A new layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory for two-layered cross-ply beams Rameshchandra P. Shimpi *, Yuwaraj M. Ghugal Aerospace Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, 400 076, India Abstract A new layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory for the analysis of two-layered cross-ply laminated beams is presented. The number of primary variables in this theory is even less than that of first-order shear deformation theory, and moreover, it obviates the need for a shear correction factor. The sinusoidal function in terms of thickness coordinate is used in the displacement field to account for shear deformation. The novel feature of the theory is that the transverse shear stress can be obtained directly from the use of constitutive relationships, satisfying the shear-stress-free boundary conditions at top and bottom of the beam and satisfying continuity of shear stress at the interface. The principle of virtual work is used to obtain the governing equations and boundary conditions of the theory. The effectiveness of the theory is demonstrated by applying it to a two-layered cross-ply laminated beam. Keywords: Shear deformation; Laminated thick beam; Transverse shear stress; Interface shear continuity; Cross-ply beam 1. Introduction The use of fiber-reinforced composite laminates has greatly increased in weight sensitive applications such as aerospace and automotive structures because of their high specific strength and high specific stiffness. The increased use of laminated beams in various structures has stimulated considerable interest in their accurate analysis. On account of their low ratio of transverse shear modulus to the in-plane modulus, shear deformation effects are more pronounced in the composite beams subjected to transverse loads. It is well-known that the classical Euler–Bernoulli theory of beam bending, also known as elementary theory of bending (ETB), disregards the effects of the shear deformation. The theory is suitable for slender beams but not for thick or deep beams since it is based on the assumption that the transverse normal to the neutral axis remains so during bending and after bending, implying that the transverse shear strain is zero. Since the theory neglects the transverse shear deformation, it leads to less accurate results in the case of isotropic thick beams and more so in the case of laminated composite thick beams, where shear effects are significant. Bresse [1], Rayleigh [2], and Timoshenko [3] were the pioneer investigators who included refined effects such as the shear deformaton and rotatory inertia in the beam theory. Timoshenko showed that the effect of transverse shear is much greater than that of rotatory inertia on the response of transverse vibration of prismatic beams. This theory is now widely referred to as the Timoshenko beam theory in the literature. In this theory, transverse shear strain distribution is assumed to be constant through the beam thickness and, thus, requires a shear correction factor to appropriately represent the strain energy of deformation. Kant and Manjunatha [4], Manjunatha and Kant [5], Maiti and Sinha [6] and Vinayak et al. [7] used the equivalent single layer, displacement based, higher-order shear deformation theories (HSDT) in the analysis of symmetric and unsymmetric laminated beams and employed the finite-element method as a solution technique. These theories are the special cases of Lo et al. [8] higher-order theory. Levy [9] and Stein [10] developed refined plate theories expressing the displacement field in terms of trigonometric functions to represent the thickness effect and approximated the shear stress distribution through the thickness. Recently, Liu and Li [11] presented an overall comparison of laminate theories based on displacement hypothesis emphasizing the importance of layerwise 1272 Nomenclature Width of beam Flexural rigidity Modified flexural rigidity coefficient as defined in Appendix D1, D2, D3, D 3 Constants as defined in Appendix E (1), E (2) Young’s moduli of layer 1 and layer 2, respectively G(1), G(2) Shear moduli of layer 1 and layer 2, respectively h Depth (i.e. thickness) of beam L Span of the beam S Aspect ratio (i.e. ratio of span to depth of beam) x, y, z Rectangular coordinates Neutral axis coefficient as defined in Appendix l1, l2 Coefficients as defined in Appendix u Non-dimensional inplane displacement w Non-dimensional transverse displacement x Non-dimensional inplane stress CR Non-dimensional transverse shear zx stress obtained from the constitutive relationships b D D theories and also presented a series of quasi-layerwise theories. Lu and Liu [12] developed an interlaminar shear stress continuity theory for composite laminates by using Hermite cubic shape functions. The theory is layer dependent and the number of degrees of freedom involved is very high and hence it is computationally complicated. Results of single-layered, two-layered and three-layered crossply laminates for cylindrical bending were presented. To improve the accuracy of the transverse stress prediction, layerwise higher-order theories based on assumed displacements for individual layers, have been proved to be very promising techniques in the flexural analysis of thick laminates. Such theories were developed and used by Lu and Liu [12], Li and Liu [13], Ambartsumyan [14], Reddy [15] and Reddy and Robbins [16]. A study of the literature indicates that, most of the layerwise theories have been developed for symmetric cross-ply laminates subjected to cylindrical bending. Furthermore, higher order theories even with more than three displacement variables (e.g. there are three in the case of FSDT) appear to be insufficient and inefficient when the laminated beam is unsymmetric, if the unsymmetry in the lay-up is not properly accounted for in the theory. It is further noted that the research work dealing with unsymmetric laminated beams using refined the- EQL zx z Superscripts CR EQL Acronyms ESCBP CPT ETB FSDT FEM HSDT HOST HST LTSDT-I LTSDT-II Non-dimensional transverse shear stress obtained from the equilibrium equations Non-dimensional transverse normal stress Constitutive relationships Equilibrium equations Exact solution of cylindrical bending of plate Classical plate theory Elementary theory of beam-bending First-order shear deformation theory Finite element method Higher-order shear deformation theory Higher-order shear deformation theory Higher-order shear deformation theory Layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory, Model I Layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory, Model II ories is scarce. These facts have been commented upon by Vinson and Chou [17] and Icardi [18]. Thus, there is a need for a new layerwise refined shear deformation theory with a minimum number of displacement variables, for shear-deformable laminated beams. More recently, Shimpi and Ghugal [19] developed a simple layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory (designated here as LTSDT-I) for flexural analysis of crossply laminated beams. However, the displacement model of the theorysuffered fromthe defectinthattherewas anunbalancedsmallresultantforcealongthelengthwisedirectionof the beam. Removing this deficiency, an improved layerwise displacementmodelis presented in this paper and will be referred to as LTSDT-II. The constitutive relationships in respect of transverse shear stress and shear strain in each layer are satisfied and also interface shear stress continuity is satisfied in the proposed theory. In order to verify the accuracy of the theory, it has been applied to two-layered cross-ply [90/0] laminated beam. 2. Theoretical formulation The theoretical formulation of a cross-ply laminated beam based on certain kinematical and physical 1273 assumptions is presented. The variationally correct forms of differential equations and boundary conditions, based on the assumed displacement field are obtained using the principle of virtual work. The beam under consideration consists of two layers: layer 1 and layer 2. Layer 1 (90 layer) occupies the region: 04x4L; b=24y4b=2; h=24z40 ð1Þ dw uð1Þ ðx; zÞ ¼ ðz hÞ dx z=h þ h C1 þ C2 sin ðxÞ 2 0:5 þ dw uð2Þ ðx; zÞ ¼ ðz hÞ dx z=h þ h C3 þ sin ðxÞ 2 0:5 ð3Þ ð4Þ Layer 2 (0 layer) occupies the region: wðxÞ ¼ wðxÞ 04x4L; b=24y4b=2; 04z4h=2 ð2Þ where x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates, L is the length, b is the width and h is the total depth of beam. The beam is subjected to transverse load of intensity q(x) per unit length of the beam. The beam can have any meaningful boundary conditions. ð5Þ Here u(1) and u(2) are the inplane displacement components in the x direction, superscripts 1 and 2 refer to layer 1 and layer 2, w(x) is the transverse displacement in the z direction and C1, C2, C3 and are the constants (given in the Appendix). The function (x) is a rotation function or the warping function of the cross-section of the beam. 2.1. Assumptions made in the theoretical formulation 2.3. Superiority of the present theory 1. The axial displacement consists of two parts: 2.2. The displacement field The present theory is a displacement-based layerwise theory, and layerwise higher-order or refined sheardeformation theories are known to be successful techniques for improving the accuracy of displacement and stresses [11]. The kinematics of the present theory is much richer than those of the higher order shear deformation theories available in the literature, because if the trigonometric term (involving thickness coordinate z) is expanded in power series, the kinematics of higher order theories (which are usually obtained by power series in thickness coordinate z) are implicitly taken into account to good deal of extent. Also, it needs to be noted that every additional power of thickness coordinate in the displacement field of other higher-order theories of Lo et al. [8] type not only introduces additional unknown variables in those theories but these variables are also difficult to interpret physically [16]. Thus use of the sine term in the thickness coordinate (in the kinematics) enhances the richness of the theory, and also results in the reduction of the number of unknown variables as compared to other theories [5,7] without loss of physics of the problem in modelling. The number of primary variables in this theory is even less than that of first-order shear-deformation theory, and moreover, it obviates the need of a shear correction factor. Thus, the displacement field chosen is superior to those of others. Based on the before mentioned assumptions, the displacement field of the present layerwise beam theory is given as below: 2.3.1. Strains Normal and transverse shear strains for layers 1 and 2 (a) displacement which is analogous to that given by elementary theory of bending; (b) displacement due to shear deformation, which is assumed to be sinusoidal in nature with respect to thickness coordinate, such that maximum shear stress occurs at neutral axis as predicted by the elementary theory of bending of beam. 2. Displacement u is such that the resultant of inplane stress, x, acting over the cross-section should result in only bending moment and should not result in force in the x direction. 3. The transverse displacement is assumed to be a function of longitudinal length coordinate of beam. 4. The displacements are small compared to beam thickness. 5. The layers are perfectly bonded to each other. 6. The stacking sequence of layers is such that there is no bending-twisting coupling. 7. The body forces are ignored in the analysis. (The body forces can be effectively taken into account by adding them to the external forces.) 8. One-dimensional constitutive laws are assumed for each layer. 9. The beam is subjected to lateral load only. 1274 @uð1Þ d2 w ¼ ðz hÞ 2 @x dx z=h d þ h C1 þ C2 sin 2 0:5 þ dx ðx1Þ ¼ ð2Þ zx 2 ð2 Þ @u dw ¼ ðz hÞ 2 @x dx z=h d þ h C3 þ sin 2 0:5 dx @uð1Þ dw C2 z=h þ cos ¼ ¼ @z dx 1 þ 2 2 0:5 þ @uð2Þ dw z=h þ ¼ cos ¼ @z dx 1 2 2 0:5 ðx2Þ ¼ ð1Þ zx ð6Þ ð7Þ ð8Þ ð9Þ 2.3.2. Stresses According to assumption (8), one-dimensional constitutive laws are used to obtain the normal bending and transverse shear stresses for layers 1 and 2. Eð1Þ ðx1Þ ð1Þ ð1 Þ zx ¼ Gð1Þ zx ¼ ð2Þ ð2 Þ zx ¼ Gð2Þ zx ¼ ð1Þ G ð1 Þ C 2 z=h cos 2 0:5 þ 1 þ 2 ð11Þ ð16Þ The associated boundary conditions obtained are of the following form: d3 w d2 D1 2 ¼ 0 or w 3 dx dx d2 w d dw ¼ 0 or D1 2 dx dx dx is prescribed is prescribed ð17Þ ð18Þ ð19Þ where D, D1, D2, D3 are the constants as defined in Appendix. Thus the variationally consistent governing differential equations and boundary conditions are obtained. The flexural behaviour of beam is given by the solution of these equations and simultaneously satisfaction of the associated boundary conditions. 3. Illustrative example ð13Þ Using the expressions (6)–(13) for strains and stresses and principle of virtual work, variationally consistent differential equations and boundary conditions for the beam under consideration are obtained. The principle of virtual work when applied to the beam leads to: ð x¼L ð z¼0 ð1 Þ ð1 Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ b x x þ zx zx dx dz ð2 Þ ð2 Þ xð2Þ ðx2Þ þ zx zx dx dz þb x¼0 z¼0 ð x¼L q w dx ¼ 0 d3 w d2 D þ D3 ¼ 0 2 dx3 dx2 ð12Þ 2.4. Governing equations and boundary conditions x¼0 z¼h=2 ð x¼L ð z¼þh=2 ð15Þ ð10Þ Gð2Þ z=h cos 1 2 2 0:5 d4 w d3 q D ¼0 1 dx4 dx3 D d2 w d ¼ 0 or is prescribed D2 2 dx dx d2 w ðz hÞ 2 ¼ ¼E dx z=h d þ h C1 þ C2 sin 2 0:5 þ dx d2 w xð2Þ ¼ Eð2Þ ðx2Þ ¼ Eð2Þ ðz hÞ 2 dx z=h d þ h C3 þ sin 2 0:5 dx xð1Þ (i.e. w and ), we obtain the governing equations and the associated boundary conditions. The governing equations are as follows: ð14Þ x¼0 where the symbol denotes the variational operator. Employing Green’s theorem in Eq. (14) successively and collecting the coefficients of the primary variables A simply supported two-layered [90/0] composite beam, wherein layers 1 and 2 occupy the regions given by expressions (1) and (2), respectively, is considered for detailed numerical study. The beam is subjected to single sinusoidal load q(x)=qo sin (x=L), acting in the z direction, where qo is magnitude of the sinusoidal loading at midspan. This is the same problem, which was also considered by Pagano [20]. The material of the beam layers is a carbon-fibre/epoxy uni-directional composite. The following has been assumed: Eð2Þ ¼ 25; Eð1Þ G ð1 Þ ¼ 0:20; Eð1Þ G ð2 Þ ¼ 0:02 Eð2Þ Superscripts (1) and (2) refer to layers 1 and 2, respectively. 3.1. The solution scheme The following is the form of the solution for w(x) and (x) that satisfies boundary conditions perfectly: 1275 wðxÞ ¼ w1 sin x L ðxÞ ¼ 1 cos x L where w1 and 1 are constants. Using the assumed solution scheme and the governing equations, the unknown functions w(x) and (x) can be found. Expressions for transverse displacement w and function are given as follows: w¼ ¼ q0 hS4 l1 x sin L Eð2Þ b4 D q0 S 3 l2 Eð2Þ b3 D cos x L ð20Þ ð21Þ where b, D , E(2), h, S, l1 and l2 are defined in the Nomenclature and/or Appendix. Substituting expressions for w and given by Eqs. (20) and (21) in Eqs. (3)–(5), final expressions for in-plane displacements can be obtained. q0 S2 Eð1Þ z l1 l2 xð1Þ ¼ h b 2 D Eð2Þ z=h x C1 þ C2 sin sin 2 0:5 þ L ð24Þ q0 S2 z l1 l2 ¼ b 2 D h z=h x C3 þ sin sin 2 0:5 L ð25Þ xð2Þ 3.4. Expressions for transverse shear stresses derived from the constitutive relationships, tCR zx It may be noted that it is possible to obtain transverse shear stress, zx, by using either the constitutive relaCR tionships or the equilibrium equations. Notation zx denotes zx obtained by using constitutive relationships. ð1Þ CR CR zx ¼ zx ifh=24z40 ð2Þ CR if 04z4h=2 ¼ zx ð1Þ CR ð2Þ CR where zx and zx are as follows: 3.2. Expressions for inplane displacement, u u ¼ uð1Þ ¼u ifh=24z40 ð2Þ ð1Þ CR zx ¼ if 04z4h=2 q0 S3 Gð1Þ b 3 D Eð2Þ C2 l2 z=h x cos cos 1 þ 2 2 0:5 þ L ð26Þ where u(1) and u(2) are as follows: u ð1 Þ q0 h S3 ¼ Eð2Þ b 3 D z z=h x l1 þ C1 þ C2 sin l2 cos h 2 0:5 þ L ð22Þ q0 h S3 u ð2 Þ ¼ Eð2Þ b 3 D z z=h x l1 þ C3 þ sin l2 cos h 2 0:5 L ð23Þ Substituting expressions for w and given by Eqs. (20) and (21) in Eqs. (10)–(13), the final expressions for in-plane and transverse shear stresses can be obtained. 3.3. Expressions for inplane stress, sx x ¼ ¼ xð1Þ xð2Þ ifh=24z40 if 04z4h=2 where xð1Þ and xð2Þ are as follows: ð2Þ CR zx ¼ q0 S3 Gð2Þ b 3 D Eð2Þ l2 z=h x cos cos 1 þ 2 2 0:5 L ð27Þ 3.5. Expressions for transverse shear stress, tEQL zx , and transverse normal stress, z, obtained from the equilibrium equations The following equilibrium equations of two-dimensional elasticity, ignoring body forces, are used to obtain transverse shear and transverse normal stresses. @x @zx þ ¼0 @x @z ð28Þ @zx @z þ ¼0 @x @z ð29Þ To obtain zx, we integrate Eq. (28) layerwise, w.r.t the thickness coordinate z and impose the following boundary condition at bottom of the beam 1276 ð2 Þ zx z¼h=2 ¼0 ð30Þ and the stress-continuity condition ð1 Þ zx z¼0 ð2Þ ¼ zx z¼0 ð31Þ q0 S ð2Þ EQL ¼ zx 9 8 b D 2 z 1 z 1 > > > > > > = < h 2 h þ 8 2 l1 x cos > > L z 1 1 2 z=h > > > þ C3 cos l2 > ; : h 2 2 0:5 ð35Þ at interface to get constants of integrations and to maintain the continuity of transverse shear stress at layer interface. To obtain z, we substitute the expressions obtained for shear stresses Eq. (29) and integrate layerwise, w.r.t the thickness coordinate z and impose the following boundary condition at bottom of the beam ð2 Þ zz z¼h=2 ¼0 ð32Þ and the stress-continuity condition ð1 Þ zz z¼0 ð2 Þ ¼ zz z¼0 ð33Þ at interface to obtain constants of integrations and to maintain the continuity of transverse normal stress at layer interface. Using the above procedure, expressions are obtained EQL for transverse shear zx and transverse normal z stresses in their following regions of through-thickness variation: EQL (Notation zx denotes shear stress zx as obtained by using equilibrium equations). ð1Þ EQL EQL ¼ zx zx ð2Þ EQL ¼ zx z ¼ zð1Þ ¼ zð2Þ ð36Þ q0 b D 8 9 1 z 3 z 2 1 z 1 > > > > > þ l1 > > > > > 6 h 2 h 8 h 8 24 > > > > = x < C z2 z 1 3 þ l2 sin h h 4 2 > > L > > > > 2 > > > > 1 2 z=h > > > 1 sin l2 > ; : 2 0:5 zð2Þ ¼ if h=24z40 ð37Þ if 04z4h=2 if h=24z40 if 04z4h=2 ð1Þ EQL ð2Þ EQL ð1Þ where zx , zx , z and zð2Þ are as follows: q0 Eð1Þ zð1Þ ¼ Eð2Þ 9 8 b D 1 z 3 z 2 z 1 z > > > > l1 > > > > > > 6 h 2 h 2 h 8 h > > > > > > > > ð 2 Þ 2 > > E 1 C z z 1 > > > > þ þ l l > > 1 2 > > ð 1 Þ > > 24 8 h h E 2 > > > > > > > > 2 = x < 1 þ 2 z=h þC2 sin l2 sin 2 0:5 > > L > > > > > > 2 > > 1 þ 2 > > > > > > C2 sin l2 > > > > 2 0:5 þ > > > > " # > > 2 n > > ð2Þ > > o > > E C 1 2 3 > > > > þ 1 sin l > > 2 ; : ð 1 Þ 2 0:5 E 8 q0 S Eð1Þ ð1Þ EQL ¼ zx b D Eð2Þ 9 8 z 1 z2 Eð2Þ 1 > > > > þ l > > 1 ð1Þ > > h 2 h 8 2 E > > > > > > > > > > z 1 þ 2 z=h > > > > > þ C C cos l 1 2 2> = < h 2 0:5 þ x cos > > L 1 þ 2 > > > > þC2 cos l2 > > > > 2 0:5 þ > > > > > > > > > > > > Eð2Þ C3 1 2 > > ; : þ l cos 2 2 0:5 Eð1Þ 2 ð34Þ Thus expressions for displacements and stresses have been obtained in their explicit forms. 4. Numerical results The results obtained for displacements and stresses at salient points are presented in Tables 1–6 and in Figs. 1– 3 in non-dimensional parameters. 4.1. Non-dimensional displacements and stresses The results for inplane displacement, transverse displacement, inplane and transverse stresses are presented in the following non-dimensional form in this paper. u ¼ Eð1Þ bu ; qo h w ¼ 100Eð1Þ bh3 w ; qo L 4 x ¼ bx ; qo 1277 zx ¼ bzx ; qo z ¼ bz qo The percentage difference (% Diff.) in results obtained by models of other researchers with respect to the corresponding results obtained by the present theory (LTSDT-II) is calculated as follows: %Diff: ¼ value obtained by other modelcorresponding value by LTSDT-II 100 value by LTSDT-II 5. Discussion For the problem under consideration, it may be noted that the exact results are not available in the literature to the best of the authors’ knowledge. In the absence of exact results, researchers have compared their results with the exact solution for the cylindrical bending of plate (ESCBP) obtained by Pagano [20] for composite laminates. Kant and Manjunatha [4], Manjunatha and Kant [5], Maiti and Sinha [6] and Vinayak et al. [7] used the equivalent single layer (ESL) theories in the analysis of laminated beams and provided the finite element solutions. It is well known that the cylindrical-plate-bending problem, though near to a beam-bending problem, is a different problem altogether, in which the Poisson’s effect figures. In this paper also, results obtained by Lu and Liu [12] and Pagano [20] are quoted for the sake of the record. Also, results using elementary theory of beam bending are quoted. In LTSDT-II, stress/strain relationships are satisfied in both the layers and the interface continuity for transverse shear stress is maintained, also the closed form solution has been obtained for the problem under consideration. Because of these reasons, it is believed that the LTSDT-II results are superior. effect in beam theory. Results of present LTSDT-II model and HOSTB5 beam model of Kant and Manjunath [4] are comparable within 3.46%. The maximum value of this displacement using LTSDT-II has been found to decrease by 0.43% as compared to that of LTSDT-I for the aspect ratio 4. (b) For the aspect ratio 10, the value of this displacement obtained by LTSDT-I is found to increase by 0.11% when compared to LTSDT-II. The values by Lu and Liu [12] and Pagano [20] are found to decrease by 2.58% for aspect ratio 10. (c) The ETB underestimates the value by 23.28% as compared to that of LTSDT for the aspect ratio 4. For aspect ratio 10, ETB underestimates the result by 4.66% compared to LTSDT-II. In general, ETB underpredicts the inplane displacements as compared to those given by higher order models. 5.2. Transverse displacement The variation of maximum nondimensionalised transverse displacement with various aspect ratios, is shown in Fig. 1. The comparison of maximum transverse displacements for the aspect ratios of 4 and 10 is presented in Tables 2 and 3. It should be noted that the deflection of cylindrical bending of a plate strip is somewhat smaller than the corresponding beam deflection due to the plate action in plate strip. (a) It is seen from the comparison that the results for transverse displacement of present model are comparable with the results of higher order 5.1. In-plane displacement The comparison of results of maximum nondimensionalised inplane displacement and the percentage difference in results of other models with respect to results of present model is shown in Table 1 for the aspect ratios 4 and 10. These displacements are calculated at left end of the beam (i.e. at x=0). (a) Results of in-plane displacement of other higherorder models and the present model are on the high side compared to the exact results of cylindrical bending of plate for the aspect ratio 4 as a consequence of the neglect of the Poisson’s Fig. 1. Variation of maximum transverse deflection w at x=0.5 L with aspect ratio S. 1278 placement by 11.64% as compared to that of the present model. It is seen from the Fig. 2 that the LTSDT-II converges to the ETB results asymptotically as the aspect ratio increases. models of Lu and Liu [12], Vinayak et al. [7] and the finite element solution of first order shear deformation theory by Maiti and Sinha [6]. However, higher order model of Maiti and Sinha underestimates the deflection by 25.49% as compared to that given by the present model for the aspect ratio 4 and this may be due to the lack of C1 continuity in the finite element formulation. (b) For aspect ratio 10 results of LTSDT-II model, HOSTB5 model of Manjunatha and Kant [5], Lu and Liu [12], model and Pagano [20] are in close agreement with each other. No significant difference is observed between the value of transverse displacement obtained by LTSDT-II and LTSDT-I for the aspect ratio 4 and 10. (c) The ETB underestimates the results for transverse displacement by 44.60% as compared to result of LTSDT-II for the aspect ratio 4; and for the aspect ratio 10, ETB underestimates the dis- 5.3. In-plane stress This component of stress is directly evaluated using the constitutive law and strain displacement relations. The comparison of maximum nondimensionalised inplane stresses obtained by the present theory and other refined theories is presented in the Tables 2 and 3 for the aspect ratios of 4 and 10 respectively. Fig. 2 shows through the thickness variation of inplane stress for the aspect ratio 4, at midspan of beam. (a) It can be seen that the maximum value of inplane stress obtained by LTSDT-II is comparable with the values of Manjunatha and Kant [5], Vinayak et al. [7], Lu and Liu [12] and Pagano [20] for the Table 1 Comparison of non-dimensional in-plane displacement (u) For S=4 when x=0 and z= h=2 For S=10 when x=0 and z= h=2 a Source Model u Percentage difference u Present Shimpi and Ghugal [19] Kant and Manjunatha [4] Lu and Liu [12] Pagano [20] Euler–Bernoulli LTSDT-II LTSDT-I HOSTB5 HSDT ESCBP ETB 5.0353 5.0571 4.8611 4.7143 4.5000 3.8627 0.00 0.43 3.46 6.37 10.63 23.28 63.3050 63.3790 – 61.6667 61.6667 60.3540 a Percentage differencea 0.00 0.11 – 2.58 2.58 4.66 Percentage difference quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT-II. Table 2 Comparison of non-dimensional transverse displacement (w ) and in-plane stress ( x ) For S=4 Source Model when x=0.5 L w when x=0.5 L and z= h=2 a % Diff. x a % Diff. when x=0.5 L and z=h=2 x % Diff.a Present Shimpi and Ghugal [19] Manjunatha and Kant [5] LTSDT-II LTSDT-I HOSTB5 FEM 4.7437 4.7431 4.2828 0.00 0.01 9.71 3.9547 3.9650 3.7490 0.00 0.26 5.20 30.5650 30.2980 27.0500 0.00 0.87 11.50 Maiti and Sinha [6] HST FEM 3.5346 25.49 2.3599 40.33 25.7834 15.64 Maiti and Sinha [6] FSDT FEM 4.7898 0.97 3.1514 20.31 29.1144 4.75 Vinayak et al. [7] HSDT FEM 4.5619 3.83 4.0000 1.15 27.0000 11.66 Lu and Liu [12] Pagano [20] Euler and Bernoulli HSDT ESCBP ETB 4.7773 4.3276 2.6281 0.71 8.77 44.60 3.5714 3.8359 3.0386 9.69 3.00 23.16 30.0000 30.0290 27.9540 1.85 1.75 8.54 a Percentage difference quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT-II. 1279 Table 3 Comparison of non-dimensional transverse displacement (w ) and in-plane stress ( x } For S=4 Source Model when x=0.5 L w when x=0.5 L and z= h=2 % Diff.a when x=0.5 L and z=h=2 x % Diff.a x % Diff.a Present Shimpi and Ghugal [19] Manjunatha and Kant [5] LTSDT-II LTSDT-I HOSTB5 FEM 2.9744 2.9743 2.8986 0.00 0.00 2.55 19.8880 19.8999 19.7100 0.00 0.06 0.90 177.140 176.870 173.000 0.00 0.15 2.34 Lu and Liu [12] Pagano [20] Euler and Bernoulli HSDT ESCBP ETB 3.0000 2.9569 2.6281 0.86 0.59 11.64 20.0000 20.0000 18.9910 0.56 0.56 4.51 175.000 175.000 174.710 1.21 1.21 1.37 a Percentage difference quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT-II. Fig. 2. Variation of inplane stress x through the thickness for aspect ratio 4 at x=0.5 L. aspect ratio of 4. Results of higher order model of Maiti and Sinha [6] in both the layers deviate significantly (by 40.33 and 15.64%) from those of the present model, however, their FSDT solution gives comparable value of this stress in the 0o layer. LTSDT-I has exhibited an increase in value of this stress in the 90 layer by 0.26% and decrease in the value by 0.87% in 0 layer as compared to LTSDT-II for the aspect ratio 4. (b) For the aspect ratio of 10, the stresses given by LTSDT-II, higher order models and cylindrical bending of plate (Pagano [20]) are in good agreement with each other with negligible variation in the results. However, ETB underestimates the value of inplane stress by 4.51% in the 90 layer and by 1.37% in the 0 layer as compared to the maximum value of inplane stress given by present model. No significant difference is found between the values of inplane stress for the aspect ratio 10 in both the layers. (c) It is observed from the Tables 2 and 3 that the ETB underestimates the maximum value of Fig. 3. Variation of transverse shear stress zx through the thickness aspect ratio 4 at x=0.0. inplane stress by 23.16% as compared to the value obtained by the present model for the aspect ratio of 4 in the 90 layer. In the 0 layer, ETB underpredicts the value of inplane stress by 8.54% as compared to value of LTSDT-II. The values of inplane stress in 90 and 0 layers given by the present model are in close agreement with those of Pagano [20]. 5.4. Transverse shear stress The transverse shear stresses are obtained directly from the constitutive relationships ( CR zx ) or, alternatively, from the equilibrium equations of two dimensional elasticity ( EQL zx ). The transverse shear stress satisfies the stress free boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam and continuity at layer interface when these stresses are obtained by both the above mentioned approaches. 1280 0.81%, however, the model of Maiti and Sinha [6] underpredicts this value by 4.77% for the aspect ratio 4. LTSDT-I has exhibited a decrease in this value by 2.1% as compared to that of LTSDT-II for the aspect ratio 4. The use of constitutive relations showed the underestimation of shear stresses in 90 layer and overestimation of same in the 0 layer as compared to those obtained by direct integration of equilibrium equations for the aspect ratio 4. (b) It may be seen from the Fig. 3 that the through thickness distribution of this stress obtained by use of constitutive relations is more closer to that of ETB in the 0 layer. The results of LTSDT-II using constitutive relations are comparable with those of FSDT and ETB for the aspect 4. However, ETB overestimates this value by 9.96% when compared with that of LTSDT-II obtained The through thickness variation of shear stress for the aspect ratio 4 is given in the Fig. 3, in which the variation obtained by using constitutive relations of the present theory is denoted by LTSDT-II- CR curve and the same obtained by using equilibrium equations is denoted by LTSDT-II- EQL curve. The comparison of maximum nondimensionalised shear stresses for aspect ratios 4 and 10 is presented in the Tables 4 and 5 respectively. (a) The maximum transverse shear stress obtained by HOSTB5 model of Manjunatha and Kant [5] via constitutive relations underpredicts the value by 35.54% while that obtained by direct integration overestimates the value by 5.44% for the aspect ratio 4. The model of Vinayak et al. [7] overpredicts the value by 2.67%, and that is given by Pagano [20] is comparable within Table 4 EQL Comparison of maximum transverse shear stress CR and transverse normal stress ( z ) zx , zx For S=4 Source Model when x=0.0 and z= h when x=0.0 and z= h when x=0.5 L and z=h=2 CR zx % Diff.a EQL zx % Diff.a z % Diff.a Present Shimpi and Ghugal [19] Manjunatha and Kant [5] LTSDT-II LTSDT-I HOSTB5 FEM 2.9895 2.9886 1.9270 0.00 0.03 35.54 2.6784 2.6222 2.8240 0.00 2.10 5.44 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 Maiti and Sinha [6] HST FEM – – 2.4252 9.45 – – Maiti and Sinha [6] FSDT FEM 2.8467 – – – – Vinayak et al. [7] HSDT FEM HSDT ESCBP ETB – – 2.7500 2.7925 – – 6.59 – – – 2.7000 2.9453 Lu and Liu [12] Pagano [20] Euler and Bernoulli a 4.77 2.67 1.00 0.81 9.96 – 1.00 1.00 – 0.00 – 0.00 0.00 Percentage difference quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT-II. Table 5 EQL and transverse normal stress ( z ) Comparison of non-dimensional transverse shear stress CR zx , zx For S=4 Source Present Shimpi and Ghugal [19] Manjunatha and Kant [5] Lu and Liu [12] Pagano [20] Euler and Bernoulli a Model LTSDT-II LTSDT-I HOSTB5 FEM HSDT ESCBP ETB when x=0.0 and z= h when x=0.0 and z= h when x=0.5 L and z=h=2 CR zx % Diff. EQL zx % Diff. z % Diff.a 7.6948 7.6945 4.9130 0.00 0.00 36.15 7.2638 7.2406 7.2820 0.00 0.32 0.25 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 7.3000 – – 5.13 – – – 7.3000 7.3643 – – 1.00 1.00 – a 0.49 1.38 Percentage difference quoted is with respect to the corresponding value obtained using LTSDT-II. a 0.00 0.00 1281 Table 6 Comparison of variation of non-dimensional transverse normal stress ( z ) through the thickness of beam ( z at x=0.5 L and S=4) LTSDT-II Present LTSDT-I Shimpi and Ghugal [19] HOSTB5 Manjunatha and Kant [5] ETB z/h ESCBP Pagano [20] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.0000 0.9886 0.9571 0.9097 0.8500 0.7815 0.6525 0.4574 0.2499 0.0768 0.0000 0.9803 0.9688 0.9373 0.8897 0.8298 0.7609 0.6393 0.4500 0.2467 0.0759 0.0000 1.0000 0.9869 0.9552 0.9087 0.8508 0.7848 0.6581 0.4578 0.2432 0.0716 0.0000 1.0000 0.9911 0.9660 0.9274 0.8777 0.8197 0.6951 0.4869 0.2590 0.0754 0.0000 1.0000 0.9737 0.9605 0.9211 0.8684 0.7894 0.6711 0.4605 0.2500 0.0789 0.0000 by equilibrium equations, for the aspect ratio 4. (c) For aspect ratio 10, the model of Manjunatha and Kant [5], using constitutive relations, underestimates the maximum value of this stress by 36.15% and that of Lu and Liu [12] underpredicts it by 5.13% as compared to that obtained by LTSDT-II. The value of this stress in LTSDT-II, obtained by equilibrium equations, is in excellent agreement with other solutions as can be seen from Table 5 for aspect ratio 10. This difference in transverse shear stresses obtained by use of constitutive relations (CR) and equilibrium equations (EQL) is well known in the bending analysis of laminated beams/plates [5,21]. Since the displacement solution can not give these stresses accurately when constitutive relations are used, many authors [22] suggested use of stress equilibrium equations of elasticity to obtain the transverse shear and transverse normal stresses through the thickness of the laminated beams more accurately, but their approach has been adversely commented upon by Liu and Li [11], Bisegna and Sacco [23]. Furthermore, this approach is more tedious compared to the approach using constitutive relations. The discrepancy in the shear stresses obtained by constitutive relations and by integration of equilibrium equations is much less in the present case as compared to other attempts [5]. Furthermore, overall distribution of the shear stress obtained via constitutive relations is reasonably accurate. The difference between results is due to the two different approaches used to evaluate the stresses. 5.5. Transverse normal stress The transverse normal stress is obtained by direct integration of equilibrium equations of two dimensional elasticity. The comparison of through thickness variation of this stress component is presented in the Table 6 for the aspect ratio of 4. An improved through the thickness variation of this stress is obtained by the present model as compared to that given by the LTSDT-I model. The results for this stress component obtained by the present model LTSDT-II are in good comparison with those of HOSTB5 model of Manjunatha and Kant [5], ETB, and exact solution of cylindrical bending of plate obtained by Pagano [20]. The above discussion in respect of the numerical example, validates the efficacy of the LTSDT-II model. 6. Conclusions In this paper a new model has been presented for cross-ply [90/0] laminated composite beam. This model is an improvement over the earlier model developed by the authors. The earlier model suffered from the defect in that there was an unbalanced small resultant force along the lengthwise direction of the beam. This deficiency has been removed in the present model. The displacement based model LTSDT-II presented in this paper has following advantages: 1. It is a displacement based layerwise model. 2. The number of displacement variables is less than that in first order shear deformation theory. It contains only two variables. 3. Transverse shear stress satisfies continuity conditions at layer interface and zero shear stress conditions at top and bottom surfaces of the beam. 4. The model does not require the use of shear correction factor. 5. Constitutive relations are satisfied in both the layers in respect of inplane stress and transverse shear stress. 6. It is possible to get reasonable accuracy of transverse shear stress even when the shear stress is obtained by the use of constitutive relations. 1282 7. The governing differential equations and the boundary conditions are variationally consistent. 8. The use of the present model gives accurate results, as has been seen from the numerical example studied. Appendix (a) Layer 1 integration constants A1, A2, A3, A4 are as follows: 3 A1 ¼ b h E ð1Þ 1 2 þ þ 24 4 2 9 8 1 > > > > > > C1 þ > > > > 8 2 > > > 2 > = < 1 þ 2 3 ð1Þ A2 ¼ b h E þC2 1 þ sin > > > 1 þ2 > > > > > > > 1 þ 2 > > > > þ C cos ; : 2 1 þ 2 9 8 2 C1 1 þ 2 > > > > 2C1 C2 cos = < 1 þ 2 2 3 ð1Þ A3 ¼ b h E 2 > > C 1 þ 2 > > ; :þ 1þ sin 0:5 þ 4 b h Gð1Þ C2 2 1 þ 2 A4 ¼ 1þ sin 1 þ 2 0:5 þ 4 (b) Layer 2 integration constants B1, B2, B3, B4 are as follows: B1 ¼ b h3 Eð2Þ 1 2 þ 24 4 2 9 8 1 1 > > > > > > C3 > > > > 8 2 > > > > 2 h = < i 1 2 3 ð2Þ B2 ¼ b h E 1 þ sin þ > 1 2 > > > > > > > > > 1 2 > > > > cos ; : 1 2 9 8 2 C3 1 2 > > > > þ 2 C3 cos = < 1 2 2 3 ð2Þ B3 ¼ b h E 1 1 2 > > > > ; :þ 1 sin 4 0:5 b h Gð2Þ 2 1 2 B4 ¼ 1 sin 1 2 0:5 4 (c) Constants C1, C2, C3 are as follows: Eð2Þ C1 ¼ Eð1Þ þ Eð2Þ 9 8 > > > > sin sin C 2 > > > > 1 2 1 þ 2 > > > ð1Þ > = < E 1 þ 2 þ2 C2 ð2Þ cos > 1 þ 2 > E > > > > > > > > 1 2 > > 2 ; : cos 1 2 cos G 0:5 þ 1 2 C 2 ¼ ð1 Þ G 0:5 cos 1þ2 ð2 Þ 9 8 > > > > sin C sin 2 > > > > 1 2 1 þ 2 > > > > = < ð1 Þ 1 þ 2 E þ2 C cos C3 ¼ 2 Eð1Þ þ Eð2Þ > > > 1 þ 2 > > > ð2Þ > > > E 1 2 > > > ; : 2 cos ð 1 Þ 1 2 E (d) Constants D, D , D1, D2, D3, D 3 are as follows: D ¼ ðA1 þ A2 Þ ¼ D Eð2Þ b h3 ð1Þ E 1 2 1 2 þ þ þ D¼ þ 24 4 2 Eð2Þ 24 4 2 A2 þ B2 A3 þ B3 D1 ¼ ; D2 ¼ ; A1 þ B1 A2 þ B2 A4 þ B4 D3 ¼ A2 þ B2 D 3 ¼ D3 h2 (e) Constants S, , l1, l2, are as follows: S ¼ L=h 1 Eð2Þ Eð1Þ ¼ 4 Eð2Þ þ Eð1Þ h i l1 ¼ 1 þ D1 = D2 D1 þ D 3 2 h i l2 ¼ 1= D2 D1 þ D 3 2 ¼ S= 1283 References [1] Bresse JAC. 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