62394 2010 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS Persons Questionnaire 1. 2. 3. 4. Use No. 2 pencil only Please make no stray marks on questionnaire Please do not write answers in the boxes Please circle or tick answers where appropiate Island ________________________________________ Enumerational District __________________________ Electoral District _______________________________ Building/Housing Unit Number _____________________ Dwelling Unit Number _____________________________ Household Number _______________________________ Address of Household _____________________________ Persons Number _________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETED CENSUS DAY - JUNE 12th, 2010 Instructions: 62394 SECTION 6: PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Name 40: What is your / (N)'s full name? ______________________________________ Relationship to Head 41. What is your / (N)'s relationship to the head of the household? 1. Head 2. Spouse of Head 3. Partner of Head 4. Child of Head and Spouse/Partner 5. Child of Head only 6. Child of Spouse/Partner only 7. Spouse/Partner of Child of Head 8. Grandchild of Head/Spouse/Partner 9. Parents of Head/Spouse/Partner 10. Other Realtive of Head/Spouse/Partner 11. Domestic Employee 12 Other Non-relative 13 Not Stated Sex 42: What is your / (N)'s sex? 1. Male 2. Female Date of Birth 43: What is your / (N)'s date of birth? Day Month Year Age 44: What was your/ (N)'s age at his/her last birthday? Age ___________ (ALL AGES) Ethnic Group (All Ages) 45: To which ethnic group do you/(N) belong? 1 African/Black 2 Creole 3 Carib 4 Amerindian 5 White/Caucasian 6 Chinese 7 Indian 8 Philippinos 9 Asian (other) 10 East Indian 11 Hispanic/Latinos 12 Mixed 13 Syrian 14 Lebanese 15 Other middle east 16 Other Ethnic Groups, specify____________________ 17 Not Stated Religion/Faith (All Ages) 46: What is your/ (N)'s affiliation with a religion or faith? 1 Anglican 2 Church of God 3 Evangelical 4 Methodist 5 Moravian 6 New Testament Church of God 7 Pentecostal 8 Presbyterian 9 Roman Catholic 10 Seventh Day Adventist 11 Jehovah's Witness 12 Baptist 13 Baha'i 14 Hindu 15 Judaism 16 Mormon 17 Muslim/Islam 18 Rastafarian 19 Budhaism 20 Other affiliation, specify ___________________________ 21 None/No Religion 22 Not Stated Page 2 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 62394 SECTION 7: MARITAL AND UNION STATUS (FOR PERSONS 15 YEARS AND OVER) Marital Status 47: What is your / (N)'s marital status? 1 Single/Never Married 2 Married 3 Divorced 4 Widowed 5 Legally Separated 6 Not stated 7 Don't know Union Status (for both Males & Females) 48:What is your/ (N)'s present union status 1 Never had a spouse or common-law partner (Go to Q50) 2 Married and living with spouse 3 Married but not living with spouse. 4 Common Law/de facto marriage 5 Visiting partner 6 Not in Union (Go to Q50) 7 Don't Know (Go to Q50) 8 Not Stated (Go to Q50) Age at first Marriage or in a Union 49: How old were you/ (N) when first married or in a union for the first time? Age _________ SECTION 8: MARITAL AND UNION STATUS (FOR PERSONS 15 YEARS AND OVER) 54: Why did you come to live in this country? 1 Employment 2 Moved with spouse 3 Moved with family 4 Education Opportunities 5 Retired 6 Other 7 Don't know 8 Not stated Place of Birth 50: Where were you/(N) born? 1 In this country 2 Abroad (Go to Q52) 3 Don't Know (Go to Q53) 51: What was the name of the community where your/ (N)'s mother usually lived? Village/Community, ________________(Go to Q55) Duration of Residence 55: In what year did you/ (N) come to live in this community/village? Office Use 52: In which country were you/ (N) born? Country ___________________________ Year ___________ If 2009 or earlier, (Go to Q57) Office Use Location of Last Residence 56: In what village/community did you/ (N) last live? 53: In what year did you/ (N) come to live in this country? Year ____________ Village/Community _______________________ Office Use Page 3 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 62394 62394 Place of Usual Residence 57: Where do you/(N) usually live? 1 This address 2 Another address in this country 3 Abroad 4 Not stated Residence at Last Census 60: Where did you/(N) live when the last census was conducted in 2001? 1 At this address (Go to Q64) 2 Another village/community in this country, specify (Go to Q64) __________________________ Office Use 3 Abroad 4 Don't know (Go to Q64) 5 Not stated (Go to Q64) Address of Usual Residence 58: What is the village/community name of your/ (N)'s usual residence? Village/Community ________________________ Country of Residence at Last Census 61: In which country did you/(N) last live? Office Use Residence Five Years Ago 59: Where did you/(N) live five years ago? 1 This address (Go to Q60) 2 Another village/community in this country (Go to Q59a) 3 Abroad (Go to Q59b) 4 Don't know (Go to Q60) 5 Not stated (Go to Q60) Country _______________________ Year of Return 62: In what year did you/(N) return to this country? Year _____________ 59a: Village/Community Reason for Return 63: What was the main reason you/(N) returned to live in this country? 1 Regard it as home 2 Family is here 3 Deported/Involuntary return 4 To start a business 5 Retired 6 Homesick 7 Employment 8 Got Married 9 Other, specify _______________ _____________________ Office Use 59b: Country ________________________ Office Use Office Use SECTION 9: CITIZENSHIP Children born in the past 12 months who have 116: Of what sex and age, in months, were the died children who died in the past 12 months? 115: How many of the children who were born to you/(N) in the past 12 months have died? Child No. Sex Age (Months) Total Number ________ SECTION 17: CENSUS NIGHT (ALL AGES) Location on Census Night 117: Where did you/(N) spend census night? 1 This household 2 Elsewhere in the country 3 In an Institution (eg. Hospital, prison, military camp, hotel) 4 Abroad 5 Other 6 Not Stated 118: Were there any births/deaths or additions during census night? 1 Yes 2 No (END, GO TO THE NEXT PERSON - IF APPROPIATE) (ALL AGES) Citizenship 64: Of which countries are you/(N) a citizen? Country____________________ Country____________________ Country____________________ Office Use 65: Legal Status What is your legal status in this country? 1 Born in this Country (Go to Q69) 2 Non-belonger (Go to Q68) 3 Belonger 4 Resident 5 Naturalized 6 Other 7 Don't know 8 Not stated Page 4 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 Page 13 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 62394 62394 For what reason did you use the internet? (Choose all that apply) cont'd 1 Yes 2 No i Software (downloading) j Online dating o Playing games 67: How did you obtain this legal status? 1 Marriage 2 Longevity 3 Honorary 4 Became eligible 5 Other, specify ______________ 6 Not stated q Email r Surfing (general) s Other, specify Gambling m Booking flight reservations SECTION 10: DISABILITY n Reading online news SECTION 16: FERTILITY (ALL FEMALES 12 YEARS AND OVER) Children ever born (live born) Age (last born) 109: How many live born children have you/(N) 112: How old were you/(N) when you/she had ever had and how many were male and how her last live born child? many were female? Age _________ Total Number Males Females Date of birth of the last child born alive 113: What was the date of birth of the last child born alive to you/(N) ? Day Live Born still alive 110:How many of your/(N)'s live born children are still alive? Total Number Males 68: Have you applied for a change in your legal status? 1 Yes 2 No Year _____________ p Farming k Adult entertainment l 66: What year did you achieve this legal status? Month Year Females Live births in the past 12 months 114: How many live births did you/(N) have in the past 12 months? One birth (with one baby) Age (first born) Two separate births 111: How old were you/(N) when you/she had Twins her first live born child? Three or more None Age _________ Not stated (ALL AGES) Disability Status (respond only where the disability has been continuous for 6 months or more) 69: Indicate the level of difficulty you have with the following disabilities. 1-No difficulty 2-Some difficulty 3-Yes, lots of difficulty 4-Cannot do (it) at all 70: What is the origin of your/(N)'s disability? 1-From Birth 5-Developed over time 2-Illness 6-Other, specify 3-Accident 7-Don't know 4-Inflicted a . Seeing (even with glasses)? c Walking or climbing stairs? b. Hearing? d Remembering or concentrating? c. Walking or climbing stairs? e Behavioral (mental retardation) d. Remembering or concentrating? f Learning or understanding e. Self Care? g Communicating and speaking? f. Upper body functions? h Upper body functions? g. Communicating and speaking? i Self Care? h. Behavioral (mental retardation) j Upper body functions? i. Learning or understanding k Communicating and speaking? a Seeing (even with glasses)? b Hearing? l Behavioral (mental retardation) if code 1-no difficulty is the response for all disabilities. Go to Q72 m Learning or understanding Page 12 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 Page 5 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 62394 62394 71: Are you / (N) required to use any of the following aids? (Indicate all that apply) 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know Other sources of Livelihood (All Ages) 105: In what income range are the amounts of Friends/family (Local) your /(N)'s other sources of livelihood? (Indicate as many sources as apply) (Show Friends/family (abroad) Flash Card for Amount)) 1 Yes Amount Spouse/Partner 2 No d Crutches e Orthopedic Shoes f Braille a Wheelchair g Other, specify b Cane h Adapted Car c Prosthesis/artificial body part SECTION 11: HEALTH (ALL AGES) 72: Do you/(N) suffer from any of the following Do you/(N) suffer from any of the following illnesses? (Indicate all illnesses that apply) illnesses? cont'd 1 Yes 2 No l HIV/Aids 3 Don't know m Carpal Tunnel Syndrome a Arthritis n Respitory disease b Kidney disease o Other, specify c Asthma ____________________ g Anemia h Glaucoma j Heart disease k Lupus Parent(s) Investments Guardian(s) Remittances Alimony Savings Backyard Farming Disability benefits Other, specify Jobless benefits Notes: Mark all sources even though they may be minor in terms of the total amount of the source of livelihood SECTION 15: INTERNET ACCESS 74: Which of the following insurance programs do you/(N) have? 1 Social Security 2 Life with Health 3 Group Health 4 Individual Health 5 Endowment with Health 6 Don't Know 7 Other, specify i Cancer Pension (overseas) Other public help 73: Are you/(N) covered by insurance (health, life, national, etc.)? 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't Know 4 Not Stated f Sickle cell Children Social security benefits d Diabetes e Hypertension Pension (local) (ALL AGES) 106: Access to the Internet Have you/(N)/accessed to the internet within the past 3 months? 1 Yes 2 No Current Use 107: How did you/(N) mainly access the internet in the past 3 months? 1 Home (fixed line) 2 Work (fixed line) 3 School (fixed line) 4 Internet Café (fixed line) 5 Public Library 6 Cellular Phone (Blackberry is a cellular phone) 7 Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) 8 Family or Friend's House (fixed line) 9 Areas with Public access point 10 Other, specify ______________ 11 Don't Know 108: For what reason did you use the internet? (Choose all that apply) 1 Yes 2 No a Research b Shopping c Chatting (messenger) d Internet phone (skype etc.) e Movies (watching) f Music (listening) g Movies (downloading) h Music (downloading) Page 6 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 Page 11 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 62394 62394 Usual Activity Status 96:What did you/(N) do most during the past 12 months? 1 Had a job and worked 2 Had a job, but did not work 3 Seeking first job (Go To Q101) 4 Seeking a job which was not the first (Go To Q101) 5 Did not seek but wanted work and was available (Go To Q101) 6 Attended school/Student (Go To Q101) 7 Did Home Duties (Go To Q101) 8 Retired, did not work 9 Disabled, unable to work 10 Others, specify _____________ 11 Not stated 100: What percent is this income of your total income % of Total Income _______ (Go to Q102) Steps Taken to Look for Work 101: What steps did you/(N) take during the past week to look for work? 1 Direct application (sent out letters, completed application form) 2 Checking at work sites etc. 3 Seeking assistance from friends 4 Registered at public employment recruitment agency 5 Registered at private employment recruitment Months Worked agency 97: How many months did you/(N) work during 6 Await pick-up for day work the past 12 months? 7 Others, specify_____________ 8 Not stated Number of Months __________ 102: Do you sell goods or provide a service (if Don't Know, use code 98) but have no stationery location? (if Not Stated, use code 99) 1 Yes 2 No (Go To 105) Income 98: How often do you/(N) get paid from your / 103: Do you have a trade license for this their main job? business? 1 Weekly 1 Yes 2 Fortnightly 2 No 3 Monthly 4 Quarterly 104: In what income range does your monthly 5 Annually earnings fall? (Show Flash Card) 6 Other 7 Not applicable (Go To Q106) 8 Don't know (Go To Q106) Income Range _________ Gross Income last pay period 99: In what income range was your/(N)'s pay/income during the last pay period from your main job? (Show Flash Card) Income Range ___________ SECTION 12: EDUCATION (ALL AGES) What is the highest level of education that you/(N) have attained? cont'd Current School Attendance 75: Are you/(N) currently attending an Education Institution? 1 Yes 2 No (Go To Q77) 13 College/Tertiary/University 1-2 14 University/Tertiary (Bachelor's) 15 University/Tertiary (Master's) 16 University/Tertiary (PhD) 17 Special School/Education 18 Other, specify______________ 19 Don't Know 76: What type of Educational Institution are you/(N) attending? 1 Day care/nursery 2 Pre-school 3 Pre-primary School 4 Government Primary School 5 Private Primary School 6 Special Education 7 High School 8 Vocational/Trade 9 Business/ Computer Science 10 Commercial/Secretarial 11 Adult/Continue Classes 12 Distance Learning, specify __________________ 13 Correspondence/Internet 14 College/Tertiary 1-2 15 University/Tertiary 16 Other, specify _____________ 17 Not Stated Highest Examination passed/Qualification obtained 78: What is the highest examination you/(N) have ever passed? 1 Primary School Certificate 2 Cambridge School Certificate 3 CXC Basic 4 GCE O' levels or CXC General 5 High School Cert (HSC) 6 GCE A' levels CAPE 7 College Certificate/Diploma 8 Associate Degree 9 Bachelor's degree 10 Post graduate Diploma/Certificate 11 Professional Certificate 12 Higher Degree (Masters) 13 Higher Degree Doctoral) Educational Attainment 77: What is the highest level of education that 14 Other, specify ______________ 15 None you/(N) have attained? 16 Not Stated 1 No Schooling/Pre-school/Daycare/Nursery 2 Pre-primary education 3 Primary (grades 1-2) 4 Primary (grades 3-5) 5 Elementary 5 Junior Secondary 6 High School (1-3) 7 High School 4 + 8 Sixth Form (A' level) 9 Post Secondary Technical 10 Vocational/Trade 11 Business/ Computer Science 12 Commercial/Secretarial Page 10 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 Page 7 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 62394 62394 SECTION 13: PROFESSIONAL , TECHINCAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING (15 YEARS PLUS) SECTION 14: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 79: Have you/(N) ever received or attempted any training or are you/(N) currently being trained to fit for employment, occupation or profession? 1 Yes 2 No (Go to Q86) Current Activity Status 86: What did you/(N) do mostly during the past week? 1 Had a job and worked 2 Had a job, but did not work 3 Seeking first job (Go To Q101) 4 Seeking a job which was not the first (Go To Q101) 5 Did not seek but wanted work and was available (Go To Q105) 6 Attended school/Student (Go To Q105) 7 Did Home Duties (Go To Q105) 8 Retired, did not work (Go To Q105) 9 Disabled, unable to work (Go To Q105) 10 Other, specify ________________(Go To Q105) 11 Not stated (Go To Q105) 89: Do you have secondary and tertiary jobs? 1 Yes 2 No (Go To Q92) Employment Status (Current) 87: What type of worker status applies to you/(N) ? 1 Paid employee, State owned/Government 2 Paid employee, Statutory Board 3 Paid employee, Private Establishment 4 Paid employee, Private Home 5 Own business/ Self-employed with paid employees 6 Own business/ Self-employed without Employees 7 Apprentice/Learners 8 Unpaid Worker/Employee 9 Volunteer worker 10 Contributing family member/worker 11 Other, specify _____________ 12 Don't know 13 Not stated Main Industry and type of business 92: What main business is carried out at your/(N)'s work place? Period of Training 83: How long was the period of your/(N)'s highest level of training (in months)? Months ____________ Training Status 80: Which category of training status applies to you/(N) ? 1 Completed training 2 Undergoing training currently 3 Attempted training but did not complete 4 Don't Know 5 Not Stated Type of Certification 84: What type of qualification or certification did you/(N) receive on completion of the training at the highest level? 1 None 2 Certificate with examination 3 Certificate without examination 4 Diploma 5 Advanced Diploma 6 Associate Degree Field of Training 7 Bachelor's Degree 81: What is the field for which the highest level of training was completed, attempted or 8 Post Grad. Degree 9 Professional Qualification is undergoing by you/(N) ? 10 Other, specify ______________ 11 Don't Know Field ________________ 12 Not Stated 82: What was the main method used by Training relationship to Job you/(N) to train in this field? 85: Is your/ (N)'s training related to your/(N) 's 1 On the job present job? 2 Private Study 1 Yes 3 Apprenticeship 2 No 4 Correspondence course 5 Secondary School 6 Vocational/Trade school/Technical Institution 7 Commercial/Secretarial School 8 Business/Computer School 9 University (on campus) 10 Institute 11 Distance Learning 12 Online/Virtual learning 13 Other, specify ______________ 14 Don't Know 15 Not Stated (15 YEARS AND OVER) 90: How many other jobs do you have? Number of Jobs __________ 91: What are these jobs? job#2 ____________________ job#3 ____________________ job#4 ____________________ Office Use Industry _______________ 93:How many hours did you/(N) work during the past week? Hours worked _______ Place of Work 94:Where is your/(N)'s place of work? 1 Fixed place of work outside the home 2 Work at home (Go To Q96) 3 No fixed place of work (Go To Q96) 4 Don't know (Go To Q96) 5 Not Stated (Go To Q96) Main Occupation 88: What kind of main work were you/(N) doing during the past week? Work/Office Address 95:What is the name and address of your/(N)'s workplace? Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ __________________________ Occupation ______________________ Office Use Page 8 of 13 1 2 3 4 5 Page 9 of 13 1 2 3 4 5
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