MULTIFUNCTIONAL ENCODING SYSTEM FOR ASSESSMENT OF MOVABLE CULTURAL HERITAGE ∗ V Tornari1, E. Bernikola1, W Osten2, R, M, Grooves2, G. Marc3, G. M. Hustinx4, E Kouloumpi5, S Hackney6 1. Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Vassilika Vouton-Voutes, 71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece. 2. ITO Institut für Technische Optik, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany. 3. Centre Spatial de Liège, Liege Science Park, 4031, Angleur Liege, Belgium 4. OPTRION, Spatiopôle – Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais, B-4031 Liege, Belgium 5. Conservation Department, National Gallery – Alexandros Soutzos Museum, 1 Michalacopoulou Street, 11601, Athens, Greece. 6. Conservation Department, Tate, Millbank, London SW1P 4RG, UK. ABSTRACT This is an introductory paper of a recent EC project dealing with research in cultural heritage and aiming to communicate new fields of application for optical metrology techniques. The project is in its initial state and more conclusive information is expected to be available at the time of the perspective conference. Nowadays safety, ethical, economical and security issues as well as the increase demand for loaning of art objects for exhibitions in transit, are forcing the Conservation Community to undertake strong initiatives and actions against various types of mistreatment, damage or fraud, during transportation of movable Cultural Heritage. Therefore the interest directs to the development of innovative methodologies and instrumentation to respond to critical aspects of increased importance in cultural heritage preservation, among which of prior consideration are: to secure proper treatment, assess probable damage, fight fraud actions in transportation. The MULTIENCODE aims to create a new standard way of monitoring the condition of artworks by using the latest holographic technology. It will produce innovative methods and tools which will allow conservators to assess the conservation state of an object and the need for any treatment; illustrate any new damage; monitor the impact of transport; and confirm a piece's originality. An object would undergo transient alterations to extract its distinct holographically encoded patterns before being digitally classified and archived. The coded data can then be easily retrieved to be compared with past and any future entries to assess changes to the object. It is thus proposed in this project the development of a novel Impact Assessment Procedure (IAP) based on interference-signal direct encoding nature by exploiting and further providing to the conservation community the holographic technology advances and innovative tools for a highly secure encoding-decoding system of objects’ features required in many critical aspects for sustainable preservation of movable artworks. It may apply in many functional and strategic decision-makings in museums operation, from routine seasonal examination of conservation state, to periodic assessment of conservation treatments and materials compatibility, to deterioration control and definition of early-induced damage, to continuous monitoring of transportation impact, to direct confirmation of originality and control of maintenance for any art object in transit, etc. The effective proposed method relies on the original coded extraction of distinct features from the artwork under conservation, transportation and loan that characterizes the state of conservation of the artwork and its originality. The coding and decoding of such characteristic features can be performed holographically before and after have been optically and numerically transformed for digital archiving. The object features or the archived coded data forming the “signature” of the object can be recollected and compared through repeatable IAP at any later time to ∗ corresponding author and project coordinator 6th FWP, EC project MULTIENCODE SSPI 00064 provide indication of induced alterations. The project advances the state of the art elaborating in synergy with existing methods and practices and concludes with specific novel instrumentation and standards for universal application and worldwide exploitation. The proposed method advances the state of the art elaborating in synergy with existing methods and practices and concludes with specific novel instrumentation and standards for universal application and worldwide exploitation. It would enable us to make further progress on our previous research into the deterioration of objects through handling, transport and environmental conditions. Introduction Europe's works of art, such as paintings and sculptures, are the lifeblood of Europe's cultural heritage. Museums put them on display and, increasingly, loan them out to other institutions. However, exhibiting art and moving it from place to place causes problems. Repeated handling, the need for conservation treatments and exposure to sudden environmental and climatic changes can all take their toll on old and delicate objects. Art in transit is also under threat from mishandling and fraud. Conservators need to monitor the condition of artwork in a way that responds to these issues. Structural and mechanical properties of artworks are an important factor of deterioration causing slow but steady disintegration of the artwork. The thermal and moisture related degradation processes, transportation and handling, various conservation and restoration actions, as well as the display and arrangement may systematically or rapidly influence the condition of the concerned artwork, monument or antique. A novel tool to help conservation researchers/conservators to visualize the invisible defects, constant disintegration processes and interventions has been introduced [1-3] through the principles and targeted adaptation of holographic interferometry principles [4,5 ]. The visualization of small or inborn discontinuities in the bulk and their consequences on the mechanical instability of the artwork construction can be optically and digitally obtained [6, 7]. The holographic technology is not based on light penetration but on reflection of diffused laser beams from the artwork surface. Holography and related techniques involved in structural diagnosis do not require any sample removal or surface preparation and are safe for use on varnishes and pigments. In this context, the techniques can be classified as non-destructive, non-contact and noninvasive. The methodology to visualize the defects of interest is based on differential displacement provoked in time by two slightly different positions of the artwork reflecting surface of interest through relevant to material properties external excitation. The displacement results in a relative optical path change of the reflected beam significantly modulated by the excited bulk defects influencing the surface, which can be studied after have been optically or digitally converted to visible interference patterned signal. The procedure is repeatable and can be formulated to generate slight alteration at each record that would result in a thorough study of defect dynamics. Each patterning is an “encoded” response of the examined artwork and indicates its conservation state correlated with the known induced excitation and rest investigation parameters to a unique data termed IAP (Impact Assessment Procedure). The holographic instrumentation allows investigation of a variety of recording media incorporating distinct properties as well as variety of optical combinations to repeatedly reveal the required data [8-10]. Techniques based on reflected wavefield recording and specklefield imaging are explored through experimentation of artwork simulated samples and conservation protocols provided by conservators. At the time of writing encouraging results have been obtained by the application schemes and the overall research is still on progress. In the following paragraphs are presented some preliminary results of each implemented technique in an effort to illustrate the concept of the project and the IAP. Experimental Holographic techniques are being under test for examination and classification of provided properties and advantages in regards to the aim of multi-task sensor and development of IAP. The starting stage of the project at the moment of writing does not allow any clear conclusion for the final decision which is expected at a later time according to the work plan. However the techniques under exploitation and indicative result is presented. Digital Speckle Shearography Shearography is a double exposure speckle interferometry which has sensitivity to the displacement gradient.. The sensor optically differentiates light from the object in a shearing Michelson interferometer and does not require a separate reference. This is important because the interferometer is effectively common path and is therefore much more insensitive to environmental disturbances when compared with other full-field interferometric sensor types. Also the optical differentiation means the sensor is sensitive to displacement gradient, a parameter closely related to the strain field, rather that the displacement sensitivity of the other sensor types. Digital holography The technique allows for the measurement of dynamic events with submicron accuracy and is therefore well suited for the investigation of surface deformations of thermally loaded art works (icons, canvas). Hundreds of holograms of the object that has been subjected to dynamic deformation are recorded. The acquisition speed and the time of exposure of the detector are adjustable to allow for surfaces deforming at different rates. The phase of the wave front is calculated from the recorded holograms by use of a two-dimensional digital Fourier-transform method. The deformation of the object is calculated from the phase. The software developed allows the visualisation of the deformation as a function of the time and for the detection of eventual defects. Digital Speckle Holographic Interferometry The technique allows the subtraction of the sequential alterations of a reflected by the artwork speckle field. An off-axis holographic interferometry arrangement is adjusted to capture via a cube beam splitter in front of the camera lens the interfering beams with angular separation of few degrees and moderated spatial frequencies resolvable by the CCD sensor characteristics. The technique permits extended field of view (≈30 cm) of the object to be examined in real time and micrometric resolution of flaws be directly evaluated. Photorefractive holographic interferometry Photorefractive crystals of the BSO family (Bi12SiO20) have been proved to be promising recording materials for holographic interferometry in the visible wavelength range (blue-green). In these crystals charge migration appears, under the photoconduction effect, between illuminated and dark zones that result from the interference between two mutually coherent incident beams (an object and a reference). After charge trapping in crystal defects of the dark zones, a local space charge field is created and this modulates the refractive index, through the linear electro-optic effect, creating a phase hologram. This process is dynamic and reversible. The hologram is created within a certain time constant and then reaches a saturation level. The two important figures of merit to consider in applications are the diffraction efficiency and the recording energy density. First, the diffraction efficiency is simply the ratio between the diffracted beam intensity and the readout beam entering the crystal. Photo-refractive crystals (PRCs) have relatively small efficiencies (10-3 to 10-4) compared to other recording media. Nevertheless this is not a problem if one considers the special properties of the crystals such as the coupling effect or anisotropy of diffraction. Second, the energy density of recording is a constant of the material when several experimental parameters are fixed (e.g. wavelength, angle between beams, value of external electric field). The energy density is the quantity of luminous energy by unit surface that is necessary to reach the saturation of holographic recording. For a BSO crystal with a 50° angle between recording beams and no electric field, its value is 2 about 10 mJ/cm . This quantity is the product of the response time of the crystal and the total intensity of the recording beams. An important consequence is that the hologram can be recorded either with continuous or pulsed lasers. At the present state-of-the-art, one can say that PRCs have practically no limit in the response speed since they (at least in theory) respond at the nanosecond scale. Besides this dynamic behaviour, PRCs present many interesting features. The first is that we can distinguish between two separate configurations, by the polarization state of the diffracted beam. These are anisotropy or isotropy of diffraction. In the function for a specific application we can choose the most suitable diffraction behaviour. Each one of these processes is controlled by a suitable choice of the direction of the grating wave vector with respect to the crystallographic axes, the polarization states of the recording beams and the direction of an external electric field. In the applications described here, no external electric field is applied. The reason is that, without an applied field, the diffraction is maximized at large angle between recording beams: This is more advantageous if one wants to use short focal lengths objectives in front of the crystal to observe large objects. The typical methodology is to record a hologram within the crystal when the object is at rest (unstressed state). Once recorded, the hologram is readout and the object is stressed. The CCD camera of the holographic system then simultaneously captures two images. The first one is light diffracted by the PRC and is the replica of the unstressed object while the second is directly the current image of the stressed object. Both these images interfere, giving rise to an interferogram which shows the surface behaviour of the object. Local variations of the object response reveal particular local behaviour that may result from the presence of defects. Experimental methodology The common methodology for data retrieval by using the above mentioned techniques is to generate a transient sequence of comparatively minute displaced object point positions which can be effectively recorded with the optical metrology instrument in use. The plethora of the object point positions makes fringe patterns from defected regions and each fringe pattern relatively different re-arrangements as compared to previous one to be surely and adequately visualised. Thus each defect is retrieved and recorded with its dynamics of deformation and a databank of fringe patterns representing each traced defect is secured. In checking the same defect in any later times is simplified by the databank retrieval mechanism which can identify the defect in various fringe pattern shapes. This is a very important feature of IAP since defects are tend to deteriorate and thus fringe patterns are not steady over time. Experimental conditions to be satisfied - Uniform excitation Excitation (thermal IR lamps) time of 10 sec controlled via the PC Laser power of about 250 mW Holographic camera on tripod Environmental condition monitoring The measurement procedure and the IAP development take into account other specific parameters of the experimental system and components effects, such as: • Determine the type of defects that can be studied using the sensors • Sample holder evaluation • Excitation power evaluation • Excitation position evaluation • Investigation of known defect size • Repeatability study • Reproducibility study • Sensor performance – steady defects • Sensor performance – unsteady defects The following tables are initially formed to fulfil the set parameters and the first data collection from developers. Thermal excitation direction Thermal excitation duration Lamps-object distance Defect appearance Temperature difference Front side 10sec 15cm First after 180 s 6,9 oC Thermal excitation direction Thermal excitation duration Lamps-object distance Defect appearance Temperature difference Back side 60sec 20 cm First after 190 sec 3,4 oC Defect Loss of ground layer Wooden knots Detected/Not detected OK (database: coordinates ..) OK (database: coordinates ..) Fringe number measurement providing estimation of each defect magnitude is also performed eg graph shown, in order to fully describe each defect by position in artwork, coordinates of defect, defect magnitude, defect pattern, etc. Results Exemplary signatures of defect classes for IAP development Representative fringe patterns can be generated from a variety of structural discontinuities being natural eg wood knot, or artificial eg nail, or degenerated effect eg detachment. The critical aspect in the IAP implementation is the initial discrimination of type of defect termed here stable and unstable which allows isolating each of the variety of fringe pattern keeping its origin of cause; which determines the expected dynamical range of change. Hence, by keeping data of fringe patterns generated by an unstable flaw such as a detachment; the fringe pattern may change considerably, whereas by a steady discontinuity, as a knot, a steady reference area of discontinuous fringe pattern is always expected and an identification mapping is possible at any later instance even if appearance of some discontinuities have changed. Further on the same databank can be used to assess the Impact that has been provoked to an artwork either positively eg consolidation of detachment or negatively eg expansion of detachment. In the following example a sample simulating a Byzantine icon with stable and unstable defects purposefully induced for the aim of the experiments has been constructed by the specialist conservator figure 1a-d. Inspection and isolation of defects has been achieved and a databank of artwork features or “signatures” has been obtained. Further on the project foresees cycling of the sample under controlled conditioning according to conservation protocols which will allow enriching the databank with potential fringe patterns. a a b c d Fig.1a-d. In a) The photo of icon sample, in b) the topographic map, in c) a PRC holographic interferogram and in d) the extraction of fringe pattern from which defect isolation is performed (blue: stable, red:unstable). Defect extraction is shown in figure 2 from selection of few images from the same sample over time to form the “signature” database. The recording is on PRC-based dynamic holography camera ∗ . Fig 2. Exemplary routine applied on multiple images for “signature” extraction from defected patterns. Series of known samples were constructed and defect features as witnessed by fringe patterns were extracted following the concept described above. Thereafter a cycling of artificial aging simulating longterm deterioration would follow and the defected regions will be re-examined to trace fringe pattern alterations. ∗ CSL, Centre Spatial de Liege on NGA National Gallery of Athens sample Another example is given with a canvas 1 with induced crack (fig 3) as was traced through the appearance of fringe patterns with implementation of a digital speckle pattern holography interferometry system (DSHI) developed specially to suit in the demands of art conservation investigation issues as they are declared and termed by the endusers and a digital speckle shearography system (DSS). Field of view defect Fringe pattern with DSS Fringe pattern with DSHI Fig 3. The cracked area is clearly traced with specific distribution of fringe density and feature under fully controlled parameters of inspection. Induced aging and damage is expected to change relatively or considerably their appearance which under the same controlled parameters can be compared and assessed. 1 IESL, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, ITO Institute Technishe Optic, Tate Gallery sample Conclusions Generally, the holography and speckle techniques examined are very promising methods and in regards to artwork inspection show good defect traceability. There is no method so far that combines all this pictorial for the state of the artwork structural information. Speckle-based systems (DSS and DSHI) have no or small sensitivity to perturbations. Additionally they both show lower resolution results. Photorefractive dynamic holography (without active phase control) is strongly sensitive to perturbations but shows a very good fringe quality and which makes possible observation of small signatures. The concept of “signature” of artwork based on its own defect-fringe pattern assembly is a coded operation by nature. It was indeed seen in the investigation that most of the time, even if is difficult to obtain the same overall fringe pattern, at the same time, the signature stays visible at the same place. The Impact Assessment procedure can provide a multi-task data source involved in very demanding conservation applications. The consortium expects this development in a more advanced state of the project. Acknowledgement From this position the authors wish to acknowledge the EC project MULTIENCODE SSPI 00064 for the opportunity to study and develop this research. References 1. 2. V. Tornari, V. Zafiropulos, A. Bonarou, N. A. Vainos, C. 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