Chemical effects on the fine structure of L111 absorption edge of rhenium B. D. Padalia, S. N. Gupta, and V. Krishnan Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 58, 2084 (1973); doi: 10.1063/1.1679474 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 58. NUMBER 5 1 MARCH 1973 Chemical effects on the fine structure of Ll11 absorption edge of rhenium B. D. Padalia Depa,.tment of Physics, Indian Institute oj Technology, Bombay-76, India S. N. Gupta School of Studies in Physics, Vikram University, Ujjain, India V. Krishnan Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-76, India (Received 4 August 1971) Fine structure of the LllI absorption edge of rhenium in its freshly prepared five complexes has been investigated with a 1 m curved mica crystal spectrograph. A prominent absorption maximum (white line) has been detected at the Lm edge. Chemical effects on the fine structure are restricted in the energy region lying within nearly 100 eV of the main edge. It appears that the EFS is independent of the symmetry of the absorbing crystal. The shape of L1I1 edge suggests octahedral coordination for rhenium in the complexes under investigation. Bond lengths are determined employing x-ray fine structure methods. It is found that the present results favor Lytle's method for the metal and that of Levy's for complexes. I. INTRODUCTION Chemical effects on the x-ray K-absorption spectra of the first- and second-transition group elements have been discussed by several workers.l-8 In the present paper, we report the fine structure of the Ll11 absorption edge of rhenium in its freshly prepared9-12 five complexes. II. EXPERIMENTAL The experimental technique was the same as that described elsewhere. I3-15 The (201) planes of mica gave a dispersion of about 5 x.u. mm-I . Absorption screens were prepared from rhenium complexes following the method discussed by Sandstrom.3 Exposure time was varied from 20-30 h on Ilford x-ray films. Measurements were made on the microphotometer tracings with X 100 magnification. plexes.5 Chemical effects on the fine structure are restricted in the energy region lying within nearly 100 eV of the main absorption edge. A. Effect of Near Neighbors Of the five complexes selected for the present study, four have common oxohalide anion, [ReOCI6j2. This means that the nearest neighbors of rhenium are maintained the same. If the nearest neighbors were TABLE I. Chemical shift of the Lm absorption edge of rhenium. Llll absorption edge Absorbers III. RESULTS Microphotometer tracings of the fine structure of Ll11 absorption edge of rhenium metal and its complexes with X25 magnification are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The shifts in the Ll11 edge position of the complexes measured with respect to rhenium metal are given in Table I. There exists a prominent absorption maximum usually called a white line14 .16 at the L1l1 absorption edge. Following the white line, there are distinct fine structure maxima and minima. The energies of these maxima and minima measured from the corresponding L111 edges of the complexes are presented in Table II. The bond lengths determined employing x-ray fine structure methods together with available crystallographic data12 .17 are collected in Table III. IV. DISCUSSION An inspection of Figs. 1 and 2 reveals the presence of distinct peaks a' and {3' in the fine structure of the complexes. The appearance of such peaks is regarded to be a characteristic feature of halide and oxohalide com- Wavelength (xu) ±0.05 xu Energy (eV) ..:la (eV) Rhenium metal 1174.8 10 531.4 0 K2 [ReCI 6 ] 1174.7 10 532.1 +0.7 Cs, [ReOC4] 1174.3 10 535.9 +4.5 Rb 2 [ReOCI6] 1174.2 10 536.8 +5.4 Phen H2 [ReOC4]b 1174.2 10 536.6 +5.2 (a-Pic Hh [ReOC4]e 1174.7 10 531. 5 +0.1 • ..:l = E.ornpl•• - Emotal. 1,10 Phenanthrolin. e a-Picoline. h entirely responsible for producing changes in the fine structure, the absorption spectra of the complexes would be identical. But the observed fine structure is not exactly the same. The amplitudes and widths of the characteristic peaks a' and {3' vary from complex to complex. Further, it is noticed that light carbon and nitrogen atoms present in the second coordination sphere are more efficient for causing high amplitudes and producing additional peaks in the fine structure compared to heavy second neighbors, cesium and rubidium. The present study, therefore, suggests that 2084 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see FINE STRUCTURE OF Llll 2085 OF RHENIUM TABLE II. Position of the fine structure maxima and minima of Llll absorption edge of rhenium metal and its complexes. Fine structure features& (eV) Absorbers Re metal K 2[ReC16] CS2[ReOClo] R~[ReOC15] Phen H 2[ReOCls]c (a-Pic Hh[ReOClo]d WL a B a' B' 6.7 6.9 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.6 48.1 45.8 31.9 31.8 24.0 28.1 68.9 60.3 39.1 36.3 40.7 35.9 72.6 52.7 44.7 48.6 50.3 77.7 63.1 58.7 57.6 59.2 {j C {j' C' 92.3 131.6 92.7 100.5 83.3 113.7 79.0 101.6 88.1 99.4 117.5 130.1 73.7 99.4 103.9 115.1 'Y 153.2 152.4 145.4 154.0 148.3 139.9 D D' 172.2 194.1 187.6 177.3 188.5 232.5 186.2 171.6 0 E 228.7 251. 8 230.2 248.8 226.7 251.8 258.7 293.5 261.6 286.5 &Measured with respect to the position of the corresponding Llll absorption edge. b WL=white line. 01,10 Phenanthrolin. d a-Picoline. an acceptable fine structure theory must also include in its mathematical formulation, the effects due to second neighbors of the absorbing atom. B. Effect of Crystal Structure K{ReCl e] and C52[ReOCIs] have cubic close-packed structures.12 .17 It is found ll that Rlh[ReOCls] crystallizes in tetragonal structure, while the remaining oxohalide complexes have low-symmetry crystal lattices. The general features of the extended fine structure (EFS) in the energy region lying beyond nearly 100 eV of the Llll absorption edge, are the same for all the complexes under investigation (Figs. 1 and 2). It appears that the EFS does not depend on the symmetry of the crystal lattice. The energy values of the EFS collected in Table II have been examined in the light of Kronig relation.U8 •19 According to Kronig, a pair of cubic crystals whose structures differ only in the value of lattice parameters al and fl2 should satisfy the relation: EllE,.= (fl21 al) 2, where El and E,. are the energies of the corresponding maxima or minima in EFS. The complexes K 2[ReCI6] and C52[ReOCIs] have fcc lattices with lattice con- stants 9.86 and 10.25 A, respectively.12.17 The values of EFS maxima or minima are higher for the former as compared to the latter. A simple calculation shows that the given relation holds good for this pair of cubic crystals in the EFS region, developing confidence in the proposed relation. Since the lattice types of the remaining complexes are not cubic, the Kronig relation cannot be applied to such cases. C. Determination of Coordination Type An extensive study of the shapes of the principal absorption edges of a large number of compounds of various types was made by Van Nordstrand4 who classified the spectral features into four categories based mainly on coordination type. Several investigators20--23 have supported Van Nordstrand's classification. A comparison of the shapes of the Llll absorption edges shown in Figs. 1 and 2 with those reported by Van Nordstrand, suggests octahedral coordination for rhenium in the complexes under investigation. D. Determination of Bond Lengths We have employed Lytle's method24 •25 for determining bond lengths. The energy values, E of the EFS maxima TABLE III. Bond lengths (A) calculated from x-ray fine structure methods for rhenium metal and its complexes. Absorbers Re metal K 2[ReCla] CS2[ReOClo] R~[ReOClo] Phen H 2 [ReOCl.]& (a-Pic H)2[ReOCls]b Lytle's method24 Levy's method26 2.7 2.6 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.54 2.15 1.85 1.88 1.85 2.00 Crystallographic data12 •17 2.74 2.37 Bonds Re-Re Re-Cl Re-O Re-O Re-O Re-Q 1,1O-Phenanthrolin. b a-Picoline. a Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 2086 PAD ALIA, GUPTA, AND KRISHNAN T.(A) = (37.6/M)1/ 2• The values of T. calculated by the given relation are collected in the second column of Table III. Bond lengths are also calculated using Levy's relation26 : T.(A) = (151/ ilE)1/2. The values of the energy separation, IlE (eV) between second prominent maximum and minimum of the fine structure are taken from Table II. The mean radius of the first coordination sphere, T.(A.) around the rhenium metal atom computed by the Levy's relation are presented in the third column of Table III. The Re-Re and Re-CI bond lengths calculated by both the x-ray fine structure methods are compared with crystallographic data.12 Since crystal structure data for the oxohalide complexes in question are not 200 WL o 100 200 300 eV_ FIG. 1. Fine structure of the Lm absorption edge of rhenium metal and its complexes, K2 [ReCls], CS2[ReOCi:;] and Rb 2 [ReOCI5] represented by the symbols ReI, Re2, and Rea, respectively. 150 t ~ > .!!, UJ 100 given in Table II are plotted against Q, the zero root of the half-order Bessel functions corresponding to 1= 2. Straight lines obtained for rhenium metal and its complexes are shown in Fig. 3. The slope, M of the straight line contains unit sphere radius, T. given by 16 32 48 64 Q- FIG. 3. Plot of E against Q for rhenium metal and its five complexes. >- .... iii z ....UJ Z WL o 100 200 300 eV- FIG. 2. Fine structure of the Lm absorption edge of rhenium metal and its complexes, Phen H2 [ReOCi:;) and (a-Pic Hh [ReOCI5] represented by the symbols Re4 and ReG, respectively. available, the accuracy of the calculated Re-O bond lengths cannot be estimated. However, the reports12 on crystal data on several other oxohalide complexes of rhenium indicate that the Re-O bond length is shorter than that of Re-Cl and varies from 1.6-2 AIt is interesting to note that the values calculated by Levy's relation lie within this range. A scrutiny of the data presented in Table III, suggest the use of Lytle's method for the metal and that of Levy's for complexes. Finally, it may be mentioned that there are several crystal chemistry parameters which influence the x-ray absorption spectra.27 It is rather difficult to isolate the effect of individual factor on the spectral features. However, a careful analysis of the experimental results can provide definite information about the desired parameter influencing the spectra under investigation. Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see FINE STRUCTURE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their sincere thanks to Dr. D. K. Chakravarty and Mr. R. D. Swarankar for supplying rhenium complexes and for many fruitful discussion. One of us (S.N.G.) is thankful to Dr. V. S. Dubey for his constant interest in the present work. Thanks are also due to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India, for financial assistance. 1 A. H. Compton and S. K. Allison, X-rays in Theory and Experiment (Van Nostrand, New York, 1935), p. 662. 2 C. H. Shaw, Theory of Alloy Phases (American Society Metals, Cleveland, OH, 1956), p. 13. 3 A. E. Sandstrom, Handbuch der Physik 30, 205 (1957). • R. A. Van Nordstrand, Handbook of X-rays, edited by E. F. Kaelble (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967), Chap. 43. 6 J. A. Jope, Contemp. Phys. 11, 497 (1970). 6 V. G. Bhide and N. V. Bhat, J. Chern. Phys.48, 3103 (1968). 7 v. G. Bhide and N. V. Bhat, J. Chern. Phys. SO, 42 (1969). 8 V. G. Bhide and M. K. Bahl, J. Chern. Phys. 52, 4093 (1970) . 9 B. N. Ivanov-Emin, D. K. Chakravarty, and A. 1. Ezhov, Zh. Neorg. Khim. 11, 1374 (1966). L", OF RHENIUM 2087 10 D. K. Chakravarty and B. N. Ivanov-Emin, Zh. Neorg. Khirn. 11, 1379 (1966). 11 R. D. Swarankar and D. K. Chakravarty, Indian ]. Chern. 10, 528 (1972). 12 R. D. Peacock, The Chemistry of Technetium and Rhenium (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1966), p. 18. 13 S. N. Gupta, B. D. Shrivastava and V. S. Dubey, J. Phys. E 4, 327 (1971). '·B. D. Padalia and S. N. Gupta, J. Phys. F 1, L16 (1971). 15 S. N. Gupta and B. D. Padalia, Physica 54,342 (1971). 16 B. D. Padalia and S. N. Gupta, J. Phys. F 2, 189 (1972). 17 D. K. Chakravarty and B. N. Ivanov-Emin, Zh. Neorg. Khim.12, 2429 (1967). 18 L. G. Parratt, Rev. Mod. Phys. 31, 616 (1959). 19 L. V. Azaroff, Rev. Mod. Phys. 35, 1012 (1963). 20 F. W. Lytle, Acta Crystallogr. 22, 321 (1967). 21 C. Mande and A. R. Chetal, Indian J. Phys. 38,433 (1964). 22 N. V. Bhat, Acta Crystallogr. A 26, 71 (1971). 23 B. D. Padalia and V. Krishnan, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 9, 813 (1971). 24 F. W. Lytle, Adv. X-Ray Anal. 9, 398 (1966). 25 F. W. Lytle, Proceedings of the InternationaJ Conference on the Physics of Non-CrystaJline Solids, Delft, The Netherlands, 1964 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965). 26 R. M. Levy, J. Chern. Phys. 43, 1846 (1965). 27 E. W. White and H. A. McKinstry, Adv. X-Ray Anal. 9, 376( 1966). Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
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