Monday Nov. 14th
Final AGENDA (Nov.15)
8.30-9.15 Registration/coffee/croissants
A) ————————- Introduction / chair: G. Veneziano —————————————–
1. Welcome
2. Particle Physics in a Season of Change
3. Milestones of the Tevatron Run
C. Quigg
Y.-K. Kim
4. Performance in 2011 of LHC, ATLAS & CMS
D. Fournier
B) ————————- Top Physics (I) / chair: K. Tokushuku —————————————
1. tt̄ and single top theoretical overview
2. tt̄ cross sections @ ATLAS+CMS
S. Weinzierl
T. J. Kim
3. tt̄ and single top cross sections @ Tevatron
4. single top results @ ATLAS+CMS
E. Shabalina
P. Haefner
(Korea U./CMS)
(MPI Munich/ATLAS)
C) ————————- Heavy Ion, High-pT / chair: P. Giubellino ———————————14.30-16.15
1. Theoretical overview of High-pT Heavy ions collisions
2. High-pT results @ RHIC
G. Milhano
B. Cole
3. High-pT results @ ALICE
4. High-pT results @ ATLAS+CMS
M. van Leeuwen
L. Benhabib
D) ————————- Heavy Flavour (I) / chair: P. Campana ————————————
1. CKM and CP violation theory
E. Kou
2. CKM angle measurements and search for CPV in charm @ LHCb
3. CKM and CP violation results @ Tevatron
4. CP-violation studies in Bs decays @ LHCb
5. Constraints on BSM Physics from BaBar & Belle
M. John
R. Jesik
B. Souza de Paula
G. Calderini
(Imperial College/DØ)
(Rio de Janeiro/LHCb)
6. Complementarity of super Flavor Factories with Hadron machines (20’+5’) A. Bevan (Q.M.U London)
7. Search for CP violation in two-body charm decays at LHCb
M. Charles
19.30-21.00 —- Welcome Reception (on site)
Tuesday Nov. 15th
A) ————————- Electroweak Boson Physics (I) / chair: R. Hawkings ——————9.00-10.45
1. Diboson Results @ Tevatron
2. Diboson Results @ CMS
A. Robson
T. Bose
3. Diboson Results @ ATLAS
P.-F. Giraud
4. Electroweak results @ LHCb
(Boston U./CMS)
Y. Amhis
B) ————————- Electroweak Boson Physics (II) / chair: G. Hamel de Montchenault
1. V+jets results @ ATLAS+CMS
B. Trocmé
2. W/Z properties and V+jets @ Tevatron (except mass)
3. W/Z properties @ ATLAS+CMS (except mass)
4. W mass results @ Tevatron+LHC
D. Price
J. Santaolalla
A. Melnitchouk
C) ————————- Top Physics 2 (properties/mass) / chair: G. Chiarelli —————–
1. Theoretical overview of top and weak bosons properties
2. Top mass/properties @ Tevatron
S. Willenbrock
H.S. Lee
3. Top mass/properties @ ATLAS+CMS
J. Leveque
D) ————————- Soft QCD/MinBias/Diffraction / chair: Z. Kunszt ——————–
1. Soft phenomenology (theory)
2. Results from TOTEM and ALFA
3. Results from LHCf
P. Skands
K. Eggert
A. Tricomi
4. Results from ALICE
P. Antonioli
5. Results from ATLAS and CMS
6. QCD studies in the forward region @ LHCb
R. Rougny
V. Coco
Wednesday Nov. 16th
A) ————————- SM Higgs Boson Physics (I) / chair: G. Rolandi ————————–
1. Higgs Theoretical Cross Sections (h → gg, VH, VBF)
2. Searches at “High” Higgs mass @ Tevatron
3. Searches for H → W W, ZZ @ ATLAS
M. Grazzini
K. Petridis
L. Iconomidou-Fayard
4. Searches for H → W W and H → ZZ @ CMS
G. Codispoti
B) ————————- SM Higgs Boson Physics (II) / chair: L. Serin —————————
1. Searches for Low mass Higgs @ Tevatron
2. Dibosons with Z → bb̄ @ Tevatron
F. Sforza
J-F. Grivaz
3. Searches for Low mass Higgs @ ATLAS
4. Searches for Low mass Higgs @ CMS
M. Duehrssen
V. Rekovic
C) ————————- SM Higgs Boson Combinations and beyond / chair: D. Denisov
1. Standard Model Higgs Combination @ Tevatron
2. Standard Model Higgs Combination @ ATLAS
3. Standard Model Higgs Combination @ CMS
W. Yao
F. Tarrade
M. Bluj
4. Electroweak Symmetry Breaking without SM (or SUSY) Higgs
C. Grojean
D) ————————- Hard QCD / chair: U. Bassler ————————————————16.45-19.15
1. QCD theory and multijet calculations
2. Recent results from HERA and their impact for LHC
3. pdf constraints from LHC
D. Kosower
4. Hard QCD Results with photons @ LHC
J. P. Chou
S. Menke
D. d’Enterria
5. Hard QCD Results with jets and photons @ Tevatron
6. Hard QCD Results with jets @ LHC
K. Lipka
A. De Roeck
(MPI Munich/ATLAS)
Thursday Nov. 17th (the cruise-banquet is at 8.30pm, Metro: Javel, Boat: River Palace)
A) ————————- New phenomena (SUSY) / chair: G. Mitselmakher ——————–
1. Susy phenomenology, including Susy Higgs
2. Susy+BSM Higgs @ Tevatron
4. SUSY+BSM Higgs @ CMS
R. Barbieri
A. Patwa
O. Igonkina
5. Is (are) the Higgs(es) hidden?
A. Savin
J. Gunion
(U.C. Davis)
B) ————————- New Phenomena (SUSY and beyond) / chair: P. Jenni ————
1. Susy searches @ Tevatron
2. Susy searches @ ATLAS
3. Susy searches @ CMS
M. Jaffré
P. de Jong
S.A. Koay
4. High mass resonances @ ATLAS
5. High mass resonances @ CMS
W. Fedorko
(Santa Barbara/CMS)
(Michigan S.U./ATLAS)
T. Orimoto
—————————— International Advisory committee / 13.15-14.30 ———————
C) ————————- Heavy quark production and rare decays / chair: G. Punzi ——–
1. Heavy flavor production @ ALICE
C. Suire
2. Heavy flavor production @ Tevatron
((IPN Orsay/ALICE)
M. Jones
3. Heavy flavor production and spectroscopy @ LHCb
D. Milanes
————————- Poster session, Coffee and Hot Wine / 15.30-17.00 ——————–
D) ————————- Heavy quark production and rare decays / chair: G. Wilkinson
1. Heavy flavor results @ CMS
2. Heavy flavor results from ATLAS
3. Rare decays @ Tevatron
4. Rare decays @ LHCB
V. Chioccia
P. Bell
W. Hopkins
D. Martinez Santos
———— The cruise-banquet is at 8.30pm, Metro: Javel, Boat: River Palace —–
Friday Nov. 18th
A) ————————- Heavy Ion (II) - soft / chair: K. Safarik ————————————9.00-10.15
1. Theoretical overview of Heavy ions collisions at Low pT
2. soft pT results from RHIC
M. Sumbera
P. Kuijer
(IPhT Saclay)
B) ————————- New Phenomena (Exotica) / chair: K.S. & G.T. ————————
1. Tevatron High mass resonances and exotica
U. Heintz
2. ——- coffee break: 10.40-11.10 ——3. ATLAS-exotica
4. CMS-exotica
N. Bousson
(CPPM Marseille/ATLAS)
B. Dahmes
C) ————————- Overview in Higgs and Susy / chair: G. Tonelli ———————12.00-13.00
1. SUSY Status and next steps
G. Polesello
2. Higgs Status (Tevatron+LHC) and combinations
G. Rolandi
14.15: Conference photo. Be on time! In front of the auditorium.
D) ————————- Outlook and Summary / chair: F. Gianotti ——————————14.30-17.00
1. A few words from IN2P3
2. Status and prospects for LHC
J. Martino
S. Bertolucci
3. Short term Outlook (→ 2012) + Experimental Summary
4. Long term Outook/Theory (2014 and beyond)
5. HCP+PLHC=LHCP / Thanks!
(IN2P3 Director)
J. Virdee
J. Ellis
(Imperial College)
(King’s College/CERN)
———————————————— Bye-Bye Coffee —————————————————–