Nanotechnology Divides: Development Indicators and Thai Construction Industry T. Kitisriworaphan and Y. Sawangdee1 Abstract. Nanotechnology and disparity between developed and developing nations could increase the gap of global development while it also affects to construction industry where workers have potentially exposed to nanomaterials application. This research examined the influence of development indicators as demographic, social and economic factors on nanotechnology policy among 250 nations. Results revealed that 68.2% of developed countries have policy on nanotechnology while only 18% of developing countries have such a policy. Fertility and mortality declining with the increasing of literacy, urbanization and energy consumption provide significant positive effect on nanotechnology divides. Furthermore, results pointed out the existing gap of development between developed and developing worlds. 1 Introduction Majority of world population is still in developing countries where are considered as low quality areas due to the people are facing basic needs scarcity like improper infrastructure and unhealthy condition. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), with the agreement of world leaders, would like to promote environmental sustainability (as MDGs 7) while a phenomenon of urbanization booming as well as increasing of urban poverty in many dimensions including the living place becomes the most considerable issue among developed and developing nations. Urbanization also causes the urban poverty increasing due to the poor who can not afford the basic infrastructures and utilities in the city. Not only urban poverty becomes more serious but also high energy consumption is concentrated T. Kitisriworaphan Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University e-mail: Y. Sawangdee Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University e-mail: 252 T. Kitisriworaphan and Y. Sawangdee in the place where urbanization spread through and this also creates disparity of energy consumption between the rich and poor in the urban. This gap forces unsustainable city growth and push difficulty for the development goal (MDGs 7) to succeed especially in developing countries where this gap clearly emerged. Urbanization and construction industry clearly relates to each other due to construction industry strongly supports urban process through infrastructure development. According to Salamanca-Buentello et al. (2005) mentions that nanotechnology could help MDGs achievement especially for construction development. However, there is a doubt about the difference of demographic and socio-economic backgrounds of each nation on how nanotechnologies can contribute the development equity especially in construction sector where a gap between technology-based and labor-based intensities is strongly appeared in both developed and developing worlds [1]. A debate between different perspectives of potential risk and benefit from nanotechnology application is seriously discussed, for instance, the Joint Center for Bioethic at University of Toronto mentioned the benefits for socio-economic development while Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC group) in Winnipeg, pointed out that it will increase the divide between rich and poor countries [2, 3]. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and UNESCO also launch the international conference for this emerging dialogue. For construction industry, an expectation that nanotechnology will help to reduce CO2 emission from cement composing process due to it is considered as a source of GHGs emission as about 3 percent of global generators of GHG (13,500 million ton) comes from the cement industry [4]. Besides new materials are expected to be more durable against coming severe natural disaster such as earthquake, flooding, landslide, or even promote environmental quality through air and water purification in the future. However, unknown potential risk of small particles could generate health problems if unprotected policy and practice is ignored especially in the place where unskilled worker concentration like Thai construction industry. Thailand has also tried to reduce the cement products in order to combat global warming and it seems like nanomaterials are outstanding materials for this purpose. The European Commission launched a survey on Nanotechnology and Construction Industry 2006 which mentioned that nanomaterials such as Carbon nanotube, TiO2 and Aerogel will arrive in the European construction industry within 10 years and their application will be mostly on building, bridge and road construction. However, for developing nation like Thailand, only new imported construction materials are possibly expected due to there is little R&D support for nanotechnological research beneficial for construction market. While East Asian country like UAE, a major target of Thai exported construction workers, is interested in nanotechnological application for their many construction projects. This changing could bring about new obstacle for construction workers who need to compete at international level if the low awareness of nanotechnology among them has still been. Nanotechnology Divides: Development Indicators and Thai Construction Industry 253 According to the Asia Pacific Nano Forum 2004 on the societal impact of nanotechnology, most Asia Pacific countries have launched policy to support but still lack public awareness [5]. Many studies have been conducted around the world about the social concerns on nanotechnology development and there is still a lack of explanation on social perception of nanotechnology. Furthermore, most countries have low public and industry awareness on benefits and risk of nanomaterials [6, 7]. Normally, most scholars who have published their researches on the social dimensions of nanotechnology perception are scientists so they need social science knowledge to understand the influential factors influencing on public opinion and decision making on nanotechnology [8]. Some scholars also mention about possible risks of nanoparticles in ecosystems and human health [9, 10, 11]. In construction process, worker can directly contact with particles through skin and respiratory and the particles also release to nature by unwanted construction waste dumping that lets nanoparticles accumulating in food chain as later will cause poor human health. 2 Methodology Studying the nanodivide situation at macro level requires the international indicators as it could help countries to compare each other about their concerns through nanopolicy application. Having nanopolicy in this study means a country having its nanotechnology policy or at least providing some evidences pointed that the country aims to generate nanotechnology policy soon, not only scientific but also social dimension. The study also employs development indicators such as demographic and socio-economic indicators which based on available Population Reference Bureau 2007 to explain the divide of nanotechnology among countries through their policy making with an assumption that the demographic and socioeconomic indicators have significantly affected on having nanopolicy among nations. From content analysis, there are about 250 nations but only 195 countries are accepted as United Nations’ members. According to Maclurcan (2005), he mentions that among global nanotechnology activities not classified by number of patents, but policy is also concerned [12]. Demographic indicators can indicate the national development on human capital and economic growth [13, 14]. Fertility is tied to labor supply especially for labor based intensive industry like construction. The high fertility means excess labor supply which was once considered as an advantage for economic development. For technology based industry like IT industry or even nanotechnology, it is considered to be more appropriate in low fertility areas due to huge number of labor is inessential. High mortality rate is normally existed in the place where poor public health system such as African countries due to epidemic and malnutrition problems. For this lack of basic needs, nanotechnology seems to be new accessible gap for developing world. Percent of population growth indicates the high population growth area relateing with slow economic development due to government needs to distribute basic equity in everywhere instead of focusing 254 T. Kitisriworaphan and Y. Sawangdee only economic development [15]. Higher dependency ratio means burden for socio-economic development due to labors have to take care of their dependent persons like children and elderly. Urbanization indicators like urban population and density can explain the development process especially for construction market. Higher life expectancy at birth explains the better public health technology and distribution. The high percent of urban population and density point out the high construction concentration activities such as material consumption for building, bridge and road. The high in social indicators such as literacy rate and percent of contraceptive use indicates the high social development also. While the higher rate of under weight of less than five years children means poor public health system and low technology society may also exist in such area. For the developed countries where literacy rate is high, the technology absorbability can be faster than the developing countries where literacy rate is low. This phenomenon can create a new gap of development between two worlds due to high technology often requires high educated workers. This will become a burden for high technology development countries due to scientists have to produce high technology materials which can be applied comfortably by low skilled worker. Majority Thai construction workers are male laborers, and that is to say, about 68.5 percent of construction workers completed less than certificate level [16]. This low skilled worker can promote their position by experience, not education attainment. However if the construction sector employs high materials technology, it can affect the majority workers in Thai construction industry certainly. Economic indicators such as Gross National Product (GNI, PPP) and carbon dioxide emission can indicate the better economic development while low amount of people living under a US dollar per day and percent of natural remained means the better economic growth. Construction industry can be monitored through some indicators like percent of urban population, fertility rate and natural remained due to construction process closely relates with urbanization. 3 Results and Discussion To examine the nanopolicy activities among 250 nations, the study employed the data from many resources i.e. European Commission on Nanotechnology, National Nanotechnology Initiative, online articles on nanotechnology regulation and policy worldwide, etc. Results showed that most developed and developing countries already recognized the benefits of nanotechnology and establish their policy for working with this tiny technology as shown in table 1 about distribution of nanopolicy among countries. From findings of nanopolicy distribution, they were rearranged into dummy variable as 0 = having no nanopolicy and 1 = having nanopolicy while other variables were controlled. Nanotechnology Divides: Development Indicators and Thai Construction Industry 255 Table 1 Nanotechnology policy divides between developed and developing countries Country Have nanotechnology policy Total Have Do not have Developed country 68.2 (15) 31.8 (7) 100.0 (22) Less Developed country 18.9 (43) 81.1 (185) 100.0 (228) Total 76.8 (192) 23.2 (58) 100.0 (250) After employed all demographic and socio-economic development indicators from 250 nations, study showed that some countries have no indicators provided on PRB database then the missing case was treated and finally the analysis was conducted as follows. Step 1 to explore the relationship of demographic and socio-economic development indicators on nanopolicy dividing between developed and developing nations, the t-test statistic was employed and the mean difference between each demographic and socio-economic development indicators on nanopolicy were conducted. Step 2 to examine the causal relationship of demographic and socio-economic indicators on nanopolicy dividing, the simple dummy dependent variable on regression (Linear Probability Model) was employed. Results indicated that almost all development indicators have significantly associated with nanopolicy variable, except death rate and population density as shown in table 2. To provide better clear picture of relationship among each demographic and socio-economic development indicators on nanopolicy, the study also analyzed through the dummy variable on regression analysis as shown in table 3. Table 2 Relationship between demographics, socio-economic indicators on nanotechnology policy divides Domain Have nanopolicy Mean Have Don’t have difference t-test Sig. Total 26.73 (151) 12.52 7.85 .000 100(209) Demographic development factors -Birth rate 14.21 (58) -Death rate 8.62 (58) 9.42 (151) 0.80 1.06 .291 100(209) -Growth rate (percent) 0.55 (58) 1.73 (151) 1.18 8.52 .000 100(209) -Infant Mortality rate 13.32 (58) 44.92 (149) 31.60 6.06 .000 100(207) -Maternal Mortality Ratio 66.78(55) 448.58 (113) 381.80 5.88 .000 100(168) -Total Fertility Rate 1.86(58) 3.51(150) 1.65 7.28 .000 100(208) 256 T. Kitisriworaphan and Y. Sawangdee Table 2 (continued) Domain Have nanopolicy Mean t-test Sig. Total 0.26 8.24 .000 100(208) 0.09 (150) -0.08 -8.20 .000 100(208) 74.38 (58) 64.20(149) -10.118 -5.724 .000 100(207) -Urban population (percent) 67.28 (58) 50.58(151) -16.69 -4.56 .000 100(209) -Population density (sq.m.) 351.53(58) 469.88(18 8) 118.34 0.31 .758 100(246) Have Don’t have difference -Child dependency ratio 0.32 (58) 0.58 (150) -Elderly dependency ratio 0.17 (58) -Life Expectancy at birth (all) Social development factors -Literacy rate of population age 15-24, female 90.46 (37) 58.63 (141) -31.83 -4.52 .000 100(178) -Literacy rate of population age 15-24, male 91.11 (37) 63.33 (141) -27.78 -3.97 .000 100(178) -Percent of Contraceptive use among married women (modern) 55.23 (48) 30.15 (112) -25.08 -7.46 .000 100(160) -Under weight of under 5 yrs child (percent) 8.96 (27) 17.35(106) 8.39 3.27 .001 100(133) Economic development factors -Gross National Index PPP 20,585.82 (55) 8,347.62 (127) -12,238.2 -6.41 .000 100(182) -Population live under $US 1 a day 2.51 (58) 9.39 (151) 6.875 2.91 .050 100(209) -Carbon dioxide emission (metric ton per capita) 7.25 (55) 3.27 (128) -3.98 -4.64 .000 100(183) -Natural remain (percent) 57.17 (54) 69.29 (125) 12.12 2.77 .050 100(179) Nanotechnology Divides: Development Indicators and Thai Construction Industry 257 Table 3 Influential of demographics, socio-economic indicators on nanotechnology policy divides Domain Constant 2 Wald Sig. Model X Sig. N 2 (Model X ) Demographic development factors -Birth rate 2.09 -0.16 34.31 0.000 63.52 0.000 209 -Death rate -0.64 -0.04 1.11 0.291 1.167 0.280 209 -Growth rate (percent) 0.65 -1.47 40.86 0.000 62.33 0.000 209 -Infant Mortality Rate 0.23 -0.05 21.46 0.000 45.61 0.000 207 -Maternal Mortality Ra- 0.39 tio -0.01 15.78 0.000 51.42 0.000 168 -Total Fertility Rate 2.06 -1.23 29.58 0.000 60.26 0.000 208 -Child dependency ratio 2.31 -7.61 36.55 0.000 64.49 0.000 208 -Elderly dependency ra- -3.20 tio 16.40 39.69 0.000 50.28 0.000 208 -Life Expectancy at birth (all) 0.13 23.62 0.000 41.43 0.000 207 -Urban population (per- -2.71 cent) 0.03 17.57 0.000 19.89 0.000 209 -Population density (sq.m.) 0.00 0.09 0.760 0.11 0.744 246 -Literacy rate of popula- -3.94 tion age 15-24, female 0.03 12.64 0.000 23.99 0.000 178 -Literacy rate of popula- -3.95 tion age 15-24, male 0.03 9.58 0.002 19.59 0.000 178 -Percent of contraceptive use (modern) 0.06 32.05 0.000 46.03 0.000 160 -0.08 8.82 0.003 11.96 0.001 133 -10.16 -1.17 Social development indicator -3.52 -Under weight of under -0.42 5 yrs child (percent) Economic development factors -GNI_PPP -1.84 0.00 26.47 0.000 33.19 0.000 182 -Population live under $US 1 per day -0.71 -0.05 6.60 0.010 11.01 0.001 209 -Carbon dioxide emis- -1.48 sion (metric ton per capita) 0.13 15.29 0.000 18.87 0.000 183 -Natural remain (percent) -0.02 7.19 0.007 7.32 0.007 179 0.18 Findings revealed that most development indicators have significantly affected to nanopolicy. When the demographic development indicators were considered, finding revealed that most fertility indicators have strong affecting. Birth rate and 258 T. Kitisriworaphan and Y. Sawangdee growth rate indicated that countries having low fertility are more likely to have nanopolicy at statistical significant level .001. Aging societies are more likely to have nanopolicy at statistical significant level .001 as well as percent of urban indicated that countries with more urbanized are more likely to have nanopolicy at statistical significant level .001. However, the death rate and population density do not have casual relation with nanopolicy among nations. Overall, it can be said that low fertility nations are more likely to focus on nanotechnology regulation and policy while nanotechnology has been promoted in most developed countries at present. Consideration of social aspect also revealed that countries having more social development are more likely to have nanopolicy. Literacy indicator for both sex and percent of contraceptive use among married women (modern methods) pointed out the modern society which positive literacy rate countries (better education) are more likely to have nanopolicy at statistical significant level .001 while nations where better infant health are more likely to have nanopolicy at statistical significant level .010 also. These findings confirm the influence of social indicators on national development [17]. For economic indicators also confirmed the same direction that more economic development areas are more likely to have nanopolicy. Furthermore, these findings strongly confirmed the existing gap of nanotechnology regulation and policy application between developed and developing countries. The finding is in accordance with a study of Schummer (2005) which showed that nanotechnologies can simultaneously and unavoidably generate the disparity gap between the rich and the poor. Among finding indicators, the study found that increasing of urban population could lead to technology consideration like nanotechnology as well as lower fertility and percent of natural remained. For labor intensive sector like Thai construction industry where depends on the labor supply. Majority of construction workers are labors who also low education (primary school) [19]. The adoption of nanotechnology could not be easier to the firm but it could be possible by comparing with the Computer Aid Drafting (CAD) technology boom in 2 decades ago. Besides, literacy rate can increase the technology application though policy formation. To promote nanotechnology in construction sector, the awareness among construction workers on nanotechnology application must not be focused only on skilled labor but also unskilled one. 4 Conclusion The study strongly states that “Nanotechnology could increase the technology importing among developing countries, not equal opportunity due to high technology certainly needs high skill workers” In order to apply high technology, only imported technology is possible for developing countries [18]. Finally, the new technology can be a new burden for workers, especially the construction workers in developing world like Thailand. Nanotechnology Divides: Development Indicators and Thai Construction Industry 259 References 1. Salamanca-Buentello, F., Persad, D.L., Court, E.B., Martin, D.K., Daar, A.S., Singer, P.A.: Nanotechnology and the Developing World. PLoS Medicine (2005) 2. 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