(J, ... A SYMMETRY PROPERTY OF THE GENOCCHI NUMBERS by Dominique Dumont D~partement de Math~mtique Universit~ de Stpasbourg .... ' Dominique Foata Department of Statistias University of North Carolina. at ChapeZ Hill Institute of Statsstics Mimeo Series No. B8Z January, 1975 .,~ A SYMMETRY PROPERTY OF THE GENOCCHI NUMBERS by Dominique Dumont* and Dominique Foata i :* ABSTRACT A refinement of the Genocchi numbers into a sum of symmetric coefficients is obtained, together with a combinatorial interpretation for this refinement. *Universite de Strasbourg, France **University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,U.S.A. ~2- INTRODUCTION. 1. The Genoaohi numbePB G2n en > 0) are positive integers, which may be defined by means of their exponential generating function (or rather that of the coefficients (_l)n G ) 2n 2u/(eu + 1) (1) =u l + (u 2n n~l /(2n)!) (~l)n G • 2n They are the closest integers to the BepnouZZi numbePB the following sense. (2) u u/(e - 1) 2n (n Let the latter numbers be defined by =1 u/2 + - B > 0) in (u 2n/(2n)l) (_l)n+l B . 2n I n~l Then, the following identity is a simple consequence of von Staudt-Clausen theorem (see e.g. Carlitz [2], or Hardy and Wright [6] p. 91) a(a ~) for any integer a. a =2 2n =0 - 1) B2n mod 1 The least non-trivial integer to be considered is and this gives precisely the Genocchi numbers ~) (n > 0) • The first values of these two sequences of numbers are shown in table 1. TABLE 1 n 1 2 G 2n 1 1 1/6 1/30 3 1/42 6 7 155 2073 38227 5/66 691/2730 7/6 4 5 17 1/30 -3.- The purpose of this paper is to prove the following two theorems 2. 1a and lao Theorem. Let three variabZes (Fn(x,y,x))n>O x, y, z defined by the recurrenoe reZation FI (x,y,z) (5) and for n =1 ~ 2 = (x+z) F (x,y,z) n (6) The~ be the sequenoe of polynomiaZs in for any (y~z) Fn- l(x,y,z+l) - z n to the set of the three variables x, y, Z. Fn- l(x,y,z) • is symmetrio the polynomial F (x,y,z) n > 0 2 ~ith respeot Moreover (n > 0) • (7) Clearly, the coefficients of the polynomials numbers into symmetric coefficients. F n (x,y, z) = ~ l.. l~i,j,k More precisely, let a.. k x n,~,J, i-I y j-1 zk-J. A straightforward algebraic argument shows that lent to the recurrence relation on the (9) and for alII , , ,1 n ~ 2, are non- Theorem 1 then gives a refinement of the Genocchi negative integers. (8) Fn(x,y,z) =1 1 ~ , a l ,~,J . . ,k = 0 i, j, k ~ n (5) (n > 0) and (6) a n,J.,J, . . k's if (i,j,k) f (1,1,1) are equiva- -4- (10) = k-l~i~n-l l an,i,j,k [i-I] k-2 [i-I] k-l an-1,i-l,j-l,i + [i-I] an-l,i,j,i· (an-l,i-l,j,i + an-l,i,j-l,i) + k-3 We then have another way of stating theorem 1 lb. Theorem. Let an,1,J, . . k (n integers defined by (i, j, k) and any and (9) 1 1, ( 1" , ~ i, j, k ~ n) be the sequenae of Then:lfor any sequenae of integers (10). pe~tation (11) ~ J·v , k') of (i, j, k) an, i' , J., , k' Moreover (12) G2n+2 = l l~i,j,k~n a n,1,J, . . k •. A table of the first values of the coefficients a n,1,J, . . k appears in table 2. Theorem la is proved in section 2. It is a consequence of an earlier result due to Carlitz [2], Riordan and Stein [7]. The main result of our paper is stated in theorem 2, which provides with a aombinatoriaZ interpretation for the sequence map f of the interval [2n] = 0, 2, exaeedant, if the inequality x each n > 0 let onto the subset to An and x An f(x) 2n} [2n]. ... , 2n} holds for every x of the even integers. The ordered pair A into itself is said to be in [2n] For denote the set of all exceedant surjections of {2, 4, 6, to ~ ... , (Fn(x,y'Z))n>O. (x, f(x)) Let f [2n] belong is said to be an -5- upper reaord of f for all y with = 1, if either x 1 ~ Y ~ x, maximum oaaurrenae of f or 1 < x a fixed point 1 ~ x ~ 2n-l if of and ~ 2n f and if fey) < f(x) f(x) = 2n f(x) = x and a The number of upper records (resp. fixed points, maximum occurrences) of f denoted by 2. I(f) Theorem. (resp. For eaah J(f), is K(f)). the trivariate generating funation n > 0 (13) of the veator (I, J, K) over An is equaZ to It follows from theorems (14) G2n+ 2 1 and = card xyz Fn(x,y,z) . 2 that (n > 0) • An In fact, this result was already established by the first author [4], when he gave the first combinatorial interpretations for the Genocchi It also follows from theorem 1 that the distribution of the numbers. vector is symmetria. (I, J, K) 'This property of symmetry can be proved directly, as ShOMl in sections 3 and 4. elements f points, and in An K(f) having =k 3 it is proved that prove the role of s~netry i and I(f) =i Let upper records, maximum occurrences a n,l.,], .. k (1 ~ (10) be the number of J(f) =j i,j,k,n). satisfies recurrence it suffices to establish k. a n,1,], .. k fixed In section relation (10) • after permuting the More precisely, it suffices to prove that To -6- r an,i,j,k = ].• 1 0 1 [.e.-IJ i-I an-l,.e.,j-l,k-l ~-l.~n- (15) .e.-I) [ i-2 (an-l,.e.,j,k-l This is done in section 4. + an-l,.e.,j-l,k~ [.e.-I) i-3 an-l,.e.,j,k· As the distribution of the vector is symmetric, there exist invoZutions An + + f + f9 and f + fll (1, J, K) of the set with the following properties 1 (f t ) = J(f) , J(f' ) l(f) , K(f' ) = K(f) J(f ll ) = K(f) , K(fll) = J(f) = on the one hand, and l(fll) = l(f) , on the other hand. Such involutions are described in section 5. They are based upon the combinatorial constructions given in section 3 and 4. Numerical tables are added at the end of the paper. The authors thank Professor Carlitz for his interest in the present results, and also his giving them an interesting note [3] with .explicit formulas for 2. THE GANDHI CONJECTURE. Gandhi bers. Fn(x,y,z) • Let [5] proposed the following conjecture about Genocchi num- (P (z)) >0 n n- be the sequence of polynomials in one variable defined by the recurrence relation z -7- Po(z) =1 Pn(z) = z2 (16) P _1 (z+1) - (z_1)2 P _ (z) n n 1 for n ~ 1 • Then, Gandhi conjectured that (17) G2n +2 = Pn (1) held for any by Carlitz n [2] ~ o. The conjecture was immediately proved to be correct and Riordan and Stein The change of variables [7] . ~ (n (18) (~(z))n>O yields a sequence of polynomials 1) defined by the recurrence relation Ql (z) = 1 (19) ~(z) = (Z+1)2 ~_l(z+l) - z2 ~(z) relation G2n + 2 = ~ (1) (20) ~~en comparing (6) with (19) implies (17) (n > 0) • it is readily (21) Hence (n > 1) see~ that (n > 0) • (7) is a consequence of (20) and (21). will be completed if the symmetry of the polynomials is established. This can be done as follows. symmetric with respect to the pair {x,y}. The proof of theorem 1 Fn(x,y,z) Relation (6) (n > 0) is clearly It then suffices to show -8- that (6) also holds when x and z are permuted. In other words, it suffices to establish the following recurrence relation (22) Fn(X,y,z) = (x+y)(x+z) Fn_l(x+l,y,z) First Fl(x,y,z) = 1 and (6) let m > 2 and assume that x 2 Fn- l(x,y,z) (n > 1) • imply that (22) F (x,y,z) = xy + yz + zx. Now 2 has been established for any n < m • Then F (x,y,z) m = (x+z)(y+z) F l(x,y,z+l) - z2 F l(x,y,z) mm- = (x+z)(y+z)((x+y)(x+z) 2 - Z by induction on m. F _ (x+l,y,z+1) - x 2 F _ (x,y,z+1)) m2 m2 ((x+y)(x+z) F _2 (x+l,y,z) - x 2 F _ (x,y,z)) m m2 By associating the first with the third second with the fourth one, and using (6) we clearly obtain te~m, (22) and the (with m replacing n). 3. EXCEEDANT SURJECTIONS. For any n, i, j, k > 0 denote by An,l,J, . . k the set of all exceedant surjections f of [2n] onto {2, 4, 6, ... , 2n} which have I(f) = i upper records, J(f) = j fixed points, and K(f) =k maximum occurrences. Also let A n,.,.,k = U ., I 1,J~ A n,i,j,k and A , = n,l,~,. The purpose of this section is to prove that U j,k~l A an,l,J, . . k • • k • n,l,J, = card An,l,J, . . k -9- satisfies recurrence relation (10). As was noticed in the introduction, this is equivalent to proving theorem 2. Let If = card an, • , . , k (23) (x, f(x)) An, • , • , k and k, R. > f(x) 0 denote by (c , c 2 ' l ... , = card An , ]., . •, • is an upper record (resp. fixed point, maximum occurrence) of an exceedant surjection f, the index and a n ,.]., • ,. c _ ) k l it will be convenient to say that x the vaZue of the ordered pair (x , f(x)) . is For any ([R.+1] ) the set of all the (R.+l) increasing sequences k-1 k-l with length k - 1 satisfying the inequalities (24) If k =1 (25) the set ([~:~]) Construction of a bijection iP : of An,.,.,k onto For each f valued map Clearly g t l , t z, in A n f + ((c , c ' ••• , c _ ) , g) Z k 1 l [R.+l]) x A U k-l~R.~n-1 n-1,.,.,R. for' ( k-l n > I . with n > 1 define the following integral- g by g(x) (26) Let only contains the empty sequence. = min (Zn-2 , f(x)) for is an exceedant surjection of ... , 1 s x s 2n-2 . [Zn-2] onto {Z, 4, 6, .•. , 2n-2} t.e be the indices of the R. maximum occurrences of g, labeled from left to right, so that 1 ~ t l < tz < ••• < tR. = Zn-3. Also -10- t l +1 = 2n-2. The equality f(x) = 2n equal to 2n, 2n-1 or one of the indices let cannot hold, unless x is have t , ,t 2 , ••• , t + . Let f 1 l 1 k maximum occurrences, whose indices are denoted by sl' 52' ••• , sk ' with 1 S sl < s2 < ••• < sk = 2n-1 . As occur in the (t 1 , t 2 , ••• , t + 1 ) , the map g belongs to An-l,.,.,-{..b with l k - 1 s l. Also l S n - 1 , because every exceedant surjection in sequence An _l cannot have more than the sequence subscripts n - 1 maximum occurrences. (c l , c 2 ' ... , c _ ) k l c such that If k > 1 define as being the increasing sequence of the (27) By construction 1 S c (28) If k (2n-l =1 1 < C z< ••• < c _ S l + 1 • k 1 let (c l , c ' ••• , c _1 ) be the empty sequence. k 2 f(2n-l)) is the only maximum occurrence of f and the restriction of f to the interval f f(x) g(x) (c 1 ' =1 =6 =6 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 4 8 6 8 8 8 2 4 6 6· 6 2 = k = 3 , K(g) = l = 3 ... , ck_1) = (2, 4) . K(f) is simply ((c , c ' ... , c _l ) , g) k l 2 defined by: x Here g [2n-2]. In the following example we determine the pair associated with In this case , (t , 1 .... , t l + 1) = (1, 4, 5, 6) and -11- Clearly is injective. ~ To prove that is also bijective and ~ give the aonstruation of its inverse ~-l we proceed as follows. g belong to A $ with 0 n-l,.,.,~ satisfy denoted by f = ~-l The map (Z8) t l , t z, f(x) = Zn g has , ((c , c , l z , t,e' =tc if x Clearly (Z6) if g(x) holds. With 1 $ l x t $ n - I and let t maximum occurrences that will be c _ ) , g) k l (29) = k - I = 2n-Z tt+l define by , t C , ..• , t c _ , Zn-l , Zn z k l $ 2n-Z and x The inequality k - 1 t c , t C , ... , t c _ . k l l z ~ $ together with t that the set [t+l]\{c , c ' ..• , c _l } is non-empty. 2 k l ment of this set. Then (29) inplies that proves that f is also an exceedant surjection. is the increasing sequence of the c.1 's 3. Proposition. Let; f ((C , c ' ... , c _ ) , g). I J(g) 2 = J(f) Proof. and From k l or J(f) - 1) (29) ..., (c l , c z, beZong to Then ) c. 1 I (f) j (20) imply be any eleThis 2n-2 . (c l , c ' •.• , c k _l ) 2 = 2n and J(f) are . n,.,.,K1 and ~(f) = leg) = I(f) or l(f) - 1 A aaaording as it follows that c _ ) k l Let Finally f(t with The next proposition shows how the numbers related with the sequence Let f(x) I (resp. = g(x) t + 1) if x g have the same upper records within the interval (resp. does o~ does Hence - 1]. f If -12- c1 =1 then (t 1 ' g(t 1 )) (resp. (t 1 ' f(t 1)) Hence leg) = l(f) (resp. f) . record of g . is the rightmost upper If 1 < cl and 1 < k , (t , 2n-2) is an upper record for both f and g • It is l also the rightmost upper record for g The pair (t , 2n) is also cl an upper record, but for f only. As there are no upper records of f the pair between Finally, if , 2n), we conclude that c1 the map g is the restriction of k = 1 , the relation [1, 2n-3] . In the interval g(2n-2) = 2n-2 f and Moreover [2n-2, 2n] < f(2n-2) (2n, 2n) (i) = 2n (2n, 2n) since (2n-2 , 2n-2) In case (ii) g(n-2) = f(2n-2) = 2n-2 = J(f) is a fixed point of f. is a fixed point of both f and g. f. Hence In case Hence J(g) c _ = t + 1 and (ii) k l (c l , c ' ••• , c _ l ) . 2 k corresponds to the case where t and there are two possibilities to consider J(g) case where [2n-2] f. is a fixed point of g, .. but not of 4. to is always a fixed point of (2n-2, 2n-2) (i) f - 1 • g have the same fixed points within the (i) Now = I(f) leg) leg) = ref) - 1 is evident. Clearly, the maps interval (t and (t l , 2n-2) 1 does not occur in + Corollary. The sequenae (a . . k) n, 113, satisfies reaurrenae (ii) = J(f) to the Q.E.D. (9), (10) . since Al only contains the element 1,1,1,1 = 1 , f = f(l) f(2) = 2 2. For n > 1 it follows from proposition 3 that the Proof. set First a A . . k is mapped under n,1,J, ~ - 1 . onto the union of the following sets -13- 1, l+li{cl""~_l} g) U{((c 1 ,···,C k_l ) ~ c _ k l =l+l , g€An- 1 ,1. 1,J, . l} = c1 ~ c _ k 1 < l+l g€An- 1 ,1,). . 1 , l} = cl ~ c _ k l =l+l g€An- 1 ,1,J, . . l} , U{((cl,···,c k_l ) , g) 1 < U{((c 1,·· .,c k_l ) g) 1 U{((cl,···,c k _l ) g) 1 where the range of l g€An- 1 ,1. 1 ,J. 1, l} cl is the interval [k-l, n-l] • Clearly, the cardi- nalities of these four unions are the four summations occurring in the right hand side member of relation (10). Q.E.D. 4. TIED UPPER RECORDS. A new combinatorial construction is used to prove identity will be described in this section. notion of tied upper reaord. Let upper records, whose indices are (15) and The keyrole will be played by the f belong to An (n>l) 51' s2' ..• , si and have i labeled from right to left, so that 1 = si Clearly, convention sl < si_l is the smallest integer So = 2n + 1. sl < ••• < x 2n • such that The upper record called tied, if there exists an integer < f(x) (sk' f(sk)) = 2n By of f is x with the property that (30) Otherwise, the upper record is said to be untied. As f(2n-1) = f(2n) = 2n , -14- the map f always has a tied upper record. the tied upper record of Let ) f(sp)) denote Put P(f) =P the upper record:: "(5.1 )f(s.)) ]. is (5 P with least value" f(sp) . f so that =i I(f) For any x = 3) 4) ••• ) 2n = P(f) P ~ 1 • define hex) = f(x) (31) ~ if x;t S. 1- 1) .•• ) sp+1 = f(sk+1) if x = sk and i In particular) when P(f) already tied) and h =P =i ) > k ~ P is simply the restriction of f to the interval [3) 2n] . 5. Lemma. If f is an exceedant surjection of no fixed point of f Proof. since 6. If f(x) f = x) Let then x But then f is even) say 2k. (2k, f(2k)) Then {2) 4) 6) .•. ) 2n: f(2k-1) [3) 2n] onto ~ 2k , cannot be an upper record. Q.E.D. belong to An and h defined by h is an exceedant surjection of Moreover h onto can be an upper record of f. is exceedant. Propos it i on. [2n] (31) • Then {4, 6) 8, ... , 2n} • has the same fixed points as the restriction of f to [3, 2n] • -15- Proof. Let 3 hex) = f(x) x 2n . ~ h(sk) = f(sk+1) = f(sk- 1) then sk record and val sk+1 (sk+l' f(sk+1» then less than [2j-2] = sk = sk (i) sk+1 = 2j When x ~ si_l' ••• , sp+1 ' sp' When x x. ~ considered: ~ with 1 > i < P ~ k two cases are to be (ii) sk+1 < sk - 1. In case Then h(sk) ~ sk' sk - 1. = 2j-l with = (2j-1 , 2j) j The map > 1. Each f(x) 2j • Hence, the restriction of f is itself an exceedant surjection. = f(sk+1) (ii) h(sk) is an untied upper record. sk = 2j with j because (sk+1 of f 1. On the one hand, f(sk+1» is untied. > f to [3, 2n] is latter set. f x = 1 , As with x < 2j-l 3 ~ If x = sk+1 ~ 3 = s.1 = 1 As If with Finally, if x = s h(z) = f(z), again f(sk+1) > i < k P f(2j-l) f(2j-1) (31) ~ 2j and Let 1 f(l) , f(2) x ~ ~ P s.1- l' =y f(s.) ... , again h(z) = y . ~ 4 > 2 s.1 = 1 Also h(s.1- 2) there is an integer sk y be an integer of the then p+1 > It remains to show that is equal to 5 = sk that h and the restriction is surjective, there is an integer x with = f(s.) = Y . If x = 2 , 1 and 2 = f(s.) < f(s.1- 1) = y 1 Suppose now x (sk+1' f(sk+1) In both cases the strict inequality h(sk) h(s.1- 1) s.1- 2 = On the other hand, {4, 6, 8, ••• , 2n}. then x is Hence h(sk) > sk . If h(sk) = sk have the same fixed points. at least one of the values and has the upper because = h(sk) sk ' Accordingly, it has a tied sk' It then follows from lemma 5 and the range of h If ~ h(sk) = sk to the non-empty inter- f(sk- l ) ~ sk - 1, Thus leading to a contradiction. holds. > (i) If h(sk) upper record and this contradict the definition of P(f). In case then , S P and z with = f(2), 2 because Then Si_I f(x) = Y s.l- 1 ~ =x =2 , = f(s.1- 1) = y then hex) 3 • = f(x) = y f(sk+1) = y and f(Sp) Q.E.D. = fez) . -16- Let us keep the same notations as in i > k ~ P 3 ~ sk. and assume that for any x < sk+l' since (sk+l' f(sk+l)) each j > k, is untied. As we conclude that 3 with x < sp ~ sk. (31). sk+l < x < sk' hex) < h(sk) > > integer (s p f(s)) P for for each 3 ~ x ~ sk. for Hence 1, ..• , P + 1 , P k = i (x, hex)) (sp_l' h(sp_l))' •.. , (sl ' h(sl)) is a tied upper record of x with the property that hex) because are the only upper records of h with indices at least equal to Finally, as ~ f(x) f(Sj+l) = h(Sj) Of course, there may be other upper records On the other hand, Let is an upper record of f. h(sk) = f(sk+1) (sk ' h(sk)) .is an upper record of h when and Then h(sk) = f(Sk+l) The same inequality holds for any x with (sk+l ' f(sk+l)) (30) p- l ' there is an f s s < x < s 1 and f(s )=f(x). Let p pp x be the smallest integer with this property. Then (x , hex)) = (x , f(x)) is the upper record of h with the p-th For each n > 1 denote by AIn- 1 of [3 , 2n] onto indices of the the set of all exceedant surjections {4, 6, 8 , .•. , 2n} . have obvious meanings. uppe~ Put I(h) = i records of h greatest value. Notations such as A'n- 1. ,1,.,. , ... and denote by t l , t 2, ... , t the i labeled from right to left, so that (32) Also let t + = 2. i l sl' s2' ••• , si_l From the above remarks it follows that the indices sense to define the sequence (33) (t l , t 2 , ... , t i + l ) . It makes (d , d , ... , d _ ) by the equation i l 2 l occur in the sequence .•. , t d ) i-I -17- If (d I , d , ... , d _ ) 2 i I i = 1 the sequence is empty. Furthermore (34) with (d , d , ... , dp _I ) = (1, 2, ... , P - 1) I 2 (35) and p + 1 ~ d (36) When f(I) # f(Z), P < ••• < d. 1 s l 1- + 1 • the upper record of h with the value is p-th greatest Hence h(tp ) (37) = f(s p ) . When f(I) = feZ) ,. the map h is the restriction of f .2 (38) = f(s p ) to [3,2n] . Finally hEAln- 1 ,~,.,. 0 with (39) Note that (35) occurring in (40) and i-I mean that (36) ~ l S n - 1 . p is the smallest integer not (d , d 2 , ... , di _l ) . I Construation of a bijeation ~ of An,i,.,. : f onto + ((d I , d Z' ... , d i _I ) , h) i-lJSn.-i ([f:i1) x A~_I,l,.,. (n>I). and so -18- With f and =P P(f) ..., d. and the sequence (31) 7. in A. n,1,.,. 1- the map 1) h id defined by (33) • by Example. Consider the following map f x f(x) Here =1 =! 2 8 5 6 6, 10 = i = 6. I(f) lined. 2 3 4 7 8 6 8 12 9 10 10 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 14 16 14 16 16 Indices and values of upper records of fare under- Thus (si_1' .•• , 52' 51) = (1, 3, 5. 8, 12, 13) • The pair with least value. hex) = = I (h) = £. = 7 x and A5 4 6 8 ... , (5.1- l' in K(h) Hence • 6 8 Then 52' s 1) . = is bijeative. = K(f) or = P = 3. , 12) is the tied upper record According to (31) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 10 12 12 14 16 14 16 16 (t£.+l' • •• , t 2, t 1 ) = (2, 3, 4. 5. 8. 10. 12. 13) • (3. 5, 8. 12, 13) , the (d • d 2 , ... , d.1- 1) = 1 Proposition. The mapping (40) = (8 ' f(S3)) P(f) 3 4 5 6 7 (1, 2, 4. 5. 7) 8. = (s3 (sp' f(sp)) ~: f FUrthe~ore ((d1, d2• J(h) = J(f) K(f) - 1) aaaording as £. + 1 • ••• d. 1) • h) l- or (resp. J (f) - 1 1) defined (resp. does or -19- does not ~ of in (d 1 , d 2, ••• , di _1) • FinaZZy, the inverse is defined by the foZZowing aZgorithm (i) - (vi) . OCJCUP ~ -1 ((d 1 , d 2, ••. , di _1) , h) satisfy (34) and (39), and denote by t 1, t , ••• , t l the indices of the l upper records of h, 2 so that (32) holds. The algorithm for ~-1 is the following: Let (i) (ii) (iii) determine p by =1 put s.~ by (33) ; f(l) , t + l 1 (v) (vi) = h(sk) f(sk+1) if sk = hex) if x ~ f(sp) = 2 or h(t p ) f(x) If d. 1 ~- =l f(l) =2 either i < f(2). = 1, + 1, = (2 (5.1- 1 ' f(5.1- 1» and define (51' 52' ••• , s..1- 1) ~ ~ 3 and 3 and x ~ is obvious. =td ~. , f(2» 1- p ~(f) Let 1 2 = f(2) ~ (41) d.1- 1 =l . + lor not. = ((d l , d , ••• , d _ ) , 2 i 1 = to 1 = 2 • The pair ~+ In particular, is an,upper record of f. , then si_1 = t d . 1 1- (d , d , ... , d _ ) , 2 i 1 l If i = 1 the map f = 2n has only one upper record and necessarily f(l) 2n > f(l) P ; =i =1 i > land d.1- 1 < l + 1 • i > 1 and d. 1 < l + 1 ~- (resp. sk_1' ••• , sp+1 according as then s·_l ~ i > k When l + 1 does not occur in or d.~- 1 (d!, d 2, ••• , di _1); Proof. The injectivity of h). =2 (36) ; f(2)) = 2 if l + 1 is equal to (resp. does not occur in (iv) and (35) ~ tl , f(2) -= 3 • =2 In this case Thus + 1 if f(l) = 2 < f(2) , and s.1- 1 • If =2 , -20- and l + 1 does not occur in (42) if f(l) ~ 2 = f(2) (d , d , ••• , d _ ) 1 2 i 1 and s.1- 1 ~ 3 • Taking into accout proposition 6 the number J(h) h is equal to J(f) or J(f) - 1, of fixed points of according as l + 1 does or does not occur in (d , d , ••• , d _1) i 1 2 In the same manner, if d1 = 1, then (35) and (36) imply that 1 < P = P(f). The maps f and h have the same maximum occur- rences. P(f) If 1 does not occur in = P = 1. (d , d , •.• , d _1), then i 1 2 In this case h(sl) = f(s2) < 2n = f(sl) . As f(x) for every x > s1' we conclude that K(h) = K(f) - 1. = hex) This proves the first part of the proposition. Conversely, let and f f defined by ((d , d 2, 1 (i) - (vi) • ... , d. 1- 1) , h) satisfy (34) (39) , It is straightforward to verify that is an exceedant surjection, and its image under ~ is the above ordered pair. 9. and Q.E.D. Corollary. The sequence (a . . k) n, 1,), satisfies rea~enae (9) , (15) • be in A . . k and ~(f) = ((d 1 , d 2 , ••. , d1._ 1) , h) • n,l,J, According to proposition 8 the map h belongs to A'n-1,-\..,J-1, o· k-1 ' Proof. Let f -21- Atn- 1 ,~,J, 0 • k 1 ' At 1 0 • 1 k or AIn- 1,~,J, 0 • k n- ,~,J- , , according as neither 1 nor .f.. + 1 occur in (d , d , ••• , d _ ) , 1 < d S d _ = .f.. + 1 , 1 2 l i 1 i l 1 = d S d _ < .f.. + 1 , 1 = d S d _ = t + 1 • 1 i 1 1 i 1 / Q.E.D. 5. INVOLUTIONS. Let 1 S c l < c 2 < ••• < ck_l S t The mapping + 1. where is an involution of the set the single element of Al and f is in A n,.,.,k ~ (43) f-+ ((c , c , z l (44) f-+ ((d ' d , 1 2 ~ . [[.f..+l 1) Let f' = fll k-l When n > 1 , 1 S k S n A ) n,i,.,. (resp. and (resp. ... , d _ ) , h) -+ ((di' di, ... , d!1- 1) , h") i 1 ~ f 1 S z, ••• t k_1 ) c ~-l , g t) -+ iy-l -+ i S n) f' f" , of A 1 and h -+ h" of At nn-l Note that (43) and (44) involve the g -+ g' defined in is form the sequences c _ ) , g) -+ ((ci, c k 1 have been defined by induction. ~ when ... , assuming that the involutions bijections =f (25) and (40) respectively. -22- 10. Proposition. For eaah n > 0 the transfoPmations f defined by f + fil A n and (43) (44) + f' and respeative Zy are invo Zutions of with the foZZowing properties l(f') = J(f) , J(f') = l(f) , K(f') = K(f) and = ref) , J(f") By construction 1 (resp. l(f") Proof. (ci, c z, ... , ck_1) occur in sequ~nce and f , K(f") = J(f) • does or does not occur in l + 1) if and only if l + 1 (resp. 1) does or does not (c l , c 2' ••• , ck_l ). Proposition 10 is then a simple conof propositions 3 and 8. For instance if 1 = c 1 ~ c k _l < l + 1 is in An, 1,), •. k ' g' is in A ' 1 ,1,.(.. . h n- I,Jin An,J,1, .. k • 11. = K(f) Example. • then As Let us determine element of A • 4 g belongs to A ' . 1 ,.(..h • By induction n- I,1,J1 < ci ~ c _1 = l + 1, the map f' is k Q.E.D. f' and fll when f is the following -23- x = 1 234 5 6 7 8 323 f(x) = 4 2 6 8 6 8 8 8 223 g(x) = c 1,···,ck _1 £+1 42666 6 2,4 4 1 2 2 4 244 2,3 3 111 2 2 1 2 I J K k_ ci,···,c 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 212 2 444 1,2 3 223 266 466 1,3 4 23 3 f' (x) = 2 8 6 4 8 6 8 8 x =' 1 2 3 456 7 8 323 f(x) = 4 2686888 3 1 2 hex) = d 1 ,···,di _1 £+1 P 4 6 6 8 8 8 2,3 4 1 2 1 2 6 8 8 8 1,3 3 2 1 1 1 8 8 2 2 1 1 2 2 I J K di,.··,di_l 1 1 1 8 8 221 668 8 1,3 3 2 321 4 6 668 8 2,3 4 1 332 f"(x) = 4 2 6 8 6 6 8 8 -24- 6. TABLES. Table 2 gives the first values of the coefficients an,1.,J, ° ° k • Because of the symmetry only the values of an,1.,J, . ° k with are shown. TABLE n i j k an. 1.. °i •k 1 111 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 123 1 223 2 123 4 5 i j k 1 S j S k 2 ° i °k an. 1.. i,j ,k an.i.i,k , 133 1 222 2 1 124 2 133 4 134 22;) 3 144 1 222 2 8 224 6 233 12 234 3 333 6 123 124 8 125 6 133 3 16· 134 24 135 11 144 22 145 6 155 1 222 6 223 32 224 48 225 22 233 84 2 3 4· 74 235 18 244 36 245 4 333 126 334 60 335 6 344 12 -25- REFERENCES 1. L. Car1itz, The Staudt-Clausen Theorem, Math. Magazine 131-146. 2. L. Car1itz, A conjecture concerning Genocchi numbers, K. norske Vidensk. SeZsk. Sk. 9 (1972), 1-4. 3. L. Car1izt, Private communication (1974). 4. D. Dumont, Interpr~tations combinatoires des nombres de Genocchi, Duke Math. J. 41 (1974), 305-318. 5. J.M. Gandhi, A conjectured representation of Genocchi numbers, Amer. Math. MonthZy 77 (1970), 505-506. 6. G.H; Hardy and E.M. Wright, An Introduation to the Theory of Nwnbers, Oxford University Press, London, 1938. 7. J. Riordan and P. Stein, Proof of a conjecture on Genocchi numbers, Disarete Math. 5 (1973), 381-388. 35 (1961), Present address of the two authors: de Math~matique de Strasbourg D~partement Universit~ ~rue Ren~-Descartes 67084 Strasbourg FRANCE
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