ONTOLOGY & PERVASIVE COMPUTING Elham Paikari Distributed Systems – Spring 2006 Computer Engineering Department Sharif University Of Technology DS - Spring 2006 1 Introduction Why do we use ontology? To describe the semantics of the data (which we name as Meta-Data) Why do we describe the semantics? In order to provide a uniform way to make different parties to understand each other Which data? Any data (on the web, or in the existing legacy databases) DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 2 Introduction Formal definition on Ontology: Ontologies are knowledge bodies that provide a formal representation of a shared conceptualization of a particular domain. Recently ontologies have become increasingly common on WWW where they provide semantics of annotations in web pages There is growing evidence for the potential value of Semantic Web technology for Web Services and other open, distributed systems. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 3 What Is “Ontology Engineering”? Ontology Engineering: Defining terms in the domain and relations among them Defining concepts in the domain (classes) Arranging the concepts in a hierarchy (subclass-super class hierarchy) Defining which attributes and properties (slots) classes can have and constraints on their values Defining individuals and filling in slot values determine scope consider reuse enumerate terms define classes define properties DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing define constraints create instances 4 A Formal Definition Domain-specific vocabulary Well-defined semantic structure Classes/concepts/types E.g., a class { Publication } represents all publications E.g., a class { Publication } can have subclasses { Newspaper }, { Journal } Instances/individuals/objects E.g., the newspaper Le Monde is an instance of the class { Newspaper } Properties/roles/slots Data E.g., the class { Publication } and its subclasses { Newspaper }, { Journal } have a data property { numberOfPages } Object E.g., the class { Publication } and its subclasses { Newspaper }, { Journal } have an object property { publishes } DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 5 What they are good for Search Concept-based query: User uses own words, language Intelligent query expansion: “fishing vessels in China” expands to “fishing vessels in Asia” Consistency checking e.g., “Goods” has a property called “price” that has a value restriction of number Interoperability support Terms defined in expressive ontologies allow for mapping precisely how one term relates to another DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 6 Ontology Languages Graphical notations Semantic networks Topic maps UML RDF Logic based Description Logics (e.g., OIL, DAML+OIL, OWL) Rules (e.g., RuleML, LP/Prolog) First Order Logic DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 7 OWL (RDF/XML) An example ontology for profiling in OWL: <per:Person rdf:about="http://umbc.edu/people/hchen4"> <per:firstName rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Jane</per:firstName> <per:lastName rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Smith</per:lastName> <per:birthDate rdf:datatype="&xsd;date">1976-1226</per:birthDate> <per:gender rdf:resource="&per;Female"/> ... </per:Person> DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 8 Pervasive Computing Environments Physical environments saturated with computing and communication, yet gracefully integrated with human users. Distributed computing systems Large number of autonomous entities (or agents) DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 9 Pervasive Computing Environments Entities: devices, applications, services, databases, users or other kinds of agents. Various types of middleware (based on CORBA, Java RMI, SOAP, etc.) Enable communication between different entities. No facilities to ease semantic interoperability between the different entities. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 10 Why ontology &pervasive computing The ad hoc, and dynamic Nature late binding The user interface, available while on the go, is usually limited in modalities, bandwidth between users, and so on. Ontologies in the pervasive computing environment are more manageable compared to, for example, those for the Internet. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 11 Why ontology &pervasive computing Ontologies for devices will be created by device manufacturers, which can put resources into their creation. Embodiments of devices with physical representations related to the particular location lead to simpler ontologies. You can have the same device in the next room or downstairs, and there is real reuse of ontologies enabled by natural boundaries in physical environments. On the other hand, people and companies on the Internet are under the constant pressure of differentiating from others because of the Internet’s universal connectivity (the very reason for its success). DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 12 Three Major Issues Confront the development and deployment of Pervasive Computing Environments: Discovery and Matchmaking Inter-operability between different entities Context-awareness DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 13 Discovery Registries to keep a real time state of the system A protocol for discovering the arrival and departure of mobile entities A registry with these protocols is termed a “Discovery Service” Standard schemas Policies, constraints, and relationships Flexible mechanism for exchanging descriptive information DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 14 Matchmaking using the Discovery Service to discover what entities are available what sets or combinations meet certain criteria DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 15 Inter-operability New entities The interaction Autonomous entities to interact need to know : What kinds of interfaces they support What protocols or commands they understand Humans need to understand: What various entities do The relationships between such entities It is essential for humans to form an accurate conceptual model of the environment: “They can interact with the environment easily.” DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 16 Context-Awareness The various types of contextual information that can be used in the environment must be welldefined so that different entities have a common understanding of context. Also, there needs to be mechanisms for humans to specify how different applications and services should behave in different contexts. These mechanisms need to be based on welldefined structures of different types of context information. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 17 Ontologies For Checking to see if the descriptions of different entities are consistent with the axioms defined in the ontology. This also helps ensuring that certain security and safety constraints are met by the environment. Enabling semantic discovery of entities. users can gain a better understanding of the environment and how different pieces relate to each Other. Allowing both humans and automated agents to perform searches on different components easily DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 18 Ontologies For Both humans and automated agents to interact with different entities easily Allowing both humans and automated agents to specify rules for context-sensitive behavior of different entities easily Enabling new entities (which follow different ontologies) to interact with the system easily. Providing ways for ontology interoperability also allows different pervasive environments to interact with one another. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 19 Kinds of Ontologies in GAIA Ontologies for different entities Ontologies for context information DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 20 Ontology Server Tasks Configuration management Discovery and matchmaking Human Interfaces Interoperation of components Context Sensitive behavior DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 21 Uses of Ontologies Configuration Management New entities, never before seen, may enter Components need to automatically discover and collaborate with other components Entities and components are heterogeneous and autonomous. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 22 Uses of Ontologies Semantic Discovery and Matchmaking The Ontology Server performs the tasks of semantic discovery and matchmaking. It poses logical queries involving subsumption and classification of concepts Other entities in the environment query the Ontology Server to discover classes of components that meet their requirements. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 23 Uses of Ontologies Improved Human Interfaces Ontologies can be used to make better user interfaces and allow these environments to interact with humans in a more intelligent way. “Ontology Explorer” Allows users to browse the ontology describing the environment. A user can search for: Different classes in the ontology Browse the results Get properties of the class DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 24 Uses of Ontologies Improved Inter-operability between entities The description of the properties of different classes of entities both users and other automated Agents interact with them more easily by performing searches on them or sending them various commands. This has proved to be one of the major advantages to using ontologies in a pervasive computing environment DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 25 Uses of Ontologies Context-Sensitive Behavior An ontology can improve Robustness Portability of context-aware applications. Different sensors different versions of services Localizations If the differences are terminological, an ontology may allow the rules to be “translated” and then work correctly in the new environment. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 26 Uses of Ontologies Ontology Mapping The new ontology will add to the shared ontology using bridge concepts that relate classes and properties in the new ontology to existing classes and properties in the shared ontology. These bridge concepts are typically subsumption relations that define the new entity to be a subclass of an existing class of entities. For example, if a new kind of fingerprint recognizer is added to the system, the bridge concept may state that it is a subclass of “Authentication Devices”. DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing ? ? a ? ? b c d ? ? ? How should I use them? !!! 27 Future Software A standard API for DAML+OIL (or, more likely, OWL [W3C, 2002b]) A standard interface for generic Knowledge Base services DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 28 A Standard Ontology For Pervasive Computing “SOUPA” Standard Ontology for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications Nov. 2003 In OWL UbiComp(http://pervasive.semantic.org) From Existing Ontologies DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 29 Standard Ontology From FOAF : People Profile, and Relationship DAML-Time: Time, and Scheduling RCC, OpenCyc: Description, Analysis Place and context MoGATU-BDI, COBRA-ONT: Display and Analysis of Knowledge Policy ontology (Rei): High Level Rules, Access Control DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 30 Standard Ontology Have Two Parts Core (For entity description) Extensions (For different Context) Adding Temporal Logic we have: Time Decision Making DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 31 Ontology For Pervasive Computing Adding tldatatype To RDF with these types: Active Next Previous Temporalformula <cont:RandomCounter> <con:counter rdf:tldatatype="active" rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">42</cont:counter> <con:counter rdf:tldatatype="previous" rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">30</cont:counter> <con:counter rdf:tldatatype="next" rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">60</cont:counter> <con:SoundFormula rdf:tldatatype="temporalformula" rdf:datatype="&xsd;string"> (sound.turn = = off) U ((cont.counter.active > cont.counter.previous) & (cont.counter.active< cont.counter.next)) </cont:counter> </cont:RandomCounter > DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 32 References [1] Harry Chen, Tim Finin, and Anupam Joshi, "An Ontology for ContextAware Pervasive Computing Environments", Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2004. [2] Harry Chen ،Filip Perich ،Tim Finin ،Anupam Joshi , “SOUPA: Standard Ontology for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications”, University of Maryland, First Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services (MobiQuitous'04), August 22 – 26, 2004. [3] Ryusuke Masuoka and Yannis Labrou, "Ontology-Enabled Pervasive Computing Applications", Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Published by the IEEE Computer Society, 2003. [4] Anand Ranganathan, et al., "Ontologies in a Pervasive Computing Environment, Content Areas: architectures, platforms, applications, semantic interoperability, semantic web services, role of context, environments", 2003. [5] Anand Ranganathan ،Robert E. McGrath, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas, “Use of Ontologies in a Pervasive Computing Environment”, In The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 18:3, 209-220, Cambridge University Press, 2004. [6] Sven van der Meer and Nazim Agoulmine, "Ontology Based Policy Mobility for Pervasive Computing", Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, Declan O’Sullivan, David Lewis, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2004. [7] http://www.w3.org/TR DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 33 Thanks DS - Spring 2006 Ontology & Pervasive Computing 34
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