U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF T H E CENSUS 1980 CENSUS O F THE TRUST TERRITORY O F THE PACIFIC ISLANDS INDIVIDUAL CENSUS REPORT What i s your name (Please print) b r e you a. - (Mark the first box that applies) 0A person who usually lives here or who stays here most o f the week while working? b. 0A college student living here while attending college? /- ,J d. A resident of an institution such as a jail? 0A person with no usual place of res idence? e . 0 A person for whom there i s no one at your home address to report you to a census taker?-Give the address at which you usually live. Please cont h u e on Page 2 J HOUSE NO., S T R E E T , A P T . NO., OR LOCATION DESCRIPTION 1 VILLAGE \ \ ISLAND T ' E R R I T O R Y , U.S. S T A T E , O R FOREIGN COUNTRY ìl TELEPHONE NUMBER d If none of the above, please mark this b o x a and return the form without answering the remaining questions. FOR CENSUS USE ONLY C O N T R O L NO. FORM D-aTT Form Approved: O.M.B. No. 41479065 loa. Where were you born? If born in a hospital, give residence of your mother, not location of the hospital. (Mark one box.) 3. Sex 0Female 0Male 4. What is your ethnicity? I I I 0American Samoa 0Guam .................................... (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, longan, etc.) Kosrae 0Marshall Islands 0Northern Marianas 0Palau 0Ponape 5. When were you born? Month _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. What is your marital status? i cl Yap I 0United States 0Elsewhere I I 1 I 0Divorced 0Separated 0Never married 6 7 0Now attending this grade (or year) 0Finished this grade (or year) 0Did not finish this grade (or year) Pane 2 _ ~ _ _ ~ No, only speak English Skip to 19a. Yes b. What language other than English i s spoken at home? -_________-___------------------_-(For example: Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) c . D o you speak this language (from 18b) at home more frequently than English? No, different house f b. Where did you live five years ago (September 15, 1975)? 0American Samoa 0Guam 0Kosrae 0Marshall Islands 0Yes, more frequently than English 0Both equally often 1 0Tonga I Truk @ No, less frequently than English i 0Western Samoa I I ‘(t speak English oYap iI 0 United States 0Elsewhere 19a. When were you born? 0Born before September 15, 1965 - Skip to 20a 1 ,o Born September 15, 1965 or later T b. Is your mother in the household? atoll, U.S. State, or foreign country - When did you come to this territory to stay? 1979 or 1980 01973 or 1974 01977 or 1978 01975 or 1976 1971 or 1972 01970 01960 to 1969 01950 to 1959 0Before 1950 13. Where was your father born? 1 1 2 American Samoa 0Guam Kosrae 8ormore 0Marshall Islands 0Northern Marianas ~i au L. i I I I I I i I 0United States i 0Elsewhere - Specify 3 Page 3 .6a. During the last 10 years did you live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? No - Skip to 77 Yes 0 0 b. When did you come or return to this terrirory the last time? 01979 or 1980 01976 01975 01974 01973 01972 01970 or 1971 05 years 06 to 9 years 010 or more years 06 months up to 1 year 01 to 2 years 03 to 4 years Page 4 oNo 0Yes !Oa. Have you completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital, or some other kind of school for occupational training? (Do not include academic college courses.) 0No - Skip to 27a. trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program tining program at place of work L-l o o (Middle) I f you answered 79b, do not answer the rest of the questions. See instructions on bottom of page 8. 0Business school, Y es ... . .... .. .. .. o (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces? . . . . . . . . . . . . o (3) Attending school or college?. . . . . . . . . . . (First) your mother living? b. A t what kind of school was the training received? d. For the last six months that you lived in the U.S., were you (1) Working at a job or business ( f u l l time or part time)? (Last) 0No,-Is 0Yes c. How long did you live in the United States the last time? I I onape .......................... 01977 n y a p 3 ____-___------_-_---------------- c]1978 0Tonga 0Truk 0Wegtern Samoa name ___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Major island or 12. If you were born outside this territory 0_Never attended school - Skip question 9 (Mark one box.) _ c]Yes - Give mother’s noooclnno 9. Did you finish the highest grade (or year) attended? 3 r v 0 0Yes, this house - Skip to 76a (1) Village name 0Kindergarten 5 Elsewhere - Specify c. Specify the name of the village & t h e major island or atoll, U.S. State, or foreign country where you lived five years ago. onnnooonoDoo 4 0United States i 0Palau 0Ponape e ver attended? (Mark one box.) If now attending school, mark grade you are now in. I f high school was finished by equivalency test (GED), mark “12.” 3 I I I ~ 18a. D o you speak a language other than English at home? oYap I Northern Marianas 8. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school you have College 1 2 0Western Samoa I oNo 0Yes ~ 15a. Did you live in this-house five years ago (September 15,1975)? Born September 15, 1975 or later Skip to 78a I) 0No, have not attended since September 1 0Yes, public school, public college 0Yes, private, church-related 0Yes, private, not church-related Elementary through high school (grade or year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 I I OTruk ------___----__-__ 7. Since September 1,1980, have you attended regular school or college at any time? (Mark one box.) Count Head Start, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or college degree. 0Pre-ki ndergarten 17. D o you know how to read and write in any language? 0Tonga I I I 0Palau 0Ponape J married I 0American Samoa 0Guam 0Kosrae 0Marshall Islands Northern Marianas b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or foreign country. (Mark one box.) 0Now married 0Consensually 0Widowed 0Tonga [ 0Truk I I 0Western Samoa I 14. Where was your mother born? LJther school - Specify 3 Page 5 - 2la. If you are female How many babies have you ever had, not including stillbirths? 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. Do not count your stepchildren or children you have adopted. 0None - Skip to 22a 0 1 0 4 0 7 m l 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 3 0 0 8 0 9 0 1 1 u 1 2 0 1 4 u6 5 26. Industry a. For whom did you work? If now on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print “AF” 015ormore 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 5 6 u 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 1 o 1 2 u15ormore oNo 0Yes, did subsistence activity only - Skip to 23. 0No ( F i l l this circle if you did not work or did only your own housework or volunteer work) - Skip to 23. b. How many hours did you work last week (at a l l jobs), excluding subs iste nce activity? Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked. 23. Were you temporarily absent or on layoff from a job or business last week? Yes, on layoff - c. Is this mainly (Mark one box.) c]Retail trade Manufacturing I l Construction I 7 Wholesale trade 0 Report net income after business expenses. 0Other (Agriculture, service, etc.) 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity were you doing? Bre your most important activities or duties? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (For example: Patient care, repairing machines in factory, weavinu baskets) on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. - 0 24a. Have you been looking for work to earn money during the last four weeks? NO - Skip to 25. 0 0 o o 17 o o 17 o o 0 o 0No, already have a job 0No, temporarily ill sick leave, and military service. _____________ .[7No, other reasons ( i n school, etc.) 0Yes, could have taken a job 0 1969 or earlier IU l Never worked Page 6 I d udip Weeks e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did you usually work each week? f. . .c weeks not worked, Or i n which only subsistence activity was done i n 1979, how many weeks were you looking for work t o earn money or on layoff from a job? _____________ Weeks Page 7 0Yes- $ ___--- oNo -----.o0 - Dollars) b (Annual amount d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or net rental income ... Report even small amounts credited to an account. No c. D i d you earn any cash income from this work i n 1979? [7 Yes No d. How many weeks did you work in 1979? Count paid vacation, paid b. Could you have taken a job last week? (Annual amount - Dollars) 0Yes _____t 29a. Last year (1979), did you work, even for a few days, at a paid job or business or farm? Yes - Skip to 29c No b. I n 1979, did you do subsistence activity such as growing/gathering food, fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? NO - Skip to 29f Yes oNo oNo Report net income after operating expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. “ 3 r exanple: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) 28. Were you (Mark one box.) Employee of private company, business, or individual, for law a r y , m m i ssions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U .S. government employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Local government employee (territorial, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Working without pay in family business or farm- . . . . . . . . . . . Doing subsistence activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0Yes A $ _ _ _ _ _ - - ----.o0 c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. --_---_--____________________________ b. did subsistence activity. Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or business and d i d subsistence activity. 0 01975 to 1977 .o0 - Dollars) - -- - - -- --- - ... 0Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or busir a $ (Annual amount b. Own nonfarm business, commercial enterprise, partnership, or professional practice o 1 3 0 1 4 helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc., not for commercial p’”-”ses. 01979 0Yes 0No I ocat ion where employed. 25. When did you last work, even for a few days? 1970 to 1974 1978 1980 - ... Report gross amount before any deductions for retirement funds, etc. (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) 22a. Did you work at any time last week? Count part-time work, or 0Yes, During 1979 did you receive any income from the following sources? to any of the sources below - How much did you receive for the. entire year? a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from a l l jobs and skip to question 29a. b. What kind of business or industry was this? Describe activity at c. Have you had any babies born alive since September 15,1979? 0Yes Mark boxes and print dollar amounts. If net income was a loss, print “Loss” above the dollar amount. If the exact amount is not known, give your best estimate. If “Yes” --________________-__________________ b. How many of these children are s t i l l living? None 0 1 30. Income in 1979 Describe the chief job activity, business or subsistence activity at which you worked the most hours last week. I f you did not work last week, describe the last job or business since 1975. If you had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, describe the one at which you worked the most hours. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _O0_ - _ . (Annual amount e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement Oyes - Dollars1 ... $ - - - - - - - - - --.o0 oNo (Annual amount - Dollarss) f. Public assistance or public welfare payments 0Yes ... $ - - - - - - - - - - - .o0 No (Annual m o u n t - Dollars) g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household ... Exclude lump sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home. Oyes- oNo $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _O0_ _ _ . - Dollars) (Annual amount 31. What was your total income in 1979? $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _00_ _OR . =None (Annual amount - Dollars) Add entries in questions 30a through g; subtract any losses. I f total amount was a loss, print “Loss” above amount. A F T E R COMPLETING THIS FORM - I. P l e a s e check t o be s u r e y o u have answ er c the r e q u i r e d q u e s t i o n s c o m p l e t e l y . 2. T o .l. r e t u r n y o u r form, p l e a s e follow the i n s t r u c t i o n s on the e n v e l o p e t h a t the f o r m c a m e in. Thank YOU f o r y o u r c o o p e r a t i o n . Page 8 t WASHINGTON, D.C. 20233 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ,fe 1980 Census of Population and Housing TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS TO THE ENUMERATOR: 1. Fill section A on this page. 2. Fill pages 1 through 5. 3. Fill a pair of facing pages for each person listed on pages 2 and 3. 4. Complete page 20. ,@=I Section A Your answers are confidential Location or address By law (title 13, U.S. Code), census employees are subject to fine and/or imprisonment for any disclosure of your answers. Only after 72 years does your information become available to other government agencies or the public. The same law requires that you answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. A4. Block number A6. Housing unit serial number Please continue 9 c Form D-80 TT Form Approved: O.M.B. No. 41-S79065 Page 1 Question 1 List in Question 1 *Family members living here, including babies still hospital 1. What is the name of each person who was living here on Monday, September 15, 1980, or who was staying or in the visiting here and had no other home? Relatives living here Lodgers or boarders living here *Other persons living here College students who stay here while attending college, even if their parents live elsewhere .Persons who usually live here but are temporarily away (including children in boarding school below the college level) Persons with a home elsewhere but who stay here most of the week while working Do Not List in Question 1 .Any person away from here in the Armed Forces .Any college student who stays somewhere else while attending college .Any person who usually stays somewhere else most of the week while working there .Any person away from here in an institution such as a home for the aged or mental hospital. .Any person staying or visiting here who has a usual home elsewhere. Note If everyone here is staying only temporarily and has a usual home elsewhere, please mark this box 0. Then please: .ask the double underlined questions on pages 3 through 5 only, and eenter the address of this household's usual home on page 20. Please continue 2 Page 2 Here are the QUESTIONS - These are the columns forANSWERS Please fill one column for each person listed in Question 7, * P E R S O N in column 1 Middle initi; -- P E R S O N in column 3 P E R S O N in column 2 -ast name 7rst name ALSO ANSWER THE HOUSING QUESTIONS ON PAGE 3 Last name .ast name :iist name Middle initial :iist name -ast name - - - - P E R S O N in column 4 Middle ini’ca :iist name Middle initia ~~ 2. How is STAR T in this column with the in column one)? household member (or one of the members) in whose name the home is owned or rented. If there is no such person, start in this column with any adult household member. Fill one circle. If “Other relative” of person in column I , give exact relationship, such as wife’s mother, grandson, etc. ~ 3. Sex. Ask if not evident by name or by observation O Male Fill one circle. 4. What is . . .‘s ethnicity? rn I . . . attendec regular school or college at any time? Fill one circle. Count Head Start, pre-kindergarten kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or college degree. 8. What is the highest grade ( or year) of regular school . . . has ever attended? Fill one circle, If now attending school, mark grade person is in. If high school was finished by equivalency test (GED), mark “12.” 9. Did ... finish the highest grade (or year) attended? Fill one circle, - - - - -- - - - - - - - O Roomer, boarder; O Other nonrelative O Roommate 1 O Paid employee I _____________ O Male O Male O Female 1 O Father/mother f O Other relative I < -7 If r O Roomer, boarder; O Other nonrelative O Roommate 1 0 Paid employee 1 ________----- _____________ O Male O Female 7 O Female - _______________________________ __________--------------------- _____________------____________ Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, Tongan, etc.) Tongan, etc.) Tongan, etc.) Tongan, etc.) c. Year of birth I I O O O O I 1 0 1 8 0 ‘0 /9 o 1 2 3 4 5 Ja n.- Feb.-Ma r. 6 Apr.-May-June 7 8 July-Aug.-sept. Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a. Age at last birthday i I ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I Lp--- - ---I b. Month of birth I c. Year of birth ; I I 1- 1 O 18 O i 0 O 10 O / 9 o 11 o 1 1 o I I I 4 5 6 7 8 9 I l l --- - -7-O Jan-Feb.-Mar.’ O Apr.-May-June O July-Aug.-sept. O Oct.-Nov.-Dec. ’ 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 c. Year of birth a. Age at last birthday i 1- (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I i 1-1-1- 1 0 1 8 0 ~ 19 o Il 2 3 I I I I 4 I l - -- - -7-5 6 O ‘Jan-Feb.-Mar. O Apr.-May-June 7 8 O July-Aug.-sept. O Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 9 L-_-- - ---I b. Month of birth Ett (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, c. Year of birth a. Age at last birthday I l I I I1- I I ! -I I 1 O 18 O i 0 O i 0 O 0 0 / 0 0 L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I 11 o j9 o 1 0 1 1 0 b. Month 0 1 2 0 2 o 12 o of birth o !3o 3 o ; 3o I I I I 4 0 1 4 0 o 140 I I ---- -2-- 0 1 5 0 5 o ; 5o 6 7 0o 1176 o 0 0 1 6 0 O Jan.-Feb.-Mar. O Apr.-May-June 0 1 7 0 8 0 1 8 0 0 1 8 0 O July-Aug.-sept. O Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 9 0 1 9 0 0 1 9 0 o i O Now married 1 O Divorced O Consensually married 1 O Separated O Widowed 1 O Never marriec O Now married ; O Divorced O Consensually married 1 O Separated O Widowed 1 O Never married O Now married 1 O Divorced O Consensually married 1 O Separated O Widowed I O Never marriec O Now married ; O Divorced O Consensually married O Separated O Widowed 1 O Never marriec O No, has not attended since September 1 O No, has not attended since September 1 O No, has not attended since September 1 O No, has not attended since September 1 O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, not church-related O Yes, private, not church-related O Yes, private, not church-related O Yes, private, not church-related Highest grade attended: O Pre-kindergarten Highest grade attended: Highest grade attended: O Kindergarten Elementary through high school (grade or year O Pre-kindergarten O Kindergarten Elementary through high school (grade or year) O Pre-kindergarten Elementary through high school (grade or year, O Pre-kindergarten Elementary through high school (grade or year) 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 o o 000000000 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o College (academic year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or mort 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 College (academic year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 00000000 College w (academicyear) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 0 00 0 0 00 0 College w (academic year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 00000000 - Skip question 9 O Never attended school - Skip question 9 O Never attended school - Skip question 9 O Never attended school - Skip question 9 O Never attended school O Now attending this grade (or year) O Finished this grade (or year) O Did not finish this grade (or year) O Now attending this grade (or year) O Finished this grade (or year) O Did not finish this grade (or year) O Now attending this grade (oryear) O Finished this grade (or year) O Did not finish this grade (or year) O Now attending this grade (oryear) O Finished this grade (or year) O Did not finish this grade (oryear) FORCENSUS USE ONLY A. F I l 0 1 1 0 N l O Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 I L Highest grade attended: O Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i < - - - - -- - - -- - - - I If not related to person in column 1: O Roomer, boarder; O Other nonrelative O Roommate 1 J 0 Paid employee 1 __-__________------____________ b. Print month and fill one circle. 7. Since September 1,1980, has I r If not related to person in column 1: 7 O Female 1 O Husband/wife O Soddaughter O Brother/sister Ethnicity: a. Print age at last birthday. Fill one circle - - - - - - - - -- - - - O Father/mother f O Other relative- Ethnicity: 1-1-1 . . . (read answer categories) - -7 1 Ethnicity: . . .‘s age, month, and year 6. IS 1 O Husband/wife O Son/daughter O Brother/sister Ethnicity: of birth? c. Print year in the spaces, and fill one circle below each number. O Father/mother f O Other relative If not related to person in column 1: (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, 5. What is 1 O Husband/wife O Son/daughter O Brother/sister If relative of person in column 1: If relative of person in column 1: If relative of person in column 1: . . . related to (Insert name ofperson O 0 I 2. 4. O I 2 3 + OT23’4- S G ? S 3 O123’4- 5 G 2 8 3 5 6 1 8 3 4. * c ALSO ANSWER THE HOUSING QUESTIONS ON PAGE 3 P E R S O N in column 5 Last name Last name Middle initial First name Middle initial First name P E R S O N in column 6 I - - - - P E R S O N in column 7 FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD Last name s If relative of person in column 1: O Husbandhife O Father/mother O Sonldaughter O Other relative O Brother/sister 1 If relative of person in column 1: o Husband/wife O Fatherlmother o Son/daughter O Other relative O Brother/sister I i i nother lative7 I i --- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I .- - - - - - - I O Roomer, boarder; 7 o 0 Paid employee - I - -- - - - - Filipino, 7, Samoan, -1- Roommate l o o o o 100 11 o 120 13 o o 140 o 150 O 16 O o 170 O 18 O o 19 o O Male I I - O Other nonrelative O Roomer, boarder; O Other nonrelative 7 o Roommate O Paid employee __ I O Female I t O Male O Female 3 Ethnicity: ___________-------------------- _____________-_________________ (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, Tongan, etc.) I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I I -----y--Jan.-Feb.-Mar. Apr.-May-June July-Aug.-sept. Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I l I l I I --- - O O O O o boarder! O Roommate O Paid employee O Male -7-- - Jan- Feb.-Mar. Apr.-May-June July-Aug.-sept. Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 11 o 11 o ' -----_-____-- O Female Ethnicity: 13 O ! 3 0 I / 4 0 ! 4 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 6 0 / 6 0 7 o 17 o 8 0 1 8 0 9 o 19 o ~ O O O O , 1 I O Now married 1 O Divorced O Consensually married: O Separated I O Never marriedl O Widowed ptember 1 O No, has not attended since September 1 O No, has not attended since September 1 O No, has not attended since September 1 ?ge O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, public school, public college O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, church-related O Yes, private, not church-related O Yes, private, not church-related indergarten irade or year) 1 12 I O 7 8 or more 3 0 p question 9 Year) tear) O Pre-kindergarten O Now married i O Divorced O Consensually married 1 O Separated O Widowed i o Never married I I - O Kindergarten Elementary through high school (grade or year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 000000000 o o o O Pre-kindergarten O Pre-kindergarten Elementary through high school (grade or year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more College (academic year) 00000o 0o (academic year) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o College O Never attended school I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 o o o College - Skip question 9 ' 4. 0I 2 3q- 5 G ? 8 3 0I23ck 5 6 1 8 3 0 1 2 3 % 5 6 ' 5 8 9 l- , L O Electricity O Gas , O Thatch O Metal O Other I I E I 33 33 I 3 33 ++q* q - , + ; .4 + I Does this building have a flush toilet? "No;' what type of toilet? u Lonrinuarion . O Regular O Usual home I n-_I.- u Lonrinuarion A I _I.__ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ y - I O Rented or sold, not occupied O Held for occasional use O Other vacant Group quarters E: 8 8 E; O Yes, connected to public sewer O No, connected to septic tank or cesspool O, - Months vacant O Less than 1 month O Year round use O 1 u p t o 2 months O Seasonal use- Skip C2, C3, O 2 up to 6 months and O 6 up to 12 months Vacancy status elsewhere :3 E: 8 I O Outhouseor privy O Other or none , ' .. 2 H16. - Is this building connected to a public sewer? I-I I + 0 O Yes, outside this building For Vacant Units CA Is this unit for I I E 7 G 5 O Solar energy O Other fuels O Yes, inside this building O No --t If O Poured concrete CQ. Is this unit boarded up? I- ~O Yes .i 0 3 8 What type of energy does your water heater (tank type) use most? m 4 .Is there a bathtub or shower in this building? O Yes O No &5. F; - - O Thatch O Other O No walls 3 ? O No, only cold piped water in this building O No piped water in this building FOR CENSUS USE 56'283 I E 3 . Is there hot and cold piped water in this building? O Yes, hot and cold piped water in this building A one-family house detached from any other house A one-family house attached to one or more houses A building for 2 families A building for 3 or 4 families A building for 5 to 9 families A building for 10 to 19 families A building for 20 to 49 families A building for 50 or more families A mobile home or trailer, tent, van, etc. Boat building? Read each category and fill one circle. I n O O O O O O O O O O O Now attending this grade (oryear) O Finished this grade (oryear) O Did not finish this grade (or year) , 0 A public system? An individual well? A catchment, tanks, or drums? A public standpipe or street hydrant? Some other source (spring, river, creek, etc.)? H8. - What is the main type Of material used for the roof Of this I O 7 rooms O 8rooms O 9or more rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used also for other purposes. O Wood 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 0I23rt. 0I 2 3+ O 4 rooms O 5rooms O 6 rooms w. -How many bedrooms do you have? Count rooms O O O O O (Include all apartments, flats, etc., even if vacant). O Never attended school - Skip question 9 9. Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, or halls. O 1 room O 2rooms O 3 rooms H S . Do you get water from , O Poured concrete O Concrete blocks O Metal O Kindergarten 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 auarters? O 1950 to 1959 O 1949 or earlier O Lived here since birth H7. is the main type of material used for the outside -What walls of this building? Read each category and fill o x circle. Elementary through high school (grade or year) O Now attending this grade (oryear) O Finished this grade (or year) O Did not finish this grade (or year) O Now attending this grade (oryear) O Finished this grade (or year) O Did not finish this grade (orvear) II O Yes. Drivate. not church-related O Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 000000000 o o o O Never attended school - Skip question 9 - , H10.How many rooms do you have in your living - H A Which best describes this building? Highest grade attended: Highest grade attended: - O to 1969 1974 O 1970 1960 to I O 1950to 1959 O 1940 to 1949 O 1939 or earlier O Directly from the outside or through a common or public hall? O Through someone else's living quarters? O 1970to 1974 O 1960to 1969 Jan.-Feb.-Mar. Apr.-May-June July-Aug.-sept. Oct.-Nov.-Dec. O Now married 1 O Divorced O Consensually married O Separated 1 o Never marriec O Widowed Highest grade attended: H A Do you enter your living quarters 1 I H5. When did . . . (Insert name of person in column one) move into this house (or apartment)? 3 0 1 3 0 4 o 14 o 5 0 ! 5 0 vorced ?parated wer marrie d O Yes - Determine whether to add person. O NÒ O 1979or 1980 O 1975 to 1978 I I ' H3. Is anyone visiting here who is not already listed? - c. Year of birth b. Month of birth I - O Yes -Determine whether person should remain listed. O No . . I I I W , 1979or 1980 O 1975 to 1978 H2. Did you list anyone in the list of persons living here who is away from home now for examde, on a vacation or in a hosoital? 1 II a. Age at last birthday o , I Other nonrelative S O O Yes -Determine whether to add person. O No c If not related to person in column 1: 1 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 \ 0 0 o 7 - - - - - - - - - _ --- (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Palauan, Samoan, Tongan, etc.) I j9 i _______-_______----____________ 3 L- - - - - - - b. Month of birth O Other relative I (For example: Carolinian, Chamorro, Filipino, I I 1 Mark when the building was first constructed, not when it was remodeled, added to, or converted. for example, a new baby still in the hospital, a lodger who also has another has no otherhome, home?or a person who stays here once in a while and I 0 -I L-- - - - - -.- l b. Month of birth O O O O 8 c. Year of birth a. Age at last birthday I I 7 -_ - Ethnicity: I I t 7 ---___-_____ - - relative of person in column 1: O Husbandlwife O Father/mother O Soddaughter O Brother/sister - About when was this building originally built? H9. H1. Did you leave anyone out of the list of persons living here because you were not sure if the person should be listed Middle initial First name If not related to person in column 1: If not related to person in column 1: nreiative Middle initial Page 3 NOW PLEASEANSWER QUESTIONS H l - H 3 7 O No -persons Total I I i I I 000 5 5 5 O O Pop./F I G ? ?GI ?G 8 8 :3 O 0 I e4 ~~ ~~~ &7. - Are your main cooking facilities inside or outside this building? O Inside this building 0 Outside this building ANSWER fi ESE QUES CENSUS What is the monthly rent? If rent is not paid by the month, see the USE w. - Ask of persons who rent their living quarters - Questionnaire Reference Book on how to figure a monthly rent. What type of cooking facilities are ~ J O Electric stove O Gasstove O Kerosene stove O Other (fireplace, hotplate, etc.) O No cooking facilities H18. Is there a refrigerator in your living quarters? O Mechanical O Ice O No refrigerator HL9. Does your living quarters have electric power? w. - O No O Yes + Is the electricity supplied by O A public utility? O A private generator? -t What is the source of energy? O Diesel oil O Solar O Other H20. What are the costs of utilities and fuels for your living quarters? a. Electricity 8 .O0 __________-----_ OR A verage monthly cost O Included in rent or no charge O Electricity not used b. Water 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ .O0 OR O Included in rent or no charge A verage monthly cost c. Oil, gas, kerosene, wood, etc. 9, ___________-____ .O0 OR Yearly cost O Included in rent or no charge O These fuels not used H21. Do you have a telephone in your living quarters? O Yes O No H22. Do you have a radio? O Yes O No H23. Do you have a television set? O Yes O No H&4. - Do you have air-conditioning? O Yes, a central air-conditioning system O Yes, 1 individual room unit o Yes, 2 or more individual room units O No H25. How many automobiles, vans or light trucks are kept at home for use by members of your household? (Include company-owned vehicles kept at home.) O O O O None 1 automobile or truck or van, etc. 2 automobiles or trucks or vans, etc. 3 or more automobiles or trucks or vans, etc. - H26. Are your living quarters O Owned or being bought by you or by someone else in this household? O Rented for cash rent? O Occupied without payment of cash rent? O O O O O O Less than $50 $50 to359 $60 to369 $70to$79 $80 to389 $90 to399 O O 0 O 0 O O O O O O O $100to$109 $110to$119 8120to$129 $130to$139 $140to$149 $150to$159 O O O O 3160to3169 3170to3179 3180to3189 $190to$199 3200to3224 $225 to3249 $250to$274 $275to$299 $300to$349 $350 to3399 o $400to$499 O $500 or more If this is a one-family house - Is any part of the property used as a commercial establishment or medical office? o Yes O No ASK H290 I N AMERICAN SAMOA, COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, AND THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS ONL Y. Hma. If this is a one-famlly house (or condominium unit) which Is owned or is being bought - What is the value of this house, that is, how much do you think it would sell for if it were for sale? Do not include the wlue of the.land. Do not as& this question i f this is a house with a commercial establishment or medical office on the property. O Less than $1,000 O $1,000 to $1,999 O $2,000 to $2,999 o $3,000 to $3,999 O $4,000 to $4,999 O $5,000 to $5,999 O O O O O O $6,000 to $7,499 $7,500 to $9,999 $10,000 to $12,499 $12,500 to $14,999 $15,000 to $17,499 $17,500 to $19,999 O O O O O O $20,000 to $22,499 $22,500 to $24,999 $25,000 to $27,499 $27,500 to $29,999 $30,000 to $32,499 $32,500 to $34,999 O O O O O O $35,000 to $37,499 $37,500 to $39,999 $40,000 to 842,499 $42,500 to $44,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $50,000 or more H20a. O 0 0 T I E 2 2 2 3 3 3 q4 q-, + 5 5 s G G G ? :3 ? ? :3 3 3 3 H20b. 0 0 0 T I T 2 2 2 3 3 3 q- q- q4 s 5 5 G G G ? ? ? 8 :3 :3 3 3 3 H20c. -0 O O 0 I T E I 2222 3333 q- $- q- q- s s s s G G G G ? ? ? ? 8 8 8 8 3333 U. 0 0 0 I I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 q4 q- q- s 5 s ASK H29b IN GUAM ONLY H29b. I f this is a one-family house (or condominium unit) which is owned or being bought - What is the value of this property, that is, how much do you think this property (house and lot or condominium unit) would sell for if it were for sale? Do not ask this question if this is a house with a commercial establishment or medical office on the property O Less than $10,000 o o $10,00Oto$14,999 $15,00Ot0$17,499 O $17,50Ot0$19,999 O $20,000 to $22,499 O $22,500 to $24,999 O, $25,000 to $27,499 O $27,500 to $29,999 O $30,000 to $34,999 O $35,000 to $39,999 o $40,000 to $44,999 O $45,000 to $49,999 O $50,000to $54,999 O $55,000to $59,999 O $60,000 to $64,999 O $65,000 to $69,999 O $70,000 to $74,999 O $75,000 to $79,999 O O O O O O $80,000 to $89,999 $90,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more G G G ? 8 ? ? 3 3 3 X. Q O @ T E E 2 2 2 3 3 3 q- q- q5 5 G G ' 7 '7 5 G :3 E; ? E: 3 3 3 _____---- Y-@@ o E 2 3 q- E 2 3 q- I 2 3 q- s 5 5 G G G ? ? ? :3 :3 E; 3 3 3 - - - FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD ASK H30 THROUGH H35 IN GUAM AND COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS ONLY Please ask H30 - H35 if this is a one family house which is owned or is being bought, unless this is A mobile home or trailer.. A condominium unit 0 for real estate taxes on & t property? rn O No, taxes paid separately or taxesmot required. H35. Does your regular monthly payment include payments (amount entered in H33) for fire and hazard insurance on this property? O Yes, insurance included in payment If any of these, or i f you rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , your unit or this is - 5 O Yes, taxes included in payment . ... . . . . .. . . . . A house with a commercial establishment or medical office on the property . . . . . Pal H34. Does your regular monthly payment (amount entered in H33) include payments O No, insurance paid separately or no insurance a multi-family structure, Skip H30 to H35 and turn to page 6. ASK H36 AND H37 IN THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS ONLY - H36. Does any member of the household own a boat of Iess than 25 feet in length? H30. What were the real estate taxes on t 5 property last year? $ ________________ .O0 OR None . H31. What is the annual premium for fire and hazard insurance on thJ $ ___-_-----______ .O0 O O Yes OR property? None H33. How much is your total regular monthly payment to the lender? . i31. i30. ’9. H33. 0000 000 I I I L I I I I I I I I T 2 2 3 3 q- + 2 2 2 % 3333 q- q4 22% 333 q- L1, q- 2 2 2 2 3333 @- 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 G G G G G G G G G G G G G ? 8 ? 8 ? ? ? ? 8 5 8 8 ? ? ? 8 p) 8 ? ? ? ? 3 3 3333 333 888E: 3 3 3 3 Q + q-, q- q- 5 + 3 O None 0 T o1 O 2 or more * 0 3 Turn to page 6. E: I ? G a 0000 0 0 for use by members of your household? G Please turn to page 6 O No regular payment required OR ? H37. How many motorcycles, mopeds, or motor scooters are kept at home Also include payments to lenders holding second or junior mortgages on this property. .o0 E: O No H32. Is there a mortgage on h& t property? O Yes O No - Turn to page 6. .$ 3 q3 rn 2 T I 4 ANS WER THESE QUESTION First name Last name Middle initial O O O O O O n Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere O Yes 1979or 1980 1977or 1978 1975or 1976 1973or 1974 1971 or 1972 13. Where was O O O O O O O O O O O d. For the last 6 months that. was.. . . . lived in the U.S., (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . 1970 1960 to 1969 1950to 1959 Before 1950 Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify Ponape O O O O (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . 0 (3) Attending school or college? . . . O 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? O Yes O O O O O O Y e s -No (1) Working at a job or business . . .'s father born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 O 5 years O 6 t o 9 years O 10 or more years 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did . . . come to this territory to stay? O O O O O O O O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify -7 - Yes, more frequently than English Both equally often No, less frequently than English Doesn't speak English O Born September 15, 1975 or later-Skip to 780 O Yes, this house -Skip to 760 O No,different house n 7b. Where did . . . .live five years ago (Sept.l5,1975)? O O O O O O O American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands NorthernMarianas Palau Ponape 0 Tonga O Truk O Western Samoa 0 Yap O United States O Elsewhere Person lob. No. 000 E 2 3 qd hw 13. 4 6 7 8 9 1 o O None - Skipto22a b. How many of thesechildren are still living? O O O O O more None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 00000 00000 11 12 13 14 15 or more O No Count part-time work, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. or business; did no subsistence activity. O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or business and did subsistence activity. O Yes, did subsistence activity only.-Skip to 2 3 Subtract any time o f t add overtime or extra hours worked to 796 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hours - Skip to 26 FOR CENSUS- Z. 14. 000 O 0 0 000 E L I I I I E I E I E T 222 333 2 2 2 333 2 2 2 333 2 2 2 333 o. , o-, qI l . 0,. o-, qI Li-, Li1I @-, I 4-. c;- oI S 5 s s s s 5 s s s S S S G G G G G G G G G G G G z ? ? ? <3 8 : 3 ? ? ? 8 p) 8 zí?? .í??z 333 333 :3 :3 333 8 :3 8 3 3 3 I-, 0 Donotcountherstepchildren o o o o or children she has adopted 11 12 13 14 15 or G o 5 b. How many hours did . . . work last week (at all jobs),excluding subsistence activity? . s s 3 only own housework, or volunteer work.)- Skip to 23 O Born before September 15,1965 -Skip to 200 Ma. Did . . . live in this house five years ago (September 15,1975)? 2 O No (Fill this circle i f this person did not work or did 19a. When was. . born? O Born September 15,1965 or later -Go 1 o o o o o O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job c. Does. . . speak this language (from 78b)at home more frequently than English? O O O O 21a. I f this person is a female How many babies hasshe ever had, not including u stillbirths? 22a. Did . . . work at any time last week? O No, only speaks English -Skip to 790 _____---------________--- . . . 's mother born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape _ -\ ______________________ O Yes (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) 14. Where was Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify c. Has . . . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? O No b. What language other than English is spoken at home? 7 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? O Yes O NO - Skipto27a b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 6 months up to 1year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4 years - O No (Do not include academic college courses.) O Yes c. How long did . . . live in the United States the last time? ... a Naturalized U.S. citizen Permanent U.S. alien (visa) Temporary U.S. alien (work permit) Other U.S. citizen O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 . . . 's mother living? I f 796 is answered, turn to next page for next person. n O No-Skipto 77 O 1979 or 1980 O 1978 O 1977 02 for persons born outside Guam or the United States O O O O O Ask: IS Zoa. Has . . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? 11. ASK 7 7 IN GUAM ONLY O O O O O No+ O Yes 16a. During the last 10years did . . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? -7 Is mother from page 2 or 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ foreign country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U. S. State or foreign country. Ask . . . 's mother in the householfl YesPerson no. of . . .'s (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or not location of the hospital. Fill one circle. American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O (1) the village name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ Loa. Where was. . . born? If born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, O O O O O O O 19b. Is 15c. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. . . lived five years ago. Name of Person 1 on page 2 - - -~ PERSON 7 ON PAGE 2 ~~ 23. Was ... temporarily absent or on layofffrom a job or business last week? J IC 00 I I 2 % 3 3 O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. :a. Has ... been looking for work to earn money during the last 4 weeks? x q-, q4 O NO -Skip to 25 s s b. Could ... have taken a job last week? 8 E: 33 O 1978 O 1975 to 1977 O 1970to1974 O 1969orearlier O Never worked 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. I .. 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? If now on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print “AF” and skip to question 290. 26. A B C O 0 0 O 0 0 G H J O 0 0 (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) b. What kind of business or industry was this? rn Describe activity at location where employed. ____________________---_----_----(For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) - (Fill one circle) O Construction O Other - (agriculture, service, etc.) 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was ... doing? ____________________-------------_------ (For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) b. What were ... ’s most important activities or duties? __________________------------_---(For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) 28. Was., . . - (Fill one circle) Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Working without pay in family business or farm.. .. O Doing subsistence activity ....................... O 29a. Last year (1979), did ... work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a businessor farm? O Yes-Skipto29c 000 I I I 2 2 2 3 3 Li, q4 s s G G ’1’2 8 8 33 AF O NW O 27. N P Q O 0 0 R S T -boo u v w Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions. . . . . O U.S. government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc.). ..... O li O 0 0 O No-Goto29b. O 0 0 X Y Z O 0 0 00 I I 2 2 3 3 3 q-#q-, q- s 5 s G G G ’1’2’2 :3 333 I T I I l I I I I 2 2 2 2 ;2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 ;3 3 3 3 q - q + q - , q * ‘ q+q+q-q4 ss55 - Fill circles and print dollar amounts. If net income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate. ... receive any income from the During 1979 did following sources? ; ... rn a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions - -t No $ _--------______ .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) b. Own nonfarm business,commercial enterprise, partnership,or professional practice Report net income - afterbusinessexpenses. 0 yes + $ o _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ - _ _ _.o0 No 0 3 8 s s s s ‘2 G G G G G ‘1‘17‘1 ; ? I ? ? ? S 88881 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 ;3 3 3 3 A O 1 0 A O q3 30c. If “Yes” to any of the sources below - How much did receive for the entire year? Yes ‘1 I30b. G G G G o o G 0000I O 0 0 0 I30d. o I I 0 0 0 0 I0000 I I I I ; I I I I 2 2 2 2 ;2 2 2 2 3333 I3333 q-q-q-q-; .q-q-q-q- 5 5 s 5 I s s 5 s G G G G G G G G ‘ 1 ‘ 1 7 7 ; 1‘1‘1‘1 8888 I 8 8 8 8 0 3 ,-, ‘7 o G 3333 I 3 3 3 3 A O 1 0 A O 5 I .- - - - - - - qi--------306. I30f. 3 O 2 (Annual amount-Dollars) I c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report netincome after operating expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. O Yes - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - .o0 + $ o No (Annual amount-Dollars) ~~ d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or rental income - Report even small amounts credited to an account. O Yes o $- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -t No e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement O Yes o No - +$ __-------______ O Yes .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) f. Public assistance or public welfare payments o No .o0 (Annual amount-Dol/ars) - * $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exclude lump - - sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale o f a home. O Yes $ o No _______________ .o0 fAnnual amount-Dollars) q-, q+ 31. What was. .. ’s total income in 1979? Add entries in questions300 through g; subtract losses. If total amount was a loss,_mint “Loss” above amount. . I I T 2 2 33 s s ’-- G G nn .vu - - - - -- - - - - - ‘2’2 (Annual amount-Dollars) 8 8 OR O None 33 I - ; 30a. Hours for retirement funds, etc. K L M s s ; s s 8 3 / 3 9 ; 3 Weeks D E F --__________________-------_----------- O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade Weeks e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ... usually work each week? 30. Income in 1979 ; G I G G ; ‘1;‘1‘1; 8 + 8 ; Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. ~~ 00 I I ;I I 2 2 ; 2 2 ;2 2 3 3 ; 3 3 ;3 3 q- q+ I q- qq- q- s s d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? ______________ ;29f. I I I N 0 No Skip to29f ... c. Is this mainly O Yes I 129e. 0 0 100 f. Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was . . . looking for work to earn money or on layoff Describe the chief job activity, business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 7975).I f . . . had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, worked the most hours. describe the one at which ... 29d. c. Did ... earn any cash income from this work in 1979? ____________-_ 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? 7 CENSUS USE ONLY O NO -Skip to 29f O Yes 7’2 No, already has a job No, temporarily ill No, other reasons (in school, etc.) Yes, could have taken a job O 1980 O 1979 29b. In 1979, did ... do subsistence activity such as growinugatheringfood,fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? G G O Yes O O O O Par ~~ CENSUS USE Please turn to the next page and answer the quesl l Page 8 r Last name loa. Where was First name Middle initial . . . born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere ... a Naturalized U.S. citizen Permanent U.S. alien (visa) Temporary U.S. alien (work permit) Other U.S. citizen 13. Where was O O O O O O O O O O O O No-skip to 77 . . . live in the United States O 6 months up to 1 year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4 years U O 5 years O 6 t o 9 years O 10 or more years . . . lived in the U.S., Yes - No (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . O (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . O (3) Attending school or college? . . . O O O O 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? O No 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? Tb. What language other than English is spoken O Yes O No, only speaks English -Skip to 190 at home? -7 -___----------__________- ___________-_----14. Where was. . . 's mother born? I . . . 's mother living? O Yes O No I I f 196 is answered, turn to next page for next person. O NO - Skipto27a b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 (1) Working at a job or business 1970 1960 to 1969 1950 to 1959 Before 1950 Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify Ask: Is O Yes c. How long did the last time? O Yes O O O O O O O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 - . . .'s father born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O Yes d. For the last 6 months that was.. . 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did . . . come to this territory to stay? 1979or 1980 1977or 1978 1975 or 1976 1973 or 1974 1971 or 1972 . 16a. During the last 10years did . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? O 1979 or1980 O 1978 O 1977 11. ASK 7 7 IN GUAM ONLY Ask o for persons born outside Guam or the United States. O O O O O O No- 20a. Has . . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? (Do not include academic college courses.) b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? 7 O O O O mother from page 2 or 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1) the village name _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ foreign country _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U. S. State or foreign country. Is O FOR . . . 's mother in the household? Yes +Person no. of . . .'s (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or I f born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of the hospital. Fill one circle. O O O O O O O 19b. Is 15c. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. . . lived five years ago. Name of Person 2 on page 2 (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) c. Does . . . speak this language (from 78b)at home O O O O Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify \ 21a. If this person is a female How many babies hasshe ever had, not including m stillbirths? 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 o o 1 b. Howmany of these children are still living? O O O 0 o o Donotcountherstepchildren o or children she has adopted 1 1 12 13 14 15 O None - S k i ~ t o 2 2 a 5 0 0 0 0 0 or O O more None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o oo o o o 0o o o0 11 12 13 14 15 ormore 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 ,-> 'Y, c. Has. . . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? O Yes O No Z a . Did . . . work at any time last week? Count part-time work,or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or business; did no subsistence activity. O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job ~ o3 2 I -\I - - - DERSOM 2 OM PAGE 2 23. Was ... temporarily absent or on layoff from a job or business last week? Pat CENSUS USE J IC 00 O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. ... ci Did ... earn any cash income from this work in 19791 I I 5 5 b. Could ... have taken a job last week? G G 7? F O Yes U Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. O 1978 e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ... usually work each week? 33 f. Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was looking for work to earn money or on layoff from a job? Weeks __--__________ ... 30.Income in 1979 .. .. ... 26. A B C O 0 0 O 0 0 rn ____________________-------------- U ... rn - K L M O Yes t $ O 0 0 o No 0 3 O Construction O Other - (agriculture, service, etc.) Q o q+ G G O Yes o U No o No X Y Z 29a. Last year (1979), did ... work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a businessor farm? G G G - 7 7 7 $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.o0 _ (Annual amount-Dollars) 888 333 .o0 _______________ (Annual amount-Dollars) .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exclude lump 000 - 00 I I ;ög:- rn 0000 O Yes + $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - O 0 0 Working without pay in family business or farm.. . . O Doing subsistence activity ....................... O o q- (Annual:amount-Dollars) -+ I+ 5 5 5 f. Public assistance or public welfare payments u v w professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O No O Yes O 0 0 rn q- .o0 e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement R S T ... - (Fill one circle) No O Yes o O 0 0 (For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) I I I 3 2 1 222 333 Report even small amounts credited to an account. 27. N P Q ___________________________________ 0000 _______________ -+ d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or @ rental income NW O b. What were ... ‘s most important activities or duties? .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. AF O (For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) _-______--_--_- No 5 0- c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report net income after operating s 5 88 33 ________________________________________ ,-, <y> e G - 7 7 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was ... doing? _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) b. Own nonfarm business,commercial enterprise, partnership, or professional practice Report Et income afterbusinessexpenses. 0 yes + $ 000 2 2 2 33 - (Fill one circle) O No-Goto29b. 2 I receive for the entire year? I I I (For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) O Yes-Skipto29c e for retirement funds, etc. b. What kind of business or industry was this? Self-employed in own business, q- a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions O 0 0 Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions . . . . . O U.S. government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc.) ...... O - If “Yes” to any of the sources below - How much did (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) 28. Was 7 G 5 ... receive any income from the G H J Describe activity at location where employed. <y> During 1979 did following sources? D E F ____________________------------------- ,-> Fill circles and print dollar amounts. If net income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate, ~~ 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? If now on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print “A F” and skip to question 290. O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade 0 3 ... O 1970to1974 Describe the chief job activitv,business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 1975).I f . had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, worked the most hours. describe the one at which c. Is this mainly Hours --________---- 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. ~~ Weeks ______________ 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? O 1980 O 1979 O No O Yes d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? 8 8 No, already has a job No, temporarily ill No, other reasons (in school, etc.) Yes, could have taken a job O O O O rn q* q- O NO -Skip to 25 O NO -Skip to 29f O Yes 2 2 33 da. Has ... been looking for work to earn money during the last 4 weeks? 9 CENSUS USE ONLY 29b. In 1979, did do subsistence activity such as growindgatheringfood,fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? I I I I 2 2 2 2 3333 q4 q- q-, q5 5 s s G G G G 7 7 7 7 8 8 <3 ‘-1 3333 rn sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale 2 2 333 q- q- q- o f a home. O Yes o s s s 31. What was G G G No + $ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ - - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) ... ‘s total income in 19793 Add entries in questions300 through g; nn .vu - - - - - -- - - - - - subtract losses. lf total amount was a (Annual amount-Dollars) loss, print “Loss” above amount. OR O None ’- ? 7 7 ?i , :3 333 I F Please turn to the next page and answer the quesi se 2 Page 10 Name of Person 3 on page 2 Last name loa. Where was First name Middle initial . . . born? I American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere 7 Is 03 for persons born outside Guam or the United States O 6 months up to 1 year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4 years ... a O O O O Naturalized U.S. citizen Permanent U.S. alien (visa) Temporary U.S. alien (work permit) Other U.S. citizen i 9 7 7 o r 1978 O 1975or 1976 O 1973or 1974 O 1971 or 1972 13. Where was O O O O O O O O 1970 o i 9 6 0 to 1969 O 1950to 1959 O Before 1950 O Yes O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify Ponape O None - Skipto22a b. How many of these children are still living? O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify O No O Yes O No, only speaks English -Skip to 79a O Yes, this house -Sk@ to 760 YO No,different house O O O O O O O American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape b. Where did . . . .live five years ago (Sept.l5,1975)? O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere , None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o ooo ooo 0 0 0 9- I only own housework, or volunteer work.)- Skip to 2 3 b. How many hours did. . . work last week (at all jobs1 excluding subsistence activity? to 796 I Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked FOR CENSUS USE ONLY 15c. \ F I I18b. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hours- Skipt026 \ Z. o00 I I I I I I 2 3 222 333 2 2 2 333 q- q-, q-, 222 333 e1- q-, q. s s s 5 s 5 5 5 s G G G G G G G G G ? ? ? ? ? ? :3 8 ? ? ? :3 8 8 I 3 2 O No (Fill this circle i f this person did not work or did O 0 0 3 3 3 8 O No I I I I 0 3 0 I E: 8 :3 o 11 12 13 14 15 or more or business and did subsistence activity. I Person lob. No. 000 15 or O O O more O Yes, did subsistence activity only.-Skip to 2 3 O Born before September 15,1965 -Skip to 200 13. O or business; did no subsistence activity. 19a. When was.. . born? w \\\h \ 0 O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job O Yes, more frequently than English O Both equally often O No, less frequently than English O Doesn't speak English O Born Sepfember 15, 1975 or later-Skip to 78a 1 O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job c. Does. . . speak this language (from 78b)at home more frequently than English? O Born September 15,1965 or later -Go 9 5 o Count part-time work, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. -7 15a. Did . . . live in this house five years ago (September 15,1975) ? 8 4 22a. Did . . . work at any time last week? at home? 7 7 3 c. Has . . . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? ______----------____----- American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape 6 O 0 \b. What language other than English is spoken . . . 's mother born? 2 0 0 0 o o o (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc,) 14. Where was 1 o Donotcountherstepchildren o o or children she has adopted 11 12 13 14 I 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? O Yes _ _\ ____-___--___--_______ 21a. I f this person is a female How many babies hasshe ever had, not including m stillbirths? 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? . . .'s father born? AmericanSamoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau No (1) Working at a job or business (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . O (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . O (3) Attending school or college? . . . O .. . o - Yes - Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify O O O O O 5 years O 6 t o 9 years O 10 or more years - O No - Skip to 2 l a b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 d. For the last 6 months that. . . lived in the U.S., was.. . 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did come to this territory to stay? O 1979or 1980 O Yes c. How long did . . . live in the United States the last time? 11. ASK 7 I IN GUAM ONLY Ih (Do not include academic college courses.) b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 . . . 's mother living? - O Yes O No If 796 is answered, turn to next page for next person. O No-Skip to 77 O 1979 or 1980 O 1978 O 1977 Ask: Is 20a. Has . . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? . Yes O No-+ I 16a. During the last 10years did . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? o . . . 's mother in the household? Yes +Person no. of . . .'s mother from page 2 or 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U. S. State or foreign country. Ask O (1) the village name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I f born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of the hospital. Fill one circle. O O O O O O O 19b. Is 15c. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. . . lived five years ago. O 0 0 E T 1 222 O 0 0 I I I 222 333 q- cI- e-, I I PERSON3 ON PAGE 2 23. Was ... temporarily absent or on layofffrom a job or business last week? CENSUS USE I IC O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. I I ra. Has ... been looking for work to earn money ducing the last 4 weeks? K $- O NO -Skip to 25 Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. I ... .. .. ... 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? /f now on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print “AF” and skip to question 29a. 30. Income in 1979 A B C b. What kind of business or industry was this? Describe activity at location where employed. D E F If “Yes” to any of the sources below - How much did O 0 0 receive for the entire year? O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade service, etc.) 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was ... doing? ___________________----------_-----_---(For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) b. What were ... ’s most important activities or duties? _____________----___---_----------(For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) 28. Was ... - (Fill one circle) Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Working without pay in family business or farm.. .. O Doing subsistence activity ....................... O 29a. Last year (1979),did ... work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a businessor farm? O Yes-Skipto29c o O No -Goto29b. 3 3 3 3 ;3 3 3 3 A O 1 0 A O + 3 2 30c. I30d. ... I 0 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.o0 __ ,-> <y> o G b. Own nonfarm business, commercial enterprise, partnership,or professional practice Report F t income o q- q- No - S e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _.o0 _ 3 2 (Annual amount-Dollars) E c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report net income after operating s s G G - expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. ? ? 8 :3 O Yes o No 33 AF O 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.o0 - (Annual amount-Dollars) d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or NW O net rental income - 8 8 % Report even small amounts credited to an account. 27. O Yes o N P Q O 0 0 + No 3- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement O Yes R S T o O 0 0 No - O Yes o No O 0 0 * 3_ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) X Y Z -t - $_ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exclude lump O 0 0 - 00 I I sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home. O Yes * $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - .o0 o No [Annual amount-Dollars) 2 2 333 q- q- @$ s 5 s G G G 31. What was. 1,212 r 3 E: 8 333 333 3ög:- 0000 f. Public assistance or public welfare payments .. ‘s total income in 1979? Add entries in questions300 through g; nn .vv - - - - - - -- - - - - subtract losses. If total amount was a (Annual amount- Dollars) loss,. .print “Loss” above amount. OR O None *- I I I I 2 2 2 2 3333 q- q- q- q- s s s s G G G G ???i3 8 8 E: 3333 -m. I I I I E I I I 2 2 33 q4 CI- 22 33 222 333 q- q-, q-, Please turn to the next page and answer the quest 0,- o-, S S 5 s 5 5 s G G G G G G G ? ? ‘7’1 E: 8 12‘1 8 33 3 3 333 I I I I (Annual amount-Dollars) - S o $ t No after businessexpenses. 0 yes u v w Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions. . . . . O U.S.government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc.). ..... O *.. O Yes O 0 0 222 33 O Construction O Other - (agriculture, Í?‘z?? 8 8 8 : 3 ;8 8 8 8 - I I I - (Fill one circle) ? G G G G G for retirement funds, etc. K L M 3 8 5 5 5 5 ; 5 5 5 5 a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions O 0 0 o G G G G ????I ... receive any income from the 000 ____________________---__----_---(For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) - During 1979 did following sources? O 0 0 G H J ______________________----_-----------(Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) IIIIIIIII 2 2 2 2 ;2 2 2 2 3333 f 3333 q - q - q - q - ‘ q4q-q-q- Fill circles and print dollar amounts. If net income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate. 26. I30b. O 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 f. Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was ... looking for work to earn money or on layoff from a job? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Weeks Skip to29f Describe the chief job activitv, business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 1975).I f . had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, worked the most hours. describe the one at which 30a. Hours ___________-__ O 1970to1974 O 1969orearlier O Never worked , eDuring the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ... usually work each week? 33 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. c. Is this mainly Weeks _____________- E: :3 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? O 1978 O 1975 to 1977 O No d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? ? ? No, already has a job No, temporarily ill No, other reasons (in school, etc.) Yes, could have taken a job O 1980 O 1979 O Yes q- I ... earn any cash income from this work in 1979? G G b. Could ... have taken a job last week? O O O O c. Did 5 5 O Yes O NO -Skip to 29f O Yes O 0 2 2 33 Pagc 11 CENSUS USE ONLY 29b. In 1979. did ... do subsistence activity such as growing/gathering food. fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? ,ns-foT Person 4 on p é * - - - Page 12 Last name loa. Where was. Middle initial First name American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O O Yes I 0 6 months up to 1 year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4 years ... a 1979 or 1977or 1975or 1973or 1971 or 13. Where was 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 O O O O O Ponape 14. Where was O O O O O O O u O O O O O O b. How many of these children are still living? 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? O Yes Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify at home? 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 o o o o o 3 c I 11 12 13 14 15 or O O O O O more None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o ooooo 0o I oo0 11 12 13 14 15 or more I 0 3 <-> ' 3 - O No -r @- U or business; did no subsistence activity. O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job c. Does . . . speak this language (from 18b)at home more frequently than English? or business and did subsistence activity. O Yes, did subsistence activity only.-Skip to 2 3 Yes, more frequently than English Both equally often No, less frequently than English Doesn't speak English 19a. When was. 0, O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) 7 e 5 Count part-time work, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. 7 O O O O 4 . O No, only speaks English -Skip to 7% _____---------________--- O O O O O O 3 22a. Did . . work at any time last week? Tb. What language other than English is spoken _____-_______----- 2 c. Has . . . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? O Yes 1 0 0 0 0 0 u O No ? G 0 0 0 0 0 Donotcountherstepchildren O O O 0 3 E: _ _\ ______________________ orchildrenshehasadopted (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . O . . . 's mother born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify 21a. If this person is a female How many babies hasshe ever had, not including u stillbirths? . . lived in the U.S., (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . O (3) Attending school or college? . . . 0 1970 1960to 1969 1950to 1959 Before 1950 Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify O O O O (1) Working at a job or business O Yes American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas O Palau O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 O None - Skipto22a . . .'o father born? O O O O O b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 6 t o 9 years O 10 or more years - O NO - Skipto27a O Yes 0 5 years d. For the last 6 months that. was.. . 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did . . . come to this territory to stay? O O O O O (Do not include academic college courses,) c. How long did . . . live in the United States the last time? for persons born outside Guam or the United Stutes: Naturalized U.S. citizen Permanent U.S. alien (visa) Temporary U.S. alien (work permit) Other U.S. citizen O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 If" O No 20a. Has. . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? O No-skip to 77 O 1979or1980 O 1978 O 1977 . . . 's mother living? O Yes b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? 111. ASK 71 I N G U A M O N L Y O O O O Ask: Is I f 796 is answered, turn to next page for next person. 16a. During the last 14.years did . . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? 7 Is O No+ foreign country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere . . .'s mother from page 2 or 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U.S.State or foreign country. Ask -0 . . 's mother in the household? O Yes +Person no. of (1) the village name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . born? If born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of the hospital. Fill one circle. O O O O O O O ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FOR 19b. Is . 15c. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. . . lived five years ago. Name of Person 4 on page 2 O No (Fill this circle i f this person did not work or did u only own housework, or volunteer work.)- Skip to 23 b. How many hours did.. . work last week (at all jobs),excluding subsistence activity? . . born? O Born before September 15,1965 -Skip to 20a Subtract any time off; add overtime or extm hours worked. I I i\\\ FOR \ CENSUS \ USE\ ONLY W \\\\\\\\\\\\ h \\ \\\\\\\ O Yes, this house-Skip to 760 O No,different house 7b. Where did . . . .live five years ago (Sept.l5,1975)? O O O O O O O American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere 13. Person lob. No. 14. 15c. 19b. 22b. Z. 000 000 O 0 0 000 00 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 2 2 % 2 2 2 2 2 33 2 2 2 333 CL q-, 2 2 33 q- q+ @I- S s s s s s G G G G G G ? ? ? '2?? :3 33 8 8 8 333 333 222 333 OI- @ I- , + +q+q-, 0, s s s 5 5 s G G G G G G G 5 s s G G G ? '2'7'1 0 :3 0 E: 333 ' I ? ?? ? ' I 8 8 :3 E: 3 qS i' u C' 333 q- q4 333 01- q+ . 333 PERSON 4 ON PAGE2 !a. Has ... been looking for work to earn money during the last 4 weeks? O NO -Skip to 25 O I 2 3 0 I 2 3 q-, 0, 29b. In 1979, did ... do subsistence activity such as growinglgatheringfood,fishing,copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? O Yes b. Could ... have taken a job last week? O Yes Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. ? ? H e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ... usually work each week? f. Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was . . . looking for work to earn money or on layoff 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? O 1970to1974 30. Income in 1979 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. Describe the chief job activitv, business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . .. did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 1975).I f . had more than one job or had ajob to earn money and did subsistence activity, worked the most hours. describe the one at which ... .. ... 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? If now on active duty 26. A B C ... receive any income from the During 1979 did following sources? O 0 0 DEF If “Yes” to any of the sources below - HOWmuch did receive for the entire year? for retirement funds, etc. K L M b. What kind of business or industry was this? H ____________________-------------(For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) - (Fill one circle) O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade O Construction O Other - (agriculture, service, etc.) 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was ... doing? _-______________________________________ b. What were . . . ‘s most important activities or duties? ___________________________________ Working without pay in family business or farm.. Doing subsistence activity ....................... .. ... O O 29a. Last year (1979), did work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a businessor farm? H O No-Goto29b. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - _.o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) ________--_-_-- o No .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report p e income ~ after operating G G expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. ? ? 8 8 O Yes + $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .o0 __ o No (Annual amount-Dollars) 33 AF O d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or - rental income 5 5 5 G G G - ? ? ? 8 8 8 Report even small amounts credited to an account. 27. N P Q O Yes o No $- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - H - _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ .o0 O Yes + $ o No O Yes (Annual amount-Dollars) o No X Y Z -t - (Annual amount-Dollars) ? ? ? ? ________-__-__- o 5 5 5 31. What was. G G G No (Annual amount-Dollars) . . ‘s total income in 19791 ’- Add entries in questions 30a through g; .o0 - - - - - -- - - - - - subtract losses. If total amount was a (Annual amount-Dollars) loss, print “Loss” above amount. OR O None ? ? ? i3 8 8 333 I b s s 5 5 G G G G sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home. O Yes + $ .o0 q-, q- q+ I I I I 2 2 2 2 3333 .o0 $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - 00 I I 2 2 3 3 3 31. o1- o1- q-, q- g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exclude lump O 0 0 333 .- _ - - - - - - 0000 f. Public assistance or public welfare payments O 0 0 .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement u v w Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O No - O 0 0 Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions. .... O U.S. government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc.). ..... O $ t b. Own nonfarm business,commercial enterprise, partnership,or professional practice Report Et income afterbusinessexpenses. 0 yes + 000 I I I 2 2 2 3 3 q- q5 5 R S T - (Fill one circle) O Yes-Skipto29c o O 0 0 (For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) 1 O Yes O 0 0 NW O (For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) 28. Was ... H - (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) Describe activity at location where employed. ... a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions G H J O 0 0 _______________________________________ - Fill circles and print dollar amounts. if net income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate. O 0 0 in the U.S. Armed Forces, print “A F“and skip to question 29a. c. Is this mainly Hours --__________-- O Yes, could have taken a job O 1978 0 No d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? 8 8 33 O No, temporarily ill O No, other reasons (in school, etc.) O 1980 O 1979 O NO -Skip to 29f c. Did ... earn any cash income from this work in 1979? 5 5 G G O Yes O No, already has a job CENSUS USE J IC O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. x Pa@ CENSUS USE ONLY I ... 23. Was temporarily absent or on layoff from a job or business last week? Please turn to the next page and answer the quest E: :3 E: 8 3333 O A O I Pa ANSWER THESE QUESTION FOR Last name loa. Where was. First name Middle initial American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O H O Yes ________________-___--__---------- L 03 for persons born outside Guam or the United States. O 6 months up to 1 year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4 years ... a Naturalized U.S. citizen Permanent U.S. alien (visa) Temporary U.S. alien (work permit) Other U.S. citizen O O O O O 1979or 1977or 1975or 1973or 1971 or 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 w - O O O O American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape H O O O O O O (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . O 1970 1960 to 1969 1950to 1959 Before 1950 O Yes Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify 1~ O O O O O O O . . 's mother born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify II O No, only speaks English -Skip to 79a YO No,different house O O O O O O O American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape 13. 9 1 O O O O O more \ o o o o 0o 00o 00 11 12 13 14 15 ormore O 0 0 0 0 0 3 or business; did no subsistence activity. O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or business and did subsistence activity. O Yes, did subsistence activity only.-Skip to 2 3 only own housework, or volunteer work.)- Skip to 23 b. How many hours did . . . work last week (at all jobs1 excluding subsistence activity? Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hours 115~. W Skip to 26 \\ 118b. 222 333 cI+ o1- q, s s s G 'I G G G o :3 :3 333 '3 -q- O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job FOR CENSUS USE ONLY 114. W O No to 796 \ S o, None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T E T I Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere 8 o00 b. Where did . . . .live five years ago (Sept.l5,1975)? O O O O O O 7 Count part-time work, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. u O Born September 15,1965 or later -Go Person No. 6 O No (Fill this circle i f this person did not work or did . . born? I 5 22a. Did . . . work at any time last week? Yes, more frequently than English Both equally often No, less frequently than English Doesn't speak English O Born before September 15,1965 -Skip to 200 O Yes, this house-Skip to 76a O Yes c. Does. . . speak this language (from 78b)at home more frequently than English? O Born September 15, 1975 or later-Skip to 780 4 ,-> O No Y\ 3 c. Has.. . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? ________----_____________ 15a. Did . . . live in this house five years ago (September 15,1975) ? 2 0 0 0 0 0 I (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) 19a. When was. 1 a Donotcountherstepchildren o o o orchildrenshehasadopted 11 12 13 14 15 or b. What language other than English is spoken at home? ~~ 8 'I 3 2 \ O O O O 7 Yes 3 0 b. How many of thesechildren are still living? O O O 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? s- O o _ _\ _____---------________ O None - Skipto22a 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ -_ - - - 14. Where was. Y e s -No (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . O (3) Attending school or college? . . . 0 Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify o o (1) Working at a job or business I 13. Where was . . .'s father born? O O O O O O O O O O O 21a. If this person is a female How many babies hasshe ever had, not including u stillbirths? O 5 years O 6 to 9 years O 10 or more years d. For the last 6 months that. . . lived m the U.S., was. . . 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did . . . come to this territory to stay? O NO - Skipto27a b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 - (Do not include academic college courses.) O Yes c. How long did . . . live in the United States the last time? 11. ASK 7 7 IN GUAM ONLY O O O O 20a. Has . . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? H b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 O No I f 7 96 is answered, turn to next page for next person. , O No-Skipto 77 O 1979 or 1980 O 1978 O 1977 . . . 's mother living? O Yes 16a. During the last 10years did . . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? 7 Is Ask: Is O No- foreign country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere . . .'s mother from page 2 or 3 _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U. S. State or foreign country. Ask . . . 's mother in the household? O Yes +Person no. of (1) the village name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ - - . . born? If born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of the hospital. Fill one circle. O O O O O O O 19b. Is 15c. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. . . lived five years ago. Name of Person 5 on page 2 'I?? 33 1 333 3 2 î W - - - PERSON 5 ON PAGE 2 ... temporarily absent or on layoff from a job or business last week? CENSUS USE O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. I IC 29b. In 1979, did ... do subsistence activity such as growindgatheringfood,fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? c. Did ... earn any cash income from this work in 1979? I I 2 2 33 F rn <-, e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ... usually work each week? <-, ‘3 <y> 33 O 1970to1974 O 1969orearlier o Never worked 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. ... .. f. Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was ... looking for work to earn money or on layoff from a job? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Weeks I Skip to29f Describe the chief job activity,business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 1975).I f . had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, worked the most hours. describe the one at which .. ... 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? If now on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print “A F” and skip to question 290. - Fill circles and print dollar amounts. If net income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate. 26. A B C ... receive any income from the During 1979 did following sources? O 0 0 D E F If “Yes” to any of the sources below - How much did O 0 0 receive for the entire year? Describe activity at location where employed. - for retirement funds, etc. O Construction O Other - (agriculture, service, etc.) 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was ... doing? ____________________----------___--_---(For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) b. What were ... ’s most important activities or duties? ___________________________________ (For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) 28. Was ... - (Fill one circle) Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions ..... O U.S. government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc.). . . . . . O Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O UCJ. o after businessexpenses. 0 yes Working without pay in family business or farm.. .. O Doing subsistence activity ....................... O 29a. Last year (1979),did ... work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a businessor farm? O Yes-Skipto29c O No-Goto29b. o q-, q- 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - -.o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) - No - _______-------- .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report netincome after operating s s G G expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper# ’7’1 <-> No t b. Own nonfarm business, commercial enterprise, partnership, or professional practice Report Et income 22% 3 3 - (Fill one circle) O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade O Yes I I I (For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) c. Is this mainly K L M O 0 0 000 __________-__----___-_----__------ ... a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions O 0 0 (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) b. What kind of business or industry was this? rn 30. Income in 1979 G H J _______________________________________ h Hours ----__-___-___ 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? O 1978 O 1975 to 1977 Weeks ______________ ?’7 No, already has a job No, temporarily ill No, other reasons (in school, etc.) Yes, could have taken a job O 1980 O 1979 Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. G G b. Could ... have taken a job last week? rn O No d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? s s O Yes O O O O O Yes q-, q-, O NO -Skip to 25 O NO -Skip to 29f O Yes O 0 !a. Has ... been looking for work to earn money during the last 4 weeks? Paí4 15 CENSUS USE ONLY I O Yes + 3_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - .o0 o No (Annual amount-Dollars) L> 33 d. Interest,dividends, royalties, or net rental income AF O NW O - Report even small amounts credited to an account. 27. N P Q O Yes o O 0 0 No + 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .o0 _- (Annual amount-Dollars) e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement R S T W O 0 0 - O Yes -+ 3_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ .o0 _ o No (Annual amount-Dollars) f. Public assistance or public welfare payments u v w O Yes O 0 0 o No X Y Z - -+ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exclude lump O 0 0 - 00 I I IL I I .o0 2 2 33 (Annual amount-Dollars) q+ q- 22 33 q- q- sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home. O Yes + 3 2 2 333 q-# Li- + o s s s 31. What was G G G No _____---____-__ ... ’s total income in 1979? Add entries in questions300 through g; nn *-- - - - - --- - - - - -.UV subtract losses. If total amount was a (Annual amount-Dollars) loss, print “Loss” above amount. OR O None ? ? ? i3 8 8 333 I F s 5 5 s G G G G ‘77 3 ‘7‘7 33 33 r, <-> <Y>is Please turn to the next page and answer the quesi ms for Perso - - - Pi e 16 Name of Person 6 on page 2 Last name First name Middle initia (1) the village name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O O O O O O 16a. During the last 10years did . . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? O Yes 11. ASK 7 7 IN GUAM ONLY Ask*o for persons born outside Guam or the United State: O Permanent U.S. alien (visa) O Temporary U.S.alien (work permit) O Other U.S. citizen d. For the last 6 months that. was.. . . lived in the U.S., (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . O 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? O Yes . . .'s father born? Ponape O O O O O O O ~ Tb. What language other than English is spoken O Yes O No, only speaks English -Skip to 79a at home? 7 . . . 's mother born? O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) c. Does . . . speak this language (from 78b)at home more frequently than English? O O O O 7 Yes, more frequently than English Both equally often No, less frequently than English Doesn't speak English b. Where did . . ..live five years ago (Sept.l5,1975)? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands NorthernMarianas Palau O Ponape O O O O O O O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere 21a. I f this person is a female How many babies hasshe ever had, not including m stillbirths? Person lob. No. 000 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 O None - Skipt0224 None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oooo ooo O O O O O Ye5 O No 22a. Did . . . work at any time last week? Count part-time work, or helping without pay in a family O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or business; did no subsistence activity. O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job or business and did subsistence activity. O Yes, did subsistence activity only.-Skip to 2 3 .. b. How many hours did . work last week (at all jobs),excluding subsistence activity? Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked \ y 13. FOR 14. CENSUS^^ _________ 19b. Hours- Skipt026 22b. 000 000 00 00 Z. 000 I I I I E I I I I I I I I 2 3 222 333 2 2 2 333 2 2 2 333 22 33 q- CI o-, I el- q- q- 2 2 33 q- q- S 5 5 s G G G G z 0 7'7'7 8 8 3 3 3 o 11 12 13 14 15 or more I I I 5- q4 . 0 o o o o o I 1- 5 o 1 1 12 13 14 15 or O O O O O more or children she has adopted b. How many of these children are still living? 2 0 0 0 0 Donotcountherstepchildren O Born September 15,1965 or later -Go to 796 O Born September 15, 1975 or later-Skip to 780 Y \ only own housework, or volunteer work.)- Skip to 2 3 19a. When was.. . born? 15a. Did . . . live in this house five years ago (September 15,1975)? O No,different house Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify O No (Fill this circle i f this person did not work or did O Born before September 15,1965 -Skip to 200 O Yes, this house-Skip to 760 O O O O business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. ______----------___------ American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O NO - Skipto27a c. Has . . . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? O No ~~~~ I f 796 is answered, turn to next page for next person. O 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? _________________14. Where was O O O (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . O (3) Attending school or college? . . . O 1970 1960to 1969 1950to 1959 Before 1950 Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify No Yes (1) Working at a job or business .. O No _____________________-__ O 5 years O 6 t o 9 years O 10 or more years .- . . . 's mother living? b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 O 6 months up to 1 year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4 years 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did . come to this3erritory to stay? O O O O O O O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 .. . live in the United States ... American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ask: Is O Yes c. How long did the last time? Is a O Naturalized U.S. citizen O O O O O O O O No- (Do not include academic college courses.) O No-Skipto 77 O 1979 or1980 O 1978 O 1977 7 13. Where was Person no. of . . .'s mother from page 2 or 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zoa. Has . . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? O O O O O Yes- O Yes foreign country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U. S. State or foreign country. 1979or 1980 1977or 1978 1975 or 1976 1973or 1974 1971 or 1972 . . . 's mother in the household? (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or I f born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of the hospital. Fill one circle. O O O O O 19 b. Is .. loa. Where was. O O O O O O O ANS WER THESE QUESTION 1%. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. lived five years ago. 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 s 2 2 2 333 c;- q- q+ 5 5 s G G G G G G G G G G G G ? ? ? 8 8 :3 '7'7'7 8 8 77'7 :3 8 9 3 3 333 @-, I @I 3 3 3 @-, l fiI- :3 333 <-> 0 I-, 0 z '7z I I - _ _ - TRSON 6 ON PAGE 2 23. Was ... temporarily absent or on layofffrom a job or business last week? l I CENSUS USE I IC O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. c. Did during the last 4 weeks? q-, - O NO -Skip to 25 b. Could ... have taken a job last week? O O O O No, already has a job No, temporarily ill No, other reasons (in school, etc.) Yes, could have taken a job O 1978 f. O 1970to1974 .. ... 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? Ifnowon activeduty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print ‘% F” and skip to question 29a. A B C K L M (For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) - (Fill one circle) O Construction O Other - (agriculture, service, etc.) o O No-Goto29b. $ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _.o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) o No O Yes o No - - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - .o0 (Annual amount-Dollars) - .o0 -+ $ _____-_-----__(Annual amount-Dollars) - O Yes + $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - .o0 o No (Annual amount-Dollars) g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exchde lump O 0 0 00 I T - 8 e G G G G G G G G 71‘2‘2‘2 ‘2‘7‘7‘2 8 8 8 8 G 5 30d. 0000 O 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 3333 q- q- q- q- 2222 3333 q- q4 q- q- 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 G G G G G G G G ‘7‘7‘2‘7 8 8 8 8 ‘7‘2‘271 q3 2 I W 0 3 I-, <y> 888E: e 3333 3333 G O A O O A O 5 -- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - --q-, 30f. 30e. 3 0000 0000 ¿ r I I î I I I 222 333 q- q- q- 2 2 2 333 q- q- q- 5 5 5 G G G G G G ’2‘2‘7 8 8 8 ’2’7’7 8 8 8 333 cög:- w I 5 5 5 333 __ __ _ __31. 0000 f. Public assistance or public welfare payments X Y Z q4 q- 5 5 5 5 -+ $ e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement O 0 0 29a. Last year (1979), did ... work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a businessor farm? No O Yes u v w 2 3 q5 - Report even small amounts credited to an account. O 0 0 W [Annual amount-Dollars) d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or n @ rental income R S T Working without pay in family business or farm.. . . O Doing subsistence activity ....................... O O Yes-5kipto29c O Yes N P Q - (Fill one circle) $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .o0 __ expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. O 0 0 (For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O ... - 27. ___________________________________ ‘I G G AF O b. What were ... ’s most important activities or duties? No @- 0 3 5 5 5 5 30c. W t q- q- 3333 3333 A O O A O - _ _ _ - - _ - - -- - - - - - - c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report net income after operating 5 5 NW O (For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) Yes I?, 8 8 8 8 b. Own nonfarm business, commercial enterprise. partnership,or professional practice Report Kt income afterbusinessexpenses. 0 yes + $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - - .o0 o No (Annual amount-Dollars) 8 8 3 3 __-_________-______--------------------- ‘ CI, q- ‘2‘2 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was . . . doing? Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions ..... O U.S. government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc,) ...... O - o o 000 T î 1 2 2 2 33 --____________---___-----_-------- 28. Was ... q- O 0 0 Describe activity at location where employed. w q- for retirement funds, etc. b. What kind of business or industry was this? O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was . . . looking for work to earn money or on layoff - O 0 0 ___--_______________-_----------------- c. Is this mainly I I I T 2222 3333 a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) 0000 2222 3333 receive for the entire year? G H J 3 I I I I If “Yes” to any of the sources below - HOWmuch did O 0 0 ‘2 8 30b. 0000 ... receive any income from the DEF 881 3 3 ; 30a. Hours During 1979 did following sources? O 0 0 ‘2‘2; 8 3 I I Fill circles and print dollar amounts. If net income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate. 26. 71 Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence 30.Income in 1979 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. Describe the chief job activity,business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 1975).I f . .. had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, describe the one at which. .. worked the most houn. G Weeks -_________---- 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? O 1980 O 1979 5 5 e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ... usually work each week? :3 E: 33 W I I t I I Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. _____________- ;29f. 0 0 100 2 2 ;2 2 3 3 ;3 3 q+ q+ q- q-, 5 5 ;5 5 G G I G d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? 17 I I I 9- 0- ’2’2 29e. 22 33 O No 5 5 G G O Yes 00 ...earn any cash income from this work in 1979? O Yes Li , 1 !9d. O NO -Skip to 29f O Yes 2 2 33 i.Has ... been lookingfor work to earn money x 29b. In 1979, did ... do subsistence activity such as growing/gathering food,fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? 00 I T Pa4 CENSUS USE ONLY T I T T 2222 3333 q- q+ q-,q+ 5 s 5 5 G G G G 777‘2 :3 8 3333 O A O - sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home. O Yes $ .o0 2 33 q4 q- o No 31. What was. 5 5 G G G ____------___-- (Annual amount-Dollars) .. ’s total income in 1979? Add entries in questions300 through g; .o0 .--- - - - - -- - - - - - -subtract losses. If total amount was a (Annual amount-Dollars) loss, print “Loss” above amount. OR O None ’2’2’2 r 3 E: 8 333 I b Please turn to the next page and answer the quest re 3 P; e 18 Name of Person 7 on page 3 Last name First name Middle initial . O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere O Yes 03 for persons born outside Guam or the United States. Naturalized U.S. citizen Permanent U.S. alien (visa) Temporary U.S. alien (work permit) Other U.S. citizen O 6 months up to 1 year O 1 to2years O 3 to 4years O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1970 1960to 1969 1950to 1959 Before 1950 Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify Ponape Yes O O O O ~~ or children she has adopted O None - Skipto22a b. How many of thesechildren are still living? O O O Tb. What language other than English is spoken O No, only speaks English -Skip to 7% O Yes o o o o o I 7 8 9 1 1 1 12 13 14 15 or O O O O O more None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o o o 00o 00o o o 11 12 13 14 15 or more O No O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere - Specify 7 or business; did no subsistence activity. or business and did subsistence activity. O Yes, did subsistence activity only.-Skip to 2 3 Yes, more frequently than English Both equally often No, less frequently than English Doesn't speak English O No (Fill this circle i f this person did not work or did only own housework, or volunteer work.)- Skip to 23 b. How many hours did. . . work last week (at all jobs),excluding subsistence activity? 19a. When was. . . born? O Born September 15,1965 or later -Go No,different house . . .live five years ago (Sept.l5,1975)? O O O O O O Tonga Truk Western Samoa Yap United States Elsewhere Person lob. No. 000 m \ 13. Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked to 79b \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hours - Skip to 26 FOR CENSUS USE ( 15c. 18b. 000 000 000 Z. 000 I I E T T I T I E T I I I I I I 2 3 2 2 % 333 q-, q- q- 222 333 222 333 222 333 q- q* q* q- q- q* 2 2 2 333 q- q- qi. q-, @- q- q+ 5 s s 5 5 5 s 5 5 s 5 5 s 5 5 s G G G G z22 8 :3 8 G G G G G G G G G G G G 7 2 2 :3 8 8 333 '222 2 2 2 8 8 8 2 2 2 :3 E: 8 333 2 0 333 8 3 O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job c. Does. . . speak this language (from 78b)at home more frequently than English? O O O O 0 3 :3 r3 8 333 333 -. a - ~~ O Yes, this house -Skip tr, !6a American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape 0 q3 2 O Yes, worked full time or part time at a job ______---------_____----- O Born September 15, 1975 or later--Skip to 780 O O O O O O O 6 5 o Count part-time work, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Also count active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. Subsistence activity includes fishing, handicrafts, etc. not for commercial purposes. -7 L5a. Did . . . live in this house five years ago (September 15,1975)? b. Where did . 4 '5 G 5 @+ O Born before September 15,1965 -Skip to 20a YO 3 22a. Did . . . work at any time last week? at home? ~ American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape 2 c. Has . . . had any babies born alive since September 15, 1979? 18a. Does . . . speak a language other than English at home? 14. Where was. . . 's mother born? O O O O O O O 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (For example - Chamorro, Samoan, etc.) ~~~ a ~~ O No O Yes 0 3 _ _\ ______________________ Donotcountherstepchildren 17. Does . . . know how to read and write (in any language)? O Yes Business school, trade school, or 2-year college High school vocational program Training program at place of work Other school - Specify 21a. I f this person is a female How many babies has she ever had, not including m stillbirths? No (1) Working at a job or business (Full time or part time)?. . . . . . . . o (2) In the U.S. Armed Forces?.. . . . o (3) Attending school or college? . . . 0 . . .'o father born? American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau O 5 years O 6 t o 9 years O 10 or more years - O NO - Skipto27a b. At what kind of school was the training received? O 1973 O 1972 O 1970or1971 d. For the last 6 months that. . . lived in the U.S., was.. . 12. I f . . . was born outside this territory When did . . . come to this territory to stay? 13. Where was O Yes c. How long did . . . live in the United States the last time? Is ... a 1979or 1980 1977or 1978 1975or 1976 1973or 1974 1971 or 1972 (Do not include academic college courses.) b. When did . . . come or return to this territory the last time? O 1976 O 1975 O 1974 3 O No 20a..Has . . . completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training? O No--Skipto 77 O 1979 or 1980 O 1978 O 1977 . . 's mother living? I f 796 is answered, turn to next page for next person. ~~ 11. ASK 7 7 IN GUAM ONLY O O O O O Ask: Is . O Yes 16a. During the last 10years did . . . live in the United States (including Hawaii) at any time for 6 or more consecutive months? 7 O O O O mother from page 2 or 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O No-+ foreign country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. Specify the name of the major island or atoll, U. S. State or foreign country. Ask ANS WER THESE QUESTION FOR . . . 's mother in the household? Yes +Person no. of . . .'s (2) the major island or atoll, U.S. State, or not location of the hospital. Fill one circle, American Samoa Guam Kosrae Marshall Islands Northern Marianas Palau Ponape O (1) the village name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ loa. Where was. . born? If born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, O O O O O O O 19 b. Is 15c. Specify the name of the village and the major island or atoll, U.S. State or foreign country where. . . lived five years ago. 2 I 1 I 23. Was ... temporarily absent or on layoff from a job or business last week? O Yes, on layoff O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. USE J IC O 0 I T 2 2 O Yes O NO -Skip to 29f c. Did ... earn any cash income from this work in 1979? O Yes 3 3 q-, a. I O d. How many weeks did ... work in 1979? Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. G G 11 Weeks ______________ ,-, <y> 8 e. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did . . . usually work each week? 33 O 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I I f. Of the weeks not worked or in which only subsistence activity was done in 1979, how many weeks was looking for work to earn money or on layoff 25. When did ... last work, even for a few days? 2 2 2 2 ; 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 ... O 1970to1974 ; 30b. 30a. Hours _____________- O 1978 rn No ~~ 5 5 O 1980 O 1979 Pafl CENSUS USE ONLY 29b. In 1979, did ... do subsistence activity such as growinglgathering food, fishing, copra, or handicrafts not for commercial purposes? CENSUS q- q- a1- q- II q-, 01- q+ q- 5 5 5 5 ; 5 5 5 5 ~ 30. Income in 1979 26-28. Current or most recent job activity. Describe the chief job activitv, business or subsistence activity worked the most hours last week ( I f . did not work at which last week, describe the last job or business since 1975).I f . had more than one job or had a job to earn money and did subsistence activity, worked the most hours. describe the one at which ... .. .. ... 26. Industry a. For whom did ... work? If now on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, print ‘Y F“ and skip to question 290. 26. A B C O 0 0 D E F O 0 0 G H J O 0 0 __-__________________-_---_------------ 0 0 0 I I I (For example: Hospital, fish cannery, basket weaving) 2 2 2 - (Fill one circle) O Manufacturing O Wholesale trade O Retail trade w service, etc.) 27. Occupation a. What kind of work to earn money or subsistence activity was ... doing? ________________________________________ (For example: Registered nurse, industrial machinery mechanic, basket weaver) b. What were ... ‘s most important activities or duties? ___________________-_______________ (For example: Patient care, repair machines in factory, weave baskets) 28. Was ... - (Fill one circle) 5 5 G G ‘11 Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm Own business not incorporated ............. O Own business incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Working without pay in family business or farm.. . . O Doing subsistence activity ....................... O ... B a . Last year (1979). did work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a business or farm? O No-Goto29b. 3 3 3 3 ;3 3 3 3 A O 1 0 30c. If “Yes” to any of the sources below - HOWmuch did receive for the entire year? ... rn a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs Report gross amount before any deductions - o o O Yes o No 3 3 3 O Yes o 1 ? 7 ;3 8 :3 333 + rn o - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .o0 __ (Annual amount-Dollars) - $_ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .o0 _ -t No (Annual amount-Dollars) - g. Unemployment compensation, veterans’ payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly, including money transfers from other relatives outside the household Exclude lump - sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale o 31. What was. No 5 5 5 5 G G G G , i GGGG q+q+q-q5 5 5 s I ? ? 7 ? I ? ? ? 7 8 8 8 8 I S 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 A O i O A O O -- _ _ - _ - - I--------- 30e. [ 30f. O 0 0 0 0000 I I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 q+ q+ q5 5 5 q- q+ q- I s 5 5 1 G G G I 1 7 1 ‘ G G G 7 7 7 8 8 8 333 Fig:- I I î 1 2 2 2 % 3 3 3 3 q- q- q- q- O Yes + $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ -.o0 o No (Annual amount-Dollars) O Yes 3 3 3 3 ; 3 3 3 3 q+q+q-q- O 0 0 0 f. Public assistance or public welfare payments of a home. I I I I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 ;2 2 2 2 +$ No O Yes I30d. I 3 3 3 ; (Annual amount-Dollars) A O 0000 I O 0 0 0 I I I ; 2 2 2 ; $- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - .o0 e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement q-# q* q- s s 5 G G G (Annual amount-Dollars) Report even small amounts credited to an account. O 0 0 2 2 .o0 _____-_-------- d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or n @ rental income O 0 0 f T _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _.o0 _ (Annual amount-Dollars) expenses. Include earnings as a tenant farmer or sharecropper. R S T O 0 $ c. Income from individual activity such as farming, fishing, etc. Report ne^ income after operating N P Q O 0 0 No o No 27. X Y Z t - 8 33 O 0 0 Yes b. Own nonfarm business, commercial enterprise, partnership, or professional practice Report net income afterbusinessexpenses. 0 yes + $ <y> AF O NW O ? ? ? ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,Y u v w Employee of private company, business or individual for wages, salary, or commissions. .... O U.S. government employee. ...................... O Local government employee (Territorial, etc.). ..... O O Yes-Skipto29c q- q- G G G G During 1979 did ... receive any income from the following sources? 3 3 O Construction O Other - (agriculture, I E:E::3:3; 8 8 8 8 O 0 0 ____________________--___-_------- ? ? ? ? I Fill circles and print dollar amounts. If net Income was a loss, print “Loss”above the dollar amount. If exact amount is not known, ask for best estimate. K L M Describe activity at location where employed. c. Is this mainly - for retirement funds, etc. (Name of company, business, organization, or other employer) b. What kind of business or industry was this? G G G G s s s s G G G G ‘1‘17‘1 ,-, r-> <-> <y> <y> 0 3333 rn E I _______-_______ .o0 2 2 3 3 (Annual amount-Dollars) q+ q- + $ .. ‘s total income in 1979? 5 5 ’------------- Add entries in questions300 through g; .o0 subtract losses. If total amount was a (Annual amount-Dollars) los, print “Loss” above amount. OR O None G G 7 1 r3 :3 33 I 19 Page 20 Please Make Sure You Have Filled This Form Completely 1 Section B Completed Question 1 on page 1. For persons who answered in Question 1 that they are staying here only temporarily and have a usual home elsewhere, enter the address of usual home here: House number City State Street or road Check to be certain you have: *Completed Questions 2 through 9 for each person you listed at the top of pages 2 and 3. *Completed Housing Questionson pages 3 , 4 and 5. Apartment number or location *Filled a pair of pages for each person listed on pages 2 and 3. That is, pages 6 and 7 should be filled for the Person in column 1,pages 8 and 9 for the Person in column 2, etc. Island/Cou nty Please notice we need answers to questions 19 through 31 for every person born before September 14, 1965 even though they may not seem to apply to the particular person. ZIP Code For example, you may have forgotten to fill all the necessary circles on, or on income for a teenager going to school, or a retired person. 2 Write here the name of the person who filled the form, the date the form was completed, and the telephone number on which the people in this household can be called. Date Telephone number of household GPO : 1 9 8 0 O - 317-504
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