- REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATISTICAL OFFICE OF MACEDOMA Population, Hoasebolds, Dwellings and @icnltPrrrl Holdings Census in the Repablic of Macedonia, 1994 uscd for statistical ENUMERATION FORM PIppaces only 8. HAS THE PERSON CONTINOUSLY W OFFICIAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE DATA> (IDENTIFICATION ...................................................................................................u u ...............u Code of the form Register numeral of the municipality ................................... .Ordinal numeral of thecensus district in the municipality Ordinal numeral of the dwelling in the census district ........... Ordinal numeral of thc houschold in the census distn'ct .................. Ordinal numeral of the person. I ....................................... u u I I I I I 1. FIRST NAME NAMEOFONEPARENT SURNAME ............. Female........... 1 Foreign country b) Duration of stay in the Republic of Macedonia b) Duration of the. work staying abroad I I u (write in the country) ........................................................................................ ............................................................................................................. 3 4 7. PLACEO F BIRTH has been bom Settlement Municipality u u Foreign country b) Place of permanent residence of the mother when the person was bom Widower-widow .............3 Divorced .......................... 4 U b) Usual language (defined as the language currently spoken, or most ofter spoken, by the individual in hisher present home) L u u 14. STATED RELIGIOUS AFmLIATION (According Art. 6, Para. 5 from the Census Act, the person is not obliged to answer this question) I 15. EDUCATIONALA'ITAXNMENT (Not including answers for pre-school children and pupils attending primary *xhool) a) The highest completed schooi . Without school 1 1-3 grades of primary school ....................................................................... 2 4 grades of primary school ........................................................................... 3 5-7 grades of primary school .................................................. 4 Primary school ........................................................................... 5 Secondary school ........................................................................................... 6 High school 7 Higher school 8 .............................................................................................. ................... 1 1.1 I 1 Foreign country .......... ............................................................ ....................................... ................................................................................................ - u (Name of the secondary, high or higher school) 11.11111 Settlement Municipality 2 u u u u 6. CITIZENSHIP (At double citizenship both are to be marked) ..... Citizen of the Republic of Macedonia .....................................................................1 Alien ............................................................................................................................. 2 .a) Place where the person ............................................................................. c) Ability to speak other languages (except the mentioned one in a and b) Total (nuniber of languages) I To one year (in months) One year and over (in years) . I u u u e ,u Name of the foreign country Pcrson without citizenship Pending status u Settlement Municipdity b) Year of arrival ............................................................................. 9. FOR PERSONS MOVED IN FROM ABROAD To THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA :-a) Foreign country from which the person moved in L )Ym* 5. FOR PERSONS ABSENT ABROAD 2 11. NUMBEROFLIVEBORNCHILDREN (including children not alive) 12. STATED ETHNIC AFF'ILIATION (According Art. 6, Para. 5 from the Census Act, the person is not obliged to answer this quest ion) 13. LANGUAGE a) Mother tongue (defined as the language usually spoken in the individual's home in hisher early childhood) 4. FOR THE PERSONS WITH RESIDENCE PERMIT I N , THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONTA a) Where is the person from Settlement Municipality IF NO, WRITE IN: a) Place of prior residence .......... I 2 D IN THE NO ............................ 1 10.MARITALSTATUS Single (never married) Mam'ed ................................... mdh Male YES ............. b) Year of arrival u u pwr u a2y 2. DATE OF BIRTH 3.sEx oxlsur kt*Ofriid Gatctte oftbe fkpuMc of Maadonh' No.25/94 b) Is the person literate YCS .............. (Department, group or major) 1 No ............... 2 --------------------------.I---.I)--..----------- 1. FIRST NAME NAME OF ONE PARENT EDENTCPICATION DATA Code of the form ................................................. ................................................ ................... ..............u I 11 Register numeral of the municipality Onlind nitmeral of the census district in the municipality ..............1 Ordinal numeral of the dwelling in the œnsus district ........... Ordinal numeral of the household in the census district .................. Ordinal number of the person ....................................... I 1 1 1 u u I I I SURNAME 2.DATE OF BIRTH ANDUNTQUE REGI^ WBER OF C ~ É N 11111111111111111 P=f &6-4&WC &Y 3SEX Female .............. 2. Male ............................... 1 12. STATED ETHNIC AFFILIATION (-ding Art. 6, Para. 5 from the Census Act the person is not obliged to answerthisquestion) 16.SCHOOLCURRENTLY A'TTENDED 1.' 22.BRANCH OF EGONOMIC ACTIVITY . 1 1 \ 1 1 l. - - - - - - - -- .~ Primary ............................................................................................................1 For pcrsons performing a prc lission, the activity where the enterprise, the Secondary ....................................................................................................... 2 organization - community or unit isclassifred that is the activity of a wurkshop, High ................................................................................................................. 3 catering OT other shop where they work is to bewriten in. Higher ............................................................................................................. 4 Do not attend school ................................................................................... O For other persons performing a profession, the name of the activity they are 17. OCCUPATION OF THE FATHER OR MOTHER @orming (agriculture, production of artisanartielesof wood and similar) is to bcwriten in. For supported persons the activity of the supporter is to bewriten in. v' 18.OÇCUPATION Is perforking an occupation as an employcc or independently (on personal or family &ultural estate, in a workshop or other shop 1 and similar) ......................................................................................................... Has interrupted work due to military seTvicc, sentence ................................. 2 Is seeking work for the first time ...................................................................... 3 23. DEGREE OF EDUCAT[ON-QUALlFICATION (only for employed Is seeking work again through communities for employment .......... 4 persons) Bankrupt worker ................................................................................................. 5 Uoskilied .............. 11 Is not performing an occupation, because of being: Semi-skilled 12 Housewife ....................................................................................................... 6 Skilled ................................................................................................................. 13 Child, pupil OT student ..................... :............................................................ 7 Highly skilled ................... 14 8 Not capable to work due to old age, illness and disability ............ Luwer professional education ......................................................................... 15 Pensioner ......................................................................................................... 9 Socondary profesional education .................................................................. 16 Other ............................................................................................................. 10 High prDfwional education ........................................................................... 17 Higher professional education ....................................................................... 18 (If answer 1,2,3,4,5 or 9 is choscn, write in the occupation name) Master of science ................................. 19 19. JJSTTHÈ INCOMESTHAT THE PERSON HAS Doctor of science ............................ 20 (maximum 2 answers) Pension (old-age pension,disability pension; Survivors pension) ......... 1 24. DOES THEPERSON PERIODICALLY PERFORM Social incomes (disability pensions, material k u n t y , social relief AGRICULTURAL WORKS and similar) .................................................................................................... 2 Ycs ................................. 1 No ................................... 2 Incomes from house, dwelling, land, shop and other property rental 3 ' or from property rights ................................................................................. 1/ 25.WHERE DOES..THE PERSON WORK/ATTEND SCHOOL Other incomes (scholarship or student credits, alimony, and In the same locality where the official place of residence is ......................... 1 unknown Sources of receipts) ...................................................................... Elsewhere ............................................................................................................. 2 None of mentionned incomes ......................................................................o 20, OCCUPAION OF THE SUPPORTER OF THE FAMILY Ihe supporter is performing an occupation in the Republic of Macedonia hume of thephce- &a&&) , . . I I I u u ............................................................................ .... ........................................................................................................ -................................................................................ v u l " l . --- l l l - u (write in the name of the supporter's occupation) (harne of rVìe mmè@& The supporter is working for a foreign employer or independently abroad .......................................................................................................61 V 2 6 s - E PgR%!N *&-!?JR.!!?. RESIDENCEThe supporter is a pensioner or another person with another personal income ......................................................................................................62 Everyday The supporter is a legal person (for person whose sojourn in homes is Once a week paid by the commune, military post-office or another legal pcrson)63 Is not a supported person .......................................................................... O0 Less than once a week . Aarwemto ritC gucsf/orrs21aad 22 are to'&ga!ven for pernus who chuse auder 1 of lrtc questioa 18 an¿ for suppor/cl penwar w&ose suppoder &as writen ìa &ìs wcapation i æ Repubhk of Macedoa& in h e quesfioa 20. LA 21. SOCIO-EC_ONOMICALPOSITION OF THE PERSON OR OF HIS/ HER SUPPORTER a) Status in employment Worker ............................................................................................................ 1 . Owner-joint owner in an enterprise ............................................................ 2 Owner-joint m e r in a private shop with employed workers .................3 Person performing an activity independently or with the help of family members ................................................................................ 4 ).Ielping family member .................................................................... 5 b) Prnpcrty. social property............................................................................................... 1 Private property ............................................................................................. 2 ... ** Cooperative property .................................................................................... 3 Mixed property .............................................................................................. 4 ~ ~~~~ :........... cvfa+ u u cmmy) To THE o ~PLACEcOF- ~ I 2 3 OR@ntwaees am to amwe &e qaustionr27ad28 27. DURATION OF WORK ABROAD (in years) 28. YEAR OF RETURNING FROM WORK ABROAD Relationship with the reference person in the h o w h o l d u u ....................... Position of the member in the family ................................................................................... U ......................................................................U Reason of absence .prcsence .............................................................. (husband .wife, child) Ordinal number of the family
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