et Polish People ' s Republic Central FORA A Statistical Orfice Bureau o f C e n s u s e s \ I National Census, 7 December, 1978 F O R M F O R COLLECTlNG AND Voivodship Town ..................... .................... ON D W E L L I N G Number of attached additional forms A.. No. of census district.. Successive no. of building in census district. ................. ...... mobile unit o r provisional premises ...................... ............. a separate form A should be com- f36.................... ............ ............... of dwelling.. ...... No. df;.eA;r DATA I N H A B I T A N T S F o r each o c c u p i e d dwelling, Street /square, circus,etc. ITS pleted. /. TD. Type of occupi& housing unit : Dwelling ............... 1 -2 Mobile unit. /specify/ / Provisional premises. .............. /specify/ Please encircle symbol number of the relevant type of housing unit. In t h e case of symbols 2 o r 3 t h e type of occupied unit should be moE precisely s p ecified [ e . g, barge, t r a i l e r , b a r n , etc. / NAME AND-FLRST NAME OF LODGER /USER OF DWELLING/. .................................................... / DESCRIPTION OF' DWELLlNG Questions /topics/ should bt/amswered a s follows: 1 number should be encircled i. USEFUL FLOOR ,'. - II relevant figures should be written in; III -X r e l m a n t symbc , SPACE /TOTAL[ TV.PIPED WATER facilitkes l i n k e e the public water supply s y s t a W r i t e i n number of square metres /integery without fraction[ Useful dwelling space equals the sum of spaces within dwelling, i. e ,- spaces of rooms, kifhen w i t h window or-without it y rooms not occupied o r seasonally used, antichamber, bathroom y toilet y pantry chamber, glazed veranda y etc. to 3 fi ' such facilities i n dwell[ing nar i n buildins II, NUMBER OF ROOMS a/ V , FLUSH TOlLET living rooms kitchens with window, with floor spac5pf 4 sq .In o r more c[ other rocms /e.g. not occupied rooms, seasonally used rooms, rooms f o r storing household Pacilitie_s, etc,/ b] Questions a s i n the case-of piped water facilities / s e e -pic IV above/ , total number of rooLms/a+b+c/ x / d o n t include pantry chambers o f r u r a l ty$$lilapidated rooms SPACE FOR KITCHEN NOT BEING Space without window, o r of space below 4 sgu. m. III, there is such a space no such space 1 o VI. SINK OR WASHBASIN Questions a s in the case af piped water facilities ;see topic I V above/ .3 v 1 I . I 3 n1.1i K L'eh: I s i;, w EL LI N c: ................ .1 .............2 thcre is not tub nor shower.. ........O with tub o r showcr. without tub o r siiawcr.. VIII. IIOT WATER SUFPLIES Water heated outside dwelling i n p o w e r stations o r i n . boilers for flat blocks ,etc. Water heated in &welling /electric o r gas stove/ , o r i n central heating boiler for one-farnilyhouse.................................... T h e r e a r e not hot water supplies.. .......... .1 2 .. ............ .O .% I X . G A S IN D W E L L I N G I X . HEATING supplied from public network 1 from'bottles.. 2 Gas There is not gas i n dwelling.. O ............. ..... heating 1collective, i.e . thermal ener-gy I I is supplied from power stations , o r frodboiler f o r flat block.. ........ . I I indihdual, i. e. thermal energy is supplied from boiler in one-family CENSUS OF POPULATION /'INHABITANTS/ LIVING PERMANENTLY 1 NAME NO?' o1 OR TEMPORARILY I N DWELLZNG 2 FIRSTNAME ----_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 . Permanently living /whether o r riot a given person is present in dwe€ling a t the census time / , or temporarily staying /please encircle the relevant category/ / / 9 A. permanently living and present B.permanently living but not p r e s e n t C . temporarily living --------_-----_-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Please specify for person c&s ified to the category €3, o r category C , cause of absence o r of temporary stavying "----"--œ--"-"-""--œ"---.œ-œ---------œ----œ-."~---~-~--------*---~~--œ-----œ-œ~œ.-"-*-"œ.-"œœ~-œ-~~--"----"---œ. -3- 18. Name of working establishment - i n the case o f multi-establishment - I ~ ., enterprise, both the name of e n t e r p r i s e and that of the establishment concerned /type cf activity/should be specified ; i f the working establishment is privately owned , beside i t s name the name and second name of its owner should be writen in. -.. ---_--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx/Higher education completed Higher educatiDn not completed - a f t e r general education Hi-ghcr education not completed - after vocatzonal education Post-secondary completed Secondary education completed secondary education not completed Basic vocational ccmpleted Primary education completed Primary education not complcted Self - educat io n RQadinf, only Neither writing nor reading xxxx/ Employe e Commis sioner /cornmi ssion-me rchant Home-worker Member of productive cooperative U s e r of farm Worker,o n own account Aiding in work of.. /write in the relevan2 successive niunber of person enumerated Cle rgyma n ,' . - 4 INF~OKMAI’ION O N t3UILDING WllERE. TIIE ENUMERATEU D W E L L I N G IS Each building should be dc>scrib,cdonly onct2 i . c . this p a r t o f the form A shbuld be completed when enumerating the dwelling m a r h c d with successive number 1 / o n e / ; when e n m e r a t i n s subsequent dwellings in h i l d i n g , this part should be crossed. A s to the topics I , I I , I V and V, relevant symbol number should be encircled; a s . to the topic III relevant information should be written in. - residential - mixed type : f o r - IV. Height o f buildins . /number of floors/ ground-floor building O one - floor building 1 two -floor building 2 three -floor building 3 -four- floor building 4 fivè to nine-floor building 5 ten- floor building 6 eleven- floor building 7 twelve and over-floor building 8 II. Period /_vear/ of construction 1. Type of b ~ l d i n ~ - before 1918 - 1918 - 1944 - 1945 - 1970 - f o r buildings constructed 1 residential and economic purposes 2 collective housing unit. i. e . at least a half of it is occupied by boarding school hotel hospital, etc. 3 non-residential 4 X 9 O a f t e r 1970 two last digifs of construction y e a r should be written in III. Form of ownership Owned by individual person Write in name and first name o f owner.. Owned by institution Write i n full name of institution being owner.. ................ ........................... .................. .............................. V. Outer walls ’ material 1 codustible . /e. g . b r i c k s , concrete, etc. j Combustible 2 /wood, etc. Not Is the building a t the disposal of local state administration body a . Yes. No. Please encircle the relevant / ..................... I N F O ~ M A T I O NON HOUSEHOLDS IN DWELLING Successive number of dwelling i n household II I mcmbe r s hi p in housing cooperative 1 economy 1 I ture allocation of dwcliing /administrative allocation, o r tenure contract with s o a a l i z e d e c o n my unit / . i n socialized econoWork outside agi-iculturl , Household occupies dwelling by the right of: /Encircle the relevant s d p b o l number/ 1 Please encircle the relevant s.ymbol number 4 L 4 tenure contract /with individual owner,or with member of housing cooRerativc. 5 5 5 sub-tenurc or part o r whole of allocated d w e l liii9 6 6 relationship with dwcllinc owncr 7 7 I. I paren ts o r ctiildrcn Succes sive n q b e r of housebld in dwel ing I IJ III 1 Im 1 II I Successive number of person being head of household single o r shi red ownership ENUMERATED 11. MAIN SOURCE OF INCOMES OF HOUSEHOLDS I. RIGHT OF FLOUSEHOL/D TO O C C U P Y I N G DWELLING /OR PART OF DWELLI?JG/ 6 .. Source other than work -7 0 employment 3 3 3 3 I
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