General population census XV recenseamento geral da população XV recenseamento15th geral da população Questionnaire of the National Statistical System (Law 22/2008, of 13 May), of mandatory completion, registered under no. 9990 at Statistics Portugal, valid until 31/12/2011. CENSUS 2011 20 11 CENSOS CENSOS housing census V recenseamento geral da habitação V recenseamento geral5th da General habitação INDIVIDUAL questionnaire To be completed by the enumerator DTMNFR SA Section/Subsection Building Dwelling Household Person Parish Complete online or on paper - With reference to 21 March Online On paper Use a black or blue ballpoint pen Indicate your answer with a cross X followed by the secret codes and the dwelling identification that is on the (pink) dwelling questionnaire Use capital letters Helpline 800 22 20 11 Cooperate with the 2011 CENSUS To revalidate an annulled answer 8 Place of birth (Indicate the place of residence of your mother when you were born) In the parish where you currently reside-------------------------------------- 01 In another parish of the municipality where you currently reside----- 02 In another municipality, please specify Female------------------ 1 2 3 Where is your usual residence? 03 At this dwelling and lives here most of the year---------------------------- 1 At this dwelling but does not live here most of the year due to studies, health, work,...--------------------------------------------------- 2 4 On 21 March, at 00:00, were you present in the dwelling? Indicate "Yes" if you were not present, at 00:00, on 21 March but returned to the dwelling before 12:00 of the same day. Yes----------------------- If you do not reside in this dwelling and are only here temporarily, fill in the Address of the dwelling and complete part C of the household questionnaire. If you reside in this dwelling start by completing: The dwelling questionnaire The household questionnaire The individual questionnaire for each resident Sex Male--------------------- F L O R To annul an answer (FREE CALL) 1 Name and Surname 2 0 3 V I L A Write figures as follows No------------------------ 1 5 Date of birth Day Abroad: Countries must be indicated according to their current designation and borders. Germany--------- 04 Cape Verde------ 07 Guinea-Bissau-- 10 Angola------------ 05 Spain-------------- 08 Mozambique---- 11 Brazil-------------- 06 France------------ 09 Venezuela-------- 12 In another country, please specify 2 13 MonthYear 9 What is your nationality? 6 What is your legal marital status? Portuguese only-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indicate the legal situation regardless of your marital situation. Single----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Married----------------------------------------------------------2 8 Go to question 1 Foreign, indicate the country Separated, but still legally married--------------------------------------------- 3 Divorced---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Widowed------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2 Double nationality Portuguese and another------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Two foreign nationalities, one of which is from a European Union country, indicate the EU country 7 Do you live with a partner in a consensual union 4 Two foreign nationalities, none from a European Union country, indicate a country A consensual union refers to a situation where two persons of the opposite sex or of the same sex live together as a couple without being legally married to each other. Yes----------------------- 1 No------------------------ 5 2 Stateless (no nationality)------------------------------------------------------------- 6 1 10 In the following questions, indicate the degree of 12 difficulty you have, on a daily basis, in doing certain activities due to health or old age problems (ageing). Where was your place of usual residence on 31 December 2009? 1 End of questionnaire Not yet born--------------------------------------------------- In the same residence-------------------------------------------------------------- The difficulty must have existed for more than six months. 2 In another residence: 10.1 Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses or contact lenses? In the parish where you live---------------------------------------------------- 3 No difficulty or little difficulty--------------------------------------------- 1 In another parish of the municipality where you live-------------------- 4 A lot of difficulty-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 In another municipality, please specify Unable to see----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 5 10.2 Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid? No difficulty or little difficulty--------------------------------------------- 1 A lot of difficulty-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Unable to hear---------------------------------------------------------------- 3 In another country, please specify 6 In the case of children that, due to their age, are unable to do the activities in the following questions, please indicate "No difficulty or little difficulty". 13 10.3 Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Where was your place of usual residence on 31 December 2005? Not yet born-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 No difficulty or little difficulty--------------------------------------------- 1 In the same residence-------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of difficulty-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 In another residence: Unable to walk or climb stairs----------------------------------------------- 3 10.4 Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? In the parish where you live---------------------------------------------------- 3 In another parish of the municipality where you live-------------------- 4 In another municipality, please specify No difficulty or little difficulty--------------------------------------------- 1 A lot of difficulty-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Unable to remember or concentrate----------------------------------- 3 5 In another country, please specify 10.5 Do you have difficulty having a bath or getting dressed on your own? 6 No difficulty or little difficulty--------------------------------------------- 1 A lot of difficulty-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Unable to take a bath or get dressed on your own----------------- 3 10.6 Do you have difficulty understanding others or being understood by others? No difficulty or little difficulty--------------------------------------------- 1 A lot of difficulty-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Unable to understand others or to be understood by others---- 3 11 Have you ever lived outside of Portugal for a continuous Able to read and write------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Not able to read and write-------------------------------------------------------- 2 tional system? If you were abroad on diplomatic or military missions, indicate "No". 1 If you can only write numbers or your own name, or only read but do not write, or only read and write memorised sentences, please indicate "Not able to read and write" 15 Are you attending or have you ever attended the educa- period of at least one year? Yes----------------------- 14 Literacy No------------------------ If yes, please indicate: If you have lived abroad more than once, please answer taking into consideration the last country you lived in and the year of the last entrance in Portugal . Countries must be indicated according to their current designation and borders. 11.1 The country where you lived 11.2 The year of entrance in Portugal--------------------- 2 In the case of children attending pre-school, please indicate "Attending". Vocational training courses and other training systems certified by the Ministry of Education (such as the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC) system under the New Opportunities Programme) are considered as attending the educational system. Attending------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Attended, but no longer----------------------------------------------------------- 2 Never attended----------------------------------------- 3 Go to question 19 Children that have not entered the formal educational system yet have finished completing the questionnaire 2 16 What is the level of education you are currently attending, or the highest level you have attended, even if not complete? Pre-school (from the age of 3 years old)----------------- 01 Go to question 19 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year (former primary education)---------------------------------- 02 5th or 6th year (former preparatory degree)-------------------------------------------- 03 7th, 8th or 9th year (former 3rd, 4th and 5th year of the lyceum programme)- 04 10th, 11th or 12th year (former 6th and 7th year of the lyceum programme / pre-university year)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05 Post-secondary education (Technological specialisation courses, level IV)------ If you work or study and live in this dwelling most of the year please answer questions 20 , 21 and 22 If this is not the case Go to question 23 20 How long does it take you, on average, to get to your place of work or study? Indicate the average travel time only one-way (going to work or study) Up to 15 minutes-------------- 1 61 - 90 minutes----------------- 4 06 16 - 30 minutes----------------- 2 More than 90 minutes-------- 5 Bachelor (includes former middle-level courses)--------------------------------------- 07 31 - 60 minutes----------------- 3 Licentiate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08 Masters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 PhD-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 17 What is the highest level of education you have completed? 21 What is the main mode of transport you use to travel between home and work or home and place of study? If you use several modes of transport, please indicate which one you use for most of the itinerary. Completing a level of education means having successfully concluded the last year of that educational level. For example, in order to indicate secondary education, the 12th year or equivalent must have been completed. If you concluded or are still attending the 11th year, the highest level of education you have completed corresponds to the 3rd stage of basic education (9th year). On foot--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 As driver------------------------------------------------- 02 As passenger------------------------------------------- 03 Bus--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 Company or school collective transport-------------------------------------- 05 Underground------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 Train------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 Motorcycle---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 Car None------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 1st stage of basic education (current 4th year/former primary education/grade 4)- 02 2nd stage of basic education (current 6th year/former preparatory degree)---------- 03 3rd stage of basic education (current 9th year/former 5th year of the lyceum programme)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 Secondary education (current 12th year /former 7th year of the lyceum programme/pre-university year)------------------------------------------------------------------- 05 Bicycle---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 Post-secondary education (Technological specialisation courses, level IV)------------- 06 Boat------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Bachelor (includes former middle-level courses)---------------------------------------------- 07 Other(taxi, tram,...)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Licentiate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 Masters---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 PhD--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 18 If you are a tertiary level graduate (bachelor, licentiate, masters or PhD), indicate the name of your course If you have completed more than one tertiary level degree, indicate the highest level attained. 22 Do you use any other mode of transport to travel between home and work or home and place of study in addition to that indicated in the previous question? Yes----------------------- No------------------------ 1 2 If you are less than 15 years of age you have finished completing the questionnaire. 23 In the last 12 months, what was your main source of income? 19 Where is your place of work or study? If you are a student worker, answer regarding the place of work in questions 19 to 22. If you work in your own home or if you are self-employed in an establishment that is part of your residence, please choose the option "At home". If you do not have a usual place of work, please answer regarding the location of the company you work for; if you are self-employed and do not have a usual place of work, please answer with regards to the last travel undertaken. At home--------------------------------------------------- 1 Go to question 23 Work------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01 Retirement / Pension--------------------------------------------------------------- 02 Unemployment benefit------------------------------------------------------------ 03 Benefit in respect of an accident at work or occupational disease----- 04 Social integration income--------------------------------------------------------- 05 Other temporary benefits (illness, maternity leave...)--------------------------- 06 Property or entrepreneurial income-------------------------------------------- 07 Social support------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08 In the parish where you live------------------------------------------------------ 2 Supported by household---------------------------------------------------------- 09 In another parish of the municipality where you live---------------------- 3 Other------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 In another municipality, please specify 24 In the week of 14 - 20 March did you work? 4 Abroad--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not applicable (not working or studying)--------------- 6 Go to question 5 23 Indicate "yes" If you worked for at least one hour and received payment in cash or in kind. Indicate "yes" if you worked as an unpaid family member for a minimum of 15 hours in the reference week. Yes----------------------1 Go to question 29 No------------------------ 2 3 25 Indicate the reason why did you not work in the week of 14 - 20 March: On holiday, sick, on leave, on lay-off or other situations of temporary work interruption but maintain the contractual 1 Go to question 29 relationship with the company-------------------Permanently unable to work------------------------- 2 36 Go to question Unemployed-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Retired---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Student--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Doing housework------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Any other reason-------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 26 Have you ever worked? Indicate "Yes", even if you worked only one hour and received payment in cash or in kind. Yes----------------------- No------------------------ 1 2 27 Are you or have you been looking for a job? 31 Indicate the number of hours you usually work per week in the occupation indicated? 1-4--------------------------------- 1 35-39------------------------------ 5 5-14------------------------------- 2 40-44------------------------------ 6 15-29------------------------------ 3 45 or more----------------------- 7 30-34------------------------------ 4 32 Indicate your professional status in the occupation indicated? If you work on "green receipts" but have a fixed working place in a company, a hierarchy you are accountable to and a work schedule, choose the option "Employee". Employer------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Self-employed------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Employee------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Family worker------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Active member of a producers' co-operative-------------------------------- 5 Other situation----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 33 What is the main economic activity of the company or organisation where you practise the occupation indicated? If Yes, indicate when was the last active effort you made to find a job. Active efforts to find a job involve contacting the employment centre, staff placement companies or employers, placing and replying to job advertisements, taking part in recruitment tests and selection interviews, looking for real estate, equipment or requesting permits with a view to creating your own company. If you work in a company with several establishments, please indicate the economic activity of the establishment where you work. If you work for a company, but are currently assigned to work in another company, please indicate the economic activity of your employer. In the last month-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 For more than 1 month until 4 months---------------------------------------- 2 For more than 4 months until 11 months------------------------------------- 3 For 12 months or more------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Not looking for a job---------------------------------------------------------------- 5 28 If you found or were offered a job would you be available to start work in the week of 14-20 March or in the two following weeks? Be clear and precise (avoid using "of the", "of", "and") For example: instead of trade, education or textile industry, be more precise and indicate footwear retail trade, secondary school or clothing manufacture factory. 34 What are the main goods produced or services provided by the company or organisation where you work? For example: Shoes, secondary education, women's clothing, ... Yes----------------------- 1 No-------------- 2 36 Go to question Answer the questions 29 to 35 - If you are employed - If you are unemployed and have already worked (use as reference the last occupation held). If you are not in one of the previous situations Go to question 35 Indicate the number of persons regularly working in 36 29 What is your main occupation? If you are engaged in more than one occupation, indicate the one which took up most of your time during the week of 14 - 20 March, or if the same amount of time was spent, indicate the one which generated more income. Be clear and precise (avoid using "of the", "of", "and") For example: instead of manager, teacher, textile employee or civil construction worker, be more precise and indicate shop manager, secondary education teacher, sewing-machine operator or brick-layer. the company or organisation where you practise the occupation indicated? If you work in a company with several establishments, you should indicate the total number of the company's workers. For example, if you work in a bank agency you should indicate the total number of the bank's employees and not only those working at the bank agency. If you work in a public institution, you should indicate the total number of workers of the Directorate-General, or equivalent body. 1-------------------- 1 10-19-------------- 4 100-249---------- 7 2-4---------------- 2 20-49-------------- 5 250-499---------- 8 5-9---------------- 3 50-99-------------- 6 500 or more----- 9 Optional Question (Decree-Law no. 226/2009 of 14 September) Answering this question implies authorisation to process personal data. 36 What is your religion? 30 Describe the main tasks carried out in the occupation indicated in the previous question Catholic-------------------------- 1 Jewish---------------------------- 5 Orthodox------------------------ 2 Muslim---------------------------- 6 Protestant----------------------- 3 Other Non-Christian---------- 7 Other Christian----------------- 4 No religion----------------------- 8 Thank you for your cooperation! 4
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