BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 RECEIVE!) Ocr IO Poc-T:I E#aTZ cauf. ,s;i(itJ OFrICE ci’1lit: S:cRtiA,xY I POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 1997 II lZPii’Q7 Docket No. R97-1 I NOTICE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OF REVISIONS TO THE TESTIMONY OF DR. GEORGE TOLLEY (USPS-T-6) (October 9, 1997) In accordance testimony with Presiding Officer’s Ruling No. R97-l/27, of Dr. George Tolley, USPS-T-6, are appended revised pages of the hereto as .Attachment A. These pages reflect revisions arising from three sources: 1) The error acknowledged in Dr. Tolley’s response to item 10.b of POIR No. 1, filed August 18, made in summing GFY 1999 figures presented in Exhibit USPS-GA. The Postal Service makes no use of the GFY 1999 forecast in this ciase, as the test year is 1998. 2) Errors, also acknowledged in response to item 10 of POIR No. 1, in Dr. Musgrave’s forecasts, which are reproduced for convenience in some of Dr. Tolley’s tables. 3) Errors made in incorporating the revenue loss from the proposed prebarcode discount into the after-rates FWI for Bound Printed Matter, Library Rate, and Special Rate. This situation was discussed with regard to Bound Printed Malter in response to item 10.b of POlR No. 3, filed September 22, and the same error in the same formula affected Library and Special Rate as well. For each subclass, the effect of the error on the forecast was quite small. Attachment A contains fully the correction revised pages of text, tables, and exhibits necessary of these errors. It is our intention to substitute those filed originally when Dr. Tolley adopts his testimony A also contains one revised workpaper There is one additional these pages for on the stand. (Attachment page.) source of error in Dr. Tolley’s forecast which is not reflected in the revisions presented misapportioned to reflect in Attachment volume between the quarters. A. The quarterly forecasts Details on this are presented have in - Attachment B. Correction the test year forecasts 2 - of this error causes what are essentially for every subclass, but, of course, only the forecasts (The quarterly changes trivial changes are less trivial, for the entire year are used in this proceeding.) The Postal Service does not believe that discrepancies of this magnkude filing revised pages for each of the myriad of instances in which the text contains forecast number that would change only slightly. contain a supplemental in Attachment B, however, warrant a does version of the summary table from the testim’ony (Table I), and Exhibit USPS-GA, which clearly show for each subclass what the corrected figures would be (as well as the magnitude forecast.) The forecasting as USPS-LR-H-295, subclasses forecasted of the correction model from which these figures are derived is being filed which, as of now, represents by Dr. Tolley. of all the errors discussed relative to the original the best forecastin’g (This library reference also contains corrections above and reflected in Attachment Respectfully model for the A.) submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking 6- I3 ( Eric P. Koetting 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, D.C. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2992; Fax -5402 October 9. 1997 .I & ATTACHMENT A Attachment A The following errata were identified for USPS-T-6: Pages 5-6 (Table 1) Page 62 * (fine 20, the number ‘54,519.485’ becomes ‘54,517.802’) Pages 127-128 * (on p. 127, II. 21-22, the sentence starting ‘The after-rates moves to p. 128, II. Q-IO) Page 163, line 15, the number ‘561.718’ becomes ‘562.598 Page 167, line 9, the number ‘200.51 I’ becomes ‘200.807 Page 172, line 6, the number ‘28.709’ becomes ‘28.71 I’ forecast, Fxhibit USPS-GA Pages l-3,6-8, Workpaper 10 (pp. 4 & 9 are enclosed as well for completeness) 1 Page 53 (Table l-35) l - Errata marked with an asterisk do not relate to any corrections in l:he forecast, but instead correct typographical or editorial errors made in the preparation of the testimony. The changes to “Adjusted After-Rates” in Table 1 for Insurance due to errata from rate design witnesses. and Certified are Revised 10/g/97 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 87 9 10 11 :: 14 2 17 :: s: ;s 24 ;6" z'8 29 30 z: 33 ;: 36 z78 39 40 41. 42 43 44 45 46 47 :i TABLE 1 VOLUME PROJECTIONS (Million Pieces) Test Refore-Rates IlI!siba After-Rates Adiusted After-Rates Cateaorv of Mail or Setvice Pase Year FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters & Flats (Single-piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single-piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL 92,899.506 53,738.949 7,846.568 31,313.989 5,217.264 570.329 4j346.935 2,437.427 710.712 1,498.796 98,116.770 95,901.297 54,394.309 5,369.390 36,137.599 5,693.117 594.894 5,098.223 2,546.540 643.732 1,907.951 101,594.414 991.280 58.719 5.558 1,131.663 64.832 4.757 1,095.437 63.857 4.757 910.993 2,182.805 58.647 7,013.337 10,165.782 911.204 2,186.677 51.194 7,172.571 10,321.646 901.070 2,161.077 47.452 7.147.574 10,257.973 901.870 2,161.077 47.452 7,147.574 10.257.973 158.735 165.695 60,923.517 66,783.249 30,924.312 34,359.008 10,247.842 8,904.147 20,676.469 25,454.861 32,424.240 29,999.206 28,790.811 30,301.017 2.123.223 1.208.395 13,255.224 12,718.009 IO. 123.229 9,711.959 4,086.150 5,059.538 6,037.079 4,652.422 3,131.995 3,006.050 2,775.082 2,831.120 356.913 174.930 80,204.168 73,800.261 (Continued on next page) 161.574 66,313.735 37,627.554 9,184.077 28,442638 28,686.181 26,626.5,19 2,059.662 13,122.251 10,550.968 3,658.517 6,892.451 2,571.283 2,216.626 354.654 79,597.559 o.ooo4 66,313.736 37,627.555 Priority Mail’ Express Mail’ Mailgrams PERIODICALS Within County Nonprofit Classroom Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICALS STANDARD A MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A 95,446.568 95,550.984 54,413.,387 54,517.8022 4,855.407 4,855.407 36,177.775 36b177.775 5,523.1146 5,523.046 583.005 583.005 4,940.041 4,940.041 2.476.656 2,476.656 667.024 667.024 1,796.361 1,796.361 100,969.614 101,074.030 1,152.4133 62.7213 4.757 28,686.181 13,122.251 10,550.968 2,571.283 79,435.987 Revised 10,/g/97 6 TABLE 1 (Continued) VOLUME PROJECTIONS (Million Pieces) : 3 4 fz 7 &teaorv : 10 11 12 of Mail or Service Base Year Adiusted Test Year Before-Rates er-rates STANDARD B MAIL Parcel Post (Inter-BMC) (I&a-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B 220.034 64.941 48.009 107.085 515.988 194.157 28.922 959.101 241.598 55.256 49.406 136.937 567.896 200.562 30.245 1,040.302 231.879 50.375 43.566 137.938 562.598 200.807 28.711 1,022.817 ;: Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind 347.651 50.388 297.820 56.390 297.820 56.390 297.820 56.390 ;: TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL 184,495.511 194,715.992 193,367.404 193,389.076 ;z 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 SPECIAL SERVICES Registry Insurance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERV. 16.195 31.438 304.153 3.936 236.661 592.383 14.288 30.600 293.118 3.886 236.570 578.463 :: 15 :; 234.6605 574.742= 200.511 28.728’ 1,038.641 :“9 z: 35 :; :: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 18.149 30.069 283.138 4.611 214.709 550.843 14.288 31.026’ 289.6538 3.886 236.570 ’ Volume projections before adjustment for Priority Mail and Express Mail are taken from Dr. Gerald Musgrave’s revised testimony (USPS-T-8) and adjusted for the MC96-3 decision as explained in Library Reference H-173 and Library Reference H-295. *An explanation of the adjustment to First-Class single-piece is presented by witness Fronk (USPS-T-32). ’ An explanation of the adjustment to Priority and Express mail is presented by witness Sharkey (USPS-T-33), but does not reflect post-tiling errata of Dr. Musgrave. ’ An explanation of the adjustment to Standard single-piece is present’ed by witness Moeller (USPS-T-36). ‘An explanation of the adjustment to parcel post is presented by witness Mayes (USPST-37). 6 An explanation of the adjustment to bound printed matter and library rate is presented by witness Adra (USPS-T-38) but does not reflect my post-filing errata. ’ An explanation of the adjustment to insurance is presented by witness Plunkett (USPST-40). a An explanation of the adjustment to certified mail is presented by witness Needham (USPS-T-39). Revised 10/g/97 62 In the before-rates 1 projection, real postal prices are based on the assumption that the 2 present rate schedule for First-Class 3 the result that the real price declines in line with the Data Resources, 4 of the increase in the general price level as measured by the Department 5 price index of personal consumption letters remains in effect through the Test Year, with 7 rate schedule proposed 8 effect at the beginning 9 quarter of Postal Year 1998. 10 Details of the projection methodology is as:sumed to go into are given in the Technical 12 projections. projection of total single-piece letter volume projection 16 million pieces, 17 rates volume because the proposed decline in the discount for presorted 18 letters causes some of this mail to shift to single-piece 32) volume of single-piece adjustments leading volume to a final after-rates b. Total Workshared million pieces. The after-rates letters is greater than the before- letters. are made by witness Fronk (USPS-T- projection First-Class nonautomated of 54,517.802 million 23 letters, equal to the sum of the volumes of presorted nonautomated 24 mentioned below, is projected pieces. Letters Assuming present postage rates are continued, the volume of workshared immediately of the by the Postal Service in this ca!se is 54,413,387 To the above volume, additional 21 22 The after-rates to this in the Test Year, 15 based on the rates proposed is 54,394.309 enabling replication obtained 20 the methodology, Appendix 14 19 by applying except that the of the Test Year, on October 1, 1997, which falls during the first testimony and in Workpaper 2 which gives sample calculations The before-rates projection, by the Postal Service in this proceeding 11 13 of Commerce expenditures. The after-rates projection is the same as the before-rates 6 Inc. (DRI) projection to be 41,506.989 First-Class and automated letters million pieces in the Test Revised IO/?/97 127 1 mentions an important 2 targeting 3 USPS which goes to every address and individual.” 4 delivery has had a small negative effect on the volume of Standard however. “With direct marketers it is going to be difficult for alternate . .. III. 5 6 caveat, delivery companies’to of non-econometric c:ompete with the regular mail. Period information has noted both positive and 7 negative influenced on Standard A regular mail volume. 8 and negative influences 9 factors being responsible for a 0.12 percent decline in Standard regular mail volume. 10 11 Table 12 shows that the positive have been roughly offsetting over the past five years, with other This is equivalent to an annual decline of only 0.02 percent per year. The small mechanical net trend does not appear to be reflective of a persistent 12 decline in Standard regular mail volume. 13 and negative forecast errors and the SPLY differences 14 indication of a downward 15 factor is included in the volume forecasts of this subclass. 4. 16 Volume a. 17 18 more All in all, it appears that alternative Net Trend for the Forecast The above discussion going toward The forecast error analysis shows both positive in forecast errors offer no obvious trend in Standard regular mail volume. As a result, no net trend Forecast Total Volume Projecting the influence of the factors that have been discussed 19 34,359.008 million pieces of noncarrier-route 20 present postal rates. At the rates proposed 21 projection 22 the proposed 23 causing mail to shift from the ECR to the Regular subclass. is 37,627.554 million pieces. pricing of automation gives a forecast of third bulk regular mail in 1:he Test Year, at by the Postal Service in this’ proceeding, The increase in the after-rates the volume is due to 5-digit regular letters less than ECR basic letters, Revised 10/g/97 128 1 2 b. Standard Forecasts of Nonautomated regular nonautomated Mail mail consists of the letter and norlletter categories 3 of Basic and Presort regular mail. Assuming 4 forecasted Test Year volume of nonautomated 5 pieces. At rates proposed by the Posta Service, the projected volume in the Test Year is 6 9,184.917 Standard regular mail is 8,904.147 million million pieces. 7 8 no change in current rates, the before-rates C. Forecasts The total forecasted of Automated Mail Test Year volume of the automation categories 9 regular mail is 25,454.861 million pieces in the before-rates 10 forecast, at rates proposed by the Postal Service, is 28,442.638 of Standard A scenario. The after-rates million pieces. 11 12 D. 1. 13 14 Enhanced Carrier Route Definition The Standard A enhanced carrier route subclass was created as part of the MC951 15 classification 16 previously known as carrier route third-class bulk regular mail. To qualify for the Standard 17 A enhanced 18 pounds) and each piece must be part of a group of 10 or more pieces to one carrier route. 19 To be sent Standard A, each piece must weigh less than one pound. 20 reform. Standard A enhanced carrier route subclass, Within Standard enhanced mail where nonletters carrier route mail consists mailings must contain at least 200 pieces (or 50 carrier route, there is a distinction 21 nonletter 22 There are four letter and three nonletter categories 23 four letter categories 24 nonletter categories 25 automation between consist of flats, parcels, and irregularly are: basic, automation, of enhanced high density, are: basic, high density, and saturation. compatible of what was shaped pieces. carrier route mail. The and saturaltion. Automation and 100 percent delivery point barcoded. letter and The three letters must be Revised 10/g/97 163 .. . 1 Ill. Net Trend for Forecast 2 While the other factors have had the effect of raising bound printed matter by an 3 average of 0.33 percent per year, review of the forecast error analysis, shows that the 4 influence 5 Particularly 6 presented for this subclass in the Technical Appendix. 7 be indicative 8 steadily decreasing 9 toward no net trend. Based on the absence of a net trend in recent quarters, no net trend 10 factors revealing is the four-quarter of a trend. has not been stable over this time period. average of SPLY differences Instead, the four-quarter pattern, suggesting of forecast errors A constant SPLY difference would average SPLY differences show a a move from a relatively large positive net trend is included in the forecasts of bound printed matter. 11 12 of the non-econometric 4. Projecting Volume Forecast the influence of the above factors gives a of 567.896 rnillion pieces of 13 Standard Bound printed mail for the Test Year beginning October 1, 1997, if present postal 14 rates are continued 15 Service are adopted, the forecast is 562.598 million pieces (after-rates (before-rates forecast). If the rates recommende’d by the Postal forecast). 16 17 18 19 D. Standard 1. 6 Special Rate Mail Definition Standard B special rate mail includes books, literary manuscripts, compact discs and 20 cassette tapes, small films, and educational 21 tables. Book clubs, music clubs, and book publishers account for 95 percent of the special 22 rate mail volume. 23 Presort rates are available. 24 materials such as charts and mathematical Special rate mail is not zoned, but postage varies by weight. Two Revised 10/g/97 167 .. . 1 2 Net Trend for Forecast Ill. The five-year net trend for special rate mail is a small -0.20 percent. 3 forecast error analysis indicates that special rate volume has recovered 4 most recent postal year, suggesting 5 Consequently, 6 4. 7 somewhat in the that any negative influences on volume are waning. no net trend is used in the forecast for Standard Volume Review of the B special rate mail. Forecast The forecast is 200.562 million pieces of special rate mail for the Test Year if present 8 postal rates are continued (before-rates forecast). If the rates recommencled 9 Service are adopted, the forecast is 200.807 million pieces (after-rates by the Postal forecast). 10 11 E. Standard 13 Rate Definition 1. 12 B Library Schools, colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums, 14 organizations 15 B library rate. 16 categories 17 address or return address be that of an eligible institution and that the label Library Rate 18 appear conspicuously 19 are eligible to send Standard and nonprofit No permit is required as would be the case for other preferred such as second- and Standard A’common’use B mail at a preferred rate known as Standard A nonprofit mail. It is required rate only that the on both sides of the package. of library rate is the sending of books from publishers and distributors 20 to schools, colleges, universities, and public libraries. This use accounts for 23 percent of 21 library rate mail pieces according to the Preferred Rate Study. Another common use is for 22 inter-library 23 volume. 24 25 loan materials. Thirty-two Overall, libraries send 21 percent of the total library rate percent of the library rate is by educational organizations. As in the case of special rate, rates are based on weight but not distance. increases mandated for preferred subclasses Phased have raised rates for library rate mail. Revised 10/g/97 172 1 2 4. Volume Forecast The above considerations lead to a forecast of 30.245 million pieces of Standard B 3 library rate mail for the Test Year, if present postal rates are continued (before-rates 4 forecast). 5 otherwise applicable to special rate mail. In view of this situation, the after-rates forecast 6 for library rate mail in the Test Year is 28.711 million pieces. In the after-rates scenario, most library rate mail is expected to be charged rates Revised Exhibit USPS-GA FIRST-CLASS MAlL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nonprofit Classroom Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Sulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Gamier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Sulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Ndnautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel post (Inter-BMC) (Intra-BMC) (DSMC) Sound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Registry ,n*urance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 10/g/97 TABLE 1 QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997Ql TO 199904 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (Actual) 199701 (Actual, 1997w 21.728.723 12,893.919 1.486.816 7.547.966 1,349.378 159.589 1,189.807 641.280 182.883 385.884 23,b78.099 1997Q3 199704 1997PFY 1997GFY 22.981.736 13,524.103 1.389.282 8.048.374 1.242.492 175.124 1,0*7.3*a 506.498 159.095 401.775 24.204.230 21.098.883 11.895.923 1.340.317 7.882.422 1.195.974 129.712 1.088.282 545.188 143.825 377.251 22.294.838 27.883.291 18.012.017 1.645.165 10.028.109 1.851.307 167.157 1.484.150 753.490 198.754 533.908 29.334598 93.472.415 54.125.962 5.861.559 33.484.893 5.439.149 '631.583 4,807,588 2.446.434 682.358 1.898.795 9a.911.564 93.878.849 54340.025 !i,839.898 33.898.925 8.489.433 831.124 4.638.309 :!.454.239 884~918 1.719.154 9!1,348.282 237.394 13.098 1.354 248.239 14.377 1.847 249.878 14.380 1.318 317.773 16,672 1.302 I ,051.283 80.524 5,819 1.080.059 60.880 5.771 224.175 537.403 13.350 1.851.532 2.428.480 218.211 512.189 16~858 1.643.663 2.389.101 210.798 524.828 15.214 1.882.782 2.433.800 262.358 818.833 15.548 2.134.778 3.049.516 933.542 2.191.232 80.987 7.112.935 10.298.677 934.013 2.197.551 81.308 7.132.880 10.325.752 182.804 62.824.703 31.984398 8.371.908 43.040 15.990.123 7.910.290 2.199.919 5710.370 8.079.833 7.848.584 433.250 3.838.489 2.853.017 1.199.459 1.453.550 983.452 894.831 88.821 19.889.831 33.966 13.905.081 7.134.231 1.779.793 5.354.438 6.770.850 8.288.545 482.305 2.835.823 2.289.181 984.575 I ,284.607 566.442 480.332 88.109 18,774.870 38.600 14,190.039 7.265.570 1.888.881 5.376.889 8.924~489 8.470.838 453.831 2.9oa.io4 2.218.993 923.361 1.295.832 889.111 810.723 78.388 17.138.943 48.998 18.739.480 9.854307 2.505.515 7.148.793 9.oa5.153 8.490.234 594.919 3.812.474 2.758.112 1.131.854 1.824.258 858.381 750.937 97.424 22.398.932 30.880.305 28, 1.964.305 12.992.889 9,897,303 4.239.249 5,858.055 3.095.385 2.744624 350.742 75,980.176 183.121 63.331.758 32.241.467 6.415.726 23.825.739 31.090.2a9 29.092.773 1.997.518 13.038.802 9.954108 4.239.978 5.714.129 3.082.494 2.728.830 353.864 78,531.479 58.902 15.980 11.995 30.947 142.625 52.487 8.947 280.980 57.756 18,592 11.551 29.812 98.493 44.094 5.925 206.268 50.270 13.426 10.720 28.124 108.815 42.814 8.773 208.472 81.240 15.720 12.944 32.575 165.013 53.281 7.488 308.981 228.187 81.899 47.210 119.256 532.748 192.858 27.113 980.882 230.023 81.878 47.858 120.487 538.140 194.731 27.527 988.421 81.350 12.248 87,422 10.238 84.938 13.112 85.814 15.319 339.524 50.915 339.088 51.816 55.528.908 187.679.164 188.709.349 17.296 31.081 289.691 4.351 218.711 17.322 31.286 291.380 4.348 218.171 559~218 562.588 45.780.593 43,934.390 4.146 8.176 71,429 1.039 47,877 3.726 8.098 80.277 1.019 44.707 132.708 117.675 42.435.273 4.131 6.135 72.819 0.998 52.288 5.293 a.872 85.185 1~297 71.861 172.288 Revised 10/g/97 Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 1 (continued) QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997Ql TO 1999a4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS Before-Rates FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters & Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County NO”prOfi~ Classroom Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Sulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Sulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel Post (Inter-BMC) (I”td3MC) (DBMC) Sound Ptinted Matier Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD 6 Postal Penany Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Registry lns”rance Certified Colled-on-Deliver/ Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 199aa1 1996a2 199aa3 199824 1996Pp1 199BGFY 22.096.419 12.800.156 1.270.782 6.025.479 1.397.479 145.604 1.251.675 631.917 163.143 456.816 23.493.697 23.383.563 13.419.129 1.320.749 6,643.704 1.260.853 143.632 1.137.221 570.719 145.642 420.859 24,664.435 21.629.947 11.943.764 1.244.682 8.441.501 1.254.132 132.535 1.121.597 559.594 141.123 420.860 22.884.079 26.366.645 16.056.060 1.533.421 10.777.145 1.725.663 169.618 1.555.846 771.669 192.276 591,881 30,094306 95.478,594 54221.131 5.369.634 35.887.829 5.658.127 591,589 5066.536 2.533.919 642.163 1.890.436 101.136.720 95.901.297 54.394,309 5J69.390 36.137.599 5393.117 594,894 5.096.223 2.546.540 E,43.732 1,5’07.951 101.594.414 262.717 13.665 1.019 260,066 15.167 1.392 265.107 15:471 1.189 336.445 19.932 1.159 1,124.355 64.435 4.759 1.131.663 64.632 4.757 209.871 528.407 14.024 1826.703 2.379.066 204.750 511.826 12.301 1.645.492 2.374.366 210.741 525.630 12.869 1.710.902 2.460.362 282.939 613.761 12.165 2.163.246 3.072.112 908.301 2.179.905 51.379 7.146.343 10.285.928 911~204 2.186.677 51.194 7.172.571 10.321.646 41.403 17.284.593 6.676.900 2,251.191 6.427.709 8,605.693 8.042.170 563.523 3.561.665 2.734206 1.114.176 1.620.030 647.676 751.149 96.529 20.907.880 35.302 14.770.965 7.533.644 1.953.119 5.560.525 7.237.321 6.763.402 473.918 2.948.737 2.261.745 914.786 1.336.960 696.992 617.576 79.416 17.755.004 39.796 14.624.267 7.701.461 1,995.620 5.705661 7.122.766 6,656.366 466.416 2,981.375 2.277.105 919.102 1.356.003 704269 624.003 80.266 17.645.437 46.422 19.479.362 10.205.439 2843.133 7.562.307 9.273.923 6.666.642 607.260 3.672.896 2.605.722 1.121.921 1.683.802 667.174 766.320 98.854 23.200.661 164.923 66.359.186 34.119.464 6.643.062 25,276.402 32.239.722 30,128.582 2.111.140 13.184.892 10.068.779 4.069.985 5.998.795 3.116.113 2.761.049 355.064 79.709.002 165.695 66.783.249 34.359.008 8.904.147 25.454.661 32.424.240 30:301.017 2.123.223 13.255.224 10.123.229 4.096.150 6,037.079 3.131.995 2.715.082 356.913 60.2’34.166 63.612 16.666 13.294 34662 146.652 56.745 6.459 279.468 59.762 14.091 12.339 33.332 113.979 44.064 6.962 224.786 52.515 11.653 10.704 29.957 110.646 42.574 6.953 212.667 64.233 13.666 12.916 37.449 166.161 53.780 7.711 313.666 240.122 55.466 49.253 135.400 561.637 199.182 30.065 1.031.027 2.41.59B 55.256 .49.406 136.937 5137.896 ZOO.562 ‘30.245 1,040.302 73.163 14.780 73.276 11.094 75.432 13.993 76.879 16.097 298.772 55.965 2’37.620 :56.390 57.131.500 193.710.963 47.425.895 45.379.610 43.773.950 194,715.992 3.967 6.474 74.396 u.949 61.470 3.611 7.646 63.571 0.9?3 51.766 3.739 6.320 75.318 0.898 55.489 4.879 8.703 88.752 l.lB2 76.563 16.197 31.343 302.037 3.942 235.290 16.195 :)I.436 304.153 3.936 236.661 139.256 127.709 141.764 180.079 568.806 592.383 Page 2 Revised 10/g/97 Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 1 (continued) QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997cH TO 1999Q4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS Before-Rates FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Leners & Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nonprofit CI~SSWX” Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk NO”p,Ofit (Nonautomated) (Automated, Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel Post (Inter-BMC) (Intra-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Ma”er Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD S Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Regisby l”S”FJ”CZ Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 199901 1999Q2 1999a3 1999a4 1999PFY 1999GFY 22.496.557 12.705.647 1,182.028 8.608.861 1.460.370 150.609 1.309.761 645.784 158.939 505.036 23.956.926 23,855.201 13,344.292 1.229.744 9.281.164 1.326.762 145.007 1.183.755 580.172 141.016 462.567 25.183.962 22.112.194 11.938.094 1.153.437 9,020.663 1.318.915 136.342 1.182.573 576.105 136.258 468.209 23.431.109 28.983.938 16.118.585 1.413.192 11.452.161 1.604.780 173.256 1.631.524 790.000 187.156 654368 30.788.718 97.447.669 54.106.618 4.978,401 38.362~669 5,912.827 605.214 5.307,613 2,592.061 625.370 2.090.182 103.360.715 97.892~734 54.272.087 4.977.359 38.643.266 5.948.509 609.277 5.339.232 2:603.682 626.389 2,108.962 103.841.243 277~861 14.715 0.941 274.028 16.007 1.274 277.802 16.241 1.072 351.542 20.831 1.025 1.181.233 67.794 4.311 1.166,173 66.160 4.309 208.609 522.864 12.215 1.633.901 2.377.588 208.466 507.397 11.254 1.667.894 2.395.011 209.333 524.598 12.791 1.733.982 2,480.706 261.864 606.980 12.091 2.191.455 3.092.391 908.273 2.161.639 48,351 7.227,233 10.345.695 910.992 2,169.132 48.613 7 254.141 10 382.879 42.061 18.022.767 9.170.696 2.373.979 6.796.716 Q352.072 8.272.415 579.656 3,654.990 2.793.462 1,11o.g17 1.682.565 861.509 763.222 98.287 21.719.819 36.448 15.383.563 7,918.233 2.048.773 5369.460 7.465.330 6.976.481 488.849 3.011.199 2.302.231 913.765 1.388.466 708.969 628.045 80.924 18.431.211 40.912 15.500.225 8.144.310 2,106.272 6.038.038 7.355.915 6,874.231 481.684 3.051.500 2.333.458 921.668 1.411.570 718.042 636.065 81.977 18.592.637 50.177 20.326.591 10.782.599 2.787.265 7.995.314 9.543.992 8.919.027 624,965 3.729.997 2.852.723 1.119.368 1.733.355 877.274 777.100 100.174 24.106.765 169,599 69.233.146 36.015.638 9.316.310 26.699.528 33.217.306 2,175,155 13.447.686 10.281.893 4.066.936 6.215.955 3,165.793 2.804.431 361,362 82.850.432 170.424 69,678.483 36.254368 9.376.963 26,877.405 33.424.116 31:235.418 2.188.697 13.521.117 10.338.517 4.083.938 6.254.579 3.182.600 2.819.296 363.301 83.370.024 65.945 13.609 13.071 39.265 166.888 60.973 8.603 302.409 63.663 12.549 12.429 38.6& 120.343 44.379 7.108 235.493 55.370 10.416 10.641 34.311 118.272 43.238 7.193 224.073 66.303 12.258 12.912 43.134 192.449 54,866 8.015 323.633 253.281 48.834 49.053 155.394 597.952 203.456 30.919 1.085.609 255.124 48,637 49.216 157.270 604.504 204.847 31.072 1.095.547 63.804 15.696 69.618 11.786 68.671 15.166 68.330 16.928 270.623 59.579 269.838 60.076 199.225.991 200.280.249 48.729.758 46.618.393 45.107.676 58.770.163 ,~~~~~.. 3.687 8.322 78.897 0.856 54.158 3.342 7.910 66.995 0.627 55.593 3.464 6.269 81.269 0.807 56.715 4.542 8.774 94.073 1.071 61~470 15.035 31,295 321.235 3.561 249.936 15.031 31.397 323.774 3.553 ‘251,409 145.921 134.668 150.643 189.930 621.062 625.164 Page 3 Revlsec Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 2 WARTERLYVOLUME FORECASTS. 1997Q1 TO lgggQ4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS II” Millions Of Piece., Before-Rater (Actual) 199,a, FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Si”gle-PieC$ (Nonautomated Presod) (Automated) (Basic Lenen) (Basic Flats) (BDigit Letters) (6oigit Letters, (w5-Digif Flats) (Carder-Route Letters) Firs,-Class cards Stamped Cards Pdvate Cards (SinglePie+ (Nona”tom*tec PceSOii, (AUtO”l*td, (Basic, (3.Digit) (5-Digil) (Carrier-Route) TOTAL FIRST-CL&S6 MAIL STANDARD A MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (NO”*“tOm*ted, (Basic Letters) (Basic Nonleners) (Presort Lenerr) (Presort Nonletters) (A”tO”*ted, (Basic Letters) (Basic Flats) (S-Digit Letters) p-Digit Letters) (315Digit Fiats, Enhancad Canier-Route (A”tO”lC3ted) (Basic Letter*) (Basic Nonletters, (High-Density Letters) (High-Density NonIe”ers) (Saturation Letters) (Saturation Nonletier-3) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonpraht (Nona”tomated,’ (Basic Letters) (EmSiCNonle”en) (Presod Letters) (Presori Nonleners) (Automated) (Bfisic Letter*) (E%SiCFlats) p-Digit Letters) (5.Digit Letters) (315-Digit Flats, NDnprOhtECR (Automated, (Basic Letters) (Basic Nonletters) (High-Density Letters, (High-Density Nonletters) (Saturatian Letters) (Saturation Nonletters) TOTAL STANDARD A MAIL 33.966 13.905.081 7.134.231 1.779.793 363.814 275.211 570.161 559~607 5.354438 645.29, 53,199 1.999.352 610.062 2.046.528 6.770.850 482.305 1.296.642 2.215488 81.16, 278.479 591.509 1.825.259 2.835323 2,269.161 964.575 294~449 81.992 497.315 110.819 1,284,60, 238,880 10,309 607.399 250.291 167.72, 566.442 86.109 198~424 102.379 7~516 2~066 131.113 38,834 16.774,6,0 10/9/97 Revised 10/g/97 Exhibit USPS-GA QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 199701 TO 199904 GOVERNMENT DlSTRlSUTED TO CLASS Remed Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 2 (mnti”“ed) 0”ARTERLY”OL”ME FORECASTS, 199701 TO 199904 GOVERNMENT DlSTRlBUTED TO CLASS 1019197 Revised Exhibit 10/g/97 USPS-GA TABLE 3 QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, lgs7Ql TO 1999Q4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) After-Rates 1998Ql FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flat* (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presod) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nonprofit ClEFSSKW* Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel Post (Inter-EMC) (Intra-BMC) (DEMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECtAL SERVICES Regisby I”S”ra”ce Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPEClAL SERVICES lSS8Q2 fssact3 1998Q4 1998PFY 1998GFY 22.071.668 12,808.434 1,177.871 8.085.362 1.380.076 143.954 1.236.123~ 624.925 169.955 441.243 23.451.744 23.303.995 13,423.OlS 1.194.246 8,686.730 1.248.684 140.791 1.107.893 557.697 151.956 398.240 24,552.679 21,504.SZl 11.946.123 1.118.971 8.439.827 1.212.769 129.511 l.oa3.258 542.609 146.188 394.462 22.717.690 28.173.532 16.063.409 1.372.994 10.737~129 1.656.310 165.874 1.490.436 742.872 197,807 549.758 29,8?9.842 95.054.115 54.240,985 4.864.082 35.949.048 5.497,840 580.130 4.917.710 2.468.104 665.905 1.783.702 100.551.955 95.446.568 54413.387 4 855.407 36 177.775 5 523.046 583.005 4,940,041 2,476.656 667.024 1.796.361 100.969.614 259.625 13.791 1.019 253.641 14.947 1.392 254.885 15.206 1.189 321,864 19.562 1.159 1.090.215 63.507 4.759 1.095.437 63.857 4.757 208.739 525.442 13.497 1.625.119 2.372.797 202.923 506.722 11.525 1,641.655 2,362.826 208.317 518.781 I 1.802 1.704.212 2.443.112 279.323 604.456 10.963 2.151.991 3,046.732 899.303 2.155.401 47.787 7,122.977 10.225.467 901.870 2.161.077 47.452 7.147,574 lC.257.973 40.888 17.222.328 9.417.579 2,29X863 7.117.717 7,604.749 7.248.500 556.249 3,561.213 2,841.545 1.004.709 1,836.836 719.668 623.488 96.180 20.824~429 34.524 14.676.065 8,298.212 2,018.513 6.279.699 6.377.853 5.915.736 462.117 2,921.082 2,355.207 813.681 1.541.525 565.876 486.926 78.950 17.631.672 38.707 14.7oa.la3 a.447.t~~ 2,063.941 6.383.181 6,261.060 5.aio.2ai 450.780 2,948.473 2,375.834 819.951 1.555.883 572.639 492.926 79.713 17,&x363 46.880 19.307.115 11.173.154 2,733.903 a,439.251 8.133.961 7,551.603 582.358 3.627.343 2.S21.388 1.005.!305 I ,SI 5.482 705.955 607.865 98.090 22.9af.338 160.999 65.913.691 37.336.067 9.116.220 2a.zis.a47 28.577.624 26.526~120 2.051.504 i3.05a.ill 10.493.974 3.644.247 6.849.727 2.564.137 2.211.204 352.933 79.132.ao2 161.574 66313.735 37.627.554 0.164.917 ZB.442.638 28.6a6.1al 26.626.519 2.059.662 13.122.251 10,550.968 3.658.517 5.892.45i :!,571.283 2.216.629 354.654 79.597.559 61.685 14.627 12.361 34.697 148.296 58.785 6.291 277.151 57.075 12.796 10.847 33.432 113.267 44.138 6.685 220.980 50.030 10.620 9.230 30.180 109.672 42.635 6.548 208.615 61.611 12,472 11.170 37.968 185.559 53.859 7.138 307.640 230.601 50.716 43~608 136,277 556.795 199.416 28,663 l,oi4.387 231.879 50.375 43.566 137.936 562.598 200.807 28.711 1.022.ai7 73.163 14.780 73.278 11~094 75.432 13.993 76.879 16.097 298.772 55.965 297.820 56.390 192,438.917 193.367.404 47.268.829 45.122.693 43.425.755 56.601.641 3.739 8.358 73.417 ‘0.946 51.460 3.250 7.646 61.857 0.905 51.750 3.240 6.120 72.301 0.885 55.466 4.139 8.417 84.161 1.159 76.527 14.368 30.541 291.735 3.895 235.204 14.288 30.600 293.118 3.886 236.570 137.919 125.408 138.013 174.402 575.743 578.463 PaQe 7 Revised 10/g/97 Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 3 (continued) QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, lSs7Ql TO lSSSQ4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS Atier-Rates FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presod) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nonpmfit Classroom Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) NOnprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel post (Inter-BMC) (Intra-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPEClAL SERVICES Regisby lnswance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 1999Ql 199902 199903 1999Q4 22,335.822 12.709.al8 1,057.149 8.568.854 I,393626 147.111 1.252.515 620.754 163.326 468.435 23.735.448 23.682.135 i3,348.402 1,099.zaf 9.234452 1.273.541 141,639 1.131.902 557.685 144.962 429.256 24.955.676 21,944.267 I I ,941.aoz 1.030.600 8.971.865 1.263.832 133.176 1.130.656 553.776 142.181 434.699 23,206.099 28,77l.a41 16,123.687 1,262.174 11.385.981 1.728.969 169.232 1.559.737 759.380 192.542 607.814 30,500.811 96734.065 54,123.709 4.449.205 38,161.151 5.665.969 591.158 5.074.610 2.491.595 643.011 1.940.204 102,400.034 265.676 14.437 0.941 262.012 15.705 1.274 265.620 15.935 1.072 336.127 20.437 1.025 1.129.436 66.514 4.311 1.136.072 66.872 4.309 206.029 515.040 11.042 1,625.002 2.357.113 205.974 499.984 10.219 f.658afo 2.374.987 206.894 517.084 11.657 i,724.538 2.460.173 278.622 598.377 11.047 2.179.519 3,067.565 897,518 2.130.486 43.964 7.187.869 10.259.837 900.247 2,137.769 44.231 7,214.631 10.296.878 40.684 17.855.469 10.094.85s 2.453940 7.640.919 7.760.610 7.205.590 555.020 3.607.557 2.904.99a 1.000.373 1 .SO4625 702.559 605.182 97.377 21.503.710 35.255 15.242.043 8,697.iso 2.116.132 6,5ai.o5a 6.544.854 6.076.761 468.072 2.971.434 2.392.712 825.276 1.567.435 578.723 498.620 80. I 03 18.248.733 39.573 15.360.078 8,911.148 2.173.867 6,737.281 6,448.930 5.987.718 461.272 3,010.902 2.424.617 836.398 1.58a.119 586.365 505.272 81.113 18.410.552 48,534 20.i44.228 11.777.011 2.a74.601 8.902.410 8.367.217 7.768.813 598.403 3.680.128 2.963.452 1,021.291 1.942.161 716.675 617.590 99.085 23.672.889 164045 68.601.aia 39.480.208 9.618.540 29:861.668 29.121.610 27.038.902 2,O82.708 13.270.021 10.685.679 3.683.339 7,002.340 2.584342 2y226.664 357.678 82.035.884 164.843 69,043.071 39.740.154 9.679.429 30:660.724 29.302.sia 27,207.243 2.095.675 13,342.139 10.743.783 ?,,703.611 7.040.172 2596.356 :!:238.797 359.560 6:! 550.054 63.437 12.256 11~319 39.862 164.482 61.062 7.938 296.412 61.337 11.301 10.764 39.272 i I a.608 44.444 a.559 230.582 53.430 9.382 9.215 34.833 116.567 43.302 6.637 219.575 66.010 11~038 fi.182 43.790 189.674 54.947 7.395 317.469 244.214 43.977 42.460 157.756 589.330 203.755 28.529 1.064038 246.083 43.800 42.621 159.663 595.787 205.148 28.671 f.073.880 63.804 15.696 69.618 il.788 68.871 15.166 68.330 16.928 270.623 59.579 269.838 60.076 197.292.048 198.333.945 48.253.744 46.170.741 44.665.422 58.202.139 1999PN 1S’SSGFY 97,174.foa 54,:1a9.205 4.447.874 38.437.028 5.700.049 !;95.,27 5;104.922 2.502.958 1344.116 1.!357.849 102,,374.157 3.118 8.052 74.647 0.839 54.132 2.826 7.667 63.386 0.611 55.566 2.929 6.092 76.890 0.791 58.686 3.841 6.504 89.005 1.049 ai ,430 12.714 30.305 303.928 3.490 249815 12.711 30.408 306.330 3.482 251.268 140.787 130.247 145.388 183.830 600.252 604.219 page 8 Revked 10/g/97 Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 4 aumTmY VOLUME FORECASTS, 7997a4TO GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) ARer-R&s 1998a4 FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single-Piece) (Nona”tomated Presort) (Automated, (Basic Lelters) (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Letters) (6.Digit Letters) (315.Digit Flats) (Carrier-Route Letters, First-class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Sil7$~-Pi~C@ (Nonautomated Presort, (Automated) (Basic, (3.Digit) (5Digit) (CXdWRWk, TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL STANDARD A MAIL Single-Piece Re9ular Rate B”lk Re9”lar (NonautOmated) (Basic Letlers, (Basic Nonleners, (Presod Lenen, (Presort Nonletters, (Automated) (Basic Letters) (Basic’Flats) (3.Digit Letters, (5-agit Letters, (315.Digit Flats) Enhanced Carrier-Route (Automated) (Basic Leners, (Basic Nanletters) (High-Density Letters, (High-Density Nonletters) (Saturation k”w,, (Saturatian Nonletters, NonproRt Rate Sulk Nonprofit (Nonautomatedj (Basic Letters, (Basic Nonletters) (Presort Letters, (Presort Nonletters, (Automated) (Basic Letters) (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Letters) &Digit Letters) (315.Digit Flats) Nonprofit ECR (Automated) (Basic Lenen) (Basic Nonletters) (High-Density Idtern, (High-Density Nonletters, (Sa,“ra,lon Leners) (sat”raoon Nonletters) TOTAL STANDARD A MAlL m3a4 799802 1998a3 1998~4 22.071.668 12.606.434 1.177.57, *.0*5.3** 970.12, 11,016 4.648.971 2.117.362 52.548 285.319 1,3*0.07* 143,954 1.236.123 624~925 169.955 441~243 53,557 198,226 131,661 27,469 23,451,,44 23.303.995 13.423.019 1.194.246 8.***.,3cl 1.038.600 11.511 5,010.**0 2279.249 56.572 269.838 1,24*.**4 140.791 1.107.893 557.69, 151.956 395.240 75.892 152.159 117~185 22.974 W552.679 21.504.921 11.946.123 1.116.971 5.439.527 1.004.367 11.428 4,*,3.*3, 2,214.14* 54.953 281.094 1.212.769 129.511 1.053.255 542.609 146.188 394.462 74.820 182.179 ll5.301 22.162 22.717690 26.173.532 16.063.409 1.372.994 10.737.129 1.271.71, 14.48, 6.207.360 2.816632 69.913 367.020 1.656.310 165.874 1.490.436 742.872 197.80, 549.758 103.78, 256.197 ,59.*** 30.086 29.529.842 95.054.115 54.240.985 4.864.082 35.949.045 4.264.811 48.742 20.740.629 9.427.409 233.986 1.213.272 5.497.540 660.130 4.917.710 2.468.104 665.905 1.783.702 336.386 518.791 523.835 102.690 100.551.955 95446.569 *4.413,3*, 4.855~407 36.177~775 4.308.32, 49.024 20.879.382 9.486.132 235507 1,217,40:3 5.623.046 583.005 4.940.04~1 2,4X655 667.024 1.796.36'1 340.649 826.560 526.69, 102~566 100.969.614 40,885 17.222.328 9.417.579 2.299.863 572.743 441.118 737.495 548.507 7.117.71, 794.591 54371 2.416.417 1.515967 2.326.368 7.804.749 556.249 1.013.667 2.836.452 104.469 305.796 **0.*01 2.167.516 3.561.213 2.841.545 1,004.709 277.166 105.965 495.314 126.264 1.*3*.*3* 338.005 18.947 785.994 491.061 202.829 719.668 96.150 268.541 155.728 10.544 3.923 136.505 47.54, 20.824.429 34524 14.676.065 8.298.212 2.016.613 524.580 403.319 637.04, 463,566 6.279.699 657,490 56.802 2.063.439 1.446.352 2.006.616 *,3,,.*53 462.11, 676.335 2.381.306 87.759 257.470 689.267 1.821.598 2.921.082 2.356.20, 813.681 200.226 79.533 423.663 110.059 1.541.525 276.511 16.002 661.942 430.933 166.l36 565.576 ,*.950 192.959 129.006 8.982 3.264 113.141 39.554 17.631.672 38.70, 14.70*.,*3 8.447.122 2.063.941 538.224 414.912 650.429 460.376 6.3*3.l81 702.316 55.466 2.134.859 1.440.72, 2.046.813 *.2*1,0*0 450,760 660.051 2.340.674 86.300 253.610 677.751 1.791.866 2.948.473 2.375634 519.951 208.362 51.79, 420.459 109.312 K555.853 277.622 16.133 669.310 436.206 167,613 572.639 79.713 194.805 130.794 9.106 3.301 114.736 40.lM 17.695.363 46.880 19.307.115 11.173.154 2.733.903 714.441 553.726 859.230 606.509 8.439.251 930.926 77.592 2.634.6M 1.582.310 2.713.818 6.133.961 552.355 850.925 3.044.215 112.283 330.446 881.742 2.331.99, 3.627.343 2.921.388 1.005.905 295.710 110.445 475.485 124.266 1.915.482 340.664 19.823 813.228 636.736 206.132 705.955 95.090 239.694 161.493 ll.243 4.078 141.691 49.655 22.951.338 160.999 66.913.691 37.336.06, 9.116.220 2.349.986 1.813.073 2.864.201 2.068.958 28,219.84, 3.115322 257.234 9.469.319 6.265366 9.092.616 28.577.624 2.051.604 3.203.008 10.602.64, 390.611 1.147.32, 3.069.362 5.l12.971 13.055.l11 10.493.974 3.644.24, 9Sl.485 3,774, ,,*15.121 469.901 6.549.727 1.232.703 70.905 2.910.474 1.592.934 742.711 2.5M.13, 352.933 596.299 577.021 40.174 14.555 506.072 177.082 79.132.802 ,61,5,‘1 66.313.7315 37.627~564 9,1*4,917 2,3,3.994 1.532.577 2.902.289 2.075.756 28.442.63" 3,13*.543 259.382 9.535.366 6.368.646 9.152.702 26.686.l8' 2.059.662 3.173.765 10.660.705 392.985 1.154.0," 3.066.36, 8.l58.599 13.122.251 10,550.9*0 3.656.51, 991.091 380.624 1.8,5.98" 4,0.*2:! 6.892.45. 1.237.641 71.359 2.927.691 1.909.475 ,46.28!i 2.571.283 354.654 593.787 580.550 40.407 14.647 509.019 178.22" 79.597559 1998PFY ,998GFY R&%d 10/g/97 Exhibit USPS-GA FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single-Piece, (Nonautomated P~esoti, (Automated) (Basic LeNem) (Basic Flats) (3.Digi, Letters, (5.Digit Letters) (315Digit Flats) (Came,-Route Le”ers) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private cards (Single-Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated, (Basic) (3.Digit) (*-Digit) (Carrier-Route) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL TABLE 4 (continued) QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997Ql TO 199904 GOVERNMENT DlSTRlSUTED TO CLASS (I” MilliOflS Of Pieces, Alter-Rates 199901 1999a2 f999a3 1999m ,999PFY 22.335522 ~2~~~9.~1~ 1.057.149 B.568.854 1.010.261 11.538 4.959.007 2.247.752 55.850 284.446 1.399.626 147,111 1.252.515 620.754 163.325 468~435 57.944 219.917 135,5ll 24,963 23,73*,44* 23.652.135 13.348.402 1.099.281 9.234.452 1.083.581 12.415 5.349.715 2.422.426 60.261 306.052 1.273.54, 141.639 1.131.902 557.655 144.962 429.256 ml40 202.895 123.941 22.277 24955.675 21.944.267 11.941.802 1,030.*00 *,971.**5 1.047.480 12.044 5.202.999 2.353.813 58.616 296.912 1.263.532 133.176 1.130.656 553.776 142.151 434.699 50.722 206.517 125.187 21.973 23.208.099 28.771.841 16.123.687 1.262.174 11,3**.9.81 1.322.154 15.265 ~~~~9.9~3 2.987.776 74.475 376.298 1.726969 169.232 1.559.737 759.350 192.542 607.614 112.290 290.995 174.596 .29.931 30.500.81, 95.734.065 54.123.709 4.449.205 38.151.151 4.463.505 51.252 22.121.706 10.011.766 249.202 1.263.708 5.665969 591,155 5.074.510 2.491.595 643.011 1.940.204 361.095 920.630 559.334 99.144 102.400.034 97.174~108 54.289.20~6 4.447.57~4 35.437.02,E 4.490.745 51.51~3 22,285.63,4 10.054500 25, ,067 1.272.464 5.700.c-a 595.127 5.104922 2.502.955 544.115 1.957~849 363.935 930.352 5e40** 99.444 !02.874.,5? 40.654 17.855.469 10.094.859 2.453.940 642.515 500.835 765.965 541.62, 7.640.919 536.381 69.715 2.550.390 1.745.012 2.439.421 7.760.610 555.020 810.653 2.905.095 107.161 315.452 841.501 2.225.716 3.607.557 2.904938 1.000.373 301.776 111.781 465.066 121.750 1.904.625 337.174 19.703 810.154 532.455 205.109 702.559 97.377 238.866 161.050 11.154 4.067 140.503 49.542 2,.*03.7,0 35.255 15.242.043 8.697.190 2.116132 555.167 435.160 661.136 461.669 ~~5~1.~5~ 72, ,907 60.175 2.204.430 1.457.945 2.106.600 6.544854 458.072 683.655 2.449.993 90.373 256.042 709.674 1.877.041 2.971.434 2.392.712 825.276 229.555 57.260 403.075 105.256 1.567.435 275.588 16.215 667.933 438.38, 169.015 578.723 80.103 196.985 132.515 9.165 3.354 115.439 40.856 15.248.733 39.573 15.360.078 5.911.l45 2,,73.**7 571.479 450.369 677.130 474.590 6.737~281 742.264 61.874 2.269.735 1.496.315 2,1*7.090 6.445.930 461.212 673.638 2.414.085 89.049 252.143 699.272 1.549.531 3.010.902 2,+24.5,7 536.398 239.477 90.027 401.536 ,0*.05* 1.588.119 275.345 15.41, 677,871 444.173 171.319 ***.3** 51.113 199.699 134.643 9.280 3.400 116.831 41.419 18.410.552 48.534 20.144.225 11.777.011 2.574.601 757.275 599.925 592.679 624.719 8,902.410 982.378 81.592 3.005.060 1.960.526 2.569.554 5.367.217 595.403 874.017 3.132.174 115.537 340.120 907.277 2.399.659 3.650.128 2.963.452 1.021.29, 331.437 119.692 451.522 115.639 1.942.161 339.495 20.035 530.226 542.945 209.460 716.675 99.055 244.174 164.629 11.332 4.155 142.654 50.643 23.872.889 164.045 6*.*o1.61* 39.450.208 9.618.540 2.526.435 1.966.290 2.999.913 2.105.900 29.861.568 3.252.931 273.656 10.032.616 ~~~~9.~~~ 9.552.665 29.l21.610 2.082.705 3.M1.965 10.901.351 402.119 1.l53.766 3.157.723 5.351.977 13.270.021 10.655.679 3.683.339 1.102.376 408.760 1.721~499 450.704 7.002.340 1.230.902 72.364 2.956.155 1.957.983 754906 2.584.342 357.678 579.727 593.136 40.934 14.979 515.428 152.460 52.035.884 164,843 *9,043.071 39.740.154 9.679.429 2543.688 2.002.35” 3.016.729 2,1,6.62S 30,060.72~, 3.304403 275.44tl 10.101.540 6.732.W” 9.546.493 29.302.91” page 10 ,999GFY 3.050.904 10.969.221 404.623 1,,91.136 3.177.383 8.403.975 13.342.139 10.743.783 3.703.611 1.115.759 4,2.74(1 1.723.674, 451.400 7.04O.l72 1 236.24il 72.73Ei 3.003.537 1.955.58E1 759.06El 2.595.3561 359.56(1 854.61B 596.4321 41,145 15.06il 515.06Ei 183.474. 82.550.054 USPS-6-1, 10/9/97 After-Rates 1995.3 1995.4 1996.1 1996.2 1996.3 1996.4 1997.1 1997.2 1997.3 1997.4 1998.1 1998.2 1998.3 1998.4 1999.1 1999.2 1999.3 1999.4 2000.1 PP Inter-BMC 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 4.686889 5.252293 5.397683 5.397683 5.397683 5.397683 5.397683 5.397683 5.397683 5.397683 PP Intra-BMC 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 2.681315 3.106405 3.215714 3.215714 3.215714 3.215714 3.215714 3.215714 3.215714 3.215714 Table I-35 Prices for Standard PPDBMC 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.467896 2.501443 2.510069 2.510069 2.510069 2.510069 2.510069 2.510069 2.510069 2.510069 53 B Mail BPM Special Rate 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.870203 1.763468 0.900858 1.757796 0.908741 1.756337 0.908741 1.756337 0.908741 1.756337 0.908741 1.756337 0.908741 1.756337 0.90874 1 1.756337 0.908741 1.756337 0.908741 1.756337 Library Rate I.589069 1.589069 1.591078 1591!jo2 1.591502 1.591502 1.593308 1.593935 1.593935 1.593935 1.768312 1.813152 1.813152 1.813152 1.813152 1.813152 1.813152 1.813152 1.813152 Revised ATTACHMENT ExDlanation of Changtiinorecast Presented in Attachment R A comparison of the actual 1997Q3 volume data and the R97-1 before-rates volume forecast presented by Dr. Tolley revealed a fairly significant under-forecast of 1997Q3 volume. This under-forecast was persistent across First-Class, Periodical, and Standard A mail. Upon examining the forecast, it was determined that the primary source of the forecast error in 1997Q3 was caused by an error in the calculation of the quarterly multiplier used in forecasting, as described below. Volume forecasts are made by multiplying a series of projection factors times a base volume. The base volume is the volume in the four most recent quarters. Hence, one of the projection factors used in making quarterly volume forecasts is a quarterly multiplier, which is used to scale down the annual base volume to a quarterly level. In earlier rate cases, the demand equations estimated by Dr. Tolley were modeled using a dependent variable equal to volume (per adult) per accounting period. Hence, the quarterly multiplier used to distribute annual base volumes into quarterly forecasts was equal to the percentage of accounting periods within the particular quarter: 3/l 3 for Postal quarters 1, 2, and 3, and 4/13 for Postal quarter 4. In the present case, however, the demand equations estimated by Mr. Thress (USPS-T-7) use as a dependent variable volume (per adult) per business day. Hence, in this case, the quarterly multiplier should be equal to the percentage of business days in the year within a particular quarter. If each accounting period had exactly the same number of business days this would be a completely semantic distinction, and the forecasts would be identical. A total of seven holidays are excluded from the count of business days used econometrically, however (see, USPS-T-7, p. 126, II. 14-16). If these holidays were distributed proportionally across the Postal quarters, then this would have no effect on the results. In fact, how’ever, Postal quarter 3 contains no Postal holidays in the forecast period, while Postal qluarters 1 and 2 contain two holidays apiece and Postal quarter 4 contains three holidays, so that Postal quarters 1 and 2 contain 64 business days, Postal quarter 3 contains 66 business days, and Postal quarter 4 contains 85 business days. Hence, the quarterly multipliers used in Library Reference LR-H-173 (3/13. 3/13, 3/13, and 4/13 for Postal quarters 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively) should be replaced by quarterly multipliers equal to (64/279, 64/279, 66/279, and 851279, respectively). This change will serve to increase forecasted volumes in the third Postal quarter of each year, while forecasted volumes in the first, second, and fourth Postal quarter of each year. These changes almost perfectly offset each other, however, at the annual level, as shown in the Table below, so that the Test Year forecasts are essentially unaffected by this change. Supplemental versions of Table 1 from Dr. Tolley’s testimony (USPS-T-6) and Exhibit USPS-GA are attached which present the forecasts using the correct quarterly multipliers, and corrected volume forecasting spreadsheets are filed as Library Reference LR-H-295. B Effect of Change in Quarterly Multipliers on Test Year Volume Forecasts Before Rates Volume Revised Corrected FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort). (Automated) .First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presott) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Change Pieces Percent After-Rates Volume Revised Corrected Change Pieces Percent 95,901.297 54394.309 5,369.390 36,137.599 5,693.117 594.894 5.098.223 2,546.540 643.732 1,907.951 101.594414 95,901.600 54,379.323 5,370.875 36.151.602 5,692.142 594.834 5.097.308 2,545.903 643.598 1,907.807 101,593.941 0.503 (14.985) 1.485 14.003 (0.976) (0.061) (0.915) (0.637) (0.134) (0.144) (0.473) 0.00% -0.03% 0.03% 0.04% -0.02% -0.01% -0.02% -0.03% -0.02% -0.01% -0.00% 95.446.568 54.413.387 4.855.407 36,177.775 5.523.046 583.005 4.940.041 2,476.656 667.024 1.796.361 100,969.614 95,445.074 54,398.337 4,856.599 36,190.138 5,522.041 582.936 4,939.106 2,476.015 666.889 1.796.201 100.967.115 (1.494) (15.049) 1.192 12.363 (1.004) (0.069) (0.935) (0.641) (0.134) (0.160) (2.498) -0.00% -0.03% 0.02% 0.03% -0.02% -0.01% -0.02% -0.03% -0.02% -0.01% -0.00% 1.131.663 64.832 4.757 1,131.663 64.832 4.761 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% 1,095.437 63.857 4.757 1.095.437 63.857 4.761 0.000 0.000 o.M)4 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% PERIODICAL MAIL Wrthin County Nonprofit Classroom Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL 911.204 2tf86.677 51.194 7tl72.571 lo,321646 911.249 2,187.615 51.242 7,174.843 10,324.949 0.045 0.939 0.047 2.272 3.303 0.00% 0.04% 0.09% 0.03% 0.03% 901.870 2.161.077 47.452 7,147.574 10,257.973 901.909 2.161.985 47.493 7.149.830 10.261.217 0.039 0.908 0.041 2.256 3.244 0.00% 0.04% 0.09% 0.03% 0.03% STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautcmated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A 165.695 66.783.249 34.359.008 8,904.147 25454.861 32.424.240 30,301.017 2,123.223 13,255.224 10,123.229 4,086.150 6,037.079 3,131.995 2,775.082 356.913 80,204.168 165.769 66,777.649 34,357.605 8902.702 25,454.904 32,420.044 30.297.197 2,122.847 13.255.448 10.123.379 4.086.192 6.037.187 3.132.069 2.775.147 356.922 80,198.857 0.865 (5.599) (1.403) (1.446) 0.043 (4.196) (3.821) (0.376) 0.223 0.149 0.042 0.108 0.074 0.065 0.009 (5.311) 0.04% -0.01% -0.00% -0.02% 0.00% -0.01% -0.01% -0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -0.01% 161.574 66.313.735 37,627.554 9,164.917 28,442.638 28.686.181 26.626.519 2,059.662 13.122.251 10.550968 3,658.517 6,892.451 2,571.283 2,216.629 354.654 79.597.559 161.635 66,307.879 37,626.125 9,183.527 28,442.599 28,681.754 26,622.482 2.059.272 13.122.422 10,551.217 3,658.460 6,892.758 2,571.205 2,216.543 354.662 79,591.937 0.061 (5.856) (1.429) (1.390) (0.039) (4.427) (4.037) (0.390) 0.172 0.250 (0.057) 0.307 (0.078) (0.087) 0.008 (5.623) 0.04% -0.01% -0.00% -0.02% -0.00% -0.02% -0.02% -0.02% 0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.01% Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams Effect of Change in Quarterly Multipliers on Test Year Volume Forecasts Parcel Post (Inter-BMC) (Intra-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL Before Rates Volume Revised Corrected 241.598 241.555 55.256 55.244 49.406 49.396 136.937 136.914 567.896 567.292 200.562 200.489 30.245 30.252 1,040.302 1,039.587 297.820 56.390 194.715.992 298.093 56.427 194,713.llO Change Pieces Percent (0.044) -0.02% 10.0121 -0.02% iO.oo9j -0.02% (0.023) -0.02% (0.604) -0.11% (0.073) -0.04% 0.02% 0.006 (0.715) -0.07% After-Rates Volume Revised Corrected 231.879 231.826 50.375 50.360 43.566 43.552 137.938 137.914 562.598 561.999 200.807 200.734 28.711 28.716 1,022.817 1.023.275 Change Pieces Percent (0.054) -0.02% (0.016) -0.03% (0.014) -0.03% (0.024) -0.02% (0.599) -0.11% (0.073) -0.04% 0.005 0.02% 0.457 0.04% 0.272 0.037 0.09% 0.06% 297.820 56.390 298.093 56.427 0.272 0.037 0.09% 0.06% (2.883) -0.00% 193,367.404 193.362.119 (5.285) -0.00% SPECIAL SERVICES Registry Insurance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders 16.195 31.438 394.153 3.936 236.661 16.198 31.413 304345 3.936 236.686 0.001 (0.026) 0.192 (0.000) 0.025 0.01% -0.08% 0.06% -0.00% 0.01% 14.288 30.600 293.118 3.886 236.570 14.288 30.574 293.299 3.888 236.598 (0.000) (0.026) 0.181 (0.000) 0.025 -0.00% -0.08% 0.06% -0.00% 0.01% TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 592.383 592.575 0.193 0.03% 578.463 578.643 0.180 0.03% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 VOLUME PROJECTIONS (Million Pieces) C&aorv of Mail or Service FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters & Flats (Single-piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single-piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail’ Express Mail’ Mailgrams PERIODICALS Within County Nonprofit Classroom Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICALS STANDARD A MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Base Yea Test Year Before-Rates Test Year After-Rates Adiusted After-Rates 92,899.506 53,738.949 7,846.568 31,313.989 5217.264 570.329 4,646.935 2,437.427 710.712 1,498.796 98,116.770 95,901.800 54,379.323 5,370.875 36,151.602 5692.142 594.834 5,097.308 2,545.903 643.598 1,907.807 101,593.941 95,445.074 54,398.337 4,856.599 36,190.138 5,522.041 582.936 4,939.106 2,476.015 666.889 1,796.201 100,967.115 !35,564.539 !54,517.8022 4,856.599 36,190.138 5,522.041 582.936 4,939.106 2,476.015 666.889 1,796.201 101,086.580 991.280 58.719 5.558 1,131.663 64.832 4.761 I,095437 63.857 4.761 1,152.4133 62.721' 4.761 910.993 2,182.805 58.647 7,013.337 10.165.782 911.249 2,187.615 51.242 7,174.843 10,324.949 901.909 2,161.985 47.493 7,149.830 10,261.217 901.909 2,161.985 47.493 7,149.830 10,261.217 161.635 66,307.879 37,626.125 9,183.527 28,442.599 28,681.754 26,622.482 2,059.272 13,122.422 10,551.217 3,658.460 6,892.758 2,571.205 2,216.543 354.662 79,591.937 o.ooo4 66,313.736 :;7,627.555 158.735 165.760 60,923.517 66,777.649 30,924.312 34,357.605 10,247.842 8.902.702 20,676.469 25,454.904 29,999.206 32,420.044 28,790.811 30,297.197 1,208.395 2,122.847 12,718.009 13,255.448 9,711.959 10,123.379 5,059.538 4,086.192 4,652.422 6,037.187 3,006.050 3,132.069 2,831.120 2.775.147 174.930 356.922 73,800.261 80,198.857 (Continued on next page) iz8,686.181 13,122.251 10,550.968 2,571.283 79,441.674 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 (Continued) VOLUME PROJECTIONS (Million Pieces) !&teaory of Mail or Serv& Base Year Test Before-Rates STANDARD 0 MAIL Parcel Post (Inter-BMC) (Intra-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B 220.034 64.941 48.009 107.085 515.988 194.157 28.922 959.101 241.555 55.244 49.396 136.914 567.292 200.489 30.252 1.039.587 231.826 50.360 43.552 137.914 561.999 200.734 28.716 1,023.275 Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind 347.651 50.388 298.093 56.427 298.093 56.427 298.093 56.427 193,362.119 193,402.750 TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL 184,495.511 SPECIAL SERVICES Registry Insurance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERV. 18.149 30.069 283.138 4.611 214.709 550.843 194,713.llO 16.196 31.413 304.345 3.936 236.686 592.575 14.288 30.574 293.299 3.886 236.596 578.643 234.6605 574.742= 200.734 28.728= 1,038.864 14.288 31.026’ 289.653’ 3.886 236.570 ’ Volume projections before adjustment for Priority Mail and Express Mail are taken from Dr. Gerald Musgrave’s testimony (USPS-T-8), and adjusted for the MC96-3 decision as explained in Library Reference H-173. *An explanation of the adjustment to First-Class single-piece is presented by ,witness Fronk (USPS-T-32). 3 An explanation of the adjustment to Priority and Express mail is presented by witness Sharkey (USPS-T-33). 4 An explanation of the adjustment to Standard single-piece is presented by witness Moeller (USPS-T-36). 5 An explanation of the adjustment to parcel post is presented by witness Mayes (USPS-T-37). 6 An explanation of the adjustment to bound printed matter and library rate is presented by witness Adra (USPS-T-38). ’ An explanation of the adjustment to insurance is presented by witness Plunk,ett (USPS-T-40). 8 An explanation of the adjustment to certified mail is presented by witness Needham (USPS-T39). Supplemental Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 1 QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 199701 TO 1999Q4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS Before-Rates FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters B Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County NCB”DKSflt Cl&&l Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel Post (Inter-EMC) (Ink-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD E Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Registry Insurance Cellified Collect-an-Delivev Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES (Actual) 1997Ql (Actual, 1997a2 1997a3 199704 1997PFY 1997GFY 21.728.723 12.693.919 1.466.616 7.547.988 1.349.376 159.569 1.189.807 641.260 162.683 385.864 23.078.099 22.961.738 13.524.103 1.389.262 8.048.374 1.242.492 175.124 506.498 159.095 401.775 24.204230 21.633.543 12.197.561 1.374.162 6.061.819 1.226.144 132.975 1.093.169 558.906 147.450 386.812 22.659.686 27.426.085 15.666.970 1.629.207 9.929.906 1.635251 165.520 1.469.731 746.118 194.637 528.776 29,061.336 93,750~.069 54.282.553 5.879.447 33.566.089 5,453.262 633.187 4,820.075 2.452.762 664.066 1.703.226 99.203.352 94,126.613 54.479.594 5.856.274 33.790.746 5,461.877 632.572 4.849.305 2.459.625 666.430 1.723.051 99.606.491 237.394 13.096 1.354 246.239 14.377 1.847 249.676 14.380 1.349 317.773 16.672 1.290 1,051.283 60.524 5.840 1.060.059 60.880 5.790 224.175 537.403 13.350 1.651.532 2.426.460 216.211 512.169 16.858 1.643.863 2.389.101 216.097 538.006 15.595 1,725.071 2,494.770 279.588 610.768 15.393 2.113.846 3.019.595 936.070 2.196.346 61.196 7.134.313 10.329.925 936.267 2.204.022 61.519 7.152.287 10.354.ll4 43.040 15.99O.l23 7.910.290 2.199.919 5.710.370 8,079.633 7.646.584 433.250 3.636.469 2.653.017 1.199.459 1.453.558 983.452 894.631 88.821 19.669.631 33.966 13.905.081 7.134231 1.779.793 5.354.438 6.770.850 6.288.545 482.305 2.835.623 2.269.181 984.575 1.284607 566.442 480.332 86.109 16.774.670 39.775 14.547.911 7.448780 1.934022 5514.758 7.099.131 465.256 6.633.875 2,981.304 2.274.843 946.588 I.326254 706.462 80.362 626.100 17.568.991 46.537 18.557.112 9,560.329 2.460.624 7.079.505 8,996.783 589.105 8.407.679 3.577.152 2.729.157 1.120.769 1.608.388 647.995 96.472 751.522 22.180.800 163.318 63.000.228 32.053.630 8.394.559 23.659.071 30.946.598 1369.916 26.976.682 13.030.548 9.926,198 4.251.390 5.674.808 3.104.350 351.764 2.752.586 76.194.093 163.585 63.466.607 32.320.312 6.435~629 23.864.683 31,166.296 2.002.448 29.163.848 13.070.162 9.979.704 4.250.772 5.728.932 3.090.458 354.570 2,735.888 76.720.354 56.902 15.960 11.995 30.947 142.625 52.487 6.947 260.960 57.756 16.592 11.551 29.612 98.493 44094 5.925 206.268 51.535 13.764 10.990 26.781 109.305 43.891 6.943 211.674 60.641 15.567 12.817 32.257 183.214 52.739 7.394 303.966 228.833 61.883 47.354 119.597 533.637 193.210 27.209 982.889 230.612 62.044 47.785 120.784 536.853 195.215 27.614 E’90.293 61.350 12.248 87.422 10.236 87.071 13.441 84.970 15.168 340.813 51.093 2840.286 51.779 45.780.593 43.934.390 43.501.238 55.003.591 186.219.612 189,,92.047 4.146 8.176 71.429 i.039 47.677 3.726 8.096 60.277 1.019 44.707 4.234 6.352 74.650 1.021 53.561 5.241 8.556 84.330 1.284 71.156 17.348 31,182 290.685 4.363 217.320 17.369 31.352 >!92.284 4.359 :!16.718 132.706 117.875 139.837 170.566 560.985 564.163 Supplemental Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 1 (continued) WARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997Qi TO 1999D4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) SefCKe-Rate* 1998Ql 1998Q2 1998Q3 199804 1998PFY 21.959.972 12.716.939 1.263.391 7.979.642 1,389.318 144.742 1,244.578 628.189 162.187 454.200 23.349.290 23.241.374 13.333.974 1.313.066 K594.332 1.273.373 142.762 1,130.591 567.352 144.789 418.450 24.514.748 22.175.425 12.243.742 1.276.112 8.655.571 1,285.773 135.869 1.149.904 573.677 144.660 431.546 23.461.196 26,104.860 15.912.615 1.518.547 10.673.718 1.708.889 168.154 1.540.736 764.139 190.402 586.194 29.613~769 54.207.271 5.371.116 35.903.262 5.657.354 591.547 5.065.807 2,533.357 642,058 1,890,392 101.139~005 901.800 379.323 370.875 151,602 692.142 594.634 5 097.306 2,545.903 643.596 1 907.807 101,593.941 262.717 13.865 I.013 ‘260.086 15.167 1.384 265.107 15.471 1.219 336.445 19.932 1.146 1.124.355 64435 4.763 1.131.663 64.832 4.761 PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nonprofit Ck3SSrOO”l Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL 208.627 525.342 13.941 1.617.070 2.364.979 203.536 506.760 12.227 1.635.747 2.360.290 216.039 539.036 13.212 1.753.919 2,522.205 260.163 607.726 12.046 2,142.035 3.041.969 906.364 2.160.664 51.426 7.148.770 10.289.443 911.249 2.167.615 51.242 7.174.643 10.324.949 STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Sulk Regular (Nonautomated, (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) ,A”tomated, N&rofil Rat; Sulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated, (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A 41.167 17.183.526 6.626.120 2.237.748 6.390.372 8.555.406 560.203 7.995.203 3.560.771 2.716.063 1.107.590 1.610.493 642.666 95.961 746.727 20.765.454 35.093 14.664.595 7.469.565 1.941.456 5.548.109 7.195.030 471.127 6.723.903 2.931.356 2,238.467 909.379 1.329.089 692.869 78.948 613.940 17,651.043 40.796 15.l98.133 7.895.682 2.045.693 5.849.989 7.302.451 476.161 6.824.290 3.056.420 2.334.416 942.222 1.392.196 722.002 82.267 639.716 16.295.349 47.947 19.289.812 10.106.095 2.617.085 7.489.010 9.183.717 601.345 6.582.372 3.636.983 2.778.282 1.110.932 1.667.350 858.701 97.888 760.613 22.974.743 164~993 66.356.067 34,119.462 8.841.981 25.277.481 32.236.604 2.110.636 30,,25.769 13.165.530 10.069.250 4.070.122 5,999.128 3.116.280 355.084 2.761.196 165.760 66.777.849 34.357805 8.902.702 25.454.904 32,420.044 2.122.647 30,297.197 13.255.448 10.123.379 4,086.192 6,037.187 3.132.069 356.922 2.775.147 80.l98.857 63.237 15.564 13.216 34.457 147.784 58.397 8.409 277.626 59.409 14.008 12.266 33.135 113.313 43.823 6.920 223.465 53.636 12.151 10.974 30.711 113.642 43.644 7.128 218.250 63.605 13.733 12.769 37.063 166.331 53.253 7.636 310.825 240,067 55,455 49.245 135.367 561.070 199.117 30.093 1.030.367 241.565 55.244 49.396 136.914 567.292 200.489 30.252 1 039.587 72.747 14.692 72.642 11.028 77.327 14.345 76.123 15.939 299.039 56.004 296.093 56.427 56.590.693 193,714 001 194 713.110 FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters &Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams Parcel post (Inter-SMC, (InIre-BMC) (DBMC) Sound Printed MaHer Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD S POShI Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Registry lmurance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 47.142.565 45,110.053 44.670.471 79.706.590 1996GFY 95 54 5 36 5 3.944 8.406 73.955 0.943 51.166 3.590 7.783 63.194 0.906 51.461 3.833 6.543 77.211 0.920 56.664 4.831 8.586 87.881 1.170 75.812 16.198 31.316 302.241 3.942 235.324 16.196 31~413 304.345 3.936 i36.666 136.413 126.936 145.392 178.261 589.022 592.575 Page 2 Supplemental Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 1 (continued) QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997Ql TO 1999D4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) Before-Rates FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Leners & Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Prbate Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MALL Within County Nonorofit Cla&W” Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Sulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Sulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit ECR (Nonautomated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel post (Inter-SMC) (Inlra-SMC) (DBMC) Sound Printed Maner Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD S Po*tal Penalty Free-for-the-Wind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Registry InSurance Cefiified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 1999Q1 1999Q2 1999Q3 1999Q4 1999PFY 1999GFY 22.357.890 12.623.043 1.175.153 8.559.694 1,451.846 149.716 1.302.126 641.974 158.008 502.147 23.809.736 23.710.332 13.259.612 1.222.592 9,228.128 1,321.007 144.149 1.176.858 576.749 140.190 459.919 25.031.339 22.669.885 12.237.930 1.182.563 9.249.392 1.352.195 139.771 1.212.424 590.603 141.744 480.076 24.022.080 28,714.275 15,972.5?2 1.398485 11.342.219 1.787.243 171.559 1.615.665 782.271 185.333 648.080 30.501.519 97.452.383 54.093.157 4.979.792 38.379.433 5.912.291 605.197 5.307.094 2.591.597 625.275 2.090.223 103.364.674 9’7,894.548 54.257.550 4978.756 3B.658.242 5.947.766 609.236 5.338.530 2,603.348 626.287 2.108.895 103.842.314 277.861 14.715 0.935 274.028 16.007 1.267 277.802 16.241 1.098 351.642 20.831 1.015 1.181~233 67.794 4.315 1,188,173 68.160 4.312 207.372 519.752 12.142 1.624.225 2.363.491 207.230 504.378 11.187 1.656.017 2.360.811 214.595 537.773 13.112 1.777.580 2.543.060 279.099 601.011 11.972 2.169.967 3.062.049 908.296 2.162.914 48.412 7.229.788 10.349.410 910.999 2.170.163 48.673 7.256.537 10.386.373 41.811 17.917.383 9.117.037 2,359.802 6,757.236 8.600.346 576.242 8.224.104 3.633.446 2.777.009 1.104.350 1.672.659 856.437 97.709 756.729 21,592.640 36.232 15,293.610 7.671.903 2,036.538 5.635.366 7.421.707 485.969 6.935.737 2.993.450 2.288.655 908.363 1.380.292 704795 80.447 624.348 18.323.292 41.941 15.891.138 8.349.678 2.159.120 6,190.557 7.541.461 493.811 7.047.650 3.128.310 2.392~189 945.077 1.447~111 736.121 84.041 652.080 19.061.389 49.684 20,128.795 10.677.636 2.759.816 7.917.820 9.451.159 618.857 6.832.302 3.693.526 2.824.823 1.108.404 1.716.419 868.703 99.196 769.507 23.872.005 169.868 69,230.926 36.016.254 9.315.276 26.700.979 33.214.672 2.174.879 31.039.793 13.448.732 10.282.675 4.066.194 6.216.481 3.166.057 361.393 2.804.664 82.849.327 17” 489 69.673.659 36.253.388 9.375.566 26.877.822 33.420.271 2.188.342 31,231.929 13.521.729 10.338.985 4.084.088 6.254.877 3,182.764 363.321 2.819.443 83,365.87? 65.556 13.529 12.994 39.033 165.914 60.612 8.552 300.633 63.287 12.475 12.356 38.456 119.640 44.116 7.066 234.110 56.763 10.680 10.909 35.175 121.256 44.326 7.373 229.718 67,635 12.138 12.766 42.712 ‘190.577 54.329 7.936 320.477 253.241 48~822 49~044 155.375 597.387 203.383 30,927 1.064938 255.073 48.626 49.206 157.241 603.900 204.765 31.080 1.094.818 63.425 15.603 69.204 11.718 70.601 15.547 67.658 16.762 270.886 59.630 270.106 60.124 58.213.858 199.232.207 200,280.259 46.439.038 46,341.775 46.237,536 3.665 8.255 78.429 0.851 53.838 3.323 7.846 66.598 0.822 55.264 3.551 6.511 63.311 0.827 60.191 4.497 8.657 93.150 1.060 80.671 15.036 31.269 321.489 3.561 249.96-l 15.031 31.370 324.014 3.553 251.428 145.039 133.853 154.392 188.035 621.319 625.397 Paw 3 Supplemental Exhibi, USPS-GA TABLE 2 QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997Ql TO 1999Q4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (I” Millions Of Pieces, (Actual, 199?Q, FIRST-CLASS MAIL Fin,-Class Leders B Flats (Single-Piece) (Nonautomated Presor,) (Automated) (Basic Lenerr) Wsic Flab) (3-W, Letters, (5.Digit Letters) (m-Digit mto, Gmier-Route Letters) Fin,.Clarr Cards Stamped Cards Private Card* (Single-Piece, (Nona”,oma,ed Presod) (Automated) (BaBiF, (3.Digi,) (6Oigit) (Carrier-Route, TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL (Actual, 1997Q2 1997Q3 1997Q4 1997PM 22,96,,?38 13.524~103 V89.262 8.049,3?4 969.082 11.231 4.586.704 2.,,5,166 48.022 318.169 1242.492 176,124 1,06?.388 506.499 159.095 401,775 75~406 185.522 123.420 37,426 24,204.230 33,966 13.906.08, ?,,34.231 1,779.793 363.814 276,211 570.161 569.607 5.354.439 545.297 53.199 1,999.352 810.062 2.046.529 6.770.850 462.305 1.296.642 2.215.488 81.187 279.479 591,509 1,825.259 2,835.823 2.269.,81 994.575 294 449 39,775 14.54?,911 ?,448~?80 1.934.022 429,834 300~667 648.318 556~003 5.514.756 995 462 50.42, 2.110.410 653.837 2.014.629 ?.099,131 465.256 1.486.613 2.342~645 86.124 252,232 677,087 1.789.174 2.981.304 2,274.943 946.686 279,920 88.936 468.229 109.503 ,,328.254 277.554 13,112 570,335 297.250 170.003 706.462 80.362 334.858 129.010 8.922 3~217 112,297 38,995 1?.568,991 Paw 4 46.537 19,55?~112 9.560~329 2.480,924 552.869 390.553 828.43, 709~972 7.079~505 979,615 64.619 2.709.9c6 839.268 2588,198 8.996.783 589~105 1.681~40, 2.970~982 109,356 319,782 859.064 2,26?~992 3,577 152 2.729~167 ,,120,?69 365,417 118.296 517.801 121~455 1.608.388 332.779 15,644 698,006 357,771 204.189 847.995 96.472 401~226 153,932 10,722 3,869 134 873 46,900 22.180~800 163,318 83.000 228 32.053.830 8,394.559 1.784,548 1.29,,?6? 2,806.25? 2,511~988 23.959.07, 2.886.597 224,395 8,899.435 2.76253 6.923,392 30.94.9696 1,969,9,6 6,307.617 10388.079 360.510 1.127.439 2.943.03, 7.952.006 13,030~848 9,9X,98 4.251.390 1.293~403 379,289 2.108,307 480.391 5,6?4~608 1,093.,41 50.768 2,508.l4.9 1294,490 728,261 3.104.350 351.764 ,,489.739 566~286 38.950 14.220 490.971 172.419 76.194.093 1997GFY Supplemental Exhibit USPS4A TABLE 3 QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 199701 TO 1999Q4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) FIRST-CLASS MAtL First-Class Letters 6 Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated, First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nomrofit Cl&OOlIl Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAtL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Sulk NOnprOfit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonorofit ECR (N&automated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel Post (Inter-SMC) (Intra-BMC) (DSMC) Sound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD S Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECtAL SERVICES Registry l”S”C3”CEZ Certified Collect-an-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 1998Q1 1998Q2 1998Q3 1998Q4 1998PFY 1998GFY 21,935.201 12.725.162 1.171.020 8.039.018 1.372.017 143.102 1.228.914 621.238 168.959 438.717 23.307.218 23,181.913 13.337.839 1.187.300 8.636.774 1.241.392 139.959 1.101.433 554.407 151.085 395.961 24.403.304 22,046.823 12.246.160 1.147.228 8.853.436 1.243.365 132.768 1,110.597 556.264 149.873 404.461 23.290.189 27.911.126 15.917.898 1.369.676 10.633.554 1.540.209 164.249 1.475.960 735.604 195.880 544478 29.551.335 95,055.063 54.227.057 4.865.224 35.962.782 5.496.982 580.078 4.916.905 2.467.513 665.777 1.783.614 100.552.045 95.445.074 511.398.337 $856.599 3B.190.138 5.522.041 582.936 '1.939.106 :!,476.015 666.889 1.796.201 10C1,967,115 259.825 13.791 1.013 253.641 14.947 1.384 254.885 15.206 1,219 321.864 19.582 1.148 1.090.215 63.507 4.763 1.095.437 63.857 4.761 207.502 522.315 13.417 1.815.495 2.358.728 201.720 503.707 11.458 1.831.933 2.348.818 213.553 531.809 12.098 1,747.061 2.504521 276.582 598.512 10.854 2.130.890 3.016.839 899.357 2.156.343 47.826 7.125.379 10.228.904 901.909 2.161.985 47.493 7,149.830 lC.261.217 40.845 17.121.612 9.362.410 2,288.121 7.076.289 7.759.201 552.973 7,206.229 3.540.224 2.824.790 998.771 1.826.019 715.433 95.814 619.820 20.702.481 34.320 14.590.234 8.249.587 2.008.450 6.243.137 6.340.647 459.395 5,881.252 2.903.866 2.341.320 808.872 1,532.447 582.547 78.485 484061 17.528.420 39.880 15.079.108 8.660.053 2,115.720 6.544.333 6.419.053 462.126 5.956.925 3.022.692 2.435.632 840.577 1.595.055 587.080 81.721 505.340 18.141.478 46.420 19,119.223 11.064.299 2.706.950 8.367.349 8.054.924 576.866 7.478.258 3.591.878 2.892.817 996.054 1.896784 699.061 97.132 601.929 22.757.521 161.064 65.910.178 37.336.349 9,115~241 28.221.108 26.573.826 2,051.162 28.522.885 13.058.861 10.494560 3.644.274 8,850.288 2.584.101 352.952 2.211.149 79.129~901 161.635 66.307.879 37.628.126 9.183.527 61.520 14.740 12.268 34492 147.432 58.437 8.242 275.631 56.738 12.721 10.782 33.235 112.605 43.876 6.645 219.885 51.289 10.887 9.462 30.940 112.439 43.707 6.713 214.147 81.008 12.350 11.061 37.597 183.755 53.331 7.068 305.162 230.555 50.698 43.594 136.263 556.230 199.362 28.668 1,014.805 43.552 137.914 581.999 200.734 28.716 1.023.275 72.747 14.692 72.842 11.028 77.327 14.345 76.123 15.939 299.039 56.004 298.093 56.427 47.006.128 44.854.247 44.513.317 58.065.492 192.439.182 28.681.754 2.059.272 26.622~482 13.122.422 3.658.460 8.892.758 2.571.205 354662 2.216.543 79.591.937 231.826 50~380 193.362.119 3.717 8.291 72.981 0.940 51.156 3.231 7.585 61.490 0.900 51.444 3.322 6.337 74.119 0.907 56.861 4.098 8.304 83.335 1.148 75.776 14.366 30.515 291.924 3,895 235.237 14.288 30.574 293.299 3.686 236.596 137.084 124.849 141.545 172.661 575.940 576.643 Page 7 Supplemental Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 3 (continued) WARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS. 199701 TO 199904 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) A&r-Rates 19!39a FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (Automated) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams PERIODICAL MAIL Within County Nonorofit C&room Regular Rate TOTAL PERIODICAL MAIL STANDARD MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (Nonautomated) (Automated) Enhanced Carrier Route (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonprofit Rate Bulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Automated) Nonorofit ECR (N&automated) (Automated) TOTAL STANDARD A Parcel post (Inter-EMC) (Intra-BMC) (DBMC) Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate TOTAL STANDARD B Postal Penalty Free-for-the-Blind TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL SPECIAL SERVICES Registry l”S”rance Certified Collect-on-Delivery Money Orders TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 1999Q2 1999Q3 1999Q4 1999PFY 1999GFY 22.197.652 12.627.187 1,051.001 8.519.464 1,391.456 146.241 1.245.215 617.091 182.369 465.754 23.589.108 23.537.796 13.263.696 1,092.887 9,181.213 1.266.107 140.801 1.125.306 554.394 144.113 426.799 24.803.903 22.497.238 12.241.730 1.056.625 9.198.883 1.295.720 136.525 1.159.195 567.712 145.765 445.717 23.792.959 28.503.646 15.977,827 1.249.931 11.276.087 1.712.167 167.574 1.544.592 751.951 190.666 601.975 30.215.812 96.736.333 54.110.241 4.450.444 38.175.648 5.665.450 591.142 5074.308 2,491.149 842.914 1.940.245 102.401.782 97,173.705 54.274.662 4.449.121 :~8,449.922 5.699.332 595.087 5.104.245 2.502.445 644.011 1.957,789 102.873.037 265.676 14.437 0.935 282.012 15.705 1.267 285.820 15.935 1.098 336.127 20.437 1.015 1.129.436 86.514 4.315 1.136.072 88.872 4.312 204.807 511.975 10.976 1.615.378 2.343.137 204.752 497,009 10.158 1.648.986 2.380.908 212.094 530.070 11.949 1.787.898 2.522.011 275.888 592.493 10.936 2,158.148 3.037.467 897.542 2.131.547 44.021 7.190.411 10.263.520 900.254 2.138.787 44~286 7.217.014 10.300.342 40.442 17.751.047 10.035.708 2,439.275 7.596.433 7.715.340 551.751 7.163.589 3.586.295 2.887.868 994460 1.893.409 698.427 96.804 801.822 21.377.784 35.046 15.152.905 8,646.230 2.103.486 6.542.744 6.506.875 485.315 6.041.360 2.953.921 2.378.603 820.398 1.558.205 575.318 79.631 495.687 18.141.872 40.567 15.747.443 9,135.779 2.228.403 6,907.376 8.611.664 472.823 6.138.841 3.086.692 2.486.540 857.438 1.628.103 601.152 83.155 517.997 18.874.702 48.057 19.948.189 11.662.276 2,848.259 8.816.016 8.285.913 592.555 7.693.359 3.844.146 2.934.470 1.011.288 1,923.181 709.876 98.117 611.559 23.640.393 164.112 68.599.585 39.479.993 9.617.423 23862.570 29.119.592 2.082.444 27,037,148 13,271,054 10.686.481 3.683.584 7.002.897 2.584573 357.708 2.226.865 82.034751 164.906 E,9.038.257 ?,9.738.415 9.677.948 ?,0,060.468 29.299.842 21095.334 27.204.508 13.342.748 10.744.243 3.703.736 7.040.507 2.598.505 359.579 2,238.926 Ei2.545.911 63.083 12.183 11.252 39.627 163.521 60.701 7.891 295.176 60.975 11.234 10.700 39.041 117.916 44.181 6.520 229.592 54.774 9.618 9.447 35.710 119.507 44.391 8.803 225.476 65.364 10.930 11.072 43.362 187.830 54.408 7,323 314.925 244.176 43.986 42.472 157.739 588.773 203.881 28.537 1.065.167 248.034 43.790 42.612 159.632 595~192 205.066 28.678 1.074.970 83.425 15.803 69.204 11.718 70.601 15.547 67.658 16.762 270.888 59.630 ?70.106 60.124 197.296.001 198.331.746 47.965.280 45,898.178 45.783.948 57,860.596 3.099 7.987 74.204 0.834 53.811 2.810 7.596 63.010 0.806 55.237 3.003 6.307 78.823 0.810 60.162 3.803 8.390 88.132 1.039 80.632 12.715 30.280 304.189 3.490 249.843 12.711 30.382 306.557 3.482 251.307 139.936 129.459 149.105 181.996 600.496 604,440 page 8 Supplemental Exhibit USPS-6A TABLE 4 aUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, 1997al TO ,$$$a4 GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) ARer-Rates 1998rx 199aa2 FIRST-CLASS MAlL First-Class LeHers 8 Flats (Si”$le-PieE) (Nonsutomated Presoll) (Automated) (Basic Letters, (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Letters) (5.Digit Letters) (315.Digit Flats) (Carrier-Route Letters) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single-Piece) (Nonautomated Presod) (Automated) (Basic) (3.Digit) (5.Digit) (Carder-Route) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAlL 21.935.2rll 12.725.182 1.171.020 8.039.018 964.594 10.955 4.622.749 2.104780 52.243 283.697 1.372.017 143.102 1.228.914 621.238 168.959 438.717 83.410 197.082 130.918 27.307 23.307.218 23,161.913 13.337.839 1.187.300 8.636.774 1.032.676 11.746 4,982.,10 2.265.77, 56.243 288.227 1.241.392 139.958 1.101.433 554.407 151.065 395.981 75.46, 191.138 116.523 22.636 24.403.304 22.048.823 12.246.180 1.147.228 8.653.436 1.029.848 11,721 4.997.379 2.269.865 56,342 288.284 1.243.365 132.788 1.110.597 566.264 149.873 404.461 76.720 188.786 118.233 22.719 23.290.189 27.911.126 15.917.895 1.359.676 10.633.554 1.259.525 14.350 6.147.718 2.789.052 69.236 353.873 1 ,M0.209 184.249 1.475.960 735.604 195.880 544476 102.794 253.724 158.168 29.79, 29.551.335 STANDARD A MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Bulk Regular (No”sutomated) (Basic Letters) (Basic Nanletters) (Presort Letters) (Presod Nonletters) (Automated) (Basic Letters) (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Letters) (5.Digit Letters) (3BDigit Flats) Enhanced CarrWRoute (Automated, (Basic LeHers) (Basic Nonleners) (High-Density Letters) (High-Density Nonletters) (Saturation Letters) (Saturation Nonletiers) Nonprofit Rate Sulk Nonprofit (Nonautomated) (Basic Letters) (Basic Nonletters) (Presort Letlers) (Presort Nonletters) (Automated) (Basic Leners) (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Letters) (5.Digit Letters) (315.Digit Flats) Nonprofit ECR (Automated) (Basic Lenen, (Basic Nonletters) (High-Osnsity Letters, (HighO?nSity Nonle”er~) (Saturation Letters) (Saturation Nonletters) rOTAL STANDARD A MAIL 40.645 17.121.612 9.362.410 2.286.121 569.297 436.483 733.083 645.256 7.076.289 790.114 63.989 2.402.398 ,.507.151 2.312.636 7.759.201 552.973 1.007.666 2.819.982 103.889 303.989 815.857 2.164864 3.540.224 2.824.790 998.771 275.528 105.337 492.388 125.520 1.828.019 338.018 18.835 781.360 488.174 201.836 715.433 95.614 267.254 154.815 10.780 3.900 135.703 47.386 20.702.48, 34.320 14.590.234 8.249.587 2.008.450 521.424 400.910 833.237 450.860 6.243.137 683.617 58.462 2.071.352 1.437.928 1.993.778 8.340.847 459.395 874.321 2.387.479 87.255 255.950 685.262 1.810.966 2.903.866 2.341.320 808.872 199.041 79.062 421.359 109.410 1.532.447 274.884 15.907 848.099 426.398 185.159 562.547 76.465 191.819 128.250 8.929 3.235 112.476 39.352 17.528.420 39~680 15.079.106 8.860.053 2.115.720 551.704 425.322 668.742 471.951 8.544.333 720.183 59.933 2.168.800 1,477.100 2.098.317 8.419.053 462.128 676.680 2.399.804 88.488 259.990 694889 1.837.076 3.022.892 2.435.632 840.577 213.623 83.654 431.037 112.063 1.595.055 284.813 16.638 675.905 446.165 171.834 587.080 81.721 199.707 134.09, 9.335 3.384 117.625 41.197 18.141.478 46.420 19,119.223 11.064.299 2.706.950 707.368 546.287 850.753 800.581 8.357.349 922.065 76.627 2.807.15, I.864044 2.687~262 8.054924 578.866 842.585 3.014.716 111.203 327.2tl 873.220 2.309.324 3,591.878 2.892.817 996.054 292.812 109.362 470.830 123.050 1.696.764 337.236 19.628 805.278 530.503 204.119 699.Q61 97.132 237.348 159.919 11.133 4.038 140.306 49.183 22.757.52, 1998Q3 1998aA ,998PFY 1998GFY 95.055.083 95.445.074 54.227.057 54,398,337 4.665.224 4.856,599 35.962.782 36.190.138 4.286.64, 4.310.024 48.772 49.052 20,749.956 20.887.839 9.429.468 9.489.846 234.084 235.577 ,,213.881 1.218.001 5.498.982 5.522.041 580.078 582.936 4.918.905 4.939.106 2.467.513 2.476.015 665.777 668.889 1.783.614 1.796.201 338.385 340.535 828:457 818.733 523.841 526687 102.668 ,02.:522 100.552.@45 100,987.1,5 161.064 65.910.178 37.336349 9.115.241 2.349.794 1.812.982 2.883.815 2.068.651 28,221.108 3.115.980 257.211 9.469.701 6.286.222 9.091.984 28.573.828 2.051.162 3.201.254 10.801.981 390.813 1.147.140 3,069.248 8,112.229 13.058.881 10.494.560 3.844274 981.002 377.614 1.815.615 470.643 8.850.286 1,232.750 70.909 2.910.840 1.893.240 742.748 2.564.101 352.952 896.129 577.075 40.17, 14.557 508.112 177.100 79.129.901 181636 66.307.“79 37,626:,25 9.183.527 2.373.658 1.832.667 2.901.795 2.075.408 28.442.699 3.137,081 259.347 9.535.364 6359.083 9.151.725 28.881.754 2.059.272 3.172.?84 10.659.702 392.975 1.153.857 3.086.174 8.157.690 13,122.422 10.551.217 3.656.460 990.551 380.481 1.816.489 470.959 6.892.758 1.237.660 7,359 2.927.755 1.909.683 746301 2.571.205 354662 893.831 580.583 40.4,09 14.648 509.041 178.231 79.591.937 Supplemental Exhibit USPS-GA TABLE 4 (continued) QUARTERLY VOLUME FORECASTS, ,9g7Q, TO 199904 GOVERNMENT DlSTRlSUTED TO CLASS (In Millions of Pieces) Afler-Rates 199901 FIRST-CLASS MAIL First-Class Letters 8 Flats (Single-Piece) (Nona”tomated Presoll) (Automated) (Basic Letters, (Basic Flats) (3-Digil Leners, (5.Digit Letters) (3/5-Digil Flats) (Carrier-Route Leeers) First-Class Cards Stamped Cards Private Cards (Single-Piece) (Nonautomated Presort) (A”tOfll~t*d) (EmiC) (3.Digit) (5.Digit) (Carrier-Route) TOTAL FIRST-CLASS MAIL 22.197.652 12.627.187 1.051.001 8,519.464 1.004.499 11.474 4.930.634 2.234.445 55.526 282.885 1391.456 146~24, 1.245215 617.091 162.369 465.754 87.444 218.649 134.846 24.616 23.589.108 STANDARD A MAIL Single-Piece Regular Rate Sulk Regular (Nonautomated) (&sic Letters, (Basic Nonletters) (Presort Lenen, (Presort Nonletters) (Automated) (Basic Leners) (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Letters) (5.Digit Letters) (315.Digit Flats) Enhanced Carder-Route (Automated) (Basic Lenem, (Easic Nonle”e,s) (High-Density Letters) (High-Density Nonletterr) (Sat”ranon Letters) (Saturation Nonletters) NonproRt Rate Sulk NO”prOfit (Nonautomated) (Basic Letters) (Basic Nonletters) (Presm Letters, (Presort Nonletters) (Automabd) (Basic Letters, (Basic Flats) (3.Digit Lenerr) @Digit Lenen) (315.Digit Flats) NonproM ECR (Automated) (Basic Le”er5) (Basic Nonkenen, (High-Density Letters) (High-Density Nodletters) (Sat”rano” Letters) (Saturation Nonletters) TOTAL STANDARD A MAIL 40.442 17.751.047 10.035.708 2.439.275 638.650 497.844 764368 538.413 7.596.433 83, ,669 69298 2.535.594 1.734.850 2.425.022 7.715.340 551.75, 805.855 2,666.229 106.545 313.596 636.635 2.212.725 3.586.295 2.867.868 994.460 299.990 111.119 462.319 121.032 1 jg3.409 335.190 19.586 805.378 529.352 203.902 698.427 96.804 237.455 160.108 11.069 4.043 139.676 49.252 21.377.764 iw3a2 1999a3 1999a4 1999P.w 1999GFY 23.537.796 13.263.696 1.092.667 9.181.213 1.077.401 12.346 5,319.126 2.408.056 59.911 304372 1.266.107 140.801 1.125.306 554.394 144.113 426.799 79.684 201.728 123.241 22.146 24.603.903 22.497.236 12.241.730 1.056.625 9,198.883 1.074.053 12.352 5334.925 2.412.945 60.097 304.510 I ,295.720 136.525 1.159.195 567.712 145.765 445.717 82.77, 212.050 126,370 22.526 23.792.959 X503.646 15.977.627 1.249931 11.276.087 1.309.508 15.122 6.546.547 2358.365 73.754 372.772 1.712.167 167.574 1.544.592 751.95, 190.666 601.975 111.216 286.189 172.932 29.638 30.215.812 96.736.333 54,,,0.24, 4.450.444 38.175.648 4.465.46, 51.294 22,,31.232 10.013.633 249268 1.264.539 5.665.450 591,142 5.074.308 2.491.149 642.914 1340.245 361.115 920.615 559.369 99.126 ,02,40,.782 97.173.706 54.274.662 4.449~121 38,44Q.Q22 4.492.544 51.648 22.295.230 10.086.l11 251.142 1.273,247 5,699 332 595 067 5.104 245 2,502,445 644,011 1.957.769 363.94, 930.311 564.113 99.424 102.873.037 35.046 15.152.905 8.646.230 2.103.486 551.827 432.561 667.181 461.917 6.542.744 717.840 59.615 2.191.641 1.479.262 2.094.166 6.506.675 465.315 679.612 2.435.767 89.854 264.471 705.570 1.666.085 2.953.921 2.378.603 820.398 228.326 86.743 400.594 104635 1.558.205 274.265 16.115 663.996 435.802 168.024 575.318 79.63, 195.825 132.036 9.114 3.334 114.761 40.617 18.141.672 40.567 15.747.443 9.135.779 2.228.403 565.792 46, ,669 694.113 486.829 6.907.376 761.148 63.426 2.327.085 1.534.097 2.221.620 6.611.664 472.823 690.578 2.475.070 91.304 266.738 716.955 1.896.196 3,066.692 2.485.540 857.438 245.500 92.290 411.946 107.702 1.628.103 285.354 16.823 694934 455.359 175.633 601.152 63.156 204.724 136.036 9.514 3.486 119.774 42.463 16.674.702 48.067 19.948.189 ,I ,662.276 2.846.259 749.782 594.012 063.672 616.593 8.816.016 973.028 61.084 2.976.927 1.941.604 2.841.474 8.265.913 592.555 665.45, 3.101.823 114,425 336.790 896.507 2.376.363 3.644.146 2.934.470 1.011.286 326.189 118.518 447.102 117.479 1.923.181 336.179 19.638 822.108 537.642 207.415 709.676 96.117 241.764 163.024 11.222 4.117 141.262 50.150 23.640.393 164.112 66.599565 39.479.993 9.617.423 2.526.050 1366.086 2.999.534 2.105.753 29.862.570 3,283.666 273.624 10.033.246 6.669.732 9.582.281 29.119.592 2.082.444 3.041.496 10.900.689 402.128 1.163.597 3.157.668 6.351.369 13.271.054 10.686.481 3.683.584 1.102.004 408.670 1.722.061 450.649 7.002.897 1.230.967 72.366 2.986.415 1.958.156 754.974 2,584.573 357.708 879.769 593.203 40.938 14.98, 515.474 182.48, 82.034.751 164.906 69.038.257 39.736.415 9.677.!>48 2.543.194 2,002.“88 3.016.250 2.116.416 30.060.468 3.305.037 275.405 lO.l0,.77, 6.732.62, 9.645.733 29.299.842 2.095.334 3.060.323 10.968.366 404618 1.190~924 3.177.214 8.403.0.54 13342.746 10.744.243 3.703.736 1.115.339 412.634 1.724.223 451.54, 7.040.507 1.236.296 72.736 3.003.665 1.968.689 759.112 2.598.505 359.579 684.649 596.400 41.146 15.064 518.006 163.489 62.545.911 page 10 - CERTIFICATE 3 OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section ‘I2 of the Rules of Practice. ~-. .’ ,~., i ,’ i i : -,A-Eric P. Koetting 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, D.C. 20260-q 137 (202) 268-2992; Fax -5402 October 9, 1997
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