Interfacial polycondensation—Modeling of kinetics and film properties Sunil S. Dhumal, Shrikant J. Wagh , A.K. Suresh Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400076, India a b s t r a c t Keywords: Reverse osmosis membranes Thin film composite membranes Interfacial polycondensation Thermodynamics of phase separation Polymer properties Interfacial polycondensation (IP) is an important technique used in the encapsulation of a variety of active ingredients and synthesis of thin film composite membranes. The present work seeks to advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the reaction, phase separation and film formation in this process, and hence, of how the film properties are influenced by preparation conditions. The model presented here incorporates all the essential physicochemical processes at a fundamental level through simple phenomenologies: ionic equilibria in the aqueous phase, resistances due to external mass transfer, diffusion through polymer film, interfacial reaction, thermodynamics of phase separation, and formation of a coherent film. The model has been tested against the data previously communicated [S.J. Wagh, Studies in interfacial polycondensation. Ph.D. Thesis. IIT Bombay, 2004; S.J. Wagh, S.S. Dhumal, A.K. Suresh, An experimental study of polyurea membrane formation by interfacial polycondensation, Journal of Membrane Science, submitted for publication] on polyurea microcapsules. The influence of the model parameters and preparation conditions, on the properties of the polymer and film and their development during reaction, have been studied. The study provides important insights into the process and should help in designing synthesis methodologies to suit the application. 1. Introduction Interfacial polycondensation (IP) is a technique of wide applicability for encapsulation of active ingredients (say for controlled release or containment), enzyme immobilization [1], and synthesis of thin film composite membranes (say for applications such as RO) [2]. IP offers the possibility of rapid production of polymers, under normal conditions of temperature and pressure, in an almost ready-to-use form. The mechanistic aspects of the process are, however, not well understood because of the difficulties in following the fast kinetics and the need to account for the interplay of several equilibrium and rate processes in any comprehensive modeling effort. As a result, only empirical information exists, and even this, only for particular systems, on how synthesis conditions (such as solvent used, concentrations employed, interfacial area available) affect the polymer film properties. Clearly, properties such as film thickness, molecular weight and its distribution, and the degree of crystallinity have an important bearing on the functional attributes of the product, and a predictive capability on how synthesis conditions influence such properties would go a long way in designing processes to deliver desired product characteristics. The present work is an attempt in this direction. IP reaction involves a step growth polymerization between two monomers, each dissolved in one of a pair of immiscible phases. The reaction occurs at, or in a thin region adjacent to, the interface of the two immiscible phases, and the polymer product, being insoluble in both the phases, accumulates as a film at the surface of contact between the phases. Morgan [3] has described the salient features of the IP technique in detail for the preparation of films, fibers and coatings. While the exact locale of the reaction is not established in all cases, the balance of evidence is in favor of the organic side of the interface [3–6]. Mechanistically therefore, IP can be considered as a process of heterogeneous mass transfer with chemical reaction, further complicated by the simultaneous occurrence of polymer phase separation and film formation. Table 1 summarizes the literature, on the modeling of the IP process. The table shows that in general, the different physicochemical rate and equilibrium processes which have been considered are some or all of the following: (i) ionic equilibria for the aqueous phase monomer, (ii) transport of the aqueous phase monomer and/or the organic phase monomer from bulk phases to the site of reaction, (iii) the reaction between the two monomers, and finally, (iv) the phase separation of the formed oligomeric species. As for modeling the film formation, three different approaches can be seen. In the first, the reaction is assumed to occur at the interface (initially between the two liquid phases, and later between 759 Table 1 Summary of literature on modeling of IP Sr. no. Author Rate/equilibrium processes considered Diffusion Kinetics 1 2 Pearson and Williams [7] Sirdesai and Khilar [8] Second order reaction Second order reaction No No 3 4 Yadav et al. [9] Janssen and Nijenhuis [10]a Second order reaction Diffusion control (no reaction kinetics) No No 5 Yadav et al. [11] Second order reaction at the interface No 6 Karode et al. [12] Diffusion of diol through polymer film Diffusion of diamine through swollen polymer and through pores separately Diffusion of diamine through polymer film Diffusion of triamine through top layer and sub layer separately (i) Ionic equilibria in aqueous phase; (ii) mass transfer of diamine from bulk to interface; (iii) diffusion of unprotonated diamine through polymer film (i) Mass transfer of both monomers from bulk to interface; (ii) diffusion of diamine through polymer film MW and PD 7 Karode et al. [13] (i) Mass transfer of both monomers from bulk to interface; (ii) diffusion of diamine through polymer film MW and PD 8 Kubo et al. [14]a (i) Mass transfer of triamine from bulk to interface; (ii) diffusion of unprotonated triamine through polymer film Diffusion of triamine through polymer film Diffusion of both amine and acid chloride through formed polymer gel Diffusion of triamine through polymer film along with byproduct HCl diffusion (i) Detailed kinetics, reaction in a zone; (ii) phase separation by spinodal decomposition (i) Detailed kinetics, reaction in a zone; (ii) phase separation by nucleation and spinodal decomposition Second order reaction Second order reaction Second order reaction No No Second order reaction No 9 10 Ji et al. [15]a Freger and Srebnik [16] 11 Bouchemal et al. [17]a a Model predictions: MW, PD and crystallinity No Tri-functional amine is used instead of bi-functional along with the bi-functional isocynate or acid chloride. the already-formed film and organic phase) and the entire polymer formed is assumed to form the film [10,11,14]. In the second, the reaction is assumed to occur in a reaction zone which lies on the organic side of the interface mentioned above, and the polymer formed is excluded from the reaction zone as it forms; the reaction zone gets pushed into the organic phase as the film grows [12,13,15,17]. In the third, the reaction is assumed to occur in a steady reaction zone having a finite thickness, in which the polymer forms and accumulates (the viscosity in the zone increasing as a result), ultimately taking on a gel-like form [16]. In the first two approaches, the film thickness is explicitly calculated, increases with time and increases the diffusion resistance with time. In the third approach, a film thickness is calculated based on the polymer concentration in the reaction zone, and the diffusion of monomers is modeled as taking place through a gel-like structure. Experimental evidence [3,5,6,11,18–21] points to a strong influence of the conditions employed in the preparation on the nature and properties of the film that forms. However, most of the models [7–11,14–17] focus on the kinetics and the variation of film thickness with time, and do not attempt to predict quantitatively the polymer properties as a function of process parameters. Properties such as molecular weight, polydispersity and crystallinity affect important characteristics of the polymer [20–22] such as mechanical properties, viscosity, ease of processing, permeability. Indeed, in their work on encapsulation, Yadav et al. [22] observed an order-of-magnitude variation in the permeability of the capsule wall because of variations in crystallinity. Karode et al. [12,13] were the first to consider the detailed kinetics in their models and hence predict the molecular weight distribution. Their models however, have not been adequately tested against experimental data. For one, they were developed for the unstirred nylon 6–10 system and may require modifications for other systems. Even for the nylon system, the model assumes, as does much of the earlier literature, that the solvent effect is explained solely by the partitioning of the aqueous phase monomer. Recent work in this laboratory [5,6] has shown the effect to be much more complicated, with solvent properties such as polarity playing a significant role. Properties such as crystallinity, while experimentally shown to be dependent on preparation conditions [11,19], have not so far been modeled. As already remarked, the fast kinetics of membrane formation makes it difficult to monitor the reaction and the development of structural attributes during IP. Tracking the reaction via reactant consumption or polymer film thickness has been attempted. The latter is particularly difficult in microencapsulation studies since the film is extremely thin and the amount of polymer formed, miniscule. Yadav et al. [9] used an on-line pH probe to follow the consumption of the aqueous monomer, since in their system, the reaction does not produce any species that changes the pH of the system. Chai and Krantz [23] proposed the techniques of light reflectometry and pendant drop tensiometry to follow the development of film thickness and rigidity. While these techniques have potential, they would need considerable refinement before quantitative information on kinetics can be obtained from them. Interpretation of kinetic data is another area that requires care. Since the overall mechanism of reaction involves physical transport and chemical reaction, issues of transport limitations and controlling regimes should be considered in estimating the kinetic parameters (reaction rate constant and/or diffusivity). While such considerations have often not been employed, an exception is the work of Yadav et al. [11] in which explicit criteria are established and used for regime identification, albeit with a simplified kinetic model. Table 2 gives a summary of the literature on experimental methods and parameters estimated. With the above background, the present work describes a comprehensive modeling framework of unstirred IP for microcapsule formation, by extending the work of Karode et al. [13]. In addition to kinetics, the model predicts the evolution of film thickness, mass crystallinity and MWD with time. Our recently reported experimental data on the synthesis of polyurea membranes in two solvents [5,6] have been used to test the model and estimate model parameters. 2. Experimental Experiments on the IP reaction producing polyurea microcapsules were reported in our earlier work (Wagh et al. [5,6]). The studies employed hexamethylene-1,6-diamine (HMDA) as the 760 Table 2 Summary of literature: experiments and parameter estimation Sr. no. Author Parameter estimated from model Experimental data used for parameter estimation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pearson and Williams [7] Yadav et al. [11] Karode et al. [12] Karode et al. [13] Kubo et al. [14] Ji et al. [15] Bouchemal et al. [17] Rate constant and diffusivity Rate constant and diffusivity Diffusivity Rate constant and nucleation rate constant Rate constant and diffusivity Diffusivity Rate constant, diffusivity, porosity, swelling rate, etc. Fractional conversion of diisocyanate Fractional conversion of diamine from kinetic and diffusion control experiment Polymer film thickness variation with time Polymer film thickness variation with time Fractional conversion of triamine Polymer film thickness variation with time Polymer film thickness variation with time aqueous monomer and hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate (HMDI) as the organic monomer, the reaction being conducted at the dropcontinuous phase interface of a oil-in-water dispersion to produce microcapsules a few microns in diameter. Experiments were conducted over a range of monomer mole ratio (R), moles of limiting monomer (nL ), phase volume ratio (Vd /Va ) and organic solvents. The on-line fast pH-probe technique of Yadav et al. [9] was employed to follow the kinetics. The polymer wall of the capsules was recovered and characterized with respect to intrinsic viscosity (as a measure of molecular weight) and mass crystallinity (WAXD). All reactions were carried out at room temperature (29–30 ◦ C), and repeat runs were carried out so that statistically significant conclusions could be arrived at. Details are available in [5,6]. sidering a small section of the aqueous–organic interface with the formed polymer film separating the phases at some intermediate stage of the reaction, the concentration profiles of the monomers in the film and adjacent regions are shown schematically in Fig. 1. The rate and equilibrium processes considered in the model are clear from the figure. The aqueous phase monomer (in practice, usually with an amine function) undergoes protonation in solution according to −A + H+ −AH+ (1) so that the monomer A–R–A exists in unprotonated, singly protonated and doubly protonated forms, their relative abundance given by the ionic equilibria H+ A − R − AH+ H+ A − R − A + H+ (2) 3. Theory H A−R−AA−R−A+H The model developed in this work takes that of Karode et al. [13] as the starting point. The model has been extended to nonbuffered systems with the incorporation of ionic equilibria in the aqueous phase, and extended to enable predictions of crystallinity. While the model is developed in general terms, with the available data in mind, its applicability to the polyurea system, and in the production of self-supported films, is the specific point of focus in the following description. In particular, the kinetics would need appropriate changes when the monomer functionality is different from two, as is often the case with IP films for RO applications. The system considered is the microencapsulation of an organic phase dispersed as drops of uniform size in an aqueous phase, by the interfacial polycondensation reaction between an aqueous phase monomer A–R–A and an organic phase monomer B–R –B. For the polyurea system, these are, respectively HMDA and HMDI. Con- The concentration of the unprotonated form A0a in the bulk aqueous phase is thus related to the total concentration AT of the monomer by the following relation [11] + A0a = + AT AT , = f (h) (1 + h/Ka2 + h2 /Ka1 Ka2 ) (3) (4) where Ka1 and Ka2 are the equilibrium constants of the reactions (2) and (3), respectively. Since the reaction occurs in the organic phase, transport of only the unprotonated form is considered. Two rate processes – external mass transfer and diffusion through the (swollen) polymer film – transport the monomer to the reaction zone, which is assumed to be of thickness ‘ε’, and located on the organic side of the interface (see [13] for details of the concept of a reaction zone). Clearly, if the pH of the external (aqueous) phase is controlled (say through the use of a buffer), the unprotonated form Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the different regions and physicochemical processes considered in the modeling of interfacial polycondensation. Note the regions in which external mass transfer, molecular diffusion, and reaction kinetics operate and the use of the partition coefficients to treat phase equilibria for HMDA at the interfaces. 761 Table 3 Reaction intermediates (A–: NH2 –; B–: NCO–; R: (CH2 )6 ; R : (CH2 )6 for the present polyurea system) Notation Species Structure –X– A0 B0 C0 An Bn Cn Repeat unit HMDA HMDI Oligomer Oligomer Oligomer Oligomer −[NH − OCNH − R − NHCO − NH − R]− A−R−A B − R − B A − R − NH − NHCO − R − B A − R − Xn − B B − R − Xn − B A − R − Xn − NH − NHCO − R − B Table 4 Generalized reaction scheme for the formation of polyurea oligomers Reaction Values of m and n Rate Rate constant A0 + B0 → C0 Am + Bn → Cm+n Am + Cn → Am+n+1 Bm + Cn → Bm+n+1 Cm + Cn → Cm+n+1 m, n = 0 m, n ≥ 0 m, n ≥ 0 m, n ≥ 0 m, n ≥ 0 ki A0 B0 kp1 Am Bn kp2 Am Cn kp3 Bm Cn kp4 Cm Cn ki = 4k kp1 = 4k kp2 = 2k kp3 = 2k kp4 = 2k is a constant fraction of AT , and consideration of ionic equilibria is not crucial. This corresponds to the approach taken by Karode et al. [12,13]. If however, as in the polyurea system, the pH of the aqueous phase is not held constant, ionic equilibria in the aqueous phase must be considered. As a result of reactions in the reaction zone, three types of oligomeric species form in general, depending on the nature of the end-groups as shown in Table 3. The possible reactions among the oligomers are shown in Table 4. Reactions are treated using the equal reactivity hypothesis as in Karode et al. [13], but the group reaction rate constant is assumed to be a function of the organic solvent used [5,6]. Solution thermodynamics governs the concentration at which any given oligomer starts to come out of solution. Fig. 2 shows a typical phase diagram for an oligomer Ymr . Two modes of phase separation, viz., nucleation and spinodal decomposition are considered in the model. Depending on the temperature of reaction, there is a volume fraction ˚Ybn (the lower binodal concentration), above mr which the oligomer is unstable with respect to phase separation into a polymer-rich phase (with the upper binodal composition) and a polymer-lean phase (with the lower binodal composition). When the composition is between the binodal and the spinodal limits (the ‘metastable’ region), this phase separation occurs by nucleation. Classical nucleation theory is used to calculate the size of the nuclei that form. The nuclei coalesce and form a film when their total projected area becomes equal to the interfacial area. If the volume fraction of the oligomer in solution continues to increase and hits the spinodal curve at some stage, an instantaneous ‘spinodal’ decomposition occurs, with the concentration of the oligomer returning to the lower binodal value, and the excess polymer coming out of solution at the upper binodal composition and adding to the film thickness. During a spinodal decomposition event, any existing (uncoalesced) nuclei in the reaction zone are also swept into the film. In order to predict the crystallinity of the phase that separates out and ultimately forms a film, we assume that the rate of phase separation determines the time available for crystallization while the kinetics of crystallization determine the time required for crystallization. The crystallinity achieved would be determined by how these two time constants compare. A simple phenomenology is therefore proposed in this work. The kinetics of crystallization is assumed to be fast with respect to nucleation, but slow with respect to spinodal decomposition, so that the nucleated species have the maximum crystallinity allowed by the structure (Xmax ) while the spinodally decomposed material is completely amorphous. The degree of crystallinity of the film can therefore be calculated as a weighted average of crystallinities of the material phase-separated by the two mechanisms. The quantitative details of the above physical picture are presented in the following sections. 3.1. Kinetics of monomer consumption and oligomer formation At any time when the polymer film has built up to a thickness ıt , the rate of consumption of monomer A in the bulk aqueous phase is given by (subscripts a, s, p and r stand, respectively for aqueous phase, organic phase, polymer and reaction zone) − DA0 aI dAT = kLA0 aI A0a − A0ap = KA0ap A0ap − KA0sp A0r dt ıt (5) where kLA0 is the external mass transfer coefficient in the aqueous phase and the K’s are partition coefficients which describe the phase equilibria at interfaces (see Fig. 1). Solving Eq. (5) for A0ap we obtain A0ap = kLA0 ıt /DA0 KA0ap A0a + KA0sp /KA0ap A0r 1 + kLA0 ıt /DA0 KA0ap (6) Hence, − dAT = keff aI A0a − KA0sa A0r dt (7) where the effective transport coefficient keff is given by keff = kLA0 (8) 1 + kLA0 ım /DA0 KA0ap ıt /ım The rate of consumption of monomer B in the bulk organic phase is given by − dB0s = kLB0 aI dt V a Vs − Vr (B0s − B0r ) (9) The mass balance equations for the monomers in the reaction zone are given by dA0r k = eff A0a − KA0sa A0r − ki A0r B0r ε dt nmax Fig. 2. Schematic representation of phase diagram for a typical oligomer (UCST: upper critical solution temperature). − kp1 A0r m=1 nmax Bmr − kp2 A0r m=0 Cmr (10) 762 dB0r kLB0 Amr − kp3 B0r Cmr = (B0s − B0r ) − ki A0r B0r − kp1 B0r ε dt nmax nmax m=1 m=0 (11) While, in theory, chains of all possible lengths need to be considered, a maximum chain length nmax has been introduced above in order to achieve closure in numerical computations. For higher oligomers, the balance equations have to account for the possibility of phase separation. A general mass balance equation for any oligomeric species Ymr within the reaction zone thus has the form dYmr bn = rYmr − u Y mr rYmr ppt dt (12) for m = 1 to nmax m = 0 to nmax Ymr < Y mr sp for Ymr = Amr and Bmr for Ymr = Cmr bn vs ıp − ıs m = 1 to nmax m = 0 to nmax Ymr ≥ Y mr , sp bn for Ymr = Amr and Bmr for Ymr = Cmr bn Ym ˚ Ymr (14) MYm The function u is the step function u(x) = 0 for x < 0 (15) u(x) = 1 for x ≥ 0 (16) and serves to switch on the nucleation mechanism for phase separation in Eq. (12) when the composition is between the binodal and spinodal envelopes, and switch it off otherwise. rYmr , the net rate of generation of any Ymr species by reaction in the reaction zone, is given for the different types of oligomeric species considered, by the following expressions m−1 nmax A(m−n−1)r Cnr − kp1 Amr n=0 nmax Bnr − kp2 Amr n=0 Cnr , n=0 m = 1 to nmax (17) nmax m−1 B(m−n−1)r Cnr − kp1 Bmr n=0 Anr − kp3 Bmr Cnr , (18) rC0r = ki A0r B0r − kp2 C0r Anr − kp3 C0r n=0 m n=0 n=0 Bnr − kp4 C0r C(m−n−1)r Cnr − Cmr Bnr + kp4 n=0 Cnr kp2 (19) nmax Anr n=0 nmax , m = 1 to nmax 2Ymr fvYmr (22) where Ymr is the interfacial energy between the nucleus and the surrounding lean phase and fvYmr is the free energy of coagulation per unit volume. Kamide et al. [27] provide equations to calculate these quantities. The above equation shows that the closer the composition is to the binodal, the larger the critical nucleus size. Clearly, the probability of formation of such large nuclei as calculated on or very close to the binodal curve should be negligible. In order to account for this, in this work, we disallow nucleation if the nucleus size as calculated above is more than the thickness of the reaction zone. Thus, for a critical nucleus to form, we should have (23) dVXYmr bn = km ˚ Ymr dt m = 1 to nmax m = 0 to nmax for Ymr = Amr and Bmr for Ymr = Cmr (24) Cnr n=0 n=0 nmax + kp3 m−1 nmax n=0 A(m−n)r Bnr + kp4 nmax RCNYmr = − The rate at which the nucleated phase grows in volume is modeled as [28] n=0 m = 1 to nmax nmax 3.2.1. Phase separation by nucleation The treatment of nucleation in this work is based on [13] with additional features that allow a prediction of the crystalline fraction. Classical nucleation theory may be used to calculate the critical nucleus size of any oligomer Ymr as 2RCNYmr ≤1 ε nmax n=0 (21) where ıp and ıs are the solubility parameters of an oligomer and solvent, respectively. The ıp values are calculated for each oligomeric species based on a group contribution method [26]. In the above equation, the function Y bn mr shows the distance of the instantaneous composition from the binodal envelope: Y mr = Ymr − 2 RT (13) for rCmr = kp1 The events leading to phase separation and the mechanisms of phase separation considered in this work were described earlier with reference to the phase envelopes of Fig. 2. In this work, the Flory–Huggins theory has been used to calculate binodal and spinodal curves for each oligomer at the temperature of reaction [24]. The solution is assumed to be sufficiently dilute, and interactions between oligomers sufficiently small, that the curves for each oligomer can be calculated as in a binary solution of that oligomer in the solvent. The oligomer–solvent interaction parameter , is estimated by the following equation [25]: = 0.34 + Ymr = Y mr rBmr = kp3 3.2. Phase separation and film formation and rAmr = kp2 In order to avoid double counting in the second last term of the Eq. / n. (20), the kp4 should be kp4 /2 if (m − n − 1) = (20) where km is a nucleation rate constant (assumed the same for all species here). As described earlier, this material is assumed to achieve the maximum crystallinity allowed by the structure [29], and the X in the subscript on the LHS denotes this. While the phaseseparating material at any stage can either form new nuclei or deposit on the existing nuclei causing their growth, we assume here, as do Karode et al. [13], that the nucleation rate is sufficiently high that growth can be neglected. Eqs. (22) and (24) allow us to calculate the number of critical nuclei (NCNYmr ) formed per unit volume, at any time for any 763 oligomeric species Ymr dNCNYmr = dt 3 1 3 RCNY Vr mr 4 m = 1 to nmax m = 0 to nmax dVXYmr dt for Ymr = Amr and Bmr for Ymr = Cmr (25) Once the nucleation rate is known, the rate of precipitation by nucleation (rYmr ppt ) is calculated as follows rYmr ppt = m = 1 to nmax m = 0 to nmax km bn Y mr Vr for Ymr = Amr and Bmr for Ymr = Cmr At the spinodal decomposition event, any nuclei dispersed in the reaction zone are also assumed to be swept into the film so that phase separation starts afresh after the spinodal event. In similar fashion, at the end of the reaction, all the remaining nuclei from the reaction zone are assumed to be incorporated into the film. The addition of crystalline material to the film in this fashion has to be accounted for in the calculation of crystallinity. The total polymer film thickness (ıt ) at any time, based on contributions from both nucleated and spinodally phase-separated material, is given by ıt = ıtX + ıtNX (32) (26) The nuclei generated are randomly dispersed in the reaction zone. These nuclei are assumed to coalesce and form a film when nmax 2 NCNYmr Vr RCNY ≥a mr (27) m=0 The polymer film thickness (ıtX ), based on nucleated material (VX = VX ), as a function of time, is then calculated as ıtX = MC0r dp ˛s n 6p Vd L (33) (28) where the calculation accounts for swelling through the swelling index ˛s . 3.2.2. Phase separation by spinodal decomposition sp When ˚Ymr ≥ ˚ Ymr , i.e. the volume fraction of any species equals or exceeds the lower spinodal limit, the oligomer precipitates out spontaneously by spinodal decomposition. The polymer precipitated thus is considered to be completely amorphous, and its amount (in any time step) can be calculated as follows. For any oligomer whose concentration crosses the spinodal limit, a balance across the spinodal decomposition event gives bn ˚Ymr − ˚ Ymr bn (29) bn ˚ Ymr − ˚ Ymr where the NX in the subscript on left side denotes that this polymer is non-crystalline. Summing such contributions over all oligomers which achieve the spinodal concentration in a given time interval gives the incremental volume of amorphous polymer added to the film in that interval ⎛ VNX − VNXold = Vr ⎝ bn ˚ Amr bn bn ˚ Amr − ˚ Amr + bn ˚ Bmr bn bn ˚ Bmr − ˚ Bmr ⎞ + bn ˚ Cmr bn ˚ Cmr − ˚bn C ⎠ where VNXold is the volume of amorphous polymer precipitated by spinodal decomposition mechanism up to the current time step. Note that the summation in Eq. (30) is taken over only those oligomers which precipitate by a spinodal mechanism in the time interval under consideration. On spinodal decomposition, the concentration of the oligomer in bn the reaction zone immediately drops to ˚ Ymr and the film thickness increases. The part of the film thickness (ıtNX ) due to spinodally phase-separated material at any time is given by VNX ˛s aI Va The most important feature of this model is its ability to predict the crystallinity, molecular weight distribution and polydispersity of the polymer at any reaction time. As only the polymer precipitated due to nucleation will contribute to the crystallinity, the crystallinity of the polymer precipitated out of solution is given by XW = Xmax pXYm VXYmr pXYm VXYmr + (34) pNXYm VNXYmr whereXW and Xmax are, respectively the instantaneous and maximum mass crystallinity. The density ratio of crystalline to amorphous polymer is between 1.1 and 1.17 for most of the polymers like polyamides, polyethylene, PET, etc. [26]. As data for polyurea are not available, the density ratio of crystalline to amorphous polymer is taken as 1.13 and pNX is calculated from a group contribution method [26] as a density of the phase-separated oligomer. The number average and weight average molecular weight of the precipitated polymer, in the film and dispersed nuclei in the reaction zone, at any time is given by MN = W N (35) MW = Q W (36) (30) mr ıtNX = ım = 3.3. Polymer properties VX ˛s aI Va VNX = Vr where now the ıtX includes any contributions arising from the spinodal decomposition events as well. The maximum value of the polymer film thickness (ım ) is given directly from the stoichiometry of the reaction [11], by (31) Table 5 Parameters held constant in model simulations Parameter Value Source dp kLA0 , kLB0 Ka1 Ka2 KA0ap KA0sa (CH) KA0sa (CCl4 ) nmax Xmax ˛s ε 1.2 × 10−6 m 5 × 10−3 m/s 10−9.83 10−10.93 0.375 320 53 100 0.5 1.6 1 × 10−8 m Wagh et al. [5,6] Calculated (Sh = 2) Dean [31] Dean [31] Yadav [32] Wagh et al. [5,6] Wagh et al. [5,6] – Van Krevelen [29] Yadav [32] Karode et al. [12] 764 where W= n max VXAmr pXAm + VXBmr pXBm nmax + m=1 N= n max VXA m=0 mr pXAm MAm + VXBmr pXBm MBm Q = + + mr pXCm n max VNXA MCm + m=0 VXAmr MAm pXAm + VXBmr MBm pXBm VNXAmr pNXAm + VNXBmr pNXBm mr nmax + VXCmr MCm pXCm n max + m=0 m=1 3.4. Solution of model equations The set of 9nmax + 7 odes (Eqs. (7), (9)–(12), (24), (25)), with the initial conditions B0r = B0s = pNXAm MAm The polydispersity of the polymer is determined from the ratio of MW and MN . The variation with time, of the total nucleated volume (VX ) and spinodally phase-separated volume (VNX ), thus gives an idea of how the properties of the polymer film vary with time, based on the above equations. AT = AT0 , + A0r = C0r = VXC0r = NCNC0r = 0, Amr = Bmr = Cmr = VXYmr = NCNYmr = 0 for m ≥ 1 VNXCmr pNXCm m=0 m=1 m=1 0 B0s , nmax m=1 nmax VXC m=1 n max VXCmr pXCm n max (37) was solved using the subroutine Livermore Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations (LSODE) [30]. The choice of nmax is based on a satisfactory closure of material balance. The external mass transfer coefficients are calculated on the basis of a Sherwood number of 2, since the drops are sufficiently small in size. Values of these and other model parameters used in the computations are given in Table 5. 4. Results and discussion 4.1. Polymer solution thermodynamics Before proceeding to a prediction of kinetics and film properties with the model, we generate the polymer phase diagrams for each oligomeric species using the Flory–Huggins theory [24]. The relevant thermodynamic parameters for the four solvents used by Wagh et al. [5,6] are tabulated in Table 6, and typical phase envelopes, generated for the oligomer A10 in cyclohexane and pxylene using these parameters, are shown in Fig. 3. It may be expected that the ‘better’ solvents (with lower values of ) will allow oligomers to grow to longer lengths and hence result in higher molecular weights, but as Fig. 3 shows, the differences are negligible at the temperature of interest (302–303 K). These considerations therefore suggest that kinetics could have an important role to play in controlling molecular weights. Calculations also show that, even in the ‘better’ solvents, for all but the shortest chain lengths, the lower and upper binodal limits are close to 0 and 1 in volume fraction terms. + VNXBmr pNXBm MBm nmax VNXC + mr pNXCm MCm m=0 VNXAmr MAm pNXAm + VNXBmr MBm pNXBm nmax + VNXCmr MCm pNXCm m=0 The range of volume fractions over which the system is metastable (and hence produces crystalline nucleates) is of interest in the context of the present theory. Calculations show this interval (a) to be small in general, (b) to decrease rapidly as chain length increases, and (c) to widen somewhat with an increase in the solvent solubility parameter. These considerations are relevant as far as the likelihood of spinodal decomposition is concerned, and hence for the precipitation of amorphous polymer. 4.2. Estimation of kinetic parameters from data The model parameters which need to be estimated by fitting experimental data are the reaction rate constant (k), diffusivity (DA0 ) and nucleation rate constant (km ). While one or both of the first two parameters (depending on the extent of diffusion limitations) control the rate of reaction, the last parameter mainly influences the film properties such as molecular weight and crystallinity. k and km would be expected to vary with the solvent. The diffusivity (DA0 ) through the polymer film, while basically a function of polymer structure, can also depend on the solvent since the structural attributes of the film in different solvents could be different. Thus, it is necessary to estimate all three parameters separately for each solvent. Preliminary simulations confirmed the expectation that the process kinetics were little influenced by km values. Hence a parameter estimation strategy is followed in which k and DA0 values are estimated from the kinetic data, with km being held at some reasonable value. Based on these k and DA0 values, km is estimated by matching the experimental crystallinity with the model prediction. Since k and DA0 estimation involves fitting a pair of parameters with a non-linear model, it is important to start with good initial guesses. Table 6 Thermodynamic data for A10 oligomeric species Solvent Cyclohexane CCl4 p-Xylene Toluene ıs (cal/cm3 )1/2 vs (cm3 /mol) ˚sp ˚bn ˚ bn 8.2 108.04 3.3486 0.00809 1.8708 × 10−23 0.9848 8.6 97.1 2.5413 0.01016 1.064 × 10−17 0.9622 8.8 123.44 2.8436 0.01125 1.37 × 10−16 0.9731 8.9 106.3 2.3743 0.01212 9.80 × 10−15 0.9535 The binodal and spinodal limits shown refer to a temperature of 303 K. Fig. 3. A typical phase diagram for an oligomer: temperature–volume fraction profile of A10 species in cyclohexane and p-xylene. 765 In this work, we obtain such initial guesses using the simpler model of Yadav et al. [11]. Yadav et al. [11], using lumped second order kinetics at the interface, obtain for the time t required for the reaction to proceed to any extent, t = p kLA0 aI + ln H + K1 (H − 1) + pM˛nL Va a DA0 KA0ap p where dp 6Vd K 2 2 2 fD (H) + H2 − 1 pdp KA0sp 6kKA0ap AT0 ⎧ ⎨ 1 (R − 1)H p + 1 ln + K1 fK (H) = R ⎩ (R − 1)p H + K2 H fK (H) (38) Hp dH (R − 1)H p + 1 1 ⎫ ⎬ H p+1 dH (R − 1)H p + 1 ⎭ (39) 1 and fD (H) = ln H + K1 (H − 1) + + 1 p−1 K 2 K1 H −p+1 2 2 H −1 + 1 −1 − 2−p H −p − 1 p K2 H −p+2 −1 (40) where H stands for the hydrogen ion concentration (h) normalized with respect to its initial value, and is a function of conversion. The three terms on the right in Eq. (38) quantify the contributions of the three rate processes in series: external mass transfer, diffusion through the polymer film and interfacial reaction. From our reaction times and the values of kL in Table 5, external mass transfer is unlikely to be the rate controlling process. Linearity (or lack of it) of a plot of time vs. fK (H) or fD (H) indicates the controlling mechanism between the remaining two, and gives the corresponding rate parameter. We therefore estimate k and/or DA0 based on Eqs. (39) and (40). While Yadav et al. [11] assume the reaction to be at the interface, in the present model, we have a zone of thickness ‘ε’ adjacent to the interface in which all reactions take place. The volumetric reaction rate constant (k) required for the present study is therefore estimated based on the surface reaction rate constant just by dividing it with reaction zone thickness, i.e. k = k /ε, where the constant k now contains a partition coefficient to account for the fact that the reaction is on the organic side of the interface. A representative plot of fK (H) vs. time, for the data of Wagh et al. [5,6] is shown in Fig. 4. The plot is linear up to approximately 82% conversion, suggesting kinetic control cover almost the entire conversion range. Kinetic control is also suggested for most of their Fig. 4. Linearity of fK (H) vs. time plot: data of Wagh et al. [5,6] with cyclohexane solvent. Numbers shown on the lines indicate conversion at the last point considered. data, as Wagh et al. [5,6] point out, by the strong dependence the data show on organic-side parameters such as HMDI concentration and solvent type. While the lines do not show an intercept of 0, this is because of a brief initial period of adjustment occasioned by the manner in which the reaction is started [5,6]. Based on the slopes of these plots, the reaction rate constant (k ) has been estimated. Beyond the period of kinetic control, there is a region of mixed control, before diffusion control takes over, if at all. In most of the experiments whose data are used here [5,6], diffusion control is not seen till upwards of 99% conversion. Where possible, an estimate of DA0 has been obtained based on linear plots of fD (H) vs. time at large conversions. Values of the parameters estimated as above are shown in Table 7 for two different organic solvents, cyclohexane and CCl4 (bracketed values). By using these estimates as initial guesses, the best-fit values of k and DA0 for the present model are found by minimizing the root mean square residual. These values are also tabulated in Table 7. Morgan [3] estimates a rate constant value in the range 102 to 106 m3 /kmol s for homogeneous polycondensation. According to Janssen and Nijenhuis [10], the polycondensation rate constant was in between 104 and 106 m3 /kmol s for TDC and DETA system. A typical value for the diffusivity of a molecule such as HMDA through a swollen polymer would lie in the range 10−11 to 10−15 m2 /s [9,12]. Comparison of such values with the values of fitted model parameters shows a reasonable agreement of the present estimates with expectations from the literature. Having determined k and DA0 , the nucleation rate constant (km ) has now to be estimated for both the solvents, by fitting the experimental crystallinity data [5,6]. This was done by selecting 3–4 random samples with each solvent so as to cover the entire range Table 7 Estimated model parameters in two solvents: cyclohexane and CCl4 (values for CCl4 are shown in brackets) Parameter Reaction rate constant (m3 /kmol s) Diffusivity, DA0 (m2 /s) Nucleation rate constant km (m3 /s) a Surface reaction rate constant (m4 /kmol s). Expt. run S51 (T31) S52 (T32) S53 S51 (T31) S52 (T32) S53 Model Yadav et al. [11]a Modified Present model 7.92 (0.41) × 10−4 5.03 (0.44) × 10−4 4.15 × 10−4 1.09 (0.29) × 10−11 1.3 (0.31) × 10−11 9.8 × 10−12 – 7.92 (0.41) × 104 5.03 (0.44) × 104 4.15 × 104 1.09 (0.29) × 10−11 1.3 (0.31) × 10−11 9.8 × 10−12 – 1.5 (0.085) × 104 1.2 (0.1) × 104 1.0 × 104 1.0 (0.5) × 10−11 5.0 (5.0) × 10−12 5.0 × 10−12 2.05 (0.588) × 10−5 766 Fig. 5. Conversion–time behaviour with cyclohexane solvent (R = 4.0, Vd /Va = 0.1, 0 = 2.0 kmol/m3 ): comparison of model with experinL /Vd = 0.5 kmol/m3 and B0s ment. of crystallinity observed experimentally. The fitted values of km for both the solvents are shown in Table 7. 4.3. Comparison of model predictions with experimental data Figs. 5 and 6 show a comparison between the predicted and experimental conversion–time behaviour for two solvents, under otherwise identical conditions. The variability in conversion measurements, estimated separately in repeat runs, was found to vary from a minimum of 0.2% to a maximum of 3.5%. The fit is therefore generally satisfactory, and especially so up to about 80% conversion for both the solvents (cyclohexane and CCl4 ) with a root mean square residual of 0.033. Because of the weak influence of diffusion resistance in most of these experiments, diffusivity is poorly estimated. Further, it is possible that the effective diffusivity of the film varies during reaction, as the work of Yadav et al. [22] shows the permeability of the capsule wall to be a strong function of the crystallinity. It is possible to have a crystallinity-dependent diffusivity in the model formulation, but the resulting complexity is not justified by the data available. Fig. 6. Conversion–time behaviour with CCl4 solvent (R = 4.0, Vd /Va = 0.1, 0 = 2.0 kmol/m3 ): comparison of model with nL /Vd = 0.5 kmol/m3 and B0s experiment. Fig. 7. Model predictions of the variation of film thickness with time of reaction (nL = 26.91 × 10−4 moles, R = 0.9415, Vd /Va = 0.0484, cyclohexane solvent). Using the values of the parameters as fitted above, the model has been used to predict the variation of polymer film thickness and properties such as crystallinity, molecular weight and polydispersity during the course of reaction. The variation in polymer film thickness with time (conversion) for cyclohexane is shown in Fig. 7. The film thickness is shown both in absolute terms and as a fraction of the maximum thickness possible from a stoichiometric calculation (Eq. (33)). The stepwise nature of thickening of the film is a direct result of the discontinuous way in which film thickness increases in the model. The figure shows that the latter quantity reaches only up to 0.7 instead of 1.0. The stoichiometric calculation assumes consumption of the A and B monomers in equal molar amounts. This would not hold if there is a preponderance of (say) the B-ended species and the film is composed of low chain length oligomers, so that the imbalance in the end-groups makes a difference to the overall amounts of A and B monomers incorporated into the film. Thus, the final conversion of HMDA for this run was only 77% while HMDI gets completely converted. Also, the oligomers which remain in solution at the end of the run do not contribute to the film thickness according to the model, although this amount would be expected to be small enough to be generally negligible. We may examine the relative abundance of the different oligomeric species as a function of time during the reaction using the model in order to examine the above-pictured scenario in greater detail. Fig. 8(a–c) shows the variation (with time) in the volume fractions of A, B and C type oligomers, respectively, in cyclohexane. For purposes of comparison, the spinodal limits of some of the oligomers featured are shown by horizontal lines in Fig. 8(b). It is clear that B-ended species dominate at all times, and A-ended species are present at the lowest concentrations. All the species, in general, show the characteristics expected of reaction intermediates in a sequential reaction scheme (except B0r , a reactant), their variations punctuated by film formation events. Because of the dominance of B-ended species, these species also dominate the phase-separation events during the course of the reaction. After each spinodal decomposition event, the volume fraction of the oligomer jumps to the lower binodal, thereby influencing the kinetics of formation of other oligomers as well. Due to this, volume fraction profiles of both the A- and C-ended species show a drop just after a film formation event. As the figure shows, the trends for A-type oligomers are somewhat different from those for the other two types. There are several factors contributing to this. Firstly, we have to consider the fact that the availability of monomer A in the reaction zone is influenced 767 Fig. 8. Predicted volume fraction profiles of (a) A, (b) B and (c) C type of species in the reaction zone (nL = 26.91 × 10−4 moles, R = 0.9415, Vd /Va = 0.0484). by pH variations in the aqueous phase—as the diamine concentration in the bulk aqueous phase decreases because of reaction, the pH goes on decreasing, lowering the amount of unprotonated diamine present in the bulk aqueous phase (Eq. (4)), and hence the amount of A0r present in the reaction zone. Secondly, the final increase in the volume fraction of A-ended species is because of the total consumption of monomer B. As the value of R is less than 1, monomer B is completely converted and at the end as diamine continues to diffuse into the reaction zone, the B- and Ctype oligomeric species present in solution get converted into the A-type species. Fig. 9. Effect of k on model predictions: (a) molecular weight, (b) polydispersity and (c) crystallinity. It is instructive to consider the effect of the different rate parameters, diffusivity, reaction rate constant and nucleation rate constant, on the film properties like weight average molecular weight, polydispersity and crystallinity. Calculations showed (as expected for a reaction that is reaction controlled for the most part) that the influence of diffusivity is slight on polymer properties. Figs. 9 and 10 show how some of the film properties of interest, namely the (weight average) molecular weight, polydispersity and 768 Fig. 11. Effect of nL on model predictions of (a) molecular weight and polydispersity and (b) crystallinity (R = 0.5, Vd /Va = 0.045, Va = 533 ml). Fig. 10. Effect of km on model predictions: (a) molecular weight, (b) polydispersity and (c) crystallinity. crystallinity, vary with fractional conversion for different values of reaction rate constant and nucleation rate constant, respectively for the above discussed reaction conditions in cyclohexane. The crystallinity variation shows some initial disturbances because of the competition between nucleation and spinodal decomposition mechanisms, and then passes through a maximum. The molecular weight and polydispersity values are found to increase continuously with the fractional conversion. The polymer film formed by the IP technique is found to be highly polydisperse in nature because of the variety of oligomeric species which get phase-separated by nucleation and spinodal decomposition mechanism. The reaction rate constant shows a remarkable effect on the polymer properties as shown in Fig. 9. At low values of the reaction rate constant, the rate of formation of oligomeric species is slow, while the rate of nucleation and phase-separate is governed by the value of km . This leads to a lower average molecular weight with high polydispersity as compared to the situation for high reaction rates. Because of the low rate of reaction only a few oligomeric species cross the lower spinodal limit which leads to the high crystallinity at the start; it decreases with increase in the value of the reaction rate constant. For a given diffusivity and reaction rate constant, the nucleation rate constant also shows a significant effect on the polymer properties (especially crystallinity) as expected, as shown in Fig. 10. The molecular weight is found to decrease due to increase in nucleation rate constant. This is because high nucleation rate constants will restrict the formation of long chain length oligomeric species and ultimately leads to a high value of polydispersity. As crystallinity is dependent on the amount of nucleated material, which in turn depends on the nucleation rate constant, the crystallinity increases with increase in nucleation rate constant. We may now study the influence of preparation conditions for a given set of parameter values. Figs. 11 and 12 show the effect of the number of moles of limiting monomer (nL ) and phase volume ratio 769 Fig. 13. Comparison of model predicted molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity: cyclohexane. Fig. 12. Effect of phase volume ratio on model predictions of (a) molecular weight and polydispersity and (b) crystallinity (R = 0.5, nL = 120 × 10−4 moles, Va = 533 ml). (Vd /Va ) on the polymer properties for the parameters of Table 7 for cyclohexane. nL does two things: through its effect on the concentration of the limiting monomer, it controls the rate, and, through the amount of polymer that can be produced, it controls the final film thickness. The molecular weight and polydispersity are found to decrease with increase in number of moles of limiting monomer because of the increased rate of reaction which will restrict the formation of long chain length oligomeric species. The crystallinity passes through a maximum and then decreases with increase in moles of limiting monomer. On the other hand, the molecular weight and polydispersity show an increase with increase in phase volume ratio and then decrease. This may be attributed to an increase in interfacial area available for IP reaction, which increases the rate of formation of different chain length oligomeric species for a given number of moles of limiting monomer and molar ratio. The crystallinity is found to pass through a minimum with an increase in the phase volume ratio. Figs. 13–16 show a comparison between the model predictions of molecular weights and crystallinity (end-of-run) values with experimental data, for cyclohexane and CCl4 , with the fitted parameters as given in Table 7. The predictions of molecular weights have been compared with the data on intrinsic viscosities [5,6]. In view of the sensitivity of film properties to the value of km , predictions are shown for two values of km . The molecular weights predicted show a peak near about the peak experimentally observed in intrinsic viscosities. The value of km is seen to influence not only the values but also the trends in Fig. 14. Parity plot of polymer crystallinity: cyclohexane. Fig. 15. Comparison of model predicted molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity: CCl4 . 770 icant insights into the way in which structural attributes of the polymer film vary during reaction, and in response to preparation parameters. While the model assumes a constant diffusivity for the entire course of the reaction, a variable diffusivity is easily incorporated by fitting different diffusivities in different conversion ranges. While the underlying assumptions of the model are thus borne out, more data, for example, on how the film properties vary with time during the course of the reaction, will help better define the values of the model parameters, especially those related to the phase separation and film formation. Nomenclature a aI Fig. 16. Parity plot of polymer crystallinity: CCl4 . behaviour as well. In this work, km has been determined only from a few end-of-run crystallinity values, and these values have been used as constants throughout the reaction. In reality, km may vary during the course of the reaction and from run to run. Even if a constant average value is to be used, such a value is better determined for each experiment from a variation in film properties with time, the way the other two rate parameters have been determined. It has not been possible to make such time-dependent measurements of molecular weight and crystallinity in this work. Also, a more detailed assessment of the model would require determination of MWD’s. The difficulty here is the insolubility of polyurea in most common solvents, but GPC with HFIP as the solvent seems to be a possibility. From the crystallinity parity plots (Figs. 14 and 16), in spite of the scatter, a general agreement in the trends is seen. Since crystallinities are determined by a comparison of the area under the crystalline peaks to the total area under the X-ray diffractogram, some scatter should be expected in the data in spite of reproductions as described by Wagh et al. [5,6]. Further, the crystallinity at the end of the reaction as measured includes the effect of aging after the reaction has ended. In order to see if this makes a difference, some experiments were conducted in which the reaction was stopped when pH had leveled off by adding HCl, and the crystallinities of such samples were compared with those determined in the conventional way by allowing the capsules to age for a long time in situ. It was found that the crystallinity values are lower in case of HCl added sample by a few percentage points. In view of the above factors, the agreement seen may be considered to lend credibility to the general precepts on which the present model is based. A0a A0ap A0r AT B0r B0s 0 B0s dp DA0 h k km kLA0 kLB0 KA0ap KA0sa KA0sp MN MW 5. Conclusions A comprehensive modeling framework has been proposed for the interfacial polycondensation reaction used in the microencapsulation and in the manufacture of thin film composite membranes. The model incorporates the salient physicochemical processes involved in the diffusion of monomers, polymerization reactions, phase separation and formation of a coherent membrane. The model, with parameters fitted from kinetics and end-of-run crystallinity values, is able to predict the observed trends in the kinetics of the reaction, the influence of preparation parameters on crystallinity, and also such important properties of the film as molecular weight distribution and polydispersity. The model provides signif- NCN R RCN t T V Vs , Vd Xmax XW Ymr interfacial area, m2 interfacial area per unit volume of aqueous phase, m−1 unprotonated diamine concentration in bulk aqueous phase, kmol/m3 diamine concentration at the aqueous phase–polymer interface, kmol/m3 diamine concentration in the reaction zone, kmol/m3 total diamine concentration in the bulk aqueous phase, kmol/m3 diisocyanate concentration in the reaction zone, kmol/m3 diisocyanate concentration in the bulk organic phase, kmol/m3 initial diisocyanate concentration in the bulk organic phase, kmol/m3 diameter of microcapsule, m diffusion coefficient of diamine through the polymer film, m2 /s hydrogen ion concentration, kmol/m3 reaction rate constant between –NH2 and –NCO, m3 /kmol s nucleation rate constant, m3 /s external mass transfer coefficient in the aqueous film, m/s external mass transfer coefficient in the organic film, m/s partition coefficient of diamine between aqueous phase and polymer film partition coefficient of diamine between organic solvent and aqueous phase partition coefficient of diamine between polymer film and organic solvent number average molecular weight of the precipitated polymer, kg/kmol weight average molecular weight of the precipitated polymer, kg/kmol number of critical nuclei, #/m3 molar ratio of diisocyanate to diamine in bulk critical nuclei radius, m time, s reaction temperature, K volume, m3 volume of dispersed organic phase, m3 maximum crystallinity weight-based crystallinity concentration of oligomeric species of chain length m, kmol/m3 771 Greek letters swelling index ˛s ε reaction zone thickness, m ım maximum polymer film thickness, m ıp solubility parameter for polyurea oligomers, (cal/cm3 )1/2 ıs solubility parameter for organic solvent, (cal/cm3 )1/2 ıt polymer film thickness at time t, m p density of polymer, kg/m3 ˚ volume fraction polymer–solvent interaction parameter density of Ymr species, kg/m3 Ym Superscripts bn binodal, polymer-lean phase bn binodal, polymer-rich phase sp spinodal, polymer-lean phase Subscripts a aqueous phase d dispersed phase n, m oligomer species number NX spinodal decomposition ppt precipitation r reaction zone s organic solvent t total X nucleation Ymr type of species either Amr , Bmr or Cmr References [1] T.M.S. 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