F3 SERIAL NUMBER OF PERSON WITHIN THE CENSUS BLOCK: P1 P2 I NAME: Stadng with the head of household, enter names of all persons usually !Ving in the household. If an infant not yet named, write as Baby . 02. WifeMusband another schedde mark " X here r n u PERSON'S COLUMN NUMBER: 1 06. Pmnt of head or spouse 07. Other dative law 09.Non-rel Housing Information (Do not fill for non housing units. For Collective living quarters fill HI andtoVacant H7.)housing units 1. Never mamed 2.Mamed (Registered) 3. Married (Customary) 4. widowed P7 5. Divorced 6. Legally separated 7. Separated (Not legally) ~. I I 5. Burgher 6. Malay 7. m e r P 11 ~- . - 2. Hindu 3. Islam 5.0.Chr. 6.0ther 4. S.L.Moor 88 Another District/Country DURATION OF RESIDENCE IN THE ESTATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE: MC/UC/VILLAGE/ 1. Sinhalese 5. Burgher 2. S.L.Tam. 6. Malay 3.LTam. 7.other 4. S.L.Moor 1. Buddhist 2 Hindu 3. Islam District/country 88 This MC/UC/Village/ Estate Another MC/UC/ViU/ Estate in this district 1. Sinhalese 5. Burgher z.S.L.Tam. 6.Malay 3.1.Tam. í'.other 4. S.L.Moor 1 1 .................... Another District/Country , If vacant write '00' H4 WHETHER CONVENTIONAL OR IMPROVISED UNIT 4.R.C. 5.O.Chr. 6.other 77 This MC/UC/Village/ Estate Another MC/UC/VilU Estate in this district .................... p 12 6.0ther DistridCountry This MC/UC/ViLlage/ Estate 68 Another MCIUCIVW ;"&,te in this district 2. 1. m Another District/Country H5 A. Walt D Disuict/Country I 1 7 1 .................... Another District/Country 6. 7. DiStriC~COuntry B. Floor 1 7 1.................... - GO To P 14 98 Since birth - GO TO P 14 2. 3. 1. TIC 2. 3. 4. 5. - - ~ Cementblock Mucl CadjadPalmyrah PlanW Mem1 sheet ............. Other (specify) 6. 5. C . Roof Bridc cabodc Terrazo/ canent TieØ Granite Mud W d sand Other (specify) ............. 4. Estate in this district Another Districf/covntry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Estate Estate in this district Improvisedunit Conventional unit PRINCIPAL MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION: .................................................................................. 77 .................... 1. Sinhalese 5. Burgher 2. S.L.Tam. 6. Malay 3. LTam. 7. olher 4. S.LMoor . 1. Sinhalese 5. Burgher 2. S.L.Tam. 6 . Malay 3. I.Tam. 7. other 4. S.L.Moor 98 Since birth - GOTO P 14 98 Shce birth - co TO P 14 98 S h e birth - GO TO P 14 ,98 Since birth If entire life circle '98 and GO TO P 14 If less than i year write '00' If vacant write 'o' H3 NUMBER O F PERSONS USUALLY LIVING IN THE UNIT: ~~k~ ...... 77 Districtlcountry 77 This MC/UC/Village/Estate 88 Another MC/UC/Village/Estate in this district Lf n a , w n k the name of the district or country and its code 4.R.C. 5.O.Chr. 2. Vacant NUMBER O F HOUSEHOLDS IN THE UNIT. L 88 SriLanka ?7 Notknown C E m .................................................................................. Write the name zlld code of the district of birth. PLACE OF USUAL RESIDENCE: 1.. Buddhist 2. Hindu 3. Islam I ..... ........................................ PLACE OF BIRTH. and its code. .. ..................... 1. Sinhalese 5. Burgher 2. S.L.Tam. 6. Malay 3. I.Tam. 7. m e r ETHNIC G R O U P 1. S i a l e s e 2. SriLankaTamil 3. IndianTamil 4. SriLankaMoor p 10 I 4. Roman Catholic 5. Other Christian' 6. Other 1. Occupied E12 88 SriLanka 77 Notknown II I J Country I 1. Buddhist 4.R.C. IRELIGION: 1. Buddhist 2. Hindu 3. Islam P9 88 SriLanka 77 Not known If Sri Lanka, circle "88". If not known circle "77, otherwise write the name and code of the countty. 1-1 I p8 I CITIZENSHIP I H I OCCUPANCY STATUS: 1. Nevmar. 5. Div. 2. Mar.fleg.) 6. Leg.sep. 3. Mar.(Cus.) 7. Sep 4. Wid. (Not lega. 6 Asbestos Concrete Metalsheet Cadjad Palmyrahl Straw n t h p r fcwrifv) __ P 12 DURATION OF RESIDENCE IN THE MCIUCIVILLAGEV ESTATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE: If entire life, circle '98' and GO TO P 14 If less than 1 year write '00' P 13 P 14 - 88 Another MC/UC/ViUagclEstate hthe district of present usual residence If another district or coptry, write the name of the dlstnct or country and its code DISABILITY: spe y havin seeing difficulties heruin di€fcuitie.s ing difficulfies, disability in u i p r lim%s, lower h&bs, epilepcy or any other hysical disab!h mentally retarded or mentally ill circle fand. fill the dis%lity schedule for that person, after completmg - the schedule. pzp P 16 P 17 18 M n 6r d 6r P 19 P 20 EDUCATIONAL AITAINMENT SPEAKING READING AND WRITING ABILITY: and write" with understanding. Circle 1 for yes and 2 for no. S = Sinhala T = Tamil E = English P 21 IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS A C T M T I E S AND THEIR DURATIONS B N WEEKS): A . Employed: That is working for pay, working in own enterprise, business, profession, working as unpaid family worker or working as paid apprentice. B. Unemployed: That is without work and available :cr work. C . Engaged in non ecbiumic activity: That is student, engaged in household work, pensioner. unable to work or child not attending school etc. If not engaged in any activity write '00' for that activity. The sum of all durations should be 52 weeks. L O a 6. Whelher t w k any action to find self employment or paid employment in the last 12 months .................................... Speak 1 ,We$ , 4. Employed m a B. Unemployed . Unemployed :.Non economic activity 2 PRINCIPAL NON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS: If engaged in non economic activity (i.e. P18C z 00) circle the mam acuvity. If not co TO P 21 2.Household work 3. Income &$at/ Pensioner 4. Unablefloo old to work 5. Child not attending school 6. Other non economic activity PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION OR KIND OF WORK DONE IN T H E LAST 1 2 MONTHS: State clearly exact occupation or kind of work done during the last 12 months eg. Paddy Cultivator, Tea Plucker, Accounts Clerk, Mathematics Teacher, Vegetable Seller etc. If the person had more than one occupation/work, the principal occupation/work on which most time was spent. . Student . Household wo* . InC. Pensioner 01. 02. 03. 04. U 1999 M. 1995 08. 1994- 1990 09. 1989- 1985 1998 1984 -190° 2001 2000 10. ....... I Grade. ....... est Exam: .............. ................................... 1. 2. H9 I Residential only Residendal and mmmercid ROOMS: 1. 2. Single roomed house Morethan o n e m -+ GO TO H 11 For each of the following. write the number. If not available write 'O Numkr HIO NO. OF ROOMS: B. unemployed m B. Unemployed B. Unemployed wnxm Líving/Dining Kitchenpantry 2 . Non economic activity 1. Yes 2. No Wice m m 1 I 2. No 1. Yes 2. No Other rooms used for living H11 AVAILABILITY OF TOILET : 1. 2. 3. I. Student 4. Unable/ 1. Student 4. Unable/ 4. Unable/ 1. Student 4. unable/ 1.Student 4. Unable/ 2. Household tooold 2. Household too old tooold twold 2. Household too old 1. Household Work 5. Childnot Work 5. Childnot Work 5. Childnot 5. Childnot 5. Childnot 3- h C . rec./ att sch. 3. hC.=C./ a& sch. att. sch. 3* InC. m-1 att. sch. att. sch. 3. InC. rec./ e m e r 6. Othernon Fnsimer 6. Othernon P s i o n e r 6. Othernon P s i m e r 6. Othernon 6. Othernon eco. act. eco. act. eco. au. eco. au. eco. act. 1. 2. 3. I .................................................................................. .................................................................................. nnm I .................................................................................. I 5. Waterseal Pour flush (Not water seal) Pit Bucket Other (specify) ...................... H l 3 SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER: 2. 1. Unprotected Proteaed well well within premises 3. 4. Protected well outside premises Tubewell Public tap/Street tap Tap - within premises 5. 6. - R Exclusively for the unit S h a d with another unit None + GO TO H I3 H l 2 TYPE OF TOILET: 4. ........................................ Single houst: Attached house/ Annexe Flat Line room/ ROWhouse Slum/ Shanty Other(specify)..................... CONSTRUCTION I 1. Yes ............. If qot completed but oc~lpiedcircle the appropriate year when first occupied: Readandwritt Il 2j Activity ..Employed Other (specify) Asbestos H7 Y E A R O F p e l Sori) ................................. 6. 5. No 'ear: ...... / Grade: ....... I Iighest Exam: .............. Metalsheet Cadjan/ Palmyrah/Straw Concrete 4. WHETHER SEEKING EMPLOYMENT If did not work at all (i.e. P18A = 00) GO TO P24 P 1 . Yes I 1 Student v) --Another District/Country 2. Tile 2. 5. 4. 3. TYPE OF STRL'CTURE; ................... ................... ................... Other edu. institution Does not attend For eachlanguage indicate whether the person can "speak", and "read P I 88 Anoh 1. 2. 3. .S l i d . University 5 . Doesnotattend 1. - I H6 -q................... .Pre school (go to next 4. Öther educational institution 58 Another MWC/Viiage'/ Another MCRIC/Viilage'/ Estate in the district of present usual residence i . Pre school 2 School 3. Univenity Write the highest year or grade or examination passed. If never attended school circle '88'. If currently studying in year 1 write '00' against year. If below G.C.B(O/L) write Grade/Year passed. If G.C.E.(O/L) or equivalent or higher examination write the name of the examination, pm years INSTITUTION IN THE LAST 30 DAYS: ~ - a PLACE OF RESIDENCE IMMEDIATELY BEFORE MOVING T O PRESENT USUAL RESIDENCE: If a P 15 c. Roof 8 Since birth - GO TO P 14 P 22 INDUSTRY, BUSINESS OR SERVICE: i Describe the kind of products made or servicesrendered at the ........................................................................................................................... ~ P 23 PaLT P 24 work place of the principal occupation Write the name of the work place. eg. Paddy Cultivation, Garment Factory, Grocery Shop, Education Department etc. ........................................................................................................................... 8. 9. .................................................................................. .................................................................................. H14 3. 4. 5. 1 Governmentemployee 4. Employer 2. Sem government 5. Own account worker anPIOYee 6. Unpaid family worker 3. Private seaor employee H1S If none circle '00' P 26 Write the total number of sons and daughters who live here, who five somewhere else and who are dead. TOTAL NUMBER OF LIVING CHILDREN: ~ If none circle '00' DATE OF BIRTH OF THE LAST LIVE BORN CHILD: Write the exact year and month of birth. If the exact year of birth is not known, write the estimated year of 1 birth and write 88 for month. - Karsene Electricity Siar Other (specify) Ncne ...................... PRINCIPAL TYPE OF COOKING FUEL: 2. 1. Firewood Gas TOTAL NUMBER O F CHILDREN BORN ALIVE P 25 PRINCIPAL TYPE OF LIGHTING: 1. 2. EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND SECTOR: River, Tank, Streams etc. Other (specify) ...................... m Number O0 No living children 3. 4. 5. 6. Im Number IO0 Noli5ng children H16 QmqTm Month Kerose~le Electricity Saw duseaddy husk Other (specify) ...................... TENURE: 1. Owned by an occupant 2. Rentfree 3. Rent/Lease 4. Encroached 5. Other (specify) ............... 3 END OF QUESTIONS Al ProVince/District m 1.2 I3 1.4 I. 1 1.5 1.6 A2 Electorate ~ A5 Sector A4 G.N. Division A3 D.S. Division 1. A7 WardNillagefistate A6 M.C.IU.C./PS Urban 2. Rural 3. Estate ~ NAME: 0 u m COLUMN NO. OF PERSON IN THE POPULATION SCHEDULE: ~ SEX: 1 Male DATE O F BIRTH: If the exact year of birth is not known, write the estimated year of birth and Write 88 for month and date. 2 Female m I Month 2 Female 1 Male n Date Year Month 0 m I 1 Male I I I I1 I I I I I II I I I I I I I 2 Female ~ I Year Month 1 Male Year Date 2 Female Month A G E A T WHICH ABOVE DISABILITY OCCURRED: (C) CAUSE OF ABOVE DISABILITY : 1.Congenital I. 8 4. war/”errorkm 5. Other accident 3.Vehicle accident 6. Other (Specify) 2.mess HEARINWSPEAKING DIFFICULTIES : 1.Deaf 2.Dumb 3. Speech difficulties 4, Deaf and Dumb 9.None - GO TO 1.9 ~ n A G E A T WHICH ABOVE DISABILITY OCCURRED: (C) CAUSE OF ABOVE D E A B I L I T Y : 1.Congenital 4.War/”emrisrn 2, Illness 5. Other accident 3. Vehicle accident 6.Other (Specify) (A) 99 not known 98 at birth ................... I Date 7 Year:........... 1Grade: .......... I Highest Exam: ....................... Year:........... I Grade: .......... I Highest Exam: ....................... ............................................ 1.Tota. bl. 3. Weak vis. 2. One eye bl. 9. None - G o T o 1.8 1.Tota. bl. 3. Weak vis. 2. One eye bl. 9. None - GO TO 1.8 1.Tota. bl. 3.Weak vis. 2. One eye bl. 9. None - GO TO 1.8 98 at birth 98 at birth 98 at birth 99 not known 99 not known 17 1.M 2.Dumb 9.None - 3.Speechdiffi. 4. Deaf & Dumb GO TO 1.9 1 . M 2. Dumb 9.None - ~ 99 not known ~ 98 at birth n 99 not known ~~ 3.Speechdifi. 4.Deaf & Dumb GO TO 1.9 98 at birth ................... ................... ................... I ................... I ~ - - (B) Month y” y1.Conge. 4.WarKer. 1.Conge. 4. Warner. 1.Conge. 4. Warfler. 1.Conge. 4. Wxfler. 1.Conge. 4. Warfler. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2.Illness 5.Other acc. 2.Illness 5.Other acc. 2.Illness 5.0ther acc. 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3. Vehi. adc. 6. Other (Speclfy) 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Speclfy) 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 99 not known [ I I y- I. 9 1.Tota. bl. 3. Weak vis. 2. One eye bl. 9. None - GO TO 1.8 1.Totally bi. 3. Weak vis. 2. One eye bl. 9. None - GO TO 1.8 98 at birth 99 not known ~ (A) Year school ing Year:........... 1Grade: .......... 1 Year: ........... 1Grade: .......... 1 Year:........... 1 Grade: .......... 1 Ya. If below G.C.E.(O/L) write Grademear passed. Highest Exam: ....................... Highest Exam: ....................... Highest Exam: ....................... If G.C.E.(O/L) or equivalent or higher exarnina- ................................... ............................................................................................ tion write the name of the examination, (B) I 2 Female I I I II I I I 1 Date . SEEING DIFFICULTIES : c m 1 Male Write the highest year or grade or examination 1.Totally blind 3. Weak vision 2. One eye blind 9. None - GO TO ~8 ~ m I I II I I I I I 1 I II I II I Date 0 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: (A) m ~~~ CENSUS UNIT NUMBER: EZer auended school circle ’88. If currently studying in year 1 write ‘00’against 1.7 4 8 Census Block Number 1.M 2.Dumb 9.None - a 98 at birth 3.Speechdifi. 4. Deaf & Dumb GO TO 1.9 99 not known 1.Deaf 2.Dumb 9.None - m 98 at birth 3.Speechdifi. 4.Deaf ¿Q Dumb . GO TO 1.9 99 not known 1.W 2. Dumb 9.None - 98 at birth n 3.Speechdifi. 4. Deaf & Dumb GO TO 1.9 99 not known yyYears yl.Conge. 4. WarKer. 4. Warner. l . Conge. 4. WarFer. 1.Conge. 4. Warfler. 1.Conge. 4. Warfler. 2. Illness 5 . Other acc. 2. Illness 5 .Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 5.Other acc. 2. Illness , 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 3. Vehi. acc. &Other (Specify) 3. Vehi. acc. 6. Other (Speclfy) 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3. Vehi. acc. 6. Other (SpecQ) 3. Vehi. acc. 6 .Other (Specify) l.Conge. ................... ................... DISABILITY IN HANDS : limbs n.--w:*-. ,E 5 limbs . -. .... r ................... 1. Absence of upper limb 2. Paralysis of upper limb 3. Absence of both upper limbs 4. Paralysii ofboth upper limbs n;cahilitv of one hand ................... 1. Absence of upper limb 2. Paralysis of upper limb 3. Absence of both upper limbs 4. Paralysis of both upper limbs 5. Disability of one hand ................... I 1. Absence of upper limb 2. Paralysis of upper limb 3. Absence of both upper limbs 4. Paralysis of both upper limbs 5. Disability of one hand 1.10 1. Loss of lower limb 2. Paralysis of lower limb DISABILITY IN LEGS : (A) 3. Loss of one below knee 4. Loss o f both lower limbs 5. Paralysis of both lower limbs 6. Loss of both below knees 7 . Disability of one leg 8. Disability of both legs 9. None - GO TO 111 1.11 (B) AGE A T WHICH ABOVE DISABILITY OCCURRED (C) CAUSE OF ABOVE DISABILITY : (B) 1.12 OTHER PHYSICAL DISABILITY : AGE A T WHICH ABOVE DISABILITY OCCURRED CAUSE OF ABOVE DISABILITY : 1.Congenital 4. Wat/”emrism 5. Other accident 2. Illness 3. Vehicle accident 6. Other (Specify) (A) MENTAL DISABILITY : (B) AGE A T WHICH ABOVE DISABILITY OCCURRED (C) CAUSE OF ABOVE DISABILITY : 4. War/Terrorism 5. Other accident 3. Vehicle accident 6. Other (SDecifv) 1.Congenital 2.Illness ~~~~ 1. Loss of lower limb 2. Paralysis of lower limb 3. Loss of one below knee 4. L o s s of both lower limbs 5. Paralysis of both lower Iimbs 6 . Loss of both below knees 7. Disability of one leg 8. Disability of both legs 9. None - GO TO 1.11 Loss of lower limb Paralysis of lower limb Loss of one below knee Loss of both lower limbs 5. Paralysis of both lower limbs 6. Loss of bo& below h e e s 7 . Disability of one leg 8. Disability of both legs 9. None - GO TO 1.11 $8 at birth 99 not known Y W 1. 2. 3. 4. I . Conge. 4. WarFer. 1. Conge. 4. Warner. 4. Warner. 1.Conge. 4. WarFer. l . Conge. 4. Warner. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2.Illness 5.0ther acc. 5. Other acc. 2.Illness 5. Other acc. 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3. Vehi. acc. 6. Other (Specify) 3.Veh.i. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3. Vehi. acc. 6. Other (Speclfy: 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) ................... 1. Epilepsy 2. Kidney problems 3. Asthma 4. Lungdisease 5. Heartdisease 6. Disorder resulting from bums 7. other 9. None - GO TO 1.12 98 at birth 99 not known n 1. Epilepsy 1. Epilepsy 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. Kidney problems Kidney problems Asthma Lung disease Heartdisease Disoîder resulting from bunts 7. other 9. None - GO TO 1.12 m 98 at birth 99 not known 3. Asthma 4. Lungdisease 5. Heartdisease 6 . Disorder resulting from bums 7. other 9. None - GO TO 1.12 m 98 at birth 99 not known ................... ................... .................... ................... 1. Epilepsy 2 ; Kidney problems 3. Asthma 4. Lungdisease 5. Heartdisease 6. Disorder resulting from burns 7. mer 9. None - GO TO 1.12 mv 98 at birth 99 not known 1. Epilepsy 2. Kidney problems 3. 4 5. 6. Asthina Lungdisease Heartdisease Disorder resulting from bums 7. other 9. None - GO TO 1.12 98 at birth n 99 not known years yy1.Conge. 4. Warner. 1. Conge. 4. Warner. I. Conge. 4. Warner. 4. WarRer. l. Conge. 4. Warfler. 2. Illness 5 . Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Jllness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5.0ther acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify: 3. Vehi. acc. 6.Other (Speclfy) 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3.Vehi. acc. 6.Other (Speclfy 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify: l.Conge. ................... ................... 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - GO TO 1.13 WHETHER LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION: ~ 2.Illness m 98 at birth 99 not known 1. Mentally retarded 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 2.Mentally ill 2. Mentally ill 9. None - GO TO 1.13 9. None 9. None 98 at birth co TO 1.13 a 99 not‘known m 98 at birth 1. Mentally retarded 99 not known ................... ................... ................... - GO TO 1.13 m 98 at birth 99 not known 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - GO TO 1.13 98 at birth Y= 99 not known yyy1.Conge. 4. Warner. 4. Warrer. l.Conge. 4. Warner. 1.Conge. 4. Warner. l. Conge. 4. Warfler. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify, 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Speclfy) 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3. Vehi. acc. 6 . Other (Speclfy 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify: y- 1.13 ‘ 7 1 y- (C) 1. Loss of lower limb 2. Paralysis of lower limb 3. Loss of one below knee 4. Loss of both lower limbs 5. Paralysis of both lower limbs 6. Loss of both below knees 7. Disability of one leg 8. Disability of both legs 9. None - GO TO 1.11 l. Conge. 1.Congenital 4.War/lèrmrism 5. Other accident 2. Illness 3. Vehicle accident 6. Other (Specify) (A) 1. Loss of lowerlimb 2. Paralysis of lower limb 3. Loss of one below knee 4. Loss of both lower limbs 5. Paralysis of both lower limbs 6. Loss of both below knees 7. Disability of one leg 8. Disability of both legs 9. None - GO TO 1.11 l . Conge. ................... ................... ~- 1 Yes 2 No 1 Yes 2 No ................... 1 Yes 2 No 1 Yes 2 No 1.12 (A) M E N T A L DISABILITY : (B) A G E A T WHICH ABOVE DISABILITY OCCURRED. (C) CAUSE OF ABOVE DISABILITY : - ~ - 1. Congenital 4. WarRerrorism 2. Illness 5.Other accident 3. Vehicle accident 6. Other (Specify) WHETHER LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION: 1.14 MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD 1.15 1.16 - 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - co TO 1.13 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - Co TO 113 98 at birth ?8 at birth 38 at birth n 99 not known y- n 99 nocknown y- n 99 not known y- 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - GO TO 1.13 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - GO TO 1.13 98 at birth 98 at birth [ u 99 not known n 1. Employment 2. Supported by family or relation 3. Supported by an institution or organization 4.Begging 5 . Other (Specify) y- y- ................... ................... ................... ................... DESCRIBE W H A T I T IS: 1 Yes 1 Yes 2 No 1 Yes 1. Employment 2. Supported by fam.or rel. 3. Supported by an ins. or org. 4. Begging 5.Other (Speclfy) 1. Employment 2.Supported by fam.or rel. 3. Supported by an ins. or org. 4.Begging 5.0ther (Specrfy) 1-g.. ........................... Kl.. .......................... 11.......................... 7.. OCCUPATION: 9 .............................. 9 9 Not trained .............................. .............................. _I None .............................. .............................. 9 None 1 Yes 2 No 1. Employment 2. Supported by fam.or rel. 3.Supported by an ins. or org. 4.Begging 5.other (Speclfy) 99 Nottrained If the person has an occupation at present describe the occupation 2 No .............................. ~ IF TRAINED FOR ANY VOCATION 99 not known l. Conge. 4.Warfler. l.Conge. 4. Warner. l. Conge. 4. WarRer. l . Conge. 4. WarRer. l. Conge. 4. Warfler. 2. Illness 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 5.Other acc. 5. Other acc. 2. Illness 2. Illness 5.Other acc. 2. Illness 5.Other acc. 3. Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify: 3.Vehi. acc. 6. Other (Speclfy) 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify) 3. Vehi. acc. 6. Other (Speclfy) 3.Vehi. acc. 6.0ther (Specify] ~ 1.13 - 1. Mentally retarded 2. Mentally ill 9. None - co To 1.13 .............................. 9Y Not trained I 1 Yes 2 No 1. Employment 2. Supported by fam.or rel. 3. Supported by an ins. or org. 4. Begging 5.mer (Speclfy) 1. Employment 2.Supported by fam.or rel. 3.Supported by an ins. or org. 4.Begging 5.other (Specify) ~N~h"".."................. m-1............................ .............................. t aind .............................. 9 9 Nottrained I g , .............................. .............................. 2 No .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. 9 None
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