec t ed AS = θmax x Tangent 3 Figure 8 Crack cardioid geometry and notation From the particulars of cardioid geometry, rmax is the length of any full chord through the cusp of the curve, the enclosed area of this curve (Σ) being related to rmax by the following: Σ= ( 2 3 πrmax 3 ⎡ K I2 + K II2 = ⎢ 8 2 π ⎢⎣ A 2S 2 )⎤⎥ ⎥⎦ 2 where rmax = ( 2 K I2 + K II2 πA 2S 2 ) (3) Stanley and Dulieu-Smith [13] solved for the tangents of a curve defined by a signal value (S), which are positioned at the points on the curve that are separated by the maximum angle from the projected crack-line (θmax) and subsequently formed relationships for KI and KII : [ ( K I = C 1C 22 1 + C 22 )] 1 2 [ ( and K II = C 1 1 + C 22 )] 1 2 , where C1 = 2πΣ KI ⎛ 3θ ⎞ = tan ⎜ max + β ⎟ and C2 = KI2 + KII2 = A 2S2 3 K II ⎝ 2 ⎠ (4) Initial manipulation of the thermoelastic data collected from specimens with growing cracks using Eq (4) shows that the cardioid form expected is present only in some data sets with the most promising results obtained from aged linear foams. In previous work a routine was established that allowed the relationships in Eq (4) to be applied automatically [11]. Difficulties in applying this method to foams arise from the distribution of high signal values present from cell alignment and localized high signal values due to intact cell membranes. In Figure 9a this is illustrated by a zoomed plot of data close to the crack-tip. Interestingly, in pure shear, damage can be most clearly detected by changes in phase of the signal with respect to the lock-in reference signal from Instron. In Figure 9(b) the damage extent is clearly displayed in the phase plots but there is no indication of the cardioid form in the TSA data. (a) TSA Figure 9 (a) Aged C70.130. Area zoom of high signal distribution (b) Phase (b) Virgin R63.140 Mode II. Damage site is out of phase Figure 10 shows data from a G1 high resolution lens. This clarifies the source of localized high signal values. The individual cells are apparent in the TSA images. Zooms of the data at these locations is also shown with a uniform distribution of the signal. This demonstrats the potential of TSA in micromechanics and assisting in the validation of theoretical cell structure models. (a) (b) Figure 10 Aged linear (a) and cross-linked (b) showing uncalibrated signal stress distribution near crack-tip, across the surface of 10 µm thick cell membranes.( G1 lens, 285 Hz sampling, 10 Hz loading). The energy absorption mechanisms used by a polymer foam that can result in strut realignment and redistribution of stress at the crack-tip are degraded by hygrothermal ageing, with the linear foams the most at risk. TSA is uniquely equipped with the potential to provide quantitative information on these changes and clarify the behavior of cells at a growing crack tip. Figures 11 and 12 shows excerpts of the TSA video option in Cedip Altair software, obtained using the highest sampling rate available of 269 Hz with a 27 mm lens showing a difference in behavior for a virgin and aged linear foam. Specimens were cyclically loaded at 10 Hz in ‘position control’ until a critical crack was induced. The number of cycles at each interval seen by the specimen is indicated in each frame in Figures 11 and 12. Over this period the crack advanced only a small amount (a<1mm) It should be noted that while oversampling ensures the highest quality data necessary for work on foams, it is computationally expensive with 700 Mb per data set so each capture was restricted to 18.59 seconds (or 5000 frames). Differences in the signal pattern in Figures 11 and 12 may be attributed to apparent increase in brittle behavior in aged specimens. It is reasonable to suggest that the maximum signal value for the virgin linear specimen in Figure 11, and subsequent distribution of this maximum relates to the accumulation of damage in cell walls leading to rupture followed by flexural deformation of the surrounding cells, as observed in kinked pathways during fracture toughness tests (see Figure6a), distributing stress at the crack-tip until damage accumulation forces a new rupture. The drop in signal level in the final frames of Figure 11, contrast with the apparent continued signal increase for the aged specimen in Figure 12. This implies that cells at the crack-tip in Figure 12 are restricted from the flexural deformation that inhibits growth of the crack, supporting observations of cell damage in microscopy and increased brittle behavior in fracture. Figures 11 and 12 indicate that crack growth is largely governed by local plastic deformations and local damage accumulation process, the extent of damage being influenced by the local distribution of material and topography of cells, which Figure 10 shows to be irregular. The increase in the signal values at the crack tip for both materials is clearly too great to be accounted for by an increase in stress intensity caused by the small change in geometry. It is likely that the ‘damage’ is causing localized heating and assessment based on this would be more appropriate. critical cycles +5 cycles +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 + 35 +40 +45 +50 +55 Figure 11. Mode I signal redistribution at crack tip by a virgin linear foam critical cycles +30 +5 +35 +10 +15 20 25 +40 +45 +50 +55 Figure 12 Mode I signal at crack-tip in aged linear foam showing localised concentration of signal Conclusions and Future Work The current work has used gravimetric testing, fracture toughness assessment, impact testing and TSA to assess the behaviour of two types of foam commonly used in the marine industry. It has been found that: 1 Linear foam is sensitive to temperature and when hygrothermally aged at 60ºC will increase in weight almost twice as much a cross-linked foam. Ageing caused loss of material from the foam, and seen as pitting like defects in cell struts. 2 In the virgin state linear foams exhibit excellent resistance to crack propagation most notable in shear where test specimens deformed considerably without fracture. In the aged state preliminary tests showed a significant drop in fracture toughness caused by embrittlement of the cells. 3 Impact testing also showed an apparent reduction in energy absorption characteristics 4 TSA can be applied to foam materials and the advance of a crack can be monitored in real time but cell morphology can be a source of scatter in results. Mode I specimens produced expected cardioid forms, but the extent of damage in shear specimens could be more readily detected by phase angle plots. 5 TSA was able to detect differences in behaviour and energy distribution at a crack-tip due to hygrothermal ageing. Under conditions for crack growth, the linear foam in its virgin state appeared to inhibit crack growth by a ‘redistribution’ of stress at the crack-tip. After ageing, restricted in cell deformation resulted in the accumulation of local damage at the tip leading to propagation of the crack. Work for the near future includes growing a crack to obtain propagation rate comparisons for virgin and aged states, and improvement in the application of Eq 4 to obtain K values, with special consideration for higher mixed-modes. Further investigation is required as initial work has shown that there may be localised heating the crack-tip which will affect TSA data. References 1 DnV “High-Speed and Light Craft “ Classification Rules. 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