Decomposing and Concatenating Binary Search Trees and Applications in Making Data Structures Dynamic Hamid Alaei Alireza Bagheri Department of Computer Engineering and IT Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran, Iran Department of Computer Engineering and IT Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran, Iran Abstract—Consider two balanced binary search trees T1 and T2, such that all the data-items stored in T1 are less than every data-item stored in T2. Concatenating these two trees means to make a balanced tree, say T, contains the whole data in T1 and T2 and satisfies the constraints over the height. Also, decomposing a balanced binary search tree T by a given splitter value s means to partition T into two balanced search trees T1 and T2 such that all the items in T1 are less than or equal to s, and all the items in T2 are greater than s. In this paper, we introduce efficient algorithms for decomposing and concatenating trees, which spend logarithmic time in the worst case. Finally, we briefly introduce a general technique of making data structures dynamic as an application of these algorithms. For instance, Height balanced binary search tree or AVL [1] and Red-Black tree [2], [3] are two well-known self-balance BSTs. In an AVL tree, for each node the height of its left and right subtree defer at most one. In a Red-Black tree, every node is colored red or black. Moreover, two properties guarantee the height of tree. The first one is the black property: The number of black nodes in every path from the root to a leaf is equal. The second is the red property: if the node is red, then both its children are black. Both AVL, and Red-Black trees with n nodes guarantee their height to be O(log n) with different constant factors. Keywords- Binary search tree; AVL+ tree; decompose; concatinate; static/ dynamic data structure. I. INTRODUCTION Binary search trees (BSTs) are important data structures with several applications. A BST can be used to represent order in a totally ordered set and facilitates some operations such as searching, insertion and deletion. Therefore, BSTs and other extensions have a trivial application in common commercial and database systems. However, they are also fruitful for solving more complicated problems such as the longest matching prefix problem [7], range searching and windowing queries in multidimensional spaces [8]. The efficiency of operations on BSTs depends on the height of the tree. Since the height of a binary search tree could be large as the number of nodes or records stored on it, in the worst case each of these operations could takes O(n) time, where n is the number of records stored in that tree. To guarantee O(log n) height for tree, self-balanced binary search trees were introduced. These kinds of BSTs, during their construction using insertion and deletion, keep their heights automatically small using some self-balance operations. Although the rules they use in self-balance operations vary from type to type, most of them try to rotate their nodes to reduce the height. In a rotation, three nodes say u, v and w, where u is parent of v and v is parent of w change their position in the tree such that it cause reduce the height in some part of tree, but not violate the basic properties of the BST. In this paper, we use a kind of height-balanced tree that we call it AVL+ tree and introduce it in section II. In addition, we introduce two new kinds of operations in binary search trees called decomposition and concatenation. In decomposition of a BST T with a given splitter value s, we are interested in partitioning T into two BSTs T1 and T2: place all data-records of T with the key less than or equal to s into T1 and the remaining data-records into T2. The reverse operation is concatenation of two binary search trees T1 and T2: make a BST T contains data-records of both T1 and T2. In section III and IV, we introduce optimal methods for doing these two operations in a logarithmic time that guarantee the height of the resulting tree(s). Although the tree decomposition and concatenation could have trivial application in database systems, in section V we use these operations to design a novel technique to construct dynamic data structures from static data structures. Finally, we conclude our article at section VI. II. AVL+ TREE In an AVL+ tree data-items are stored in leave nodes (data nodes). Non-leave nodes (index nodes) contain indexitems, which can direct the search path from root to the appropriate leaf node. In addition, like an AVL tree [1], every node stores a number indicates its balanced factor (bf), which is equal to the height of the node’s left subtree minus the height of its right subtree. A node with balanced factor of – 1, 0 or + 1 is considered a balanced node. All nodes have to be balanced. Moreover, we store in each node a pointer to its parent. Although this parent pointer seems redundant, it could be helpful to simplify the update operations. On the other hand, this pointer is necessary in the application we mention latter. Finally, we need to memorize the height of the tree. Hence, we store the height of root in the data structure. We can compute the height of other nodes using the balance factor of their ancestors. The search, insert and delete operations in an AVL+ tree is similar to those in an AVL tree. However, there are some small differences. For insertion, when we reach a leaf node u during the search for appropriate place for the new node w, we have to create a new index node v as the parent of both u and w and replace u with v. Moreover, to delete a leaf node or do rotation, if we face an index node p with only one child node c, we easily delete p from the tree and replace it with c. Obviously, every search, insert or delete operation can be done in O(log n) time, where n is the number of data-items in the AVL+ tree. III. CONCATENATE TWO AVL+ TREES Let T1 and T2 be two AVL+ search trees and assume that all data-items of T1 are smaller than every data-item in T2. Without less of generality, consider the height of T1 is less than or equal to the height of T2. As mentioned before, by concatenating T1 and T2 we mean to construct an AVL+ tree T1 | T2, contained all data-items in T1 and T2. We do this by adding T1 to the appropriate location in T2 and balancing the resulting tree. The Procedure Concatenate in table I receives as input two AVL+ trees T1 and T2 with above properties, concatenates them and puts the result into T2. In the following, we describe this procedure. First, using the information about the height of trees and the balance factors of nodes in T2, we start from the root of T2 and go down through the left pointers until we reach the first node, say cur, which its subtree is not higher than T1. Then, we create a new index-node u with the root of T1 as its left child. The index value of u could be any value in range [lb, ub), where lb is the key stored in the rightmost leaf of T1 and ub is the key of the leftmost leaf of T2. To decide about the right child of u and constructing the AVL+ tree T1 | T2 we will face with one of the three following cases. Case 1: The node cur is the root of T2 by itself. In this case, we easily set cur as the right child of u and create T1 | T2 by introducing u as its root. The height of this tree and the balance factor of its root, u, can be computed using the information we stored as the height of T1 and T2. For the remaining cases, let h1 be the height of T1 and h2 be the height of subtree rooted by cur. The height balance features of T2, enforce h2 two possible values of h1 or h1 – 1. Case 2: The node p that is parent of cur has balance factor of – 1 and h1 equals h2. In the other word, the right sibling of cur is higher than cur and T1 is as high as cur. In this case, we choose cur as right child of the new node u, and replace cur with u as the left child of p. This turns the balance factor of u and p to zero with no effect on the height of p. The resulting tree is the concatenation of T1 and T2. Case 3: If neither case 1 nor 2 happen, we set the right pointer of u to the cur’s parent, p. Passing the above procedure, we know that the height of T1 is one less than the height of p, so we set u’s balance factor to – 1. After that, we replace p with new node u in T2 that its height is one more than p. As a result, we must do the rebalancing operations as same as those in AVL tree, from the new node u up to the root of T2 –in the worst case. The resulting height balanced tree is the desired T1 | T2. TABLE I. 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 1 2 PROCEDURE CONCATENATE. Procedure Concatenate(tree T1, tree T2) h1 T1.height h2 T2.height cur T2.root while(h1 < h2) if( = – 1) h2 h2 – 2 else h2 h2 - 1 cur cur.left end while parent cur.parent crete a new index node u u.item = greatest key stored in T1 SetLeftChild(u, T1.root) if(parent = null) SetRightChild(u, cur) h1 – h2 T2.root u T2.height T2.height + 1 return else if(h1 = h2 and = -1) SetRightChild(u, cur) SetLeftChild(parent, cur) 0 0 return end if SetRightChild(u, parent) -1 if(parent.parent = null) T2.root u T2.height T2.height + 1 return end if SetLeftChild(paret.parent, u) Balance the path from u to the root as it done in a simple AVL tree Procedure SetLeftChild(node u, node left) u.left left left.parent u Procedure SetRightChild(node u, node right) u.right right right.parent u This procedure straightly yields the following theorem. Theorem 1: Consider T1 and T2 be two AVL+ trees of height h1 and h2, respectively. Let all keys stored in T1 are less than or equal to those in T2. Concatenating of two AVL+ trees T1 of height h1 and T2 of height h2 into a balanced AVL+ tree can be done in time O(h1 + h2). Moreover, given a value in range of [lb, ub), where lb is the greatest key stored in T1 and ub is the smallest key of T2, one can do this concatenation by spending O(|h1 – h2| + 1) worst-case time. IV. DECOMPOSE AN AVL+ TREE Let T be an AVL+ tree and s be a given value. We are going to decompose T by s: Partition T into two AVL+ trees T1 and T2 such that all data-items in T less than or equal to s are placed in T1 and other data-items are placed in T2. Lemma 1: Let T be an AVL+ tree containing n dataitems and s be an arbitrary value. One can decompose T into two lists of subtrees L1 and L2 of length O(log n) in the worst-case time of O(log n) such that all data-item of T less than or equal to s are placed in subtrees of L1 and others are placed in subtrees of L2. Proof: The proof is based on the Procedure DecomposeToLists in Table II. Note that in Table II we do not write down the details of computing the height of subtrees. Using this procedure, we travel down from the root of T, the pass to find the appropriate location for s. Hence, during this search procedure, we face at most O(log n) nodes. For each node u among these nodes, we add a subtree rooted by u or one of its children to one of the lists L1 and L2. To make a subtree, we need to create a tree rooted by a node with known height and set the height of the node to the tree. Since we know the height of T and the balance factor of nodes in the search path, we could easily compute the height. The proof can be done by an induction that we implicitly mention in the following. If node u is leaf and has key value less than or equals to s, we easily add the subtree of u into the list L1 and finish the procedure. Similarly, when the item of leaf node u is greater than s, we add the subtree of u into the list L2 and terminate the procedure. This could be done in O(1) time. In the other case that u is not a leaf node, we compare the index-item value of u with s. If s is less than or equal to the value stored in u, it means that all data-items in right subtree of u are greater than s. Therefore, we add the subtree of the right child of u into the list L2 and move to the left child of u to continue the procedure. Likewise, if s is greater than the index-item’s value of u, we add the left subtree of u into L1, and move to the right child of u to continue the procedure. Obviously, this spends O(1) time all together. Since we visit O(log n) nodes and for each we spend O(1) time, the total procedure running time is O(log n). Also, at the end the size of lists L1 and L2 could not exceed the upper bound of O(log n). □ Lemma 2: We can construct the lists L1 = <t1, t2, …, tk> and L2 = < tk+1, tk+2, …, tm> of lemma 1 such that they are sorted in both values and height of subtrees. More clearly: For each i, 1 ≤ i < m, all data-items in ti have keys less than every data-item in ti + 1. For each i, 1 ≤ i < k, the height of ti is less than or equal to the height of ti + 1. Moreover, for each i, 1 ≤ i < k – 1, the height of ti is less than the height of ti + 2. For each i, k < i < m, the height of ti is greater than or equal to the height of ti + 1. Moreover, if k ≤ i < m – 1, the height of ti is more than the height of ti + 2. Proof: In the procedure of constructing lists L1 and L2, we travel downward the tree from the root, and since the tree T is balanced, every subtree that we visit and add into one of the lists, are not higher than the previous sub-trees. Moreover, every subtree is higher than the second next subtree added into one of the lists. Therefore, the only thing we need is that when we want to add a subtree into L1, add it into the tail of the list, and when we want to add a subtree to L2 add into the head of the list. Furthermore, when we add a subtree t into L1, we move left. Hence, future subtrees that will be appended into L1 or added to L2 have data-items greater than t. The situation is similar when we add an item into the head of L2. □ TABLE II. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PROCEDURE DECOMPOSETOLISTS Procedure DecomposeToLists(Tree T, value s, output List L1, output List L2) cur T.root while(cur ≠ null) if(s < cur.item and cur is leaf) L2.addToHead(subtree rooted by cur) return else if (cur.item ≤ s and cur is leaf) L1.addToTail(subtree rooted by cur) return else if(s ≤ cur.item) L2.addToHead(subtree rooted by cur.right) cur cur.left else L1.addToTail(subtree rooted by cur.left) cur cur.right end-if end-while Now we are ready to convert lists L1 and L2 with properties mentioned in lemma 2 into two AVL+ trees. Since the operation is similar for both lists, we just describe who to convert L2 into an AVL+ tree. Let L2 = < t1, t2, …, tk> and hi be the height of ti for each ti in this list. First, we concatenate the t1 and t2 that are two subtrees with the lowest height in L2. Then, we concatenate the resulting tree with t3, and we continue so on until we concatenate all subrees in L2. The resulting tree is our desired T2. To concatenate two subtrees, we use parents of the root of subtrees in the original tree T as the new node that must be constructed during the procedure of concatenation. This reduce the time of concatenation of two trees of height h1 and h2 from O(h1 + h2) to O(|h1 – h2| + 1). Consider Si be the subtree made by concatenating t1, …, ti and we are going to concatenate Si with ti+1. If the height of Si is lower than the height of ti+1, this operation takes O(hi+1 – hi + 1) in the worst case. Otherwise, due to the properties mentioned above, one can easily see that the height of Si is at most hi+1+2. Therefore, this concatenation takes O(1) time in this case. Hence, the concatenation of Si with ti+1 takes O(hi+1 – hi + 1) worst-case time. Since the total cost is: ܱሺℎଶ − ℎଵ + 1 + ℎଷ − ℎଶ + 1 + ⋯ + ℎ − ℎିଵ + 1ሻ = ܱሺℎ − ℎଵ + ݇ሻ = ܱሺlog ݊ሻ. Hence, we can introduce the Procedure Decompose (Table III), that decompose an AVL+ tree T by a given value s into two trees T1 and T2. An illustration of this procedure is depicted in Fig. 1. TABLE III. PROCEDURE DECOMPOSE Procedure Decompose(Tree T, value s, output Tree T1, output Tree T2) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 DecomposeToLists(T, s, L1, L2) let T1 and T2 two empty trees while(L1 is not empty) let t be the last tree in L1 remove t from L1 Concatenate(t, T1) end-while while(L2 is not empty) let t be the first tree in L2 remove t from L2 Concatenate(T2, t) T2 t end-while V. BOUNDING THE IN-DEGREE IN DATA STRUCTURES In this section, we establish in an abstract term a general technique for making static data structures dynamic. Consider a data structure S that is optimal for searching and querying in a set of static data objects U. This means that by spending a rather long time pre-processing over U, we can construct S that is swift to answer our future queries. However, we could not update S enough fast when some changes such as insert a new item or delete an existing item happen to the set U. Now, we are interested in designing a dynamic data structure D that serves techniques of S, but can handle update procedures on U faster. Off course, there could be several difficulties to design D, some of them mentioned in [4]. The problem that we want to focus is the number of pointers that point to the same location of the memory ( in-degree). Consider a situation that we need to merge two nodes A and B of S with in-degree of dA and dB, respectively (Fig. 2). To do so, we could append data in B into node A. Then, we need to change all pointers point to B and set a new address of A to them. This pointer refinement operation takes O(dB) time. If S guarantee a constant upper bound, then the pointer refinement takes no more than O(1) time, that is tolerable. However, some kinds of data structures do not guarantee such a constant bound, so our try to make a fast dynamic data structure will be failed. On the other hand, consider that we want to split a node A that points by dA pointers. In this case, the similar problem happens when we want to change some of the pointers from A to a new node B. This yield the following theorem: Theorem 2: Let T be an AVL+ tree stores n data-items and s be an arbitrary value. One can decompose T into two AVL+ trees T1 and T2 spending O(log n) time in such a way that all data-items of T less than or equal to s is placed in T1 and other data-items is placed in T2. (a) (b) (a) (c) (b) Figure 1. An example of tree decomposition: (a) a height balanced binary search tree with a seperator value s; (b) The result of decomposition. Highlighted nodes denote root of subtrees mentioned in lemma 1 and their parents. Figure 2. When the in-degree of nodes is large the cost of merging two nodes or spliting a node would be high: (a) Two nodes A and B with large in-degree. (b) The result of merging A and B into a single node A|B (c) Splitting the node into two node A' and B'. Red arrows show the pointers that have been changed. To solve the problem, we have to reduce the in-degree of nodes into a constant factor. Consider that we have an order over the pointers point to the same node. This order may come from the intrinsic order of data stored in nodes that contain these pointers. Let P be a set of pointers in S point to the same node u. In the dynamic data structure D, we use a balanced binary search tree T representing P. We call T the inverse pointer tree of set P. Every leaf of T is corresponds to one pointer of P and the order used to define this binary search tree is the order defined in the set P. The root of tree T has a pointer to the node u. Using the parent pointer of nodes in inverse pointer tree T, one can traverse in D as S could be traversed. Now consider in S we have two set of pointers PA and PB point to the node A and B, and in D we have two inverse pointer tree TA and TB correspond to PA and PB, respectively. To merge nodes A and B during an update operation we can update the pointers in PA and PB by concatenating TA and TB in O(log(|PA|) + log(|PB|)) worst-case time. Similarly, to update pointers during the split of node A into two nodes, we can easily decompose TA into two trees by an appropriate splitter value in O(log(|PA|)). Although this method has a logarithmic worst-case penalty for each node-access, it allows us to do update operations faster. Moreover, penalties for node-accesses may cause a lower amortized amount and sum up to less than the value that can deteriorate the asymptotic worst-case search time. Fig. 3 illustrates this technique by bounding the indegree of data structure that is shown in Fig. 2. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3. (a) Using an inverse pointer tree for pointers point to the same node, we can reduce the in-degree to a constant factor. The Low cost of (b) merging two nodes by concatinating their inverse pointer trees and (c) splitting a node into two nodes by decomposing its inverse pointer tree. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we introduced two new operations on selfbalanced binary search trees: decomposition of a tree into two trees and concatenation of two trees into a single one. In addition, we initiated algorithms that optimally do each of these operations in a logarithmic worst-case time. Moreover, we served these algorithms to design a novel method of making static data structures dynamic. 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