HIGH STRAIN RATE BEHAVIOUR OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS USING SPLIT HOPKINSON BAR TESTING G. I. Mylonas, G. N. Labeas, Sp. G. Pantelakis Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics University of Patras Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials (LTSM) Panepistimioupolis Rion 26500 Greece gmylonas@mech.upatras.gr, labeas@mech.upatras.gr, pantelak@mech.upatras.gr ABSTRACT In the present paper the mechanical properties of a 7000 series aluminium alloy at high strain rates (1000 sec-1 to 9500 sec-1), o o o o from room temperature up to elevated temperatures (80 C, 140 C, 200 C and 300 C) are presented. The mechanical characterization is performed by means of an experimental Split Hopkinson Bar (SHB) facility. The material’s flow stress, maximum stress and modulus of Elasticity have been evaluated under high strain rate compression testing. In the investigation the effect of temperature has been also taken into account. The experimental results have shown a significant effect of both temperature and strain rate on the investigated material properties. Introduction In certain engineering materials processes (e.g. machining, shot peening etc.) the material undergoes heating at high temperature, while at the same time, mechanical deformation occurs over a very small period of time. In such cases the material’s mechanical behaviour can differ significantly from the behaviour obtained by the usual quasi – static tension or compression tests. Hence, experimental data is required that can describe the material’s behaviour under high strain rate (SR) and high temperature conditions; In particular, for aluminium alloys of 7000 series there is limited data available (most common is AA7075 and AA7108) compared to other materials, e.g. steel. Conventional servo – hydraulic machines are commonly used for testing at quasi – static strain rates in the range of 1 sec-1 or less. In order to investigate the material’s behaviour at high SR, several testing methods have been developed over the last years. The most widely used technique for high SR testing is the Split Hopkinson pressure Bar test (SHB). Background theory, LTSM/UP facility and experimental procedure of Split Hopkinson Bar testing A compression SHB facility, consists of a striker bar, an input bar and an output bar, while the test specimen is placed between the input and output bar. Strain gauges are attached on the input and output bars, in order to record strain histories, which are send to a data acquisition system for data collection and further processing. The striker bar (impactor) is accelerated by a sudden release of compressed air in the gas gun (pipe) and impact’s the input bar. By the impact, a compressive longitudinal wave (incident wave) is developed in the input (or incident) bar, which travels along the bar towards the specimen; when this compressive wave reaches the incident bar / specimen interface, a part of it is reflected back as a tensile wave, while the rest travels through the specimen and towards the output bar as a compressive wave. For the material properties calculation only the initial tensile reflected and the initial compressive transmitted waves are used and not the complete recorded pulse [1]. The segregated effective pulses, used as input in the Equations (1) to (3), shown hereafter, in order to derive the specimen’s stress and strain histories, as well as, the strain rate during the experiment. The main SHB equations used are the following: Specimen Stress: σ s (t ) = Eo ⋅ A0 ⋅ ε o (t ) As (1) where: A0 As Eo εo(t) σs(t) Specimen Strain: where: = = = = = ε s (t ) = −2 ⋅ Ci Ls ει(t) εs(t) = = = = Input and output bars cross sectional area Specimen cross sectional area Striker, input and output bars modulus of Elasticity Strain at output bar Specimen stress t Ci ⋅ ε i (t ) ⋅ dt Ls ∫0 (2) Wave velocity Specimen length Strain at input bar Specimen strain Strain Rate: dε s (t ) C = −2 ⋅ i ⋅ ε i (t ) dt Ls (3) A classical Split Hopkinon bar facility is installed at the Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials of University of --1 Patras (Figure 1), which can achieve SR of the order of 100 – 10000 sec . Figure 1. SHB facility of LTSM/UP Figure 2. SHB pressurization system The pressurization system of the SHB, which is shown in Figure 2, enables the safe system pressurisation up to 12bar, which is required in order to achieve strain rates of 10000 sec--1 or higher (depending on specimen size). A control box allows the use of each pressure network branch with high accuracy, while fast activated pressure valves are installed to achieve high velocity air flow in the air – gun. The experimental process is almost fully automated, with very limited human interaction during the experiment execution. Typical electrical resistance strain gauges of 2mm gauge length are used. The input, output and striker bars, of the SHB apparatus, are made of maraging steel, having ultimate tensile strength of 980 MPa and yield stress of 760 MPa. The geometries of the striker, input and output bars were in agreement with the American Society of Metals (ASM) handbook guidelines [2] and the related literature for the experimental configuration of a SHB arrangement. The specimen type used to conduct the experiments is cylindrical with a length to diameter ratio equal to one. For the experiments that were performed at elevated temperatures a heating system was used; the system includes a special furnace to heat – up the test specimen and a real time temperature recording device in order to monitor the temperature in the furnace. Special attention was given in the preparation of the experiment in order to minimise heat loss from the specimen. In order to record the strain pulses during the experiment, the LabView software has been employed. The LabView software creates the necessary memory space to save the experimental data points. After the experiment, the recorded pulses are inputted to MatLab software where the data points collected can be plotted and then the effective pulses can be identified. The MatLab based evaluation software was developed to plot, identify the starting and ending points of the effective pulses and isolate them out of the output files generated after the experiment. In Figure 3, typical effective pulses, isolated from the complete strain pulse are presented. Figure 3. Isolated effective pulses Subsequently, the effective pulses are inserted in Equations (1), (2) and (3), from which the material’s stress, strain and the strain rate during the experiment are computed. In Figure 4, a typical true stress – true strain curve of the AA7xxx at RT and -1 strain rate of 5300 sec , is presented. Further strain data processing leads to the calculation of strain rate history during the experiment evolution (Figure 5). STRAIN RATE True Stress - True Strain Curve 1000 1100 1000 0 0.0E+00 900 Starin rate (1/Sec) 800 Stress (MPa) 700 600 500 400 True Stress - True Strain 300 5.0E-05 1.0E-04 1.5E-04 2.0E-04 2.5E-04 3.5E-04 -2000 -3000 -4000 Stress - Strain 200 3.0E-04 -1000 STRAIN RATE (er) -5000 100 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 -6000 Time (Sec) Strain Figure 4. Stress–Strain curves obtained from SHB - Figure 5 – Typical SR history (sec 1) Using the true stress – true strain graphs generated for each experiment, the material flow stress (σ0.2), maximum stress and an approximation of the Elasticity modulus at high strain rate conditions can be derived. It should be mentioned here, that the modulus of Elasticity values as obtained from SHB tests, should be considered as rough approximations, as during high strain rate SHB experiments, the specimen material volumes are not under static equilibrium, due to the dynamic effects taking place. In fact the stress equilibrium occurs at approximately 1% plastic strain and so it is impossible to accurately measure the compressive modulus of Elasticity of a material at such high strain rates [2]. Therefore, indicative modulus of Elasticity results only for RT conditions, are presented hereafter. Experimental results In the present investigation the high strain rate compressive behaviour of the 7xxx aluminium alloy has been investigated at temperatures of 20oC, 80oC, 140oC, 200oC and 300oC. The influence of the strain rate on the flow stress, maximum stress and modulus of Elasticity (RT) is evaluated for each investigated temperature and is presented in Figures 6 to 16. It should be mentioned that each point plotted in the figures represents the average value of six experiment repetitions conducted for the nd specific temperature and strain rate. The fitting curves in the flow stress and maximum stress figures, are a 2 order polynomial approximation interpolating the experimental points while, the curve interpolating the experimental points for the modulus of Elasticity is a 3rd order polynomial approximation. a) Influence of strain rate at 20oC 850 1100 800 1000 Maximum Stress (MPa) Flow Stress (MPa) In total 120 experiments (20 testing conditions x 6 repetitions) have been conducted. The influence of the strain rate on the flow stress and maximum stress for the temperature of 20oC is presented in Figure 6 and 7 respectively. 750 700 650 600 AA7xxx - 20 deg.C 900 800 700 600 AA7xxx - 20 deg.C 500 550 400 500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 9000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 6. Flow stress (σ0,2) Vs SR (sec-1) at RT Figure 7. Maximum stress (σmax) Vs SR (sec-1) at RT Modulus of Elasticity (GPa) The influence of the strain rate on the modulus of Elasticity is presented in Figure 8. 200 AA7xxx - 20 deg.C 150 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) -1 Figure 8. Modulus of Elasticity Vs SR (sec ) at RT b) Influence of strain rate at 80oC In total 96 experiments have been conducted. The influence of the strain rate on the flow stress and maximum stress for the o temperature of 80 C is presented in Figure 9 and 10 respectively. 850 900 Maximum Stress (MPa) Flow Stress (MPa) 800 750 700 650 600 550 850 800 750 700 650 AA7xxx - 80 deg.C AA7xxx - 80deg.C 600 500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 9. Flow stress (σ0,2) Vs SR (sec-1) at 80oC 10000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 10. Maximum stress (σmax) Vs SR (sec-1) at 80oC c) Influence of strain rate at 140oC 800 900 750 850 700 650 600 550 500 AA7xxx - 140 deg.C Maximum Stress (MPa) Flow Stress (MPa) In total 78 experiments have been conducted. The influence of the strain rate on the flow stress and maximum stress for the temperature of 140oC is presented in Figure 11 and 12 respectively. 800 750 700 650 600 AA7xxx - 140 deg.C 550 450 500 400 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 10000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 11. Flow stress (σ0,2) Vs SR (Sec-1) at 140oC Figure 12. Maximum stress (σmax) Vs SR (sec-1) at 140oC d) Influence of strain rate at 200oC In total 90 experiments have been conducted. The influence of the strain rate on the flow stress and maximum stress for the o temperature of 200 C is presented in Figure 13 and 14 respectively. 700 550 450 400 350 300 250 200 AA7xxx - 200 deg.C Maximum Stress (MPa) Flow Stress (MPa) 500 150 600 500 400 300 AA7xxx - 200 deg.C 200 100 100 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 9000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Strain Rate (1/Sec) -1 o Figure 13. Flow stress (σ0,2) Vs SR (sec ) at 200 C Figure 14. Maximum stress (σmax) Vs SR (sec-1) at 200oC e) Influence of strain rate at 300oC In total 108 experiments have been conducted. The influence of the strain rate on the flow stress and maximum stress for the o temperature of 300 C is presented in Figure 15 and 16 respectively. 350 310 290 Maximum Stress (MPa) Flow Stress (MPa) 500 AA7xxx - 300 deg.C 330 270 250 230 210 190 170 150 450 400 350 300 AA7xxx - 300 deg.C 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 250 0 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 15. Flow stress (σ0,2) Vs SR (sec-1) at 300oC 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 16. Maximum stress (σmax) Vs SR (sec-1) at 300oC f) Experimental results overview The influence of strain rate and temperature on the mechanical behaviour of the specific alloy is summarised in Figures 17 and 18. 900 800 700 Flow Stress (MPa) 600 AA7xxx - 20 deg.C 500 AA7xxx - 80 deg.C AA7xxx - 140 deg.C 400 AA7xxx - 200 deg.C 300 AA7xxx - 300 deg.C 200 100 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) -1 Figure 17. Flow stress (σ0,2) Vs SR (sec ) at all Temperatures 1200 Maximum Stress (MPa) 1000 800 AA7xxx - 20 deg.C AA7xxx - 80 deg.C 600 AA7xxx - 140 deg.C AA7xxx - 200 deg.C 400 AA7xxx - 300 deg.C 200 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Strain Rate (1/Sec) Figure 18. Maximum stress (σmax) Vs SR (sec-1) at all Temperatures Discussion of the experimental results The experimental results presented in Figures 6 to 16 and summarised in Figures 17 and 18 indicate that there is a general trend of flow stress increase with increasing strain rate. The increase in flow stress is observed for the majority of temperatures investigated. In the case of 300oC, the flow stress is increasing with increasing strain rate up to the value of 5500 sec-1 (highest flow stress value) and after that is gradually decreasing with increasing strain rate up to the maximum value of 9000 sec-1. The mentioned behaviour observed at 300oC, where temperature effects on material microstructure are expected to be more significant, is currently under investigation. It must be also mentioned that, at a number of temperatures (200oC and o o o o 300 C) the increase is steeper compared to that of the temperatures of 20 C, 80 C and 140 C, where the increase is smoother. In Figures 17 and 18 the effect of temperature on the investigated material properties is also displayed. With increasing o temperature ranging from room temperature to 80 C no significant effect on the flow stress at small strain rate values is observed. However, when the strain rate is increasing the effect of the temperature becomes more important and results to a decrease of the flow stress; this observed trend of decreasing flow stress with increasing temperature may be noticed for the majority of engineering materials [3]. The highest drop in flow stress values is observed at the temperature range between o o o 140 C and 200 C. At the temperature of 300 C, at strain rates of 1000 sec 1 to 5500 sec 1, flow stress values are very similar o to the flow stress obtained at 200 C, from strain rate higher than 5500 sec 1 the flow stress is gradually decreasing with increasing strain rate. In the case of the maximum stress (σmax) values, the obtained results are in accordance to the general trends observed for the flow stress values. An increase of the maximum stress with increasing strain rate has been observed for all temperatures investigated. The modulus of Elasticity values obtained from SHB tests at different temperature (Figure 8) are as explained only an approximation of the actual Elasticity modulus of the material at high strain rates. In particular for aluminium alloys, the form of the linear part of the stress-strain curve is more difficult to be derived with accuracy compared to steel, due to the higher damping of aluminium material. Hence the results presented in Figure 8 are used only for a qualitative evaluation of the -1 modulus of Elasticity – strain rate dependence. Approximation errors are expected to be higher for high SR (5000 sec and more) due to pronounced dynamic effects taking place. Conclusions In the present work the mechanical behaviour of an aluminium 7xxx series alloy at several high strain rates for room and elevated temperatures is examined. The characterisation of the material is performed by initially deriving stress – strain curves for strain rates between 1000 sec-1 and 9500 sec-1, and subsequently by determining the flow stress, the maximum stress and modulus of Elasticity of the material at the strain rate values mentioned by taking into account the effect of temperature. The obtained experimental results indicate a significant influence of the increased strain rate and temperature on the investigated material properties. More specifically, a material’s flow stress and maximum stress increase with increasing strain rate has been observed. Both properties have been found to decrease with increasing temperature at the strain rate values investigated. The derived material data may be used for simulation of processes which force the material to undergo high strain rates and elevated temperatures. Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the European Union for their financial support to this research. The results presented in this paper are partially obtained in the frame of the European Union funded research program “COMPACT - A concurrent approach to manufacturing induced part distortion in aerospace components”. References 1. 2. 3. Kaiser A. M., Advancements in the Split Hopkinson Bar Test, MSc Thesis, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1998 Kuhn, H., Medlin, D., ASM Handbook Volume 08: Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, ASM International, USA Woei-Shyan Lee, Wu-Chung Sue, “The strain rate and temperature dependence of the dynamic impact properties of 7075 aluminium alloy”, Jounrnal of Materials Processing technology, 100, 116 – 122 (2000).
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