1 " I p . I r ' . <:. x: J. I .w c . -** Y r- 1 I u 3 i I 4 I-- L c I I I . . . ,. ._ . . r ú c . i d d l ú *:* L , .' *. . .. . 3ìEthnBi23Se (1989 e 1 fl 1 8-1990 e 6 f i 30 H) #wLk4BlAup-(e~lW~ X FIL#'Rth u wk: ! am %(isa 9 .%a) ....................... :*%: : ...................... *BEC M 1 T I E & & -+-A 14, ttr TII i & & + A .: Respondents Raust e f e rprovide m e time,information 00,OO Julyhonest 1, 1990 ly. 1990 I'ITXTIONAL POPULATION CENSUS QUESTIONNAEE Enumerators must record the answers accuratrty, I Remarks, I i i 1 \ I 4 i I t.Reiationship t o head of househoid ].head of household 2.s ouse 3.c itd 4. grandchiId 5. parent 6. grandparent 7. other re Lat ive &non-relative i I -T-I 7 3. Sex 4.Age 1 5. Nation! ality I -----i. M Born 1 2. F in the i 1 year , moiiifï i 1 1 _ I-T-Ï 3. chi td - reit ---- l i j i -I i I -i ;.residing and registered here d.residing here over 1 year, 1.agricutturat but registered elsevthere registrat ion 3.1iving here < 1 year absent 2,non-agricuifro? re . ptace over 1 year turat regis4. living ere with registratration tion unsettled 5,used to reside fiereiisnow abroad ui th no registration i i -7-7 1. residing and registered here I-T-T residence residence in 1. this county 1,street conuuit/ci ty; tee of cities; 2,other county 2, town; /ci ty in same 3. townshipi province i 3. other province -------Province _--i ! ¡ 1 %.primary f.never to school l.job t r a n s f e r 2.job assipuent 3.uork/business i' j.study/trcining 5. to retative/friend 6. retired~esigned ?.moved with fagity 8. marriage il 9,others rf , i ! . I I -T I-Ï and now tivin 1-students 2. housekeepin 3. auai t ing sc 00 I enroItment 2. aarried ------Male 4.awai ci tyytown ting job assignment in Feruate !.widowed chi 1aiëii-Tiving 5. ret ired at presentMa le 6. disab ted/aged 4.divorced ______Femate 7. o thers Í ------ i! . 1 i ! -/ f I i ----y :I i l.job t r a n z r ! ! j.never to school 2. job assisment 1: 2. primary 3,worbbushess 1; 3.junior middte l.student 1 4,study/trrining 1 d.senior middle 2. graduate 1 5. to retathelfriend I. j . technicat 3.under- ; 6. retired/r.esigned secondary graduare, ?,moved wiih frnity i! 6.coll.ege 4. other 1 8. marri age :.post-graduate 9. o thers !; ----l i l I-T PI 1 li -- -- residence 1. this county /ci ty; 2.other county province; /city in sane I I 1 5. M 6. F 1.1 5, 6. I I 1. no.bir th 1st hatf 1 9 8 9 1. 4! 2. F' tnd haif 3. I4 1989 4. F I-T 1-1 i-Ï 1-1 1-.i i-Ï 6. F I-T . . 1. 2. 3. -1. 6. chi tdren born D.no birth mari ied alive 1st half 1 9 8 9 3,awaiting scloot enrollolent 2. married 1.M 1. 4, awaiting job assignment in 2. P 2. 3. widowed ci ty/ town at Dresent 5, 6,dretired isabtedlaged 4. divorced ------Mate 7. o thers ------Pernate 1. students 2. housekeepin 1. never 1-7 i-T 1-7 1-j 1-5 1,students chi Ldren born 1. never loarried alive 2. housekeepin 3. awai ting sc 00 t enrot tment married ------Ma te 4,ci await tytown ing job assignment in Femate 3. widowed chi taiiii-living 5. ret ired at present 6, disab ted/aged 1. divorced ------Male 7. others ------Femste -- I-T l i residence in 1. street c m i ttee of cities; 2. touni . 3, township; 3. other province -------Province h o birth 1st half 1989 1. M '1. 2. F 2. !nd haif 1989 3. M 3. 4. F 4. Ist hatf 1 9 9 0 I ------- Province __-- 1I chiI-TLdren I-Ï I-T I-T born 5.retired 6, disablediaged 7. atbers residence residence in 1. this county ],street coamit/ci ty; tee of cities; 2,other county 2. town; /city in sane 3. township; province; 3. other province ; i i I-Ï 1.students 1. never 2. housekeepin 3.awaiting sc 001 enrottment $.awaiting ci ty/town job assignment in 4 .. --. lomen aged 1 5 - 4 9 $¡.Birth since Jan.1, 1989 i 1 1' I-T I &Marital 1 Olomen l.t.No. aged of chit15-84 I It ., I I ----e i -- 1 i.students I-T i-T ;-i ;-i i-7 r-Ï 6. F I-T 6. D.no birth i. M 2. F 2nd hatf 3. M i. 1989 3. 4. F 1st haif 1 9 9 0 5. M --6-F I i 2. I-Ï d. 5. 6. chi ldren born 1. never O.no birth marri ed a! ive 2. housekeepin ist i.M hatf 1 9 8 9 3. awaiting sc 00 I enro L tment 2.mrrrried 4. awaiting job assignment in 2, F 2. 3. uidowed 2nd hatf 1 9 8 9 , 5. cityltown reti red at present 3. M 3. 4, divorced 6. disabted/aged ------Ma te 4. F 4. 7, o thers _-----Pernale Ist hatf 1990 ! ---- Persons a 9 15 and.over 10. 12,Status of non-lorking 11. Industry Occapation people 3. junior rjddte l.student b.senior middte 2.graduate 5. technicat j.under- i secondary graduate i C.coltege 1. other i 1. post-graduate i i! 'i -- I -T I-f 1 i i ' Persons aged 6 and over 9. Educational level residence residence in 2. residing here over.1 year, 1. agriculturai I.this county 1.street commitbut registered elsewhere registration /ci ty; tee of cities; 3,iiving here 1 year absent d.non-agricul- í!.other county 2. tow; from re . ptace over 1 year turat regis- /city in same 3. township; 4. \!Ving ere with registratration provincei tion unsettled 3, other province s m e d to reside hereiis now abroad with ho registration 4,grandchiid 1. M 5. parent 6. grandparent 2. F ?.other retative 8 . non-re tative 1-7-7 -- i f I.residing and registered here 2.residiog here over 1 year, 1,agricutturat but registered elsewhere , registration 3.tiving here .= 1 year absent 2.non-agricul. p!ace over 1 year turai regis4. from living ere with registratration tion unsett led 5.used to reside herejis now abroad with no registration 1.M I I-T I-T f I J-T 8 . Reasons for mi grati 01: 1. residing and registered here residence residence in t.residing here over 1 year, 1.agricutturat I. this county i. street commitbut registered eiseuhere registration /ci ty tee of cities; 3.kiving here < 1 year absent 2.non-agricut- 2.other county 2. town; frow re . place over 1 year tural regis- /city in same 3, township; 8. kiving ere with registratration Drovince i tion unse: t led i 3: other province 5.used to reside hereiis now abroad with no registration ------province I 5. parent 6,grandparent 2. F 7. other retative 8.non-relative I-Ï-Ï 3. chi ld before July 1, 1985 1. residing and registered here t. residing here over 1 year, 1, agricultural but registered elsewhere registration 3. tiving here < 1 year absent f.non-agriculfrom re . place over 1 year turat regis4. tjving ere with registratrat ion tion unsettled !imed to reside hereiis now abroad with no registration 3,chi td 4. grandchi td i. M 5, parent 6. grandparent 2. F 7. other re tat ive 8.non-retative 4. grandchi id OP permanent residence I I -T-T I i 1 7. Status i 2. ouse 3.c ild 1.M 4,grandchi td 5. parent 2. F 6. grandparent 7, other re tative 8 . non-re Lat ive ---- Each Derson 6.Status and nature of registration -i i ; ii ri I-1 1 3i. 1-1si -ri r i r?5; M r i 5. 6. P I Forn for the Deceased (Jan.l,lW-Jme 30,1990) Attecbed form of 1990 popalaticm amsus on4 far the Baed people Address Gmty(city/district) Townshiphm/street d t t e e ) -- 1Serial Iyo. 2 .Narae 3*sex 4 .latim 5.Date of of E#&EI.I No. birth ality --. 1.illiterat.e & seaii1literate 2.primy month mrr - Born i n 1. M . Year- month Lilliterate & miil literate . 2.primary 3.junior nüddle 4 ,senior middle 5.technical seamdary 6 junior col lege 7 .university I n m rn n r n Born in the 2. F Year- month- n/ Dead a t y a d Year- month mnth- n m m n rn mrr n r r Date Month Day l.never mrried 2 .married 3.widowed 4 .divorced 1,never married 2.mrried 3.widowed 4 .divorced lm n *n 3. widowed 3.junior middle 4 .divorced 4. senior middle 5 .technical secondary 6 * junior college 7.dversity - I . Born i n the lm I 1,never mrried n m m n rn mrr 1. M n 2mrried Year- mnth 3.widowed n n m mI n rn mn- hmration n 1,illiterate h miilliterate 2,primary 3 junior middle 4. senior middle 5.technical secondary 6.junior college 7 .university the 2. F 1.never mrried 2 .wried 3.jnnior middle 4 .divorced 4 .senior middle 5.technical secondary 6,jnnior college 7 .university Year- nrm m n Persons aged 15 and over 8.Marital statns at 9.0wnpation the time of death before death death Born i n the 12. F Census Area I Persons aged 6 and 6+ Each person 1. )9 Bermarks : t Checker n Lilliterate & semiilliterate 2.primary 3.junior middle 4 . senior midd le 5 technica 1 secondary 6 .junior college 7 .university n m 1.never mrried 2.married 3.widowed 4. d i v o d . n Month rn I l Day Supervisor
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