
Lake View High School
Programming Info 2016-17
Ms. Jellissen and Mr. Rosenberg
Scheduling Timeline
Course Catalog Published to Lake View Website
Course Recommendations Finalized
Diverse Learner programming - students and service providers meet to build
11th grade programming
Transcript, recommendation and course catalog review during advisory
Classes entered in Sound during PE/JROTC
Diverse Learner programming - students and service providers meet to build
10th grade programming
Transcript, recommendation and course catalog review during advisory
Classes entered in Sound during PE/JROTC (except students in driver's ed)
Diverse Learner programming - students and service providers meet to build
9th grade programming
Transcript, recommendation and course catalog review during advisory
Classes entered in Sound during PE/JROTC
Distribute copies of student choices during advisory.
Programming for incoming 9th graders during registration.
Tentative student schedules are posted on Gradebook.
Graduation Requirements
4 Years
3 Years
3 Years
Social Science
3 Years
World Language
2 Years of the same world language
Fine Arts
2 years - one year of art, one year of music
ALL high school students are required to be
enrolled in daily physical education
Promotion Policy
Sophomore Status: 5.0 units of credit
Junior Status: 11.0 units of credit and
Senior Status: 17. 0 units of credit
(40 Service Learning Hours Total)
Recommendation Process
Using Data: Test scores will determine a portion of our Honors and AP population
Using Teachers’ Knowledge of Students: Teacher recommendations will determine
placement for the vast majority of students in all Core Departments. Based on
criteria determined internally within the Department, teachers will recommend
students to Prep, Honors, or AP classes
Varying Needs: Recommendations in Focus Departments (Art, Computer Science,
Music, World Language) will rely on diagnostic testing, teacher recommendation,
and student choice, depending on the department’s structure.
Student View: During course registration, students will only have access to classes
that have been recommended to them.
Advanced Placement Scheduling
What is Advanced Placement (AP)?
College level courses while in high school
Potential for college credit (Score 3+)
Fast paced, heavy workload, rigorous
GPA weight: out of 6.0 scale
Scheduling for AP
Students that score in the top 10% on their EPAS exams will receive recommendations for AP
Students can also request a recommendation from their teacher for AP classes
Maximum of 2 per school year
Advanced Placement Scheduling
Marketing classes
● AP student videos will be uploaded to LV website by next week along with
course descriptions
Teachers will be promoting courses the last two weeks in January
Some classes require students to take a pre-tests and student interviews
All students enrolled in AP classes will receive a parent letter that specifies
course expectations, course load, AP exam, etc.
Tips for Parents
Review course descriptions online with your student.
Look over list of available courses by grade level.
Discuss which classes are relevant to their interests.
Make sure student signs up for all required courses to meet graduation
Email AP/Dual Credit Teachers if you have questions regarding class
expectations, curriculum, work load, etc.
In May, review the tentative schedule with your student.
Contact counselors if you have any questions regarding the finalized