I ..I I I I I I I BRANCHING PROCESSES IN STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTS by William E. Wilkinson University of North Carolina Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 544 September 1967 I Ie I I I This research was supported by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research. Grant NONR-855(09). I· I '. I I DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS University of North Carolina .. Chapel Hill, N. C• ~ ...•.l I '.I I I I I I I I ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS , I. I I iii ABS'rRACT I II Ie I I I I Page INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1. Introduction and description of the process 1 2. The generating function and moments of Z 4 3. Instability of Z 5 4. Martingales IV n n and convergence of IT n 7 CONDITIONS FOR ALMOST CERTAIN EXTINCTION 5. Introduction 10 6. The dual process 12 7. Some special cases 13 8. The Lindley process 20 9. Conditions for almost certain extinction 24 Comparison with related processes 31 10. III iv EXTINCTION PROBABILITIES 11. Introduction 39 12. Moments of the dual process 39 13. Equations for extinction probabilities 42 14. The case of two environmental states 48 MARKOV ENVIRONMENT 15. Description of the process 60 16. First and second moments of Z --n 63 17. The generating function of population size at epochs 64 18. Extinction probabilities 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 I iii '.I I I I I I I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure to acknowledge indebtedness to Professor Walter L. Smith for suggesting this problem, for providing invaluable guidance, and for his patience during the long period at the outset of this investigation when results seemed at hand, but yet, were unobtainable. Above all, however, I value having had the privilege of working with him. Professor M. R. Leadbetter has been a source of encouragement throughout, and has made a number of suggestions for improving the final manuscript. Professor A. C. Mewborn gave freely of his time on several occasions to discuss aspects of matrix theory which arose in the course of the investigation. Mrs. Bobbie Wallick typed the final manuscript quickly and with Ie special attention to its overall appearance. I I I I provided by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, I I. t I Financial assistance for my graduate study and research has been and the Department of Statistics, and is gratefully acknowledged. To my wife, Frankie, for her sustained confidence and encouragement, go my most heartfelt thanks. I I. "I I I I I I I Ie iv ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with two simple models for branching processes in stochastic environments. The models are identical to the model for the classical Galton-Watson branching process in all respects but one. In the family-tree language commonly used to describe branch- ing processes, that difference is that the probability distribution for the number of offspring of an object changes stochastically from one generation to the next, and is the same for all members of the same generation. That is, the probability distribution of the number of off- spring is a function of the "environment." The two models considered herein have a random environment and a Markov environment. In the classical Galton-Watson process, it is assumed that the families of distinct objects in a given generation develop independently of one another. This independence, which renders the Galton-Watson process so tractable mathematically, is lacking in the stochastic environment models. The I object of study is the probability distribution of the number of objects I I of conditions under which the family has probability one of dying out. I I '. t I Zn in the nth generation. Of particular interest is the determination In the random environment model, the asymptotic behavior of the probability generating function for Z n (and, consequently, the question of extinction probability) is studied by analyzing the asymptotic behavior of a closely related Markov process on the unit interval. Necessary and sufficient conditions for extinction with probability one are obtained in the case of a finite number of environmental states; for a denumerably infinite number of environmental states, an additional condition, which has not been shown to be necessary, is required, and this precludes v obtaining necessary and sufficient conditions fot' almost certain extinction. In some special cases, procedures are given for approximating extinction probabilities when the population has a non-zero chance of survjving indefinitely. The asymptotic behavior of the probability generating function for family size in the Markov environment model is studied by relating it to a probability generating function of the type obtained in the random environment model. I .'I I I I I I I I _I I , I I , .'I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I .I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1. Introduction and description of the process In the preface to The Theory of Branching Processes, Harris (1963) defines a branching process as "a mathematical representation of the development of a population whose members reproduce and die, according to laws of chance. The objects may be of different types, depending on their age, energy, position, or other factors. interfere with one another." However, they must not This assumption, that different objects reproduce independently, unifies the mathematical theory and characterizes virtually all of the branching process models in the literature. While this assumption allows the definition to encompass a large number of models, it also limits the application of the models of branching processes, since the natural processes of multiplication are often affected by interactior among objects or other factors which introduce dependencies. , The model with wHich we shall be concerned in the first three chapters may be described mathematically as follows. Let {p } be a r finite or denumerablyinfinite sequence of nonnegative real numbers satisfying ~ r p r = 1, and let {~ r (s)} be a corresponding sequence of probability generating functions. PO:1 j = coeffiqient of sj in ,. Define a matrix (P ij ) with elements r~ p r [~ r (s)]\lsl -< 1, i,j = 0,1,· ... (1.1) 2 Clearly P > 0 for all i and j, and since ij (1.2) it follows that J Pij =I for all i. We can define a temporally homogeneous Markov chain {Z } on the n nonnegative integers by choosing initial probabilities P{Zo for some positive integer = i) = I, i tS i,K - { 0, i ., K K, P{Zo = a 0' ••• , = i) > 0, then P ij .'I I I I =K - and defining If P{Zn I is the transition probability p{Zn +1 = jlZn = i). While all our results follow from the mathematical description of the model given above, we may interpret the process {Z } as a branching I I I I _I n process I developing in an environment which changes stochastically in time and which affects the reproductive behavior of the population. For example, the development of an animal population is often affected by such environmental factors as weather conditions, food supply, and so forth. In the physical interpretation of the model considered in the first three chapters, what we have in mind is that the environmen- I t I , tal factors which affect reproductive behavior can be classified into a countable number of "states," and that these states of the environment ~e shall refer to the stochastic process {Zn } as a branching process, even though the objects rep~oduce independently only in a conditional sense. I' .1 I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 3 are sampled randomly from one generation to the next. As in the classical Galton-Watson process [cf. Harris (1963), Chapter I], we consider objects that can generate additional objects of the same kind. The initial set of objects, called the zeroth generation, has offspring that constitute the first generation; their offspring constitute the second generation, and so on. Since we are interested only in the sizes of the successive generations, and not the number of offspring of individual objects, we shall let Z , n n = 0,1,···, denote the size of the nth generation, and shall always assume that Zo = 1, unless stated otherwise. In the Galton-Watson process, it is assumed that the number of offspring of different objects are independent, identically distributed random variables with probability generating function our model, the probability generating function ~(s) ~(s), If = 1,2,···, ~ r (s) = .E In is replaced by one ~ of a countable number of probability generating functions r say. r (s), depending on the "state" of the environment at the time. J=l p jsj,then p j is interpreted as the probability that r r an object existing in the nth generation and environmental state r has j offspring in the (n+1)~ generation. That is, we assume that the environment passes through a sequence of states governed by a process {V } of independent, identically disn tributed random variables with n = 0 1 •.. '" independent of n. r = 1 2 ..•. L P '" r = 1 ' Then, given that V = r, the number of offspring of n different objects in the nth generation are independent, identically distributed random variables with probability generating function ~ r (s). 4 Without loss of generality, we shall assume that p We shall further assume throughout that, unless ~tated r > 0 for all r. otherwise, the following basic assumptions are satisfied: (but Vo is random); a) Zo = 1 b) m = ep' (1) is finite for all r; r r c) Pro < 1 for all r, and pro + Prl < 1 for some r (.1.£,. at least one ep (s) is strictly convex on the unit interval). r 2. The generating function and moments of Zn Let TIn(s) designate the probability generating function of Zn' n = 0,1,···. Theorem 2.1 The generating function of Zn is given by n wher~consistent with = 1,2,···, Assumption (a), TIO(s) = s. Proof. TI (s) = E(sZu) n Z 00 = i)E(s nlz = i) = i~O P(Z n-l n-l = from (1.2). 00 E P(Z = i){E P [ep (s)]:L} n-l r r r i=O Rearranging the double series, we obtain TI (s) n = Er p r {iEO = P(Z n-l = i)[ep r (s)]i} (2.1) I .1 I I I I I I I I _, I I I I I and the proof is complete. By repeated application of (2.1), we obtain the representation .-I I I 5 I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I (2.2) which we will use in Chapter II. 2 Let m = EZ l (= L pm) and y = I: pm. r r r r r r If m < 00, we can differen- tiate (2.1) at s - 1 and obtain II'(l) = L P II' (1)4>'(1) n r r n-l r mIl' n-l (1), n so by induction, II~(l) = m , n = 0,1,···. If II 1(1) < 00, we can differentiate (2.1) again, obtaining II" (1) L P r n = yll" r {II" (1)[<1>'(1)]2 + II' (1)4>"(1)} n-l r n-l r n-l (1) + II '1' (l)mn - l • We thus obtain n-l L i n-l-i II" (1) = II"(l) 1 i=O Y m n n = 1,2,'" and Var Zn -_ II'l'(l) n-l. . ~ 1 n-1-1 i~O y m + mn(l - mn) , n = 1,2,···. (2.3) Hence we have the following result. Theorem 2.2. 00. If EZ 1 < Var Z Ii 3. n 00. then EZ n_=--'m""-........_n_ _=_0..;;..L.1~._._._....._a;;;;;n;;;;,d",-1;;;.·f;;;. is given by (2.3). Instability of Zn and convergence of lIn The state space of the Markov chain Z , n = 0,1"", is the set S n of nonnegative integers. P (Z n+t = Z The state ZES is said to be transient if for some t = 1 2 ••• " Izn = z) < 1. 6 Theorem 3.1 If z is a positive integer. then P(Zn+t =z for some t = 1,2,···lzn = z) < (3.1) 1. It follows that for an arbitrary positive integer N, P(O Proof. If ~ r as n < N) ~ 0 < Z n ~ 00. (0) > 0 for some r, then P(Z = olzn = n+1 O. z) > Hence =z P(Zn+t for some t = 1,2,···lzn = z) < 1 - P(Z = olzn = z) n+1 < 1, < 1, so the state z is transient. If ~ r (0) =0 for all r, then since at least one ~ is strictly r convex, P(Zn+1 But ~ r =0 (0) P(Zn+t =z > zlzn = z) > O. for all r implies that Z is nondecreasing, so that n for some t = 1,2,···lzn = z) < - 1 - P(Z n+1 > zlz n = z) and the proof of (3.1) is complete. If i is a positive integer, we have just shown that the state i is transient. It follows [Feller (1957), p. 353] that lim P(Zn n~ = i) = O. Hence P(O Theorem 3.2 < Z n < N) ~ 0 as n For sE[O.l), lim IT n (s) = c n~ < 1. ~ 00. I -'I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I II I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I II 7 Proof. IT (0) is a nondecreasing function of n, and so tends to a limit n c, say (0 < c ~ 1), as n tends to infinity. If N is a positive integer, N • IT (s) = P(Z = 0) + 1.'-~1 P(Zn = i)s n n 1. 00 Given s, 0 < s < 1, and an arbitrarily small large that sN+l/(l - s) < E/2. r E > 0, choose N sufficiently Then p(Z i=N+l • 1. + i=N+l L P(Zn = i)s • n = i)si E/2. < By the latter half of Theorem 3.1, we can choose n sufficiently large that i) < E/2. Thus for n sufficiently large, IT (s) < IT (0) + n n E, that is, lim IT (s) < c + n Since E - E. is arbitrary, we have lim IT (s) < c. n - But IT (0) n < IT (s), n so c < lim IT (s), and the proof is complete. -- 4. n Martingales In this section, we shall assume that m = L m is finite. r ~ n n = Zn 1m, n r = 0,1,···. From the definition of Z , we have with probability one, n E(Zn+lIZn) = mZ , n n = 0,1, .. •• Hence, with probability one, Let 8 I .1 k ····=mZ, k,n n = O,l,···. Dividing both sides by mn+k , we obtain the first equality holding because ~O' ~1'··· ~O' ~1'··· second equality in (4.1) reveals that Since E~ n = 1, ~ Markov chain. The is a martingale. n· 0,1,···, it follows from a theorem of Doob (1953, Theorem 4.1, p. 319) that n-kXl lim and is ~ n .. ~ exists with probability one, L E~ < In the very special case where m . is independent of r (m r r = m), we can obtain a stronger result. Theorem 4.1 If mr v~riables ~n converge with probability one and in mean square to a random variable ~ = m for all r. m > 1 and EZf < ..;. then the random Proof. ~ = 1, Var Var Zl / (m2 - m). By the same theorem of Doob, we have only tQ prove that lim E~2 n+oo n < 00 to obtain mean square convergence. E~2 n = m- 2n n"(l) But Y = ~ Prm~ .. m2 , and nr(l) E~~ = _I with ~ = 1 n-1 I: i=O = Var From (2.3), yimn-1-i + m-n • Zl + m(m - 1), so we have n-1 [Var Zl + m(m - 1)]m-2n i~O m2i+n-1-i + m-n .. [Var Zl + m(m - 1)]m-(n+1) (mn - l)/(m - 1) + m-n Var Zl -n _ 1) (1 - m ) + 1 • = m(m I I I I I I I I (4.2) I I I I I I -. I I II I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I ,I 9 Hence Var Zl 2 2 lim n-+oo E~ = n Since mean square convergence of lim E~2 n 1 + ~ n m - m to ~ < 00. implies lim E~ n = E~ and = E~2, we obtain EC ... = 1, Var Var Zl C ... = ~---m2 - m ' and the proof is complete. We shall see later that square if the m are unequal. r ~ n does not generally converge in mean I _I CHAPTER II CONDITIONS FOR ALMOST CERTAIN EXTINCTION 5. Introduction Extinction is the event that the population eventually dies out, or, more accurately, the event that the random sequence {Z } consists of n zeros for all but a finite number of values of n. P(Z n+k that Z n Since = olzn = 0) = 1 for k = 1,2,···, extinction is the event =0 for some n = 1,2,···. We thus obtain for the probability of extinction P(Zn =0 for some n) = P{(ZI= O)V(Z2 = o)u···} = n-+oo lim p{ (ZI = = n-+oo lim P(Zn = 0) 0)0·· ·u(Zn = o)} _I I = n-+oo lim II (0). n Hence if q is the probability of extinction, q = n~ lim II n (0). (5.1) In the classical Galton-Watson process (this model with Pj for some j and ~j(s) = n n = where fo(s) = sand =1 f(s», the probability generating function f (s) for Z satisfies n f 1 (s) = f(s). I I I I I I I I 0,1,···, I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I ,. I 11 The probability of extinction q is then easily seen to be the smallest nonnegative solution of the equation s = f(s), from which it follows that q = 1 if and only if f'(l) ~ 1. In our model, m = rL mr -< 1 is a sufficient condition for extinction with probability one, as the following theorem shows; however, we shall see later that it is not a necessary condition. Theorem 5.1 .ll..A. ~ 1. then lim II (0) n n~ Proof. n m. We recall that EZ n = l. Hence if m < land N is an arbitrary positive integer, P(Z N) > n - Given E > < - (l/N)EZ < n - liN. 0, choose N sufficiently large that P(Z > N) < n - E/2 (5.2) for all n, and then choose n sufficiently large that P(O ~y < Zn the latter half of Theorem 3.1). < N) < E/2 It follows from (5.2) and (5.3) that for n sufficiently large, P(Zn = 0) > 1 - E. lim IIn (0) -> 1 - E, Hence n;;a; and since E is arbitrary, lim II (0) n (5.3) = 1. 12 6. _I The dual process The solution to the problem of almost certain extinction (~.~., extinction with probability one) can apparently not be found by analysis involving the generating functions II (s) alone. The solution lies, n instead, in the behavior of random walks on the unit interval and the nonnegative real axis, the first of which is defined below. Consider the random walk {X } on the unit interval defined as n follows: for arbitrary but fixed X n+l = so£[O,l), let Xo = so' and define ~V (X ), n n n=O,l,···, where {Vn } is the environmental process defined {~ r ~1 Section 1 and (s)} is the sequence of probability generating functions correspond- ing to the possible states of the environment. The stochastic process {X } will be called the dual process associated with the branching n process {Z }. n For the expected location of the dual process after n steps, we obtain l r = 0' I ...E r , n-l p p ."p ro r1 r ~ n-l r (~ n-l r ( ... ~ n-2 r (s)···» 0 0 E Pr Pr ···Pr ~r (~r (···~r (so)···» r O' ••• , r n - 1 n-l n-2 0 no. 1 n-2 0 = r 0' .. ~ , r n-l P r P r ••• p r o 1 .I- n-l ~r (.I- ~r 0"1 (so)".». ( ••• .1- ~r n-l Comparing this expression with (2.2), we have the rather surprising result that (6.1) lE(Xnlxo = so) is not a conditional expectation; we write it this way, however, to emphasize the initial assumption" I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I S· I 13 7. Some special cases Insight into the nature of the problem and its solution can be obtained by considering some special cases when there are only two possible environmental states, so that (2.1) becomes TIn+1(s) If m1 ~ = PlTIn(~l(s» 1 and m2 ~ + P2TIn(~2(s», PI + P2 1, then m = P1m 1 + P2m2 ~ = 1. (7.1) 1, so by Theorem 5.1, extinction occurs with probability one. If m1 > 1 and m2 1, then there exist ql and q2' ql < 1, q2 < 1, > satisfying ql Suppose that ql ~ q2· = Since ~l(ql); q2 ~1(q2) ~ = ~2(q2)· q2 and TIn(s) is increasing in s, we have from (7.1) that TI n+ 1 (q2) = PlTIn(~1(q2» + P2TIn(~2(q2» n from which it follows that TIn (q2) ~ q2' n = 1,2,···. !!m TIn(O) = !!m TIn (q2) so q ~ = TI n (q2)' < P 1TI n (q2) + P2 TI n(q2) = 0,1,···, Therefore ~ q2' q2 < 1, and extinction is not almost certain. The difficulty arises when, for example, m1 < 1 and m2 > 1 (and P1m 1 + P2m2 > 1). Case I. Let X , n n We shall consider two special cases of this kind. Suppose m1 = 0,1,···, =6 and m2 = 1/6, where 6 is a real number in (0,1). be the dual process defined in Section 6. Define piecewise linear functions $1 and $2 on the unit interval by 14 --I and Note that i I = 1,2. ~i(l) = 1, ~~(l) = ~~(l), and for s£[O,l], ~i(s) < ~i(s), (Figure 1). lr--------------~ _I Figure 1. Since m1 = 6 and m2 = 1/6, ~l(S) = ~1 ~2 and become (1 - 6) + 6s and o ~2(s) = { ,s<1-6 -1-1 (1 - 6 ) + 6 s, s > 1 - 6. Define a new random walk {y } on the unit interval as follows: n let YO'" sO' and Yn+1 = ~V (Y ), n n I I I I I I I n = 0,1,···. I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I 15 We then obtain 0' •• I , < E P r n-l =1 P P rO r1 ••• p tV (IjIr ( •• eljJr (SO)·· r n _ 1 r n-l n-2 0 P ••• p IjI (1jI (."1jI (<j> (s» r r r r r 0 o r1 n-l n-l n-2 1 0 .. .» ·» < ••• < E P P rO r1 ••• p r <j> n-l r (<j> n-l r ( ... <j> n-2 r (s ) ••• » 0 0 n=O,l,·· •• Consequently, if lAm EYn = 1, it follows that that lim IT (sO) = 1. n n Since the limit of IT l~m EX = 1, and thus n is independent of s for n s£[O,l), we would have, in particular, lAm ITn(O) = 1 (i.~. thus want to determine conditions under which lim EY = 1. n n q = 1). We Returning to the random walk {Y }, let us assume that So n for an arbitrary nonnegative integer i. Ie I I I I I I 2 •• err = r IjIl (1 - ej ) = 1 - Since ej +1 , j = 0,1,·" (7.2) and j ej-l , ° j = 1,2,·", the state space of the random walk{Y lis the set of all real numbers of n the form 1 - ~, j = 0,1,···. Define a process W, n n = 0,1,···, as follows: W = log (1 - Y ), n n e let n = 0,1,···. Hence we have P(Wn j) = P(Y n = 1 - ej ), n,j = 0,1,· ... 16 From the definition of the Y - process and (7.2), it follows that {W } n n is a random walk on the nonnegative integers with matrix of transition probabilities Pz PI 0 0 0 pz 0 PI 0 0 0 Pz 0 PI 0 ............... .... This is, of course, immediately recognized as the classical random walk on the nonnegative integers with a reflecting barrier at zero. It is well known that the states of the Markov chain {W } are n positive recurrent if and only if Pz > Pl. ~ If PI Pz, it follows that for an arbitrary positive integer N, P (Wn e:{ 0 , 1 , ••• , N }) -+ 0 as n --+ n n -+ 1 in probability, and, by bounded convergence, EY n It follows from the remarks above that q • 1 for PI ~ -+ 1. 1/2. We next want to investigate the nature of the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean in this example under the condition that PI ~ 1/2. _I I I I I I I I I _I CXl. Consequently, in the Y -process, Thus Y I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I .I 17 For the geometric mean, we have e2p I -I , I m PI m P2 = ePI ePI 2 l so PI ~ 1/2 if and only if ml PI m2P2 < 1. For the arithmetic mean, we have so m > 1 if an d on 1Y ].·f Pie 2 + (1 - PI ) > e, t h at is, i f an d on 1 y if PI(l - e 2 ) < 1 - a. PI < 1/(1 + a). Hence for 0 < e < 1, m But 1/(1 + e) > > 1 if and only if 1/2 for 0 < a < 1, so for PI in the non-empty interval [1/2, 1/(1 + a)], the arithmetic mean is the geometric mean is although IT'(l) = mn n < -+ ~ > 1 while Hence for P I E[1/2, 1/(1 + a)], ITn(O) 1. as n -+ 1 -+ ~. We can now justify the statement that Theorem 4.1 cannot hold in general for the m unequal and m > 1, for if, while m > 1, the geometric r mean is < - martingale 1, {~ ~ n n = Zn /mn -+ E~ 0 with probability one, but n = 1, so the } cannot converge in mean square, or even in the mean (order one). Case II. e Suppose there exists a real number a, 0 < < 1, satisfying the conditions The last condition is, of course, equivalent to PI < P2 , or PI < 1/2. In this situation, we want to construct piecewise linear functions with desired properties which bound ~I and ~2 above. To obtain the required functions, choose an integer NI sufficiently large that (1 - e) + as > ~I(s), for s ~ 1 - NI e , 18 and an integer N2 sufficiently large that (1 - a -1 -1 ) + a s > $2(s), for s > Then choose N or N still larger, if necessary, so that 1 2 N1 + 1 = N2 - 1 = N, say. Now define piecewise linear functions ~1 and ~2 on the unit inter- val by s < 1 _ aN- 1 N-l { (1 - a) + as, s > 1 - a I ~1(S) = aN, and The relationship of ~1 and ~2 to $1 and $2 is of the form described in Figure 2. I .-I I I I I I I I _I Figure 2. Define the dual process {X } and the Y -process determined by n and ~2 as before. n In this case it is again easily seen that ~1 I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I .e I 19 EX < EY, n n n = 1,2,···. The Y -process is again a random walk on the n space of all points of the form 1 - aj , initial point So is of this form. So =1 - ai = 0,1,···, j provided that the If, however, we assume that for some i > N, then the state space of the Y -process is the set of all real numbers n j ~ N. We define n = 0,1,···, so that = P(Yn = 1 - aN+j ), n,j = 0,1,···. The W -process is again the classical random walk on the nonnegative n integers with a reflecting barrier at.zero. Since P2 > PI (by assumption), the states of the Wn-process are positive recurrent, and therefore a stationary distribution {u } exists. j In particular P(Yn as n -+~. =1 Hence for all n > no' say, from which it follows that for n ~ nO. Thus lim E(Yn Iyo n~ =1 i - a ) < 1, 20 .'I and = c, It follows that lim ITn (s) say, for c < 1 and s£[O,l); in particular, lim IT (0) < 1, so extinction is not almost certain. n To sum up the results of this section, we have seen that: (1) m = Pl ml + P2m2 q < 1, (3) ml = a, m2 = a -1 m1 (PI < 1/2) implies q < 1. > = 1, m > 1 and m > 1 implies 2 1 for adO,l) and aPI a- P2 ~ 1 (PI ~ 1/2) ~ 1 implies q implies q .. 1, and (4) a, m2 > (2) a-1 for a£(O,l) and aPI a- P2 > 1 The assumptions in (1) - (4) are not, of course, exhaustive, but consideration of these special cases has shown that the arithmetic mean m is not a critical parameter in determining whether extinction occurs with probability one. These cases suggest, however, that the geometric mean (m 1P1 m2P2 for two environmental states) is a critical parameter, as indeed we shall prove in Section 9. 8. I The Lindley process In Section 9, the W -process is much more general than the classin cal random walk of the special cases in Section 7; this section is devoted to a discussion of the more general random walk which we will encounter in Section 9. The results of this section are due to Lindley (1952), who introduced the process in connection with a waiting-time problem in queueing theory. could be applied to random He also indicated that the methods employed w~lks of the kind encountered in the next section. Let Ul,U2'··· be a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables with Elull finite. I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -, I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I .I 21 Define a sequence of random variables W, n n = 1,2,···, as follows: Wo = 0, and = wn W { 0, n+l + Un+1 ' n + Un + 1 if W > 0, n = 0,1,···. (8.1) if W. + Un + 1 -< 0, n The sequence {Wn } of nonnegative random variables will be called the Lindley process. The process also has the representation W = max(O, U , U + U ••• U + U +...+ U ) n-l n' , 1 2 n ' n n For clearly WI = max(O, Ul). and if W + U + r r < 1 - = 1,2,···. Suppose (8.2) holds for n = r. max(O, U ,U 1 + U , r rr = n 0, Wr+l =0. Then if U + U +...+ U ) + U 1 2 r r+l Combining these two possibilities in the single expression it follows, by induction, that (8.2) holds for all n. For x ~ (8.2) 0, we have Since the U 's are independent and identically distributed, we may n renumber them without affecting the right hand member of (8.3); in particular, if we replace Ur by Un +1 ' r = l,···,n, we obtain -r P(Wn < x) = P(UI < x, U1 + U2 < x··· U + U2 +...+ Un < x). ' , 1 22 If we write S r r = S=1 r U, this becomes s P(W n < x) = P(S < r - x for all r _< n). (8.4) We now want to establish the existence of a limit for F (x) n = P(Wn < x) as n tends to infinity, for any x. If E (x) is the event n = 1,2,···, the sequence of events {En (x)}, n for fixed x, is decreasing and tending to the limit event E(x) : S r < x for all r > 1. Hence by a property of probability measures, lim Fn (x) = n~ lim P(En (x» = P(E(x» n~ exists. If we denote this limit by F(x), then since F(x) = P(Sr ~ x ~or all r ~ 1), it follows that F(x) is a nonnegative, nondecreasing function with F(x) = 0 for x < = P(Wn 0 (since F (x) n < x) - The question immediately poses itself: F(x) a distribution function. = 0 for x < EUl~. under what conditions is There are three cases to consider accord- By the strong law of large numbers, lim Sn In n~ with probability one. = EUI Hence with probability one, for any sequence {Ul, U2,···}, there exists no such that Sn > nEU1/2 for n ~ no' follows that for x >.0, there exists a random no(x) such that Sn > x for n ~ no(x) ••I I I I I I I I _I I 0). ing to the value of EUI' (i) I It I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 23 with probability one. Thus F(x) = pewn x) < ° for all x; 0, as n ~ that is ~ ~, for all x. (ii) EU, < Again by the strong law of large numbers, 0. lim Sn /n = EUI n~ with probability one. Given E > 0, it follows by Egoroff's theorem that there exists an integer nO such that P(Sn ~ ° for all n ~ (8.5) no) > 1 - E/2. Further, considering the joint distribution of SI, S2,"', S , we can no choose x sufficiently large that peS < x for all n < no) > 1 - E/2. (8.6) n - From (8.5) and (8.6), we obtain peS n x for some n > 1) < > E, that is, F(x) = peSn for sufficiently large x. l!m F(x) = 1. x for all n < - Since l!m F(x) > ~ 1) > 1 - E 1, it follows that Thus in this case the existence of a nondefective limiting distribution function has been established. (iii) and EUI = 0, EU,~. Chung and Fuchs (1951) show that if E!Ull < ~ then for arbitrary p(ls n - xl < E E > 0, and any real number x, infinitely often) = 1, unless all values assumed by Ul are of the form iA (i (8.7) = 0,±1,±2,"') for A a real number, in which case (8.7) holds for every x of this form. 24 The case where U1 = 0 with probability one is excluded. = P(Sn F(x) < x for all n ~ 1), =0 i t follows inunediately that F(x) be exceeded by S n Since for all x since any value x will for some n with probability one. Hence we have the following result. Theorem 8.1 (Lindley). probability one. -+ ~ is finite and U1 is not zero with Then a necessary and sufficient condition that the distribution function Fn (x) as n Elu 1 1 Suppose is that EU 1 O. < = peWn x) tends to a nondefective limit < If EU 1 > 0, P(Wn < x) tends to zero for any x. 9. Conditions for almost certain extinction Theorem 9.1 Suppose r. p Ilog m r r r (a) If E p (b) If r t r I log m < 0, then II (0) r Pr log mr n > E Pr log(l - -+ q < 1 as n -+ 1 as n ~ r (0» (9.1) converges, -+ ~. We have not determined whether the condition (9.1) is necessary, but have been unable to obtain the result without it. We can, however, remove all conditions if there are only a finite number of environmental states (Corollary 9.1). Proof of Theorem 9.1. Let {V } be the environmental process consisting n of independent, identically distributed random variables with probability mass function {p }, and let r {~ r (s)} be the corresponding sequence of probability generating functions with ~~(l) = mr , r = 1,2,···. .-I I I I I I I I _I -+ ~. 0, and r then II (0) n < ~. I Let I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 25 {x } n be the dual process of Section 6, for which (9.2) for soE[O,l). (a) rE Pr log mr -< 0. Theorem 5.1, IT n (0) -+ If m = 1 for all r, then m = 1 and by r Thus we shall henceforth assume that m f 1 r 1. for some r. Define two subsets of the positive integers by M = {r: mr 1 < I} and M2 = {r: m > I}. r We then define piecewise linear functions ~, r = 1,2,'··, on r the unit interval by ~ (s) = r (1 - m ) r + mr s , rEMl and (9.3) s < 1 - 11m , ~ Then ~ r (1) = 1, r r (s) ~'(1) r + mr s, s 11m, r > 1 - = $'(1), and, for sE[O,l], r ~ r rEM 2 • (s) < $r(s), r=!,2,···. Based on these functions the unit interval as follows: Y n+l Then < ••• ~r' define a process Yn , YO = ° and n = 0,1,···. n = 0,1,···, on 26 (9.4) =1 - If we write s 1/J r (1 - e = -x) e- x x > O. the equations (9.3) become {II - eO-(x-log m ) - e x - log m < 0 r • x - log m > O. r (9.5) r - Define Wn = -log(l - Yn ). = 0.1.···. n from which it follows that peW < n - x) = P(Yn < 1 - e- x ). x > O. 11 = 0.1.···. Define a sequence U1. U2,··· of independent. identically distributed. random variables by Un • -log nvn-1 . n • 0 - e-(Wn+Un+ 1) , W + U > O. n n+1 by (9.5). Hence = -log(l - Y ) . n+1 = o , Wn +U+ n 1 <0 {W + U that is, {Wn } is a Lindley process. n I I I I I I I I I I I I Then < .-I _I 1.2.···. , Wn + Un+l. I n+1' Wn + Un+ 1 ~ 0, .-I I I 27 ~ I I I I I I I I Since -L P log m > 0, r r r it follows from Theorem 8.1 that P(W < n - I. I I -+ 0 for all x > 0, as n -+ ~. Hence P(Y < n - that is, Yn -+ 1 - e-xlY o = 0) -+ 0 for all x > 0, as n 1 in probability, given YO = O. -+ 1, and thus by (9.4), E(Xn Ixo = 0) (9.2), ITn(O) -+ 1 as n ~-2r (b) -+~, -+ ~, By bounded convergence, E(Y n Iyo = 0) -+ 1. Finally, by so extinction occurs with probability one. Suppose L P log m = a > O. r r r log mr > 0 and (9.1) holds. Choose nO sufficiently large that Ie I I I I I x) n L p log mr > a/2 for n -> nO' r=l r Since ~ Pr log(l - ~r(O» converges, we can choose N > no sufficiently large that I r>L p r log(l - ~ r (0» N I < a/2. It follows that N L p log mr + r>EN p r log(l r=l r There exists £, 0 < £ < 1, such that ~ r (0» > O. 28 that is, N rli 1 Let m~ = emr , Pr log(em r ) + r~N Pr log(l - ~r(O» r - 1,···,Nj m~ ~r(O), = 1 - > O. (9.6) r - N+l,···, so that (9.6) becomes rL Pr log m'r > O. (9.7) We note that Therefore, mr > 1 - ~ r (0) for all r, and, in particular, for r > N. Thus since m' < m for all r, r r sufficiently close to 1. ~ r (s) < (1 - m') + m's for s .. s(r) r r For each r .. 1,···,N, let t r < 1 be the smallest nonnegative real number such that (1 - m') + m's > r r - = max {(I - and let t m') + m't, r r r ~ r (s) for s > r = 1,···,N}. Define piecewise linear functions ~l' ~2'··· Clearly 0 < t < 1. on the unit interval Thus ~ r C s < [m' - (1 - t) ] 1m' , r r r .. 1,2,···. (9.8) - m') + m's (s) < - ~ r r s > [m' - (1 - t) lim' , r r ' r (s) for 0 < s < 1 and r .. 1,2,···. -- Define a process Yn , n .. 0,1,···, on the unit interval as follows: Yo = 1 - e 110g(1-t)1= 1 _ e -a • say, and n = 0.1,···. .-I I I I I I I I el t , r by ~ (s) = r I I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 29 In this case, we have E(X n Ix o = a 1 - e- ) < E(Y IYo = 1 - e- a ). With the representation 1 - e - -x , x ~ n 0, for real numbers in the semi-closed interval [0,1), the equations (9.8) become -a x - log m' < a, x $ (1 - e- ) = {l - e_(X_10g m') r r 1 - e r r = 1,2,···. (9.9) x - log m' > a, r - Define Wn =- log(l - Yn ) - a, n=O,l,···, from which it follows that ° peWn-< x) = P(Yn-< 1 - e -(x+a» ,x~, = o,1,···. n Define a sequence U1, U2,··· of independent, identically distributed random variables by Un =- log ~ , n-1 n = 1,2,···. Then Y n+1 = 1 - e -a ,Wn +U+ <0 n 1 { 1 - e -(Wn+Un+ 1+a) , W + U > 0, n n+1 by (9.9). Hence W n+1 =- log(l - Yn+ ) - a 1 Wn + Un+1 < W n that is,{W } is a Lindley process. n + Un+1 ° > 0, 30 Since = - L p r r log m' < 0 r by (9.7), it follows from Theorem 8.1 that the W -process has a nonn defective limiting distribution. That is, lim lim P{W For some e, 0 < e < < n- ~ n~ x) = 1. (9.l0) 1, choose x o sufficiently large that lim P{W < x o) > e, n:;<iO n - and then choose nO sufficiently large that Thus we have P{Yn < 1 - e-{xo+a) IY o =1 /2o fr n - e -a) > e ~ nO' It follows that E{Y IYo n =1 - e- a ) < (e/2)[1 - e-{xo+a)] + (I - e/2) =1 - (e/2)e -(xo+a) ~ , for n nO' Since the right side of this inequality is independent of n, lim E{Yn IYO = 1 - e n:;<iO -a ) < J.. We therefore obtain < n-+<>o lim E{Yn Iyo = 1 - e < 1 . -a ) I .-I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I .-II I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 31 It follows that for all s£[O,l), and in particular s = 0, lim IT (s) and extinction does not occur with probability one. The proof of the n < 1 theorem is complete. The following results follow immediately from Theorem 9.1. N Corollary 9.1. If, for some positive integer N, r~l Pr = 1, then a necessary and sufficient condition for extinction with probability one is that L p log m < O. r r r Corollary 9.2. If L p [log m r r r c < 1 such that ~r(O) ~ 10. I 00, L p log m > 0, and there exists r r r c for all r, then ITn(O) -+ q < 1 as n -+ 00. < Comparison with related processes It is interesting to compare the branching process in a random environment with two related branching processes which may be classified as multitype Galton-Watson processes, the latter being generalizations of the simple Galton-Watson process to processes involving several different types of objects. the multi type Before introducing these two processes, Galton-Watson process will be defined and those pro- perties of interest here will be stated. For a detailed discussion of the multitype Galton-Watson process, the reader is referred to Chapter II of Harris (1963). We will consider a multitype process consisting of k types (k < 00). Associated with type i is the probability generating function = r l' 00L P i (r . •. r ) s rl ... s rk . .. r =0 1" k 1 k' 'k lSI I, ... , Isk I < 1, i = l,"·,k, (10.1) 32 where p i (rl,···,r ) is the probability that an object of type i has k r l offspring of type 1, r Let of type 2,"', r Z ~ = (Z~"",Z~)' If ~ the nth generation. r l + ••• + r k k of type k. represent the population size, by type, in = (rl,"',r k )', then ~+l is the sum of independent random vectors, r l of them having the generating function fl, r 2 of them having the generating function f2,"', r of k k If Z them having the generating function f . i fn(Sl,"',sk) = i fn(~ -.l = -0, then Z +1 • O. -.l represents the generating function of - ~, If given a single object of type i in the zeroth generation, then n = 0,1,'" (10.2) i=l,···,k, or, in vector form, (10.3) I .-I I I I I I I I _I Let M = (m ij ) be the matrix of first moments i,j = 1,"',k, where ~ (10.4) denotes the column vector whose ith component is 1 and whose other components are O. E(Z Then +mlz ) = z' MM, -.l -.l -.l n,m = 0,1,"', with probability one, and, in particular, E(zlz '-=n -0 the ith row of MF. = =:t. e ) = e' =:t. MF ' (10.5) I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 33 We shall call a vector y or a matrix A positive (y > Q, A > 0) or nonnegative (v > 0, A > 0) if all its components have these properties. - - - If ~ - and yare vectors, then u > y (~ ~ v) means that ~ - y 0 > The basic theorem concerning extinction with probability one can We shall assume that ~ is positive for some positive now be stated. integer N. The process is then said to be positively regular. a matrix has a positive characteristic root p which is simple and greater in absolute value than any other characteristic root. also assume that the process is not singular. Such 2 We shall (The process is said to k be singular if the generating functions f1(sl'···' sk)' ••• , f (sl' .··,sk) are all linear in sl'···' sk with no constant term.) Let qi be the probability of extinction if initially there is one object of type i; that is, qi = P(~ = Q for some The vector (q1, ••• , qk )' is denoted by s. nl~o = ~). Let 1 denote the vector (1,1, ... ,1)' • Theorem 10.1 (Harris). not singular. If p ~ Suppose the process is positively regular and 1, then S = 1. If P > 1, then 0 ~ S < 1, and S is the unique solution of the equation (10.6) satisfying Q~ ~ < 1. 2 If ~ > 0, the matrix M must be irreducible, since every power of a reducible matrix is reducible. The result now follows from the Frobenius Theorem [Gantmacher (1959), p. 65]. 34 We now want to define two multitype Galton-Watson processes of a k Let {Pi} be a probability mass function with i~l Pi = 1 special type. for some positive integer k and let {~i(s)} be a corresponding sequence of probability generating functions satisfying the assumptions of = L PijS j is the probability generating function for Section 1; ~i(s) the number of offspring of an i-type object. A-process. In this process, we shall assume that all offspring of an object of type i are of the same type, type j with probability Pj' j = l,···,k. That is, in the notation of (10.1), pi(O, .. • , 0) = pi(O,···, 0, r , j pi(r 1' ... , r ) k o, ..• , 0) PiO PjPir = j j = l,·",k; r j > 1 0, otherwise. Then I .-I I I I I I I I _I and, by (10.2), (10.7) The matrix M of first moments is given by M = •••••••••••••••••••••• II • I I I I I ..-I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 35 B-process. In this process, we shall assume that each offspring of an i-type object is of type j with probability p., independently of J the type of other offspring (and of the type of the parent object). k If r = j~l r j , then, in the notation of (10.1), Thus f ie s l ' ... ,sk) and (10.8) The matrix M is the same as in the A-process. Since these two processes have the same moment matrix M, they both become extinct with probability one if and only if p ~ 1. Now it is a well-known result of matrix theory that if C is a nonsingular matrix, then M and C-1MC have the same characteristic roots. let o C = ... o o . . o o o ... Therefore, if we 36 then Hence P - Plml + P2 m2 +••.+ Pk~' since the dominant root of a non- negative matrix cannot be greater than the maximum row sum nor less than the minimum row sum [Gantmacher (1959), p. 82]. Thus, if p > 1, we have by (10.6) that the probabilities of extinc- tion satisfy (10.9) i-l,···,k, for the A-process, and i - l,···,k, (10.10) i n i n Using an induction argument, i t is easily seen that Bf (Q) < Af (Q) - for i = l,···,k, from which we obtain ~B ~ ~A (~.~., q~ < q~ for i = 1,···,k) . we let ~O =~ ~O is nonrandom in the A- and B-processes. with probability Pi' Suppose i - l,···,k, so that these pro- cesses are more analogous to the random environment process defined by {Pi} and {~i(s)}. We still obtain extinction with probability one if and only if p < 1, and in case p is given by .-I I I I I I I I el for the B-process. We recall that I > 1, the probability of extinction I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I 37 for the A-process, and for the B-process, with qB ~ qA. Let f (s) be the probability generating function for the size of n the n!h generation, without regard to type, in the A-process with Zo random Zo = (i.~. ~ with probability Pi' f n (s) k = i=1 L P i f i n i = 1,···, k). Then (s,···, s). (10.11) From (10.7) we obtain i k i < il~1 i2~1 f n W = i ~1 Pi 4>i (f n _1 1 (§.» 1 1 k k i Pi Pi/i (4)i (fn~2 W» 1 1 < Ie I I I I I I. I I Therefore, from (10.11), f n (s) < i i , l' = by (2.2). k ...L.~ 'n-l =1 II (s) n In particular, fn(O) ~ IIn(O) , so qA ~ q where q is the probability of extinction in the random environment process. We note that if Plm l +...+ Pk~ > 1 while mil m~2 •••m{k ~ 1, the random environment process becomes extinct with probability one, while 38 the A- and B-processes (with ~O random or non-random) have a positive probability of surviving indefinitely. The results of this section may be summarized as follows. Theorem 10.1 If p .Q. ~ (a) Suppose = Plml +..•+ ~ SB SA < ~; Pk~ ~ =~ ~o (non-random). 1, then SA = SB =~. If p > 1, then SA satisfies the equations i • l,···,k, and satisfies the equations ~ i = (b) Suppose If p ~ ~O =~ with probability Pi' 1, then qA • qB =q =1 ~ ~ q i 1,···,k. (10.13) = l,···,k. (q is the probability of extinction in the random environment process). qA (10.12) If p > 1, then 0 ~ qB ~ qA < 1 and 1, where and i i with qA and qB (i = l,"',k)- given by (10.12) and (10.13) respectively. I .-I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I CHAPTER III EXTINCTION PROBABILITIES 11. Introduction In the classical types of branching processes, in which distinct objects reproduce independently, the iterative nature of the probability generating functions for the sizes of successive generations often leads to equations such as s = f(s) or extinction probabilities. which are satisfied by the Further, given the probability of extinction ql' say, with one initial object, it follows from the assumption of independence between objects that the probability of extinction with j initial objects, say qj' is simply qj = q{. not exist in the random environment process. Such a relationship does In this chapter, we determine bounds for these probabilities. We shall occasionally require the conditions in Theorem 9.1, and therefore state them here for reference: L Pr Ilog mr r 12. I < ~, rL Pr Ilog mr I L Pr log mr > 0, r < ~, rL Pr log mr -< 0; L p r log(l - ~ r (0» r (11.1) converges. (11.2) Moments of the dual process Let n(k)(s) designate the generating function of Z , given that n n Zo = k, n = 0,1,···, k = 1,2,···. I. I I ~ = i(~), nn (s). For n(l)(s) we shall simply write n 40 rr(k)(s) n = rI: P r rr(k) (CPr(s», n-l n = 1,2,···; k = 1,2,···, (12.1) The proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem 2.1 and will be omitted. From (12.1) we obtain = mn rr(k) , (1) ... mrr(k) , (1) n n-l rr(k) '(1) 0 = kmn • By repeated application of (12.1), we obtain the representation rr(k)(s) ... p p ••• p r •••I: r r _ n 0' 'n-l r O r 1 n 1 cP k (CP ( .... cp (s)···». rO r1 r _ n 1 (12.2) We shall also state, without proof, the following theorem, which is analogous in statement and proof to Theorem 3.2. Theorem 12.2 For s£[O,l), We next want to establish a relationship between rr(k)(s) and the . n n =r One obtains for the kth moment of X , given n 0' ..•I: r , .-I I I I I I I I el where qk is the probability of extinction, given Zo = k. dual process {X}. I n-l P r P r ••• p r o 1 A.. n-l k ~r (A.. 0 ~r ( • • • A.. 1 ~r n-l (s ) ••• 0 »' I I I I I II e I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I 41 so from (12.2) we have (12.3) From (12.3) and Theorem 12.2, we obtain Theorem 12.3 (at the n!h step) tends to a limit, which is the probability of extinction for the random environment process (the Zn -process), given k objects in the zeroth generation, k = 1,2,···. That is, = 1,2,···. for sO£[O,l) and k It follows [Feller (1966), p. 244] that there exists a random k variable X such that X tends to X in distribution and qk = EX is n the kth moment of X. We shall refer to this limiting distribution as the ergodic distribution of the dual process. Under the assumptions o£ Theorem 9.l(b), and with {Yn } and {Wn } defined as in its proof, it follows that Hence = x~ lim by (9.10). I. I I As n tends to infinity, the kth moment of the dual process Given £ lim P(X n~ n > lim P(Wn < xlwo n.:;<i) = 0) 1, 0, choose x o sufficiently large that < 1 - e-(xo+a)lxo =1 - e- a ) > 1 - £. (12.5) 42 Let G be the distribution function of X on [O,ll; that is, G is the ergodic distribution of the dual process. k G(l-) = 1. qk 0 as k -+ By (12 .. 5) i t follows that Hence by bounded convergence, EX -+ -+ 0 as k -+ =; that is, =. We may summarize these results as follows. Theorem 12.4 To any branching process {Zn } in a random environment (as defined in Section 1). there corresponds. on the unit interval, a dual Markov process {X } (as defined in Section 6), possessing an n ergodic distribution G, the kth moment of which is the probability qk that the branching process becomes extinct, given that Zo = k. Furthermore. if (11.1) holds, 1 qk =f o x k dG(x) =1 for all k = 1,2,"', qk = 13. fo k x dG(x) ~ 0 as k -+ =. Equations for extinction probabilities We shall assume, in this section, that the conditions (11.2) are satisfied. Let i = 0,1,"', k = 1,2,"', so TI~k)(s) can be written in the form (k) TIl (s) = = i~O .-I I I I I I I I _I while if (11.2) holds, 1 I (k) Pi i s, Is I < 1, k = 1,2,···. (13 .1) I I I I I .-I I I 43 I. I I I I I I I I q1 = p~l) ~ + ••• + pP) q1+p~1) q 2 +"'+p(1) n q2 = p~2) + P1(2) q1 + p~2) q + ...+ p(2) 2 n ~ + ... (13.2) q = Po(n) + P1(n) q1 + p~n) q + ...+ P (n) qn +... 2 n n We can write the first n of equation (13.2) as + (1) q + ••• + P ( 1) + C( 1) P1 q1 = P~ 1) qn 1 n n (2) + (2) q + ••• + p(2) q2 = Po P1 1 n ~= Let Y , j j ~ + C~2) (13.3) (n) + (n) q +"'+p(n) + C(n) qn Po P1 1 n n = 1,2,"', be a decreasing sequence of real numbers tending to zero, and such that Ie I I I I I I I I We then have the system of equations q j = EXj < Y j' J' = 1,2,···. It then follows that (13.4) Let (1) P1 An = (2) P1 (n) P1 - If ~j(O) = 0 trivial. If (n) P2 for all j, then q1 = q2 = ••• = 0, and the problem is ~j(O) > 0 for some j, then p~k) > 0 for all k = 1,2,"', 44 and it follows that An is a nonnegative matrix whose row sums are all less than 1 (for any n). From the theory of nonnegative matrices [Gantmacher (1959), Chapter III], it follows that A has a nonnegative characteristic root n A such that no characteristic root of A has modulus exceeding A • n n n Further, if sand S denote respectively the minimum and maximum row n n sums of A , then n s n <An<S, - n and, since Sn < 1, we have An < 1, whatever the positive integer n. Let ~ C' -n = = (ql' q2"", qn)', A)a n-n (E - x and Equations (13.3) thus become (C(l) C(2) ••• c(n»,. n'n' 'n where E .. E(n .fn .. (p~l), p~2), ••• , p~n»" = -n P + -n C , (13.5) n) is the identity matrix. Since An < 1, IE - Ani ~ O•. Hence (E - An )-l exists for all n, and we have further [Gantmacher (1959), Chapter III] that (AE - A )-1 > 0 n . -1 In particular, therefore, (E - A) n Let R~j), j from (13.4), = l,···,n, n > - O. .-I I I I I I I I _I I for A > A • - I From (13.5), we thus obtain denote the row sums of (E - A ). n Then, ,I I I I .-I' I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I. I I 45 (13.6) Since (E - A )-1 is a nonnegative matrix, n (E - A) n -1 P < a < (E - A) -n--n,n -1 [P -n + Yn+ 1 1L]. .. (13.7) where R = (R( 1) R(2) ... -n n'n" But R -n = (E - A)l n -' where _1 = (1 1 ···1)' " " so (E - A )-IR n -n = _1, and (13.7) becomes (13.8) Hence we have the following result. Theorem 13.1 Y , j j Suppose the conditions (11.2) are satisfied. = 1,2,···, Let be a decreasing sequence of real numbers tending to zero and such that q. J = EXj < y., j J = 1,2,···. Then (13.8) holds for all n = 1.2.···. Theorem 13.1 shows that we can obtain any number of the qj'S to any desired accuracy given a suitable sequence {Yj}. (13.8) holds provided only that qj decreasing sequen~e. = EXj ~ We note that Yj and that {Y j } is a However, the conditions (11.2) imply the existence of such a sequence with Yj + O. By using the first of inequalities (13.6), we can obtain upper bounds on the qj'S which are better than those given by (13.8). is, if T(j) n = That (1 - rio p;j»,then by the first inequality in (13.6), 46 = It follows from (13.5), with T -n (E - A) n -1 (T(l), T(2) , ••• , T(n», , that n n n P < a < (E - A) -n-"""'tln -1 -1 P + Yn+l(E - A) T. -n n-n (13.9) In one special situation, we can find a simple sequence {Y } as j the following theorem shows. Theorem 13.2 r = 1,2.···. Suppose the probability generating functions ~ r r (s) < s, (13.10) for s > y. (13.11) for all n = 1,2,···. Note that (13.10) implies that m r > 1 for all r, and if there are only a finite number of environmental states, then m > 1 for all r r implies (13.10). Proof. j E(X Ixo = y) = n p < r l' ...L r 'n-1 p Pr ."p rO r 1 •• 'p 1 r r n- 1 ~jr ~j n-1 r n-l (~ n-1 < ••• Hence so we may put Yj = yj, j -- 1 '" 2 ••• .. in (13 8) r (~r n-2 (·"~r (';'<jl n-2 0 r (y) ... » (y) ••• » 1 .'I I I (s), are all such that for some y < 1, ~ I I I I I I _I I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I 47 Example. Suppose there are just two environmental states. ~l(s) = t + ~ s2, ~2(s) = t s + t s2, and PI = P2 = ~. ~1(S) that is, y n(I)(S) I = = t. n(3)(S) I .12500 + .16667s + .70834s 2 = .00782 + .07032s 2 + .01852s 3 + .32205s 4 + .22222s 5 + .35909s 6 n~4)(s) = .00196 + .02344s 2 + .111658 4 + .04939s 5 + .35909s 6 + .19753s 7 + .25697s 8 • With n = 4, A4 we have = .16667 .70834 0 0 0 .24306 .22222 .50347 0 .07032 .01852 .32205 0 .02344· 0 .11165 1.20000 1.17112 0.26517 0.75986 0 1.37777 0.31195 0.89392 0 0.11065 1.04392 0.44101 0 0.03635 0.00823 1.14925 and I I I s; n~2)(S) = .03125 + .24306s 2 + .22222s 3 + .50347s 4 I I I = The equations (13.1) are given by Ie I. In this example, y in (13.10) is the solution less than 1 of the equation I I Let (E - A )-1 4 f.4 = = (0.12500, 0.03125, 0.00782, 0.00196), and y5 (13.11) we obtain = 0.00412. From 48 0.19016 0.19428 ql 0.04725 0.05137 q2 < < 0.01249 q3 0.00345 q4 - ... , q4· I 0.00757 The same procedure leads to the bounds .19040 . .04753 .19045 < < .04758 .01294 .01299 .00368 .00373 In taking n larger to improve the bounds on ql'···' q4' we also obtain the lower bounds .00107, .00032, .00009, .00003 for q5'···' q8' respectively, each differing from the real value by less than y 9 14. =5 x 10 -5 • The case of two environmental states In this section we shall assume that there are just two environ- mental states, and that mil m;2 > 1 (~.~., extinction is not certain). In Section 13, we obtained bounds on the qj'S in the case when all the m 's are greater than 1. r ml ~ 1 and m2 > 1. Hence we shall further assume here that In this case, ~e obtain explicit bounds for the moments of the ergodic distribution of the dual process and consequently bounds on the sequence {qj} of extinction probabilities. This will be accomplished by "bounding" the dual process by a process of a very special kind for which an equilibrium distribution exists and can be obtained. .-I 0.01661 Suppose we let n = 8 in (13.11) in order to obtain better bounds for ql' I I I I I I I el I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I 49 We shall need the following result. Lemma 14.1. If ml ~ 1, m2 I I I I I 1, and mil m~2 > 1, Pl + P2 = 1, then there exist relatively prime positive integers a and b and a real number o < a < 1, such that aa < a-b ml , < m2 , and aPl - bP2 < a, o. Since xPl yP2 is a continuous function of x and y, there exists Proof. a spherical neighborhood N of (m l , m2) such that (x, y)eN implies x Pl yP2 > 1. Let R = {(x, y) 10 < x < ml , 1 < Y < m2 }. There exists (x, y)eNoR such that log x log(l/y) where r is a rational number. positive integers. r > 0, Let r alb, for a and b relatively prime Then I Ie > ~ log x = r log(l/y), that is, x Let a = x l/a andy > 0 (~.~. a l/a = y -lIb . is the positive real ath root of x), so x = aa = e-b . Note that this is only an existence theorem and does not describe a procedure for finding appropriate values of a, b, and a. However, in practice, these can generally be found by trial and error without too much effort. We now proceed as in Case II of Section 7 to construct piecewise I. I I linear functions which bound ~l and ~2 above. By Lemma 14.1, there 50 exist relatively prime positive integers a and b, and a real number a, o< a < 1, such that a a < ml , a -b < m2 , and aPI - bP2 < o. To obtain the required functions, choose an integer NI sufficiently and an integer N2 sufficiently large that Then choose NI or N2 still larger, if necessary, so that ~2 = N2 - b - N, say. Define piecewise linear functions ~l and on the unit interval by ~l (s) = {I(1- s < 1 _ aN-a aN _ aa) + aas, s > 1 - aN-a _I s < 1 _ aN+b = so£[O, Yn-process as usual with Yo = So and Y + = n l ~V n 1), and define the (Yn ) , n = 0,1,···. Then it easily follows that k k E Xn -< E Yn , (14.1) k We want to show that n~ lim E y n exists for all k and tends monotonically to zero as k ~~. Since a!m E X~ = qk' we shall have I I I and Let {X } be the dual process with Xo n .'I I I I I large that NI + a I I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I 51 k where Y k aN, then the state space of the Y -process is n N j the set of all real numbers 1 - a + , j = 0,1, ..•. If we let s 0 = 1 - The Y -process is a Markov chain with transition probabill ties n i,j,n = 0,1,···, given by (14.2) Ie I I I I I I. I I = 1,2,···, Lemma 14.2. Proof. Pb,o = P2 ' Pb,a+b Pi,i-b = P2 ' Pi,i+a = PI' Pij = 0, PI i = b,b+l,··· otherwise. The Markov chain {Y } is irreducible and aperiodic. n Once we have shown the chain to be irreducible, it follows immediately that it is aperiodic, since POO > O. To show that the chain is irreducible, we must show that every state is accessible from any given state. number 1 - aN+i every state. as state i , i = 0,1,···.) (We shall refer to the real Clearly 0 is accessible from If the state 1 is accessible from the state 0, then every state is accessible from 0 (and thus from every other state), so we have only to show that 1 is accessible from O. That is, we must prove that 52 there exist positive integers nand m such that na - mb = 1. The argument used is based on arguments in Hardy and Wright (1960) employed in obtaining more general results in number theory. Let S be the set of all integers of the form na - mb, where n and m are integers (a and b are the given relatively prime positive integers). If sl' s2 eS , sl s2 ± = (n 1 ± n 2)a - (m 1 ± m )b e S, so S 2 contains the sum and difference of any two of its members. Clearly S contains positive integers; let d be the smallest positive number in S. If s is any positive number in S, then s-zd e S for every integer z. Now if c is the remainder when s is divided by d, and s then ceS and ° < c < d. c = 0, and s = zd. of the number d. b, and therefore d d = 1, = zd + c, Since d is the smallest positive number in S, It follows that S consists of integral multiples Since d divides every number in S, it divides a and ~ 1 (since a and b are relatively prime). and hence S consists of all the integers. solution of na - mb = 1. large that n 1 = nO + That is, Let no' m be a O Let r be a positive integer sufficiently rb and m 1 = mO + ra are both positive. Then n 1 a - m1b - noa - mob = 1, so (n , m ) is a solution with positive integers. 1 1 It follows that the state 1 is accessible from the state 0, and the proof of the lemma is complete. An irreducible aperiodic Markov chain is positive recurrent if the equations k = 0,1,'" I .'I I I I I I I I el I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I 53 have a solution {~} (~ not all zero) satisfying LI~I 00. Further- more, such a solution is a scalar multiple of the unique stationary distribution {w } for the chain. k Thus, in order to show that the states of the Markov chain {y } are positive recurrent and find the stationary n distribution, we must obtain an absolutely convergent solution to the system of equations (14.3) u = a,a+l,···. n n Consider the auxiliary equation of the difference equation un = PI un-a + P2 un+b : h(z) Now h(O) = PI' A , 0 < A I < I = 0, h(l) = P2 z a+b - z a + Pl. and h'(l) 1, such that h(A I ) = P2 b = O. and for some rO£(A I Let r r£(A , 1). I r , 1), h'(r ) o = - p a I > (14.4) O. Hence there exists By Descartes' rule of signs, h(z) has at most two positive roots. Hence for r£(A , 1), h(r) < 0, I O. be the circle with center the origin and radius r for Define f(z) = -z and I. I I < a 54 a If(z) I = rand On rr' I g(z) I P2 r a+b + Pl' ~ Ig (z ) I P2 r a+b + PI < r a , an d t hus Since h(r) < 0, < If ( z ) I on r r' By Rouche's theorem, it follows that f(z) and f(z) + g(z) have the same number of zeros inside r r; hence h(z) has a zeros AI' A2 ," ", A inside the unit a circle and IAil ~ Al for i = 2,···,a. Furthermore, h'(z) = z a-I [P 2 (a+b)z b - a], so h'(z) has a-I zeros at 0, and the b remaining zeros are the bth roots of a/P2(a+b). But h'(r o) have modulus greater than AI' =a for r o£(A 1 , 1), so these b roots Therefore, the a zeros of h(z) in the unit circle are all distinct. If we let ~ K = e 1 (1 k k - A)A + ••• + e (1 - A )A 1 1 a a a' k = 0,1,"', (14.5) then LI~I < ~ and the stationary distribution for the Markov chain {Y } is a scalar multiple of n {~} provided the e's in (14.5) can be chosen to satisfy the boundary conditions (the first a of equations (14.3». The matrix of coefficients of the e's for the boundary con- ditions is given by ••• A (1 - A )(1 - P Ab ) a D = ~l 2 a .................................................... I .-I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I 55 and in order for the homogeneous system Df = Q to have a non-null solution f sufficient that O. Subtracting the sum of the last a - I rows 2 i IDI = the first row consists of zeros, and hence 1. O. = 0), 1 Thus a non-null solution exists. It follows that a stationary distribution exists and is determined to within a multiplicative constant (chosen so that LU ~.~., LC i = 1) by the solution of (14.6). k = 1, Therefore the stationary distribution is given by (14.5), where the C's are the unique solution of the non-homogeneous system BC - where i' = = <5 -' (1,0,···,0), and 1 1 B = (14.7) That is, f so the vector £ -1 = B .§., -1 is the first column of B following result. I. I I = C )', it is necessary and a ,···, a b from the first row (and using the fact that p A + - A~ + P Ie I I I I I IDI = (C l (14.6) • We therefore have the 56 Theorem 14.1. Let {yn } be a Markov chain with transition probabilities given by (14.2) with aP1 - bP2 < PI + Pz = 1). ° (a and b are relatively prime and The Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic and possesses a unique stationary distribution {wk } given by k +...+ C (1 - A )A k =C 1 (1 - A)A 1 1 a a a' W k k = 0,1,"', (14.8) where AI ' ••• , Aa are the roots of modulus less than 1 of the polynomial P2 z a+b - z a + PI' and CI"",C a are the elements of the first row of -1 B , for B given by (14.7). If pi;) denotes the n-step transition probability from state i to state j of the Markov chain, it follows from the ergodicity of {y } n that lim p(n) ij n~ for all i and j. > {y } is initially in state 0, so n EY k n E = j=O ° = Wj (1 _ aN+j)k (n) POj , and we want to show that k = 1,2,···. (14.9) For an arbitrary positive integer m, (n) + E (1 _ aN+ j ) k Po(n ) • POj j=m+l j mo Given E > 0, there exists m sufficiently large that j~O wj > 1 - E. O k m (1 _ E Yn = j~O eN+ j ) k Then there exists nO such that for j = 0,1,"', mO' and all n ~ nO' I .-I I I I I I I I el I I I I I .-I I I I. I I I I I I I I 57 Thus for n ~ no' > Hence ~ .e I (1 _ N+j)k e j~m+l for n > nO. It follows, since im l n~ £ (n) P Oj < 2 £, is arbitrary, that ~ (1 - eN+j)k w • n ~ j~O j EYk Further, lim EY -- k n n-+oo for every positive integer m. Ie I I I I I I 1 - 2£. lim --n-+oo and (14.9) holds. Hence ~ (1 eN+j)k EYnk ~ j~o wj ' lim Eyk Clearly n n =~ j (1 - eN+j)k W. J is a decreasing function of k, and, by dominated convergence, tends to zero as k lim Eyk exists and tends monotonically n n k lim EX = qk' it follows from (14.1) that Thus we have shown that to zero as k -+ 00. Since -+ n n 00. 58 .'I From (14.8), we obtain r j=O (1 - a.N+j)k w j r = ~ j=O r=o (_l)r (~)a(N+j)r [C (1 - A )A j + ••• + C (1 - A )A j ] 1 1 1 a a a C (1 - A ) +...+, a a r a a 1 - A the change in order of summation being justified by absolute converHence if we let Y = k gence. f (1 - aN+j)k w and let f(s) be the j generating function of the stationary distribution {~}, we have (14.10) and Y k ~ 0 as k -+ ~. We may summarize these results as follows. Theorem 14.2 m1 ~ 1, m2 o > Suppose there are just two environmental states. 1, and mil m~2 > probability generating function (defined by (14.8», such that ~ 0 as k -+ ~. If 1, then there exist a real number a, < a < 1 (Lemma 14.1), a positive integer N (see p. 50) and a and Yk I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -, I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I ·e I I 59 With the y's thus obtained, (13.8) provides upper and lower bounds on any finite number of the extinction probabilities, with the width of the bound intervals tending to zero as n (in (13.8» infinity. tends to I .-I CHAPTER IV MARKOV ENVIRONMENT 15. Description of the process In this chapter, we shall introduce a more elaborate model of a branching process in a stochastic environment, and we shall show that the results of Chapter II can be applied to the problem of determining conditions for extinction with probability one. Whereas the model introduced in Chapter I assumes that the environmental states are sampled randomly from one generation to the next, we shall now assume that the environmental states constitute a Markov chain. That is, we shall consider a branching process in a Markov environment. While we shall give a purely mathematical description of the process from which all our results follow, the arguments will be intuitively more appealing if we rely mainly on the physical interpretation of the model as a branching process. Let P = (Pij) be a stochastic matrix of order k, and let 4> 1 (s) , ••• , 4>k (s) be probability generating funct:ions. We shall assume that the environment passes through a sequence of states governed by a Markov chain {V } on the positive integers 1,2,··.,k, defined as n follows: P(V o = i) = I, i { =n 0, i ;. n I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I e· I I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I e I I 61 for some fixed n, 1 ~ n ~ = i, Then, given that V n k, and the number of offspring of different objects in the nth generation are independent, identically distributed random variables with probability generating function ~.(s), 1. 1 < i < k. -- If ~r(s) = jI 1 a rj sj, then a rj is interpreted as the probability that an object existing in the nth generation and environmental state r has j offspring in the (n + l)st generation. The initial population size is assumed to be nonrandom. We shall say that objects in the nth generation are of type i if V n = i; = (ZI, n thus let Z 11 Z2, ••• , Zk)l represent the population size, n n by type, in the nth generation. one Zr is nonzero for each n. n By definition of the process, at most Hence if we define II znll i t follows that II~ II is the size of the nth generation. Given the stochastic matrix functions ~I(s), ••• ~k(s), , ~ and the probability generating the process {~}, described above, may be defined mathematically, without reference to branching processes, as follows. Let~, 1 ~ i ~ k, denote the k-dimensional vector whose ilh component is 1 and whose other components are O. set of all k-dimensional vectors of the form re., 1 --:L r = 0,1,· ••• Let T denote the < i < k, We want to define a Markov chain on the vectors in T. To this end, define r te.) Q(O; J =0 , 1 < j < k, = 0,1,···, t=1,2,· .. , 62 and Q(r~, t~) ~ = 0 for all i, j, rand t, and since r [~i(s)], 1 < i < k, r = 1,2,"', it follows that r = 1,2,···. If r = 0, we have Define a temporally homogeneous, vector-valued Markov chain ~ = (Z~, Z~"'" Z~)' on the set for some positive integers p(Z ~ = -0' a Z = -1' a'" -1 T by choosing initial probabilities = =0 a ) = P(Z =0 , I, i f { K and n(l Z =~ a ) ~ ~ = Ke -n , 0, otherwise, < n < k), and defining i If P~ = r~) .-I r,t = 1,2,···. 1 < i,j < k; Clearly, I = O,l,···n. > 0, then Q(r~, t~) is the transition probability I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I Ie I 63 We shall make the following basic assumptions: 16. a) ~ = b) m = ~'(l) is finite for r = l,2,· .. ,k; r r c) a d) the stochastic matrix P is irreducible and aperiodic. ~ < ro for some fixed i, 1 1 for all r, and a rO i < + a rI ~ k; < 1 for some r; 1 First and second moments of Z =xl With the notation of Section 10, let M = (m ij ) be the matrix of first moments i,j = l,···,k. It follows as in Section 10 that E(~ I~ = ~) = ~ ~, the ith .-- row of ~ • Since Zi zj = 0 for i ; j, the second moments of interest are n E(Zi)2 n ' n i = l,···,k. It also follows that liz 11 2 = Z' Z • -n -n-n By considering conditional expectations, and assuming that ~i(l) <~, 1 matrix i = l,2,···,k, we obtain the second moments as follows: + k E Zr P [~"(l) +m _ m2 ] r r r=l n ri r = k k r E' (Zr) 2 n + E Z r=l n r=l n ri Vr i' Strictly speaking, it is the Markov chain {Vn } with transition ~ which is assumed to be aperiodic. 64 m2r and v ri = Pr i where n r i = pri [<1>"(1) r ••I + mr - m2r ]. Taking expectations, we obtain k r 2 k r r~l E(Zn) n ri + ~l E(Zn) v ri • i E[(Zn+l)2] Let ~ = = [E(Z~)2, E(Z~)2, ••. , E(Z:)2]', N = (n ij ), V = (v ij ), and we have c' -n+l = -n C' N + Z' -0 MnV ' from which we obtain Since Ellz 11 2 -n = EZ' -n Z -n = -C'n -1 ' where _1 = (1, 1 , .•• , 1) " we have the following result (the basic assumptions are not required except as stated in the theorem). Theorem 16.1 If <1>'(1) < r 00, r = 1,···,k, and initially there is one object of type i, then E(IIZnII IZo if also <1>"(1) < 00, r r E(IIZ -n 17. = 2 I Z -0 = e ) =:i. = -9.) = ~ ~l; then = e' Nnl + ~ =:i. -.!. n-l I: j=O MjVNn - 1 - j _1. The generating function of population size at epochs. Defn. n 11 = 1, .. ·,k, Let IT~(s) designate the generating function of II~ II, =-9.. 0,1,···, given that!o A representation of IT i (s) analogous to (2.2) is easily obtained, n I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I Ie I 65 1 < r j ~ k, j = 1,··· ,n, the generating function of 11~+111 is Hence k i IIn+1 (s) L r 1 ,· .. ,r =1 n =r P(V 1 = r 1" ..• V - n - r n Iv0 k .. ~ r =lP ir Pr r ···P r r l' , n 1 1 2 n-l n (17.1) The right-hand side of (17.1) is not easily related to a random walk, as was (2.2), so this representation doesn't seem very helpful. However, suppose we consider the generating function of liz-n II only at those points in time (which we shall call epochs) when the environmental process returns to its initial state. Since the Markov chain (of environmental states) is finite and irreducible, the realized number of epochs tends to infinity with probability one as the number of generations tends to infinity. Thus, to determine necessary and sufficient conditions for almost certain extinction, it suffices to study the limiting behavior of the generating function of population size at these epochs. To this end, let {sji), j = 1,2,···} be an ordering of all finite paths from state i to state i (in the environmental process). If s ~ i) = i, j l ' j 2 ' ••• , J andlet~~i)(s) = <Pi(<P ( ••. <p (s)· .. j j JIm ». The generating function Ai II (s) of population size at the vth epoch is then given by v v = 1,2,···, (17.2) 66 fi~(s) = s. with ~ 0, j~l 00 Since pii) 1, and each ~ii)(s) is a (i) Pj probability generating function, fii(s) is a generating function of the \I I ••I type studied in Chapter II. 18. Extinction probabilities From (17.2) we have that i=l,···,k. Let (i) = llj ~ ~i) , (1) , 1," ·k; j = 1,2,···. i J (18.1) If < then it follows from Theorem 9.1 that: 00 a) ! (i) log (i) < 0 r=l Pr llr implies fii(O) \I given ~o = -+ ~), 1 as \I -+ 00 (18.2) (18.3) (extinction occurs with probability one, and b) 00 (i) L pr r=l (i) log llr > 0 (18.4) converges (18.5) and 00 r~l (i) Pr (i) log(l - ~r (0» We shall first show that (18.2) holds so that the sums in (18.3) and (18.4) are unambiguously defined (since the ordering of the paths is arbitrary), and then express (18.3) and (18.4) in terms of parameters of the Markov chain {V } and the means m , m ,.'., ~. n 12k I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I .e I 67 Let n~i)(r) be the number of times j occurs in the sequence J s (i) r • Then r (i) n ~i) (r) J r=l Pr is the expected number of visits to state j between successive visits to state i. But if {w ' t = l,···,k} is the stationary distribution t for the chain {Vn }, then wj/w i is also the expected number of visits to state j between successive visits to state i [see a more direct proof is given by Hodgson (1965)]. ~.&. Harris (1952); Hence we have i,j=l,"·,k. Thus 00 = L r=l p ( i) r n(i)(r) n(i)(r) {Ilog m 1 1+···+llog m k (i) (i) (i) (r) mn2 (r) ···mnk m L p (i) 1.1 og (nl r=l r 1 2 k 00 > k 1 Hence rIl p;i)11og ~;i)1 < 00 (r» I} I for i = l,···,k, so the condition (18.2) is satisfied whatever the initial state of the environment. If the absolute value signs are removed above, the inequality becomes an equality, and we have r (i) log (i) r=l Pr ~r Thus we have the following result. (18.6) 68 Theorem 18.1 If (18.7) then extinction occurs with probability one. whatever the initial state of the environment. We have been unable to determine whether (18.5) always holds or whether (9.1) can be weakened to a condition which always holds fo;r the Markov environment case. Thus we cannot prove much beyond Theorem 18.1 for an arbitrary finite number of environmental states. (We can, however, obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for almost certain extinction if there are just two environmental states, as we shall see below.) We note that Corollary 9.2 does not help here, for if m ~ 1, ~;i)(O) is not bounded away from 1 as r j -+ ~ for any initial state i, since the sequence {~(i)(O)} must contain the terms r 1= 1,2,'''}, 1 times which, of course, tends to 1 as 1 -+ ~. In the case of only two environmental states, this difficulty can be avoided by using the fact, suggested by (18.7), that extinction cannot be almost certain for some initial states and not for others. Hence consider the case of two environmental states with transition probabilities given by IP = I ••I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I 69 and probability generating functions ml = ~i(l) given ~ = = ~~(l). and m2 i 4' Let q i ~l(s) ~2(s), and with means be the probability of extinction = 1,2. 1 by (18.7). ml 1 and m2 ~ ~ 1 implies wI log m + w2 log m2 < 0, we need only l consider the case when at least one m is greater than 1; suppose i l,~, 1, r = 2,3,···. (r-l) times p~l) = Then Pll' ~~l)(s) = ~l (s), ~r(l)(s) = ~1~~2(···~2(s3°o·», and p (1) = p r 12 r = 2,3,···. If s2 is the unique ow (r-l) times solution less than 1 of for all r. ~2(s) = s, Thus by Corollary 9.2, wI log ml + w2 log m2 > 0 implies ql < 1. Hence ql =1 if and only if Ie I I I I I I Ie I Since (18.8) is equivalent to P21 log m + p log m < O. 1 12 2 i be the probability of extinction given that ~O = r4' r j i i (q = ql) , and recall that ~i(s) = L aijs , 1,2, r = 1,2, ••• j 1,2. If ql = 1, then Let q i = i = 1 = Pll (a lO + all qt + a 12 ql2 +.00) + P12(a 1O + all q21 + a 12 q~ + ... ) . Since r 3 a ij = 1,2,···. i < 1, we must have i qr = 1, i = 1,2; r In particular, therefore, q2 = 1. This argument = 1 and 0 < q 70 immediately generalizes to any finite number of environmental states. Hence it is impossible that extinction occurs with probability one for some initial states of the environment and not for others. We have thus proved the following result. Theorem 18.2 For two environmental states and ~O =~, i = 1,2, extinction occurs with p obabi1ity one if and only if P21 log m1 + P12 log m2 < O. The following question remains unanswered. For an arbitrary finite number k of environmental states in a branching process with a Markov environment, does extinction occur with probability one if and only if I ••I I I I I I I I _I I I I I I I -. I I I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I ;e I I 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY Chung, K. L. and W. H. J. Fuchs (1951) "On the distribution of values of sums of random variables," in Four Papers on Probability (Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., no. 6), p. 1. Doob, J. L. (1953) Stochastic Processes, John Wiley, New York. Feller, William (1957, 1966) An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vo~. I (2nd. Ed.), Vol. II, John Wiley, New York. Gantmacher, F. R. (1959) Applications of the Theory of Matrices, Interscience Publishers, New York. Hardy, G. H. and E. M. Wright (1960) An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Oxford University Press, London. Harris, T. E. (1952) "First passage and recurrence distributions," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 73, 471-486. Harris, T. E. (1963) The Theory of Branching Processes, SpringerVerlag, Berlin (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs). Hodgson, Vincent (1965) "A note on the ratio of steady state probabilities for ergodic Markov chains," Florida State University Statistics Report M91. Lindley, D. V. (1952) "The theory of queues with a single server," Proc. Carob. Phil. Soc. 48, 277-289. I . UNCLASSIFIED Secutity Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA • R&D I. I I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I 8 1 I (S.curlty cl. . .tllcetlon 01 title, body 01 ebelrect III1d Indexln, _notetlon lIIU.t b. ent.red ""'.n the t. OftlGINATIN G ACT/VI'!'Y (Corpor.te euthor) 0 . ., . " ,.port ae... EPO.. T .ECURITY C I. C'Ie•• m.d) ~AUIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED lb. G"OU~ J. REPORT TITLE BRANCHING PROCESSES IN STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTS 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol.report _d Incluelv. det••) Technic~l Report 5. AUTHOR(S) (l.eet nem•• I/ret nem•• Inltlel) • Wilkinson, William E. e. REPORT DATE September 1967 7f!. '!'OTAL NO. 0 .. PAGES . h. CONTRACT OR G.. ANT NO. \7b. NO. 0 .. "9E... 71 NONR-:-855-(09) b. PROJECT NO. RR-003-05-0l Ie. '0"ICIINAT9R'!I REPORT "lUM.ER(Sj Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series Number 544 I lb. OTH .... MPO .. T ",0(') (Any otll.'n....".,. "'et may Iio. . . .I"'ed Il. thl. repo d. '. 10. AVA,ILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES Distribution of the document is unlimited 11. SUPPLEMENTARV NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITV Logistics and Mathematical Statistics Br.· Office of Naval Research Washin~ton. D. C. 20360 13. ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with two simple models for branching processes in stochastic environments. The models are identical to the model for the GaltonWatson branching process in all respects but one. In the family-tree language commonly used to describe branching processes, that difference is that the probability distribution (p.d.) for the number of offspring of an object changes stochastically from one generation to the next, and is the same for all members of the same generation. That is, the p.d. of the number of offspring is a function of the "environment." The two models considered herein have a random environment and a Markov environment. The object of study is the p.d. of the number of objects Z in thefn!h generation; of particular interest is the determination of conditions un~er which ~he family has probability one of dying out. In the random environment model, the environmental process, {V}, is a sequenc~ of i.i.d. random variables with probability mass function {Pr}' ~et ~r(s) be the p.g.f. of the number of offspring of an object in environmental state r, with m = ~~(l)< ~. The branching process {Zn} is r defined as a Markov chain such that, given Z and V , Z +~ is distributed as the sum of Z i.i.d. random variables, each with p.g?f. ~V ~s).n uppose t p 1 log m I <~. . Bcess is as follows. r The nprincipal result for the random environment pr If r ~ P log m < 0, the process becomes extinct with probability one. If t P log m;>O, r r - - ~ (0» converges, then the probability of extinction is s f rictlyr ~nd t p log(l r r less than one. In some special cases procedures are given for approximating extinction probabilities when the population has a non-zero chance of surviving indefinite ly. The asymptotic behavior of the p.g.f. for family size in the Markov environment ~odel is studied by relating it to a p.g.f • of the type obtained in the random envi• f- model . DO FORM I JAN 04 1473 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Secunty Classificahon ... LINK A 14· KEY WORDS ROLE WT LINK B ROLE LINK C WT ROLE WT .1 Branching processes Markov processes Generating functions INSTRUCTIONS 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name .nd .ddr... lmpo.ed by .ecurity c1...ific.tion. u.i....t.nd.rd .t.tement• • uch a.: of the contractor••ubcontr.ctor• .,aftt••• Dapartmellt 01 D.. fenae .ctivity or other o,..ni••Uon (corporat. autllor) laaulnl (1) "Qualified requ••ter. l118y obtain copl•• of this the report. report from DDC." 2•• REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Ent.r the over(2) "Foreip .nnouncem.nt .nd di••emin.tion of this all aecurity cl.aaUlc.tion of the report. Indic.t. wh.ther report by DDe i. not .uthorized." "Reatricted D.t." ia included. 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