Random r-Continuous Matching Rule for Immune-Based Secure Storage System Cai Tao, Ju ShiGuang, Zhong Wei, and Niu DeJiao* JiangSu University, Computer Department, ZhengJiang, China, 212013 caitao@ujs.edu.cn Abstract. On the basis of analyzing demand of secure storage system, this paper use the artificial immune algorithm to research access control system for the secure storage system. Firstly some current matching rules are introduced and analyzed. Then the elements in immune-based access control system are defined. To improve the efficiency of the artificial immune algorithm, this paper proposes the random r-continuous matching rule, and analyze the number of illegal access requests that one detector can check out. Implementing prototype of the random rcontinuous matching rule to evaluate and compare its performance with current matching rules. The result proves the random r-continuous matching rule is more efficient than current matching rules. At last, we use the random r-continuous matching rule to realize immune-based access control system for OST in Lustre. Evaluating its I/O performance, the result shows its I/O performance loss is below 8%, it proves that the random r-continuous matching rule can be used to realize the secure storage system that can keep high I/O performance. Keywords: matching rule; artificial immune algorithm; secure storage system. 1 Introduction The secure storage system is the hot topic in current researching. There are six directions in current researching. Firstly, encrypting file system to ensure security of storage system, it contains CFS[1], AFS[2], SFS[3,4] and Secure NAS [5]. Secondly, researching new disk structure to realize secure storage system, it contains NASD[6] and Self Securing Storage[7,8]. Thirdly, researching survivable strategy for storage system, it contains PASIS[9,10] and OceanStore[11]. Fourth, researching efficient key management strategy for secure storage system, it contains SNAD[12,13,14], PLUTUS[15] and iSCSI-Based Network Attached Storage Secure System[16]. Fifth, researching the secure middle-ware module to ensure security of storage system, it contains SiRiUS[17] and two-layered secure structure for storage system [18]. Sixth, using zone and mask code to ensure security of storage system. Encryption, authentication, data redundancy and intrusion detection are used in current researching of secure storage system. But large time and space consumption are needed to ensure security of enormous data stored in storage system, and the loss of I/O performance in the secure storage system is very large. High I/O performance is important character for storage system. We use the artificial immune algorithm to research fast access control strategy for the secure storage system. * Support by JiangSu Science Foundation of China No.2007086. E. Corchado et al. (Eds.): CISIS 2008, ASC 53, pp. 294–300, 2009. springerlink.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 Random r-Continuous Matching Rule for Immune-Based Secure Storage System 295 The artificial immune algorithm simulates natural immune system, it has many good characters such as distributability, multi-layered, diversity, autonomy and adaptability and so on. It can protect system efficiently. The classic theory is the negative selection algorithm that presented by Forrest in 1994. It simulates selftolerance of T cells. We use the artificial immune algorithm to judge whether access request is legal in secure storage system and realize fast access control system, then ensure the security of the storage system. The matching rule used to select selftolerance detectors and judge whether detector matches access request, so it is important for efficiency and accuracy the secure storage system. When self, access request and detector are represented by binary string, matching rule is used to compare two binary strings. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 analyzes current matching rules. Section 3 gives definition of some elements and presents random rcontinuous matching rule. Section 4 analyzes the efficiency of random r-continuous matching rule and compare with current matching rules. Section 5 implements prototype of random r-continuous matching rule to evaluate its performance, then compares efficiency and accuracy with current matching rules. Section 6 use random r-continuous matching rule to realize access control system for object-based storage target in storage area network system named Lustre, and evaluate its I/O performance. 2 Related Works The matching rule used to judge whether two binary strings matches between detector and self or between detector and access request. Current matching rules contain rcontiguous matching rule, r-chunk matching rule, Hamming distance matching rule and Rogers and Tanimoto matching rule. Forrest presented r-contiguous matching rule in 1994[24]. r-contiguous matching rule can discriminate non-self accurately, but need large number of detectors. Every detector with l bits contains l-r+1 characteristic sub-string. Every characteristic subl −r string can detect 2 non-self. One detector can recognize (l − r + 1)2 non-self mostly. Balthrop presented r-chunk matching rule to improve accuracy and efficiency of rcontiguous matching rule in 2002[25]. r-chunk matching rule is to add condition to rcontiguous matching rule. Start position can improve the accuracy and restrict form ith to (i+r-1)th in detector are valid, i is special to one detector. One detector contains l -r l-r-i+1 characteristic sub-string and can recognize (l - r - i + 1)2 non-self mostly. The recognition capability of detector is smaller than r-contiguous matching rule. Hamming distance matching rule was proposed by Farmer in 1986[26]. Hamming distance matching rule check whether there are r counterpart and same bits, and it do not care whether these r bits are continuous. Every detector can recognize l-r (l - r - i + 1)2l -r non-self mostly. But it had less accuracy. Harmer analyzes different matching rules by calculating the signal-to-noise ratio and the function-value distribution of each matching rule when applied to a randomly generated data set[27]. But current matching rules are less efficiency. 296 C. Tao et al. 3 The Random r-Continuous Matching Rule We give definition of the elements and present the random r-continuous matching rule. 3.1 Definition of Elements Definition 1. Domain. U={0,1}l it is a set of all binary strings with l bits, it contains by self set and non-self set. Definition 2. Self set. S ∈ U it is a set of all legal strings in domain. Definition 3. Non-self set. NS ∈ U it is a set of all illegal strings in domain. Definition 4. Access request. x=x1x2…xl (xi ∈ {0,1}) it is betoken of one access request in storage system and it is one string in domain. Definition 5. Threshold. r is criterion to judge whether x matches d. ∈ Definition 6. Detector. d=(d1d2…dl,r) (di {0,1}) is binary string with l bits l. Definition 7. Characteristic sub-string. It is sub-string in detector that used to check access request. 3.2 Random r-Continuous Matching Rule When checking access request by the artificial immune algorithm, the characteristic sub-string is critical. So increasing the number of non-self that very characteristic substring can match is the important way to improve efficiency of matching rule. The rcontiguous matching rule and r-chunk matching rule check whether the length of identical and counterpart sub-string between antigen and detector is larger than threshold, detector matches antigen. This condition limits efficiency of matching rule. The Hamming distance matching rule check the number of counterpart and identical bits, the condition of identical and counterpart bits limits efficiency of matching rule also. We propose the random r-continuous matching rule to increase the number of illegal access request that one detector can match and improve efficiency. Given detector(d) and access request(x), its definition is as formula 1. Formula 1: d matches x ≡ ∃i ≤ l − r + 1 and ∃j ≤ l − r + 1 such that xk = d l for k = i, L , i + r − 1 and l = j , L , j + r − 1 If the length of identicial sub-string is larger than threshold between detector and access request, then d matches x. 4 Performance Analyze We analyze and compare the number of illegal access request that one detector can recognize using different matching rules. Random r-Continuous Matching Rule for Immune-Based Secure Storage System 297 Using random r-continuous matching rule, one detector with l bits contains l-r+1 characteristic sub-strings. One detector can matches (l − r + 1)2 l − r +1 illegal access request. Table 1 shows how many detectors one detector can match when using different matching rules. We can find the number of illegal access request that one detector can recognize is largest when using random r-continuous matching rule, it proves that random r-continuous matching rule can improve efficiency of artificial immune algorithm obviously. Table 1. Number of illegal access request one detector can recognize using different matching rules Matching rule random rcontinuous matching rule r-contiguous matching rule r-chunk matching rule Hamming distance matching rule The number of illegal access request that one detector can recognize (l − r + 1)2 l − r +1 (l − r + 1)2 l −r (l-r-i + 1)2 l-r (l − r + 1)2 l −r 5 Prototype of Random r-Continuous Matching Rule We implement the prototype of immune-based access control system using the random r-continuous matching rule and other matching rules on Linux. Access request and detector are betokened by string with eight bits. Self and access request are stored in two text file. Using the exhaustive detector generating algorithm to generate original detector and do not limit number of self-tolerance detector. Prototype output the result of detection and the number of detectors which are needed to check out all illegal access requests, then comparing with current matching rules. The minimum value of r is 1, maximal value is 8 and increment is 1. Firstly we use the exhaustive strategy to generate all 256 different strings with 8 number bits. We choose some strings as self sequence and other as access request. Then self and access request are complementary and all access requests are illegal. We create seven self files with 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 192 access requests specially cne rae lo tlfe s fo re bm un 140 120 ro100 cte 80 etd 60 40 20 0 0 8 16 32 64 128 192 number of self prototype of random rcontinous matching rule prototype of r-contiguous matching rule prototype of r-chunk matching rule prototype of Hamming distance matching rule Fig. 1. Number of detectors needed to recognize all illegal access requests 298 C. Tao et al. and corresponding access request files. And evaluating how many detectors needed to check out all illegal access requests. The result shows in figure 1. From figure 1 we find that prototype can check out all illegal access requests with smallest number of detectors when using the random r-continuous matching rule. This result proves that the random r-continuous matching rule is more efficient than other matching rules. 6 Prototype of Immune-Based Secure Storage Lustre is an open source storage area network system. There are three modules such as client, MDS and OST in system. OST is an object-based storage target. We use the random r-continuous matching rule to realize immune-based access control system for OST. Using the Iozone to test I/O performance. We test writing performance of 1M file with different size block such as 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k, 128k, 256k, 512k and 1024k. The result shows in figure 2. It shows that the prototype of the secure storage system lose 8% writing performance of Lustre that can keep high I/O performance. writing performance /XVWUH 600000 500000 400000 b/s 300000 200000 100000 0 481632641282565121024 block size /XVWUH ZLWK LPPXQH EDVHG DFFHVV FRQWURO V\VWHP Fig. 2. Writing performance 7 Conclusion This paper presents the random r-continuous matching rule to improve the efficiency of the artificial immune algorithm. By analyzing the number of illegal access request that one detector can check out, evaluating and comparing with current matching rules. The result proves the random r-continuous matching rule is more efficient than current matching rules. At last we using the random r-continuous matching rule to realize immune-based access control system for OST in the Lustre, the I/O performance testing proves that random r-continuous matching rule can used to realize the secure storage system that can keep high I/O performance. 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