IMAGE SECURITY SYSTEM USING RECURSIVE CELLULAR AUTOMATA SUBSTITUTION AND ITS PARALLELIZATION Ebrahim Zarei Zefreh Department Computer Science Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran Sara Rajaee Department Computer Science Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran Meysam Farivary Department Computer Science Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran Abstract— This paper presents a novel image security system based on the replacement of the pixel values using recursive Cellular automata (CA) substitution. The advantages of our proposed method are that it is computationally efficient and it is reasonably passing sensibility analysis tests. The proposed method is carried out by using one half of image data to encrypt the other half of the image mutually. Our algorithm can encrypt image in parallel and be also applied to color image encryption. In this proposed method, size of key is dynamic and by changing a bit of security key the image cannot retrieve because our method is key sensitive. Simulation results obtained using color, whiteblack and gray-level images demonstrate the good performance of the proposed image security system. Keywords- Cellular Automata; parallel encryption; Image encryption; Image processing I. INTRODUCTION Security is an important issue in communication and storage of images, and encryption is one of the ways to ensure security. Image encryption has many applications in internet communication, multimedia systems, medical imaging, telemedicine, military communication and etc [1]. There are several image encryption methods such as SCAN-based methods [2][3], tree structure-based methods [4], chaos-based methods [5] and Cellular Automata methods [1]. Note that the proposed encryption methods are symmetric private key encryptions, meaning that the same key is needed for both encryption and decryption and must be known to both sender and receiver before the communication of image. One of the methods for encryption is recursive cellular automata (CA) substitution that without secure keys, decryption is impossible. CA has dynamic keys and also they can be used for changing plain-image. CA has the following advantages: 1) CA has been applied successfully to several physical systems, processes and scientific problems that involve local interactions, as in image processing [6][7] and data encryption [8][9]. 2) The number of CA evolution rules is very large. Hence, many techniques are available for producing a sequence of CA data for image encryption and decryption. 3) Recursive CA substitution only requires integer arithmetic and/or logic operations, simplifying the computation [1]. The proposed method is based on 2-D CA that tried to create CA key with dynamic size and using these CA key for changing plain-image as these changing are recursive. In this method the cipherimage size is equal to plain-image size and there isn’t any additive information. That is, both sender and receiver must know all keys. We introduce Cellular Automata and proposed image encryption/decryption method in section II and III respectively. Finally we discussed in section IV and V about parallel scheme of image encryption/decryption and simulation and experimental results. Section VI is conclusions. II. CELLULAR AUTOMATA Cellular Automata (CA) is a dynamic system in which space and time are discrete. The cells, as arranged in a regular lattice structure, have a finite number of states. These states are updated synchronously according to a specified local rule of neighborhood interaction. The neighborhood of a cell refers to the cell and some or all of its adjacent cells. In 2-D CA space, the specified cell P with its North, South, West and East cells form the von Neumann neighborhood (see Fig. 1(a)). The state of the given cell at time step (t+1) will be determined from the states of cells within its neighborhood at time step t. Using a specified rule, the states are updated synchronously in time steps for all cells. For a k-state CA, each cell can take any of the integer values between 0 and (k−1) then for 2-state CA the value of each cell is 0 or 1. Let at(i, j) represents the state of (i, j)th cell at time t, that von Neumann neighborhoods are in the states: at(i-1, j), at(i, j-1) , at(i+1, j) and at(i, j+1) . For a 2-D von Neumann two-state CA, each cell has possible CA evolutions, which can be expressed as at+1(i, j)= (at+1(i-1, j), at+1(i+1, j), at+1(i, j), at(i, j-1), at(i,j+1)) (1) where (.) is a boolean function that defines the rule [12]. The hardware implementation of (1) for 1-bit 2-D von Neumann CA is shown in Fig. 1(b). Such a structure is referred to as a programmable additive CA (PACA) and it is due to the use of XOR gates. Using the 1-bit 2-D von Neumann PACA structure, one can build the desired hybrid N×N-bit cellular automata [13]. Equation (1) states that the evolution of the (i, j)th cell of a 2-D von Neumann two-state CA can be represented as a boolean function of the present states of the (i−1, j)th, (i, j−1)th, (i, j)th, (i, j+1)th, and (i +1, j)th cells. Therefore, (1) can be expressed as at+1(i,j)=C0⊕(C1 at(i+1,j)⊕C2 at(i,j−1)⊕C3at(i,j)⊕C4 at(i,j+1)⊕C5 at(i−1,j)) (2) Ci’s are rules number and we need 6-bits rule for von Neumann neighbor. For a N×N 2-D von Neumann two-state CA, each cell has 232N² possible CA evolutions at the next time , 4N cells for boundary condition and N2 cells for initial configuration, so all possible evolutions can be 232N²+ N²+4N. II. OUR PROPOSED METHOD We propose an encryption algorithm based on recursive cellular automata (CA) substitution. During encryption, an image is divided into two parts equally, and then we encrypt the upper part by using the lower part and CA. Thereafter, we encrypt the lower part in similar fashion. We explain the steps of this method as follow (see Fig. 2). A. CA generating The CA keys consist of N2 cells for initial configuration, 4N cells for boundary condition data, 6 bits for rule control data and log R bits for CA iteration. For filling N2 bits of CA initial configuration we take key from input that can be from 1 bit to N2 bits, so there exists possible values for initial CA. An N×N null matrix is created and concatenated initial CA together until its length increases to N2. Then with first cell, we start to fill all N2 bits of CA initial configuration with arbitrary scheme (see Fig. 3). For updating CA, we use (2) for R times. B. Image encryption/decryption scheme The process of the encryption scheme is given in the following steps (see Fig. 4): 1) The plain-image is divided into two parts equally. 2) The upper and lower parts of plain-image are divided to N×N partitions. 3) For any N×N partitions of upper part of plainimage and any corresponding N×N partitions of lower part of plain-image, let (a) Fu(i), 0≤i ≤N−1 be a sequence of N-bit data of upper part of plainimage, (b) Fl(i), 0≤i≤N-1 be a sequence of N-bit data of lower part of plain-image, (c) CA(i), 0≤i≤N-1 be a sequence of N-bit CA data, (d) Eu(i), 0≤i≤N-1 be a sequence of N-bit encrypted data of upper part of cipher-image and (e) El(i), 0≤i≤N-1 be a sequence of N-bit encrypted data of lower part of cipher-image. Then, the recursive CA-encrypted substitution is defined as For upper part of plain-image E(0)u= g(Fu (0), Fl(0), CA(0)) (3) E(i)u= [Fu(i)+Fl(i)+ GCAT(Eu(i-1),CAp(i))] 2mod 2N, 0≤i≤N (4) For lower part of plain-image E(0)l= g(Eu(0), Fl(0), CAp(0)) (5) E(i)l= [Eu(i) +Fl(i)+ GCAT(El(i-1),CAp(i))] 2mod 2N, 0≤i≤N (6) Where g is a boolean function that take three sequences of N-bit data and return sequence of N-bit data and GCAT is boolean function that take two sequences of N-bit data and calculate OR/XOR them and giveback sequence of N-bit data so If GCAT input=0 then GCAT(E(i-1),CAp(i)) =OR(E(i-1),CAp(i))=E(i-1)⊕CAp(i) (7) Else GCAT input=1 Then GCAT(E(i-1), CAp(i)) =XOR(E(i-1),CAp(i))= E(i-1)⊕CAp(i) (8) The process of the decryption scheme is given in the following steps (see Fig. 5): 1) The cipher-image is divided into two parts equally. 2) The upper and lower parts of cipher-image must be divided to N×N partitions. 3) For any N×N partitions of lower part of cipher-image and any corresponding N×N partitions of upper part of cipher-image, (f) Du(i), 0≤i≤N-1 be a sequence of N-bit decrypted data of upper part of cipher-image and (g) Dl(i), 0≤i≤N-1 be a sequence of N-bit decrypted data of lower part of cipher-image. Then, the recursive CA-decrypted substitution is defined as For lower part of plain-image D(0)l=g(Eu(0), El(0), CAp(0)) (9) D(i) l=[Eu(i)+El(i)+GCAT(Du (i-1),CA(i))]2mod2N, 0≤i≤N (10) For upper part of plain-image D(0)u=g(Eu(0),Dl(0),CA(0)) (11) D(i)u=[Eu(i)+Dl(i)+GCAT(Dl (i-1),CA(i))]2mod2N, 0≤i≤N (12) III. PARALLEL SCHEME A. Parallel scheme and its requirements In parallel computing scheme, each PE is responsible for a subset of the image data and possesses its own memory. During the encryption/decryption, there may be some communication between PEs (see Fig. 6). Requirements for parallel image encryption/decryption scheme [10][7]: 1) Computation load balance The total time of a parallel image encryption scheme is determined by the slowest PE, since other PEs have to wait until such PE finishes its work. Therefore a good parallel computation scheme can balance the task distributed to each PE. 2) Communication load balance There usually exists lots of communication between PEs. For the same reason as of computation load, the communication load should be carefully balanced. 3) Critical area management When computing in a parallel scheme, many PEs may read or write the same area of memory (i.e. critical area) simultaneously, which often causes unexpected execution of the program. It is thus necessary to use some parallel techniques to manage the critical area. B. A parallel image encryption/decryption scheme In serial scheme, first the sender determines the key, rule and GCAT then serial algorithm matrix encrypts the plain-image with produces a number of CA sequentially finally send the cipher-image to the receiver. In other side, first the receiver takes the cipher-image and decrypts the cipher-image with determines the key, rule and GCAT. In parallel scheme, we suppose that we have (n+1) processors (n=1, 2, 3 …). The main processor is coordinator and dispatcher so that divide plain- picture to n parts equally then send ith part to ith processor (i=1, 2, …, n). Here the communication between processors is global communication that is all processors access to CAKey, rule and GCAT. Now all processors with using image encryption/decryption scheme (section III.B) parallelly perform encryption/decryption operation (see Fig .7). C. Applying the algorithm to color image A color image comprises three components, i.e., R, G and B, which can be seen as three parts, then the process of encrypting gray-level image can be applied to the color image similarly: First, arrange the three components in a certain order. Then according to the order, use the first one to encrypt the second one, the second one for the third one, the third one for the first one, repeatedly until the cipher-image satisfies our performance requirement. IV. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Many simulations were conducted to illustrate various characteristics of the proposed CA-based image encryption/ decryption system including pixel rearrangement. In the serial experiment, a gray level image ‘Lena’ of size 128×128 pixels (see Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 9(a)) is chosen as the plain-image and the data for encryption and decryption are 8-bit, and that 2-D 8×8-cell von Neumann CA is adopted. When the encryption process is completed, the cipher-image is obtained and is shown in Fig. 8(b) and Fig. 9(b). A. Histogram The histogram of a digital image gray levels in the range [0, L-1] is a discrete function h(rk)=nk, where rk is the kth gray level and nk is the number of pixels in the image having gray level rk. Histogram of the plain and cipher image of gray level of picture ‘Lena’ are shown in Fig. 8(c) and Fig. 8(d). These two figures show that the cipherimage possesses the characteristic of uniform distribution in contrast to that of the plain-image. In the parallel experiment, the number of PEs is chosen as 4. The results for gray level of ‘Lena’ are shown in Fig. 9. B. Correlation coefficient analysis The correlation analysis is performed by randomly selecting 2000 pairs of two adjacent pixels in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal direction from the plain-image and the ciphered image. This process is implemented and is computed using “(13)” and the results is shown in table I. Fig. 10 shows correlation coefficient of two vertically, horizontally and diagonally adjacent pixels of both plain and cipher images in gray levels of picture ‘Lena’. rxy can be between -1 and 1 so 0 < |rxy| < 1. If |rxy| be near 1, we will conclude that x and y are correlated and if |rxy| be near 0, we will conclude that there is a trivial correlation between x and y. where x and y are the gray-scale values of two adjacent pixels in the image and N is total number of pixels selected from the image for the calculation. The correlation coefficients between the two adjacent pixels in the plain image are near 1 and it shows that the two adjacent pixels in the plain image are highly correlated, but there is negligible correlation between the two adjacent pixels in the encrypted image. C. Sensibility analysis NPCR analysis In this analysis, first, a 128×128 image ‘Lena’ is chosen and encrypted by using the key1 and then the least significant bit of the key1 is changed, so that the original key becomes key2, which is used to encrypt the same image. Let two ciphered images be denoted by C1 and C2. Label the grey-scale values of the pixels at grid (i,j) in C1 and C2 by C1(i,j) and C2(i,j) respectively. Define a bipolar array, D, with the same size as images C1 and C2. D(i,j) is determined by C1(i,j) and C2(i,j), namely, if C1(i,j)=C2(i,j) then D(i,j)=0 ; otherwise, D(i,j) = 1. The Number of Pixels Change Rate (NPCR) is defined as: where W and H are the width and height of C1 or C2. TABLE I. Correlation coefficient of two adjacent pixels in plainimage and cipher-image of gray level of ‘Lena’ Adjacent pixels Vertical Horizontal Diagonal Image Plain image Cipher image 0.9841 -0.0373 0.8926 -0.00061 0.8374 -0.00067 UACI analysis The Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI) is defined as: where W and H are the width and height of C1 or C2. The UACI measures the average intensity of differences between the two cipher images. In our example, we set CA key1 as (11100011)2 and encrypt the plain-image ‘Lena’ with this key. Then, the least significant bit of the key is changed, so that the key1 becomes key2 (11100010)2, which is used to encrypt the same image, and its corresponding encrypted image is referred an encrypted image. Finally, the above encrypted image using the two slightly different keys are compared. We have measured NPCR and UACI of two cipher images with only one bit difference in keys at different rounds and results are given in tables II and III. Suppose the value of NPCR and UACI are taken to be 100% and 0% respectively. Base on these findings we can conclude our proposed system has high security. As you see in tables II and III, the NPCR and UACI of two systems is about 99.8% and 0.55% respectively and we conclude that our method is safe and our system is secure. Key sensibility If a trivially modified key to decrypt the ciphered image is used, then the decryption should not succeed. In that, Fig. 11 is confirming our findings. In it, Frame (a) is the plain image, with its encrypted TABLE II. Comparison of NPCR and UACI in serial system at different rounds Cipher rounds(r) 1 2 3 4 8 16 TABLE III. NPCR 99.8888% 99.8883% 99.8869% 99.8979% 99.8943% 99.8877% UACI 0.5249% 0.4944% 0.5066% 0.5124% 0.5737% 0.5615% Comparison of NPCR and UACI in parallel system at different rounds Cipher rounds(r) 1 2 3 4 8 16 NPCR 99.8999% 99.8876% 99.887% 99.8888% 99.8895% 99.3774% UACI 0.4465% 0.5005% 0.4211% 0.5981% 0.4944% 0.6226% image Frame (b) by key1 (11100011)2. Frame (c), (d) respectively, show the decrypted images by the key1 (11100011)2, key2 (11100010)2 to decrypt encrypted image Frame (b). It is clear that the image encrypted by the key1 was not be correctly decrypted by using the key2. Here, there is only one bit difference between the two keys explained before. Those results clearly show high key-sensitivity of the proposed CA encryption. VI. [3] [4] [5] CONCLUSION In this paper we presented a novel image security system based on 2-D von Neumann CA. The encryption method is based on the replacement of the pixel values using a recursive CA substitution. To having a system with high security, we created the Dynamic keys to change original image. We execute this system on both gray and color levels of ‘Lena’ then we analyze them with Matlab7.8 and get ideal results. Our system gets 8-bit secret key, a rule number and GCAT selector as inputs and encrypts the original image. These data sets should be known in receiver site. Otherwise, they cannot get the original image because our system is key sensitive. We parallelize our system by using n processors and improve the implementation. The advantages of our proposed method are that it is computationally efficient and it is reasonably passing sensibility analysis tests. REFERENCES [1] [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] S. S. Maniccama and N. G. 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Parallel scheme for image encryption/decryption A parallel image encryption/decryption scheme for gray image. Serial process: (a) plain-image, (b) cipher-image, (c) histogram of plain-image, (d) histogram of cipher-image. Figure 9. Parallel process: (a) plain-image, (b) cipher-image, (c) histogram of plain-image, (d) histogram of cipher-image Figure 10. (a) gray level of plain image, (b) Correlation of two vertically adjacent pixels of (a), (c) Correlation of two horizontally adjacent pixels of (a), (d) Correlation of two diagonally adjacent pixels of (a), (e) Encrypted image of (a), (f) Correlation of two vertically adjacent pixel of (e), (g) Correlation of two horizontally adjacent pixels of (e), (h) Correlation of two diagonally adjacent pixels of (e) Note that in the plots xcoordinate and y-coordinate is the gray level of two neighbor pixels, respectively. Figure 11. Key sensitivity test: (a) Plain image, (b) Encrypted image with key1, (c) Decrypted image with key1, (d) Decrypted image with key2
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