
Curriculum vitae
Patricia Heberer
6441 Rock Forest Drive #407
Bethesda, MD 20817
United States of America
(301) 214 2232 (home)
(202) 488-6126 (work)
Ph.D., German and Central European History, University of Maryland at College Park, 2001.
Exchange doctoral fellowship, Free University of Berlin, 1991-1992.
MA, European History, Southern Illinois University, 1989.
BA, summa cum laude, Historical Studies and German Language and Literature (double degree),
Southern Illinois University, 1986 (class valedictorian).
“‘Exitus Heute in Hadamar’: The Hadamar Facility and ‘Euthanasia’ Policy in National Socialist
Germany.” Advisor, Dr. James Harris, Dean of Humanities and Professor of History, University
of Maryland at College Park.
Work Experience_______________________________________________________________
Historian, Office of the Senior Historian
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Washington, D.C.
August 1994-present.
Research Assistant, Historian's Office
United States Holocaust Research Institute, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Washington, D.C.
July 1993-October 1993.
Teaching Assistant
History Department, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
September 1989-June 1991, September 1992-June 1994.
Intern Researcher
Collections Department, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.
June 1991-August 1991.
Historical Consultant
Archives, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.
May 1991-June 1991.
Archival Intern
Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis, Missouri
March 1988-July 1988.
Graduate Assistant
History Department, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois
September 1987-September 1988.
University-appointed German Language Tutor
Foreign Language Department, University Learning Center, Southern Illinois
University, Edwardsville, Illinois
September 1985- September 1987.
Research and Teaching Areas_____________________________________________________
Holocaust Studies.
Modern German History, with an emphasis on the National Socialist era.
Modern Central European history (Habsburg Empire).
Children and the Holocaust, Volume Series, Documenting Life and Destruction: Select
Sources of the Holocaust (New York: AltaMira Press, forthcoming 2010.)
Patricia Heberer and Juergen Matthaeus, eds., Atrocities on Trial: Historical
Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 2008.)
• “‘Nazi Science,’” in John Roth and Peter Hayes, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust
Studies (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2010).
• “Von der T4 zum Massenmord an den europäischen Juden” [“From Operation T4 to the
Genocide of European Jewry”], in Günter Morsch und Bertrand Perz, eds.,
Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Historische Bedeutung – technische Entwicklung –
revisionistische Leugnung (Berlin: Metropol, forthcoming 2010).
• “Justice in Austrian Courts: The Case of Josef W. and Austria’s Difficult Relationship
with Its Past,” in Patricia Heberer and Juergen Matthaeus, eds., Atrocities on Trial:
Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes (Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 2008.)
• “Early Post-War Justice in the American Zone: The ‘Hadamar Murder Factory’ Trial,” in
Patricia Heberer and Juergen Matthaeus, eds., Atrocities on Trial: Historical
Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 2008.)
• “Early Military Commission Trials in the US Zone of Occupation,” in Henry Friedlander
and Nathan Stolzfus, eds., Nazi Crimes and the Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2008).
• “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: The Context,” Journal of the Israeli Medical
Association, (March 2007).
“Eine Kontinuität der Tötungsoperation: T4-Täter und der Aktion Reinhard,”
(“Continuity in Killing Operations: 'T4' Perpetrators and the 'Aktion Reinhard,’”) in
Bogdan Musial, ed., “’Aktion Reinhardt’ (Osnabrück: Fibre Verlag, 2004).
“Ciaglość eksterminacji: Sprawcy “T4” I ‘akcja Reinhardt,” in Dariusza Libioniki, Akcja
Reinhard: Zagłada Żydów w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie, (Warsaw: Instytut Pamięci
Narodowej/Komisja Zbrodni Przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2004.
“Roma and Sinti in Light of Nazi Medical and Eugenic Policy,” in Jana Horváthová, ed.,
The Genocide of Roma during World War II. (Prague: Office of the President of the
Czech Republic and the International Task Force for Holocaust Education,
Remembrance, and Research, 2004).
“Targeting the ‘Unfit’ and Radical Public Health Strategies in Nazi Germany,” in Donna
Ryan and Stan Schuchman, eds., Deaf People in Hitler’s Europe, 1933-1945,”
Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press, 2002.
“The Holocaust in the Netherlands: A Reevaluation,” Occasional Paper Series of the
United States Holocaust Research Institute. Washington, DC: United States Holocaust
Memorial Council, 1997.
Encyclopaedia Articles
• Georges Bensoussan, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Edouard Husson, and J. Kotek, eds., Dictionaire sur la
Shoah. Paris: Larousse, 2009. Articles: “Racial Hygiene” (Hygiène raciale ); “T4”
(Euthanasie); “Medicial Experimentation,” “Odilo Globocnik”; “Judenrein,” “StruthofNatzweiler” (Struthof-Natzwiller ); “Eugenics.”
Recent Reviews
• Birgitt Morgenbrod and Stephanie Merkenich, Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz unter der NSDiktatur 1933-1945, in Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus. Im Ghetto:
1933-1945, 25 (September, 2009), pp. 263-265.
• Hadamar: Heilstätte ,Tötungsanstalt , Therapiezentrum. Historische Schriftenreihe des
Landeswohlfahrtsverbandes Hessen, Quellen und Studien, Vol. XII. Marburg: 2006, in
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus. Universalisierung des Holocaust? 24
(September 2008).
Historical Consultancies and Contributions on Publication Projects______________
• Contributor, Preliminary Study on U.S. and Allied Efforts To Recover and Restore Gold
and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II: A Preliminary
Study (“Eizenstat Report”), prepared by William Slany, Senior Historian, Department of
State, in cooperation with eleven federal agencies, 1997.
• Lead Consultant Historian, In Pursuit of Justice: Examining Evidence of the Holocaust.
Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 1996.
• Series Contributor, 1945: The Year of Liberation. Washington, DC: United States
Holocaust Memorial Council, 1995.
Selected Panel Presentations and Invited Lectures_______________________________
Presentation, “German Physicians and Nazi Crimes: The Medical Profession and Its
Role in Nazi Policy, " Teachers’ Workshop, Sponsors: South Carolina Council on the
Holocaust and South Carolina State Museum, Columbia, South Carolina, 11 September
Public Lecture, “German Physicians and Nazi Crimes: The Medical Profession and Its
Role in Nazi Policy, " University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, 10
September 2009.
Public Lecture, “Physicians as Perpetrators: The Case of the Nazis?” South Carolina
State University, Orangeburg South Carolina, 9 September 2009.
Lecture, “Prelude to Genocide: ‘Euthanasia’ in Nazi Germany,” Teacher Conference,
“Teaching and Commemorating the Holocaust in 21st Century Britain,” University of
Manchester/Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, United Kingdom, 27 August
Keynote, Raulston Annual Lecture “Deadly Medicine: The German Medical Profession
and Nazi Medical Crimes,” Oklahoma Science Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 12
May 2009.
Grand Rounds Presentation, Neurology Department, University of Oklahoma Medical
School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 12 May 2009.
Roundtable Discussion, Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, 11 May 2009.
“Murderous Science: The German Medical Profession and Nazi Medical Crimes,”
History of Science Colloquium, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 8 May
Keynote speech, “Documenting Life and Destruction: Children and the Holocaust,” Yom
Ha-Shoah Commemoration, Sons of Israel Synagogue, Manalapan, New Jersey, 20 April
Presentation, "Nazi Persecution of the Disabled: The Role of Medical Providers,”
Nursing School, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda,
Maryland, 13 February 2009.
Panel presentation, “Justice in Austrian Courts?: The Trial of Josef Wendl and Austria’s
Difficult Relationship with Its Past,” West Chester University, West Chester,
Pennsylvania, 13 November 2008.
Presentation, “German Physicians and Nazi Crimes: Medical Professions and their Role
in Nazi Policy,” George Washington University Medical School, Washington DC, 12
November 2008.
Panel presentation, “Putting Faces to a Faceless Crime: Profiles of Nazi ‘Euthanasia’
Victims at Kaufbeuren,” Lessons and Legacies Biennial Holocaust Conference, Chicago,
Illinois, 31 October 2008.
Class lecture, “German Doctors and Deadly Medicine: The Medical Profession and Nazi
Crimes,” Professor Randy Howe, Second Year Medical Ethics, Uniformed Services
University of the Armed Services, 28 October 2008.
Lecture, “The Nazi ‘Euthanasia’ Program, George Washington University, Washington
DC, 4 April 2008.
Public lecture, “Nazi Crimes and Nazi Medicine,” Fayetteville State University,
Fayetteville, North Carolina, 31 March 2008.
Public lecture, “Putting Faces to a Faceless Crime: Profiles of Nazi ‘Euthanasia’ (T4)
Victims during the Third Reich,” Minnesota Science Center, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 13
March 2008.
Lecture, “Putting Faces to a Faceless Crime: Profiles of Nazi ‘Euthanasia’ (T4) Victims
during the Third Reich,” University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, 13 March 2008.
Keynote, “Deadly 'Medicine': The Nazi Persecution of Persons with Disabilities,”
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 16 November 2007.
Panel presentation, “The AMA-United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Educational
Collaborative, American Society for Bioethics in the Humanities Annual Conference,
Washington, DC, 12 October 2007.
“Arbeitsfähigkeit (The Ability to Work) and the ‘Euthanasia’ Action,” Conference
“Arbeit und Vernichtung,” sponsored by the Viennese Chamber of Labor and the Simon
Wiesenthal Institute/University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 28 June 2007.
Plenary lecture, “Nazi Medicine,” American Society for Law, Medicine, and Ethics
Annual Conference, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, 18 June 2007.
Lecture, “Nazi Eugenics and the Holocaust,” Breman Museum for Jewish History,
Weinberg Center Summer Institute on Teaching of the Holocaust,” Atlanta, Georgia, 15
June 2007.
Keynote address, “Medicine and Ethics during the Holocaust,” Yom Ha-Shoah
Observance, Rappaport Medical Faculty, The Technion, Haifa, Israel, 16 April 2007.
Panel presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: The Context,” Israeli Medical
Assocation International Fellowship Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 15 April 2007.
Panel Presentation, “How Did We Get Here from Mendel?: Eugenics and the Nazis,”
Illinois Humanities Council Lecture Series, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, 14 March
Keynote presentation, “The Nazi Persecution of People with Disabilities: Murder of the
“Unfit,” American Council of the Blind, Legislative Seminar 2007, Arlington, Virginia,
25 February 2007.
Presentation, “Eugenics and the Disabled,” Georgia Chapter of the Council for
Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Macon, Georgia, 2 March 2007.
Panel Presentation, “The CAHS/AMA Partnership and Holocaust Outreach to the
Medical Community, ”conference “Healthcare, Ethics and the Holocaust,” sponsored by
Yad Vashem and the Technion, Tel Aviv, Israel, 25 January 2007.
Panel presentation, “‘Through a Glass Darkly’: Profiles of “Euthanasia” Victims through
the Example of Kaufbeuren,” conference “Healthcare, Ethics and the Holocaust,”
sponsored by Yad Vashem and the Technion, Tel Aviv, Israel, 24 January 2007.
Keynote lecture, “Subverting Science: Medicine and the Third Reich,” Holocaust Council
of Metrowest, Newark, New Jersey, 24 October 2007.
“Nazi Persecution of People with Disabilities, United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum Day to Honor and Remember Nazi-Era Victims with Disabilities, Washington,
DC, 19 October 2006.
“Medical Crimes and Medical Ethics,” Uniformed Services University, Bethesda,
Maryland, 17 October 2006.
Public Lecture, “Nazi Eugenics and Its Impact,” West Virginia Wesleyan University,
Buckhannon, West Virginia, 5 October 2006.
Public lecture, “Deadly Medicine,” Davis-Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia, 3
October 2006.
Roundtable, “Holocaust Historians in the Public Sphere,” German Studies Association
Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 30 September 2006.
Roundtable, “Sixty Years after Nuremberg: Legacies of the IMT,” Chicago Bar
Association, Chicago, Illinois, 30 March 2006.
Public Lecture, ““Euthanasia on Trial,” Chicago Bar Association/Chicago Public Library,
Chicago, Illinois, 30 March 2006.
Panel presentation, “Justice in Austrian Courts? The Case of Josef Wendl and Austria’s
Difficult Relationship with Its Past,” Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, 29
March 2006.
Radio broadcast, “Legacies of Nuremberg,” Milt Rosenberg Show, WGN Chicago, 28
March 2006.
Roundtable Discussion, “The Legacy of Nuremberg” with John Roth, Michael Marrus,
Juergen Matthäus, and Jonathan Petropoulos, Symposium, “Atrocities on Trial:
Nuremberg in Historical Perspective,” 21-22 February 2006, Claremont-McKenna
College, Claremont, California, 22 February 2006.
Panel presentation, “Justice in Austrian Courts? The Case of Josef Wendl and Austria’s
Difficult Relationship with Its Past,” Symposium, “Atrocities on Trial: Nuremberg in
Historical Perspective,” 21-22 February 2006, Claremont-McKenna College, Claremont,
California, 22 February 2006.
Panel presentation, ““Euthanasia on Trial: Early Postwar Trials and the Example of
Hadamar,” Symposium, “Atrocities on Trial: Nuremberg in Historical Perspective,” 2122 February 2006, Claremont-McKenna College, Claremont, California, 21 February
Public lecture, “The Role of German Science in Nazi Medical Experimentation,” De Paul
University Law School, Chicago, Illinois, 25 January 2006.
Invited lecture, “Nazi Medicine and Its Contemporary Implications,” University of New
Mexico Medical School Ethics Interest Group, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 19 January
Grand Rounds lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells/American Medical Association), School of Internal Medicine, University of
New Mexico Medical School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 19 January 2006.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells/American Medical Association), Temple Albert Reformed Synagogue,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 18 January 2006.
Grand Rounds lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells/American Medical Association), School of Family Medicine, University of
New Mexico Medical School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 18 January 2006.
Public Lecture, “The Fate of the Deaf in the Holocaust,” Kennesaw State University, 30
November 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells/American Medical Association), University of Texas Medical Center, Houston
Texas, 16 November 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells/American Medical Association), Holocaust Museum Houston, Houston, Texas, 16
November 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells/American Medical Association), University of Houston, 14 November 2005.
Guest lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells/American Medical Association), Rice University, 14 November 2005.
Guest lecturer, “Nazi Medicine and Ethics,” Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, 18 October 2005.
Commentator for Panel “"Simon Wiesenthal, the Eichmann Trial, and the Dealing with
Austria’s Nazi Past after the State Treaty of 1955," German Studies Association Annual
Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1 October 2005.
Humanities in Medicine Series Lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and
Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan Wells), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 21
September 2005. “Nazi Crimes and Contemporary Context” (with Dr. Alan Wells),
Maimonides Society Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, 20 September 2005.
Grand Rounds presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with
Dr. Alan Wells), University of Nebraska Medical School, Omaha, Nebraska, 20
September 2005
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), Jewish Community Center Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, 19 September 2005.
Invited lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, 19 September 2005.
Public presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), Brettler Annual Lecture Series, North Shore/Long Island Jewish Hospital
Network, Manhasset, New York, 28 July 2005.
Grand Rounds, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), North Shore/Long Island Jewish Hospital Network, Hyde Park, New York, 29
July 2005.
Panel presentation, “’Through a Glass Darkly’: Reflections on the Victims of the Nazi
“Euthanasia” (T4) Program,” International Conference on the Science, Law and Ethics,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 31 May 2005.
Public lecture, “Nazi Medicine and Medical Professionals,” Sackler Faculty of Medicine,
hosted by Tel Aviv University and the Israeli Medical Association, Tel Aviv, Israel, 25
May 2005.
Public presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), University of Colorado Medical Faculty, Denver, Colorado, 21 April 2005.
Public presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), Exempla Saint Joseph Hospital, Colorado Medical Society, Denver,
Colorado, 20 April 2005.
Public presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 20 April 2005.
Public presentation, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado, 19 April 2005.
Invited lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, 19 April 2005.
Invited lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 18 April 2005.
Invited lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 18 April 2005.
Public presentation “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), University of Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, 23 March 2005.
Public presentation “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), University of Southern Alabama College of Medicine, Mobile, Alabama, 22
March 2005.
Lecture, “The Role of Historian in Public Institutions,” University of Southern Alabama,
Mobile, Alabama, 22 March 2005.
Public presentation “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), University of Alabama-Birmingham Health Science Center, Birmingham,
Alabama, 21 March 2005.
Public presentation “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health
Care, Tuskegee, Alabama, 17 March 2005.
Public presentation “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), at Troy University, Troy, Alabama, 16 March 2005.
Classroom lecture, Troy University, School of Nursing, (with Satellite feed to auxiliary
campuses in Montgomery and Phenix City nursing campuses), Troy, Alabama, 16 March
Public presentation “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr.
Alan Wells), at Temple Beth Or, co-sponsored by Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Montgomery, Alabama, 15 March 2005.
Public lecture, The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), University of Nevada Medical School at Reno, , Reno, Nevada, 17 February
Grand Rounds presentation (with Dr. Alan Wells), Washoe Medical Center, University of
Nevada at Reno, Reno, Nevada, 17 February 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), University of Illinois-Chicago, Medical School, , Chicago, Illinois, 28 January
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), Loyola University (Lakeshore Campus), Chicago, Illinois, 27 January 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Matthew
Wynia), Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 27 January
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Matthew
Wynia), Temple Beth Emet, Evanston, Illinois, 26 January 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Matthew
Wynia), University of Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 26 January 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Matthew
Wynia), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 25
January 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells), University of Illinois at Chicago Hillel/Jewish Studies Department, Chicago,
Illinois, 25 January 2005.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Matthew
Wynia), DePaul University, Health Law Institute and Center for the Study of Race &
Bioethics, Chicago, Illinois, 24 January 2005.
Invited lecture, “Deadly Medicine,” Temple Beth El, Bethesda, Maryland, 5 December
Public lecture, “Deadly Medicine: Medical Implications of National Socialism,”
University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, 8 November 2004.
Public Lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” presentation with
Dr. Alan Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics, Texas Tech
University Health Science Center, El Paso, Texas, 5 November 2004.
Public Lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” presentation with
Dr. Alan Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics, University of Texas
at El Paso, 5 November.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” presentation with
Dr. Alan Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics, Hebrew Day School
El Paso Texas, 4 November 2004.
Diamond Jubilee Lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” Sul
Ross University, Alpine Texas, 3 November 2004.
Public lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” University of
Texas at Permian Basin, Odessa, Texas, 1 November 2004.
Invited lecture, “Deadly Doctors: Medicine and Nazi Crimes,” Odessa High School,
Odessa Texas, 1 November 2004.
Invited lecture, “Deadly Doctors: Medicine and Nazi Crimes,” Permian High School,
Odessa Texas, 1 November 2004.
Invited lecture, “Nazi Medical Crimes and Their Consequences,” Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, 19 October 2004.
“Nazi Medicine and Medical Ethics: Announcing Collaboration of the United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum and the American Medical Association,” American
Medical Association 23rd Annual Science Writers’ Conference, Washington, DC 13
October 2004.
Panel presentation, “Creative Cost Accounting: Did ‘T4’ Victims Help to Fund Nazi
‘Euthanasia’ Policy,” (Panel: “Closing the Circle: Did Nazi Victims Pay the Cost of
Their Own Persecution?”), German Studies Association Annual Conference, Arlington,
Virginia, 9 October 2004.
Invited lecture, “Nazi Medicine,” Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro,
Tennessee, 1 October 2004.
Invited lecture, “Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race,” Sewanee University of the
South, Sewanee, Tennessee, 30 September 2004
Invited lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics),Tennessee State University,
Nashville, Tennessee, 29 September 2004.
Invited lecture, “Nazi Medicine and the Law,” (with Dr. Alan Wells, American Medical
Association Institute for Ethics), Vanderbilt Law School, Nashville, Tennessee, 28
September 2004.
Dean’s Luncheon Lecture, Dean’s Lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and
Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics),
Vanderbilt Medical School, Nashville, Tennessee, 28 September 2004.
Panel presentation, “Deadly Medicine: Forum with Patricia Heberer and Alan Wells”
(American Medical Association Institute for Ethics), Rhodes College, Memphis,
Tennessee, 27 September 2004.
Dean’s Lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics), Memphis Health Science
Center, University of Tennessee at Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, 27 September 2004.
Invited lecture, “The Nazis and Medical Ethics: Context and Lessons,” (with Dr. Alan
Wells, American Medical Association Institute for Ethics), University of Memphis,
Memphis, Tennessee, 26 September 2004.
Invited lecture, "'Wir sehen jetzt durch einen Spiegel ein dunkles Bild': 'Euthanasie'Opfer und der Fall Kaufbeuren," Forschungsgruppe "Geschichte der Kaiser-WilhelmGesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus,” Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany, 22 July
Center for Advanced Holocaust Memorial Museum Fellows’ Meeting, “Working with
Euthanasia Victim Files: The Example of Kaufbeuren,” United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum, 26 May 2004.
Invited lecture, "Medical Science and Crime under National Socialism: An Introduction
to 'Deadly Medicine'" Mandel Teachers' Conference, Washington, DC, 2 May 2004.
Keynote lecture, "Caregivers as Killers: The Murder of the Handicapped in Nazi
Germany," Summer Holocaust Institute for Florida Teachers, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, 1 July 2004.
Panel presentation, "The Persecution of the Disabled and Medical Ethics under National
Socialism," (2 sessions), Holocaust Museum Houston and The University of Texas
Medical School in Houston, Houston, Texas, 22 January 2004.
Panel presentation, "The Institutionalized as 'Other' in Nazi Germany: Disabled Victims
and National Socialist 'Euthanasia' Policy, Conference, “Otherness: The Construction of
Race & its Consequences in the 20th Century,” Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri,
5-6 December 2004.
Conference presentation, “The Persecution of Persons with Disabilities During the
Holocaust," North Carolina TASH/Council for Developmental Disabilities Annual
Conference, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 22 October 2003.
Lecture, "Nazi Persecution of Persons with Disabilities: Sterilization and "Euthanasia"
Policies, with an Emphasis on the Fate of Deaf Persons,” Gallaudet University,
Washington, DC, 20 October 2003.
Lecture, “The Persecution of the Disabled and Medical Ethics under National Socialism,"
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, 14 October
Panel presentation, “Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on the Victims of ‘Euthanasia’
through the Example of Kaufbeuren,” Panel “Krieg und Krankenmord: Neue
Forschungen zur nationalsozialistischen ‘Euthanasie,’” German Studies Association
Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 19 September 2003.
Symposium paper, “Early Military Commission Trials in the US Zone of Occupation,”
Symposium “Nazi Crimes and the Law,” sponsored by the German Historical Institute
and the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 16
August 2003.
Panel presentation, "Roma and Sinti in Light of Nazi Medical and Eugenic Policy,”
International Seminar, "Unknown Holocaust II: Fate of Roma and Sinti during World
War II," part of the fifth annual World Roma Festival under the auspices of the President
of the Czech Republic and the International Task Force for Holocaust Education,
Remembrance, and Research, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 May 2003.
Invited lecture, “The Persecution of Persons with Disabilities: Exploring Nazi
Sterilization and ‘Euthanasia’ Policies,” Holocaust Remembrance Day 2003, State
University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, 1 May
Invited lecture, “Nazi Crimes and Medical Ethics,” Holocaust Remembrance Week, US
Navy Medical Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, 22 April Lecture, "Medical Crimes and
their Legal Implications," United States Holocaust Memorial Museum /Jewish Judges
Association of Chicago, Washington DC, 11 April 2003.
Invited lecture, “Sterilization and ‘Euthanasia’ Policy in Nazi Germany,” Association of
Holocaust Organizations, Winter Seminar on Medicine in the Holocaust, Washington,
DC, 12 January 2003.
Panel presentation, “Continuity in Killing Operations: 'T4' Perpetrators and the 'Aktion
Reinhard,’” “’Aktion Reinhardt’: An International Conference on the 60th Anniversary
of the Extermination of the Jews in the General Government,” sponsored by the German
Historical Institute Warsaw and the Polish Institute of National Memory, Lublin, Poland,
8 November 2002.
Panel Moderator, “A Workday in the Life of Persons with Disabling Challenges," in
connection with National Disability Employment Awareness Month, United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum, 23 October 2002.
Invited lecture, “The Persecution of Disabled Patients in Nazi Germany and Its
Implications for the German Medical Profession,” Uniformed Services University of the
Health Services, Annual Lecture in Medical Ethics, Bethesda, Maryland, 22 October
Panel presentation, “Euthanasia on Trial: Early Adjudication of Nazi Crimes and the
Example of Hadamar,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, San Diego,
California, 5 October 2002.
“The Open Secret: Legal Implications of the Nazi 'Euthanasia' Program,” Symposium
“Tyranny, Justice, and the Law," sponsored by the Touro Law Center, the Free
University of Berlin, and the Institute on the Law and the Holocaust," Berlin, Germany, 8
July 2002.
“Medical Crimes and Their Legal Implications,” Colloquium on the Law and the
Holocaust, Touro Institute for the Study of the Holocaust and the Law/United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, 7 May 2002.
“T4 and Hadamar: The Systematic Murder of German Patients as a Training School for
the ‘Final Solution,’” Conference, “National Study Day on Medicine and the Holocaust,”
Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion (Israeli Technical University and
Institute of Technology), Haifa, Israel, 10 April 2002. [Paper read by proxy in light of
state department advisory on federal travel to Israel.]
“The Persecution of the Disabled in Nazi Germany,” Invited lecture by Honors and
Philosophy Faculty, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, 15 March 2002.
“When Intolerance Prevailed: Nazi Persecution of Individuals with Disabilities,” Public
lecture in conjunction with the 2002 Paralympic Winter Games, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah, 14 March 2002.
“They Were Deemed ‘Unfit’: Persecution of the Disabled in Nazi Germany,” Honors
Program Invited Lecture, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, 13 March 2002.
“‘Euthanasia’ and the Case of ‘Am Spiegelgrund,’” Austrian Embassy, Washington, DC,
26 February 2002.
“‘Euthanasia’ on Trial: The Adjudication of 'Euthanasia' Crimes as an Example of Early
Postwar Justice," National Judicial College Colloquium in cooperation with the
University of Nevada at Reno, Washington, DC, 21 February 2002.
Panel moderator, “New Perspectives on the Third Reich and the Holocaust,” American
Historical Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, 5 January 2002.
“Medical Crimes and Bioethics,” Uniformed Services University of the Health Services,
Annual Lecture in Medical Ethics, Bethesda, Maryland, 23 October 2001.
“‘As If It Had Never Been’: The Motives of ‘Euthanasia’ Perpetrators and Their
Recollections in the Post War,” German Studies Association Annual Conference,
Washington, DC, 6 October 2001.
“Persecution of the Disabled,” Symposium “The Nazi Persecution of Deaf People,”
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 14
August 2001.
“‘Euthanasia’ on Trial: The Hadamar Trials, 1945 and 1947,” Symposium “Nazi
‘Euthanasia’ and Its Implications for the Holocaust,” Yad Vashem International Institute
for Holocaust Research, Jerusalem, Israel, 13 June 2001.
“Nazi Medical Crimes,” Holocaust Commemoration Day Ceremonies, Veteran
Administration Hospital Medical Center, Washington, DC, 14 May 2001.
“The Nazi ‘Euthanasia’ Program,” Guest lecture, American University, Washington, DC,
1 April 2001.
“Murderous Science: Nazi Doctors and Human Medical Experimentation,” Research and
Bioethics Lecture Series, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 26
January 2001.
“Racial Hygiene and Nazi Medical Crimes: Special Implications for the Deaf,”
Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C., 22 January 2001.
"How Does the Current Generation of German Leaders View the Past and the Present?"
Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, 14 November 2000.
“Medical Crimes in Nazi Germany: Ethical Implications for Our Time,” Humanities in
Medicine Lecture Series, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 9 November 2000.
Guest lecture, “The Nazi T4 Program,” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 9
November 2000.
“Medical Crimes and Medical Ethics,” Uniformed Services University of the Health
Services, Annual Lecture in Medical Ethics, Bethesda, Maryland, 17 October 2000.
Panel commentator, “Verfolgung und Ermordung österreichischer Juden in
österreichischen Nachkriegsprozessen,” German Studies Association Annual Conference,
Houston, Texas, 6 October 2000.
“Nazi Medical Crimes and Bioethics,” Bioethics Workshop for High School Teachers,
Research Center for Bioethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 15 July 2000.
“Medical Crimes and the Third Reich,” Uniformed Services University of the Health
Services, Annual Lecture in Medical Ethics, Bethesda, Maryland, 19 October 1999.
“Family History as Destiny: Genealogy in the Age of National Socialism,” Maryland
State Historical and Genealogical Society, Rockville, Maryland, 26 May 1999.
“Early Post-War Justice in the American Zone,” National Judicial College Colloquium in
cooperation with the University of Nevada at Reno, Washington, DC, February 1999.
“United States Military Commissions and Nazi War Crimes,” National Judicial College
Colloquium, Washington, DC, December 1997.
Awards and Honors____________________________
Institutional Achievement Team Award, 2009.
Program Area Achievement Award, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2004
Annual Achievement Award, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1994-2008.
German Historical Institute Dissertation Grant, 1999.
Special Act Award, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, as representative,
Historians’ Group, Interagency Working Group for Presidential Inquiry into U.S. and
Allied Efforts to Recover or Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by
Germany during World War II (“First Eizenstat Report”), September 1997.
Doctoral Fellowship Award, University of Maryland, 1989-1990 and 1993-1994.
Direct Exchange Fellowship Award, Freie Universität Berlin, 1991-1992.
Competitive Graduate Award Fellowship, Southern Illinois University, 1987-1988.
Weiss Award for Best Historical Research Paper, Southern Illinois University, 1986 and
1988 (won at both undergraduate and graduate levels).
Milly Southwood Award for Poetry, 1988.
Edwin R. Grant Award for Best Graduate Paper in English Literature, Southern Illinois
University, 1988.
Kleinstück Germany History Award, 1986 and 1987 (won at both undergraduate and
graduate levels).
Valedictorian, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Class of 1986.
Goethe Institute of Chicago Book Award for University Students of German, 1986.
William R. Michaels Award in German Language Study, Southern Illinois University,
SIUE Academic Excellence Award, 1986.
Lincoln Academy Student Laureate Award, awarded by the State of Illinois, 1985.
Vice President, American Friends of the Documentation Center of the Austrian
Resistance (Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes, DÖW)
Historical Consultant for exhibition, "Dearest Kitty: A Slovak Childhood. . .,” Kennesaw
State University, 2007-present
Historical Consultant for exhibition, "The Heroic Present: The Gypsy Photographs”
Kennesaw State University, 2007-present.
Geographical Content Group, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2005-2008
Integrated Database Working Group, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2004-2005.
Deadly Medicine Initiative Group, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2001present.
National Institute for Holocaust Education Planning Committee, United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum, 2002-2003.
Member, DAAD Book Prize jury member, German Studies Association, 2001.
Member, Historians’ Group, Federal Interagency Probe on Looted Nazi Assets and the
Fate of Victim Gold (First Eizenstat Committee), 1997.
• German Studies Association