United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Coos Bay District Office 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend, OR 97459 Web Address: http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/coosbay E-mail: BLM_OR_CB_Mail@blm.gov Telephone: (541) 756-0100 Toll Free: (888) 809-0839 Fax: (541) 751-4303 IN REPLY REFER TO 1792 (ORC040) DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA Russell, Brummet, and Camas Weaver Road Repairs DNA DOI-BLM-OR-C000-2014-0001-EA District ERFO Road Repair Environmental Assessment July 21, 2015 Dear Concerned Citizen: I have signed the Decision Record for the Russell, Brummet, and Camas Weaver Tie Road Repairs project analyzed in the Documentation of NEPA Adequacy (DNA), DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA. The proposed action described in this DNA is to repair three failed road segments along roads 30-12-19.0 (Russell Creek), 27-9-21.0 (Upper East Fork Brummet), and 28-09-25.1(Camas Weaver Tie). The BLM has posted these documents at the BLM internet site: http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/coosbay/plans/index.php . The decision to implement this forest management project may be protested under 43 CFR 5003— Administrative Remedies. As outlined in 43 CFR 5003 (a) and (b), protests of a forest management decision may be made within 15 days of the publication date of the decision notice and shall contain a written statement of reasons for protesting the decision. In accordance with the regulations, this notice constitutes the decision document for the purpose of protests which must be filed by close of business (4:30 p.m.) on August 6, 2015 with the Myrtlewood Field Manager, Kathy Westenskow, at the Coos Bay District Office, 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend OR, 97459. As interpreted by BLM, the regulations do not authorize acceptance by the BLM of protests in any form other than a signed, paper document that is delivered to the physical address of the BLM office within the 15-day period. Therefore, e-mail, verbal, or facsimile protests will not be accepted. For further information, contact Racheal Jones at 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend OR, 97459 or (541) 7560100, or by e-mail at OR_CoosBay_Mail@blm.gov , ATTN: Racheal Jones Sincerely, /s/ Kathy Westenskow Kathy Westenskow Myrtlewood Field Manager United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Coos Bay District Office 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend, OR 97459 Web Address: http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/coosbay E-mail: BLM_OR_CB_Mail@blm.gov Telephone: (541) 756-0100 Toll Free: (888) 809-0839 Fax: (541) 751-4303 IN REPLY REFER TO 1792 (ORC040) DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA Russell, Brummet, and Camas Weaver Road Repairs DNA DOI-BLM-OR-C000-2014-0001-EA District ERFO Road Repair Environmental Assessment Decision Record for DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001 Russell, Brummet, and Camas Weaver Road Repairs Reduction -DNA Background: The Myrtlewood Field Office, Coos Bay District Bureau of Land Management (BLM), previously prepared the District ERFO Road Repair Environmental Assessment (DOI-BLM-OR-C000-2014-0001-EA) which contained analysis of the effects of soil nailing to repair failed slope embankments that were exposed and prone to continued failure, as well as analysis of a no action alternative. This Environmental Assessment (EA), which is incorporated by reference, resulted in a FONSI (Finding of No Significant Impact) signed April 4, 2014. The action as described in DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA proposes to repair failed road sections using soil nailing. This proposed project is of like action and similar design to that analyzed in the District ERFO Road Repair EA. Decision: It is my decision to implement the proposed road repairs on Russell Creek Road, Upper East Fork Brummet Creek Road, and Camas Weaver Tie Road. The design features and actions of this project and the anticipated environmental consequences are essentially the same as those analyzed in the existing NEPA document. Conformance and Compliance: The BLM reviewed the proposed road repairs and determined it is consistent with the 1995 Coos Bay District Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan (1995 ROD/RMP). The analysis supporting this decision tiers to the 1994 Final Coos Bay District Proposed Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement. This 1995 Record of Decision is also supported by, and consistent with, the 1994 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) on Management of Habitat for Late Successional and Old Growth Forest Related Species within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl and its associated Record of Decision. This proposed action is in conformance with the Coos Bay District RMP because it is specifically provided for in the following decisions. x Develop and maintain a transportation system that serves the needs of users in an environmentally sound manner (RMP p. 69) by: ¾ The BLM will accomplish this by locating, designing, constructing, and maintaining roads to standards that meet management objectives in accordance with the District road management plan (RMP p. 70). ¾ Following Best Management Practices for water quality and soil productivity to mitigate adverse effects on soils, water quality, fish, and riparian habitat during road construction and maintenance (RMP p. 70). x Provide and maintain a cost-effective transportation system (TMP p. 11) by: Reducing maintenance costs by maintaining [roads] to the appropriately assigned Maintenance Intensity (TMP p. 11). ¾ Ensuring that the infrastructure is maintained in a suitable fashion that support’s the Bureau’s mission effectively and efficiently (TMP p. 10). Prevent watershed degradation—rather than using mitigation or planned restoration—to correct foreseeable problems caused by management activities (RMP p. 25). ¾ x This project also complies with the Oregon and California Lands Act (O&C Act) and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Act and the BLM Special Status Species Program. The EA and FONSI analyzed the selected alternative and found no significant impacts that would require the development of an EIS. Public Involvement: Scoping for the District ERFO Road Repair EA (DOI-BLM-OR-C000-2014-0001-EA) occurred from November 8, 2013 to November 22, 2013. The BLM informed the public of the EA and FONSI through a direct notification on April 4, 2014. The BLM received no comments on the EA and no protests on the Decision. Decision Rationale: The Coos Bay, Myrtlewood Field Office resource specialists reviewed the proposed action and all appropriate project Design Features, as specified in the DNA Worksheet, will be incorporated into the proposal. Based on this review, I have determined that the proposed action is adequately analyzed in the existing NEPA document EA DOI-BLM-OR-C000-2014-0001-EA and is in conformance with the Coos Bay RMP; no further analysis is required. Signature of Authorizing Official: /s/ Kathy Westenskow ______________________________ Kathy Westenskow, Field Manager July 21, 2015 Date:______________ Administrative Remedies: The decision described in this document is a forest management decision and is subject to protest by the public. In accordance with Forest Management Regulations under 43 CFR Subpart 5003 Administrative Remedies, protests of this decision may be filed with the authorized officer, Kathy Hoffine, within 15 days of the publication date of the notice of decision/timber sale advertisement in The World newspaper, Coos Bay, Oregon. 43 CFR 5003.3(b) states: “Protests shall be filed with the authorized officer and would contain a written statement of reasons for protesting the decision.” This precludes the acceptance of electronic mail (email) or facsimile (fax) protests. Only written and signed hard copies of protests that are delivered to the Coos Bay district office will be accepted. The protest must clearly and concisely state which portion or element of the decision is being protested and the reasons why the decision is believed to be in error. 43 CFR 5003.3(c) states: “Protests received more than 15 days after the publication of the notice of decision or the notice of sale are not timely filed and shall not be considered.” Upon timely filing of a protest, the authorized officer shall reconsider the project decision to be implemented in light of the statement of reasons for the protest and other pertinent information. The authorized officer shall, at the conclusion of the review, serve the protest decision in writing to the protesting party(ies). Upon denial of a protest, the authorized officer may proceed with the implementation of the decision as permitted by regulations under 5003.3(f). If no protest is received by the close of business (4:30 p.m.) within 15 days after publication of the decision notice, this decision will become final. If a timely protest is received, the project decision will be reconsidered in light of the statement of reasons for the protest and other pertinent information available, and the Coos Bay district office will issue a protest decision. For further information contact Racheal Jones at 1300 Airport Lane, North Bend, OR 97459; by phone at (541) 756-0100; or by email at BLM_OR_CB_Mail@blm.gov, Attn: Racheal Jones. e rNTE~ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE Bureau of Land Management Coos Bay District Works beet Docum entation ofNEPA Adequacy (DNA) BLM Office: Coos Bay District, Myrtlewood Field Office Tracking No.: DOI-BLM-OR-C040-20 15-000 I-DNA DNA Title: Russell , Brummet, and Camas Weaver Tie Road Repairs A. Description of tbe Proposed Action: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to repair segments of three roads damaged in storm events occurring between 2012 and 2014 (Map I). Attacbm ent A contains pictures of the failed road segments and presents their locations on maps. The BLM would stabilize failed portions of each road with soi l nai ling- a technique used to treat unstable soil slopes by inserting reinforcing bars (rebar) into pre-drilled, regularly spaced holes, which are then grouted (cemented) into place. The technique includes positioning the bars in a slight downward angle and then covering the inserted bars with a layer of shotcrete (cement). Repair of the failed road sections would include use of an excavator to remove minor amounts of loose debris and vegetation and to contour the slope face to facilitate shotcrete placement; a drill-mounted attachment would install the soil nails. Other operations which require large equipment would include a cement truck to haul and dispense cement and a dump truck to haul away any excess dirt or vegetation. A gas or diesel power generator would power the cement mixer and pressure the hose to dispense cement. Location l: Russell Creek Road (#30-12-19.0), T. 30 S., R. 12 W., Sec. 19 Russell Creek Road failed along 90 lineal feet on the outside edge (Map 2). This road segment is an exclusive BLM easement controlled by BLM. Since the BLM identified the failure in December 20 12, it has continued to degrade; the road is currently open to through traffic. The road is located above Ru ssell Creek, which is undercutting the toe of the slope and continuing to destabilize the s lope further. The proposed road repair would take approximately 2 weeks to complete. The excavator would operate for approximately 2 days and drilling would occur for approximately 3 days. Other equipment described above would operate for less than 2 days. No construction activites would operate below the ordinary h igh water mark of Russell Creek. The BLM would place e rosion control mats, certified weed-free straw, and native seed on the exposed soil below the road to stabi lize the soil. Traffic could pass during off hours. Location 2: Upper East Fork Brummet Creek Road (#27-9-21.0), T. 27 S., R. 09 W., Sec. 29 The outer edge of Upper East Fork Brummet Creek Road failed along approximately 40 lineal feet (Map 3). Upper East Fork Brummet Creek Road is the access road for the Doerner Fir trailhead . After discovery of the failure, the BLM closed the road to through traffic. The proposed road repair would take approximately 2 weeks to complete. The excavator would operate fo r approximately 2 days and drilling would occur for approximately 3 days. Other equipment described above would operate for less than 2 days. Location 3: Camas Weaver Tie Road (#28-09-25.1), T. 28 S., R. 08 W., Sec. 25 The BLM closed the Camas Weaver Tie Road in December 2014 after the outside edge of the road failed along approximately 265 lineal feet (Map 4). The road is not passable to vehicle traffic. Repairs would take approximately 5 weeks to complete, with construction activites occurring during daylight hours only. The road would remain closed until construction was completed. The excavator would be working approximately half of a day for a week. The drill would run approximately 10 days. The other equipment described above would run for less than 5 days. Applicable design features, outlined in the District ERFO Road Repair Environmental Assessment (DOI-BLM-OR C040-2014-0001-EA) on pages 18-20, would be implemented as part of the proposed road repairs. Some of these design features include: OR 120-1792-01 • • • • • • Waste areas would be . ted in flat stable locations away from s. ms and designed to di sperse surface water to vegetated stable areas. A district-approved, weed-free, native seed mix fertilizer (if necessary), and mulch would be applied to bare ground, including cut and fill slopes, ditch lines, borrow and waste sites. All equipment would be power washed to remove all di1t, mud, and vegetative material prior to accessing BLM lands. Mechanized equipment would be inspected daily for fluid leaks . For the Russel Creek road repair, erosion control materials would be used to prevent sediment and grout from leaving the construction area. The BLM would only allow construction for repairs along the Upper East Fork Brummet Creek Road and the Camas Weaver Tie Road between August 5 and March l due to proximity to northern spotted owl and marbled murrelet habitat-no construction would occu r inside critical breeding seasons . B. Land Use Plan (LUP) Conforma nce The BLM reviewed the proposed road repai rs and determined it is consistent with the 1995 Coos Bay District Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan (1995 ROD/RMP). The analysis supporting this decision tiers to the 1994 Final Coos Bay District Proposed Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement. This 1995 Record of Decision is also supported by, and consistent with, the 1994 F inal Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) on Management of Habitat for Late Successional and Old Growth Forest Related Species within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl and its associated Record of Decision. This proposed action is in conformance with the Coos Bay District RMP because it is specifically provided for in the following decisions. • Develop and maintain a transportation system that serves the needs of users in an environmentally sound manner (RMP p. 69) by: }>Locating, designing, constructing, and maintaining roads to standards that meet management objectives in accordance with the District road management plan (RMP p. 70). :> Following Best Management Practices for water quality and soil productivity to mitigate adverse effects on soils, water quality , fish, and riparian habitat during road construction and maintenance (RMP p. 70). • Provide and maintain a cost-effective transportation system (TMP p. 11) by: ,. Reducing maintenance costs by maintaining [roads) to the appropriately assigned Maintenance Intensity (TMP p. 11). ,. Ensuring that the infrastructure is maintained in a suitable fashion that supp01ts the BLM's mission effectively and efficiently (TMP p. I 0). • Prevent watershed degradation-rather than using mitigation or planned restoration- to correct foreseeable problems caused by management activities (RMP p. 25). C. Id entify a pplicable NEPA docurn ent(s) a nd other· rela ted d ocuments that cove r th e proposed action. • District ERFO Road Repair Environmental Assessment, DOI-BLM-OR-C000-2014-0001-EA, Apri l 2014. • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion, 01 EO FW00-2014-F-0163 , June 30, 2014. D. NEPA Ad equacy C riteri a. 1. Is t he new pr oposed action a feature of, or essentia lly similar to, a n a lternative a na lyzed in the ex isting NEPA docurn ent(s)? Is t he project within the same a nalysis a rea, or if t he project loca tion is different, ar e th e geographic a nd resource conditions sufficiently simila r to th ose analyzed in the existing NEPA d oc urn ent(s)? If th ere are differences, can you expl ain why t hey ar e not substantia l? Yes. Both Weaver Road 28-08-18 and John's Creek Road 29-11-07 described in District ERFO Road Repair EA (pp.14-15) included soil nailing to repair failed slope embankments that were exposed and prone to continued failure. The action is substantially the same as previously analyzed in the EA on pages 21-38 and the effects would be of the same magnitude or less than what the BLM analyzed in the EA. Each proposed road repair is located in the Coquille watershed, as were seven of the eight road repairs analyzed in the EA. This proposed action does not change the scope of the proposed action as previously analyzed, nor does it require further analysis. OR 120-1792-0 I The failed road segment along Upper East Fork Brummet Creek Road is located near occupied northern spotted owl habitat and unsurveyed, suitable marbled murrelet habitat. The failed road segment along Camas Weaver Tie Road is located within suitable northern spotted owl and marbled murrelet habitat. Seasonal restrictions would be required at both locations, which would only allow construction to occur between August 5 and March 1 (no construction would occur inside critical breeding seasons). 2. Is the r ange of a lterna tives a na lyzed in the existing NEPA d ocument(s) a ppr opriate with respect to t he curren t proposed action, g iven curren t environmental co ncerns, interests, and reso urce values? The EA analyzed a no action and a proposed action alternative. No other reasonable alternatives to achieving the purpose and need were identified by the Coos Bay District's Interdisciplinary Team or the public during development of the District ERFO Road Repair EA. No new environmental concerns, interests, resource values, or circumstances have arisen since the EA was published that would require the development of additional alternatives. Two of the three segments are located in areas that could affect northern spotted owl and marble murrelet; however, because no construction would occur during the critical breeding season, no effects to these species would occur. Aerial photos and topographic maps were consulted and previous botanical survey information from the general area of each project was reviewed. There is no habitat for any th reatened or endangered plant species listed under the ESA in any of the project areas. I n addition, there are no known special status or Survey and Manage sites in any of the project areas. The District' s Archaeologist reviewed the proposed action and determined that these road repairs would not disturb the ground outside the road prism. The land that would be disturbed within the prism was previously disturbed by placement of the roads. There would be low (or no) probability of encountering unknown cultural resources. However, if during the project any objects with potential cultural significance are located, work in the vicinity would stop and the District Archaeologist be notified immediately. Work would proceed upon written authorization from the District Archaeologist or Myrtlewood Field Manager. 3. Is t he existing a na lysis valid in light of any new informa tion or circums ta nces (s uch as, rangela nd hea lth stand a rd assess ment, recent enda nger ed s peci es listings, updated lis ts of BLM-sensitive s pecies)? Can you reasona bly conclud e th at n ew information and new circumstances would not s ubstan tially ch ange the a nalysis of th e new proposed action ? Yes. The existing analysis and conclusions are adequate. There is no new significant information or circumstances relative to the analysis in the EAs or the current action. The analysis and conclusions in the EAs are appropriate and adequate. 4. Are the direct, indirect, a nd cumula tive effects that would res ult f rom implementa ti on of the new proposed ac tion similar (both qua ntitatively a nd quali tatively) to those a nalyzed in th e ex isting NEP A d oc um ent? The EA analyzed direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of the proposed action on affected resources (fisheries/aquatic habitat, water quality, botany, invasive plants, and wildlife). There are no substantial changes from those addressed in the ana lysis to the present. 5. Are t he public involvem ent a nd in te ragen cy review associated with existing NEP A d ocum ent(s) adeq uate for tbe cur r en t proposed actio n? Public involvement for the EA was adequate. The BLM sent scoping letters on November 8, 2013 to potentially affected and or interested individuals, groups, and agencies. No comments were received during the scoping period (EA pp. 4-5). The BLM published the EA and signed FONS I for a IS-day public review on April 10, 2014. The BLM received no comments on the EA or FONSL OR 120-1792-01 E. Perso ns/Age ncics/BLM Statltonsulted Wildlife: Consultation for road repair projects covered under thi s DNA has been completed under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion, OIEOFW00-2014-F-0163, June 30,2014. The proposed action would only occur between August 5 and March I per the Biological Opinion. No further consultation is warranted. Fish: The Russell Creek road repair site is located adjacent to Russell Creek which is listed as coho critical habitat. There is an impassable waterfall just downstream from the road failure which is a barrier to coho and steelhead, therefore coho are not present adjacent to the failure site. Coho are located below the barrier in Russell Creek, approximately 300 feet downstream from the failure site. The proposed repair would not adversely affect fish habitat in Russell Creek because equipment would remain on the road surface, shade would not be affected, and future wood recruitment would remain unaffected. The repair work would decrease sedi ment input to Russell Creek and prevent future failure. The Upper East Fork Brumm et and Camas Weaver Tie repairs are located outside of Riparian Reserves. The proposed repairs would not affect fi sh habitat because the s ites are not hydrologically connected to stream channels, are located outside of Riparian Reserves, would not remove shade producing trees, and would not affect future wood recrui tment. No effects to listed fish s pecies or their critica l habitat would occu r. Consultation is not warranted. Note: Refer to the EA for a complete list ofthe team members participating in the preparation of the original environmental analysis or planni ng documents. Conclusio n: (Note: Ifyoufound that one or more ofthese criteria is not met, you will not be able to check this box.) Based on the review documented above, I conclude that this proposal conforms to the applicable land use plan and that the NEPA documentation fully covers the proposed action and constitutes BLM's compliance with the requirements of the NEPA. Signature of Project Lead Eva Bailey Signature ofNEPA Coordinator RachealJones Signature of the Responsible Official: Kathy Westenskow _....~it~~Kd!:!!!I----=W:....=..!o::::~~::::::...=.!:::;:IIL~~~ ==-------Date: ~ I/.:<t/<oL ~- OR 120-1792-0J ATTACHMENT A OR 120-1792-01 Map 1: Russell, Brummet, and Camas Weaver Tie Road Repair Location Map DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA T26S-R11W T26S-R13W T26S-R12W T26S-R09W T26S-R10W Tioga T27S-R13W T27S-R12W Upper East Brummet Failure Fairview T27S-R11W T27S-R10W d 8.0 ey R Dora T28S-R13W T28S-R12W Sitk um Rd Sitkum 28 -9- Mc kin l Coquille T27S-R09W Camas Weaver Tie Failure T28S-R11W T28S-R10W T28S-R09W Norway 28-9-25.1 Myrtle Point T29S-R12W T29S-R11W Broadbent T30S-R12W Denn T30S-R11W Gaylord Rd Camas Valley T29S-R09W Remote Russell Creek Failure y kle Ec T29S-R10W Westside Bridge T30S-R10W T30S-R09W T30S-R08W Tioga Coaledo Fairview 101 Riverton Bandon 42S Dora Sitkum Norway Te nm ile 42 Myrtle Point Bridge Broadbent T31S-R12W Powers T31S-R11W Camas Valley Remote Map Fea tures T31S-R10W Langlois Cities Gaylord 42 Overview Areas T31S-R09W T31S-R08W Coos Bay District Boundar y 542 Coos Bay Resource Area Boundaries Powers Pacific Ocean Highway US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Map Features Bureau of Land Management Cities Coos Bay District Office 1300 Airport Lane North Bend, Oregon 97459 0 1 2 3 4 Road Repair Locations Brummet Creek/Camas Area Roads Highway 5 County Roads Map Pages Miles No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual or aggregate use with other data. Township BLM Administered Land Private or Other Lands Map 2: Russell Creek Road Failure DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA 13 19 T30S-R12W T30S-R13W e m De ee k Cr nt Rd 17 .0 2-19 30-1 24 18 20 30 - 12 25 30 US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Coos Bay District Office 1300 Airport Lane North Bend, Oregon 97459 -1 9 .1 29 Map Features Work Locati on Highway County Road 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Paved Road Miles No warranty is ma de by the Bureau of Land Ma nagement as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for in dividual or aggregat e use with other data. Gravel Road Natural/Unk Surface Road Russell Creek Road, #30-12-19.0 Failure. Looking Southeast. Photo taken on March 10, 2015. Section Lines BLM Administered Land Private or Other Lands Map 3: Upper East Fork Brummet Road Failure -9 27 .0 - 19 DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA 20 19 21 27- 9 -2 3 8. 27- 9-28.5 8. 0 0 2 7 -9 -17 . 27-9 -30 .0 -2 8.2 -9 -2 28 27 - 2 - 9-2 9.2 2 7 -9-2 9.0 4 8. 1 27-9 -28. 2 79- 2 0 1. 7 27-92 30.2 28 31 27-9-21.0 US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Coos Bay District Office 1300 Airport Lane North Bend, Oregon 97459 0 5. 28 -9 - 27-9 9- 21 .0 T27S-R09W 29 30 - 927 27 - 9-5.0 32 33 Map Features Work Locati on Highway County Road 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Paved Road Miles No warranty is ma de by the Bureau of Land Ma nagement as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for in dividual or aggregat e use with other data. Gravel Road Natural/Unk Surface Road East Fork Brummet Creek Road, # 27-9-21.0 Failure. Looking North. Photo taken on May 05, 2014. Section Lines BLM Administered Land Private or Other Lands Map 4: Camas Weaver Tie Road Failure 23 28 5.0 2 -9 -2 DOI-BLM-OR-C040-2015-0001-DNA 24 8 - 9 - 2 6. 3 19 2 8-9-25.0 28- 9-2 6.0 1 -26. 28-9 6. 2 25 T28S-R09W 26 28-9-25 .2 2 92 8- 30 28 -9 -2 T28S-R08W 5. 4 28 28-8-18.0 - US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Coos Bay District Office 1300 Airport Lane North Bend, Oregon 97459 25.1 35 31 9- 36 Map Features Work Locati on Highway County Road 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Paved Road Miles No warranty is ma de by the Bureau of Land Ma nagement as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for in dividual or aggregat e use with other data. Gravel Road Natural/Unk Surface Road Camas Weaver Tie Road, #28-9-25.1 Failure occurred between December 20-21, 2014. Looking West. Photo taken on January 09, 2012. Section Lines BLM Administered Land Private or Other Lands Speci alist R eview ofDoc! entati on of Land Use P lan Couforma nc! d NEPA Adequacy (DNA) In addition to the certification on the attached DNA Worksheet form (OR120-1792-l ), the following resource specialists have reviewed this new project in light of the analysis made in the original Environmental Assessment: Printed Name Resource Signature Date ? Oat //Is 1 7 .zp. G Noxious Weeds Date T, E, SSSP Fish T, E, SSSP Botany ' Cultural SoiIs/Geology Signature ~11-C t:: t1'116Qct82_ ? Hydrology Signature Port Orford Cedar u Date ( Date )>W)f!5,J.~ ¥o c 7·ZP ·IS Date Safety sjzhature Engineering - ~at-A~us.s~ Signature 41a..11/Is Date 1~of,sDate /<:" /
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