Topic 2 Solving Scheduling Problems Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Classic Scheduling Theory Look at a specific machine environment with a specific objective Analyze to prove an optimal policy or to show that no simple optimal policy exists Thousands of problems have been studied in detail with mathematical proofs! July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 2 Example: single machine Lets say we have Single machine (1), where the total weighted completion time should be minimized (SwjCj) We denote this problem as 1 || w j C j July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 3 Optimal Solution Theorem: Weighted Shortest Processing time first - called the WSPT rule - is optimal for 1 || w j C j Note: The SPT rule starts with the job that has the shortest processing time, moves on the job with the second shortest processing time, etc. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 4 Proof (by contradiction) Suppose it is not true and schedule S is optimal Then there are two adjacent jobs, say job j followed by job k such that wj w pj k pk Do a pairwise interchange to get schedule S ’ j k t p j pk t k July 11, 2017 j t p j pk t Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 5 Proof (continued) The weighted completion time of the two jobs under S is (t p j ) w j (t p j pk ) wk The weighted completion time of the two jobs under S ‘ is Now: (t pk ) wk (t p j pk ) w j (t p j ) w j (t p j pk ) wk (t p j ) w j p j wk (t pk ) wk (t p j ) w j pk w j (t pk ) wk (t pk ) wk (t pk p j ) w j Contradicting that S is optimal. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 6 Complexity Theory Classic scheduling theory draws heavily on complexity theory The complexity of an algorithm is its running time in terms of the input parameters (e.g., number of jobs and number of machines) Big-Oh notation, e.g., O(n2m) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 7 Polynomial versus NP-Hard Time n O(2 ) O(n 2 ) O (n) O (log n) Problem size (n) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 8 Scheduling in Practice Practical scheduling problems cannot be solved this easily! Need: Heuristic algorithms Knowledge-based systems Integration with other enterprise functions However, classic scheduling results are useful as a building block July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 9 General Purpose Scheduling Procedures Some scheduling problems are easy Simple priority rules Complexity: polynomial time Most scheduling problems are hard Complexity: NP-hard, strongly NP-hard Finding an optimal solution is infeasible in practice heuristic methods July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 10 Types of Heuristics Simple Dispatching Rules Composite Dispatching Rules Branch and Bound Beam Search Construction Methods Simulated Annealing Tabu Search Genetic Algorithms Improvement Methods July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 11 Topic 3 Dispatching Rules Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Dispatching Rules Prioritize all waiting jobs job attributes machine attributes current time Whenever a machine becomes free: select the job with the highest priority Static or dynamic July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 13 Release/Due Date Related Earliest release date first (ERD) rule Earliest due date first (EDD) rule variance in throughput times maximum lateness Minimum slack first (MS) rule max d j p j t ,0 maximum lateness Deadline July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Current Time Processing Time 14 Processing Time Related Longest Processing Time first (LPT) rule Shortest Processing Time first (SPT) rule balance load on parallel machines makespan sum of completion times WIP Weighted Shortest Processing Time first (WSPT) rule July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 15 Processing Time Related Critical Path (CP) rule precedence constraints makespan Largest Number of Successors (LNS) rule precedence constraints makespan July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 16 Other Dispatching Rules Service in Random Order (SIRO) rule Shortest Setup Time first (SST) rule Least Flexible Job first (LFJ) rule makespan and throughput makespan and throughput Shortest Queue at the Next Operation (SQNO) rule machine idleness July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 17 Discussion Very simple to implement Optimal for special cases Only focus on one objective Limited use in practice Combine several dispatching rules Composite Dispatching Rules July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 18 Example Single Machine with Weighted Total Tardiness 1 || w jT j No efficient algorithm (NP-Hard) Branch and bound can only solve very small problems (<30 jobs) Are there any special cases we can solve? July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 19 Case 1: Tight Deadlines Assume dj=0 Then T j max 0, C j d j max 0, C j C j w T w C j j j j We know that WSPT is optimal for this problem! July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 20 Conclusion The WSPT is optimal in the extreme case and should be a good heuristic whenever due dates are tight Now lets look at the opposite July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 21 Case 2: “Easy” Deadlines Theorem: If the deadlines are sufficiently spread out then the MS rule jselect arg max d j p j t ,0 is optimal (proof a bit harder) Conclusion: The MS rule should be a good heuristic whenever deadlines are widely spread out July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 22 Composite Rule Two good heuristics Weighted Shorted Processing Time (WSPT ) Minimum Slack (MS) optimal with due dates zero Optimal when due dates are “spread out” Any real problem is somewhere in between Combine the characteristics of these rules into one composite dispatching rule July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 23 Apparent Tardiness Cost (ATC) Dispatching Rule New ranking index max d j p j t ,0 I j (t ) exp pj K p(t ) wj Scaling constant When machine becomes free: Compute index for all remaining jobs Select job with highest value July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 24 Special Cases (Check) If K is very large: If K is very small and no overdue jobs: ATC reduces to WSPT ATC reduces to MS If K is very small and overdue jobs: ATC reduces to WSPT applied to overdue jobs July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 25 Choosing K Value of K determined empirically Related to the due date tightness factor d 1 Cmax and the due date range factor d max d min R Cmax July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 26 Choosing K Usually 1.5 K 4.5 Rules of thumb: Fix K=2 for single machine or flow shop. Fix K=3 for dynamic job shops. Adjusted to reduce weighted tardiness cost in extremely slack or congested job shops Statistical analysis/empirical experience July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 27 Topic 4 Branch-and-Bound & Beam Search Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Branch and Bound Enumerative method Guarantees finding the best schedule Basic idea: Look at a set of schedules Develop a bound on the performance Discard (fathom) if bound worse than best schedule found before July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 29 Classic Result The EDD rule is optimal for 1 || Lmax If jobs have different release dates, which we denote 1 | rj | Lmax then the problem is NP-Hard What makes it so much more difficult? July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 30 1 | rj | Lmax Jobs EDD 1 2 0 r1 r3 2 2 3 5 rj 0 3 5 dj 8 14 10 3 5 r2 pj 1 4 10 d1 d3 15 d2 Lmax max L1 , L2 , L3 max C1 d1 , C2 d 2 , C3 d 3 max 4 8,10 14,15 10 max 4,4,5 5 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Can we improve? 31 Delay Schedule Add a delay 1 3 0 r1 5 r2 r3 2 10 d1 d3 15 d2 Lmax max L1 , L2 , L3 max C1 d1 , C2 d 2 , C3 d 3 max 4 8,16 14,10 10 max 4,2,0 3 What makes this problem hard is that the optimal schedule is not necessarily a non-delay schedule July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 32 Final Classic Result The preemptive EDD rule is optimal for the preemptive (prmp) version of the problem 1 | rj , prmp | Lmax Note that in the previous example, the preemptive EDD rule gives us the optimal schedule July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 33 Branch and Bound The problem 1 | rj | Lmax cannot be solved using a simple dispatching rule so we will try to solve it using branch and bound To develop a branch and bound procedure: Determine how to branch Determine how to bound July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 34 Data Jobs 1 2 3 4 pj 4 2 6 5 rj 0 1 3 5 dj 8 12 11 10 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 35 Branching (•,•,•,•) (1,•,•,•) (2,•,•,•) (3,•,•,•) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson (4,•,•,•) 36 Branching (•,•,•,•) (1,•,•,•) (2,•,•,•) (3,•,•,•) (4,•,•,•) Discard immediately because r3 3 r4 5 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 37 Branching (•,•,•,•) (1,•,•,•) (2,•,•,•) (3,•,•,•) (4,•,•,•) Need to develop lower bounds on these nodes and do further branching. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 38 Bounding (in general) Typical way to develop bounds is to relax the original problem to an easily solvable problem Three cases: If there is no solution to the relaxed problem there is no solution to the original problem If the optimal solution to the relaxed problem is feasible for the original problem then it is also optimal for the original problem If the optimal solution to the relaxed problem is not feasible for the original problem it provides a bound on its performance July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 39 Relaxing the Problem The problem 1 | rj , prmp | Lmax is a relaxation to the problem 1 | r j | Lmax Not allowing preemption is a constraint in the original problem but not the relaxed problem We know how to solve the relaxed problem (preemptive EDD rule) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 40 Bounding Preemptive EDD rule optimal for the preemptive version of the problem Thus, solution obtained is a lower bound on the maximum delay If preemptive EDD results in a nonpreemptive schedule all nodes with higher lower bounds can be discarded. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 41 Lower Bounds Start with (1,•,•,•): r4 5 Job with EDD is Job 4 but Second earliest due date is for Job 3 Lmax 5 Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4 0 July 11, 2017 10 20 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 42 Branching (•,•,•,•) Lmax 5 (1,•,•,•) (2,•,•,•) (1,2,•,•) (1,3,•,•) Lmax 6 July 11, 2017 (1,3,4,2) (3,•,•,•) (4,•,•,•) Lmax 7 Lmax 5 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 43 Beam Search Branch and Bound: Considers every node Guarantees optimum Usually too slow Beam search Considers only most promising nodes (beam width) Does not guarantee convergence Much faster July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 44 Single Machine Example (Total Weighted Tardiness) Jobs 1 2 3 4 pj 10 10 13 4 dj 4 2 1 12 wj 14 12 1 12 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 45 Branching (Beam width = 2) (•,•,•,•) (1,•,•,•) (2,•,•,•) (3,•,•,•) (4,•,•,•) (1,4,2,3) (2,4,1,3) (3,4,1,2) (4,1,2,3) 408 436 814 440 ATC Rule July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 46 Beam Search (•,•,•,•) (1,•,•,•) (1,2,•,•) (2,•,•,•) (1,3,•,•) (1,4,2,3) July 11, 2017 (1,4,•,•) (1,4,3,2) (3,•,•,•) (2,1,•,•) (4,•,•,•) (2,3,•,•) (2,4,1,3) Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson (2,4,•,•) (2,4,3,1) 47 Discussion Implementation tradeoff: Careful evaluation of nodes (accuracy) Crude evaluation of nodes (speed) Two-stage procedure Filtering crude evaluation filter width > beam width Careful evaluation of remaining nodes July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 48 Topic 5 Random Search Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Construction versus Improvement Heuristics Construction Heuristics Improvement Heuristics Start without a schedule Add one job at a time Dispatching rules and beam search Start with a schedule Try to find a better ‘similar’ schedule Can be combined July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 50 Local Search 0. 1. Start with a schedule s0 and set k = 0. Select a candidate schedule 2. from the neighborhood of sk If acceptance criterion is met, let 3. Otherwise let sk 1 sk . Let k = k+1 and go back to Step 1. s N sk July 11, 2017 sk 1 s. Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 51 Defining a Local Search Procedure Determine how to represent a schedule. Define a neighborhood structure. Determine a candidate selection procedure. Determine an acceptance/rejection criterion. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 52 Neighborhood Structure Single machine A pairwise interchange of adjacent jobs (n-1 jobs in a neighborhood) Inserting an arbitrary job in an arbitrary position ( n(n-1) jobs in a neighborhood) Allow more than one interchange July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 53 Neighborhood Structure Job shops with makespan objective Neighborhood based on critical paths Set of operations start at t=0 and end at t=Cmax Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 54 Neighborhood Structure The critical path(s) define the neighborhood July 11, 2017 Interchange jobs on a critical path Too few better schedules in the neighborhood Too simple to be useful Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 55 One-Step Look-Back Interchange Jobs on critical path Machine h Machine i Interchange jobs on critical path Machine h Machine i One-step look-back interchange Machine h Machine i July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 56 Neighborhood Search Find a candidate schedule from the neighborhood: Random Appear most promising (most improvement in objective) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 57 Acceptance/Rejection Major difference between most methods Two popular methods: Always accept a better schedule? Sometimes accept an inferior schedule? Simulated annealing Tabu search Same except the acceptance criterion! July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 58 Topic 6 Simulated Annealing Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Simulated Annealing (SA) Notation S0 is the best schedule found so far Sk is the current schedule G(Sk) it the performance of a schedule Note that G( S k ) G( S0 ) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Aspiration Criterion 60 Acceptance Criterion Let Sc be the candidate schedule If G(Sc) < G(Sk) accept Sc and let S k 1 Sc If G(Sc) G(Sk) move to Sc with probability Always 0 G ( S k ) G ( S c ) P(Sk 1 , Sc ) e July 11, 2017 k Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Temperature > 0 61 Cooling Schedule The temperature should satisfy 1 2 3 ... 0 Normally we let k 0 but we sometimes stop when some predetermined final temperature is reached If temperature is decreased slowly convergence is guaranteed July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 62 SA Algorithm Step 1: Set k = 1 and select the initial temperature 1. Select an initial schedule S1 and set S0 = S1. Step 2: Select a candidate schedule Sc from N(Sk). If G(S0) < G(Sc) < G(Sk), set Sk+1 = Sc and go to Step 3. If G(Sc) < G(S0), set S0 = Sk+1 = Sc and go to Step 3. If G(Sc) < G(S0), generate Uk Uniform(0,1); If Uk P(Sk, Sc), set Sk+1 = Sc; otherwise set Sk+1 = Sk; go to Step 3. Step 3: Select k+1 k. Let k=k+1. If k=N STOP; otherwise go to Step 2. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 63 Discussion SA has been applied successfully to many industry problems Allows us to escape local optima Performance depends on Construction of neighborhood Cooling schedule July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 64 Topic 7 Tabu Search Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Tabu Search Similar to SA but uses a deterministic acceptance/rejection criterion Maintain a tabu list of schedule changes A move made entered at top of tabu list Fixed length (5-9) Neighbors restricted to schedules not requiring a tabu move July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 66 Tabu List Rational Disadvantage Avoid returning to a local optimum A tabu move could lead to a better schedule Length of list Too short cycling (“stuck”) Too long search too constrained July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 67 Tabu Search Algorithm Step 1: Set k = 1. Select an initial schedule S1 and set S0 = S1. Step 2: Select a candidate schedule Sc from N(Sk). If Sk Sc on tabu list set Sk+1 = Sk and go to Step 3. Enter Sc Sk on tabu list. Push all the other entries down (and delete the last one). If G(Sc) < G(S0), set S0 = Sc. Go to Step 3. Step 3: Select k+1 k. Let k=k+1. If k=N STOP; otherwise goScheduling to Step 2. Lecture Notes for Planning and July 11, 2017 Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 68 Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Example Jobs 1 2 3 4 pj 10 10 13 4 dj 4 2 1 12 wj 14 12 1 12 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 69 Initialization Tabu list empty L={} Initial schedule S1 = (2,1,4,3) 20 - 4 = 16 10 - 2 = 8 Deadlines 37 - 1 = 36 24 - 12 = 12 0 10 w T j July 11, 2017 j 20 30 40 14 16 12 8 1 36 12 12 500 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 70 Neighborhood Define the neighborhood as all schedules obtain by adjacent pairwise interchanges The neighbors of S1 = (2,1,4,3) are Select the best (1,2,4,3) non-tabu schedule (2,4,1,3) (2,1,3,4) Objective values are: 480, 436, 652 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 71 Second Iteration Let S0 =S2 = (2,4,1,3). G(S0)=436. Let L = {(1,4)} New neighborhood Sequence (4,2,1,3) (2,1,4,3) (2,4,3,1) w T 460 500 608 j July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 72 Third Iteration Let S3 = (4,2,1,3), S0 = (2,4,1,3). Let L = {(2,4),(1,4)} New neighborhood Sequence (2,4,1,3) (4,1,2,3) (4,2,3,1) w T 436 440 632 j Tabu! July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 73 Fourth Iteration Let S4 = (4,1,2,3), S0 = (2,4,1,3). Let L = {(1,2),(2,4)} New neighborhood Sequence (1,4,2,3) (4,2,1,3) (4,1,3,2) w T 402 460 586 j July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 74 Fifth Iteration Let S5 = (1,4,2,3), S0 = (1,4,2,3). Let L = {(1,4),(1,2)} This turns out to be the optimal schedule Tabu search still continues Notes: Optimal schedule only found via tabu list We never know if we have found the optimum! July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 75 Topic 8 Genetic Algorithm Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Genetic Algorithms Schedules are individuals that form populations Each individual has associated fitness Fit individuals reproduce and have children in the next generation Very fit individuals survive into the next generation Some individuals mutate July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 77 Total Weighted Tardiness Single Machine Example Initial population selected randomly First Generation Individual (sequence) Fitness w T j July 11, 2017 (2,1,3,4) (3,4,1,2) (4,1,3,2) 652 814 586 j Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 78 Mutation Operator Fittest Individual Individual (2,1,3,4) (3,4,1,2) (4,1,3,2) Fitness 652 814 586 Reproduction via mutation (4,3,1,2) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 79 Cross-Over Operator Fittest Individuals Individual (2,1,3,4) (4,3,1,2) (4,1,3,2) Fitness 652 758 586 (4,1,3,2) (2,1,3,2) Reproduction via cross-over (2,1,3,4) July 11, 2017 Infeasible! (4,1,3,4) Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 80 Representing Schedules When using GA we often represent individuals using binary strings (0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ) (1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ) (0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 81 Discussion Genetic algorithms have been used very successfully Advantages: Very generic Easily programmed Disadvantages: A method that exploits special structure is usually faster (if it exists) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 82 Topic 9 Nested Partitions Method Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson The Nested Partitions Method Partitioning of all schedules Random sampling & local search used to find which node is most promising Similar to branch-and-bound & beam search Similar to beam search Retains only one node (beam width = 1) Allows for possible backtracking July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 84 Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Example Jobs 1 2 3 4 pj 10 10 13 4 dj 4 2 1 12 wj 14 12 1 12 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 85 First Iteration (•,•,•,•) (1,•,•,•) (2,•,•,•) Most promising region (3,•,•,•) (4,•,•,•) Random Samples (uniform sampling, ATC rule, genetic algorithm) (1,4,2,3) (1,2,4,3) (1,4,3,2) July 11, 2017 402 480 554 Promising Index I(1,•,•,•) = 402 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 86 Notation We let s(k) be the most promising region in the k-th iteration sj(k) be the subregions, j=1,2,…,M sM+1(k) be the surrounding region S denote all possible regions (fixed set) S0 all regions that contain a single schedule I(s) be the promising index of sS July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 87 Second Iteration Most promising region s(2) ss(2)) (•,•,•,•) s4(2) (1,•,•,•) s1(2) (1,2,•,•) {(2,•,•,•),(3,•,•,•), (4,•,•,•)} s2(2) s3(2) (1,3,•,•) (1,4,•,•) Best Promising Index July 11, 2017 Random Samples (4,2,1,3) (2,4,1,3) (4,1,3,2) 460 436 586 I(s4(2)) = 436 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 88 Third Iteration (•,•,•,•) s3(3) ss(3)) {(1,2,•,•), (1,4,•,•),(2,•,•,•),(3,•,•,•), (4,•,•,•)} (1,•,•,•) Random Samples s(3) (1,3,•,•) s1(3) s2(3) (4,2,3,1) (2,4,1,3) (1,4,2,3) (1,3,2,4) (1,3,4,2) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 632 436 402 I(s3(3)) = 402 Best Promising Index 89 Fourth Iteration ss(4)) (•,•,•,•) s(4) s4(4) (1,•,•,•) s1(4) (1,2,•,•) {(2,•,•,•),(3,•,•,•), (4,•,•,•)} s2(4) s3(4) (1,3,•,•) (1,4,•,•) Backtracking! July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 90 Finding the Optimal Schedule The sequence s (k ) k 1 is a Markov chain Eventually the singleton region soptS0 containing the best schedule is visited Absorbing state (never leave sopt) Finite state space visited after finitely many iterations. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 91 Discussion Finds best schedule in finite iterations If we can calculate/estimate/guarantee the probability of moving in right direction: Only branch-and-bound can also guarantee Expected number of iterations Probability of having found optimal schedule Stopping rules that guarantee performance (unique) Works best if incorporates dispatching rules and local search (genetic algorithms, etc) July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 92 Topic 10 Mathematical Programming Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson Review of Mathematical Programming Many scheduling problems can be formulated as mathematical programs: Linear Programming Nonlinear Programming Integer Programming See Appendix A in book. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 94 Linear Programs Minimize subject to c1 x1 c2 x2 ... cn xn a11x1 a12 x2 ... a1n xn b1 a21x1 a22 x2 ... a2 n xn b1 am1 x1 am 2 x2 ... amn xn b1 xj 0 July 11, 2017 for j 1,..., n Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 95 Solving LPs LPs can be solved efficiently Simplex method (1950s) Interior point methods (1970s) Polynomial time Has been used in practice to solve huge problems July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 96 Nonlinear Programs Minimize f ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) subject to g1 ( x1, x2 ,..., xn ) 0 g 2 ( x1, x2 ,..., xn ) 0 g m ( x1, x2 ,..., xn ) 0 July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 97 Solving Nonlinear Programs Optimality conditions Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Convex objective, convex constraints Solution methods Gradient methods (steepest descent, Newton’s method) Penalty and barrier function methods Lagrangian relaxation July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 98 Integer Programming LP where all variables must be integer Mixed-integer programming (MIP) Much more difficult than LP Most useful for scheduling July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 99 Example: Single Machine One machine and n jobs Minimize n j 1 w jC j Define the decision variables 1 if job j starts at time t x jt 0 otherwise. July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 100 IP Formulation Minimize n Cmax 1 w (t p ) x j 1 subject to t 0 j j C max 1 x t 0 n jt t 1 x js j 1 s max{ t p j , 0} jt 1 j 1 t x jt 0,1 j , t July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 101 Solving IPs Solution Methods Cutting plane methods Branch-and-bound methods Linear programming relaxation Additional constraints to ensure integers Branch on the decision variables Linear programming relaxation provides bounds Generally difficult July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 102 Disjunctive Programming Conjuctive Disjunctive All constraints must be satisfied At least one of the constraints must be satisfied Zero-one integer programs Use for job-shop scheduling July 11, 2017 Lecture Notes for Planning and Scheduling Prepared by Siggi Olafsson 103
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