REcE\vED BEFORE THE POSTAL IRATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 1997 ,i lJ\’ PH ‘41 I,\> ?5 F GOYH!SSIOH P1 pCgAL R’.;hE SECRETA OyF\CEor Docket No. R97-1 NOTICE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE CONCERNING THE FILING OF ERRATA TO THE TESTIMONY OF WITNESS HATFIELD (USPS-T-25) The United States Postal Service hereby gives notice that it is filing revised pages of the testimony of witness Hatfield (USPS-T-Z;) ic, reil-ct the correct citation to USPS Library Reference No. H-185 in seven places where an incorrect reference to USPS Library Reference H-105 appears. of USPS-T-25, correct references In the following places on the revised pages to “IJSPS-LR-H-185” replaces incorrect references “USPS-LR-H-105”: Page 13 Appendix /, Footnote 10 II Page 1, line 6 Pages 3, 4, and 5’; footnotes for columns 1 through 4 Page 6, footnote for row 2 Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking Jm/z3wMichael T. Tidwell 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202)2682998/FAX -5402 July 25, 1997 to REVISED 07/X/97 1 trays, the preparation 2 sorting costs associated 3 trays will receive at least one bundle sort from the ADC level to the 3-digit level. 4 characteristics of the mail are used to determine the bundle with that type of mail. For example, 3-digit bundles in ADC In Docket No. MC95-1, First-Class Mail characteristics data were used for the 5 development of both the entry profiles and the bundle sorting costs. However, the mail 6 characteristics 7 requirements for First-Class 8 classification reform models in Docket No. MC95-1, estimates were made of how mail 9 entry characteristics data used in Docket No. MC95-1 represented Mail that existed before classification would change as 61result of classification 10 support the development 11 study was conducted 12 reform. reform. For the post In order to of cost estimaltes for this docks;, il i::.‘;’ rail characteristics to collect data in t:he post classification reform environment.‘0 The data from this new study reflect the changes that were made in First-Class 13 presort mail entry requirements, 14 order to receive automation 15 bundles). 16 bundles. 17 or Sdigit) is determined 18 the mail entry One major change in entry requirements presort discounts, Prior to classification all mail must be prepared reform, automation is that in in full trays (no presort mail could be prepared With this change, the presort rate that automation in mail receives (basic, 3-digit, by the tray presort level as opposed to the bundle presort level. Another significant change in First-Class presort mail entry requirements 19 do with nona,utomation mail preparation. 20 there are two options for preparing 21 fails certain standards 22 OCR upgradable 23 character reader (OCR). 24 reasons: it is non-machinable 25 cannot be run across a piece of automated 26 properties. 27 Non-readable 28 can be machinable for automation In the post classification First-Class nonautomation c’ompatibility, reform environment, presort mail. If the mail it is non-OCR upgradable. mail is mail that would most likely not be upgraded Mail is classified as non-OCR upgradable or it is non-readable. equipment has to Non- by an optical for one of two Non-machinable mail is mail that because of its physical This mail is either too thick, too wide, too tall, not properly tabbed, etc. mail is mail that, although machinable, ‘OThe new First-Class cannot be read by an OCR. but not readable because the address is handwritten, Mail Characteristics Study is documented in Library Reference Mail the address is USPS LR-H-185. 13 -~- -- USPS-T-25 Appendix II Page 1 Of 6 REVISED 07/X/97 1 2 1. INTRODUCTION Appendix 3 II contains the First-Class Mail characteristics data that are used 4 throughout 5 come from a recent field study conducted 6 characteristics 7 combines those results into a summary form that is used in various places in this a testimony. 9 bundle sorting cost calculations the development of mail processing (USPS LR-H-165). unit costs in this testimony. specifically to update the First-Class Appendix (Appendix IV). In both cases the information 11 presort mail volume by container 12 characteristics 13 to weight the three nonautomation Mail II shows the results of that study and The primary uses of the mail characteristics 10 All data data in this testimony Ill) and entry profile calculations that is needed is the breakdown presort level or container/bundle are for (Appendix of First-Class presort level. Mail data are also used to determine the amount of non-machinable mail and model costs together. 14 15 16 17 16 II. FIRST-CLASS MAIL CHARACTERISTICS The results of the First-Class different types of First-Class RESULTS Mail characteristics non-carrier study are shown for six route presort mail: 19 l Nonautomation presort non-OCR upgradable mail in non-OCR trays 20 l Nonautomation presort OCR: upgradable mail in non-OCR trays 21 l Nonautomation presort OCR: upgradable mail in OCR trays 22 l Automation basic presort 23 l Automation 3digit presort 24 l Automation 5digit presort 25 For the first two types of mail, the results show the volume of mail broken down into 26 container/bundle presort levels. This is because for nonautomation 27 OCR upgradable trays mail must be prepared in bundles before it is put into trays. The 28 results also show the average number of pieces in each bundle. 29 used to determine bundle sorting costs in Appendix Ill. presort mail in non- This information is First-Class Nonautomation Mail Characteristics Presort NonJXR USPS-T-25 Appendix II Page 3 of 6 REVISED 07/25/97 Data Upgradable Mail in NonaCR VI &Digit Full 5-Digit Trays Pieces 1.032.992 Trays 121 Tray Presort 3-Digit PI Level PI I41 ADC Mixed ADC Total N/A N/A N/A 1,032.992 1.245.660 &Digit Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A 1.103.615 31.7 66,157 16.5 55.688 27.6 J-Digit Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A 206.411 39.1 174,265 32.4 144,661 25.1 ADC Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.651 24 5 36.526 19.0 Mixed ADC Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29,253 51.1 29,253 I,31 2,026 263.273 266,550 2,874,841 Total Pieces ROWI,: Cdumn Column Column Column cd”rn” sum Of the piece “c.I”rm* [I]: USPS LR-H-165, total 121: USPS LRH-185, total [3]: USPS LR-H-185. total 141: USPS LR-H-185, total (51: sum of piece “oI”nle* 1’ 1.032,992 from all rows. pkoes in Migit trays pieces in Migk trays. piecer in ADC toys. pieces in mixed AM) trays. from calUrn” 1 - 4. First-Class Nonautomation Mail Characteristics Presort OCR Upgradable USPS-T-25 Appendix II Page 4 of 6 REVISED 07/25/97 Data Mail in NowXR Trays III 121 Tray Presort 3-Digit 5-Digit Full 5-Digit Trays Pieces 163.056 I31 Level [41 151 ADC Mixed ADC TOW N/A N/A N/A 183.056 5-Digit Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A 179.285 35.0 4.263 16.9 16,795 16.6 200.343 J-Digit Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A 14.467 38.9 14,567 27.1 43,040 32.3 72,074 ADC Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.638 24.1 33.671 18.7 35.309 Mixed ADC Bundles Pieces Pieces per package N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14,536 56.6 14.536 183.056 193,752 20.468 108.042 505,318 Total Pieces Row 11: Sum of the piece volumes Column 111: USPS LR-H-185. total Column [2]: USPS LR-H-185, total Column 131: USPS LR-H-185. total Column [4]: USPS LR+l-185. total Column 151: Sum of piece volumes from all rows. pieas in Migk trays. piecer in 3-dipit trays. pieces in ADC trays. pieocr in mixed ADC trays. from columns 1 - 4. -- First-Class Mail Characteristics Nonautomation Presort OCRUpgndable USPS-T-25 Appendix II Page 5 of 6 REVISED 07/25/97 Data and Automatian Presort 111 Nonautomation Pl=MOrt OCR-Upgradable PI PI Basic Automation Presort 3JJigit 5-Digit Trays 281,478 J-Digit Trays 1.565.393 AADC Trays 504.094 2.201.894 Mixed AADC Trays 802.032 2.057.484 3,152.997 4,259,370 Total Column C&m Column Column [I]: USPS p]: USPS 131’ USPS [4]~ USPS LR-H-165. total LR-H-185, total LR-H-185, total LR-H-185, total pieces pieas pieces pieces I41 5-Digit 8.967.204 19.388.008 19.388.008 8,967.204 by tray prerort level. in AADC and mixed AAIX Ws. in 3diiti trays. in MQil trays. --.- First-Class Mail Characteristics ,, Volume Summary USPS-T-25 Appendix II Page 6 of 6 REVISED 07/25/97 Data First-Class nonautomation presort Mall in Non-OCR upgndable tnys Non-OCR Upgradable Mail Non-machinable Machinable OCR Upgadable Mail Total 2.674.641 1.597.340 1.277.501 505.316 3,360,159 I/ _u 3.152,997 5’ 6.533,156. 1’ First-Class automation presort Non-carrier route automation presort Basic 3-Digit 5Digit Total automation presort 4.259,370 19.366,006 8.967.204 32.614,590 8/ Y g/ 11, Total First-Class 39.147,746 12 trays 55.56% 13, Non-OCR mail in non-OCR bays as P percent of nonautomation mail OCR mail in non-OCR brays as P percent of nonautomation mail OCR mail in OCR bxys as P percent of nonautomation mail 44.00% 7.73% 46.26% 100.00% 14, E, 161 17, Mail in OCR upgndable Total nonautomation Nonmachinable non-carrier tray8 presort route presort mail as a percent of non-OCR Row 11: Appendix II, pa9e 3 of 6. sum of column 5. Row g USPS LR-H-165. total nonmachinabb pieces. Rcw Jl: Row I- row 2. RGW+I: Appendix II, page 4 of 6. sum of column 5. Row g: Row 1 + rcw 4. Row E/: Appendb: II, page 5 of 6, sum of mlumn 1. RmM7/: Rmv5+row6. Row g: Appendb: 11,pa9e 5 of 6. sum of column 2. Row 9/: Appendix 11,page 5 of 6. sum of mlumn 3~ Rwr j&f: Appendix II, page 5 of 6. sum Of c&mn 4. Rcw~/: Rw6+row9+rowlO. l?ow12/: l7wl7+row11. RowlJ ROwz/rowl Ro*, z,: Row 1 I row 7. RcwlJ Rcw4/row7. Rw 31: Row 6 I row 7. RorrlJ: Rcw ,4 + row 15 + row 16. _ ..---- mail inI nonJXR 2’ $1 5’ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. /M/t3& Michael T. Tidwell 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-I 145 .!l!lY 25, 1997 -
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