ROMANIA POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS 2002 PL FORM PERSONS DWELLING County …………………………..………......…………….. The personal information recorded on this form Town/City/Village . ……….……………………......….……… is strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical Locality/Village …….. …………………......…. purposes. Street…………………………….......…………No. ……… Block house. ………… Stairs (Entrances).......… Floor …...… The citizens are obliged to supply to the enumerator complete and correct information. Flat …...… Sector ……… NUMBER OF THE FILE It is forbidden to the enumerator to ask other information than that subject of the census The order number of the building In the file The order number of the dwelling Within the building The PL form’s number within the ----------------------------------File └─┴─┴─┘ THE ORDER NUMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD └─┘ CHAPTER I -THE LIST OF THE PERSONS REGISTERED ON THE HOUSEHOLD Line No. NAME AND THE FIRST NAME (including the father’s initial letter) SEX M BIRTH YEAR Line No F 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 NAME AND THE FIRST NAME (including the father’s initial letter) SEX M BIRTH YEAR F Whether in the house hold there are children on the care of alternative family, for these children a PCS-Annex form will be completed. CHAPTER II : DWELINGS DATA. It will be completed only for the first household of dwelling. 1. THE NUMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLDS OF THE DWELLING └─┘ 10. FLUSH TOILET 2. THE TYPE OF DWELLING Permanent/ main ---------------------------------------Seasonal / secondary -----------------------------------Marginal housing unit • on the spaces with other designation in the building, on households type constructions isolated from the building • improvised construction, mobile units ---------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 -------------------------------------Outdoor -----------------------------------------------Without ------------------------------------------------Within the dwelling 11. THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Water supply installation inside the housing unit • from the public network ----------------------------• from the own system ------------------------------- 3. THE OCCUPANCY STATUS • • occupied dwelling --------------------------------unoccupied dwelling ------------------------------- 4. THE TYPE OF OWNERSHIP Private -------------------------------------------------State -------------------------------------------------Private group ownership (cooperative/association) ---------Religious cults ------------------------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 5. THE FLOOR LEVEL OF THE DWELLING ---------------------------------------------- ٱ30 ٱ40 Semi-basement ----------------------------------------- ٱ50 ٱ60 Ground ------------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ ٱ70 Mezzanine ---------------------------------------------The floor number ----------------------------------------The attic ---------------------------------------------Basement - 6. LIVING ROOMS ------------------------------------└─┴─┘ 6.2 the floor surface (in sq.m without decimal)------- └─┴─┴─┘ 7. OUT OF WHICH : ROOMS DESIGNATED ONLY TO THE PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES,COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES 7.1 the number ----------------------------------7.2 the floor surface (in sq.m without decimal)---------- └─┴─┘ └─┴─┴─┘ 8. THE KITCHEN / KITCHENETTE 8.1 Situated - inside the dwelling ----------------------- outside the dwelling ---------------------- - Not having at all ---------------------------------- 8.2 The size of the surface in sq. meters (without decimals)9. BATHROOM (bath tub and / shower) Indoor the dwelling --------------------------------------Outdoor the dwelling ------------------------------------- - Without bathroom - - Water supply installation outdoor the building • In door - from the public network -------------------- from the own system ---------------------• Out door - from the public network ------------------- from the own system (pit, well fountain ) ---Without water supply installation --------------------------- --------------------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 └─┴─┘ ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 12. HOT WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATION Inside the housing unit : • from the public network - ----------------------------- • from own supply system ----------------------------Hot water available outside the dwelling but within the building Not hot water available ----------------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 13. SEWERAGE INSTALLATION IN THE DWELLING • • • waste water empties into a piped system connected to a public sewage disposal ---------------------------own system ------------------------------------other situation ------------------------------------ - without sewerage installation ------------------------------ 14. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6.1 number ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 Electricity available in the housing unit --------------------No electricity available in the housing unit ------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ1 ٱ2 15. THE COOKING FUEL. Gas • piped gas from public network ---------------------• liquefied gas (gas cylinder) ------------------------solid fuel ----------------------------------------------Electricity ---------------------------------------------Other fuel ----------------------------------------------16. THE MAIN TYPE OF HEATING 16.1 The heating center (public community heating networks or local system) ---------------------------------------Own domestic heating system using as fuels : • natural gas --------------------------------------- • • • • • - solid fuel ---------------------------------------- liquid fuel ---------------------------------------- - Stoves using as fuels : natural gas --------------------------------------- - solid fuel ---------------------------------------- liquid fuel ---------------------------------------- - Other types of heating ------------------------------ 16.2 The dwelling has air conditioning YES ٱ1 NO ٱ2 ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 CHAPTER III : CHARACTERISTICS DATA OF BUILDING WHERE THE DWELLING IS SITUATED (Will be completed only on the form recorded in the first dwelling of the building) 16. THE NUMBER OF DWELLINGS EXISTING IN THE BUILDING 18. ACTUAL DESIGNATION OF THE BUILDING For living - └─┴─┴─┘ ----------------------------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 Other designation, but having dwellings --------------------Collective housing units (hostel, hotel) where dwellings are existing ------------------------------------------------ - Building under construction , partially occupied PERSON 1 └─┴─┴─┴─┘ 20. THE MATERIALS USED FOR THE OUTER WALLS CONSTRUCTION Reinforced concrete, precast concrete panels, or skeleton framed concrete -----------------------Bricks masonry, stones masonry or panels substitutes, made from : • reinforced concrete (steel beams) ------------------• wood -------------------------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 - Wood (beams, logs, etc.) --------------------------------Saplings plastered with wet clay, adobe, other materials Wood Pressed Panels, rolled mud bricks, etc.) -------------------- -------------- CHAPTER IV : DATA REGARDING THE RECORDED PERSONS OF THE HOUSEHOLD TOTAL NUMBER OF RECORDED PERSONS IN THE HOUSEHOLD TENURE STATUS OF THE HOUSEHOD IN THE DWELLING ٱ3 ٱ4 19. YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING 6. PREVIOUS LEGAL RESIDENCE (whether the person had a legal └─┴─┘ Tenure arrangements : Owner -------------------------- Tenant to the state ---------------Tenant to the individual private owner Tenant to the private company ---Other situation --------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 residence in another place) • • ---------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ ٱ1 ٱ2 Municipalities / towns -----------------------------Communes -------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ In the county In another country ------------------------------------ 7. THE YEAR OF ESTABLISHING THE LEGAL RESIDENCE └─┴─┴─┴─┘ 8. THE PLACE OF BIRTH THE RENT The monthly rent paid for the rented dwelling by the household is : • • • • • below 500. thousand lei ------------------------------500 thousand lei and below 1 million lei ----------------1 million lei and below 2 million lei ---------------------2 million lei and below 3 million lei ---------------------3 million lei and over --------------------------------- - ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 NAME AND THE FIRST NAME (including the father’s initial letter) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • On the same place as enumeration locality • In another country ---------- ٱ90 In another locality, of the county -------------------└─┴─┘ Municipality / town ------------------------------ٱ1 Commune --------------------------------------ٱ2 - ------------------------------------ 9. THE SEX Male ٱ1 Female └─┴─┘ ٱ2 10. THE DATE OF BIRTH 1. THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD ----------------- 2. THE ORDER NUMBER OF THE PERSON (left side on the top) TO WHICH WILL BE RECORDED ON THE CHAPTER IV : The father --------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ └─┴─┘ The mother -------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ The husband/wife (the Partner) ---------------------- - 3. THE SITUATION AT THE CENSUS MOMENT Absent, person who left the household : • to another locality of the country -------------------• abroad ------------------------------------------- Month └─┴─┴─┴─┘ └─┴─┘ Day └─┴─┘ 11. MARITAL STATUS 11.1 Legal marital status Single (unmarried) --------------------------------------Married ---------------------------------------------Divorced ----------------------------------------------Widowed ----------------------------------------------- - ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 11.2 De facto marital status The person is living in a consensual union ? At the “0” hours of March 18, 2002, the person was : Present ----------------------------------------------- Year ٱ01 ٱ1 YES ٱ1 NO ٱ2 12. THE YEAR OF MARRIAGE ٱ2 ٱ3 4. DURATION AND THE REASON OF ABSENCE FROM THE RESIDENCE PLACE (only for absent persons) Only for women being at first marriage └─┴─┴─┴─┘ 13. TOTAL NUMBER OF THE CHILDREN BORN ALIVE (only for women) └─┴─┘ 14. CITIZENSHIP 4.1 Duration • • • less than 6 months ------------------------------6 – 12 months -----------------------------------more than 12 months ----------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 - • • • - Other citizenship ------------------------------ ٱ10 └─┴─┘ 14.2 Whether the person has a second citizens ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 4.2 The reason of leaving – the person left : • ------------------------------------ 14.1 Romanian for the working place - for studying - ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- hip this is --------------------------------- └─┴─┘ 15. ETHNICITY Romanian -------------------------------------------Other ethnicity ---------------------------------------- for business -----------------------------------for other reason -------------------------------- - ٱ10 └─┴─┘ 5. THE LEGAL RESIDENCE (written on the identification card ) • • ------------ ٱ9 In other locality , of the county --------------------------------Municipality/town/commune ----------------------------------------------------------------└─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ In the locality where the person is enumerated The person left for good the household where the legal • In another country ٱ1 NO Romanian - -------------------------------------------- Other mother tongue - residence was mentioned on its identification card YES 16. MOTHER TONGUE ----------------------------------- 17. RELIGION ٱ2 --------------------------------------------- Orthodox ----------------------------------- └─┴─┘ Other religion (confession) 18. EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 18.1 The name and type (field of study) of the highest level ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23.2 The main activity of the unit / sub-unit where the person is *:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ working 18.2 Type of ownership type of graduated educational institution Public (state ownership) ------------------------ ٱ1 ----------------------------- ٱ2 23.3 The place of work is on : • • • • 18.3 The name and type of attending school-field of study (for persons born before September 15, 1995 ) --------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------└─┴─┘ 18.4 Type of ownership of educational institution attended by the person • • └─┴─┘ institution, organization, etc.) and of sub-unit (section, work shop, factory, store) where the person is working ------------- September 15, 1991) Private ownership ------------------------------- ٱ10 23. PLACE OF WORK 23.1 The full name of unit (company, autonomous enterprise, graduated school (for persons born before • • ٱ10 └─┴─┘ on the same locality ----------------------- other locality ----------------------------other county -----------------------------other country ----------------------------- Urban Rural area area ٱ2 ٱ4 ٱ1 ٱ6 24. OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE OF PLACE OF WORK, OF ENUMERATED PERSONS • • • • • ----------------------------------- ٱ1 Private -------------------------------- ٱ2 Public --------------------------------------------------------------------------Mixed structure (state and private) ---------------Own household ------------------------------Other households than own ------------------Of state (public) Private ٱ3 ٱ5 ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 19. THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE ENUMERATED PERSON AT THE CENSUS MOMENT (the week of March 11 – 17, 2002): → Employed Only one code will be marked --------------------------------------------- Unemployed: - seeking another place of work -------------- ---------------------Pupil / Student ----------------------------------------Pensioner --------------------------------------------Homemaker ------------------------------------------Dependent of a supporter -----------------------------Dependent on public aid or private organization supporters - first-time job-seeker Other statutes (income from rents, interests, leasing, other sources) 25. DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT (for persons who at item 19 declared “seeking another work” code 2, or 3). ← --------------------------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 ٱ9 25.1 Duration • • • • → less than six months -----------------------------between 6 – 9 months ---------------------------between 9 -27 months ---------------------------above 27 months -------------------------------- - the registration only for the unemployed ersons who are receiving , or who received one of social form of protection 25.2 The benefits of persons: • unemployment benefits --------------------------• benefits related to professional integration ----------• support allowances ------------------------------Not receiving any benefits ------------------------ ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ← ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 26. USUAL ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE ENUMERATED PERSONS ON THE PRECEDING YEAR OF THE CENSUS (march 2001 – 20. TIME USUALLY WORKED FOR CURRENT MAIN ACTIVITY DURING THE REFERENCE PERIOD March 2002): (the week of March 11 – 17, 2002): • 26.1 During the major part of the year, the enumerated person had the number of worked hours same economic status as it was at the reference moment of the census ? └─┴─┘ YES ٱ1 NO ٱ2 26.2 Whether NO what was usual economic status : • • 21. THE OCCUPATION ON CURRENT ACTIVITY • • (the type of work – craft – or qualified task done in a job at working -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------└─┴─┴─┴─┘ place • • • • 22. STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT -------------------------------------------------------Own account worker --------------------------------Member of an agricultural company / co-operative ------Contributing family worker to the own household ---------Other situation ---------------------------------------Employee (engaged ) Employer, private enterprise owner PERSON 2 ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Son (daughter) ---------------------------------------Son in law (daughter in law) ----------------------------Grandson (granddaughter) ----------------------------Father (mother ) --------------------------------------Grandfather (grand mother) ----------------------------Brother (sister) ---------------------------------------Brother in law (sister in law) ----------------------------Father in law (mother in law) ----------------------------Other relative -----------------------------------------Non relative person -----------------------------------Partner ٱ02 ٱ03 ٱ04 ٱ05 ٱ06 ٱ07 ٱ08 ٱ09 ٱ10 ٱ11 ٱ12 ٱ13 2. ORDER NUMBER OF THE REGISTERED PERSONS ON THE CHAPTER IV (on the top left side) ------------------------------------------------ └─┴─┘ └─┴─┘ Mother ------------------------------------------------ └─┴─┘ Husband / wife (partner) -------------------------------Father - - -------------------------------------- Unemployed : - seeking for another work ----------- first-time job-seeker -------------Pupil / Student ---------------------------------Pensioner -------------------------------------- - Home maker ----------------------------------Persons receiving support from the other person ---Persons receiving public aid or private organization support ---------------------------------------Other economic status --------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 ٱ9 27. USUAL ACTIVITY STATUS DURING THE PRECEDENT YEAR OF THE CENSUS (For persons recorded for preceding year as employed - code 1, or unemployed seeking another work code 2) Employee ----------------------------------------------ٱ1 Employer, private enterprise owner ------------------------ٱ2 ٱ3 Own account worker ----------------------------------Member of an agricultural association / co-operative -------ٱ4 ٱ5 Contributing family worker to the own household ----------Other situation -----------------------------------------ٱ6 CHAPTER IV : DATA REGARDING THE RECORDED PERSONS OF THE HOUSEHOLD NAME AND THE FIRST NAME (including the Father’s initial letter) Husband (wife) Employed 6. PLACE OF PREVIOUS RESIDENCE (whether the person had a legal residence in another place ) • In the county --------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ Municipalities / towns ---------------------------ٱ1 Communes ------------------------------------ٱ2 • In another country ---------------------------------- └─┴─┘ 7. THE YEAR OF ESTABLISHING OF THE ACTUAL LEGAL RESIDENCE 8. THE PLACE OF BIRTH • • └─┴─┴─┴─┘ ------------------------- ٱ90 └─┴─┘ Municipalities / towns ---------------------------ٱ1 Communes ------------------------------------ٱ2 • In another country ---------------------------------- └─┴─┘ In the census enumeration place In the other place of the county ----------------------- 9. THE SEX Male ٱ1 Female ٱ2 10. THE BIRTH DATE The year └─┴─┴─┴─┘ The month └─┴─┘ The day └─┴─┘ 11. MARITAL STATUS OF THE PERSON 11.1 Legal marital status Single (Unmarried ) --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------Divorced ----------------------------------------------Widowed ----------------------------------------------Married ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 11.2 De facto marital status 3. SITUATION AT THE CENSUS MOMENT The person is living in consensual union (as at the “0” hours of March, 18, 2002) Present ---------------------------------------------Absent from the household : • left in the other place of the country --------------• left abroad ------------------------------------ ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 4. DURATION AND THE REASON OF THE ABSENCE FROM THE RESIDENCE PLACE (Only for absent persons) 4.1 Duration • • • ٱ2 └─┴─┴─┴─┘ 13. THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN BORN ALIVE (only for women) └─┴─┘ • • • for working -----------------------------------for studies ------------------------------------for business ----------------------------------- • other reason - 14.1 Romanian - ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ---------------------------------- citizenship ---------------------- ٱ9 --------------------------------- municipality / town / commune ------------------------------- ----------------------------------└─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ the person left for good the household where has the legal residence (written on identification card ) YES ٱ 1 NO ---------------------------- └─┴─┘ ------------------------------- 15. ETHNICITY - in the census enumeration locality ٱ10 └─┴─┘ 14.2 Whether the person has the second Romanian in other locality of the county ---------------------------------- Other citizenship 5. LEGAL RESIDENCE (written on identification card) • (only for women at the first marriage) ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 4.2 Reason of leaving. The person left : • • NO 14. THE CITIZENSHIP less than 6 months ----------------------------between 6 – 12 months ------------------------more than 12 months --------------------------- - YES ٱ1 12. THE YEAR OF MARRIAGE ------------------------------------------- Other ethnicity ٱ10 └─┴─┘ ---------------------------------- 16. THE MOTHER TONGUE Romanian - ------------------------------------------- Other mother tongue - ٱ10 └─┴─┘ --------------------------------- ٱ2 17. THE RELIGION in another country ------------------------------------ └─┴─┘ -------------------------------------------- Orthodox - Other religion (confession) - 18.1 The name and type (field studies) of the highest graduated school 23.1 The full name of the unit (company, autonomous enterprise, institution, organization, etc.) of the sub-unit (section, workshop, factory, store) where the person is working (for persons born before September 15 1991) --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ *:--------------------------------------------------------------- └─┴─┘ 23.2 The main activity of the working place 18.2 Type of ownership: public (state) ---------------------------------private ownership ٱ1 ----------------------------- ٱ2 18.3 The name and the type (field Studies) for persons born before September 15, 1995)----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------└─┴─┘ 18.4 Type of ownership of Educational institution attended by person • • ---------------------------------- ٱ1 private ownership ------------------------------ ٱ2 public (state) 19. THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE ENUMERATED PERSON AT THE CENSUS (the week March 11 – 17,2002): → ---------------------------- 23. PLACE OF WORK 18. EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT • • ٱ10 └─┴─┘ Only one code will be completed ← 23.3 The location of the place of work • • • • Urban in the same locality -----------------------other place the same county -------------other county -----------------------------other country ----------------------------- area ٱ2 ٱ4 Rural area ٱ1 ٱ6 ٱ3 ٱ5 24. OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE OF PLACE OF WORK, OF ENUMERATED PERSON • state (public) • • • • private -----------------------------------------mixed structure ---------------------------------own household ------------------------------other household than own household --------------- - ------------------------------------ ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 - 25. DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT (only for persons who at the item 19 stated that are unemployed – codes 2 or 3) ------------------------------------------------------- first – time job – seeker ---------------Pupil / student ----------------------------------------Pensioner --------------------------------------------Homemaker ------------------------------------------Dependent of a supporter -----------------------------Dependent on public aid or private organizations support -Employed Unemployed : - seeking another place for work ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 Other status (incomes from rents, interests, leasing, other sources --------------------------------------------- ٱ9 25.1 Duration • • • • less than 6 months ------------------------------between 6-9 months -----------------------------between 9-27 months ----------------------------27 months and over -----------------------------Will be recorded only for unemployed persons who are receiving, or who received the social form of nemployment protection 25.2 The benefits of persons: • Unemployment aid/benefits ----------------------• Benefits related to professional integration ---------• Support allowances ------------------------------ → - Not receiving any benefits ------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ← ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 26. USUAL ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE ENUMERATED PERSONS IN THE PRECEDING YEAR OF THE CENSUS 20. TIME USUALLY WORKED FOR MAIN CURRENT ACTIVITY DURING THE REFERENCE PERIOD (March 2001 – March 2002): 26.1 During the major part of the year the enumerated person had the (The week of March 11 – 17, 2002) : same economic status as it was at the census moment ? • Number of worked hours YES ٱ1 NO ٱ2 26.2 Whether NO , what was that usual economic status : └─┴─┘ • • 21. THE OCCUPATION ON CURRENT ACTIVITY (meseria sau funcţia cu specialitatea efectiv exercitată la locul de muncă ) -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------└─┴─┴─┴─┘ • Employed --------------------------------------Unemployed : - seeking another working place ------ first-time job-seeker --------------Pupil / student ---------------------------------- • Pensioner • • • • 22. STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT Employee (engaged) ----------------------------------- Employer, private enterprise owner ----------------------- --------------------------------------Contributing family worker to the own household --------Other situation ---------------------------------------- Own account worker Member of an agricultural company / co-operative ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 - -------------------------------------- Home maker - ----------------------------------- Dependent of a supporter -----------------------Person receiving public aid, or private organizations support ---------------------------------------Other economic status (incomes from rents, interests, leasing , other sources ) -------------------------- ٱ1 ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 ٱ7 ٱ8 ٱ9 27. USUAL ACTIVITY STATUS DURING THE PRECEDING YEAR OF THE CENSUS (for persons recorded as employed –code 1 – or unemployed seeking another working place code 2) ٱ1 Employee (engaged ) ------------------------------------ - Employer, private enterprise owner ------------------------Own account worker ----------------------------------Member of agricultural company / co-operative -----------Contributing family worker, to the own household --------Other situation ------------------------------------------ ٱ2 ٱ3 ٱ4 ٱ5 ٱ6 - CHAPTER V : PERSONS TEMPORARILY PRESENT IN THE HOUSEHOLD Row No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME AND THE FIRST NAME (including the father’s first initial letter) How long they are in the place Months Days THE SEX THE YEAR OF BIRTH M F M YEAR OF BIRTH COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP F ARRIVAL DATE IN ROMANIA Month THE SEX NAME AND FIRST NAME No. COUNTRY CODE CHAPTER VI : FOREIGN CITIZENS THE PURPOSES FOR SETTLING IN ROMANIA 1.For business 2.For studies 3.Family reasons 4.Others(tourist) Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Confirm că au fost înregistrate datele pentru toate cele ٱ persoane din gospodărie (înscrise în capitolul IV ) şi că acestea corespund cu declaraţiile noastre. Semnătura capului gospodăriei (declarantului), ----------------------------------------------------- M F M Persons who arrived for a longer time (chapter IV, item 5) F M F M Absent persons (recorded on chapter IV) Foreign citizens who arrived in Romania before March 18, 2002 (recorded on chapter IV) Persons temporarily absent Persons Persons who left who for left abroad another (item 3, Before After March 18,March 18, place of code 3 + 2001 2001 item 4 the codes country 1 or 2) (chapter IV, item 3-code 2 + item 4code 1) Temporarily present persons(recorded on chapter V) Present persons (Item 3 code 1) The number of persons in the Household (recorded on the chapter IV) RECAPITULATION OF THE ENUMERATED PERSONS ON THE PL FORM F M F M F M F M F Resident Persons who left for a longer period of time In another place of the country (item 3, code 2 + item 4 codes 2 or 3 M F Abroad (item 3, code 3 + item 4, code 3 population col. 3 + col.13 + col.15 col. 4 + col.14 + col.16 M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The date of registration , March …… 2002 10 11 12 13 14 15 Completat, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Verificat, Numele şi prenumele recenzorului Numele şi prenumele recenzorului şef ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Semnătura Semnătura ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENUMERATORS. 1. The PL form will be completed clearly and legibly, clean and without abbreviations or erasing , using capital letters, using black or dark blue pens. Occasional modifications will be done using red pen. 2. The answers will be recorded, according to the situation, as follows: • • • • • by writing the mark “ x”, on one of the closed cassettes (boxes), situated on the right side of the form, which have to correspond to the possible alternative answers printed in the form; by direct writing of the figures on the open cassettes (for the characteristics : the number and the living surface area ; the kitchen’s surface; the floor number ; the year when the construction was build up; the birth date; the year of settling in the place of the present legal residence; the marriage year; the number of the children born alive, etc.); by writing the adequate text on the spaces marked by dots, according to the enumerated persons answers (for example : County, the name and the first name); when it is not the case to make the text recording of an answer, a horizontal line will be marked, and the code boxes will remain empty; by marking the corresponding codes to the recorded answers on the special designated cassettes (for example : the previous legal residence; the citizenship; the ethnicity; the mother tongue, the religion). “THE ENUMERATOR WILL NOT CODIFY THE CODE BOXES OF THE ITEMS 5 (exception the country code); 18.1; 18.3; 21; 23.2 FROM THE CHAPTER IV.
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