FLUORESCENT MANGANESE-DOPED ZINC SULPHIDE NANOPARTICLES FOR SPECTRAL SHIFTING 1 1 1 1 2 Suranjan Sen , Pratibha Sharma , Chetan Singh Solanki , Rajdip Bandyopadhyaya Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai- 400076, India 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai- 400076, India ABSTRACT Spectral shifting by luminescent nanoparticles is expected to enhance solar cell performance by avoiding wastage of high energy photons. Manganese-doped zinc sulphide nanoparticles, with a PL emission peak around 600 nm, were selected as a possible candidate for such a luminescent down-shifting material. To investigate their fluorescence properties, ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were synthesized by a chemical route using thiourea to limit the reaction rate and achieve controlled, uniform formation of nanoparticles. Incipient ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were encapsulated in ZnS shells by employing the in-situ thermal decomposition of pre-formed zinc-thiourea complex. The resulting core-shell nanoparticles were dispersed in a protective matrix composed of sodium hexametaphosphate. TEM studies showed the formation of spherical and distinct ZnS:Mn nanoparticles in the size range 50-100 nm, while UV-Vis spectra clearly showed quantum confinement effects. INTRODUCTION Present-day solar photovoltaic technology is based largely on silicon solar cells, comprising roughly ~90% of the global PV industry [1]. Despite the numerous advantages of PV over other renewable energy options, cost remains a major stumbling block- the power generation cost for PV is approximately five times the cost associated with conventional technologies [2]. In order to make PV accessible to a greater number of people, it is important that the cost per watt generated be reduced dramatically. One way of doing this is to ensure better spectral utilisation, that is, absorbing as many photons as possible from incident sunlight. The incident solar spectrum at AM1.5 [3] shows significant intensities beyond ~300 nm due to UV filtering by ozone layer, reaching a maximum at ~530 nm. In a typical solar cell, many of the incident photons end up being wasted through thermalisation [4] when their energy exceeds the band gap of silicon. The spectral response of a solar cell indicates how well it performs under different incident wavelengths of light, and is not uniform across the range of incident wavelengths, with a maximum at ~900-1000 nm [5]. The problem of poor spectral response at high photon energies can be overcome through the use of luminescent 978-1-4244-5892-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE down-shifting [4]. The luminescent material coupled to a solar cell may be composed of organic dyes or nanoparticles, although nanoparticles have taken precedence in recent years due to certain advantages. These include the ability to control the range of absorption and emission through adjustment of synthesis conditions, as well as higher photo-stability after suitable surface modification [6-9]. A survey of fluorescent nanoparticles reveals a variety of materials, mostly II-VI semiconductors, each with different synthesis routes- involving low and high temperature conditions- and precursors- organometallic or ionic in nature [10-21]. Of the nanoparticles surveyed, manganese-doped zinc sulphide, or ZnS:Mn, was selected over CdSe and CdS, PbS, ZnS and ZnSe. Unlike the cadmium and lead-based nanoparticles, ZnS:Mn contains relatively non-toxic zinc and manganese. It absorbs high energy photons at wavelengths below ~340 nm and shows emission close to 600 nm [19], corresponding to a significant expected increase in solar cell spectral response through fluorescent wavelength shifting. The mechanism of fluorescence (see Fig. 1) in ZnS:Mn involves a coupling of the ZnS host lattice energy levels 2+ with the Mn dopant levels. Excitation from the valence band to the conduction band of ZnS [22] is followed by a non-radiative energy transfer to defect levels (route 1 in Fig. 1). Subsequently, blue emission occurs at ~420 nm [23] and ~490 nm [24,25] due to relaxation from sulphur and zinc vacancy levels respectively. An alternative route in the presence of manganese involves non-radiative energy transfer to the dopant levels (route 2 in Fig. 1), subsequently producing orange emission at ~600 nm. Figure 1 Excitation and relaxation routes for ZnS:Mnsolid lines show radiative excitation/relaxation while dotted lines show non-radiative relaxation [26] 001854 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were synthesized in a water-ethanol solvent mixture using 0.01 moles Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O, 0.06 moles CS(NH2)2 (final ratio of zinc acetate: thiourea = 1:6), and 0.001 moles Mn(CH3COO)2.4H2O (ratio of Mn: Zn= 1: 10) as precursors (all from Merck India). Initial hydrolysis of 0.03 moles thiourea was carried out under mild heating in the presence of ammonia solution to provide a pH~11 [27-28]. This hydrolysed thiourea, containing sulphide ions, was added into an 2+ 2+ ethanolic Zn -Mn solution to form bare ZnS:Mn nanoparticles. These incipient nanoparticles were added 2+ into a Zn -thiourea complex mixture [29] to achieve encapsulation in a ZnS shell by in-situ thermal decomposition of the complex. This strategy for developing a shell around ZnS:Mn cores was not found in surveyed literature- the conventional technique for shell formation involves slow dropwise addition of excess zinc and sulphur precursors into the reaction medium in the presence of ZnS:Mn nanoparticles [30]. The in-situ complex decomposition technique has the advantage of avoiding regions of high reactant concentration in the medium since complex decomposition yields ZnS molecules more uniformly than dropwise reactant addition. It should be noted above that an excess of thiourea is required relative to zinc acetate because thiourea is a slow reactant and synthesis with equimolar ratios was unsuccessful. Smaller amounts of the precursors than mentioned above lead to formation of zinc oxide rather than zinc sulphide in the presence of ammonia. Mild heating and alkaline conditions are crucial to achieve appreciable rates of thiourea hydrolysis, without which product formation is not possible. RESULTS Optical characterization UV-Visible spectroscopy (see Fig. 2) performed over the absorption range 200-400 nm showed that the absorption threshold of the nanoparticles shifted to lower wavelengths with capping. Figure 2 UV-Visible absorption spectra of uncapped (curve 1) and capped (curve 2) nanoparticle samples Band gap estimation of both samples was performed on the basis of the following equation, where A is absorbance, K is a constant, λ is the wavelength and λs is the absorption threshold [33]: 2 1 1 A = K − λ λ λs (1) A portion of the core-shell ZnS:Mn nanoparticles prepared by the above procedure were added drop wise into a 0.02M aqueous solution of sodium hexametaphosphate (S.D. Fine Chemicals India), a capping agent, which polymerized in-situ to form –P-O-P– linkages [31]. The capping agent protects the nanoparticles from oxidation and avoids agglomeration. SHMP was chosen in preference to other commonly used capping agents due to its low cost and the reported enhancement in photoluminescence intensity and quantum efficiency of ZnS:Mn nanoparticles modified at the surface by phosphate groups [32]. Fluorescence spectrometry (Perkin Elmer LS55) and UVVisible absorption spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer Lambda 35) were performed on the liquid phase suspensions of both capped and uncapped nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy of capped and uncapped samples (PHILIPS CM200 TEM) was performed by casting a drop of each sample onto a copper grid and letting it dry. Figure 3 Determination of absorption threshold for uncapped (curve 1) and capped (curve 2) samples 978-1-4244-5892-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 001855 2 From the plot of (A/λ) versus 1/λ, the threshold wavelength was found by constructing a tangent to the curve and locating its intersection with the 1/λ axis (see Fig. 3). The absorption threshold was observed to lie at 303 nm for the uncapped sample, and at 265 nm for the capped sample. These values show that a widening of band gap from 4.10 eV to 4.69 eV occurred due to capping (bulk ZnS has a band gap of 3.7 eV [18]). An enhanced quantum confinement effect operates in the presence of the capping agent. Thus the SHMP polymer was effective at limiting particle growth in the reaction medium. Fluorescence spectroscopy (see Fig. 4) revealed the occurrence of defects in the ZnS host lattice, which gave rise to prominent emission peaks at 420 and 490 nm, under excitation wavelengths of 250 nm and 350 nm respectively. The lower energy emission corresponding to manganese dopant level transition could only be observed at the higher energy excitation of 250 nm and was centered at ~650 nm. Figure 5 TEM image of uncapped nanoparticles, size~50-100 nm (scale bar 500 nm) Figure 6 TEM image of capped sample, showing network formation by SHMP (scale bar 500 nm) DISCUSSION Figure 4 Fluorescence spectra at excitation of 250 nm (curve 1) and 350 nm (curve 2) Electron microscopy TEM images of uncapped samples showed a fairly uniform distribution of well-formed, spherical nanoparticles (see Fig. 5), size 50-100 nm, with no significant signs of agglomeration, giving indirect evidence of formation of the ZnS shell around the ZnS:Mn nanoparticles. When capped with SHMP (see Fig. 6), the sample showed only a cross-linked polymeric structure on TEM, the matrix being too dense to allow penetration of the incident electron beam. Thus nanoparticles were not directly visible within the matrix, although it was inferred that they were embedded within it since the same sample without any capping agent clearly showed the presence of nanoparticles (see Fig. 5). The use of a more dilute capping agent solution would probably allow embedded nanoparticles to be observed. 978-1-4244-5892-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE The thiourea-derived ZnS:Mn nanoparticles appeared bluish-purple under UV excitation, indicating that manganese doping was incomplete. Dopant incorporation into the host lattice seems to be slow, possibly limited by the slow thiourea reactant- although the exact reason for this is unclear at present. A faster reacting sulphur precursor, such as sodium sulphide, may favour dopant incorporation. Nonetheless, distinct and well-formed nanoparticles were formed, as confirmed by TEM. No real benefit of using the SHMP polymer was observed in terms of fluorescence intensity when the spectral intensities of capped and uncapped samples were compared. TEM images of the capped sample showed a dense, network-like structure (see Fig. 6). It is possible that the dense structure resulted in attenuation of the emitted light from the nanoparticles, nullifying any luminesence enhancement due to SHMP. Therefore, the use of a lower polymer concentration is advisable, to ensure that the polymer only forms a protective cap around each nanoparticle rather than a network. 001856 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgements to SAIF (IITB) for TEM, to Colloids and Nanomaterials Lab (IITB) for UV-Visible characterization, and to Optical Spectroscopy Lab (IITB) for fluorescence characterization, with thanks to all instrument operators. [11] D. V. Talapin et al., “Highly Emissive Colloidal CdSe/CdS Heterostructures of Mixed Dimensionality”, Nano Letters, 3, 2003, pp. 1677-1681 [12] E. Lifshitz et al., “Optical properties of CdSe nanoparticle films prepared by chemical deposition and sol–gel methods”, Chemical Physics Letters, 288, 1998, pp. 188–196 REFERENCES [1] M. Shanmugam, C. Mouw, D. Friedrichs, M. F. Baroughi, X. Yan, D. 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