
Principal Report | October 29th, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal,
PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP: The 7 Standards School Leadership UPDATES: Continuous Improvement • Department Teams & Course Teams are approaching their Q1 Common Assessment, which will be given to students aligned to Instructional Priority #1: “Assess to Grow” aligned to LVHS values Ownership & Mastery: We will use common assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). • The teacher-­‐led Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) is led the staff school-­‐wide on a “Learning Walk” with every teacher visiting nearly every classroom aligned to Instructional Priority #2: “Critical Thinking and Reading” aligned to LVHS Values Honor & Education: We will be critical thinkers and readers using claims, evidence, and reasoning (3b, 3c). • ILT collaborating with “Network for College Success” to facilitate the “Learning Walk” and determine next steps in support LVHS staff aligned to our Targeted Instructional Area, “We will be critical thinkers and readers using claims, evidence, and reasoning (3b, 3c).” • Administration is prioritizing the budget and attending and co-­‐facilitating teacher meetings in alignment to the CIWP and the budget funding of the following teams and priority areas at LVHS: Instructional Leadership Team ($4,614.98); Dept. Leaders ($8,525.98); Freshmen On-­‐Track Team ($5,631.84); Diverse Learning Team ($3,128.80); and the PostSecondary Leadership Team ($2,815.92). • Following teams are meeting on a regular basis: ILT, Dept. Leaders, FOT, Diverse Learning, Attendance, and the PostSecondary Leadership Team to ensure appropriate supports for students. • Department Leaders and Course Team Leaders continue to lead the work of “Assess to Grow” Instructional Leadership § Assessment using “Protocols” to support meetings in alignment with the Professional Learning Plan. § Curriculum • Department Leaders will be gaining additional support in collaboration with “UChicagoImpact” in § Instruction the work of developing team capacity to lead the instructional priority “Assess to Grow.” • Display cases are forthcoming for installation in the hallways for representation of every department in the school and their student work aligned to “Critical Thinking and Reading.” th
• We had approximately 350 visitors attend Open House on October 24 with the PAC and LVHS Student-­‐Centered Partners 501c3 in representation, with learning activities planned for all visitors from each Learning Climate department (see “Schedule of Events” attached). § High Academic Expectations § Personalism and Caring • “Restorative Justice” efforts school-­‐wide are producing far less misconducts this year in § Discipline and Order comparison to last year with “Restorative Conversations” taking place school-­‐wide when necessary. • School-­‐wide posters provided in each classroom to articulate shared mission, common behavioral practices school-­‐wide, and shared communication and support for staff at LVHS. • Attendance incentives and data is being broadcast school-­‐wide near the attendance office to increase awareness, competitiveness between grade levels, and celebrate improvements. Professional Development • The ILT is leading the LVHS staff in morning “Flex PD” Meetings as outlined on the attached “Professional Learning Plan” to support continuous improvement at LVHS aligned to “Critical and Human Resources Thinking and Reading” with future meetings focused primarily on supporting the staff’s use of a Management “Powerful Practice” in their department(s). § Professional Development • Administration is currently engaged in the REACH process in evaluating instruction with non-­‐
§ Recruitment and Hiring evaluative visits to the following for support and accountability: classrooms, advisory lessons, and § Staff Observation/Evaluation team meetings. and Instructional Supervision • LVHS recently was allocated six (6) additional paraprofessional roles for the positions of Special Education Classroom Assistants. • Math Teacher, Mrs. Varghese retired recently opening a Math Position for hire at LVHS. th
• Annual PAC Title I Meeting took place on September 15 with approximately 30 attendees. Parent Involvement and th
• PAC Organizational Meeting took place on October 20 at 6:30pm with officers and meeting dates Community Partnership selected and attached (see attachment). § Parent Involvement • First monthly LVHS Newsletter was released to students, staff, and parents to increase § Community Partnerships engagement with our stakeholders (see attached). § Builds High Performing Teams § Coordinates the Work of Others § Implements the Vision Page 1 of 3
Principal Report | October 29th, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal,
School Management & Daily Operations § Daily Operations § Fiscal Management Interpersonal Effectiveness § Communications § Interpersonal Sensitivity • LVHS receiving supportive professional development through partnership with University of Chicago’s Network for College Success to include support for Principal, Asst Principals, Counselors, College/Career Coach, Data Strategist, Department Leaders, Care Team Leaders, FOT Team Leader, and other facilitative trainings. • An announcement was made an announcement was made from local aldermanic support stating that the 2016 Budget for the City of Chicago will include a “multi-­‐million dollar investment for Lake View High School” so that our HOME can be the “crown jewel of our community” with “stronger connections to area elementary schools.” I am looking forward to sharing developments with the LSC and working to serve you, our students, and our community by ensuring these investments from our city and community best support our students, staff, and school (see attached staff memo). • The newly formed PAC is “brainstorming” opportunities for parental support and involvement with updates included on our LVHS Website (attached). • Alumni from the Class of 1962 are planning for increased involvement at LVHS. • Former “Friends of Lake View High School” donated $14,856.09 to LVHS (see letter to staff attached). • Chicago Cubs graciously donated $5,000.00 to LVHS for continued support. • Ongoing Capital Improvements taking place: Masonry • Grinding / anchors East Side of Building mostly complete. • Tuckpointing East side – mostly complete. • Grinding / Anchors North side of building – this work is expected to begin as early as 9/25 (pending a sidewalk closure permit issuance by the City) and should be complete in ~10 days once it starts. • Tuckpointing North Side – mostly complete. • Grinding / Anchors West Side – The goal is to start that work somewhere in the middle of the grinding work for the North side and it expected to last approximately 3 weeks or less. • Tuckpointing West Side – should be completed approximately 2 weeks after grinding. Fire Escapes • East Side (2 fire escapes) -­‐ Mostly comlete welding work on the north one and the south escape on this elevation is mostly complete also. • West side – The work at this elevation will start after the East elevation is complete and should take approximately 1 ½ weeks. • Bridge on the roof – Will start after the West side is done and should last approximately 1 week. Painting and Interior Repair • Much of the necessary hallway, staircase, classroom, and office repairs and repainting will take place during the non-­‐attendance hours of school breaks, such as Winter and Spring Break, as well as the Summer of 2016. • Several office spaces are almost complete. • MEMOs provided to staff and Office Hours solidified school-­‐wide for stakeholders. • Scott receives regular coaching and mentorship from the Network for College Success and New Leaders (organization Scott graduated from). • Staff feedback and involvement in decision-­‐making from SY2014-­‐2015 was used in designing the Professional Learning Plan for SY2015-­‐2016 and additional feedback will be sought from staff for planning the use of Flex PD time to accomplish the Targeted Instructional Area. CIWP (SY2015-­‐2016): 1)
CCSS Literacy: Through the development of a vertically aligned “Course of Study” in SY2014-­‐2015, LVHS will now focus on using common formative and summative assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). (Ownership & Mastery). CCSS Math: Through the development of a vertically aligned “Course of Study” in SY2014-­‐2015, LVHS will now focus on common formative and summative will now focus on using common formative and summative assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). (Ownership & Mastery). Page 2 of 3
Principal Report | October 29th, 2015
Scott Grens, Principal,
Science: Through the development of a vertically aligned “Course of Study” in SY2014-­‐2015, LVHS will now focus on common formative and summative will now focus on using common formative and summative assessment results to design units and lessons (1e) that shift instruction from “coverage of content” to “student growth” (3d). (Ownership & Mastery). Specialized Academic Programs: As an Early College STEM School, staff-­‐wide collaboration will identify a Targeted Instructional Areas (TIA) (TBD in August/September as one area of student need school-­‐wide); the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) will then lead the staff through a series of professional development opportunities in a “Professional Learning Cycle” centered around “Powerful Practice(s)” that support the TIA that "We will be critical thinkers and readers using claims, evidence, and reasoning (3b, 3c)." (Honor & Education). College Access & Persistence: Through the development of a Post-­‐Secondary Leadershp Team using the College and Career Lab, LVHS will increase College Enrollment, College Persistence, and Early College/Career Credentials with a focus on progress monitoring the “Post-­‐Secondary Data Tracker” so every student finds his/her “College Match.” (Education). Climate, Culture, and Social Emotional Learning: The establishment of an Advisory Curriculum will now engage all students in learning activities aligned to ASCA standards and SEL skills. The Care Team will ensure a necessary Multi-­‐Tiered Systems of Supports reaches students. The focus on Restorative Justice climate practices will increase supports for all at-­‐risk students and support staff with tired professional development. Additionally, the development of a Freshmen On-­‐Track Team will increase supports for at-­‐risk 9th grade students. (Honor & Ownership). NOTES: Page 3 of 3