Questionnaire of SIEM (DL no.62/96/M of October 14), for mandatory reply. Registered no. of DSEC: 8/2006 Expiry date: 31/12/2006 Conf i dent i al Go v er n m en t o f Mac ao Sp ec i al A d m i n i s t r at i v e Reg i o n Statistics and Census Service By-census 2006 D6DE VR Qs_No. OP Ref. No. Dear Sir / Madam, With the objective to collect up-to-date information on the population of Macao, Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) is conducting the "By-census 2006". Your household has been selected to participate in this survey, we would appreciate your cooperation in completing this questionnaire. Please read the following instructions before filling in the information. . Every household will answer one questionnaire. If more than one household is living in this unit or your household has more than 4 members, please call our By-census Hotline 707070 for additional questionnaire(s). A household refers to individuals who live together and share common provisions of living, e.g. - A family, including live-in domestic helper or non-relatives; - Friends who live together and make common provisions for food and other essentials for living; - A person living alone, etc. . This questionnaire consists of 7 parts. Parts 1 and 7 will collect information on the household, which are to be completed either by household head or member who is familiar with the information on this household. Household head refers to a person aged 16 or above that is acknowledged by other member(s) as the representative. . Parts 2 to 6 will collect information on every household member and person who stayed in your household at the reference moment, i.e. 19 August 2006 at 3:00 a.m. . Please fill in the name(s) of your household member(s) in Question 4 (in full or initials) and respective information in each corresponding column (every questionnaire has 4 columns). . Personal details are more preferable to be completed by individual member. For the infant, person that has difficulties in answering this questionnaire, member that is outside Macao at the reference period or person that gives consent, the household head or other member may help to provide his/her information. . Please complete this questionnaire with a blue or black ballpoint pen, the shaded squares are reserved for official use. Answers can be given in two forms: a) Written answer, which includes year, occupation, etc. Please write on the line provided, e.g.______ b) Multiple choice answer, which should be marked on the appropriate box with " " to indicate the answer selected, e.g. 2 . You may also read this questionnaire and wait for our visiting enumerators, from 19 to 31 August 2006, that will assist you in completing this questionnaire. We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and support to this survey. Statistics and Census Service August 2006 Reser ved f or of f i ci al use Recor d of vi si t r esul t (each f or m) Date 19/8 20/8 21/8 22/8 23/8 24/8 25/8 26/8 27/8 28/8 29/8 30/8 31/8 Visit Result Ques. Submit ( ) 61.1 T ype of const r uct i on 61.2 T ype of househol d 11 1 12 2 13 19 E: DSEC - 0289 0 20 H ousehol d i dent i t y (each f or m) 7A Total no. of questionnaire 30 38 sheet 7B No. of persons in this questionnaire 40 50 V:___________________ 1 0 50 80 100 Form. A2-01/2006 1. How many households are living in this unit? Par t 1 A household refers to individuals who live together and share common provisions of living, e.g. - A family, including live-in domestic helper or non-relatives; - Friends who live together and make common provisions for food and other essentials for living; - A person living alone, etc. No. of household 2. How many members are there in your household? Note: Please include infant, elderly, live-in domestic helper and household member who is temporarily outside Macao for reason of studying, working, travelling or visiting relatives. No. of members 3. Besides the above-mentioned member(s), how many other persons stayed in this household on 19 August 2006 at 3:00 a.m.? "Other persons" refers to non-household member staying in this household at the reference moment, e.g. relatives and friends who were staying temporarily in your household while visiting Macao. No. of persons Pl ease pr ovi de i nf or mat i on on al l per sons t hat ar e i ncl uded i n Quest i ons 2 and 3 Every household answers one questionnaire. If more than one household is living in this unit or your household has more than 4 members, please contact 707070 for additional questionnaires. Par t 2 A l l per sons 4. Name of household head, household member and person staying in this household on 19 August 2006 at 3:00 a.m. Household head Household head refers to a person aged 16 or above that is acknowledged by other member(s) as representative of the household. 1 Sequence No. of respondent 5. Relationship to household head 2 Spouse 3 Son/daughter 4 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law 6 Grandchild/grandchild-in-law 8 Other relatives 1 Household head 6. Gender 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 Parents/parents-in-law 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 7 Brother/sister 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 9 Non-relatives 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M (e.g. live-in domestic helper) 3 Female 1 Male 3 F Year_______ 7. Year and month of birth 3 F 3 F 3 F Year_______ Year_______ Year_______ Month______ Month______ Month______ Month______ 8. Place where you were on 19 August 2006 at 3:00 a.m. Macao 3 2 (include stepson/stepdaughter or adopted son/daughter) (e.g. grandparents, uncles, cousins, etc.) 2 1 9 9 9 20 This unit/on duty/public place in Macao 20 20 20 24 Other housing unit in Macao (include elderly home, hospital, etc.) 24 24 24 30 Mainland China 50 Hong Kong 60 Taiwan, China 70 Portugal (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other country, __________________________ 30 9 50 60 70 _______ 9. Place of usual residence in the past 6 months 30 9 50 60 70 _______ 9 30 9 9 20 24 50 60 70 _______ 9 30 9 50 60 70 _______ 9 9 For infant who is less than 6 months old, "past 6 months" refers to the date of birth till today 20 This unit 24 Other places in Macao 30 Mainland China 50 Hong Kong 60 Taiwan, China 70 Portugal (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other country, __________________________ Reason of staying outside Macao: 20 24 30 50 9 20 24 70 30 50 _______ 9 60 20 24 70 30 50 _______ 9 60 20 24 70 30 50 _______ 9 60 60 _______ 1 Studying/training Reason: 1 Reason: 1 Reason: 1 Reason: 1 3 Working/seeking work 5 Travelling/visiting relatives 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 7 At home/having immigrated 8 Others 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 Total length of stay in Macao in the past 6 months 1 One to three months 0 Less than one month Total length stayed: Total length stayed: Total length stayed: Total length stayed: 1 1 1 1 0 10. Place of usual residence in the next 6 months 20 This unit 24 Other places in Macao 30 Mainland China 50 Hong Kong 60 Taiwan, China 0 9 20 70 Portugal (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other country, __________________________ 30 9 9 24 20 70 30 _______ 9 50 60 0 9 24 20 70 30 _______ 9 50 60 0 9 24 20 70 30 _______ 9 50 60 24 50 60 1 Studying/training Reason: 1 Reason: 1 Reason: 1 Reason: 1 5 Travelling/visiting relatives 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 7 At home/having immigrated 8 Others 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 Total length of stay in Macao in the next 6 months 1 One to three months 0 Less than one month DSEC - 0289 2 70 _______ 3 Working/seeking work Reason of staying outside Macao: 70 Total length of stay: Total length of stay: Total length of stay: Total length of stay: 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 For i ndi vi dual s t hat have st ayed i n M acao f or l ess t han one mont h si nce Febr uar y 2006 and expect t o st ay i n M acao f or l ess t han one mont h i n t he next 6 mont hs, " Y ou have compl et ed t he quest i onnai r e, t hank you f or your cooper at i on." For t he ot her r espondent (s), pl ease pr oceed wi t h t he quest i onnai r e. Par t 3 1 Sequence No. of respondent 2 3 4 11. What is your ethnicity? (What is your descent?) Ethnicity or descent bears no relationship with one's nationality or place of birth, it is determined by the ethnicity or descent of one's parents. If one's parents are of Chinese descent, the ethnicity of their children is "Chinese". If one's father is of Portuguese descent and mother is of Chinese-British descent, the ethnicity of their children is "Chinese, Portuguese & other". 1 Chinese 2 Portuguese 3 Chinese & Portuguese 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Chinese, Portuguese & other 5 Chinese & non-Portuguese 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 7 Portuguese & non-Chinese 9 Other 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 12. Nationality 1 Chinese 3 Portuguese 5 British 7 Thai 8 American/Canadian 9 Other 13. Place of birth 21 Macao 31 Guangdong 32 Fujian 6 Filipino 21 31 (Please specify on the line provided) 33 Other province of Mainland China, __________________________ 50 Hong Kong 60 Taiwan, China 70 Portugal 93 Thailand 33 32 95 Philippines Year of coming to reside in Macao Year 31 33 (Please specify on the line provided) 33 Other province of Mainland China, __________________________ 50 Hong Kong 60 Taiwan, China 70 Portugal 93 Thailand 50 95 Philippines 70 _______ 3 _______ 9 60 93 32 60 9 93 95 31 32 70 3 _______ 9 60 93 32 60 9 93 95 31 32 70 9 _______ 9 1 3 1 3 _______ 9 60 93 32 95 9 60 93 95 _______ 9 Year _______ 31 32 33 50 70 _______ 3 _______ 70 _______ 33 33 50 Year 50 95 31 3 _______ 9 6 21 _______ 70 _______ 33 33 50 Year 50 95 31 3 _______ 9 6 21 _______ 70 _______ 9 (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, __________________________ 95 32 33 50 _______ 9 32 Fujian 9 93 70 Previous place of residence before residing in Macao 31 3 60 50 6 21 _______ (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, ___________________________ 31 Guangdong 6 3 _______ 9 60 93 95 _______ 9 14. After you were born or coming to reside in Macao, have you been staying outside Macao continuously for 6 months or more? 1 No 3 Yes 1 How long have you been staying outside Macao? Absence (in year) ________ ________ ________ ________ Year return Year return Year return Year return ________ 31 60 Taiwan, China 50 60 70 Portugal 93 Thailand 70 93 9 Reason for residing in the above-mentioned place: 3 Working/seeking work 8 Others 7 At home/having immigrated Macao 20 This unit 5 Travelling/visiting relatives 3 7 8 10 Not yet born 26 Other unit in Taipa 28 Other unit in Coloane 26 28 31 Guangdong 32 Fujian 31 32 (Please specify on the line provided) 33 Other province of Mainland China, __________________________ 93 Thailand 33 60 70 93 5 95 Philippines (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, __________________________ 60 70 93 9 16. Are you living with your father or mother in this household? 1 Yes (Are their names included in Question 4? If not, please fill in.) 1 3 No 3 3 9 95 _______ 33 60 70 93 3 7 8 3 9 95 _______ Form No 24 26 28 31 32 33 5 60 70 93 9 1 3 33 50 95 70 _______ 9 _______ 3 7 8 3 9 95 _______ Form No 24 26 28 31 32 33 5 93 60 70 93 9 1 3 95 _______ 1 3 7 8 5 10 3 _______ 50 9 60 Reason: 1 20 3 32 10 _______ 50 9 Reason: 1 20 31 _______ 50 9 ________ Previous residence 3 32 10 _______ 50 31 _______ 50 9 3 32 10 24 70 Portugal 33 ________ Previous residence Reason: 1 20 60 Taiwan, China 95 _______ 24 Other unit in Macao Peninsula 50 Hong Kong 9 Reason: 1 Studying/training 15. Place of residence 5 years ago (i.e. August 2001) 31 _______ 33 50 Hong Kong 95 Philippines ________ Previous residence 3 32 (Please specify on the line provided) 33 Other province of Mainland China, __________________________ (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Others, __________________________ 3 Absence (in year) Previous residence 32 Fujian 1 Absence (in year) Year of returning to reside in Macao after your last absence for a continuous period of 6 months or more Your previous place of residence before returning to reside in Macao? 3 Absence (in year) Please add up all the periods that lasted continuously for 6 months or more. Please write "0" if the cumulative period is less than one year. 31 Guangdong 3 9 95 _______ Form No 20 24 26 28 31 32 33 _______ 50 60 70 93 9 1 3 3 9 95 _______ Form No For r espondent (s) aged 3 and above Par t 4 (For individuals born after August 2003, please proceed to Part 6 - Health Status) 1 Sequence No. of respondent 2 3 4 17. Your usual language spoken at home 1 Cantonese 2 Mandarin 3 Hokkien 4 Other Chinese dialect(s) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Portuguese 6 English 7 Tagalog 9 Others 5 6 7 9 5 6 7 9 5 6 7 9 5 6 7 9 18. Besides your usual language, other language or dialect that you can speak fluently to communicate with others (with a maximum of 3 answers) 0 None 0 0 0 0 1 Cantonese 2 Mandarin 3 Hokkien 4 Other Chinese dialect(s) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Portuguese 6 English 7 Tagalog 8 Japanese 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 Others 9 19. Are you able to read the headline in newspapers? 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No Are you able to write a simple note? 20. Please indicate your educational attainment in regular education (i.e. preprimary, primary, secondary or higher education) or the highest level completed (e.g. no schooling, Primary 5, Form 4, 2nd year at university, bachelor degree or 2nd year of a master degree programme, etc.) If you have taken different courses of similar qualification, please provide information on one of them. 9 21 Macao 30 Mainland China 50 Hong Kong 70 Portugal 90 USA 91 Canada (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, __________________________ 60 Taiwan, China 92 Australia/New Zealand 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 The course ought to have admission pre-requisite, exam or similar procedure for performance evaluation 1Yes Highest level completed Highest level completed _________ _________ _________ _________ 9 9 9 9 Curso Curso Curso Curso Study place: Study place: 50 60 21 30 50 60 21 30 50 60 21 30 50 60 70 90 91 92 70 90 91 92 70 90 91 92 70 90 91 92 9 _______ 30 Mainland China 70 Portugal (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, __________________________ 60 Taiwan, China 7 No 22. Did you use a computer in the past 3 months? 9 _______ Course: Yes 9 _______ Yes Course: _________ 1 Year attending: _______ 9 Course: _________ 1 Yes 4 No Place studying: 9 Main location where the class is conducted: 50 Hong Kong 1 2 4 No 21 Macao Study place: 30 _________ Yes Yes 1 Year attending: Year attending: __________ __________ __________ __________ Is this a distance learning or internet learning course? 2 Yes Study place: 21 Year attending: (Please specify on the line provided) Level or name of course _______________________ 3 Highest level completed _________ 21. Are you going to attend course in school/institute that lasts for one year or more in the coming academic year 2006/2007? 3 Highest level completed Course: (Please specify on the line provided) Major field of study: ________________________ 9 1 If information provided is of higher education, please specify: Place where you are studying or have obtained the qualification. If the course is organized jointly by two or more institutes, you can choose multiple answers. 9 21 30 70 9 3 No 9 No 50 60 _____ 9 Yes, at places below (can choose multiple answers) : 2 At home 4 At work place 6 At school or other places 2 4 6 1 Yes 9 2 Yes 4 No Place studying: 9 21 30 70 9 3 No No 50 60 _____ 9 2 4 6 1 Yes 9 2 Yes 4 No 21 30 70 9 3 No 50 9 2 4 6 1 Yes 9 4 No Place studying: 9 60 _____ No Yes 2 Place studying: 9 21 30 70 9 3 No 50 60 _____ No 9 2 4 6 1 Yes 9 No Did you access the Internet in the past 3 months? 1 Yes 2 No Places of accessing the Internet (can choose multiple answers) 11 At home 12 At work place 13 At school/class (Please specify on the line provided) 14 Other place, __________________________ 21 Receive/send e-mail 22 Chat room/ICQ 23 Browse/read newspapers and magazines 24 Search for information (Please specify on the line provided) 26 Other, ___________________________ Place of acessing: Place of acessing: Place of acessing: 11 11 11 23. Please indicate the number of computer equipment owned by all members of this household (can choose multiple answers) 12 _______ 14 12 13 ______ 14 12 13 ______ 14 12 Purpose: Purpose: 21 21 21 22 21 24 23 23 1 22 24 23 ______ Yes 9 26 No 1 22 24 23 ______ Yes 9 26 No 1 ______ Yes 9 26 No 1 No 13 ______ Purpose: 22 24 ______ Yes 9 No (Can be answered by household head or member who is familiar with the information on this household) 0 None 1 Desktop 0 None 2 Laptop/notebook 3 PDA 2 Laptop/notebook 4 Other, (Please specify on the line provided) 4 Other, __________________________ 13 Purpose: 26 9 No No 11 Did you browse the website of the Macao SAR Government in the past 3 months? 1 Yes No Place of acessing: 14 Purpose of accessing the Internet (can choose multiple answers) No 4 ______ pc(s) ____________ ______ pc(s) 1 Desktop 3 PDA ______ pc(s) ______ pc(s) Form A2-01/2006 For al l r espondent s aged 14 and above Par t 5 (For individuals born after August 1992, please proceed to Part 6 - Health Status) 1 Sequence No. of respondent 24. Marital status 1 Never married 3 Married/living together 5 Separated 2 1 Form 3 9 Widowed 7 Divorced 5 25. Besides working/attending school/doing housework, please indicate the time spent on the following activities in the past 7 days 3 1 9 7 Form 3 No. 5 Total in last 7 days 4 1 Form 3 No. 9 7 1 5 Total in last 7 days 9 7 Form 3 No. 5 Total in last 7 days No. 9 7 Total in last 7 days 1 Attending training courses after work/after school, read extra-curricular books, etc. (self-learning) _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours 2 Jogging, swimming, playing balls, exercising Tai chi, yoga etc. (sports or out-door activities) _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours 3 Using computer/accessing Internet games, ICQ, sending & receiving e-mails, etc. (excluding the time spent on using computer for work or study) _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours 4 Going to cinema, watching TV or VCD, going to karaoke, playing mahjong, reading newspapers or magazines, playing video games, listening to music, etc. (entertainment and leisure) _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours 5 Giving blood, repairing household goods of neighbours, participating in social work, etc. (voluntary work) _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours _______ Hours 26. In the past 7 days, did you travel outside Macao? (excluding business travel) 0 No (Total for past 7 days) 1 Yes 0 11 Day trip(s) in the past 7 days, totalling _____days 11 12 Trip(s) for two days or more in the past 7 days, totalling _____days 12 (Total for past 7 days) Yes 0 _____ days 11 _____ days 12 1 (day trip) (Total for past 7 days) Yes 0 _____ days 11 _____ days 12 1 (day trip) (Total for past 7 days) Yes 0 _____ days 11 _____ days _____ days 12 _____ days 1 (day trip) Yes 1 (day trip) (trips for 2 days or more) (trips for 2 days or more) (trips for 2 days or more) (trips for 2 days or more) 27. Your main activity during the last 7 days 2 Working or doing business 2 2 2 2 3 - On paid leave (e.g. on holiday, on sick leave, training, etc.) - On unpaid leave, but will resume work on an agreed date or within 30 days 3 3 3 3 4 Not having a job 5 Taking care of the house/child(ren) 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 Retired 7 With disability/ chronic illness 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 8 Attending school (including student on summer holiday who is not working) 8 (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, ______________________________ 9 _______ 9 _______ 9 _______ 9 _______ 1 Please go to question 28 1 Please go to question 28 1 Please go to question 28 1 Please go to question 28 In the past 30 days, have you tried seeking for work? 3 3 Yes Yes 3 Yes months 3 8 months Please go to question 28 8 months 1 Yes 3 No months During the past 7 days, have you worked for a paid job for one hour or more, including part-time or causal work? Have you worked for other family member(s) without a regular pay? 8 Yes 1 Yes, I have spent _____month(s) seeking for work 1 ________ months 1 ________ months 1 ________ months 1 ________ months 0 No 0 No 0 No 0 No 0 No Why? 2 Have found a job and will start working on a specified date 3 Will resume current job within 30 days Reason: 4 Will start own business shortly 2 5 Unavailability of a suitable job/Not meeting employer's requirements 3 6 Personal or family reason (taking care of the house/attending school/retired, etc.) 5 (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, ______________________________ 9 During the past 7 days, if you were hired, were you available to work immediately? 1 Yes 0 No, because of: Reason: 3 Illness/maternity 5 Attending school/training 7 Taking care of the house/ child(ren) 9 Other reasons Pl ease go t o Par t 6 - H eal t h St at us 2 4 6 _______ Available to work 1 3 0 Reason: 7 5 9 9 2 3 4 5 6 _______ Available to work 1 0 Reason: 3 5 7 9 9 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 6 _______ Available to work 1 0 3 5 7 9 9 _______ Available to work 1 0 3 5 7 9 Please go to Part 6 Please go to Part 6 Please go to Part 6 Please go to Part 6 2 2 2 2 28. Your employment status (when working for a paid job or family member): 2 Employer (with fulltime employee) 8 Unpaid family worker 4 Self-employed (without full-time employee) 6 Employee 8 (working for family member without a regular pay) 5 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 1 Sequence No. of respondent 29. Your total employment earnings in July 2006 (MOP) 2 3 4 For employee, it includes salary, commission, tips, overtime payment, bonuses, subsidies and rewards paid by employer in cash. For employer and self-employed, it refers to the profit derived from business operation 1 Less than MOP 3 000 2 MOP 3 001 - 4 000 3 MOP 4 001 - 6 000 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 MOP 6 001 - 8 000 5 MOP 8 001 - 10 000 6 MOP 10 001 - 12 000 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 MOP 12 001 - 14 000 8 MOP 14 001 - 20 000 9 MOP 20 001 - 40 000 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 Over MOP 40 000 11 Unpaid family worker 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 30. Principal business of the establishment where you are working __________ __________ __________ __________ Industry Your job title Industry Industry Industry __________ __________ __________ __________ Occupation Your main duties Occupation Occupation Occupation __________ __________ __________ __________ Work and duty Work and duty Work and duty Work and duty The usual time you first leave home to work in the past 7 days 1 In the morning (0:00-11:59) 2 In the afternoon (12:00 - 23:59) 1 ____:____ Hour 2 ____:____ Minute Hour Principal means of transport to work 1 By bus 2 By car 3 By motorcycle 4 By taxi 5 On foot 6 Transportation provided by employer (Please specify on the line provided) 9 Other, ______________________________ 1 2 5 6 9 4 1 ____:____ Hour 1 2 5 6 9 Minute 3 4 _______ 2 1 ____:____ Hour 1 2 5 6 9 3 4 2 ____:____ Minute _______ (For all respondents who have answered Part 3) - Mobility, e.g. climbing stairs, using public transport facilities - Self care, e.g. going to toilet, bathing, eating, etc. - Communication, e.g. having conversation, using body language, etc. - Other activities, e.g. daily activities such as personal interactions, doing housework, receiving education, working, etc. Hour 1 2 5 6 9 Minute 3 4 _______ 1 2 Next respondent 1 3 Next respondent 1 4 Next respondent 1 Next respondent 1 end of the question on individual, please go to next member 3 Yes, still require assistance from others occasionally 5 Yes, always require assistance from others 3 32. Have the above-mentioned difficulties been continuously occurring or will expect to continue for 6 months or more? Par t 7 3 _______ Sequence No. of respondent 31. Even with the help of auxiliary equipment, do you still require assistance from others in performing the following activities as a result of your physical, mental or emotional conditions? 1 Yes Minute 2 H eal t h St at us Par t 6 1 No 1 3 No 3 5 1 3 3 5 1 3 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 H ousehol d (Can be answer ed by househol d head or member who i s f ami l i ar wi t h t he i nf or mat i on on t hi s househol d) H1 This unit is: H2 Monthly mortgage/rent payment (excluding water, electricity and telephone charges, management fee and parking expenses) 1 Owner-occupied/owned by household member(s) 2 Mortgage free or rent free 3 Rented 4 Monthly mortgage/rent payment (MOP)__________________ 5 Accommodation provided by employer 7 Other, ___________________________ H4 This household has ____motorcycle(s) or H3 This household has ____ bedroom(s) for household member(s) bedroom(s) H5 Main parking spot of car(s) at night in the past 7 days ____car(s) for use by the household member(s) 0 No car 1 ____car(s) in private carpark (excluding commercial vehicle) 2 _____car(s) in paid public carpark 3 ____car(s) in street parking T1 Tel. No. (for future follow-up) _____________________________ T1 T2 Convenient time of contact ______:______~ ______: ______ End of t he Quest i onnai r e. T hank Y ou f or Y our Suppor t and Cooper at i on 6
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