PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 33, NUMBER JANUARY 1986 1 Atomic potentials, polarizabilities, and nonadiabatic corrections in high-angular-momentum Rydberg states Department S. H. Patil of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400-076, India (Received 5 August 1985) Analytic expressions are obtained for direct and exchange penetration energies, corrections to polarization energies„and nonadiabatic corrections in high-angular-momentum Rydberg states. It is found that exchange energies and corrections to polarization energies are of comparable magnitude to that of the direct term and must be included in the analysis of these states. I. INTRODUCTION The high-angular-momentum states of a Rydberg atom can be described' in terms of the properties of the core such as its polarizabilities. Alternatively, one may analyze the energy levels of nonpenetrating orbits to deduce the polarizabilities of the core. A good example of this is the work of Freeman and Kleppneri who analyzed the high-angular-momentum energy levels of Na and obtained the dipolar and quadrupolar polarizabilities of Na+ (in atomic units), a~ —0.998, a2 —1.91+0.15 . lowing. (1) We have expressed electron densities and potentials in terms of ionization energies and susceptibilities. (2) Closed expressions are given for direct and exchange penetration energies. It is found that the exchange term is very important and must be included in the analysis of Rydberg levels. (3) A surprising result is that while the dominant potentials from second-order Born terms are due to polarizabilities, there are corrections to these potentials. These bl ri j2 e (2g ' )&/& a —1.00, ~ This value of quadrupolar is somewhat polarizability 6 larger than the theoretical estimations which give a value of about 1.63. However, in obtaining the values in (1.1), one needs to apply nonadiabatic corrections which are not as yet rehably known. Similar analysis has been carried out for other alkah metals but with much less success. The reason for this is the absence of accurate data for sufficiently high-angular-momentum states of these atoms. We present here a discussion of the energy levels of high-angular-momentum states of alkali atoms and their isoelectronic sequences. In particular, we investigate the importance of exchange interaction and corrections to polarization potentials in the analysis of Rydberg states. We develop simple expressions for electron densities and potentials which allow us to obtain analytic expressions for the energies. The main results of our analysis are the fol- %(ri, rz, . . . ) corrections give energies which are of the same order of magnitude as the penetration energies, and should be included in the description of Rydberg states. We call these terms distortion terms, to distinguish them from the usual polarization terms. (4) We also obtain expressions for the nonadiabatic effects which allow us to obtain the polarizabilities from the observed effective polarizabilities. A reanalysis of Freeman-Kleppner results, incorporating the above corrections gives b /2 'r~' e (2g ' )&/2„ (1.2) whose ratio is in agreement with that from theoretical calculations. II. ELECTRON DENSITIES IN ATOMS The electron densities in an atom are important for deducing various atomic properties. They may be obtained from the Thomas-Fermi model, Hartree equation, or Hartree-Fock equation; however, this would involve a The long-range great deal of numerical computations. behavior of the electron densities is of major importance in the calculation of susceptibility, penetration energy, etc. For the electron density p(r) in an atom or an ion, we note the following well-known' properties: f p(r)d r =N, f p(r)r d —r =6+, p( r) -r b) 'e 2(2E ') ) 1/2p (2. 1) (2.2) for r ~ oo, (2.3) with bi —(Z N+ 1)(2/Ei )' —2, — (2.4) where N is the number of electrons, Z is the charge of the ' nucleus, X= —, (r ) is the diamagnetic susceptibility, and Ei is the ionization energy of the atom or ion. Indeed, more generally one has for the wave function'o . . . for ri 33 a2 —1.64+0. 15, ))r2)) 90 ' ' ))1 (2.5) Q~1986 The American Physical Society ATOMIC POTENTIALS, POLARIZASILITIES, AND. . . b =q (2'. )'"—2, g T~a; (2.6) g T~e Ti —Gi 1 T~ —G; for (2.7) — b, — bi p(r)=2+ i&1, i (2. 12) fgj(r) (2. 13) f where the factor of 2 is due to spin. Now, for the inert gases and their isoelectronic sequences, the outer-shell electrons are in the 1=1 state, so that for long-range properties, we may write with G; being constants. In cases of interest to us (see Table I), the value of bi is between 0 and 1, so that the Ti operator simulates the power behavior in Eq. (2.3), the simulation being exact when bi — 0 or 1. For a;, we take the values a;=2(2E;)'~, =X/16m. . of the type given in Eq. (2.7) Many parameterizations have been used by others, e.g. , the Moliere representation. Our point is that the conditions in Eqs. (2.2), (2.3), and (2.5) are very important for Rydberg atoms and should be incorporated in the densities. The predictions of Eq. (2.7) will be shown to be of comparable accuracy to that of Hartree-Fock calculations for evaluating penetration and other long-range effects. In the approximation that the wave function is made up of single-particle wave functions P~ (r), one has where q& is the charge scen by the ith electron, and E; is the ionization energy of the ith electron. We therefore propose a density of the form p(r)= 91 f (r, r') = g QJ'(r)PJ(r') =1,2, 3 (2.9) a, =2(2S. )'", where E, is the average energy of the electrons in the atom or ion, and the i =4 term in the density describes (2. 14) where 8&i is the angle between r and r'. This equation has the correct long-range hmit for r=r'. The expressions in Eqs. (2.7) and (2. 14) will be used to obtain analytic expresRydsions for the energies of high-angular-momentum berg levels of alkali atoms. the average behavior of the electrons. One also expects that since the i =1,2, 3 terms roughly correspond to the three successive asymptotic terms, their contributions to E in Eq. (2. 1) are approximately equal. We, therefore, take III. PENETRATION AND EXCHANGE (2. 10) ENERGIES These relations determine two of the coefficients G;. The remaining two coefficients are determined by Eqs. (2. 1) and (2.2), which lead to The first-order penetration energy is given by — p(r) E~„— f (2. 1 1) TABLE I. Summary of relevant information for some quantum 1 1 —— — R fR rf f %(R) d r d f defects and nonadiabatic t:orrec- tions. Cs+ G2 1.74 2.63 3.64 15.9 0.98 6.439 11.64 63 64 18.95 52.0 x GI 3 SI $2 &p 5,„ 3 21 3.07 x 10-' 3.95 x 10-' 0.99x 10 2.04x 10-' —1.39 1.169 1.691 2.239 32.6 3.1 6.358 10.92 16.64 249.3 3 9.25 x 10-' 6.76 x 10-' 1.18 x 10-4 2. 18 x 10-' —2.06 1.011 1.471 1.910 80.5 5.0 6.351 11.64 17.23 9.26x10' 8.91 x 10-' 4.83 x 10-' 2.74x 10-' 4.96x 10-' —2.38 0.923 1.36 1.84 138.8 7.9 7.485 14.73 23. 15 3.40x 10' 4 1.227 x 10-' 5.90 x 10-' 6.23 x 10-' 1.10x 10-' —2.61 R, (3.1) 33 S. H. PATIL 92 where V(R) is the hydrogenic wave function of the outer electron. Using the expression for p(r) given in Eq. (2.7), we get V(R) = Carrying out the R integrations, q(n +I)!(2q/a;) E~„=—+4mTa; ' 2 —a; dag electron, n'=n for the quantum a;+ —e +—4~T;a; (3.3) l E~„= VR %R ' 'R, of the core, where q is the charge V(R} being with the potential 2 ~+ F( n' (2l+1}!n'! hypergeometric n' — — 2l+2 4q /n a (3 4) ) numb r, I is the orbital quantum numb r of the valence which is the case of interest to us, we get I n principa quantum n is the —I —1, and F is the '+ one obtains » For function. »1, defect 5, -3 . . 5~„=g 4m T~a; 2— a;. q(2q/a;) '+ d (3.5) (21+1)! The exchange energy to leading order is given by rr' 4 r%'r' E =— r'. r (3 6) Using Eq. (2. 14) and carrying out the angular integrations, 2 E« ——g AT; i=1 f ' R(r)e r dr one gets 1+1 f r l+1 (2l+1)(21+3) r'' r 1 —1 I +z (21+1)(2I —1) r'' R(, } —,'/2, gd, (3.7) » I»1, where R(r} is the radial wave function of the outer electron. One notes that for n the confluent hypergeometric function F( n', 2I +— +2, 2r'q/n) about r'=r and 2, 2r'q/n) in R (r') is slowly varying. We expand F( n', 2I— retain the first two terms. For n I 1, one also has »» F'( %e then n', 2I +— 2, 2r'q/n) =— 1+1 F( —n', 2l +2, 2r'q/n) . get (21 —1)(a;+2q/n) (21 + 1)(21 + 1)!n'!n~ + + X (2q/a;) '+ (1+2qlna;) z " 4l (1 — 2h; 81(1 —3h;) 8mT~q(n+1)! h;= (3.8) F( I+1 + 21+3 2I —1 1 I n', 2I+2,— /n a; 4q— n', (3.10) (I +1}(a;+2qln) IV. DISTORTION POTENTIAL The leading potential for nonpenetrating orbits is due to core polarization coming from the second Born term —"~ ED Ep — rk )R — k ( x /R —r For estimating the corrections to the polarization (4. 1) poten- d' (3.9) ) tial, we approximate (E0 Ez) ' by a consta— nt and use the closure property. We also assume that k&k' terms are similar to k =k' terms and incorporate their effect in an overall constant factor. On carrying out an expansion of the potential in terms of Legendre polynomials and retaining only the L =1 and 2 terms, we get after angular integration, V(R) = i da; (a;+2q/n) da;2 r 1 1 ) (2I —1)(a;+2q/n)~ 2 g ) r2L 2L+1 f p(r) ~ +'z 8(R —r) + L z8(r —R) d r, (4.2} ATOMIC POTENTIALS, POLARIZABILITIES, AND. . . +x;E3L(x; ) where the constants Dl ~ill be chosen so as to give the correct polarization potentials for R ao. Using p(r) in Eq. (2.4}, we carry out the r integrations to get where x;=a;R and E3L(x) is the exponential integral function. The first term inside the brackets gives the usual polarization potentials, whereas the remaining terms are corrections which are generally taken to be small. We find that these corrections to energies are comparable in magnitude to that of the contribution of the penetration ~ In the limit n ~&l &&I, the expression for Io(a; simple, " Io(o) = and Ii(a;) -a R +83+T,a; ' +B, QTa 4e J R 21. +1 L~, I'(2L+3) 82 ——8), (4.5) 2 3 C —I g P(2L g(T a ) L 3)— where T; and a; are defined in Sec. II and aL are themultipolar polarizabilities. The main contribution to the distortion corrections is from the Bi term, and a smaller contribution comes from the 83 and 83 terms. For obtaining the contribution to energy, we take the expectation value of V(R} between the hydrogenic states. Apart from the dipolar and quadrupolar contributions, one gets an additional contribution to energy from the 82, and 83 terms: 8„ Eg;„-Bi g T;o; Io(a;)+83 g T;a; Ii(o;) q(n +1)!(2q/a;) '+ n + (21+1)!n'! Io(at)= )&F( I Ii(a;}= I,(a, )= J n', —n', 21+2,4q Io(a;)da;, I, (a, )da, . (4 8) and I&(o;) also can be evaluated (4.6} —28 We are now in a position to determine the core polarizabilities from the energies of high-angular-momentuin states of alkali metals or their isoelectronic sequences. The procedure is illustrated by considering the Na atom in detail. To start with, the ionization energies of Na+, Na +, and Na + are' E —1.74, E2 —2. 63, and E3 —3.64, respectively, whereas the average energy of Na+ is approximately 15.9 (it may be obtained by assuming suitable screening for different levels). The value of X for Na+ is 0.98, as indicated by experiments'3 and approximately As this value is used to most theoretical calculations. ' calculate small corrections to the energies, the results are not sensitive to its precise value. Using Eqs. (2.8), (2. 10), (2. 11), and (2. 12), we obtain the values of 6; given in Table I. Since the quantum defect varies slowly for large n, we evaluate it for n ao. From Eq. (3.5), we get for I =3, ' ~ (5. 1) which is close to the value of 1.0X10 obtained by Freeman and Kleppner from Hartree-Fock wave functions. For the exchange term we get from Eq. (3.9) 5,„=2.04 X 10 (5.2) Though this result may appear to be surprisingly large compared with 5~„, it may be pointed out that a similarly large ratio for exchange and penetration energies was obtained for Cs by Sansonetti et al. within the framework of the Hartree-Fock approach. Indeed, our values of 5~„ and 5,„ for Cs given in Table I are close to the values of 6.07X10 and 9.71)&10 given by Sansonetti et al. for the n = 11, 1 =4 state. The evaluation of the quantum defect due to distortion co. One may energy in Eq. (4.6} is quite simple for write 5„„as n~ ~di t ~1+1 ~2~2 (5.3) The values of si and s2 are obtained from Eqs. (4.5) and (4.6), and are given in Table I. Using the values ai —1.00 and az — l. 63 to be justified by the final results, we get na; /n a; in a closed V. CORE POLARIZABILITIES —0. 99 X 10 5~„— 2L — +83 g T;a; I3(a; } is quite ~ -a R (4.4) +L q(2q/a;) '+ e 3 n '(21 + 1)! ) orm. terms. For analyzing the effect of the distortion corrections, we use the large-R expansion" for the exponential integral function, and consider the first few terms. One then gets (4.3) )— , (4.7) 5d;st- —0.95 & 10 (5.4) which is comparable to 6~„ in magnitude but is opposite in sign. The total quantum defect due to penetration, ex- S. H. PATIL intermmiiate states. dipole term is change, and distortion is 5(1)=5~„+5,„+5g;„ =2.08g10-', I =3 value for The corresponding 33 . 00 (5.5) 1=4 is much smaller, and (5.6) We are now in a position to reanalyze the results of Their Eq. (13) for the difference Freeman and Kleppner. between the energies of two levels with the same n value can be rewritten as b. E,„p, (l, I') = a'i 3 ( pj (6. 1) n ~E ~ (5.7) 3500.9 = 3396.06a1+ 146.91a2+ 61.97, (5.8) + 10. 11a2+0.30 . Solving these equations, one gets —1.0025, a2 0. 24+0. 15 . (5.9) —— While the effective dipolar moment is close to the value 1.0015 obtained by Fro~an and Kleppner, the quadrupolar moment is significantly smaller than their value of 0.48. For comparing the experimental effo:tive polarizabilities with the static polarizabilities, one must include the dynamic effects of the valence electron. Such an analysis has been carried out for 4f states of Na by Eissa and Opik, ' who write 3 11a1 I a2 3 21a1+V22a2 . (5. 10) They find y» ~y2z-1. 0 and y2i ——1.41. While there is no simple way of extrapolating to higher values of n, the changes with n appear to be small. Taking these values of y, we find a1- 1.00, a2- 1.65+0. 15 . ~ ~ where a', and a2 are the effective dipolar and quadrupolar polarizabilities of the core. Using their values of b, E,„~„ Ai and pIi for n =13, 1=3,4, 5, and our values of 5(1), we have (in MHz) 812. 1 = 807.44a'1 j where p are the core states with energies EP, and are the outer electron states with energies EJ. %e expand the denominator in powers of Eo EJ fo— r Eo&E& (contribu— tions from Eo Ez t— erms are small). After some simplification, one obtains for the first two terms (the higherorder terms give negligibly small contributions) 5E' '= —[S( —2)(0 1/8 (1, 1')+a2& 2(1, 1') &(1') 2&(1) — I R PJ 5(l)=1.0X10 ', 1=4. a1 Rr; Born term for the gE(2) we find a'1 The second-order (5. 11) It is particularly heartening that the ratio of 1.65 for az/ai is close to the theoretical value of 1.61 obtained by McEachran et al. , and 1.65 obtained by Mahan. It is clear that the dynamical effects are of great importance in deducing the value of ai in Eq. (5.11). In the following section, we give an alternate derivation of the dynamical effects which supports our choice of the y 0) —3S( —3)(0 1/8 ~ 0) j, (6.2) where the first term is the usual carpi(coc9)p) dipolar contribution, S(c)=g(E~ —Zc)" +' (0 P ' and ., l (6.3) A similar expression was derived by Mahan' in the context of van der Waais constants for alkali ineials and inert gases. For estimating S( —3), we note the well-known relations S( —2)= —,'a, (6.4) , S(0)= 2N . (6.5) Now since most of the one-electron discrete excitation energies correspond to EP — Eo being close to separation energy of the electron, we take S S(u)= g E;"+'M;, (6.6) where Ei is the ionization energy of the core, E2 is the ionization energy of the core from which one electron is removed, etc. We also note that S(0) is proportional to the number of electrons and, hence, M~ may be expected to be proportional to E; . An additional argument in support of the proportionality is that M; are essentially proportional to expectation values of r; If we use. the asymptotic form in Eq. (2.5) for the wave functions, these expectation values again come out to be proportional to E; '. We may therefore write S(u)=I gE;", (6.7) l where I ly leads is the proportionality constant. This immediate- to (6.&) values. VI. NGNADIABATIC CORRECTIONS ~ Therefore, in this analysis, one gets (6.9) Nonadiabatic corrections to energies can be incorporated by including the summation over the intermediate states of the valence electron in the summation over the a2=a2 —3 gE; gE; ai . (6. 10) ATOMIC POTENTIALS, POLARIZABILITIES, AND. . . 33 In the summation over VII. CONCLUSIONS i, the contribution decreases rapidFor ly with E; so that we need only the first few terms. 5. 10 are 2. 63, E3 —3.64, and E4 — Na, EI —1.74, E2 —— adequate and give (6, 11) 1.0 and y2) ——1.39. These which means that y)] — y22 — values are close to the values we have used in getting Eq. (5.11). They give al —1.00, a2 ——1.63+0. 15, consistent with the values theoretical estimations. ' (6.12) in Eq. (5.11) and with the B. Edlen, Atomic Spectra, Vol. 27 of Handbuch der Physik (Springer, Berlin, 1964). ~C. Deutsch, Phys. Rev. A 2, 43 (1970). 3R. R. Freeman and D. Kleppner, Phys. Rev. A 14, 1614 (1976). 4J. Lahiri and A. Mukherji, Phys. Rev. 153, 386 (1967). 5R. P. McEachran, A. D. Stauffer, and S. Greita, J. Phys. 8 12, 3119 (1979). ~G. D. Mahan, Phys. Rev. A 22, 1780 (1980). 7C. D. Harper, M. D. Levinsen, and S. E. Wheatley, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 67, 579 (197")). 88. P. Stoicheff and E. %einberger, Can. J. Phys. 57, 2143 (1979). 9C. J. Sansonetti, K. L. Andrew, and J. Vergese, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 71, 423 (1981). ' E. N. Lassettre, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 4475 (1965); J. Katriel and It is clear that exchange and distortion terms are comparable in magnitude to that of the penetration term and must be included in the analysis of Rydberg states. Inclusion of these terms brings the empirical value of the quadrupolar moment of Na+ into good agreement with the theoretical estimations. In the absence of accurate data for high-angularmomentum states, it has not been possible ' to obtain conclusive results for other alkali metals. We have summerized the relevant results for the iona of the alkali metals in Table I, which may be useful for future analyses. E. R. Davidson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S.A. 77, 4403 (1980). 'iM. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Dover, New York, 1965), I2C. E. Moore, Atomic Energy Levels, Natl. Bur. Stand. (U. S.) Circ. No. 467 (U.S. GPO, %ashington D.C., 1949), Vol. I. '3F. Hoare and G. Brindley, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 159, 395 (1937). '4B.-G. Englert and J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. A 26, 2322 (1982). ~5S. H. Patil, J. Chem. Phys. 80, 5073 (1984). isH. Eissa and U. Opik, Proc. R. Soc. London 92, 556 (1967). ' G. D. Mahan, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 950 (1968). 'sH. A. Bethe and E. E. Salpetar, Quantum Mechanics of One and Tue-Electron Atoms (Springer, Berlin, 1957), Secs. 62 and 61a.
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