CE E717-2: Machine Learniing Prooblem Seet 4 Instruuctor: Soley ymani Fall 2012 Duue date: 19th Day D Instructtions - If you have anny question ab bout problemss mail to mlta4 40717@gmail.com with thee subject in th he format: QHW(homew work number)--P(question nuumber) (e.g., QHW(4)-P(2))). Send your asssignments witth subject HW W(homework number)-(Stud n dent-ID) to mllta40717@gm mail.com. Probleem 1: EM 1.1. (12 Pts) EM M& Bayesian Networks Consider the Bayesian netw work shown iin Figure 1 that contains fiv ve Boolean vaariables (below w, we use the first letteer of the variiable names). Suppose thaat the variablees , , , aare observed and is () () () unobserved. Given G a set off training exxamples , , , () . Show w that in the M-step of is updated the EM algorithm denoting ( = | = , = ) as | | ← ∑ ← argmax ( () , () ) ( () ∑ ( () | ( ), ( ) , ( ), ( )) , () ) ( ( )| ( ), ( ) , ( ), ( ), ) llog ( . Ind deed, this upd date rule correesponds to th he M-step () , () , () , () , () | ′) . Figure 1 1.2. Practical EM M & GMM Please download "EM.zip"" and use this implementation of the EM algorithm esttimating the parameters p of a Gaussiann mixture. Do ownload "clusst_data.m" datta set (contain ning the first ttwo features of the iris data set from the UCI repository). Below w, you will fin nd clusters of this t data set uusing the EM algorithm. a a. [5 Pts] P The implementation off GMMEM uses u k-means clustering allgorithm for parameter p initiaalization. Find the clusteriing results (fo for two clusteers) on the abbove data sett. Plot the clustter centroids and aroundd each centro oid draw an ellipsoid shhowing the respective r covaariance. b. [4 Ptts] Plot also th he clustering rresult of the k-means k algorithm (used in the initializattion phase of EM M) and compare it with thee result obtained in Part (a). c. [4 Pts] Change GMMEMInitia G alize code to use u the follow wing parameteer initialization n (instead of ussing k-means for parameterr initialization n): = 6 3 , = 8 4 ,Σ =Σ = , = = 0.5 5. Agaiin plot the results as explainned above. d. [5 Ptts] In general for the EM allgorithm (with h GMM assum mption), which ch properties of o datasets can cause c it to gett stuck in local al minima morre seriously? Problem 2: k-NN 2.1. [10 Pts] Implement a k-NN classifier as a Matlab function foundY=kNN(k,trainX,trainY,X). Therefore, k-NN must find the labels of the data points in X according to the training data. 2.2. In this part, k-NN classifier is used for text classification. Download the document classification data set "doc_data.zip" introduced in Homework 2. The features for classifying a document are the number of occurrences of each word (of the vocabulary) in the given document. a. [7 Pts] Find misclassification error of k-NN (k=1, k=3, k=5, k=15) on the training and test sets. Discuss about the obtained results. b. [3 Pts] Compare the results of k-NN with those of Naïve Bayes classifier that you found in Homework 2 and discuss about them. Problem 3: Boosting The AdaBoost algorithm (that we explained in the class) tries to minimize the exponential loss = ( ) ( ( )) ∑ sequentially where ( ) = ℎ ( ) + ⋯ + ℎ ( ) . Indeed, at the -th iteration (1 ≤ ≤ ), it finds the weak classifier ℎ ( ) and the corresponding coefficient so that the loss function (up to -th iteration) is minimized. () () 3.1. [15 Pts] Suppose that we consider the sum of squares error = ∑ − as the objective function (instead of the exponential loss) and want to optimize it sequentially. What are the and the classifier ℎ ( )? update rule for the coefficient 3.2. Consider the XOR dataset shown in the below figure ('X' corresponds to = −1 and 'O' corresponds to =1). a. [5 pts] Assume the base classifiers ℎ ( ) are linear classifiers. Will AdaBoost that minimizes the exponential loss get zero training error after sufficient iterations? What is the minimum number of iterations before it can reach zero training error? b. [5 pts] Will Adaboost with Decision Stumps as the weak classifier ever achieve better than 50% classification accuracy on this dataset? (Justify your answer). What about the boosting algorithm explained in Problem 3.1 (with Decision Stumps as the base classifier)? 1 1 ‐1 ‐1 3.3. [5 Pts] How can we prevent Boosting from overfitting? How can we find the proper number of boosting iterations? Problem 4: MDPs & Reinforcement Learning 4.1. Consider the grid world shown in the below figure. In each of the nine states of this world, four actions 'Up', 'Down', 'Left', and 'Right' are available. Each action achieves the intended effect with probability 0.7, but the rest of the time, the action moves the agent in one of the three unintended directions randomly (with the probability 0.1 in each of these directions). If the agent bumps into a wall, it stays in the same square. When the agent reaches the state 8 (this state is a terminal state), it receives +10 reward. The discount factor is = 0.9. a. [8 Pts] Write down the numerical state values (of all states) after the first and second iterations of Value Iteration algorithm. Initial values of the states are set to zero. 9 4 1 b. 8 5 2 7 6 3 [2 Pts] After these two iterations, what is the currently selected policy? Is this sensible? 4.2. [10 Pts] Suppose that we don't know the transition probabilities and rewards and we want to use Qlearning algorithm. During this algorithm, we observe the following two episodes (above each transition, the action and the reward value have been shown): 2 , 3 , 4 What would be the resulting 3 , , 9 2 , , 9 5 , , 4 6 , , 1 3 , , 4 , 2 , 4 values (if the initial values of 1 , , 5 2 , , 5 , 8 8 are zero) after the above episodes?
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