Origin of methyl torsional barrier in 1-methyl-2(1H)-pyridinimine and 3methyl-2(1H)-pyridone: II. Ground state B. Pradhan, Rajeev K. Sinha, Bhanu P. Singh, and T. Kundu Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 126, 114313 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2566602 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2566602 View Table of Contents: http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/JCPSA6/v126/i11 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jcp.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jcp.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jcp.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jcp.aip.org/authors Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 126, 114313 共2007兲 Origin of methyl torsional barrier in 1-methyl-2„1H…-pyridinimine and 3-methyl-2„1H…-pyridone: II. Ground state B. Pradhan, Rajeev K. Sinha, Bhanu P. Singh, and T. Kundua兲 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India 共Received 16 October 2006; accepted 17 January 2007; published online 21 March 2007兲 To get the insight into the electronic structure-methyl torsion correlation in nitrogen heterocyclic molecules, a comparative study on torsion of the methyl group in 1-methyl-2共1H兲pyridone 共1MPY兲, 1-methyl-2共1H兲pyridinimine 共1MPI兲, and 3-methyl-2共1H兲pyridone 共3MPY兲 was carried out using ab initio calculations. To understand the barrier forming mechanism in the ground state and its consequence on the molecular structure, the ground state torsional potential has been investigated by partitioning the barrier energy using the natural bond orbital 共NBO兲 theoretical framework. The NBO analysis reveals that the delocalization energy is the barrier forming term whereas the Lewis energy is always antibarrier for all these molecules. To get further insight into the effect of local electronic structure on the methyl torsional barrier, the individual bond-antibond interactions and structural energy contributions have been investigated. It was found that when the bond order difference between the vicinal bonds does not change appreciably during the course of methyl rotation, the local electronic interactions with the methyl group do not play any decisive role in barrier formation as observed in the case of 1MPY and 1MPI. In these cases, it is the skeletal relaxation during methyl rotation that plays an important role in determining the barrier. On the other hand, if the bond order change is appreciable as is the case for 3MPY, the local interactions alone suffice to describe the origin of the torsional barrier of the methyl group. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2566602兴 I. INTRODUCTION The study of internal rotation of methyl group in aromatic and heterocyclic has important implications in understanding noncovalent forces governing the conformational preference in polyatomic molecules. Physical quantities, such as barrier height and phase of the methyl torsional potential, vary drastically depending on the chemical structure and the electronic state of the molecule. There is also diversity in the behavior of methyl rotor among the different substituted molecular species. Each new example raises the subtle structural question about variation in height of the potential barrier and the methyl group conformation from energetic point of view. Unlike aliphatic molecules, very few theoretical concepts are available for aromatic molecules. Payne and Allen1 and Villard2 have presented in-depth review of ab initio barrier calculations. Nature of methyl rotation in aromatic compounds has been reviewed by Ito,3 while Spangler and Pratt4 have focused on the internal rotation dynamics in their paper. Liljefors and Allinger5 proposed that the methyl torsional barrier in the aromatic molecules originates from the difference in the -bond order between the two ring C–C bonds vicinal to the methyl group and this idea has been extended by George et al.6 for toluene and several other aromatic hydrocarbons. Lu et al.7 have carried out an extensive ab initio calculations on ground and cationic states of substituted toluenes and presented a unified picture on the effect of the local geometry and the electronic structure on a兲 Electronic mail: tkundu@phy.itb.ac.in 0021-9606/2007/126共11兲/114313/7/$23.00 the internal rotation of the methyl group. In ortho-substituted toluene, by using natural bond orbital 共NBO兲 analysis, it was shown that the repulsive steric interaction dominates over attractive hyperconjugative interaction to favor the pseudotrans conformation of the methyl group. By the use of natural resonance theory, a correlation between the bond order and the barrier height was found. When the steric interactions are unimportant, the major determining factor of the rotor barrier height is the difference in -bond order between the two ring C–C bonds vicinal to the methyl group. It was shown that the barrier height is proportional to the calculated bond order difference, with a slope of 950 cm−1 per bond. Hyperconjugative interactions were found to favor the conformation of the rotor C–H bond cis to the ring C–C bond of higher order in close analogy with 2-methylpropene. Sonoda and Iwata,8 from Mullikan population analysis on o-, m-, p-fluorotoluene and their cations showed that the change of barrier height from ground to cationic state is correlated with the electron distribution of neighboring carbon atoms and the barrier height is proportional to gross population difference. Nakai et al.9 have been investigating the methyl rotational barrier developing energy density analysis technique by partitioning the total energy into atomic energy densities. This technique was able to predict the existence of hydrogen bond between the in-plane hydrogen atom of the methyl group and fluorine that decreases the barrier height in o-fluorotoluene. Yan and Spangler10 have made a convincing approach to explain the origin of barrier in aromatics by using the fragment orbital concept proposed by Hehre et al.11 The methyl group adopts a conformation that reflects the symmetry 126, 114313-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 114313-2 Pradhan et al. J. Chem. Phys. 126, 114313 共2007兲 FIG. 1. Molecular geometries of 共a兲 1-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridone 共1MPY兲, 共b兲 1-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridinimine 共1MPI兲, and 共c兲 3-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridone 共3MPY兲. of the system. In aromatic systems such as toluene and p-fluorotoluene, where the molecular orbitals of the parent molecule are symmetric on either side of the plane perpendicular to the molecular frame containing the rotor axis, CH3 orbital is favored and consequently, the molecule adopts staggered conformation. The density on each side of the plane contributes a threefold term to potential but the contributions are out of phase and cancel each other to give a small sixfold barrier. If an asymmetry exists in molecular orbital of parent molecule, the methyl group orbital CH3 appears and a large V3 term results. Recently Sinha et al.12 have shown that even though the local geometry has sixfold symmetry in 4-methylstyrene, the threefold contribution appears in the methyl torsional barrier from the remote interactions between the vinyl group and the benzene frame. While there has been an extensive study on the methyl internal rotation in substituted aromatics, it is very sparse in the case of methyl substituted heterocyclic compounds. Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds are ubiquitous in nature and occupy an important position in biochemical processes. The presence of nitrogen atom in these molecules should play a crucial role in the barrier to internal rotation both by way of the nitrogen lone pair and the perturbations the nitrogen atom imposes on the molecular orbitals. In our previous article on 1-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridone 共1MPY兲,13 we presented a systematic analysis on the origin of torsional potential barrier using NBO framework. Here, 1-methyl2共1H兲-pyridinimine 共1MPI兲 and 3-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridone 共3MPY兲 serve as two important model systems to study the effect of functional group and the position of methyl group on the potential barrier in the light of 1MPY. The oxygen atom of 1MPY is replaced by isoelectronic N-H group to form an imino compound 1MPI. In this case methyl group attached to ring nitrogen experiences a different electronic environment because of N-H group in its vicinity which is expected to reflect in the change of the potential to the internal rotation. In 3MPY the methyl group is substituted at ring carbon atom adjacent to C v O bond instead of nitrogen atom. In this molecule, presence of double bond adjacent to methyl group is expected to influence the torsional barrier differently in addition to oxygen lone pair. The main objective in this article is to establish an electronic structuremethyl torsional property relationship in N heterocycles. Toward this, we present a comparative investigation here of these two molecules with 1MPY to bring out the barrier forming mechanism of the methyl group and its consequences for the structure in this class of heteroatomic molecules. II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Geometry and torsional potential barrier The excited state torsional behavior of the methyl group in 1MPI and 3MPY has been analyzed in our previous communication.14 In order to investigate theoretically the origin of the potential barrier for the internal rotation of the methyl group in the ground state 共S0兲, ab initio electronic structure calculations were carried out using the GAUSSIAN98 共Ref. 15兲 suite of program. The geometries of 1MPI and 3MPY in the ground state were optimized with different level of theories using various basis sets. The minimum energy conformations of both the molecules shown in Fig. 1 are staggered in the sense that one C–H bond of the methyl group is in plane with the molecular frame and is away from the N–H bond and O atom 共staggered conformation兲. The potential parameters for the rotation of the methyl group were obtained by using one dimensional torsional potential of the form, V共兲 = 共V3 / 2兲共1 − cos 3兲 + 共V6 / 2兲共1 − cos 6兲 + . . ., where is the torsional coordinate, and the V3 and V6 are the three- and sixfold potential terms, respectively. The torsional potential was calculated using fully relaxed model introduced by Goodman et al.16 In this, the rotational angle with respect to in-plane hydrogen of the methyl group 共 = 0兲 is defined for the minimum energy conformation in the S0 state. The potential energy curve is obtained by constraining only the rotational angle 共兲 of the methyl rotor to the local frame and then by optimizing the rest of the geometry to minimize the energy. The obtained potential parameters are listed in Table I. For 1MPI, the threefold barrier varies between 430 to 530 cm−1 for most levels of theory and the magnitude of sixfold term is around 30 cm−1. For 3MPY, the variation of the threefold barrier is between 400 and 600 cm−1 whereas the magnitude of sixfold term is around 6 cm−1. Thus, the potential shows dominant contribution from the threefold term. At Hartree-Fock 共HF兲 level of theory, the potential barrier determining term V3 is consistent with a deviation of 5%–6% with and without diffused function in the basis set. However, MP2 calculation including electron correlation predicts somewhat higher value of V3 for Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 114313-3 J. Chem. Phys. 126, 114313 共2007兲 Methyl torsional barrier TABLE I. Ab initio methyl torsional potential parameters in the ground state of 1MPI and 3MPY calculated at different level of theories. Levels of theory 1MPI V3 共cm−1兲 1MPI V6 共cm−1兲 3MPY V3 共cm−1兲 3MPY V6 共cm−1兲 HF/ 6-31G共d兲 HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲 HF/ 6-31+ G共d , p兲 HF/ 6-311+ + G共d , p兲 MP2 / 6-31G共d , p兲 B3LYP/ 6-31G共d , p兲 B3LYP/ 6-311+ + G共d , p兲 472 454 475 482 530 428 433 35 31 −25 −32 −10 −15 −15 571 555 593 613 449 403 441 8.0 6.0 −15.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 1MPI whereas in the case of 3MPY the barrier height decreases compared to HF calculation. Barrier calculated using density functional theory 共B3LYP兲 always predicts lower barrier irrespective of the basis set used. In HF level of theory, V6 is positive but with the introduction of diffuse function it decreases. Since the threefold term, governing barrier height, is dominant for both the molecules, the mere importance of V6 lies in the control of potential shape. As modest scale ab initio calculation predicts ground state methyl torsional potential energy barrier correctly as described for 1MPY,13 further analysis of 1MPI and 3MPY to compare with 1MPY will be based on HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲 level of theory. as well as in aromatic molecules.7,19 Under this analysis, the total barrier energy is partitioned into Lewis and delocalization energies as ⌬Ebarrier = ⌬Edeloc + ⌬ELewis , 共1兲 where ⌬Edeloc is the hyperconjugative 共delocalization兲 energy contribution that arises due to bond-antibond interactions and ⌬ELewis is the energy contribution from the steric repulsion and the valence effect. Figure 2 presents the torsional angle 共兲 dependence of potential barrier energy and the contribution from its components Lewis and delocalization energy for both the molecules. It is apparent from Fig. 2 that the delocalization energy is positive in going from minimum energy conformation to the top of barrier conformation, in accordance with the observation of 1MPY and other small molecules such as ethane,20 methanol,21 dimethyl ether,22 etc. However, the overall barrier energy comes from the cancellation of this barrier forming delocalization energy and the antibarrier contribution from the Lewis energy. To get further insight into these energies, we investigated the individual orbital interactions in the vicinity of the methyl group 共local兲 and other interactions 共nonlocal兲 present in the molecule as marked in Fig. 1. In the following section we explore the importance of local and nonlocal orbital interactions of the methyl group on torsional barrier through non-Lewis 共delocalization兲 and Lewis energy changes due to the rotation of the methyl group from equilibrium conformation to top of the barrier. B. Natural bond orbital „NBO… analysis To understand the origin of potential barrier and the structure in the ground state, we analyzed the energetic consequences of NBO decomposition of the barrier for methyl rotation.17 NBO’s are the localized set of Lewis-type 共 and bonds, lone pair, and core兲 and non-Lewis 共* and * antibond and Rydberg兲 orbitals formed by transformation of molecular wave functions into one-center 共lone pair兲 and two-center 共bond兲 representations. This analysis in a way provides deeper understanding of noncovalent interactions causing the torsional barrier in such big molecules. The NBO calculations were performed using NBO 3.1 module of GAUSSIAN98. The NBO analysis was quite successful for understanding the internal rotation potential barrier in many aliphatic18 1. Energy partitioning in 1MPI a. Delocalization energy contribution. We first consider hyperconjugative interactions comprising pairwise interactions of all the methyl C–H bonds and antibonds with N1C2 and N1C6 共Fig. 1兲 bonds and antibonds along with the outof-plane lone pair of ring nitrogen and in-plane lone pair of imine nitrogen. We evaluate the energetic importance of this set of interactions by simultaneously deleting corresponding Fock matrix elements and reevaluating the energy at = 0° 共staggered conformation兲 and = 180° 共eclipsed conformation兲, following the procedure suggested by Reed and Weinhold.23 The barrier contribution of these hyperconjugative interactions with the methyl group calculated with different levels of theory is given in Table II. It was found that FIG. 2. Total barrier energy and their Lewis and non-Lewis components for 共a兲 1MPI and 共b兲 3MPY. The calculation was performed at HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲 level of theory. Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 114313-4 J. Chem. Phys. 126, 114313 共2007兲 Pradhan et al. TABLE II. Total delocalization and delocalization 共interactions with the methyl group only兲 energy contributions to torsional barrier in ground state for 1MPI and 1MPY calculated at different level of theories. 1-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridinimine 1-methyl-2共1H兲-pyridone Levels of theory Total delocalization 共cm−1兲 Methyl interaction deletion 共cm−1兲 Total delocalization 共cm−1兲 Methyl interaction deletion 共cm−1兲 HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲 HF/ 6-31+ G共d , p兲 HF/ 6-311+ + G共d , p兲 473 773 856 −456 −423 133 495 563 570 −137 −10 164 these hyperconjugative interactions favor the eclipsed conformation by more than 350 cm−1 at HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲 and HF/ 6-31+ 共d , p兲 levels of calculation. For detailed analysis, we followed the single deletion procedure to get the delocalization energy barrier contribution from the individual interactions. Table III includes the dominant local and nonlocal contributions to the barrier with respect to methyl group as partitioned in Fig. 1. Calculations for both the molecules 1MPI and 1MPY are listed in Table III for comparison. The analysis shows that the interaction of nitrogen lone pair with antibonding orbital of the methyl group 关N7共LP兲-C8H14共*兲兴 is attractive and favors eclipsed conformation by 457 cm−1. The oxygen lone pairs 共both and 兲 in 1MPY have also the same antibarrier effect on barrier to internal rotation. In ortho-fluorotoluene24 and ortho-chlorotoluene,25 the interaction between the halogen lone pair and antibond orbital of methyl C-H was also found to mildly favor the eclipsed conformation. Hence the interactions between lone pair and antibond of the in-plane methyl C-H are always attractive and favor the in-plane C-H to form eclipsed conformation. The other local hyperconjugative interactions cancel each other and the total contribution to the barrier was calculated to be −813 cm−1 for 1MPI. Thus, the overall change 共743 cm−1兲 in hyperconjugative interactions is arising from the nonlocal interactions. Like the case of 1MPY, C2C3共兲-C4C5共*兲, C4C5共兲-C6N7共*兲, C2C3共兲-N1C8共*兲, and N1共LP兲-C2C3共*兲 interactions give positive contribution to barrier formation and over- TABLE III. Dominant contributions of individual pairwise bond-antibond and lone pair-antibond interactions to barrier in 1MPI compared with 1MPY 共LP: lone pair兲. Bond antibond interactions 1MPY Barrier contribution 1MPY 共cm−1兲 Bond antibond interactions 1MPI Barrier contribution 1MPI 共cm−1兲 N1C2共兲-N1C8共*兲 N1C2共兲-C6N7共*兲 N1C6共兲-C8H14共*兲 N1C6共兲-N7H13共*兲 C6N7共兲-N1C2共*兲 N7H13共兲-N1C6共*兲 C8H14共兲-N1C6共*兲 ¯ ¯ N1共LP兲-C6N7共*兲 ¯ ¯ N7共LP兲-N1C6共*兲 N7共LP兲-N1C8共*兲 ¯ ¯ N7共LP兲-C8H14共*兲 38 −67 46 53 81 −168 −66 ¯ ¯ −313 ¯ ¯ 140 59 ¯ ¯ −457 Local interactions N1C2共兲-N1C8共*兲 N1C2共兲-C6O7共*兲 N1C6共兲-C8H13共*兲 ¯ C6O7共兲-N1C2共*兲 ¯ C8H13共兲-N1C6共*兲 C8H14共兲-N1C2共*兲 C8H15共兲-N1C2共*兲 N1共LP兲-C6O7共*兲 N1共LP兲-C8H14共*兲 N1共LP兲-C8H15共*兲 O7共LP兲-N1C6共*兲 ¯ O7共LP兲-N1C6共*兲 O7共LP兲-C8H13共*兲 ¯ 30 −78 90 ¯ 66 ¯ −232 76 80 −323 −20 −29 −118 ¯ 65 −97 ¯ N1C8共兲-C2C3共*兲 N1C8共兲-C5C6共*兲 C2C3共兲-N1C8共*兲 C2C3共兲-C4C5共*兲 C4C5共兲-C6N7共*兲 C4C5共兲-C6N7共*兲 C5C6共兲-N1C8共*兲 N1共LP兲-C2C3共*兲 N7共LP兲-C5C6共*兲 Nonlocal interactions −118 N1C8共兲-C2C3共*兲 95 N1C8共兲-C5C6共*兲 101 C2C3共兲-N1C8共*兲 148 C2C3共兲-C4C5共*兲 67 C4C5共兲-C6O7共*兲 150 C4C5共兲-C6O7共*兲 −70 C5C6共兲-N1C8共*兲 252 N1共LP兲-C2C3共*兲 70 O7共LP兲-C5C6共*兲 −106 106 100 183 69 205 −65 292 70 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 114313-5 J. Chem. Phys. 126, 114313 共2007兲 Methyl torsional barrier whelm the antibarrier effect produced by the local methyl group interactions to generate the overall positive delocalization term. These nonmethyl interactions are due to the effect of molecular flexing during methyl rotation process as also observed for 1MPY.13 Thus the overall contribution of the delocalization energy change, the barrier forming term in this class of molecules, cannot be understood without considering the effect induced by molecular relaxation during methyl rotation. b. Lewis energy contribution In view of the significant role of molecular flexing in barrier formation, the other energy change, the Lewis energy term needs to be investigated. The Lewis energy contribution to the barrier ⌬ELewis can further be partitioned into structural energy and steric energy changes as ⌬ELewis = ⌬Estruc + ⌬Esteric , 共2兲 where ⌬Estruc is the change in structural energy, a consequence of Coulomb repulsion and the bond energy change in the classical Lewis structure during internal rotation, and ⌬Esteric is the change in steric energy 共consequence of Pauli exclusion principle兲 not incorporating the valence effect. The change of bond energy, which corresponds to the structural energy change, can be obtained as26 ⌬ = en e − sn s , 共3兲 where e and s represent the bond energies of the eclipsed and staggered conformations, respectively, and ne and ns indicate the charge occupations of the corresponding states. The total structural energy change in 1MPI was calculated to be −147 cm−1 when all the bonds and lone pairs were considered. The remaining contribution to the total Lewis energy change 共−288 cm−1兲 comes from the steric energy change. Thus both the changes, the structural and the steric energies, are negative to form antibarrier Lewis energy term. On the other hand, in 1MPY 共Ref. 13兲 the total structural energy change was found to be 1255 cm−1 and the overwhelming negative contribution from the steric interaction brought out the total Lewis energy to be antibarrier term. The major bond energy changes 共eclipsed-staggered兲 due to methyl rotation are shown in Fig. 3. The effective contribution from the methyl group 共17, 18, and 19 in Fig. 3兲 is very less because of their cancellation due to the positive and negative energy changes. The dominant positive energy contribution comes from the increase in bond energy of N1C2 共1兲 and N1C8 共3兲. The small energy contribution from the structural part is due to the near cancellation of contributions from all bond energies. FIG. 3. Contributions of individual structural energies to the torsional barrier in the ground state of 1MPI. overall barrier as the barrier energy is 555 cm−1. This implies that the major contribution to barrier in 3MPY comes from the local hyperconjugative interactions in contrast to 1MPY and 1MPI where the molecular flexing induced nonlocal hyperconjugative energy change was important. To get further insight, individual pairwise bond-antibond interaction energies were focused and these are listed in Table IV. It was found that interactions of the vicinal and * orbitals of C-C bond 关C4C5共兲 , C4C5共*兲兴 of ring with and * orbitals of out-of-plane methyl C–H bond 关C8H14共兲, C8H14共*兲, C8H15共兲, C8H15共*兲兴 are the main factors giving rise to this barrier energy. The hyperconjugation beTABLE IV. Dominant contributions of individual pairwise bond-antibond and Ione pair-antibond interactions to barrier in 3MPY 共LP: lone pair兲. Bond antibond interactions Local interactions C4C5共兲-C5C8共*兲 C5C6共兲-C8H13共*兲 C4C5共兲-C6O7共*兲 C4C5共兲-C6O7共*兲 C4C5共兲-C8H14共*兲 C4C5共兲-C8H15共*兲 C5C8共兲-C4C5共*兲 C8H13共兲-C5C6共*兲 C8H14共兲-C4C5共*兲 C8H14共兲-C4C5共*兲 C8H15共兲-C4C5共*兲 C8H15共兲-C4C5共*兲 2. Energy partitioning in 3MPY As discussed in the previous section that in the case of 3MPY, too, the delocalization energy is the barrier forming term and the Lewis energy is antibarrier in nature sharing a small part compared to delocalization energy. To ascertain the role of local hyperconjugative interactions in 3MPY, all the bond-antibond interactions with the methyl group were deleted followed by the recalculation of energy. The potential barrier contribution of these local interactions was found to be 769 cm−1 to the a. Delocalization energy contribution. Barrier contribution 共cm−1兲 93 226 −197 −45 300 299 85 −197 227 139 226 140 Nonlocal interactions N1C2共兲-C6O7共*兲 C2C3共兲-C4C5共*兲 C3C4共兲-C5C8共*兲 C5C8共兲-N1C6共*兲 C5C8共兲-C3C4共*兲 N1共LP兲-C2C3共*兲 O7共LP兲-N1C6共*兲 O7共LP兲-C5C6共*兲 O7共LP兲-C5C6共*兲 44 −234 81 59 −77 −126 38 −72 36 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 114313-6 J. Chem. Phys. 126, 114313 共2007兲 Pradhan et al. TABLE V. Methyl group vicinal natural bond order difference of 3MPY, 1MPY, and 1MPI calculated using natural resonance theory. Level of theory 3MPY 1MPY 1MPI HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲 HF/ 6-31+ G共d , p兲 HF/ 6-311+ + G共d , p兲 0.835 0.8578 0.8070 −0.0684 −0.0128 −0.0388 0.0283 0.0548 0.0491 * tween oxygen lone pair and in-plane CH antibonds gives a small negative contribution to barrier similar to 1MPY. The double bond character of one of the vicinal bond in 3MPY is the main factor of high barrier because of the strong bondantibond interaction with the methyl group. Lu et al.7 have shown a correlation between the local bond order and barrier height in substituted toluene where a double bond is found to be present on either side of methyl group during methyl rotation. To check such correlation we calculated the bond order for bonds vicinal to methyl group using natural resonance theory.27 The bond order differences between the two vicinal bonds of the methyl group were calculated at eclipsed and staggered conformations with various levels of theory. The difference between these conformers is listed in Table V along with 1MPY and 1MPI. For 3MPY a large bond order difference 共⬃0.8兲 was found to exist whereas the bond order differences for 1MPY and 1MPI are very small. This analysis demonstrates that the rotational barrier can be described using only the local bond-antibond interactions in the molecules having a double bond vicinal to methyl group that does not change appreciably due to resonance during methyl rotation. b. Lewis energy contribution. To understand the small antibarrier contribution of the Lewis energy term to the barrier, the total structural energy change was calculated and found to be highly positive and barrier forming 共5681 cm−1兲. Since the total Lewis energy term is very small and antibarrier, the large negative contribution from the steric interactions cancels the positive contribution from structural energies as also seen in 1MPY.13 Figure 4 shows the calculated individual contributions from the structural energy change for 3MPY. The effective contribution from the methyl group 共16, 17, and 18 in Fig. 4兲 is very less because of their cancellation due to the positive and negative energy changes. The dominant positive energy contribution comes from the increase in bond energy of the C5C8 共13兲. The geometry analysis 关HF/ 6-31G共d , p兲兴 revealed the increment of C5C8 bond length by 0.007 Å and the angle opening of C8C5C6 by 1.3° 共116.3° in staggered and 117.6° in eclipsed兲 in going from staggered to eclipsed conformer. However, the increment of the C8N1 bond was not that significant in 1MPY 共0.003 Å兲 and in 1MPI 共0.001 Å兲. This bond lengthening 共 bond兲 in 3MPY brings about a substantial change in structural energy making the total structural term positive. This kind of phenomenon was also observed in small molecules such as acetaldehyde 共0.007 Å兲 共Ref. 16兲 and propene 共0.009 Å兲 共Ref. 28兲 where the principal contribution of the barrier energy arises through the relaxation of the Cmethyl – Cadjacent bond. The degree of this bond lengthening in a way provides an indirect monitor of the strain on the methyl group in the metastable rigid rotation conformer. Thus, these effects appear to have their origin in the partial unmaking of the bond between Cmethyl and the adjacent carbon atom, which consequently lengthens. III. CONCLUSION Considering the noncovalent interactions of various parts of the molecule, NBO analysis shows that the methyl torsional barrier predominantly arises from the delocalization energy changes while the Lewis energy change forms the antibarrier. However, the local hyperconjugative interactions with the methyl group alone are not decisive in barrier formation when the methyl group is adjacent to two vicinal single bonds as for 1MPY and 1MPI. It is the skeletal relaxation during methyl rotation that plays an important role in strengthening the contribution of hyperconjugation and is a key factor in determining the origin of the barrier. In contrast, when there is a double bond adjacent to the methyl group as in 3MPY, local hyperconjugative interactions are the major contributors to the barrier energy. 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