INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE WITH OBJECT-ORIENTED MODELLING FCC Case Study R. MADHUSUDANA RAO1, R. RENGASWAMY1,*, A. K. SURESH2 and K. S. BALARAMAN3 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, USA Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India 3 Research and Development, Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Chennai, India 2 P rocess modelling and simulation have emerged as important tools for detailed study and analysis of chemical processes. In activities such as design, optimization and control of processes, realistic process models, which incorporate physics and chemistry of the process in adequate detail, are becoming almost indispensable. Simulation studies also provide guidance in the development of new processes and can reduce both time and capital investment. A difficulty with process models is that they are based on the state of knowledge and simulation objectives defined at the time of their formulation. In addition, it is not easy to modify process models to incorporate new knowledge as it becomes available and as new needs arise. There is a need, therefore, to use advanced modelling and simulation strategies such that refinements and additional capabilities can be incorporated in the model without disproportionate additional effort. This work presents the framework of one such multipurpose process simulator, MPROSIM, an object-oriented process modelling and simulation environment. Though considerable literature is available on process modelling from a subjective or theoretical viewpoint, very little has been published on application of these ideas on complex industrial-scale processes. This being the focus of the paper, a case study of an object-oriented model for automatic generation of a fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) reactor=regenerator is presented. The utility of the framework is illustrated by demonstrating how the model for FCCU could be fine-tuned both structurally and parametrically to represent the behaviour under changing process operating conditions. Keywords: FCCU; FCC model; object-oriented model; process modelling; MPROSIM. INTRODUCTION There is a greater need today than ever before to design and operate chemical processes with a high degree of understanding. This need arises from several factors: an incessant demand for higher quality yields and better products; an increasingly competitive environment that forces plants to be operated in an optimal manner; variable raw material quality; stringent environmental and safety regulations; an increased level of automation arising out of the above factors, and so on. This need for a greater level of understanding has to be seen in context of the fact that chemical processes are usually complex to understand and operate. The complexity arises at different levels: at the level of physicochemical phenomena involved; at the equipment level; and finally at the level of the plant where topological factors resulting from recycles and other connectivities impose additional demands. All these factors mean that mathematical models of increasing complexity have to be used in order to design and operate processes profitably. Good models can also guide the development of new processes and can substantially reduce both time and capital requirements in process development. The utility of a process model strongly depends on its predictive capabilities. The predictions should be reliable over wide ranges of feed composition and process conditions. The availability of such a model, in conjunction with a simulation tool, can then facilitate better insight into plant behaviour through simulations instead of the more expensive and time consuming route involving actual experimentation. The advantages resulting from efforts invested in the activities of process modelling and simulation have to be seen against the fact that any mathematical model is necessarily based on a set of assumptions. Typically, the assumptions are governed by several factors: objectives the model is meant to serve at the time of its formulation; 528 the need to keep the model tractable, consistent with these objectives; state of knowledge about the processes and equipment at the time of formulation of model, and so on. Any or all of these are subject to substantial changes during the life of a plant. It would be therefore desirable to choose a framework for modelling and simulation that allows the flexibility of incorporating changes in parts of the model without having to undertake the entire modelling exercise anew. The present work concerns the development of a process modelling and simulation environment that attempts to address such concerns. The framework, called MPROSIM, is based on the concepts of object-oriented modelling and simulation. In the next section, we first describe the idea and concept of MPROSIM. Some of the recent contributions in process modelling, and methodology of process modelling and hierarchy of modelling objects in MPROSIM are also described. To demonstrate the utility and merits of MPROSIM, we present a case study that concerns the modelling and simulation of FCCU, which in many ways typifies the types of challenges in process modelling and simulation that MPROSIM seeks to address. In MPROSIM, FCCU is modelled as a flowsheet using the fundamental chemical process units. The object-oriented design and representation of the model as a flowsheet are also described. Various studies conducted with the model such as reactor tuning, regenerator tuning, parametric studies on integrated reactor= regenerator model and yield optimization studies, are also presented. We conclude this work with some comments on the utility of an object-oriented framework such as MPROSIM and extension of the framework to form a single environment wherein various process engineering activities can be conducted. MPROSIM—MULTIPURPOSE PROCESS SIMULATOR Concept Typically, in a chemical production unit, process models are used offline instead of online. Some of the reasons for this may have to do with issues of reliability of the process model, inadequate knowledge of the model input parameters, and presence of noise in the data collected from plant. Model reliability is established through extensive validation, after the model has been tuned by estimating the model parameters. Hence, steady-state simulation, data reconciliation (for error detection in the plant data) and parameter estimation are some of the process engineering activities that are very closely related. Typically, these studies would be carried out in different environments, and would also often be based on different models. The main aim of MPROSIM is to develop an integrated framework wherein various process engineering activities can be carried out within the same environment and with the same model. Review of Process Modelling Traditionally, modelling involves identifying the key phenomena occurring in the system that influence the features of interest, developing mathematical equations to describe the phenomena, and solving these equations, most often using numerical techniques with the help of computers. Model development as an activity is expensive, requiring as it does highly skilled manpower with a good amount of process knowledge. Considerable work is also involved in validating the models. Because of the high costs associated with model development and validation, it is desirable that the models retain their relevance and usefulness over a reasonably long period of time. In recent years, a variety of process modelling and simulation tools have been developed. As for the latter, there are several tools, some of which have become commercially successful e.g., ASPEN PLUS, PRO II, etc. These tools are widely used in the petroleum industry as steady state simulators. Some of the reasons for their extensive use are: fluid data handling capabilities, physical property and component data base, and an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) for unit operations and flowsheet simulations. Extending these tools to model more specific or complex processes is difficult. Some of the typical examples that can be cited are mineral and solids processes that involve particulate systems, membrane processes, polymer reaction systems and multiphase reactors. To illustrate this, consider a particulate process, where it would be necessary to describe the properties of the dispersed phase (say solids), such as particle size, particle shape and=or porosity, as a part of the stream input. General purpose simulators allow only for the definition of a discretized particle size distribution by mass for each solids stream (Gruhn et al., 1997). Though the particle size distribution may be easily added as a user defined variable for the process stream, the user must also supply the code to handle the additional data at each unit model, i.e., even at a simple splitter (Toebermann et al., 2000). Also, the parameters for a process unit (e.g., size reduction equipment) depend on the type of apparatus, process-relevant design, operating variables (gap size) and materials being processed (Gruhn et al., 1997). Apart from the extensibility constraints, one of the main drawbacks of these simulation tools is that the models and problem solver are tightly coupled in software modules, i.e., FORTRAN subroutines (Nilsson, 1993). Because of the difficulties in adaptability and extensibility of process simulation tools, process modelling tools based on equation-oriented approach have gained importance. Examples of commercial simulators are SPEEDUP and gProms. They support the implementation of unit models and their incorporation in a model library, i.e., the user can specify all model equations. Modelling of a process unit would require a profound knowledge not only of chemical engineering, but also of such diverse areas as modelling and simulation, numerical mathematics and computer science. Hence, extending the standard models and further development of specific unit models can be undertaken only by a small group of modelling experts. Successful attempts have been made on extending SPEEDUP and gProms for modelling specific units of mineral processing problems (Barton and Perkins, 1988) and crystallization processes (Pantelides and Oh, 1996). However, the large effort for the set-up and evaluation of the equation system, as well as the expert user knowledge, is a disadvantage (Toebermann et al., 2000). Equation-oriented languages sometimes result in redundant modelling as they do not assist the user in developing models using engineering concepts and thus, reuse of even 529 well-designed and validated models is sometimes compromised (Marquardt, 1996). While both the above approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, the experience of early researchers in these two approaches towards process modelling has triggered considerable interest over the last decade. Efforts have been directed towards addressing issues like model formulation, reusability of process models, extensions and adaptability to changing conditions. As a result of the efforts of various researchers, some of the developments in advanced process modelling tools and environments are: ASCEND (Piela et al., 1991), gPROMS (Barton and Pantelides, 1994), MODEL.LA (Stephanopoulos et al., 1990), and OMOLA (Nilsson, 1993). One of the common features of all modelling tools is multi-level modularization. The idea of modularization has been inherited from the concepts of object-orientation, which in turn has developed as a branch of computer science and engineering. The main idea of object-oriented design is to break a large and complex system into smaller fragments or modules so as to attain abstraction at each modular level. The objectoriented approach directly supports reusability of common functions in various parts of the program. Further, it also allows extensibility of the whole system by the implementation of modules. The reader is referred to the original literature cited above for a detailed summary on the development of each modelling tool. State-of-the-art reviews on developments in process modelling are also available (Marquardt, 1991, 1996; Biegler, 1989; Boston et al., 1993; Pantelides and Barton, 1993). Some of the recent advances in the area of process modelling have been towards a systematic approach to the development of process models (process modelling methodology) and formal representation of process model equations (Marquardt, 1994, 1996; Bogusch and Marquardt, 1995, 1997; Lohmann and Marquardt, 1996). Marquardt and his group have laid the foundations for systematic process model development and at the same time have proposed an object-oriented methodology for the task of computer-aided process modelling. Extending the ideas of system theoretic approach and object-orientation, a process unit model can be decomposed into smaller modules based on its structure (for example, reactor wall, catalyst, heat, material, etc., for a tubular reactor) and behaviour (conservation, constitutive equations, etc.). Similarly, the behavioural objects can further be decomposed into more fundamental entities (for example, holdup, transport, transfer, etc., for a species conservation equation). Following this methodology, Marquardt and his group have proposed a structure for hierarchy of elementary process quantities for developing a unit model. A real unit model is defined by aggregating a set of these canonical=fundamental modelling objects. The main aim of adopting such a modelling methodology is to address the following two issues: (1) at the fundamental level, any chemical process, be it petroleum, petrochemical, metallurgical or biological, is the same i.e., conservation of species, components or particles and conservation= conversion of energy. Hence, with a well-structured and generic modelling tool, it should be possible (ideally) to define any model by aggregating the elementary modelling objects; and (2) to be able to develop a unit model from a fundamental approach and also reuse and extend the existing library of models to fit the changing requirements. However, in spite of all the developments in the area of object-oriented structured process modelling over the last decade, there still remain several important issues that need to be addressed. They can be classified into two categories: Generic issues. Some of the issues are: — the amount of effort and expert knowledge that would be required in various fields of science and engineering for developing such a fundamental and generic modelling tool. — the capabilities and conduciveness of the existing modelling and software tools for encoding and representing the vast amount of diversified scientific and engineering knowledge in a structured format. — the extent of granularity that one should build to model any given process system. One of the practical issues in this context is that a given hierarchy of process model structuring, however fine it may be in its granularity, might still be not complete. For example, in mineral processing, the liberation state, in gravel and sand industry processes, the fractional density and in environmental processes like soilwashing, the fractional contamination must be considered along with the particle size distribution to characterize a process stream (Toebermann et al., 2000). Similarly, processes from different fields of engineering and technology may require additional input and parameter specifications for both process streams and process models. — uniqueness of a decomposition strategy. A chemical process can be represented by an aggregation of several possible combinations of fundamental modelling objects of varying degrees of complexities. Thus, the decomposition strategy for defining the model objects gives rise to many degrees of freedom. The problem of selection of a particular strategy for process representation can be a difficult task when a large scale industrial process is considered. — extension and adaptability of a set of fundamental modelling objects. A generic process modelling framework must be capable and flexible to be able to extend and incorporate additional information= knowledge. Implementation issues: — Though some general guidelines for structured process modelling have been stated (Marquardt, 1992, 1996), the utility of the formalism can only be shown by the implementation and evaluation of modelling tools along with experimentation. While there is considerable literature on structured process modelling from a subjective or theoretical viewpoint, very little has been published on application of these ideas to complex real-life modelling problems. To the authors’ best knowledge, there has been no direct evaluation of the formalism or the guidelines for structured process modelling through an implementation on a large scale industrial process. This is the main focus of the paper and FCCU is used as a case study. The project was undertaken in joint collaboration with a refinery, Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), India. Though there are few commercially available simulation 530 tools for FCCU like FCC Plus, it is necessary to reiterate that the concepts of object-oriented modelling and results presented in this contribution are not to undertake an evaluation of the simulation tools. The modelling and simulation of FCCU is chosen to demonstrate the merits of MPROSIM and at the same time present an evaluation of structured object-oriented process modelling guidelines. The reasons for the choice of FCCU are manifold: FCCU is a critical unit of a refinery, and is thus important in its own right. FCCU is a large system with complexities at several levels: heterogeneous operations, solids handling, hydrodynamic complexities in the riser and fluid-bed regenerators, complex kinetics resulting from the complexity of feedstock, topological complexities due to recycles and interconnected flows, etc. It is therefore a good test case to test the implementation and evaluation of the ideas of modularization and structural decomposition. Various configurations of reactor and regenerator are in operation in the refineries. Adaptability of the modelling framework to different configurations can therefore be tested. Inputs to the unit often change in terms of both quality (composition of feed) and quantity (product demands in the market). Often, a new or improved catalyst becomes available. This is precisely the situation where a simulation tool can prove its utility, since fine tuning of the operating conditions in response to such changes is often needed. Various assumptions have been made in literature for modelling the physics and chemistry of the cracking process. As a result, several approaches are available for modelling different sections of FCCU. There is thus an opportunity to test the flexibility of the framework to model the system using different approaches. In the next section, we briefly describe the object-oriented modelling framework developed in MPROSIM. The framework is based on the principles of systematic process modelling as enumerated in many of the works discussed above. Modelling in MPROSIM MPROSIM is a framework for multipurpose process modelling and simulation. The simulator is based on the equation-oriented approach. It has been developed using the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). The modelling environment and the graphical user interface (GUI) are developed using JAVA. Even though some of the simulator framework features are under development and several program module implementations are rudimentary, the overall software architecture of MPROSIM is illustrated in Figure 1. The key idea that is being explored in MPROSIM is to make every activity of process engineering a class or an object. It is also designed to make all the important and essential features of process engineering completely accessible from the GUI. Hence, the overall architecture of MPROSIM is flat, allowing the user to carry out various process engineering activities with the same model built using the GUI. Object-oriented modelling is a modern approach to handle complexities. The method involves modularization Figure 1. Software architecture of MPROSIM. and characterization of data into an abstraction called class. A class is like a blueprint for an application or part of an application. An object, which is an instance or an incarnation of a class, has both substance and behaviour by comprising data and functions that perform operations on this data. A well abstracted class can be tested and implemented independently. Abstraction helps in the reuse of a class=object in various parts of the program. Functions common to many classes can reside in one class and can be implemented in other parts of the program with the help of inheritance. The common functionalities can be adapted to meet specific requirements with the help of polymorphism. To protect parts of the program from unintentional changes or side effects, variables and elements of an object can be encapsulated. The flow of control in the program can be threaded with the help of multithreading. Multithreading provides a way for an application to handle many different tasks at the same time (Niemeyer and Knudsen, 2000). Even though JAVA supports only single inheritance, it allows multiple implementation of interfaces. All these features make JAVA a conducive language to design the GUI and the modelling framework. The methodology of process modelling in MPROSIM has been designed and developed based on the above concepts of object-oriented programming and modelling. The hierarchy of process modelling in MPROSIM, as of present, is depicted in Figure 2. The first step is a topological fragmentation where a process is broken into model fragments or unit modules based on structure of the process. The representation of the original process is achieved by the aggregation of these model fragments with the help of streams in the form of a flowsheet. Each of the model fragments resulting from the first step of decomposition is modular and well abstracted. The model fragments can be tested and implemented independent of other fragments, thus ensuring their reuse. At the second step, a model fragment or unit module is further decomposed into molecular fragments based on its internal structure and behaviour. A model fragment can be instantiated by a collection of the molecular fragments. In the present development stage of MPROSIM, the hierarchial modelling structure lies at the molecular fragment level. Further decomposition of the molecular fragments into atomic fragments and issues relating to its testing and implementation are some of the developments presently under progress. For the FCCU case study, further 531 Figure 2. Hierarchy of process modelling in MPROSIM. decomposition of molecular fragments could not be undertaken due to limitations such as project schedule, data collection, etc. Though the modelling hierarchy built currently is neither suitable nor extensible to model any given process system, it is appropriate to address various issues relating to the modelling of an industrial-scale FCCU. In addition, some of the model fragments resulting from the decomposition are generic in nature and can be extended to model other specific units=processes as highlighted in section on Discussion and Clarifications, below. For the implementation of the FCCU model, a node class is defined as the molecular fragment, which contains all the typical model equations such as mass balance, energy balance, etc. Every unit module or model fragment inherits the node class and can modify or add additional information to the inherited model equations to reflect its own behaviour. The FCCU model is realized in the form of a flowsheet by an aggregation of unit modules by connecting them with the help of streams. A detailed description of the object-oriented methodology for FCCU modelling in MPROSIM is given in a subsequent section. As a precursor, a brief review of the literature on FCCU modelling is presented in the next section. Review of FCCU Modelling Over the years, many models have been proposed for FCCU. These models have been based on different sets of assumptions with respect to the kinetics of cracking reactions and hydrodynamics of the equipment involved, such as riser and regenerator. Some models concern themselves only with the regenerator (Ford et al., 1976; Errazu et al., 1979; de Lasa et al., 1981; Guigon and Large, 1984; Krishna and Parkin, 1985; Lee et al., 1989a). Some have only reactor or cracking models (Weekman and Nace, 1970; Paraskos et al., 1976; Jacob et al., 1976; Shah et al., 1977; Lee et al., 532 1989b; Larocca et al., 1990; Takatsuka et al., 1987). There also exist integrated models coupling both the regenerator and reactor (Kumar et al., 1995; Lee and Kugelman, 1973; McGreavy and Isles-Smith, 1986; Bozicevic and Lukec, 1987; Arandes and de Lasa, 1992; McFarlane et al., 1993; Arbel et al., 1995; Arandes et al., 2000). Table 1 presents a list of literature which typify the approaches that have been considered for FCCU modelling. The variety of approaches present in the literature can be analysed with reference to Figures 3 and 4. The reactor riser is often modelled as being in plug flow (Arbel et al., 1995) with uniform temperatures across a cross section and a temperature gradient along the height of the riser. Other assumptions, such as quasi steady state, no slip, adiabatic operation, uniform temperature of the two phases at any point and constant heat capacities of oil vapour and catalyst are usually made in the analysis. On the other hand, McFarlane et al. (1993) assume isothermal conditions (i.e., CSTR type) in the riser, though the bottom of the riser involves a non-isothermal zone due to a finite mixing time. Apart from this, riser models differ mainly in their considerations of reaction kinetics. Weekman and Nace (1970) developed a three lump model which was used by many authors. Lee and Groves (1985) used the three lump model in their integrated model. Other models based on the WeekmanNace three-lump model include those of McGreavy and IslesSmith (1986), Kraemer and de Lasa (1988), Arandes and de Lasa (1992). Other authors expanded the three lump system into more lumps. Jacob et al. (1976) developed a ten lump system. A four lump model was developed by Lee et al. (1989b). Bozicevic and Lukec (1987) published a five lump model. Takatsuka et al. (1987) developed a Weekman type six lump model. Kraemer et al. (1990) extended their model to eight lumps. Two papers appeared in 1995 using ten lump kinetics with an integrated model. Kumar et al. (1995) used an isothermal reactor riser and Arbel et al. (1995) modelled the riser assuming plug flow. Arandes et al. (2000) have considered the ten lump kinetics for dynamic and steady-state model of FCCU. Plug flow conditions were assumed in the riser and for gas flow in the regenerator. Among the models proposed for the regenerator, most focus on the dense bed that is characterized by bubbles rising through an emulsion phase. The earliest models were Table 1. A brief summary of literature on FCCU modelling. Author Year Model type Kinetic model Weekman and Nace Jacob et al. Ford et al. Errazu et al. Lee and Groves Kunii and Levenspiel McFarlane et al. Arbel et al. Kumar et al. Sriramulu et al. Arandes et al. 1970 1976 1976 1979 1985 1990 1993 1995 1995 1996 2000 C C R R I R I I I R I 3-Lump model 10-Lump model NA NA 3-Lump model NA None 10-Lump model 10-Lump model NA 10-Lump model C: Cracking model; R: Regenerator model; I: Integrated model. single phase, simple contacting models with plug flow, mixed flow, dispersion and tanks in series. The early researchers, Arthur (1951), Rowe and Partridge (1965) and Weisz and Goodwin (1966) simply divided the bed into regions known as dense phase and dilute phase. Later on, more complete models were developed: the grid-effect model by Behie and Kehoe (1973) and Errazu et al. (1979); the two-region model by de Lasa and Grace (1979) and de Lasa et al. (1981); and the bubbling-bed model by Kunii and Levenspiel (1968, 1990). A summary of the assumptions made by various researchers for modelling the physics and chemistry of the processes in FCCU is illustrated in Figure 3. In the next section, the FCCU case study is presented. The case study describes in detail the process modelling methodology adopted for a system like FCCU and its implementation in MPROSIM. Model tuning and comparison of model predictions to the plant data are also presented. The case study is concluded with a discussion on some merits of developing FCCU model in an object-oriented framework like MPROSIM. CASE STUDY: MODELLING OF FCCU Process Description The schematic of a current generation FCCU with standpipes and slide valves is represented in Figure 4. The reactor consists of a vertical section called the riser. The preheated Figure 3. Summary of various assumptions for modelling FCCU. 533 Figure 4. Schematic of a FCCU reactor=regenerator system. feed is brought in contact with hot regenerated catalyst at the bottom of the riser. Feed flashes at the bottom of the riser and is vapourized. As the catalyst–vapour mixture rises in near plug flow, cracking reactions take place within the riser. Coke is deposited on the catalyst surface during cracking reactions. Heat required for endothermic cracking reactions is supplied by the hot catalyst. The bulk of the catalyst is separated from product vapour in the riser termination device (RTD) at the top of the riser and falls into the stripper section. Catalyst fines that are entrained along with the product vapour are separated in the reactor cyclones and returned to the stripper. The product vapour is fed to the main fractionator where it is separated into various components such as light gases (C1–C4), liquified petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, cycle oil in the diesel boiling range and heavy bottoms. In the stripper section, steam is used to strip off hydrocarbons trapped within the bulk of the catalyst and catalyst pores. Stripped catalyst is regenerated in the regenerator section by burning coke in a fluidized bed using hot air. Coke combustion reactions occurring in the dense bed produce CO, CO2 and H2O. Combustion reactions occur further in the dilute phase due to entrainment of catalyst particles from the dense bed by the flow of air. The entrained catalyst is separated from stack gases in regenerator cyclones and returned to the dense bed. The heat due to combustion reactions raises the temperature of the regenerated catalyst which is recycled to the reactor through the stand pipe. As shown in Figure 4, spent and regenerated catalyst circulation is controlled by slide valves in most of the modern units. Kinetic Lumping Scheme The reactions that occur in the riser when hot regenerated catalyst comes into contact with the feed are described by considering a lumping scheme. The lumps on the feed side are characterized based on the boiling point range of gas oil feed and its chemical composition, mainly in terms of paraffins, naphthenes and aromatics. The lumps on the product side are characterized by the boiling point range of main fractionator side draws. The various lumps considered for building the reaction kinetics are listed in Table 2. The lumps on the feed and product side are chosen based on the theoretical basis provided by Jacob et al. (1976) and the experimental support from CPCL for feed and product characterization. The network of reactions using the 11 lumps given in Table 2 are shown in Figure 5 along with their boiling point ranges. The salient points of the reaction network are: 534 Table 2. Kinetic lumping scheme: feed and product lumps. Feed lumps Ph Nh Ah Sh Pl Nl Al Sl BP range ( C) Product BP range ( C) 370–FBP 370–FBP 370–FBP 370–FBP IBP–370 IBP–370 IBP–370 IBP–370 Gasoline Light gases Coke C5–IBP C1–C4 IBP: Initial boiling point of feed; FBP: Final boiling point of feed; P: Paraffins; N: Naphthenes; A: Aromatic bare rings; S: Substituent groups on aromatics. Subscripts: l – Light fraction, h – Heavy fraction. The feed is mainly characterized as consisting of heavy and light fractions based on the boiling point range, 370 C–FBP and IBP–370 C respectively. Each of the heavy and light fractions are further divided into four lumps—paraffins, naphthenes, aromatics and side chains. The product consists of three lumps—gasoline (C5–IBP), light gases (C1–C4) and coke. It is assumed that there are no cross reactions between heavy and light fractions. For example, heavy naphthenes (Nh) crack to give only light naphthenes (Nl) and not light paraffins (Pl). One exception to this assumption is the cracking of heavy aromatic substituent groups (Sh) going to light aromatic bare rings (Al). Bare aromatic rings are mainly responsible for coke formation. Hence (Ah) and (Al) are shown to form only coke. Figure 5 shows the reactions mainly from Ph and Pl and other typical reactions. Apart from the reactions shown in the figure, naphthenes (Nh and Nl) and substituent groups on aromatics (Sh and Sl) will have reactions similar to that indicated for paraffins (Ph and Pl) Based on the above set of assumptions, the total number of cracking reactions in the network is 27. As described in the review on FCCU modelling literature, researchers have considered modelling the reaction kinetics in the riser based on various assumptions and parameters i.e., number of lumps the feed is characterized into, rate laws governing the reaction kinetics, kinetic parameters, and various empirical catalyst deactivation functions. Some of the recent literature proposes the use of structure-oriented lumps for modelling the reaction kinetics of complex feedstocks (Quann and Jaffe, 1992, 1996). In the event of so many factors influencing reaction kinetics in the riser, it has been modelled as a class=object with all the influencing factors featuring as attributes of reaction class. Thus, the model is not restricted to a single lumping strategy. The user can choose any number of lumps, build a reaction network between various lumps, input the various kinetic parameters, define any type of rate laws governing the formation= depletion of various lumps and also include different types of catalyst deactivation functions. Modelling the reaction kinetics as a class=object does not restrict the model to a particular lumping strategy. Moreover, it imparts the important characteristic—ease of extension and adaptability to model other complicated reaction mechanisms, which is one of the desired essential features of a structured process modelling. Object-Oriented Modelling of FCCU The object-oriented model for FCCU is developed following the object-oriented and process modelling methodology described in section on Modelling in MPROSIM, above. Catalytic reactions in the riser, regenerator fluidized bed hydrodynamics and coke combustion are considered in the model. Detailed momentum calculations at various sections of the unit have also been taken into Figure 5. 11-lump reaction kinetic scheme. 535 consideration. Based on the physicochemical phenomena occurring in various sections of the reactor=regenerator and geometry of the unit, a structural decomposition was performed. The unit is divided into smaller fragments of systems and subsystems. The decomposition is progressively done until each model fragment represents a fundamental chemical unit operation. The hierarchy of model fragments as a result of decomposition performed on the commercial unit (see Figure 4) is illustrated in Figure 6. Different sections of FCCU which contribute to the pressure drop in the system are also considered in the decomposition and model hierarchy. A model fragment, or an aggregation of some model fragments, represents a part or the whole of FCCU. For example, the riser bottom is emulated by an adiabatic mixer model wherein catalyst and liquid feed combine and produce a single stream consisting of catalyst and feed vapour. Following this methodology, various sections of reactor and regenerator are decomposed to fundamental chemical engineering unit operation models as described below: Reactor The reactor can be divided into various sections which can be modelled using the following units: Mixer: The mixer model emulates mixing of hot regenerated catalyst and liquid feed at the bottom of the riser. It is modelled considering adiabatic conditions. In addition, the mixer model represents other mixing processes within the reactor and regenerator, for example, mixing of steam from stripper bed and product vapour separated from the riser termination device. Riser: The riser can be modelled either as a single continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), representing complete back mixing with uniform temperature (McFarlane et al., 1993), or as a plug flow reactor with temperature gradient along the riser height (Arbel et al., 1995). The above two assumptions represent two extremes of modelling the riser. The actual conditions within the riser can be Figure 6. Structural decomposition of FCC reactor=regenerator. assumed to represent a non-ideal mixing zone. This is due to the presence of slip between vapour and catalyst particles, axial dispersion of catalyst due to turbulence and temperature difference between the riser inlet and outlet in actual conditions. Hence, the riser is modelled as a composite object characterized by series of CSTRs. Slip ratio, catalyst circulation, space velocity and void fraction are important factors which determine hydrodynamics of the riser. The chemistry of reactions is accounted for by a lumped kinetic scheme as described earlier. Riser Termination Device (RTD): The RTD is modelled as a hydrodynamic unit which contributes to pressure drop due to splitting of the vapour-catalyst stream into two (a ‘TEE’ junction) and a sudden expansion of the vapour through an opening into the reactor vessel. Splitter: The separation of catalyst from vapour at the RTD is modelled using a splitter, which divides the inlet stream into two and has a splitting efficiency for each component. It is modelled with the assumptions of no pressure loss and the three streams, one inlet and two outlet, are in thermal equilibrium. Cyclone: Separation of the catalyst fines from the reactor vapours is modelled using a cyclone. Separation efficiency for each component and pressure drop are taken into consideration. Stripper: The stripper is modelled to represent stripping of hydrocarbons. It is modelled assuming a counter current operation with mass transfer. The amount of unstripped hydrocarbons in the stripper is a function of the steam to catalyst ratio and is given by an empirical function (Arbel et al., 1995). A schematic of the reactor configuration in an objectoriented framework using the units described above is illustrated in Figure 7. The riser is represented as a composite object in the object-oriented framework. The number of CSTRs for modelling the riser is a model input parameter. The user can specify any number of CSTRs instead of physically assembling that number of units on the flowsheet. As a result, the riser can be configured to represent different FCC riser models reported in literature. The riser termination device at the top of the riser (see Figure 4) is modelled as a combination of the following units: the RTD, with stream splitting into two halves along with pressure drop; and a splitter, which accounts for separation of the catalyst from the product vapour. This methodology of modelling the pressure drop as a separate model fragment was adopted in order to retain the generic nature of a component= stream splitting unit. This results in a well defined and abstract splitter unit that can be reused. The stripper is modelled in two sections. This is to account for recycling of the entrained catalyst through the dip leg of the reactor cyclones into the stripper bed. The stripper bed, Stripper0, represents the stripper from the top of the bed to the dip leg exit inside the bed. The lower portion of the stripper bed, from the exit of the dip leg to the spent catalyst exit, is represented by Stripper1. Regenerator The regenerator is mainly divided into two regions: dense bed and dilute region. It also consists of hydrodynamic units such as air distributor and cyclones for catalyst separation from flue gases. Cyclones are modelled similarly to those described in the reactor section. 536 moving in near plug flow. In actual conditions, there exists some amount of back mixing due to heavier particles falling off before they reach the cyclones. Hence, this phase is also modelled as a series of CSTRs. It is assumed that all the entrained catalyst particles return to the dense bed through the cyclone dip legs. Figure 7. Configuration of the FCC reactor system in object-oriented framework. Air distributor: The air distributor is modelled as a pressure drop unit for inlet air. The pressure drop in the unit depends on the type of distributor. For a pipe grid type, the pressure drop depends on the number of open holes in the grid, the diameter of each hole and air inlet pressure. Dense region: This region is characterized by a bed of solid catalyst particles and the air which flows through the bed for catalyst regeneration. The dense bed is further divided into two sections — Emulsion phase: This phase mainly consists of solid catalyst particles which are assumed to be completely mixed with the flow rate of air corresponding to minimum fluidization velocity. Hence, this phase is modelled as a single CSTR with uniform temperature and gas composition. — Bubble phase: The portion of air with flow rate exceeding minimum fluidization velocity is assumed to flow in the form of bubbles. These bubbles are considered to be rising through the dense bed in near plug flow fashion. The effect of expansion of bubbles due to pressure gradient along the height of the dense bed, coalescence of bubbles and increase in volumetric flow rate of bubbles due to pressure gradient are not considered. The near plug flow of the bubble phase is modelled as a series of CSTRs. The bubble phase is assumed to be completely free of the catalyst particles. Dilute region: This region consists of combustion gases from the top of the dense bed and the entrained catalyst particles. Due to superficial velocity of the air and bursting action of the bubbles at the top of the dense bed, catalyst particles get entrained along with combustion gases and form a dilute phase above the dense bed. In this region, both gas and solid catalyst particles are assumed to be Various reactions occurring as a result of coke combustion in different regions of the fluidized bed are considered in both the dense bed and dilute phase. Overall conversion of coke depends on flow rate of air, its pressure and temperature, amount of catalyst in the bed, catalyst circulation rate, and bed temperature. The combustion reactions are also strongly influenced by characteristics of the fluidized bed. A detailed hydrodynamic calculation of the fluidization process is considered to determine various parameters such as bed density, void fraction, etc. The reader is referred to the appendix for a detailed account of all the hydrodynamic calculations and combustion reactions that were taken into consideration. The schematic of different regions considered for modelling the regenerator and its flowsheet representation in an object-oriented framework is shown in Figure 8. The regenerator is a complex unit characterized by hydrodynamics of the fluidized bed and coke combustion reactions. In addition, inlet air flow rate and its conditions strongly influence the physical and chemical phenomena, thus giving rise to a coupled transfer and exchange of mass, momentum and energy between various regenerator model fragments. Hence, dense bed and dilute phase are modelled as a single composite object similar to the riser. The number of CSTRs associated with both the bubble phase and regenerator dilute phase are part of input parameters to the composite object. Figure 8. Configuration of a FCC regenerator system in object-oriented framework. 537 The complete flowsheet schematic of the integrated FCC reactor=regenerator is shown in Figure 9. The representation of FCCU as a flowsheet in MPROSIM is illustrated in Figure 10. The figure also shows the input template for the riser. In the next section, we present the results of simulation studies conducted using the FCCU model. commercial unit. If the results are not satisfactory, the user can change the modelling assumptions by changing the parameters. Thus, the model can be fine tuned to represent the configuration of the commercial unit. The model was tuned with industrial data provided by CPCL to represent their FCCU configuration. Tuning the model involved carrying out simulation studies by adjusting various unit parameters and comparing model predictions with that of the plant data. Model Tuning The FCCU model has been developed as a process flowsheet in MPROSIM. Various units are provided in the library, with which a user can select the units and connect them to represent various configurations of FCCU. The FCCU model has several input parameters. In addition to those associated with input streams i.e., flow rates, composition, temperature, pressure, etc., there are various unit parameters. Many of these unit parameters are essentially the assumptions that are part of a FCCU model. The user can specify these parameters and thereby make a set of assumptions for the model. Simulation studies can be carried out by providing necessary inputs in order to check whether the model assumptions that the user has made are valid for the respective configuration of the Reactor tuning Object-oriented flowsheet representation of the reactor in MPROSIM is shown in Figure 11. Inputs to the reactor flowsheet consisted of feed flow rates, composition of feed in terms of various lumps, regenerated catalyst and steam for the stripper section. Inputs to the reactor flowsheet are shown in Table 3. One of the important tuning parameters for the reactor flowsheet is number of CSTRs for the riser. Studies were conducted using the reactor model by varying number of CSTRs. The model predictions were compared with process conditions and product yield of the commercial unit. All other parameters and inputs such as catalyst circulation rate, feed conditions, etc., are kept constant. Results of the simulation studies are given in Figures 12–16. Figure 9. FCC reactor=regenerator model in an object-oriented framework. 538 Figure 10. FCC reactor=regenerator model in MPROSIM. Table 3. Reactor inputs. Parameter (units) Feed conditions Total feed flow rate (Kg h1) Composition (Wt. fraction) Ph Nh Ah Sh Pl Nl Al Sl Feed temperature ( C) Feed pressure (Kg cm2) Catalyst Regenerated catalyst flow rate (Kg h1) Coke on regenerated catalyst (Wt. percent) Temperature ( C) Steam Flow rate (T h1) Temperature ( C) Pressure (Kg cm2) Other inputs Kinetic parameters Catalyst deactivation Value=source 100,482.40 0.2866 0.1061 0.0836 0.1905 0.1151 0.0426 0.0535 0.1220 351.0 2.74 594,000.0 0.25 660.0 1.50 220.0 2.80 Arandes et al., 2000 Arbel et al., 1995 The trends of variables shown in the above figures prove that the assumption of approximating the reactor riser by a finite number of CSTRs-in-series is appropriate. A small number of CSTRs would mean the riser is close to ideal mixing conditions. At the same time, a large number of CSTRs would indicate a proximity to near plug flow condition. It is evident from the above figures that beyond a certain number of CSTRs (say, 10), change in the model prediction is not significant. Once the model is tuned with respect to the number of CSTRs for the riser, an appropriate number can be selected for carrying out further simulation studies on the reactor and integrated reactor=regenerator flowsheet. We have chosen 10 CSTRs to represent CPCL’s reactor riser for conducting further simulation and optimization studies. Regenerator tuning The regenerator modelled as a flowsheet in MPROSIM is illustrated in Figure 17. The figure also shows the input template for the regenerator composite object. Typical parameters used for tuning the regenerator model are: (1) number of CSTRs for bubble phase; (2) number of CSTRs for dilute phase; and (3) entrained catalyst as weight percent of 539 Figure 11. Reactor flowsheet in MPROSIM. catalyst in the regenerator. Inputs to the regenerator flowsheet are shown in Table 4. Tuning of the regenerator flowsheet is done by varying the number of CSTRs of both bubble phase and dilute region for a fixed value of catalyst entrainment. After each simulation, model predictions are checked with process data from the commercial unit. The combinations of number of CSTRs and catalyst entrainment that match the plant data are chosen as representative values. Regenerator model tuning results are given in Table 5 and parameters chosen for CPCL’s regenerator configuration are highlighted. Parametric=Optimization Studies Figure 12. Wt. fraction of feed lumps (heavy) vs. no. of CSTRs. The parameters chosen from tuning of the reactor and regenerator are used in the integrated FCC reactor= regenerator flowsheet to conduct further simulation studies. A comparison of results of model prediction and corresponding process data obtained from the commercial unit are shown in Table 6. Some of the data corresponding to model predictions could not be derived from the commercial unit due to reasons of instrumentation and lack of sampling points. A process model can also be used for various optimization studies. In the case of the FCCU model, yield optimization studies were carried out with the model. The effect of feed composition and temperature on gasoline yield is shown in Figure 18. Three different feed compositions considered for this study are listed in Table 7. The behaviour shown in the plots is typically expected of gasoline. Referring to Figure 5, it can be seen that gasoline not only forms from heavy and light fractions of the feed, but also under- 540 Figure 13. Wt. fraction of feed lumps (light) vs. no. of CSTRs. Figure 15. Total riser yield (Wt. fraction) vs. no. of CSTRs. goes a cracking reaction to produce light components and coke. Due to the secondary cracking nature of gasoline, its yield exhibits a maximum as a function of feed temperature. It is evident from Figure 18 that not only does the gasoline yield change with change in feed composition, but the optimum temperature also changes. This result is in good agreement with procedures typically followed in the operation of the commercial unit. Stable operation of FCCU is challenged by frequent changes in feed composition due to change of crude oil input to the refinery. To maximize the yield from FCCU, operating parameters such as catalyst circulation rate and feed inlet temperature are regularly monitored and manipulated whenever feed composition changes. The next section briefly summarizes the authors’ experiences in the implementation of object-oriented framework for modelling a large scale industrial process such as FCCU. The section also highlights and clarifies some of the lessons learnt during model development stage and implementation period, and in hindsight, vis-a-vis the practical issues listed in the section on Review of Process Modelling, above. Discussion and Clarifications To begin with, the FCCU model development project was undertaken in an academic institution with the support of CPCL. The scope of the project was to develop a steadystate model for CPCL’s FCC reactor=regenerator configuration. The model was proposed to be developed in an object-oriented framework to support the refinery’s research and development team in carrying out off-line simulation studies for trouble-shooting due to frequent changes in feed composition, catalyst evaluation and independent studies of internal components of the FCCU such as cyclone, stripper, etc. From a detailed review of the literature on FCCU modelling, the model development was focussed towards developing a general framework for modelling various FCCU configurations proposed in the literature. Though the outcome of this development effort was more oriented towards FCCU modelling and addressing some of the refinery-based modelling issues, there are some general principles that can be culled from this effort towards understanding the object-oriented modelling of chemical processes. Based on the modelling effort, the following Figure 14. Wt. fraction of product lumps vs. no. of CSTRs. Figure 16. Riser outlet temperature ( C) vs. no. of CSTRs. 541 Figure 17. Regenerator flowsheet in MPROSIM. comments could be made regarding generic and implementation issues laid down in section on Review of Process Modelling, above. the development team consisted of chemical engineers from academia and industry, specifically from a refinery. So, the knowledge domain of the group of developers is restricted to a few areas of chemical engineering. Typically, this would be the scenario in any model development activity undertaken in collaboration with an industrial partner. As a result, the model development activity is influenced by the knowledge of the modelling experts. In addition, several practical issues have to be taken into consideration as highlighted in the following Table 4. Regenerator inputs. Parameter (units) Air Air flow rate (Kn m3 h1) Temperature ( C) Pressure (Kg cm2) Catalyst Spent catalyst (Kg h1) Temperature ( C) Coke on spent catalyst (Wt percent) Other inputs Fluidization parameters Value=source 43.0 237.0 2.60 594,000.0 500.5 0.943 Arbel et al., 1995 discussion. Even if a prototype of a generic framework is developed independent of any industrial input, it would need to be critically evaluated. Implementation of various representative large scale processes from diverse engineering fields such as petroleum, petrochemical, biological, solids-based, etc., have to be considered for the evaluation. The amount of time and expertise needed would always be an important limiting factor. the development team would have to judiciously choose a decomposition strategy to model the process in an object-oriented framework. Some of the choices available for developing an object-oriented model for FCCU are enumerated in Table 8. The choice of the authors for the modelling of FCCU in this contribution is also highlighted. The selection of a particular option is not only influenced by the modelling experts from academia, but also by the industrial partner. In addition, the duration and time-frame of the project have to be taken into consideration. the granularity to which the given process is decomposed and design of the framework directly depend on the choice made from the options listed in Table 8. Typically, at each level of decomposition, some assumptions may be introduced into some or all the model fragments. Essentially, a higher degree of fragmentation would imply a larger number of assumptions in the model. These assumptions are verified as a result of experimentation 542 Table 5. Regenerator tuning results. No CSTRs BP Te ( C) Tbubble ( C) DP Model Plant Model Plant I. Wt. fraction of regenerated catalyst entrained ¼ 0.05 1 1 749.16 — 664.36 2 1 601.87 — 671.52 3 1 624.29 — 677.44 4 1 678.46 — 674.40 5 1 707.22 — 678.43 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 835.34 1003.59 1024.64 1046.46 1022.34 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 170.98 332.07 347.20 372.06 343.91 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 669.11 674.84 680.94 682.62 687.73 675.26 674.84 680.96 682.74 696.08 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 857.31 1061.90 1085.55 1091.52 1042.38 861.57 1061.95 1086.01 1070.29 1034.96 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 188.20 387.06 404.61 408.90 354.65 186.32 387.10 405.05 387.54 338.88 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 I. Wt. fraction of regenerated catalyst entrained ¼ 0.10 1 1 748.70 — 664.68 2 1 612.51 — 684.04 3 1 635.60 — 688.86 4 1 648.00 — 690.25 5 1 709.32 — 678.35 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 809.35 940.29 938.64 927.98 941.58 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 144.68 256.25 249.78 237.73 263.23 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 748.72 617.84 640.10 652.42 661.39 — — — — — 671.48 690.11 693.10 693.89 683.75 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 846.13 996.85 977.38 961.03 971.80 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 174.65 306.74 284.28 267.14 288.05 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 748.47 617.97 639.78 651.99 691.47 — — — — — 676.61 690.26 692.83 693.57 695.75 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 850.39 998.39 976.03 959.56 942.62 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 173.78 308.13 283.21 265.99 246.87 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 II. Wt. fraction of regenerated catalyst entrained ¼ 0.14* 1* 1* 749.30 — 663.61 2 1 617.54 — 689.76 3 1 641.07 — 693.95 4 1 653.85 — 694.96 5 1 693.01 — 680.62 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 783.28 895.15 891.18 881.86 861.84 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 119.67 205.39 197.23 186.90 181.22 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 748.84 624.37 646.36 659.46 658.47 — — — — — 668.67 697.28 698.61 699.05 684.70 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 831.72 945.79 922.24 908.73 911.87 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 163.05 248.51 223.63 209.68 227.17 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 748.77 624.22 645.82 658.74 682.58 — — — — — 676.53 697.13 698.19 698.61 692.82 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 840.69 945.30 920.47 906.97 893.03 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 164.17 248.16 222.28 208.36 200.22 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 II. Wt. fraction of regenerated catalyst entrained ¼ 0.15 1 1 749.14 — 663.48 2 1 618.48 — 690.81 3 1 642.13 — 694.91 4 1 678.49 — 676.10 5 1 718.80 — 682.35 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 775.96 885.48 881.59 885.12 851.43 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 112.48 194.67 186.68 209.02 169.09 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 653.00 829.72 934.03 911.36 895.08 885.26 839.06 933.29 909.52 896.64 884.74 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 159.94 235.52 211.68 210.25 195.97 161.22 234.97 210.29 197.06 188.41 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 127.00 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 748.68 604.65 627.65 677.56 692.73 748.41 604.66 627.67 639.47 692.55 749.00 625.52 647.65 686.75 666.54 748.13 625.32 647.05 660.16 711.85 Plant — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Model Tdelta ( C) Plant 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Model Tdilute ( C) 669.78 698.51 699.68 684.83 689.30 677.84 698.31 699.23 699.58 696.33 BP: Bubble phase; DP: dilute phase. *Parameters chosen for CPCL’s regenerator configuration. 543 Table 6. Comparison of simulated and plant data. Process variable Reactor Riser bottom temperature ( C) Riser outlet temperature ( C) Reactor yield Catalyst Catalyst circulation rate (T min1) Spent catalyst temperature ( C) Regenerated catalyst temperature ( C) Coke on spent catalyst (Wt.%) Coke on regenerated catalyst (Wt.%) Regenerator Bubble phase outlet temperature ( C) Emulsion phase outlet temperature ( C) Dilute phase outlet temperature ( C) Table 7. Feed composition inputs for gasoline optimization. Model prediction Plant data 550.18 501.78 69.3 — 498.50 68.0 9.71 500.4 663.61 0.943 0.45 9.9 469.50 653.0 — 0.25 749.3 663.61 783.28 — 653.0 780.0 and=or by matching the model predictions with the industrial data. However, the quantity and quality of data that can be derived from a running industrial plant are certainly limited. Some of the reasons for this are: instrumentation for the process is fixed and no additional process data can be extracted; test runs that an industrial partner is willing to conduct on the commercial unit; inaccuracies of the process data; and the availability of sophisticated instrumentation for carrying out lab-scale experimental studies. Hence, hierarchy of the granular structure designed for a process model is limited to a large extent by the above practical issues. To cite an example, the stripper section was modelled as an ideal counter-current mass and energy exchange operation; though, in the actual design of the unit, the operation is not so. Since no specific tests could be conducted on the stripper of the commercial unit and due to unavailability of any lab-scale experimental setup, the assumptions could not be validated. Hence, an empirical function for mass exchange, i.e., stripping of hydrocarbons, was taken from the literature (Arbel et al., 1995) without any change of function parameters. uniqueness of decomposition: decomposition of the FCCU model proposed earlier is not unique. The decomposition strategy adopted resulted in more than one degree of freedom in terms of the number of CSTRs for reactor riser, regenerator bubble and dilute phases. If a PFR model had been chosen for the same regions, the degrees of freedom would have been fixed and also unique to some extent. But the choice of CSTR model Wt. fraction Component Feed 1 Feed 2 Feed 3 Ph Nh Ah Sh Pl Nl Al Sl 0.2866 0.1061 0.0836 0.1905 0.1151 0.0426 0.0535 0.1220 0.1791 0.0707 0.0557 0.1190 0.1957 0.0823 0.0900 0.2073 0.1592 0.0707 0.0557 0.1058 0.2072 0.0852 0.0963 0.2195 fragment allows the model to be flexible and it can be configured to represent many commercial FCC reactor= regenerator units. as described earlier, many FCCU models have been proposed in the literature. One of the important aspects of this model development has been to conceptualize a framework in which many FCCU models can be configured. The hierarchy of structural decomposition illustrated in Figure 6 is general enough to represent many FCCU models proposed in the literature. An aggregation of the model fragments along with appropriate model assumptions would result in a particular configuration. The following two examples are highlighted to illustrate the idea: — if the riser is assumed to be a single CSTR, regenerator bubble and dilute phases are modelled by a large number of CSTRs, and empirical kinetics are assumed for overall reactor conversion, then the model would represent that proposed by McFarlane et al. (1993) in its steady-state form. — on the other hand, if the reactor riser, regenerator bubble and dilute phases are approximated by large number of CSTRs, and a 10-lump kinetic model is used to describe the catalytic reactions, then the model would be that proposed by Arbel et al. (1995). similarly, by considering different combination of CSTRs for the bubble and dilute phases, various models proposed for the regenerator can be realized. The object-oriented modelling of FCCU as a flowsheet consisting of various parts of the process as model fragments has resulted in the conceptualization of a general framework which can be easily extended and adapted to model various configurations of FCC reactor=regenerator. However, the issues concerning the reuse, extension and adaptability of each of the model fragments need to be critically evaluated. The success and failure issues concerning the modelling of riser and regenerator composite objects are evaluated below: Table 8. Degrees of freedom for modelling FCCU. Option 1 2 3 4* 5 Figure 18. Optimization of gasoline yield. Description FCC reactor=regenerator Reactor; regenerator Reactor kinetics; reactor hydrodynamics; regenerator kinetics; regenerator hydrodynamics Decomposition as given in Figure 6 Decomposition based on Figure 2 *Option chosen in this contribution. Evaluation A monolithic block Two model blocks Four model blocks General framework* Fundamental approach 544 — the riser is modelled as a composite object. It can function as a single CSTR or as a non-ideally mixed tubular reactor by a series of CSTRs. It can also be approximated as a PFR by specifying a large number of CSTRs, ideally infinite. The riser is one of the model fragments which truly reflects the behaviour of a composite object—one that can be completely reused, and can be easily extended and adapted. — the regenerator composite object is the model fragment for a fluidized bed. As highlighted earlier, the regenerator fluidized bed is a complex and coupled process. In its present state, the regenerator composite object can be used to represent a single stage regenerator. It is also possible that a two-stage regenerator can be modelled using a stack of two composite objects. If the regenerator composite object is further decomposed resulting in more fundamental model fragments, then it is possible to model many industrial-scale fluidized bed processes. The issues concerning this problem are currently being studied. As indicated in the issues listed above, the development and implementation of a formal structure, guidelines and principles of object-oriented modelling on a large-scale industrial process are strongly influenced not only by the expertise of the development team as a whole, but also by various factors which comprise the needs and requirements of the industry on a commercial scale. Many of the extension and adaptability issues related to MPROSIM as a simulation and modelling tool are currently being evaluated. For this purpose, we are undertaking a detailed study of object-oriented modelling in other processes such as fuel cells, biochemical and biological processes, etc. UTILITY AND MERITS The representation of the FCCU model as a flowsheet has several advantages. It is possible to carry out simulation studies with an integrated reactor=regenerator flowsheet, with individual reactor and regenerator flowsheets and study the performance of individual units such as reactor or regenerator cyclones, stripper, air distributor, etc. Several studies on sensitivity of reactor yield and other important process parameters to input conditions can be carried out with the model. Typically, carrying out sensitivity, parametric and optimization studies involves a lot of effort. But with the above model developed in an object-oriented framework, studies like these can be conducted easily. The representation of modelling assumptions in terms of unit parameters is essentially an extension of the objectoriented concept of encapsulation as described in the section on Modelling in MPROSIM, above. Some of the assumptions that are encapsulated as unit parameters in the FCCU model are: the number of CSTRs for modelling the reactor riser, regenerator bubble and dilute phases catalyst deactivation function for catalytic cracking in the riser, and splitting efficiencies (either direct numerical values or in terms of empirical functional forms) for all components in units such as splitter, cyclone and stripper. One of the important problems that units in a refinery, typically FCCU, have to face is that the feed composition changes regularly. With evolution of technologies and needs of particular markets in terms of product requirements and specifications, it becomes necessary for the unit configuration also to change with time. Hence, it is an inevitable exercise for any process model to be regularly fine-tuned to represent the changing conditions in the plant. In such a scenario, a process model developed in an object-oriented framework can provide better support to the process engineer. In the case of FCCU, various reactor and regenerator configurations are in operation in the refineries. Some of the variations in structural configurations of the reactor and regenerator are: various types of disengagement section for separation of product vapour from catalyst at the top of the riser different designs for the stripper section single-stage and two-stage regenerators single-stage and two-stage cyclone separation for catalyst fines. In addition to the structural variations based on process design, operating conditions of the unit also vary widely. Some of the reasons for this could be: the spectrum of products the unit is commissioned to produce, frequent changes in the quality of feed, and fluctuations in the market demand affecting the quantity of throughput. Such variations in the configurations and operating conditions can be modelled very easily and quickly in MPROSIM. A change in catalyst circulation rate and=or quantity of feed to the riser will change the hydrodynamics inside the riser. Similarly, air flow rate and catalyst circulation rate will affect hydrodynamics of the catalyst bed in the regenerator. The model can be fine tuned by simply changing the number of CSTRs to reflect the new process operating conditions. The key factor responsible for flexibility of the FCCU model in MPROSIM is its modularization and representation in the form of a flowsheet. Unlike the traditional models, which might be difficult to configure to represent various configurations of FCCU, the object-oriented model can be easily configured to represent various configurations. CONCLUSIONS An evaluation of the principles of structured process modelling was undertaken in this work. This was done by highlighting the critical issues and problems encountered while implementing the guidelines for structured objectoriented process modelling. As a case study for the process model, an industrial-scale FCCU was chosen. The FCCU model served as an appropriate example to bring forth the important object-oriented modelling issues such as granularity, adaptability and extensibility. The model fragments proposed for the FCCU model are general enough to be able to represent various models proposed in the literature and other configurations of FCCU. However, issues relating to the reusability and extensibility of these model fragments to other chemical process systems are still open and work is under progress in this regard. As for the main aim of MPROSIM and development of a general purpose modelling tool, it is proposed to study processes and systems from various other science and engineering fields to address issues such as generality of process models and their implementational details. 545 APPENDIX: FCCU MODEL EQUATIONS The model equations for the various sections of the reactor and regenerator are summarized below. Typically, each unit comprises the mass, energy and momentum balances. The reactor riser incorporates the 11-lump kinetic model and pressure drop equations based on the pneumatic transport of the solids. On the regenerator side, the detailed hydrodynamic equations are written characteristic of a fluidized bed taking into consideration the coke combustion kinetics. Reactor Mixer The mixer is modelled under adiabatic conditions with the typical mass and energy balance equations. The mixer does not contribute any pressure drop. The equations pertaining to the pressure drop due to mixing, flow across nozzles, and so on are modelled as separate hydrodynamic units. For the case of riser bottom, the pressure drop in the liquid feed across the distributor is modelled as a hydrodynamic unit. Riser The riser is modelled as a composite object. The composite object contains mass and energy balance equations incorporating reaction kinetics. In addition, detailed momentum balance equations are taken into consideration. The model equations for the riser are typified by CSTR model equations. The effect of coking and catalyst deactivation are taken into consideration by including appropriate terms in the model equations (McFarlane et al., 1993; Arbel et al., 1995). — Mass balance: The mass balance equation for a component j (either a reactant or product) within any CSTR inside the riser for the 11-lump kinetic model can be written as Fj,out DPr1 ¼ 2 8Fcat 2 4 (3:6 105 ) p2 rpart gdriser (3) * static head of the catalyst-vapour mixture ! Fcat þ Foil hriser DPr2 ¼ (Fcat =rpart ) þ (Foil =rv ) 104 (4) where rv , feed vapour density at the bottom of the riser, is calculated by the equation Pmixer Mfeed RTmixer (5) * friction between fluid media and wall 2 driser 0:079 Foil =rv r DPr3 ¼ 2 2 hriser Re0:25 v (p=4)driser (6) assuming turbulent conditions. The Reynolds number (Re) is given by the following equation Re ¼ driser Vvapour rv mv (7) The feed oil vapour velocity (Vvapour ) inside the riser can be calculated by the following equation Vvapour ¼ F ¼ Fj,in rv cat f(t) Foil 11 X Fk,out 1 n K e(Ek =RT ) 1 þ Kd yAh k¼1 k k0 Foil Foil =rv 2 (p=4)driser (8) The viscosity of the vapour at the mixer outlet conditions is given by (1) — Energy balance: A CSTR heat balance gives the temperature profile in the riser based on the number of CSTRs considered to model the riser. The energy balance equation for any CSTR in the riser composite object can be written as Fj,in Cpfv Tin þ Fcat Cpcat Tin ¼ Fj,out Cpfv Tout þ Fcat Cpcat Tout F 1 þ rv cat f(t) 1 þ Kd yAh Foil 11 X F nk Kk0 e(Ek =RT ) k,out DHrk Foil k¼1 pressure drop within the riser (Jones et al., 1967; Yang, 1973, 1974). * acceleration of solid particles (2) — Pressure drop: The pressure drop in the riser is modelled similarly to the pneumatic transport of solid particles in the vertical direction. The following terms are considered as the contributing factors to the mv ¼ 1:0319 106 (Tmixer þ 273:15)0:4896 1:0 þ (3:4737 102 )=(Tmixer þ 273:15) (9) * acceleration of the fluid media 1:0 rv Vvapour DPr4 ¼ 2 104 g (10) Riser Termination Device (RTD) The inlet stream of the RTD is assumed to be split into two equal halves taking into consideration the geometry of the disengaging section at the top of the riser. Further, all the three streams are assumed to be in thermal equilibrium. The pressure drop in the RTD is modelled by considering the following terms (Bird et al., 1960). — a ‘TEE’ junction which is approximated by two 90 bends DPrtd1 ! rmix 2 2:3 V ¼ 1:0 104 2 g rtd b21 (11) 546 where b1, rmix and Vrtd are given by the following equations driser b1 ¼ darm rmix Vrtd din ¼ (12) Fcat þ Foil ¼ (Fcat =rpart ) þ (Foil =rv ) (13) (Fcat =rpart ) þ (Foil =rv ) ¼ 2 (p=4)driser (14) rmix 2 V b (1 b2 ) 104 g arm 2 (15) where b2 is the area ratio of the opening in the side arm of the RTD and the annular area in the reactor portion. It is given by the following equation b2 ¼ pwhw 2 d2 ) p=4(dreac riser (16) and Varm is given by the equation Varm (Fcat =rpart ) þ (Foil =rv ) ¼ 2 (p=4)darm and mgmix, the viscosity of the vapour-steam mixture can be calculated by the empirical equation 1:0319 106 T 0:4896 1:0 þ (3:4737 102 )=T (25) — gas flow reversal rgmix Vin2 2 — exit contraction DPc4 ¼ (26) 2 2 DPc5 ¼ 0:5rgmix (Vexit Vc2 þ KVexit ) (27) Splitter The splitter is modelled to separate the inlet stream into two streams with an efficiency of splitting for each component present in the inlet. The model equations consist of the mass balance for each of the components X Fj,out j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , 11 (28) Fj,in ¼ and (17) (18) — particle acceleration DPc2 ¼ LVin (Vpin Vpvessel ) (24) streams Cyclones The cyclone separators used for the recovery of catalyst fines are modelled for the pressure drop. The total pressure drop in the cyclone is a sum of the following individual pressure drops (Perry and Green, 1997) — inlet contraction 2 þ KVin2 ) DPc1 ¼ 0:5rgmix (Vin2 Vvessel 4(inlet area) inlet perimeter mgmix ¼ — sudden expansion of the catalyst and product vapour mixture into the reactor vessel DPrtd2 ¼ and din is calculated as (19) For small particles, we can consider Vpin ¼ Vin (20) Vpvessel ¼ Vvessel (21) Fj,out ¼ Zj Fj,in j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , 11 (29) where Zj is the efficiency of splitting for the component j. The splitter is modelled such that the inlet and outlet streams are in thermal and hydrodynamic equilibrium. Stripper The stripper is modelled as a counter current operation with steam stripping the hydrocarbons from the voids in the stripper bed as well as within the catalyst pores. The efficiency of stripping depends on the steam to catalyst flow rate and is assumed to be a linear function of this ratio (Arbel et al., 1995). Since the stripping is a counter current operation with steam injected at the bottom and catalyst flowing down, the pressure of the streams which lie on the same side of the stripper unit are considered to be equal and the two outlet streams are assumed to be in thermal equilibrium. and Regenerator — barrel friction DPc3 ¼ 2f rgmix Vin2 pDc Ns din (22) The friction factor f is based on the Reynolds number calculated at the inlet area. The Reynolds number is calculated by the following equation Re ¼ din Vin rgmix mgmix (23) Air distributor Assuming a uniform distribution of air without any channelling effects, the following equation models the pressure drop for the pipe grid type air distributor (CPCL, 1999) DPad ¼ Pair Vair 3960Tair (30) Dense bed As described earlier the regenerator dense bed is divided into two phases, emulsion phase and bubble phase. The emulsion phase consists of the catalyst particles and air flow equivalent to the minimum fluidization velocity. The 547 bubble phase consists of the air flow rate which is in excess over the minimum fluidization requirement. The air entering from the distributor, stream U0, (see Figure 8) is divided into two streams, (U0 7 Umf) corresponding to the bubble phase flow and Umf, equivalent to the minimum fluidization velocity (Kunii and Levenspiel, 1968, 1990). — Splitter 1 The flow in stream Umf will correspond to minimum fluidization velocity which is given by the equation 9:0 104 d p1:8 b(rpart rair )gc0:934 (31) Umf ¼ 0:87 r0:066 air mair where rair can be calculated from the ideal gas equation written at the air distributor exit conditions and the viscosity of air can be calculated from the empirical correlation mair ¼ (0:016931 þ 4:9863 105 Tair 3:1481 2 3 þ 1:2682 1011 Tair ) 108 Tair 103 g (32) The average particle size can be calculated given the particle size distribution (PSD) of the equilibrium catalyst using the following equation 1 106 dp ¼ P (x i i =dpi ) (33) A balance across the Splitter 1 (see Figure 8) will give the equation for calculating the air flow rate in the form of bubbles p 2 Fair,in ¼ Fair,bubble þ Umf dreg (34) 4 — Emulsion phase The emulsion phase is assumed to be a completely mixed zone. One of the attributes of the CSTR that should be known is the volume occupied by the CSTR. Hence, before the balance equations for the individual combustion components are presented, detailed hydrodynamic calculations for the fluidized bed are listed below. The fraction of the total dense bed occupied by the bubbles is given by the equation U Umf d¼ o Ub Therefore, the volume occupied by the bubble phase is given by Vb ¼ dZbed Areg ( Zbed ¼ min Zcyc , Wreg rdil Areg Zcyc Areg (rdense rdil ) ) rdil ¼ max{0:0,(aUo b)} rdense ¼ (1 edense )rpart U þc edense ¼ o Uo þ d (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) and the volume occupied by the emulsion phase is Ve ¼ Zbed Areg Vb ¼ Zbed Areg (1 d) (44) The emulsion phase is considered as a single CSTR and the bubble phase is approximated by CSTRsin-series, see Figure 8. The following combustion reactions are considered in the regenerator (Arbel et al., 1995; Weisz and Goodwin, 1966) * r1 : C þ 0:5O2 ! CO * r2 : C þ O2 ! CO2 * r3 : CO þ 0:5O2 ! CO2 (Heterogeneous) * r3h : CO þ 0:5O2 ! CO2 (Homogeneous) * r4 : H2 þ 0:5O2 ! H2 O It is assumed that the complete hydrogen in the coke is burnt in the emulsion CSTR itself and hence, no reaction kinetics are taken into consideration for the hydrogen balance equation (Arbel et al., 1995). All the other reactions (r1, r2, r3c and r3h) occur in the emulsion phase. Writing the balance equation for each of the components in the emulsion phase * Mass Balance: Balance equation for catalyst X streams Fcat,in ¼ X Fcat,out (45) streams Balance equation for carbon Coke is assumed to be of the formula CHn. Therefore the balance can be written as Fcoke,in 12 ¼ r1 þ r2 þ Fcoke,out 12 þ n (46) (35) where the bubble rise velocity (Ub) is given by Ub ¼ Uo þ Umf þ Ubr (36) Ubr ¼ Uo Umf (37) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 0:711 (gdb ) The product stream from the emulsion CSTR does not contain any hydrogen in the coke as all the hydrogen is converted to H2O in the emulsion phase itself. The reaction rates for the carbon in the first two reactions described above, r1 and r2 are given by where db, the effective bubble diameter is calculated from the following equation db ¼ 0:667q0:375 o (38) r1 ¼ Ve (1 edense )rpart K1 Fcoke,out P Fcat,out O2 (47) 548 where the rate constant K1 and the partial pressure of O2, PO2 are defined by the following equations 2:6 1011 exp(12926=Te ) 2512 exp(3420=Te ) þ 1 (FO2 ,out =32) ¼ Preg Ftotal,out K1 ¼ (48) PO2 (49) Ftotal,out is total sum of the molar flow rates of the gaseous components in the emulsion phase outlet stream and is given by FO2 FCO FCO2 þ þ Ftotal,out ¼ 32 28 44 FN2 FH2 O þ þ (50) 28 18 out r2 ¼ Ve (1 edense )rpart K2 Fcoke,out P Fcat,out O2 (51) The mass transfer between bubble and emulsion phase CSTRs is given by ( ) k e (FCO =44) (FCO =44) k 2 ,out 2 ,out MCO2 ¼ Kbe Fair,bubble Fair,emulsion 1:035 108 exp(9506=Te ) 2512 exp(3420=Te ) þ 1 (52) Balance equation for CO2 The total CO2 produced in the emulsion phase is contributed by three different reactions, r2, r3c, r3h taking place simultaneously. Therefore a balance on CO2 gives us b X 44 44 k r2 þ ðr3c þ r3h Þ MCO 2 12 28 k¼1 N FCO2 ,out ¼ (53) where, the last term on the right hand side of the above equation represents the mass transfer of CO2 between emulsion phase and bubble phase CSTRs. The reaction terms r3c and r3h are combined and given by r3 ¼ Ve K3 PO2 PCO The balance equation for CO is similar to that written above for CO2 N FCO,out ¼ b X 28 k r1 r3 MCO 12 k¼1 (59) The reaction terms have already been described above. Writing the mass transfer equations ( ) k e (FCO,out =28) (FCO,out =28) k MCO ¼ Kbe Fair,bubble Fair,emulsion dZbed Areg 2 (60) Balance equation for O2 The O2 supply to the emulsion phase takes place from both the flow stream as well as the mass transfer lines from the bubble phase. Writing a balance would give 1 32 32 1 32 FO2 ,out ¼ FO2 ,in r1 r2 r3 2 12 12 2 28 Fcoke;in 1 n 32 4 12 þ n Nb X þ MOk 2 (61) k¼1 FO2 ,in Fair,emulsion (Pair 21 þ 1:033)=1:033 32 ¼ 100 82:057 103 (Tair þ 273:15) (54) ( K3 ¼ xpt (1 edense )rpart K3c þ edense K3h Ek3c K3c ¼ K3c0 exp RTe E K3h ¼ K3h0 exp k3h RTe (58) Balance equation for CO where the rate constant K2 is defined by the following equation K2 ¼ dZbed Areg 2 MOk 2 ¼ Kbe (55) (56) (FOk 2 ,out =32) Fair,bubble dZbed Areg 2 (FOe 2, out =32) ) (62) Fair,emulsion (63) Balance equation for N2 (57) The balance equations are similar to that written for O2 with one exception being that there will 549 be no reaction terms. FN2 ,out ¼ FN2 ,in þ The heat input due to the entrained catalyst falling into the dense bed is given by Nb X MNk 2 (64) k¼1 FN2 ,in Fair,emulsion (Pair 79 þ 1:033)=1:033 ¼ 28 100 82:057 103 (Tair þ 273:15) ( MNk 2 ¼ Kbe (FNk 2 ,out =28) Fair,bubble (65) ) (FNe 2 ,out =28) Fair,emulsion dZbed Areg 2 (66) ent Cpcat (Tent Tref ) Qent ¼ Fcat The heat input from the spent catalyst entering the regenerator dense bed is given by Qsc ¼ Fcat Cpcat (Tsc Tref ) (75) Heat input due to coke is calculated as Qcoke ¼ Fcoke Cpcoke (Tsc Tref ) (76) The heat inputs due to the mass transfer from bubble phase CSTRs for O2 and N2 are given by Qmt O2 ¼ Nb X MOk 2 CpO2 (Tbubble,k Tref ) (77) MNk 2 CpN2 (Tbubble,k Tref ) (78) k¼1 Qmt N2 ¼ Balance equation for H2O (74) Nb X k¼1 The balance equation for H2O can be written as Fcoke,in 1 n 18 2 12 þ n ¼ FH2 O,out þ Nb X MHk 2 O k¼1 MHk 2 O ¼ Kbe ( (FHk 2 O,out =18) Fair,bubble (67) ) (FHe 2 O,out =18) Fair,emulsion dZbed Areg 2 (68) * Energy Balance: The energy balance equation for the emulsion phase can be written as Qinput ¼ Qoutput þ Qgen (69) (70) The last two terms of input heat are due to the mass transfer of O2 and N2 from the bubble phase CSTRs to the emulsion phase CSTR. The heat input due to air (Qair) can be calculated by Qair ¼ Mair Cpair (Te Tref ) ((Pad þ 1:033)=1:033)Fair,emulsion 106 82:057 Te (72) Pad is the pressure at the exit of the air distributor and is calculated by Pad ¼ Pair DPad þ QCO2 þ QH2 O þ Qmt CO mt þ Qmt CO2 þ QH2 O (79) Qcat ¼ Fcat Cpcat (Te Tref ) (80) QO2 ¼ FO2 CpO2 (Te Tref ) (81) QN2 ¼ FN2 CpN2 (Te Tref ) (82) QCO ¼ FCO CpCO (Te Tref ) (83) QCO2 ¼ FCO2 CpCO2 (Te Tref ) (84) QH2 O ¼ FH2 O CpH2 O (Te Tref ) (85) Nb X Qmt CO2 ¼ Qmt H2 O ¼ k MCO CpCO (Te Tref ) k¼1 Nb X k¼1 Nb X (86) k MCO CpCO2 (Te Tref ) 2 (87) MHk 2 O CpH2 O (Te Tref ) (88) k¼1 (71) where the Mair is the flow rate of air in mol s1 and is given by Mair ¼ Qoutput ¼ Qcat þ QO2 þ QN2 þ QCO Qmt CO ¼ Qinput ¼ Qair þ Qent þ Qsc þ Qcoke mt þ Qmt O2 þ QN2 Similarly, the following equations give the expressions for the heat output from the emulsion phase (73) The heat generation in the emulsion phase is due to the coke combustion reactions, which are exothermic in nature. Hence, the total heat generated can be written as T T T e e e Qgen ¼ r1 DHf ,CO þ r2 DHf 2,CO þ r3 DHf 3,CO 2 2 T e þ r4 DHf ,H 2O (89) The heats of formation at the temperature conditions of the emulsion phase CSTR are given by 550 (Perry and Green, 1997) Te DHf ,CO ¼ 763168 þ 86:604Te þ 8:456 458920 103 Te2 (90) Te T e DHf 2,CO ¼ 4160500:82 þ 158:928Te 2 þ 0:0236Te2 8130804 Te in the emulsion bed, the corresponding mass and energy balance equations are not taken into consideration. Regenerator Cyclones The regenerator cyclone equations are similar to the reactor cyclone model equations. To model a two-stage cyclone separator, two single-stage cyclones are connected in series and model equations are written accordingly. (91) NOMENCLATURE T e ¼ 2961244 þ 22:836Te þ 1:0274 DHf 3,CO 2 10 2 Te2 7409644 Te (92) T e ¼ 1011938:58 63:665Te DHf ,H 2O þ 1:387 102 Te2 542305:545 Te (93) The specific heats of the gaseous components which are required for calculating the enthalpy of the streams can be written as functions of temperature (Smith and Van Ness, 1987) CpCO ¼ 0:2357 þ 4:286 105 T (94) 5 CpCO2 ¼ 0:235 þ 6:23 10 T 4443:18 T2 CpH2 O ¼ 0:457 þ 8:33 106 T þ 7:44 108 T 2 Cpcoke ¼ 0:22275 þ 1:454 6494:44 104 T T2 CpN2 ¼ 0:232 þ 3:57 105 T a, b, c, d Areg Cpair Cpfv Cpcat Cpcoke Cpi darm db d̄p dpi dreac dreg driser Dc Ek Ek3c Ek3h (95) (96) (97) (98) CpO2 ¼ 0:2584 þ 8:0625 5865:625 106 T (99) T2 — Bubble Phase The bubble phase is considered to be free of catalyst particles. Hence the only reaction that takes place within each of the bubble phase CSTRs is the CO combustion reaction in the gas phase i.e., the homogeneous reaction (r3h). The rate equation for each CSTR can be accordingly written as Fair;bubble Fair;emulsion Fcat ent Fcat Fj,in Fj,out e Fj;out k Fj;out Foil g hriser hw K Kbe K1 K2 K3 K3c K3c0 rCO ¼ Vbk K3h PO2 PCO (100) where the partial pressures have to be calculated as described earlier but based on the outlet conditions of the corresponding bubble phase CSTR. The balance equations for other components are similar to that written for the emulsion CSTR. Dilute phase The dilute phase is modelled as a series of CSTRs. The mass, momentum and energy balance equations for the CSTRs are similar to those written for the emulsion phase. Since hydrogen in coke is assumed to be completely combusted K3h K3h0 Kd Kk0 L Mfeed Mik Nb Ns Pair Pmixer empirical constants in the regenerator hydrodynamic equations cross sectional area of the regenerator, m2 heat capacity of air, kcal mol1 C1 heat capacity of the oil vapour, kcal kg1 C1 heat capacity of the catalyst, kcal kg1 C1 heat capacity of the coke on catalyst, kcal kg1 C1 specific heat of component i, kcal kg1 K1 inside diameter of the side arm of the RTD, m effective bubble diameter, m average particle size, m particle size, mm internal diameter of the reactor, m internal diameter of the regenerator, m inside diameter of the riser, m cyclone barrel diameter, m activation energy for cracking reaction of lump k, kcal mol1 activation energy for the heterogeneous CO combustion reaction, 13888.55 kcal kmol1 activation energy for the homogeneous CO combustion reaction, 35555 kcal kmol1 flow rate of air through the bubble phase, m3 s1 flow rate of air through the emulsion phase, m3 s1 catalyst circulation rate, kg h1 entrained catalyst in regenerator cyclones, kg h1 inlet flow rate of component j, kg h1 outlet flow rate of component j, kg h1 outlet flow rate of component j from emulsion phase CSTR, kg h1 outlet flow rate of component j from bubble phase CSTR k, kg h1 oil feed flow rate, kg h1 acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m s2 total height of the riser, m height of the opening in the RTD arm, m empirical proportionality constant for cyclone pressure drop mass transfer coefficient between emulsion and bubble phase CSTRs, kg m3 h1 rate constant for carbon combustion reaction to CO, cm2 kg1 h1 rate constant for carbon combustion reaction to CO2, cm2 kg1 h1 rate constant for CO combustion reaction to CO2, kg CO m3 h1(kg cm2)2 rate constant for heterogeneous CO combustion reaction, kg CO (kg cat)1 h1 (kg cm2)2 intrinsic rate constant for heterogeneous CO combustion reaction, 3060 kg CO (kg cat)1 h1 (kg cm2)2 rate constant for homogeneous CO combustion reaction, kg CO m3 h1 (kg cm2)2 intrinsic rate constant for homogeneous CO combustion reaction, 1.33 1016 kg CO m3 h1 (kg cm2)2 aromatic adsorption coefficient, (Wt frac of aromatics)1 intrinsic rate constant for cracking of component k, m3 (kg cat)1 h1 loading of the entrained catalyst, kg m3 molecular weight of the oil feed mass transfer of component i between bubble phase CSTR k and emulsion phase CSTR, kg h1 number of bubble phase CSTRs number of spirals made by the solids inside the barrel blower discharge pressure, psi pressure at the riser bottom, kg cm2 551 PCO PO2 Preg qo R RCSV Re SCSV T Tair Tbubble,k Tdelta Tdilute Te Tent Tin Tmixer Tout Tref Tsc Uo Umf Ub Ubr Vair Varm Vkb Vb Vc Ve Vexit Vin Vpin Vpvessel Vrtd Vvapour Vvessel w Wreg xi xpt yAh Zbed Zcyc Greek symbols d edense Zj nk mgmix mair mv f(t) rair rgmix rdense rdil rpart rmix rv t DHfT;i DHrk partial pressure of CO in the emulsion phase, kg cm2 partial pressure of O2 in the emulsion phase, kg cm2 pressure in the regenerator dilute phase, kg cm2 volumetric flow rate of air per hole in the air grid at the operating temperature and pressure, m3 s1 universal gas constant, 8.314 Pa m3 mol1 K1; 1.987 kcal kmol1 K1; 82.057 atm cm3 mol1 K1 regenerated catalyst slide valve Reynolds number spent catalyst slide valve temperature of interest of any stream or unit, K temperature of air at the inlet, K outlet temperature of the bubble phase CSTR k, K temperature difference between emulsion and dilute phase, K dilute phase outlet or regenerator cyclone inlet temperature, K temperature of the emulsion phase CSTR, K temperature of the entrained catalyst, K riser CSTR inlet oil vapour temperature, C temperature at the riser bottom, C riser CSTR outlet oil vapour temperature, C reference temperature for enthalpy calculations, 273.15 K temperature of the spent catalyst, K superficial velocity of inlet air, m s1 minimum fluidization velocity of air, m s1 velocity of the rise of bubbles, m s1 velocity of the rise of bubbles with respect to emulsion solids, m s1 velocity of air through jets, ft s1 velocity of the vapour-catalyst mixture in the side arm of RTD, m s1 volume of bubble phase CSTR k, m3 volume occupied by the bubble phase, m3 velocity of the vapour-steam mixture in cyclone barrel, m s1 volume occupied by the emulsion phase, m3 exit velocity of the vapour-steam mixture from the cyclone, m s1 velocity of the vapour-steam mixture at the inlet of the cyclone, m s1 actual particle velocity at inlet of the cyclone, m s1 superficial velocity of the particles inside the cyclone, m s1 velocity of the vapour-catalyst mixture at the inlet to the RTD, m s1 velocity of the vapour inside the riser, m s1 velocity of the vapour-steam mixture inside the cyclone, m s1 width of the opening in the RTD arm, m catalyst loading in the regenerator bed, kg fraction of particles in size range i relative catalytic CO combustion rate mass fraction of heavy aromatic rings within the riser CSTR height of the fluidized bed of catalyst, m height of the cyclone inlet from the air distributor, m fraction of the dense bed occupied by the bubble phase void fraction in the dense bed efficiency of split for the component j stoichiometric coefficient for component k, (1) viscosity of the vapour-steam mixture, kg m1 s1 viscosity of air at the exit of air distributor, kg m1 s1 viscosity of the oil vapour at the riser bottom conditions, kg m1 s1 catalyst deactivation function density of air at the exit of air distributor, kg m3 mixture density of catalyst and steam, kg m3 density of the dense bed medium, kg m3 density of the dilute phase medium, kg m3 particle density of the catalyst, kg m3 mixture density of catalyst and vapour, kg m3 oil vapour density at the bottom of the riser, kg m3 catalyst residence time within each riser CSTR, s heat of formation of component i at temperature T, kcal kg1 heat of cracking of component k, kcal kg1 DPad DPri DPrtd1 DPrtd2 DPci pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure drop drop drop drop drop across the distributor, psi terms inside the riser, kg cm2 term inside the RTD, kg cm2 term inside the RTD, kg cm2 terms inside the cyclone, kg cm2 References Arandes, J.M., Azkoiti, M.J., Bilboa, J. and de Lasa, H.I., 2000, Modelling fcc units under steady and unsteady state conditions, Can J Chem Eng, 78: 111–123. 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Jayaram (Manager, Advanced Applications Group) for extending his support and cooperation in various model development activities during the project. The manuscript was received 14 February 2003 and accepted for publication after revision 3 September 2003.
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