The Concept of Application of Fuzzy Logic in Biometric Authentication Systems Anatoly Sachenko, Arkadiusz Banasik, and Adrian Kapczyński Silesian University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Econometrics, F. D. Roosevelt 26-28, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland,, Abstract. In the paper the key topics concerning architecture and rules of working of biometric authentication systems were described. Significant role is played by threshold which constitutes acceptance or rejection given authentication attempt. Application of elements of fuzzy logic was proposed in order to define threshold value of authentication system. The concept was illustrated by an example. Keywords: biometrics, fuzzy logic, authentication systems. 1 Introduction The aim of this paper is to present on the basis of theoretical foundations of fuzzy logic and how to use it as a hypothetical, single-layered biometric authentication system. In the first part it will be provided biometric authentication systems primer and the fundamentals of fuzzy logic. On that basis the idea of use of fuzzy logic in biometric authentication systems was formulated. 2 Biometric Authentication Systems Primer Biometric authentication system is basically a system which identifies patterns and carries out the objectives of authentication by identifying the authenticity of physical or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user [5]. The logical system includes the following modules [1]: enrollment module and identification or verification module. The first module is responsible for the registration of user ID and the association of this identifier with the biometric pattern (called biometric template), which is understood as a vector of vales presented in an appropriate form, as a result of processing the collected by the biometric device, raw human characteristics. The identification Module (verification) is responsible for carrying out the collection and processing of raw biometric characteristics in order to obtain a biometric template, which is compared with patterns saved by the registration module. Those modules cooperate with each other and carry out the tasks related to the collection of raw biometric data, features extraction and comparison of features and finally decision making. The session with biometric systems begins with taking anatomical or behavioral features by the biometric reader. Biometric reader generates in n-dimensional biometric E. Corchado et al. (Eds.): CISIS 2008, ASC 53, pp. 274–279, 2009. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 The Concept of Application of Fuzzy Logic 275 data. Biometric data represented by the form of vector features are the output of signals processing algorithms. Then, vector features are identified, and the result is usually presented in the form of the match (called confidence degree). On the basis of their relevance and value of the threshold (called threshold value) the module responsible for decision making produce output considered as acceptance or rejection. The result of the work of biometric system is a confirmation of the identity of the user. In light of the existence of the positive population (genuine users) and negative population (impostors), there are four possible outcomes: • • • • Genuine user is accepted (correct response), Genuine user is rejected (wrong response), Impostor is accepted (wrong response), Impostor is rejected (correct response.). A key decision-making is based on the value of the threshold T, which determines the classification of the individual characteristics of vectors, leading to a positive class (the sheep population) and a negative class (the wolf population). When threshold is increased (decreased) the likelihood of false acceptance decreases (increases) and the probability of false rejection increases (decreases). It is not possible to minimize the likelihood of erroneous acceptance and rejection simultaneously. In empirical conditions it can be found that precise threshold value makes it clear that confidence scores which are very close to threshold level, but still lower than it, are rejected. It can be found that the use of fuzzy logic can be helpful mean of reducing identified problem. 3 Basics of Fuzzy Logic A fuzzy set is an object which is characterized by its membership function. That function is assigned to every object in the set and it is ranging between zero and one. The membership (characteristic) function is the grade of membership of that object in the mentioned set [4]. That definition allows to declare more adequate if the object is within a range of the set or not; to be more precise the degree of being in range. That is a useful feature for expressions in natural language, e.g. the price is around thirty dollars, etc. It is obvious that if we consider sets (not fuzzy sets) it is very hard to declare objects and their membership function. The visualization of the example membership function S is presented on fig. 1 and elaborated on eq. 1. 0 ⎧ 2 ⎪ ⎛ x−a⎞ ⎪1 − 2⎜ ⎟ ⎪ ⎝ c−a ⎠ s ( x; a, b, c) = ⎨ 2 ⎪1 − 2⎛⎜ x − c ⎞⎟ ⎪ ⎝c−a⎠ ⎪ 1 ⎩ for x≤a for a≤ x≤b (1) for b≤x≤c for x≥c 276 A. Sachenko, A. Banasik, and A. Kapczyński 1,2 1 μ(x) 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 0 a 2 4 6 b 8 c 10 Fig. 1. Membership function S applied to fuzzy set high level of security” It is necessary to indicate the meaning of membership function [4]. The first possibility is to indicate similarity between object and the standard. Another is to indicate level of preferences. In that case the membership function is concerned as level of acceptance of an object in order to declared preferences. And the last but not least possibility is to consider it as a level of uncertainty. In that case membership function is concerned as a level of validity that variable X will be equal to value x. Another important aspect of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic is possibility of fuzzyfication – ability to change sharp values into fuzzy ones and defuzzyfication as a process of changing fuzzy values into crisp values. That approach is very useful in case of natural language problems and natural language variables. Fuzzyfication and defuzzyfication is also used in analysis of group membership. It is the best way of presenting average values in order to whole set of objects I ndimensional space. This space may be a multicriteria analysis of the problem. It is well known that there are a lot of practical applications of fuzzy techniques. In many applications, people start with fuzzy values and then propagate the original fuzziness all the way to the answer, by transforming fuzzy rules and fuzzy inputs into fuzzy recommendations. However, there is one well known exception to this general feature of fuzzy technique applications. One of the main applications of fuzzy techniques is intelligent control. In fuzzy control, the objective is not so much to provide an advise to the expert, but rather to generate a single (crisp) control value uc that will be automatically applied by the automated controller. To get this value it is necessary to use the fuzzy control rules to combine the membership functions of the inputs into a membership function μ(u) for the desired control u. This function would be a good output if the result will be an advise to a human expert. However, our point o concern is in generating a crisp value for the automatical controller, we must transform the fuzzy membership function μ(u) into a single value uc. This transformation from fuzzy to crisp is called defuzzification [3]. One of the most widely used defuzzification technique based on centroids is centroid defuzzification. It is based on minimizing the mean square difference between The Concept of Application of Fuzzy Logic 277 the actual (unknown) optimal control u and the generated control uc produced as a result. In this least square optimization it is possible to weigh each value u with the weight proportional to its degree of possibility μ(u). The resulting optimization problem [2]: ∫ μ (u ) ⋅ (u − u ) c 2 du → min uc (2) can be explicitly solved if there is a possibility of differentiation the corresponding objective function by uc and equate the resulting value to 0. The result of it is a formula [2]: uc = ∫ u ⋅ μ (u )du ∫ μ (u )du (3) This formula is called centroid defuzzification because it describes the ucoordinate of the center of mass of the region bounded by the graph of the membership function μ(u). As it was mentioned before fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic is a way to cope with qualitative and quantitative problems. That possibility is a great advantage of presented approach and it is very commonly used in different fields. That provides us a possibility of using its mechanisms in many different problems and it usually gives reasonable solutions. 4 The Use of Fuzzy Logic in Biometric Authentication Systems There are two main characteristics of biometric authentication system: false acceptance rate and false rejection rate. The false acceptance rate can be defined as relation of number of accepted authentication attempts to number of all attempts undertaken by impostors. Authentication attempt is successful only if confidence score resulted from comparison of template created during enrolment process with template created from current authentication attempts eqauls or is greater than specified threshold value. The threshold value can be specified apriori basing on theoretical estimations or can be defined based on requirements from given environment. For example for high security environments the importance of false acceptance errors is greater than of false rejection errors; for low security environments the situation is quite opposite. Threshold is the parameter which defines the levels of false acceptance and false rejection errors. One of the most popular approach assumes that threshold value is chosen at level were false acceptance rate equals false reject rate. In our paper we consider the theoretical biometric authentication system with five levels of security: very low, low, medium, high, very high and a main error considered is only a false acceptance error. The security level is associated with a given level of false acceptance error and the values of false acceptance rates are obtained emipirically from given set of biometric templates. Obtained false acceptance rates are function of threshold value which is expressed precisely as a value from range 0 to 100. 278 A. Sachenko, A. Banasik, and A. Kapczyński In biometric systems the threshold value can be set globally (for all users) or individually. From perspective of security officer responsible for effictient work of whole biometric system the choice of indivual thresholds requires setting as many thresholds as number of users enrolled in the system. We propose the use of fuzzy logic as a mean of more natural expression of accepted level of false acceptance errors. In our approach the first parameter considered is the value of false accept rate and basing on which we the level of security is determined which is finally transformed into threshold value. Step-by-step proposed procedure consists of three steps. In fist step for a given value of false acceptance rate we determine the value of the membership functions for given level of security. If we consider five levels of false acceptance rate, e.g. 5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.1% than for each of those levels we can calculate the values of membership functions to one of five levels of security: very low, low, medium, high and very high (see fig. 2). μ Fig. 2. Membership functions for given security levels (S). Medium level was distinguished. In second step through appropriate application of fuzzy rules we receive a result of fuzzy request of the threshold value. Those rules are developed in order to obtain an answer to a question about the relationship between threshold (T) and the specified level of security (S): Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: IF IF IF IF IF “S “S “S “S “S is very low” THEN “T is very low” level is low” THEN “T is low” is medium” THEN “T is medium” level is high” THEN “T is high” is very high” THEN “T is very high”. In third step we apply defuzzyfication during which the fuzzy values are transformed based on specified values of the membership functions and point a fuzzy centroid of given values. Our approach was depicted on fig. 3. For example if we assume that the false acceptance rate is 0.1 and is fuzzified and belongs to "S is high" with value of the membership function of 0.2 and belongs to "S is very high" with value of the membership function of 0.8. Then, based on rule 4 and rule 5 we can see that threshold value is high with the value of membership function equaled to 0.2 and threshold value is very high at the The Concept of Application of Fuzzy Logic 279 Fig. 3. Steps of fuzzy reasoning applied in biometric authentication system value of membership function equaled to 0.8. The modal established at the threshold value of membership functions shall be: 10 (very low level), 30 (low level), 50 (medium), 70 (high level), 90 (very high level). The calculation of fuzzy centroid is carried out by the following calculation: T = 90 ⋅ 0.8 + 70 ⋅ 0.2 = 86 (3) In this example, for the value of false acceptance rate of 0.1, the threshold value equals to 86. 5 Conclusions The development of this concept in the use of fuzzy logic to determine the threshold value associated with a given level of security provides an interesting alternative to the traditional concept to define threshold values in biometric authentication systems. References 1. 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