St512 1. Exercises SSII10 I have 40 small pine seedlings scattered in a large forest. Using various instruments I measure S = sunlight reaching the seedling, R = rain reaching the seedling, A = acidity of air near the seedling, and G = growth all over one growing season. I regress G on all the other variables using PROC REG, obtaining corrected regression sum of squares 800 and corrected total sum of squares 1000. My estimated regression equation is ^ G = 10 + .2S + .5R - .3A Letting X and Y be the usual regression matrices, find, if possible: -1 (A) (X'X) (X'Y) = (B) The error mean square MSE = ________ (C) The overall model F test _________ Choose the correct answer: If the P-value for this F test is .0014 and we are doing a 5% significance level test (as usual) this tells us: i. We can leave out all three explanatory variables (S,R, and A) ii. We cannot leave out any of the three explanatory variables iii. We cannot leave out all three explanatory variables iv. We can leave out the intercept or one of the explanatory variables. (D) _ 2 b'X'Y - n Y = (E) -1 Suppose also that the bottom right corner element of (X'X) is 0.0024. i. Compute from this the standard error for the coefficient of air acidity A in the model _______ ii. Compute, if possible, a t test that the coefficient of A is just an estimate of 0. t = ___________ 2. All questions refer to this: I have regressed Y (yield) on P= soil pH, M= soil moisture, T= soil temperature, and MT, where MT =M*T is the product of moisture times temperature. As usual, let Y be the column vector of my yields and X my X matrix containing a column of 1s, plus columns for my explanatory variables. 1 (taken from DD ST512 notes) St512 Exercises SSII10 Here is a partial PROC REG output: Dependent Variable: Y Analysis of Variance Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Prob>F Model (___) 2214.67512 553.66878 34.051 0.0001 Error (___) 747.95233 (________) 50 2962.62745 Source DF C Total Parameter Estimates Variable DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error T for H0: Parameter=0 Prob > |T| INTERCEP P M T MT 1 1 1 1 1 -34.468222 -1.866855 1.854880 1.611417 0.009275 93.43489693 2.16613910 2.40241982 1.39034011 0.03598928 -0.369 -0.862 0.772 1.159 0.258 0.7139 0.3932 0.4440 0.2524 0.7978 Variable DF Type I SS Type II SS INTERCEP P M T MT 1 1 1 1 1 1249887 (__________) 1406.756208 792.359286 1.079988 2.212767 12.077159 9.692811 21.841861 (__________) a) How many rows _____ and columns _____ does my X matrix have? b) Where possible, fill in the blanks in the above output. c) Compute the element in row 3, column 3 of the inverse of X'X _____ d) Suppose my moisture level is M=50 and pH is 5.5. According to the model, if I increase T (temperature) by 1 unit without changing moisture or pH, what happens to my predicted yield? (increase, decrease) by _________ e) Would this answer be the same if M had been given as 60 (and pH=5.5) ? yes, no f) Would this answer be the same if pH had been given as 6 and M=50) yes, no ? g) Your advisor says that temperature has no effect on yield and no term involving temperature should be included in the regression. She says, "look at the p-values 0.2524 and 0.7978 and you will see you can leave out both terms with T. 2 (taken from DD ST512 notes) St512 Exercises Is she right? SSII10 yes, no If she is right, explain exactly what the p-values are (i.e. what is 0.7978?) Use a graph of the t distribution if you like. If not, compute the proper test statistic _____ and give the degrees of freedom that are needed to look up the critical value for the test df=______________ h) I see sequential sum of squares 1406.756208 and partial sum of squares 9.692811 for variable M. I could divide each of these by my MSE. For one of these two this results in an F statistic whose p-value I know. Find this F______ and give its p-value _______. 3 (taken from DD ST512 notes) St512 3. Exercises SSII10 I have 5 fish tanks with water at each of 4 pH values (4, 5, 6, and 7) in a completely randomized design. In each of these 20 tanks I have 1 fish so altogether there are 20 fish. The weight gain of fish in tankj, for pHi is Yij. a) Write down the lineal model b) c) Write down the X matrix, I am interested in analyzing the following comparisons between the ph levels: a. The largest vs the smallest pH level b. The two central c. Find out a third orthogonal comparison to the first two. 4. Here is a PROC PRINT and a PROC REG where you see I have 5 treatments A through E (from a completely randomized design) and some ORTHOGONAL columns C1 through C4. My model is the usual: Y(ij) = Mu + Tau(i) + e(ij) SAS output: 5 treatments, completely randomized design TRT A A A B B B C C C D D D E E E Y C1 C2 C3 C4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 -3 -3 -3 2 2 2 2 2 2 -3 -3 -3 Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: Y Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model Error C Total 4 10 14 631.00403 48.35803 679.36207 157.75101 4.83580 F Value Prob>F 32.621 0.0001 Parameter Estimates Variable 4 DF Parameter Estimate (taken from DD ST512 notes) Standard Error T for H0: Parameter=0 Prob > |T| TYPE I SS St512 Exercises INTERCEP C1 C2 C3 C4 1 1 1 1 1 36.501133 4.271500 -0.350833 -7.514333 1.416267 0.56779123 0.89775677 0.51832011 0.89775677 0.23179980 SSII10 64.286 4.758 -0.677 -8.370 6.110 0.0001 0.0008 0.5138 0.0001 0.0001 19984.98 109.4742 2.215507 338.791 180.5230 a) Compute, if possible, the F test for the null hypothesis that the 5 treatments all have the same mean. F= _________ b) Compute, if possible, the F test for the null hypothesis that treatments E and B have the same mean in the population. (H0: Tau(2) = Tau(5) ) F = _________ c) Let b2 and b3 denote the estimated regression coefficients for columns C2 and C3 respectively. Compute the standard error of the difference b2 - b3 from the standard errors of the two coefficients. Standard error of b2 - b3 is ____ d) Compute the partial SS for C2, C4. e) I want to test the null hypothesis that the coefficients of C2 and C3 can simultaneously be set to 0 in the above regression. 2 Give the F test statistic F = _________ for this hypothesis. 10 5 (taken from DD ST512 notes)
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