A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Minimum Vertex Cover Problem Ketan Kotecha and Nilesh Gambhava Department of Information Technology G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology Vallabh Vidyanagar 388 120, India. ketcharms@yahoo.com, dipchet@yahoo.com www.gcet.ac.in Abstract. Minimum vertex cover problem (MVCP) is an NP-hard problem and it has numerous real life applications. This paper presents hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to solve MVCP efficiently. In this paper we have demonstrated that when local optimization technique is added to genetic algorithm to form HGA, it gives near to optimal solution speedy. We have developed new heuristic vertex crossover operator (HVX) especially for MVCP, which converges faster to the global optimal solution. HVX gives far better results compared to classical crossover operators. We have also studied the effect of mutation on optimal solution in MVCP. Keywords. Heuristic vertex crossover; vertex cover; genetic algorithm; hybrid genetic algorithm; local optimization technique 1. Introduction Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are heuristic search algorithms premised on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic [10]. The basic concept of GA is designed to simulate the processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically for those that follow the principle of survival of the fittest, first laid down by Charles Darwin. As such they represent an intelligent exploitation of a random search within a defined search space to solve a problem. GAs are best suited for those problems, that do not have a precisely defined solving method and if it is, then by following that method, it will take far too much time. So GAs are best suited for NPhard and optimization problems and also it can be used for other wide category of problems [2]. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA) combines local optimization technique (LOT) with a classical GA. The most common form of HGA uses LOT to improve the strings produced by genetic recombination. The resulting improvements are then coded onto the strings processed by the GA. Here we have used same concept of HGA to solve minimum vertex cover problem (MVCP). Our study shows that HGA works far better compared to GA for normal graphs. GA fails to obtain consistent results for specific type of regular graph [11][16], where as HGA still gives near to optimal solution. We have developed Heuristic Vertex Crossover Operator (HVX) especially for the MVCP because it uses heuristics to create offspring and converges faster to the global optimal solution. HVX uses problem specific information. 2. Genetic Algorithm GA is an optimization technique based on the natural evolution. It maintains a population of strings, called chromosomes that encode candidate solutions to a problem. The algorithm selects some parent chromosomes from the population set according to their fitness value [8], which are calculated using fitness function. The fittest chromosomes have more chances of selection for genetic operations in next generation. Different types of genetic operators are applied to the selected parent chromosomes; possibly according to the probability of operator, and next generation population set is produced. In every generation, a new set of artificial creatures is created using bits and pieces of the fittest chromosomes of the old population [15]. Although GA is probabilistic, in most cases it produces better population compared to their parent population because selected parents are the fittest among the whole population set, and the worse chromosomes die off in successive generations. This procedure is continued until some user defined termination criteria are satisfied. Reproduction, crossover (recombination), mutation are widely used genetic operators in GA. The primary objective of the reproduction is to emphasize good solutions and eliminate bad solutions in a population. So reproduction just copies good chromosomes from current population to next generation population. Mutation is used rarely to avoid local minima. During crossover, two parent chromosomes are selected on the basis of fitness and they produce new offspring by genetic recombination. So crossover operator should be selected carefully. 3. Heuristic Vertex Crossover Operator One-point crossover, two-point crossover, uniform crossover, partially mapped crossover, order crossover are widely used crossover operators. When we do not have any problem specific information and if we use binary encoding then they are best suited. But here we have used problem specific pure literal encoding scheme [7], which is easy to handle with HVX. HVX uses heuristic to generate offspring from parent chromosomes, which works as follows: Let G = (V, E), where G is undirected graph, V is the set of vertices and E denotes the set of edges. VT and ET are vertex table and edge table respectively, v are vertices (genes) of chromosome; P1 and P2 are two parent chromosomes selected for crossover; in our case set of vertices for vertex cover. V’ is the solution for vertex cover. Algorithm HVX begin V’ = { } create tables VT and ET VT = (F(v), N(v)), where F(v) is the frequency of the vertex v in P1 and P2, N(v) is the degree of vertex v in G, for ∀ v ∈ P1 and ∀ v ∈ P2 ET = E (x, y) for ∀ E ∈ G while ET <> { } do select v1 ∈ VT such that N(v1) > N(v) for ∀ v ∈ VT. If more than one vertex has same number of degree then select that vertex, whose frequency (F(v1)) is high. If still more than one vertex is candidate for selection then select any vertex randomly. Say v1 ET = ET — {E(x, y) x = v1 or y = v1)} V’ = V’ {v1} end while return V’ end Graph – 1 (Fig. 1) is used to show how HVX works. Initially chromosomes are generated randomly by selecting vertices one by one such that all the edges are covered. In the successive generations, two chromosomes are selected on the basis of fitness for the HVX. Suppose for Graph -1, two parent chromosomes P1, P2 are as shown below, P1 = {1,3,4,6} P2 = {1,2,3,4} 2 1 4 3 5 6 Fig. 1. Graph - 1 Now follow the procedure HVX as per below to produce offspring, 1. Create VT (Table 1) and ET (Table 2) 2. Select vertex with highest N(v) from VT. As shown in Table 3, for Run-1, it is vertex 3 3. Remove all the edges from ET, which are connected to vertex 3 4. Add 3 to V’ Repeat this procedure until ET becomes empty and N(v) = 0 for ∀ v ∈ VT. This procedure is shown step by step in Table 3. Table 1. Vertex Table (VT) for Graph-1 Vertex (v) 1 2 3 4 6 Frequency of Vertex in Parents F(v) 2 1 2 2 1 Number of Edges Connected to the vertex N(v) 4 4 5 3 2 Table 2. Edge Table (ET) for Graph-1 Vertex 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 6 5 6 Table 3. How HVX works is shown Vertex (V) F(v) N(v) 1 2 3 4 6 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 5 3 2 Run 1 v1 = 3 V’={3} N1(v1) 3 3 0 2 1 Run 2 v1 = 1 V’= {3,1} N2(v1) 0 2 0 1 1 Run 3 v1 = 2 V’ = {3,1,2} N3(v1) 0 0 0 0 0 4. Heuristic Vertex Crossover and Schema Theory The theory behind most GA implementations assumes that crossover and selection change the sampling rate or hyperplanes in an n-dimensional hypercube, where n refers to the length of some explicit or underlying binary representation of the problem. It is easy to show that our HVX manipulates an underlying binary encoding that conforms to the existing theory [8][10]. We have used Graph-1 (Fig.1) to demonstrate how HVX follows the schema theorem. We have two feasible solutions. P1 = {1, 3, 4, 6} P2 = {1, 2, 3, 4} For P1, it means that vertex number 1, 3, 4 and 6 are the part of solution and vertex number 2 and 5 are not the part of solution. We can easily represent this with binary encoding. We have 6 vertices in the graph so length of our chromosome is 6 bit. Each bit represents whether the vertex is included in solution or not and can be shown as binary representations as per below, Index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 P1: 1 0 1 1 0 1 P2: 1 1 1 1 0 0 Now offspring produced by HVX using P1 and P2 is V’ = {1,2,3}. So let us also represent it as a binary string and then check for schema theorem. P1 and P2 are instances of the schema 1X110X. Where as V’ is the instance of schema 1X100X. We can see that fourth bit is mutated. This is due to mutation by omission. Index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 P1: 1 0 1 1 0 1 P2: 1 1 1 1 0 0 V’: 1 1 1 0 0 0 Despite occasional explicit and implicit mutation, HVX is clearly manipulation schemata in this representation space. Further, HVX uses only those vertices, which are part of the parent chromosomes, so it is obvious that it follows the constructive nature of schema theorem. 5. Local optimization technique The idea of combining GA and LOT has been investigated extensively during the past decade and various forms of HGA are proposed [7]. One of most common forms of HGA involves incorporating LOT to a classical GA. With the hybrid approach, LOT is applied to each newly generated offspring to move it to a local optimum before inserting it into the new population. Genetic search is used to perform global exploration among the population and LOT is used to strengthen local exploitation around chromosomes. In the hybrid approach, artificial organisms first pass through Darwin’s biological evolution and then pass through Lamarckian’s intelligence evolution. A traditional hill climbing routine is used as Lamarckian evolution to try to inject some smarts into the offspring organism before returning it to be evaluated (Fig. 2). In MVCP, we have a list of vertices as a solution. Initially some vertices are required to cover some specific edges but at a later stage if we remove some vertices then also it does not make any difference because all the edges may be covered by the set of other vertices. Suppose in Graph-1, one feasible solution is V’ = {1,5,3,2} but if we remove vertex 5 then also V’ = {1,3,2} covers all the edges. So this type of LOT can be done easily and it is very much useful. Regular graph [16] consists of three levels. The first two levels contain k + 2 vertices and third level has k vertices. Total vertices are V= 3k + 4, total number of edges are E = (k+2)(k+1). A regular graph with k = 2 is shown in Fig. 3. For this type of graph heuristic approach fails [16] and GA also cannot give consistent results [11]. So we have combined local optimization with GA to achieve global optimal solution consistently. Fig. 2. Hybridization of GA with local optimization Fig. 3. Regular Graph with k = 2, V = 10, E = 12 6. Hybrid Genetic Algorithm The fitness function plays an important role in GA because it is used to decide how good a chromosome is. Our fitness function is the number of vertices used to cover all the edges of the graph. V F= i =1 Vi where Vi = 1, if Vi ∈ V’, else 0 In HGA, one offspring is produced from two parent chromosomes. So, in that way best 50% chromosomes will directly go in the next generation using reproduction. All the chromosomes are used to create offspring using HVX. Because we believe that each chromosome has some important genes, which may become useful to obtain global optimal solution. Then mutation operator is applied to offspring. Mutation is used to avoid local minima and it should be applied on all the offspring [13]. Let P(t) be parent population and C(t) be offspring produced from P(t) in current generation t. µ is the number of chromosomes in P(t). Algorithm HGA begin t←0 initialize P(t) randomly while (t < number_of_generation) do evaluate P(t) using fitness function elitism(best_found_so_far) select best 50% chromosomes from P(t) and put them in P(t+1) m←0 while (m < µ) do select mth & (m+1)th chromosome from P(t) n’ ← HVX(m, m+1) n ← mutation(n’) place n in C(t) m←m+2 end while apply LOT on C(t) and place them in P(t+1) t←t+1 end while return best_found_so_far from P(no_of_generation) end 7. Experimental Results For experiment, we have used population size µ 25, because HVX converges faster to global optimal solution, and also LOT helps to do so. Our selection method is like steady state selection, because in successive generations only 50 % of the current population changes. First we have tested HGA with regular graph consist of 100 vertices, so k = 32. We got surprising results compared to [11]. Due to local optimization, we got global optimal solution every time. Our results are compared with [11] in Table 4. F is fitness value, which represents number of vertices required to cover all the edges and N represents number of particular solution achieved from 100 runs of the algorithm. Then we have tested different instances of various types of graphs [5] with various numbers of vertices and edge density. These instances are available from [5]. Results are shown in Table 5. We can see that almost in all the types of graph, we got near to global optimal solutions consistently. Then we have tested effect of mutation and LOT on results. Experimental results are summarized in Table 6. Considering average of the fitness value of 100 runs of the algorithm, we can see that effect of mutation and LOT is not much except RG.20, because RG.20 is specially constructed challenging graph. Table 6 shows average value of fitness obtained from 100 runs of algorithm. But effect of the mutation and LOT technique on the number of exact optimal solution is dramatic (Fig. 4). We can see that using HGA we got nearly 100 times optimal solution for 100 runs of algorithm, but when we don’t use either mutation or LOT, we got very less optimal solution. Table 4. Comparisons of Back’s result with HGA’s result V = 100, E = 1122, V’ = 34, Simulation = 100 Back’s results HGA’s result F N F N 34 65 34 100 66 35 Average Fitness= 45.20 Average Fitness = 34 Table 5. Experimental results obtained by HGA. 100 runs of HGA are performed RG.20 V=50, E=225 V’ = 30 F N 30 66 32 4 33 3 34 11 35 16 F’= 31.71 G.315 V=73, E=314 V’=50 F N 50 51 G.346 V=88, E=395 V’ = 60 F N 97 3 60 61 F’ = 50.09 94 6 F’ = 60.6 G.408 V=119,E=569 V’=81 F N 81 82 G.409 V=120, E=575 V’=82 F N 94 6 F’ = 81.06 82 83 52 48 F’ = 82.48 Table 6. Effect of mutation and LOT on optimal solution Graph Type Algorithm Optimal HGA without mutation without LOT RG.20 G.315 G.346 G.408 G.409 30 31.71 38.01 38.11 50 50.09 50.35 50.20 60 60.06 60.94 60.19 81 81.06 81.62 82.89 82 82.48 83.86 83.88 8. Conclusion In this work, we have demonstrated how LOT can be added to classical GA to form HGA. Moreover, the results found by HGA are far better compare to classical GA, heuristic and approximate algorithms. We have also designed HVX especially for MVCP, which works very well and converges fast to optimal solution. With the help of HVX and LOT, we can achieve optimal solution with less number of generation and small population size, which is useful to converge speedy to the global optimal solution. HVX is also applicable to same family of problem like set covering, etc… We have also shown that mutation plays an important role to avoid local minima. Fig. 4. Effect of mutation and LOT on the number of optimal solutions References 1. 2. 3. 4. 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