BECIS Access, Equity and Advocacy Policy.pdf

Access, Equity and Advocacy Policy
The Bathurst Early Childhood Intervention Service will ensure that all children and their families have access
to appropriate early childhood intervention services within the Bathurst and Oberon Local Government
Areas. Service users will also have access to relevant and up-to-date information about the range of
supports and services that are available to them in the community. BECIS provides a free service for children
and their families.
The Bathurst Early Childhood Intervention Service provides Educational and Therapeutic Services for
Children (birth - 8) with delays of 6 months or more affecting 2 or more areas of development and/or a
diagnosed disability.
Developmental delays will be evident in 2 or more of the following areas:
 Gross motor development
 Fine motor development
 Communication development – expressive and receptive language
 Cognitive Development
 Social / emotional development
 Sensory
Please note: behaviour is not considered to be an area of delay
Referrals can be made from families or other agencies.
 Families can refer by:
 Phone
 In person
 In writing
 Agencies can refer by:
 Completing the Bathurst Early Childhood Intervention Service Referral Form which MUST be
signed by both parents/carers as well as the referring agent.
 Providing a written referral
The referring agencies may include Early Childhood Services, Paediatricians, General Practitioners,
Community Health, Family Support, Specialist Medical Services and others.
Children will be screened in all areas of development upon referral. Eligible children will be offered
intervention at the discretion of service staff. Those children deemed not eligible for service will be referred
to appropriate services.
Initial Contact
BECIS will get in touch with the family to organise an Initial Contact meeting. An initial contact form is sent
to the family to be completed in readiness for an initial appointment. This meeting is usually held at BECIS
where the initial contact form is discussed and a developmental screen is conducted.
Developmental Screen
A play-based developmental screen is conducted which assesses the child’s skills in alignment with a
developmental checklist. A report is compiled which includes recommendations for BECIS service delivery or
referral to a more appropriate agency.
Options for Service
Families can chose from a range of available supports:
1. Centre based individual or small group sessions on a weekly (7 week block) or fortnightly
2. Inclusion Support
3. Individual therapy
4. Music Therapy sessions
5. Consultation/Outreach/Coaching
 Home based
 Early childhood service based
1. Centre Based Service individual or small group sessions on a weekly or fortnightly basis
The BECIS team will work with a child on an individual basis. Alternatively, a child will attend a session along
with a small group of children. During our individual and group sessions, each child’s Individual Education
Program (IEP) is implemented through experiences planned by BECIS educators and therapists. Education
and/or Speech may be the primary focus of the session.
2. Inclusion Support
The Key Worker will support the meaningful participation of each child in their natural environments to
promote engagement, play and a sense of belonging.
3. Individual therapy
A child will attend a session, either individual or small group, with a BECIS therapist for a negotiated number
of weeks. The session will take place at a location determined by each family.
4. Music Therapy sessions
A child will attend an individual or small group music and play therapy session as an additional service.
5. Consultation/Outreach/Coaching
A home based service is available on negotiation.
Early childhood service based - The BECIS team will liaise with local early childhood centres,
preschools and/or family daycarers in order to coach staff in the implementation of Individual Education
Priority of Service
When demand exceeds availability of places priority will be given to families of eligible children on a needs
Considerations will involve:
 Whether other services are involved
 The age of Child
 The nature and level of disability or delay
 The type of service requested/required
 Current staffing disciplines and availability
Support is provided to children and families as they approach various life transitions. These transitions may
include entry into early intervention, early childhood education and eventually school. Support will be
offered through family consultation, visits, service provision and IFSP meetings.
Accessibility of Information
Information about the service is distributed to a number of organisations within the community.
 Access to an interpreter service if required
 Advocacy Services - information is available for parents about Disability Information Advocacy
 Consultancy advice received for - hearing and vision impaired children
 Accessibility for parents/children with physical disabilities.
Understanding that some children with disabilities are unable to clearly articulate their needs and
desires, staff members will aim to provide resources, support and training that will empower
families and carers to take on that responsibility. It is also acknowledged that there are times when
it will be difficult for families to act as an advocate on behalf of their child. Therefore, endeavours
will be made to provide an advocacy service if requested or to have access to a network of people
who can take on that role.
Definition: Advocacy is the process of taking action to:
 achieve social justice in the areas of rights, access, participation and equity
 prevent or stop abusive, discriminatory or negligent treatment
 increase and improve well-being
 increase inclusion and acceptance in the community
 identify and put a stop to the causes of unjust and unfair treatment, situations and their many
causes, so that people’s fundamental needs can be met.
The family will be contacted via phone after two consecutive unexplained absences. If unable to make
contact via phone a letter will be sent asking the family to contact BECIS if service is still required. If no
response is received within 6 weeks the family will be discharged from the service.
Exit – Family Leaving Program
Any of the following reasons will result in the family leaving BECIS:
 Child’s progress indicates no further Early Childhood Intervention involvement necessary
 Child is enrolled in the Early Intervention Support Class, Dept of Education
 Family leaves the district
 Family wishes to discontinue services
 An exit may be initiated by BECIS due to non-attendance
Children who have exited BECIS can re-enter at any time as long as they meet initial entry criteria. Re-Entry
can be initiated by phoning BECIS.
Related Proformas:
Initial Contact, Referral Form
Related Policies:
Early Childhood Service Consultation
Transition to school or early childhood services
Failure to Attend
Links to:
2011 Standards in Action: Practice requirements and guidelines for services funded under the Disability Services Act:
Standard 5 – Service Access
Special Needs Support Service Inc.
Flowchart of service access
This policy has been developed and/or adapted with assistance from the above service(s) – Bathurst Early Childhood
Intervention Service Inc. appreciates their generosity.
Applies to: All staff
Specific responsibility:
Coordinator and Team Leader
Version: 1.03
Date approved: 27 Feb 2009, reviewed 2011, 2014
Next review date: May 2015