.IEEE INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004. LNDlCON 2004 401, Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein: A Putative Molecular Target in Prostate Cancer Shailza Singh,B.K.Malik, D.K:Sharma Abstract: Each year in the United States, prostate cancer lrills over 40,000 men, and over 200,000 new case? are dhgnosed, making it the second most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer deaths among males. Wnfortunatefy, the best available diagnostic tests are substantially less than 100 percent sensitive and specific, and many men have incurable prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis which created the need for the development of new drugs to reduce prostate cancer risk. Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP), a member of the phosphatidyl ethanolamine binding protein (PEBP) family, is a small cytosolic protein associated with signal hausdudon pathways. RKIP is a suppressor of metastases, whlcb paved the way for structural and functional efforts towards drug development; here we describe the molecular modeling of RKlP that should provide a structural framework on which the design of speciflc inhibitors may be based. Keywords: RaCkinase;Bioinfonnatifs;Structure;Drug design Cancer can be considered a disease of communication at the molecular leve1. Prostate cancer is the single most common form of solid tumor in humans and is among the most common malignancies. Current estimates indicate that 1 in 6 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, in 2002, an estimated 189,000 prostate cancer diagnoses were made in the United States, accompanied by estimated 30.200 prostate cancer deaths. (Reiter RE,deKemion JB ZOOZ), Despite the high prevalence and clinical importance of prostate cancer, the primary cause or causes and the mo1ecula.r mechanisms underlying the development and progression of this disease is poorly understood. The lack of knowledge about these mechanisms is among the most important reasons why there are no effective prevention strategies or treatment modalities to cure advanced prostate cancer. Biochemistry has played an ancillary role in elaborating the mechanistic aspects of the interactions. However, an understanding of their biochemistry becomes paramount when we are challenged to define potential targets for drugs and to devise suitable screening systems for drug discovery. Bioinfor~naticsis a powerful tool and is a new paradigm in the detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer. Shailza Singh . Center for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, H a w Khas. New Delhi-1 100L6.Phone No.01 1-26591256 Fax: +91-11-26582077, e-rrail:shailza_iitd@yahoo~com , esr01021 @ccsun50.iitd.emet.in BXMalik and DX. S h a m , Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology,CSIR, Mall Road.Delhi-1loo07 . 1 The underlying cause of death lies in the progression and metastasis of the primary cancer, Defining the mechanisms that confer metastatic ability on cancer cells is an important goal towards prevention of metastasis. (Rinker-Schaeffer CW, Welch DRYSokoloff M..2000). Analysis of metastatic prostate cancers has identified the RKIP as a suppressor of metastasis. A gene array screen between a non-metastatic prostate cancer cell and its metastatic derivative line revealed decreased expression of Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) in the metastatic cell line. (Fu,Z.et al.2003). This finding is consistent with the possibility that loss of RKIP is associated with metas'tasis. RKIP is expressed in many tissues including brain, lung, and liver. RKIP blocks Raf-induced phosphorylation of MEK. (Yeung K, Janosch P, McFerran B, Rose DW, Mischak H, Sedivy JM, Kolch W., 2000). In addition to its modulation of Raf signaling, RKIP modulates both G-protein signaling and NF-kappa activity. (Yeung KC, Rose DW, Dhillon AS, Yaros D, Gustafsson M, Chatterjee D, McFerran B, Wyche J, Kolch W, Sedivy JM.,2001)XRKIppromotes apoptosis of cancer cells, which suggests that loss of RKIP in cancer will protect cancer cells against cell death. Additionally, restoration of RKIP expression in metastatic prostate cancer cell line does not affect primary tumor growth, but it does inhibit prostate cancer metastasis. These parameters identify RKIP as a metastasis suppressor gene, which suggest that it or proteins it interacts with are putative molecular targets to control metastasis. These findings are supported by the observation that RKIP expression is decreased in metastases of prostate cancer patients, compared to normal prostate or the primary prostate tumor, Previous studies demonstrated that RKIP binds to Raf-1 and prevents the activation of the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) cascade. ( Yeung K, Seitz T,Li S, Janosch P, McFerran B, Kaiser C, Fee F, Katsanakis KD, Rose DW, Mischak H, Sedivy JM, Kolch W.1999). New work shows that phosphorylation of RKIP by protein kinase C disassociates RKIP from Raf-1 and stimulates its binding to, and inhibition of G-protein-coupied receptor kinase 2 (GRK2). (Krasel, C. et d.2001). This switching enhances signaling by activation of the ERK pathway and by decreased receptor desensitization. ((3x1R,Baldassare JJ, 2004). Using hydrophobic cluster analysis and molecular modeling,Schoentgtn et al. showed that the bovine RIUP (Robinson L.C et aI, 1991)may possess a potential nucleotide binding site and suggested that it may belong to the kinase family and promote the transfer of hydrophobic ligands to the plasma membrane.(Schoentgen F et a1.1992). The present paper describes the molecular model of human Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP)..Thehomology modeling 0-7803-8909-3/04/$20.00020M IEEE. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 04:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 407 INDIAN 1NSTlTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR 721302, DECEMBER 20-22,2004 was performed using crystallographic structure of Raf lcinase inhibitor protein from Bos tau-, solved to resolution better than 2.6A' as template. The results presented here provide a three-dimensional model of Euup to aid the design of specific inhibitors. Methods Secondary structure prediction. The secondary structure was predicted by using PSIPRED and PHD (Profile Network from PHD results (brief) SYNUPSIS of prediction PHDsec summary overall prc-:in c n be la sified as : mixed given the following classes: o - 'all-alpha': %H ;45% AND %E < 5% o 'all-beta': %H < 5% AND %E > 45% o 'alpha-beta': %H > 30% AND %E > 20% o 'mixed': all others Hiedelberg). Molecular Modeling. For modeling of the RKIP we used restrained-based modeling implemented h the program MODELLER.(A. Sali & T.L.Blundell., 1993). This program is an automated approach to comparative modeling by satisfaction of spatial restraints. The modeling procedure begins with an alignment of the sequence to be modeled (target) with related known three-dimensional structures (templates). This alignment is usually the input to the program. The output is a three-dimensional model for the target sequence containing all min-chainand side-chain nonhydrogen atoms. The degree of primary sequence identity between RKIP and Bos laurus RKIP (btRKIP)indlcates hat the crystallographic structure ofbtRKIP (PDB access code: la44) is a good model to be used as template for FWIP. Predicted secondary structure composition for RKIP protein: Predicted solvent accessibiIity composition (cordsurface ratio) for RKIP protein: Classes used: o e: residues exposed with more than 16% of their surface o b: all other residues. A~ialysisofthe model. The overall stereochemical quality of the final model for RKIP was assessed by the program PROCHECK.(Laskowski R A, MacArthur M W, Moss D S & Thornton J M.1993). . ,, Active site prediction. The active site was predicted by using WHATIF SERVER (Vriend.,'G. 1990 ) with FlexX.where Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein (RKIP) PDB file was uploaded and the resulting pockets were obtained. 44.62 GLOBE prediction of globularity says that protein appears to be compact and has a globular domain. Rcsults and Discussion Secmdmy structure prediction. The secondary structure ' 55.38 was predicted by using PSIPRED.(McGuffm U, Bryson K, Jones DT, 2000) PSIPIED incorporates two feed-forward n e m l networks, which perform an analysis on output obtained from PSI-BLAST (Position Specific Iterated BLAST)(Altschul et al., 1997). The average prediction accuracy for PSIPRED in three structural states is 76.5%, which is higher than any of the other secondary structure prediction methods. Neural network method (PHD)(B Rost and J Li~,2003) correctly predicts 82.2% of residues for 74% of co-predicted amino acids. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 04:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1EEE INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004,I?IDiCON 2004 408 UD W ........................................................ ............................................................ ., P V D L S K ~ ~ ~ ~ A G A A V D C ~ P V t U K W S G F U L Q C V D ~ L Q V K T ~ ~ ~ R l F l Q ~ ~ . w -. W ~ ~ ~ W ~ $ ~ ~ . L L ~ K I C O D U Z I L O P L Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ - Y V ~ ~ P - M V ~ ~ ~ T C P b l P I P I D ~ Y L P i N I T - " G T V M Y V u Y v LWCK -?E T S l Tk --er (C ,*E p-d)lqp,$sanl!"U p b d d b - r m D. n w , 1 W a P B ) Primary Sequence comparison The sequence alignment of btRKIP (template) from and RKZP (target) is shown in Fig.1. The sequence RKlp shows 94.1% of identity with the sequence of btRKIP. Fig.2. Molecular Modef of K I P from MODELLER Qualip of the model Figs3A and B show the Ramachandran diagram a-$plots for the human RKIP structure and for crystallographic btRKIP stnrcture solved to resolution better than 2.6A'. The Ramachandran plot for the btRKIP was generated to compare the overall stereochemical quality of human RKIP model against RKIP structures solved by biocrystallography. Analysis of the Ramachandran. Plot of the human RKlP model shows that 94.8% of the residues lie in the most favored regions and the remaining 5.2% in the addtional allowed regions. The same analysis for the crystaliographic btRKIP structure present 91.4% of residues in the most favorable and 8.6% in the additional allowed regions. The overall rating for the human RKIP model is good. mi b l = m i Fig.3B Ramachandran Plot of btRKIP [pdb la44) Active Site The active site of an enzyme is the region that binds the substrate and contributes the amino acid residues that directly participate in the making and breaking of chemical bonds. Active site is a 3-dimensional entity, not a point or a plane usually an intricate pocket or cleft structurally designed to accept the structure of the substrate in 3-D terms. Protein active sites (Fig.4A) usually contain water molecules that, upon ligand binding, are either displaced into bulk solvent or retained to mediate protein-ligand interactions.. The contribution of water molecules to ligand binding must be accounted for to compute accurate values of binding affinities. This requires estimation of the extent of hydration of the binding site. However, it is often difficult to identify the water molecules involved in the binding process when ligands bind on the surface of a protein.Binding pockets of raf kinase inhibitor protein is shown in Fig.4B. Pocket -l Fig.4A Pockets of Raf Kinase Inhibitor protein Fig.4B Binding Pockets'of ATP-binding site Raf Kinase Inhibitor protein Fig.3A Ramachandran Hot of K I P Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 04:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 409 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR 721302, DECEMBER 20-22,2004 ConcIusions C.Hotredame, D.Higgins, J. Heringa(2000) "T-Coffee: A novel methcd for multiple sequence alignments." Journal ojMolecularBiulogy. 302,205-217. Fu, 2. et al. (2003)Effects of Raf kinase inhibitor protein expression on suppression of prostate cancer metastasis. J. Nd.cancer fmt.95,878-889. Goel R, Baldassare JJ. (2004)Killing two birds with one RKIP. Trends molecular, cellular, physiological, and pathological events EndocrinoI Metab.15(3):91-92. that lead to uncontrolled growth and metastasis. In this work Kfllcr ET,.Fu 2,Yeung K, Brennan M.(2004)Raf kinase inhibitor protein: a prostate cancer metastasis suppressor gene. :Cancer Lett. 207(2):1 3 1 137. we described the homology modeling on RKIP: Krasel, C. et al. (2001) Phosphorylation of GRK.2 by protein kinase C supplementary studies will allow us to shed new light on the abolishes its inhibition by calmodulin.J.Biol.CIrem.276,l911-1915. binding features of this protein, which cannot be crystallized , Laskowski R A , MacArthur M W.Moss D S & Thornton J M (1993). easily. There are still many challenging problems in prostate , PROCHECK a program lo check the stereochemical quality of protein cancer and the related research is very active, This ongoing Structures. J. Appl. CYS~., 26,283-291. McGuffin U. Bryson K, Jones DT. (2000) The PSIPRED protein structure research effort has provided a wealth of new scientific prediction server. Bioinformo!icr. 16,404405. opportunities that if pursued may further advance our Reiter RE,d e h i o n JB (2002). Epidemiology, etiology, and prevention of understanding of prostate cancer. We believe, with the prostate cancer. In PC Walsh et al., eds., Campbett's Urology, 8th ed., vol. 4, pp. 3003-3024.Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. technical improvement in modeling methods and so many Rinker-Schaeffer CW, Welch DR, SokoloffM.(2000)Defining the biologic genes (protein sequences) discovered, protein-modeling tools role of genes that regulate prostate cancer melastasis. Curr Opin Urof.fO(5): will play an even more important role in the post-genome era 397401. and this is an opportune time to reassess and plan a research Robinson LC,Tatchell K.(1991)TFSI: a suppressor ofcdc25 mutations in agenda for prostate cancer that will guide the field into the Saccharomyces cerevisiue,Mol.Gen.Gencl:(230):24 I -250. 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DJgappcd BLAST and PSI-BUSTh ncw generation of protein database Yeung K, Seitz T,Li S,Janosch P, McFerran B,Kaiser C, Fee F, Katsanakis search program. Nucleic Acids Res. 1497;25:3389-3402. KD, Rose DW, Mischak H, Sedivy JM,Kolch W. (1999)Suppression of A. Sali & T.L. Btundell. (1993)Comparative protein mudelling by Raf-1 kinase activity and MAP kinase signalling by W:Nature satisfaction of spatial restraints. J. Mol. B i d . 234,'779-815. 173-177. B Rost and J Liu (2003) Predicthtein: ?%he PredicPmieinSaver. Nucleic 401(6749): Yeung KC. Rose DW, Dhillon AS,Yams D. Gustafsson M,Chattejee D, Acidr Research 3/(13): 330G3304. McFerran B, Wyche J, Kolch W, Sedivy JM. (2001)Raf Kinase lnhibitor C. Geoujon & G. Deleage (1994) A brief description is given in: "SOPM :a Protein Interacts with NPxB-Inducing Kinase and TAKl and Inhibits NFself optimised prediction mcthcd for protein secondary structure prediction." KBActivation :Mol Cell B i d (21): 7207Protein &ngineering. 7, 157-164. In summary, to iinprove diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of prostate cancer, it is crucial to focus future research on the - Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 04:42 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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