The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (Model No. 1/6 Pop. Census 06) 1306012006009 Household & Housing Characteristics Questionnaire Egypt 2006 General Census for Population, Housing and Establishments 2006 Third Pre-test Trial Male Record Serial in the Shiakha/City/Village: Governorate: ______________ Division/District/Markaz No. of Supervisor’s Zone: ______________ No. of Detector’s Zone Block No.: Shiakha/District/Village: ______________ No. of Acolyte’s Zone Name of the building Owner _________ Road Name & No.: Total Quest. No. Serial Registration in the Enumerated Zone No. of Counter’s Zone: No. of Households Female ___________ Follow: Household Serial: No. of Building: Table (1) Family Characteristics: 6 years Age or more (1) Individual code & his full name (2) Relation to Household Head (4) Gender (5) Religion (6) Nationality (7) Educational Status/ or the highest education certificate (10 years age or more) (8) Joining or dropping out of school (9) Work Status 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Male 2. Female 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Egyptian 2. Foreigner (specify the nationality) 1. Below Age 2. Illiterate 3. Read & Write without certificate 4. Primary 5. Preparatory 6. Intermediate degree 1. Underage 2. Never been to school 3. Graduated/finished school 4. Dropped out 5. Currently in school (for 4,5 = specify stage & year) 1. Underage 2. Employer 3. Self Employed 4. Waged Worker 5. Unpaid working for family 6. Work for outsider without wage 7. Currently unemploye d Household Head husband/Wife Son/Daughter Daughter in law/ Son in law 5. Grandson/Grandda ughter 6. Father/Mother 7. Brother/Sister 8. Other relatives 9. No relation 10. Servants 11. Visitor (3) Age in years Muslim Christian Jewish Other 7. Above intermediate degree 8. University Degree 9. Above University Degree (Specify the highest degree & specialization) Stage (1-4) Year (1-6) 8. Recently unemploye d 9. Full-time student 10. House Wife 11. Retired 12. Oldster & does not work 13. Disabled 14. Does not want to work 15. Others (10) Establishment Name 1. Underage 2. Inside (--) 3. Outside establish ment 4. Not affiliated Table (2) Housing Characteristics Several Answers are accepted Dwelling Type 1. Apartment 2. More then apartment 3. Villa/ House 4. Rural House 5. One room or more in unit 6. Free Standing room 7. Tent or hut 8. Cemetery 9. Others Ownership Ststua 1. Rent (old law) 2. Rent (new Law) 3. Furnished rent 4. Owned, totally paid for 5. Owned, paying installments 6. Grant 7. Fringe Benefit 8. Others Source of Water 1. Public Network 2. Pump 3. Well 4. Other Home connection to Water Utility 1. Tap inside home 2. Tap inside the building 3. No connection with the utility Home connection to Sewage Authority 1. Connected to public network 2. Private Network 3. ﺗﺮﻧﺶ 4. Not connected Main lighting System No. of rooms including living room Monthly rent in L.E. Used Fuel & Energy 1. Electricity 2. Kerosene 3. Gasoline 4. Other Stove Colored TV Deep Freezer Water Heater Internet connect ion Private Car Natural Gas Black & White TV Manual Washing Machine Vacuum Cleaner Fan Motorcycle Kerosene Video Automati c Washing Machine Aircondition Teleph one Bicycle Separa te Bathro om Electricit y Satellite Dish Dish Washer Compute r Mobile Phone Others Separa te Toilet Other Refrigera tor Stove Iron Nothin g Nothing The Utilities 1. Private Kitche n Bathro om with Toilet Owned Transportation Tools Consumer Durable Goods 2. Shared 3. Not Available Summary Info: No. of household members Male Female Total Religion Muslim Christian Jewish Nationality Other Egyptian Foreigner Age Group Less then 6 years From 6- From 10- Educational Status (10 years or more) 65+ Below Age Illiterate Read & Write without certificate Primary Preparatory Intermediate Degree Intermediate middle degree University Degree Above University Degree The Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics General Census for Population, Housing and Establishments 2006 Third Pre-test Trial Record Serial in the Enumerated Zone: No. Shiakha/City/Village: (Model No. 1/6 Pop. Census 06) 1306012006009 Household and Housing Characteristics Questionnaire Egypt 2006 Record Serial in the Shiakha/City/Village: No. of Reviewer Zone Code: No. of Supervisor Zone Code No. of Enumerator Zone: No. of Acolyte’s Zone Questionnaire No. : ____________________________ Location of the housing unit in the building 6 years of age or more (12) Main Economic Activity (13) Main occupation for (in details) persons (in details) (11) Sector 1. Government 2. Public 3. Private 4. Investment 5. Cooperative 6. Mixture of both 7. Other 8. Not working 9. Underage Follow: Household Serial No.: For those who changed their residency location (14)Job Stability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Underage Permanent Temporary Seasonal Casual Not working (15) Marital Status 18 years or more for males 16 years or more for females 1. Below Age 2. Never Married 3. Contractually married 4. Married 5. Divorced 6. Widow(er) (17) Physical Status* (16) No. of current wives 1. Normal 2. Disabled (go to Table 3) (18) Residence address for guests and/or visitors City/ District/ /Markaz Governorate (21) Previous residence address (19) Place of Birth City/ District/ /Markaz Governorate (20) Duration in years of residing at the current address City/ District/ /Markaz Governorate (22) Reason for changing the residence address 1. 2. 3. 4. Work Studying Marriage Divorced (widow) 5. Accompany 6. Others Table (3) Info on household members with disabilities (Answer no. 2 for Quest. 17 in Table 1) Table (4) Data on Individuals Outside the Country Handicapped Individual Code 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blind Blind in 1 eye Deaf Mute Deaf & Mute Type of Disability 6. Mentally Disabled 7. Lost 1 hand or both 8. Lost 1 leg or both 9. Polio 10. Partial or Full Paralysis 11. Other Disabilities (specify) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reason of Disability 6. Injury/Accident Born with 7. Aging Birth defect 8. Others Epidemic 9. Does not know Other diseases Mental/Physical abuse 2 3. Question Is there any member of this household staying outside the country temporarily for a any other reason? No. of members staying abroad, and countries where they are staying Is there a neighboring household entirely residing abroad? 1. Yes 2. No If (Yes) how many by gender Female Male No. Country _______________ No. Country _______________ No. Country _______________ No. Country _______________ No. of its members Country _______________ Total Summary Info: 6 Years or more Individual status towards work Underage Works Unemployed worked before Recently unemployed Connection to Public Utilities Nature of work Outside Labor Force Underage Permanent Temporary Seasonal Marital Status Casual Job Stability Underage Never Married Contractually married Married Water Utility Divorced Widow (er) Connected Not connected * Has any household member been suffering from a physical, medical, or mobility problem for a long period (6 months or more) that prevents from independently performing daily life activities easily? Electricity Connected Not connected Sewage Authority Connected Not connected
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