G R A D UAT I O N Programme October 2010 The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border – a stylised fern frond or pitau The University’s motto, – symbolises new birth, growth, vitality, strength and Ko Te Tangata/For the People achievement. Inside the border is the University’s coat of arms. reflects our intrinsic belief The open book surrounded by the four stars of the Southern that people are central to the Cross is a symbol of learning. The crest design is institution and are its most in the University’s colours of black, red and gold. valued resource. Waiata Ko Te Whare Wānangaa o Waikato Ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato e tū ne nei ‘Ko te Tangata’ te tohu Tīhei mauri ora!! Waikato te iwi; Waikato awa; ika o te awa Taupiri te maunga; Tainuii te waka. Ko Te Whare Wānanga Waikato e tū nei nga o Waikat Ko te tino kaupapa hee hora mātauranga m tauranga ki te ao. o. KŌKIRI! The University of Waikato This is the University of Waikato presenting to you ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live!! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! Contents University Officers 2 Welcome 3 Ceremony Speakers 4 Order of Proceedings 5 Qualifications to be conferred/awarded Te Kohinga Mārama Marae • Wednesday 20 October 2010 9.30am 8 Founders Memorial Theatre • Thursday 21 October 2010 10.00am 13 • Thursday 21 October 2010 2.00pm 00pm 21 1 • Thursday 21 October 2010 5.00pm 00pm m 27 • Thursday 21 October 2010 in A Absentia bsentia bs 32 Qualifications previously conferred/awarded d/a /aw warded 34 University of Waikato Academic Leaders adeers 56 Speaker Profiles 59 A Brief History of the University 60 Our Commitment 6 61 Ceremonial Traditions 62 62 'God Defend New Zealand' andd ''Gaudeamus' deam ' 63 3 Honorary Awards 64 6 History 6 65 Printed on sustainable stock using vegetable inks. Due to the nature of the Graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This Programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR DEAN OF EDUCATION Rt Hon. J Bolger ONZ Te Kura Toi Tangata PRO CHANCELLOR Professor A Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT MRSNZ Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA DEAN OF LAW Te Wāhanga Ture VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor R Crawford BSc (Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor B Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York DEAN OF SCIEN SC SCIENCE NC AND ENGINEERING DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor D Sutton BA (Hons) MA A PhD D Otago PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI)/DEAN ĀORI)/DEAN ĀOR N VELO OPMENT T OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Te Tumuaki Māori/ Te Pua Wānanga ga ki k te Ao Professor L Smith BA MA PhD Auck D DipT ipT DEAN OF ARTS AND SOCIAL IAL SCIENCES SCIEN NC CES Te Kura Kete Aronui Professor D Zirker BA MA Montana ontana PhD hD Alberta Alb DEAN OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao taiao Pāngarau Pāngar Professor G Holmes BSc (Hons) ( ) PhD Southhampton 2 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Te Mātaurang Mātaurangaa Pū Pūtaiao t me te Pūkaha Professor Clarkson Profe f B Cl arkso BSc MSc DPhil Waikato DEAN D EAN AN OF WA WAIKATO AIKA AT MANAGEMENT SCHOOL TTe Ra Raupapa aupapa Scrimgeour BAgSc (Hons) Lincoln Professor F Scrim m Hawai’i PhD Haw wai’i B BD Melbourne College of Divinity Welcome Today we join with you in celebrating your outstanding achievement, or that of your family member or friend, in gaining a world-class qualification. At the University we are proud that each of our students has been challenged, and has grown. Time at Waikato teaches skills – learnt in and outside of the classroom – that create some of the most sought g after f ggraduates in New Zealand and d overseas.. We pride ourselves in graduating graduatin students not only with an eexcellent qualifi n qua q l cation, and but with b h leadership eadership eade rsh p sskills, bold rship bold d ideas i unlimited ambition. unlimit u ed d ambition bitii n graduate W send We d each and a eev every gr adu ua out to make their new New Zealand the eir mark, k and d tto ttake ne ew N Ne id s to the world. ideas Rt Hon. Hon on n. James n. James Bolger Bolge g ONZ Chancellor Chanc or Welcom Welcome me to tthe he Un University ve sity o off W Waikato’s ato s graduation honoured gra duation cceremonies. eremonies I am ho ured tto host you att th thiss sp special occasion we ho al o casion where w acknowledge and celebrate the immense ack wl gee an elebra th mmense achievements our students, friends and chievements of o ur stude ts yyour ur frien Together we sharee the gra pride in ffamilies. es. To Tog ggraduates’ ua their th h i success, and d acknowledge ack d the t tremendous t hard work that underpins the completion of a university qualification. On behalf of the University I congratulate all graduates and wish you future success and happiness. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: WEDNESDAY 20 OCTOBER – 9.30AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Waikato Management School at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae. Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai Turanga Hoturoa turoa Barclay-Kerr, MA THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER – 1 10AM 0AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & SSocial ocial Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty off Law Law, School of Mā Māori āor & Pacific Pacifi P if Development at Founders Memorial o iaal Theatre. Theatre. Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Albert Belz Elisabeth Borst, rst, DPhil DPhil THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER – 2PM M Ceremony for Faculty of Computing ing & Math M Mat Mathematical hematical Sciences, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Waikato Management ing, Waika ato to o Mana agement School Schoo ool (Undergraduate, Graduate Certificates rtificates andd Diplomas) Di mas Diplom as) at Founders Memorial Theatre. tre. Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Tim Naish h Sarah Fitzpatrich, patrich BCS THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER – 5PM Ceremony for Waikato Management g School (PhD, MMS, Bachelors with Honours, ou , Postgraduate Postgra ate Certificates erti ca es and nd Diplomas) at Founders Memorial Theatre. Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Sam am Knowles Know es Timothy mothy Leahy, Lea y, MBA For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 59. 4 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE WEDNESDAY 20 OCTOBER • Pōwhiri • After the pōwhiri The Chancellor will open the proceedings • The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly • The keynote speaker will be introduced ntroduced and will address the assembly • The Deans, or their representatives, atives, will present to the Chancellor for the conferment f rm nt of their qualifications, graduates from each m eac h Faculty// School of Study • The student speaker will be introduced ntroduced and address the assembly • Graduates will be invited onto tthe he marae m ātea tea e for a group photo • The proceedings will concludee with h a karakia karaakia kar whakawātea Following the marae ceremony, mony, an invitation invi vita is extended to all graduatess and guests ts tto joinn University staff in the marquee ee for refreshments t Mā te Mārie a te Atua Mā te Mārie a te Atua Tātou katoa e tiakii Māna anō a whakaū kaū Ō tātou ngākau ki tee pai GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 5 Order of Proceedings FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER • The assembly is requested to stand as the academic procession enters the theatre • A karanga will be performed to welcome the Official Party into the theatre • The proceedings will commence with a mihi • The New Zealand national anthem willll be sung them wil (page 63) • The Chancellor will open the proceedings proceedings • The Vice-Chancellor will address assembly ress tthe he assemb bly • The keynote speaker will be introduced ntrodduced and will will address the assembly • The Deans will present to the Chancellor Chancellor for for the th t conferment of their qualifications, nss, graduates graaduates from each Faculty/School of Study dyy • The student speaker will be introduce introduced ced ed andd address the assembly • The proceedings will conclude clude with a poroporoāki • The assembly will stand to sing Gaudeamu Gaudeamus u (page 63) • Official procession from the theatre • Graduates procession from the theatre (please remain standing procession nd ng uuntil til tthe processio has left the theatre) Following the ceremony, invitation ony, an in itation is extended to all graduates t and guests to join University staff in the marquee rquee for fo refreshments f mentss 6 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Qualifications to be conferred/ awarded at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae 20 October 2010 Wednesday 20 October 2010 9.30am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Taima Materangatira Moeke-Pickering, BSocSc, MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Decolonisation as a Social Change Framework and its Impact on the Development of Indigenousbased Curricula for Helping Professionals in Mainstream Tertiary Education Organisations” Amanda Maria Young-Hauser, BSocSc, BSocSc (Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: “Conversing with ‘Monsters’? Narratives about Men who Sexually Abuse(d) Children” MASTER OF ARTS Emit Snake-Beings, with First Class s Honours MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) Michael William Taiapa, with Second (first co ond C Class Honours urs (f st division) divis MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CES Bernard Esonu, with Second Classs Hon Honours (first ours (firs st division division)) divisio BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NC CES WITH HONOURS HONO OU OURS Sean Charles Glassie, with Second Class Honours asss Hon nours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS Yvette Sharlene Howe Huiarau Huiara rau u Blair Stewart Robert Charles Koopu BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES TUD Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Thea Turora King BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Emma Marjorie Graves es Tireni Tire i Ratema R te a GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN PSYC PSYCHOLOGY HO Y Joleen Aroha Perry Faculty of Co Computing ompu m utiing g & Mat Mathematical them matica Sc Sciences cieencces BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Craig Norman Berntsen, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Sean Kieran Sheridan BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Thanh Liem Luong POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Paramveer Singh Dhaliwal 8 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Faculty of Education DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Richard Kenneth Hill, BEd, MA(Applied), DipSLT Waikato Thesis Title: “What is the Role of English Transition in Māori-Medium Education?” DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Deborah Ann Bright, BA Massey, DipT Christchurch Secondary Teachers College, DipSptSt Otago Thesis Title: “Exploring Female Art-Making Through Reflective Practice: A Multi-Dimensional Cultural, Spiritual and Embodied Experience” Katrina Jane Fitzpatrick, BSpLS (Hons) Waikato H ns) Wa kato Thesis Title: “Stop Playing Up! A critical education and (sub)urban schooling” ritical al ethnography eh h off health, h lth physical h al educa educ MASTER OF COUNSELLING Rahera Taylor, with Second Class Honours H ours Hono (first division) Luke Luk uke kkee Stephen van Helden, H with Second Class Honours division) Hono nours (first div ivisi MASTER OF EDUCATION Maria Donna Barnes, with Second Cl Class C las Honours Honours (first division) Aneta Te Miriarangi Heke Tere-Apii Teinakore, TereTereTeinakkor with First Class Honours Charity Erana Tunoho, with Second Class Eraana Fortes Fo F Honourss (first stt div ddivision) MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL AL LEADERSH LEADERSHIP SHIP SH Catherine Neidhardt, with Second Classs Hono Honourss (first cond C rst division) division BACHELOR OF SPORT AND D LEISUREE STUDIES TUD S Kiali Molu Plesha Anne Silcock Pl Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Piki-Te-Marama Rayner BACHELOR OF TEACHING EACHING Jazmine Arahina Gardiner din Janice Elizabeth Schellingerhout, also awarded Graduate dua Diploma in i Education Educatio Shannon Heni Martin Natalia Mary Taylor alia Ma yl Servie Mubvumbi Chikandwa Hilary Beth Puke POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA MA IN N ED EDUCATIONAL DUC TIONA AL LEA LEADERSHIP ADER RSH P Paeone Rewa Shaw GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 9 Wednesday 20 October 2010 9.30am Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Semisi Sakeasi Pohiva, with Second Class Honours (first division) Sharon Marjorie Toi, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Joseph Uriel Mooney, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS Mokonuiarangi Guy Kingi Valelia Fala Falaniko Titie, aniko T ti also awarded Graduate Diploma in TTourism ouris and Hospitality Management Shi-han Grace Ngarewa Jasmine Rang Rangimarie mar e Waiari Rodney John Arnold GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE SPUT P E RESO RESOLUTION LUTION UTIO UTION Katherine Mary Coates School of Māori & Paci P Pacific cific Developmen Development nt MASTER OF ARTS Turanga Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr Harry Haarry R Rua, Ru with ith First C Class Honours Te Ingo Karangaroa Ngaia, with First Class las Honours Ho Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E BACHELOR OF ARTS 10 Namakaliiokalanipaihi Te Rangi Ka Tukua Ryan Barclay-Kerr Roimata Jewell-Leah Meha Anne Eddy Marama Shekinah Ki Te Ao Toka Ma ma Sh ekinah K Piri Rongo Michelle Peka Hetett ek Het Jessica Victoria Walker essi a V ict ria Wa Tony Nesbit Mihaere Piki Carina Nadine Jahnke ahnk Faculty of Science & Engineering g DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Amber Susan Dunn, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Coastal Storm Activity Along the Eastern North Island of New Zealand – East Cape to Wellington” Susanna Rutledge, MSc Wageningen University Netherlands Thesis Title: “Carbon dioxide losses from terrestrial organic matter resulting from photodegradation and microbial respiration” BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Thomas Ford Malcolm James David Watson Amy Te Huia Paula Retihia Lillian Woods T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Waikato Management School MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Susan Huhana Grant John Karl Modlik Lyndon Trent Hemi Hinemaua Rikirangi Samuel Te Oru Mikaere Herearoha Francis Skipper MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Chia-Yi Chao BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NALYSIS Smiley Giobauta Lee Kuang-Yao Le BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION CA ATIO ON STUDIES DIES Logan Tupaea Tutua BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES D DIES Jason Herewini Wairepo BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUD SSTUDIES DIES Wade Clive Leyland Matangaro also conferred Bachelor of Arts Mataangaro o Paerau, P als POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MANA MANAGEMENT EMENT ENT STU STUDIES Vaughan Raymond John Payne yne Varun arun Jitendra tendra Sachdev Bradley Wiki James Roberts, also lso conferred Bachelor of Arts Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Boopal Raj Mohan Raj aj GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICATE IN FI FINANCE A Supriya Namrata Ekka GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 11 Qualifications to be conferred/ awarded at Founders Memorial Theatre 21 October 2010 Thursday 21 October 2010 10.00am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Janice Pamela Antill, BA Canterbury, DipEd, BA (Hons), MA Victoria Thesis Title: “Spirituality, Landscape and Archetypes” Tania Louise Blackmore, BSocSc, BSocSc (Hons), MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “The Use of Signs to Facilitate Maze Learning in Dairy Cows (Bos taurus)” Elisabeth Margaretha Borst, BSocSc, BSocSc (Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: “Cyborg Art: An Explorative and Critical Inquiry into Corporeal Human-Technology Convergence” Siti Aisyah Binti Panatik, BSc (Hons), MA National University of Malaysia ignn on Psychological Psyychological Work Wo ork Reactions Reactions and Job Jo Performance Among Technical Thesis Title: “Impact of Work Design M y Malaysia Workers: A Longitudinal Study in Malaysia” MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY O GY OLO Mary Jennie Armistead, with Firstt Clas Classs Honours rss Honnours Xiuyan Kong, with Second Class Honours (first division) Jana Jan anaa Maree Noorland, Noorla with Second Class Honours (firrst division) (fi (first MASTER OF ARTS Kayanee Chor Boonpunth, with Second Class ond Cl lass Honours (first division) rcy Green, G Gre with First Class Honours Jordan Dar Darcy Lynley Maree Calder, with Second ond Class Honours H Ho onours rs (first division) Celeeste Rosalind Ro osalind Warner, os osa Warn with First Class Honours Celeste th First Class H urs David James Calderwood, with Honours bell Lu uton with First Class Honours ut u Jane Iso Isobel Luton, Yingyi yingg Yao, with Sec Yingying Second Class Honours (f vision) (first division) MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) D Chi Chia-Hui Hsieh, with First Class Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Janet Lesley Burgess, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL RONM NT PLANN PLANNING NG G i i Thomas Peter Bland, withh Distinction MASTER OF MUSIC C Honours Elizabeth Jane Dobson, with Firs First Class Honours oader with First Class Honours Linden Anne Loader, ur, with w First Class Cl Honours us Hannah Ruth Gilmour, MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Helen Elizabeth Clark, with First Class Honours Gail Yvonne Hutcheson, with First Class Honours Janalezza Morvenna Esteban, with First Class Honours Briar Ruth Marshall, with Second Class Honours (first division), also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours, with First Class Honours Cameron Blair Frethey, with Second Class Honours (first division), also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours, with First Class Honours Claire Lynette Guthrie, with First Class Honours Sally Mueller, with Second Class Honours (first division) Emmanuel Avila Guzman, with First Class Honours Anna Helen Scanlen, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Flint Tamihana Emile Rennie, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Wei Suo, with Second Class Honours (second division) Shoshana Sachidhanandam, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Arts GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 13 Thursday 21 October 2010 10.00am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES WITH HONOURS Michael Rust, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Angela Marie Biszak, with First Class Honours Kirstin Marie Thomson, with First Class Honours Catherine Rose Lane, with First Class Honours Lucinda van Zyl, with First Class Honours Theresa Louise Liani Rorason, with Second Class Honours (second division) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF ARTS 14 Qifeng Bian Xin Liu Giselle Cazalas Cameron Came m John Neate Nea Daniel Antony Charles Chapman Jiayan Jiayyan Ji an Ni Chenyu Chu Arapeta Nikora Araapeeta Sidney Sidney Whakanehu Wh Jiran Du Gregory Jamess Plummer Grego Gre gory Jame Plum Emma Claire Edwards Adam Lennon Lennon PPurdy ur Lisa Maree Grainger Michele Denise Denisee Schlatter S Danielle Candice Jean Gray Xi Shen Halen Georgina Grbich Sarah Elizabeth Stevenson Sarah Eliz zabeth Steven Zhenshen Gu Tracy Traacy TThongkhamchanh hongkhamcha Wen Jin Brent Vercoe B Andrew ew Verco Amanda Kylie Johansson Kimberley Kim mberley Joy J Warner Timothy James Kapoor Yu Y Yamane Yam Dirkje Josephina Maria Koene Shihan Yu Gavin Corey Koroaha Xiao Zhang Bianca Simone Lawrie ie Xiaowen Zhang Z ang Jieyi Liang Li Zhuang Jiarong Lin BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION MMUNICATION ST STUDIES UDI S Sean Frederick Ferguss Budd Bu Bradley David Jarrett T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Waimarie Michelle chelle Taimai am BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Moana Aiga Aokuso Ashleigh Elizabeth McLean Ahmed Abdallah Hamed Al-Harthi Hayley Joanne Megaw Joshua Robert Allan Liqi Mei Stephen Francis Peake Allerby David Leonard Mitchell Samantha Sarah Morriss Biggar Laura Kate Newman Chi Cheng Rachel Jane Newport-Wells Joseph-James Collins Donnelle Annam Annamekea Newson Annamek Tiffany Jane Crowhurst Nicholas Phillips Ni h Rhys Phi l Courtney Jane Dench Bruce James R Rae ae Peter William Farrell Megan Ellen R Rosemergy osem m Johanna Marie Finlay Leonie L oni Leo o ie Christina Christina Schmidt Sc Finn Thomas Geoghegan Laurelle Margret L ure Lau u elle Marg eet Scott Sc Nicole Maree Golebiowski Tessa Rosemary T saa Rosema Tes ry SSummerson u Ariana Vivia Ngarongoa Grant Catherine C t erine Binwag Cathe Binwagg Taylor Amanda Marie Hamments Julia Kirsti Tye Tabitha Rose Imeson Sopheany Sophean ny Uyy Carolin Jentzsch Qingg Wang ngg Clare Frances Kowalewski Junfei Junfeii Yang Ya Y Samantha Louise Legg Aaron Aar Bin A n Zhang Zh Rebecca Louise Lynch Yun Zh Zhang an ng Salote Teisa Mahe Emerald Stevie Brierly Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY Justine Rebecca Winter POSTGRADUATE DI DIPLOMA LOMA IIN SCREEN CR EN AN AND MEDIA ED A STU STUDIES IE Lei Tian POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N SECO SECOND D LLANGUAGE NGUAG TEACHI TEACHING James Fulton, with Distinction Maria Da Soledade Cristo Persson Kevin Joseph McDonald, withh Distinction ald, w Distincctio on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Lorraine Grace Chisnall GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 15 Thursday 21 October 2010 10.00am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY STUDIES Hannah Mueller GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION STUDIES Yanni Ding GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Matthew Dennis Gouge GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN UMAN DEVELOPMENT Santi Nateethong GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY YCHOLOGY Te Whaiwhaia Pumau Hemi Ritchie he GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCREEN REEEN AND MEDIA EDIA A STUDIE SSTUDIES TUDIE I Nilesh Parekh GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL OCIAL PO PPOLICY OLICY CY Pragya Bajaj GRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN POLITICAL LITIC CA SSCIENCE NCEE Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Prynsas Yashinta Maharaj, also o awarded Diploma in Law 16 GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Melody Christina Bonnett nnett DIPLOMA IN ARTSS Kelly Pirihira Kells T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Faculty of Education DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Telesia Kalavite, PGDipEdLeadership, MEd Waikato Thesis Title: “Fononga ‘A Fakahalafononga: Tongan Students’ Journey to Academic Achievement in New Zealand Tertiary Education” Elaine Guat Lien Khoo, BEd Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, MA Vanderbilt University USA Thesis Title: “Developing an Online Learning Community: A Strategy for Improving Lecturer and Student Learning Experiences” Nicola Catherine Westberry, BA (Hons) University of Bristol England, Associate of Science University of Maine at Augusta USA, PGDipSLT, MA (Applied) Applied) plied) Waikato W k Thesis Title: “An Activity Theory Analysis nalysis alysis of of Social Epistemologies Epist p temologies g Within Wit n Tertiary-Level Tertia Tertiary eLearning Environments” MASTER OF COUNSELLING Paula Leigh Scott, with First Classs Hon Honours ours MASTER OF EDUCATION Karen Janice Morrison Natalie Jane Savery, with Second Class Claass Honours H (first division) Elizabeth Dunlop Buchanan Schollum, with ollum, w ith FFirst irst Class Honours Shirley Ware, Shirle Shi r ey Judith Wa re with Second Class Honours (first division) divisionn) Joanne Ali Alice Wilson, with Second Class Honours ice Wil W (secondd division) divi divissio ion) Thomas William Smith, with Second Honours econd Class Ho ono ourss (second division) MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL AL LEADERSH LEADERSHIP HI Arnna Rosa Graham, with Second Se ond Class ss Honours H nou s (first division) Shalvind Vikash Reddy, with Second Class Honours (second division) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Kathleen Mary Anso, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership Nicole Anne Ryan, with Second Class Honours (second sec nd division) di ision Raymond Joseph Scott, with First Class Honours Patrick John Hargreaves, Secondd Class aves, with Secon Cl Honours Hono rs (first division) Kerren Second Honours n Vali, Va with Seco nd Class H (second ond division) div ) Cynthia Margaret Holden, Honours en, with th First rst Class H nour Jocelyn with Jocelyn Ann Woofe, Woofe W th First Class Honours Denise Margaret Jones es BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH HONOURS Anne Johnson, with Second Class Honours (first division) Frank Evans Usherwood, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Justin Jeet Singh Bange David John McHugh Blair Tiaki Bennett Jacob Marama Phillips Samuel Michael Henehan Thomas Peter Scheres Daniel Julian Judge Samantha Desalen Stafford Marc Byron Le Lievre Stephen Robert Stone GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 17 Thursday 21 October 2010 10.00am Faculty of Education continued BACHELOR OF TEACHING Sean John Allen Tiffany Claire Hedges Gaylene June Bay Annaleise Tammy Knox Alicia Nicole Best Kerry Langdon, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Claire Anna Bojesen-Trepka Barbara Judith Lawson Stacey Melissa Brown Carol Ann Bull Matthew Christopher Lawson, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Melissa Jordan Campbell Freya y Belinda Marra Melanie Coker Loren Jea JJean Mills Sarah Anne Collins Vicki Margaret Margare Robinson Rob Dael Patricia Cullingworth Daniela Gaeta Gaetana na SSasso a Tracey Maree de Waard, also conferred nferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Paula Pau ula llaa Ann Schwikkard Schwikka Frazer Ronald Elliott, also conferred red Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies udies Margaret Marggaret Ann Tiddy Tiddy Jeffrey Desmond Smith Jeffreey Martin D Des m Nell Maureen Dobree Ewens Susan Elizabeth also awarded Susa s n Elizabe th TTreanor, re Postgraduate in Education PPostgraduuate Diploma D Di Deborah Anne Forrester Deborah Louis Louise L e Tritt Gay Elizabeth Fraser Hannah Hannah Clare C Claare arre Warburton Warb Carolyn Joy Graveson Ashley Asshley C Christina Webb Ch Lexi Harcourt Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN EDUCATION UCATIO ON 18 Susan Barbara Bleaken Renae Dallas Townsend Wendy Anne Falconer, with Distinction Emma Lynn Tumohe Heather Clemence Libeau-Dow, with Distinction Waana Celeste Watene Elizabeth Anne Perrott ott Shujing Zhao Shu ng Zh o Kelly Fiona Rawcliffe POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IIN EDU EDUCATIONAL IO AL LE LEADERSHIP SHIP Neil Henry Brooks Xanthe Xanthe Anna Sulzberger, ulzbe er, with Distinction D Maria Angela Cameron on Julie Anne Treweek ew week Tanya Louise Shorter,, w with ith Distinction istinctio on Debra with Deebrra Anne Anne White, Whitte, w ith Distinction Distinc T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE EDUCATION Nicholas Ralph Martin Bowskill, with Distinction Cynthia Revai Moffat Marianne Robyn Konlechner POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPECIAL EDUCATION Natalie Iris Kennedy POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Nicola Marion Dowling POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IIN N TERTIARY TEACHING Priya Anna Kurian Rachel Rac Minni Simon-Kumar Simon GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A HING ACH N SE CONDARY ARY RY EDUCATION ED EDUCAT EDUCATIO UCA AT T A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY Malia Virginia Eyles Jie J Yu u GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING HING M MARY EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMMEE IN PRIM PRIMARY Samara Mae Brownlie Kathryn Chapman athryn yn n May Chapma Peter James Caldwell Liana Hindmarsh LLian Emma mma Maree Hin Leigham Paul Carroll Rhondaa Averil Aveeril Jones Yusun Choi Harpreet Kaur Kirsten Doyle Meagan Amanda McIlroy-Hoff Aman M oy-Hoff Xin Du Sara Jade Wilson Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Sacha Elizabeth Hickman ma GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 19 Thursday 21 October 2010 10.00am Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Dee Paepae Isaacs Angus John Henry Senior, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Justin Isaac Arnold, with Second Class Honours (first division) Rebekah Jane Brown, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies g Lance Benjamin Hargreaves, with FFirst st Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Science nce Megan Joan Miro Mitchell, with Second Class Honours (first division), also conferred Bachelor of Arts Rebekah Louise Smith, with First Class Honours, also conferred of Management Studies conferred Bachelor Ba BACHELOR OF LAWS Geraldine May Abraham Amrita Amrit m ita Maan Thomas Mark Allen, also conferred ed Bachelor of Management Studies ess with with Honours, Honours, with Second Class Honours (firstt divi division) ion) Joseph Perrott, Josepph Dalby PPerr ot also conferred Bachelor Social Bacchelor of Soci a Sciences Reade Adam Bell, also conferred Bachelor chhelorr of Science Tarryn Patricia Ann Patrricia A An Rea Robert James Bryant Nicola R Ruth Rennell uth Re R en Alexandra Jeanette Crake Stephanie Steph phaniee B Beth Be Rowe Theresa Maria Davy-Guzzo Jessica Jessica ca Erin E Tarrant Tarra Desirae Louise Ensing Aisiena Aisi A Latuniua Taumoepeau Taumo Tammy Henry Solanki Janelle Amy A y Walls W Amy Nicole Hooks Janine ne Shu S Mei Wood Bushra B h a Rashid Bush Bushr Rashi Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Manatu Lamasi Kaio Iuli 20 Alissa Louise Lynch GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN DIS DISPUTE TE RESOLUTION ESOL TION Michelle Jean Peat Christine Rosalie Savage GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN LAW Mark Warick Webby School of Māori & Pacific Development BACHELOR OF ARTS Soloman King Blake Gregory John James Mervyn Henderson POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Marie Loretta Farrell, with Distinction, also conferred Bachelor of Arts with Honours, with Second Class Honours (first division) T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Thursday 21 October 2010 2.00pm Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Qizhi Zhou, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Multiply Perfect Numbers of Low Abundancy” MASTER OF SCIENCE Andrew William Armstrong, with Second Class Honours (second division), also conferred Bachelor of Science Brook Jesse Novak, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AND D MATHEMATICAL ATHEMA ATICAL SCIENCES SCIE ES WI WIT WITH HONOURS Benjamin Stefan Stasiewicz, with FFirst rst Class Honours Jared Deane Wigmore, Wigm mo with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING NG W WITH ITH HON HONOURS ONOURS OURS Raymond Johannes Cornelis Kortas, tas, with with Second Seconnd Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH H HO H HONOURS ONOURSS Weiyan Lai Petelo Vai Vaipuna Raass, with First Class Honours ipunaa R BACHELOR OF COMPUTER R GRAPH GRAPHIC HIC DE HI DESIGN ESIGN UII SCHO SC OOL O ESIG G , (UCOL) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DES DESIGN, James Ronald Jeffrey de Clifford ford Christopher Ch pher David Marr Hamish Julian Gilmore Megan Renee Rainey Stanley Ben Hill Hui-Hsiang Szu Tu Hayden Edward Hoggard Stefan Jan van der Horst Po-Yu Gavin Lu Yitao Zhou Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF SCIENCE POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CO COMPUTER TE SCIENCE C ENC Jehan Shoie M Alallah Chang ng Youl Lee Mosese Winston Faingaanuku, also awarded Postgraduate Certifi cate ficat ate inn Statistics POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Akshay Peter GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 21 Thursday 21 October 2010 2.00pm Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF SCIENCE David Rodney White, BSc, MSc Waikato DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY David Clement, Licence, Maitrise University of Paris VII, MSc University of Joseph Fourier Grenoble France Thesis Title: “Protein Dynamics and its Correlation to Activity and Stability” Biju Cletus, MSc University of Kerala India, MTech Cochin University of Science and Technology India Thesis Title: “Wavelength Tuneable Frequency Domain Photon Migration Spectrometer for Tissue-like Media” David Leslie Hodges, MEdMgt, DipBus Auckland i Bus Auc ckland Thesis Title: “Assessment of Student ent LLearning earning in a Business Internship” Shih-Min Lin, BSc, MSc Tunghai U University niversity Taiwan Thesis Title: “The Effect of Manuka ka Ho H Honey ney on Enterobacteria” obacteria Aamir Mukhtar, BSc, MSc, MPhil University University of the he PPunjab j Paki Pakista Pakistan ki Thesis Title: “Microstructure, Thermal ermal maal Stability and ndd Consolidation Consolida Con Consolidatio solid of Nanostru Nanostructured Nanos ostr and Ultrafine Structured Cu based Metal Matrix Compositee and Alloy Powders wders ders Produced Produce uce by b High Energy Energ Mechanical Milling” Gegar Sapta Prasetya, MSc Waikato ato Thesis Title: “Catastrophic Tsunamis mis in the the Indonesian onesian Archipelago” Archipela Ar Brendan Patrick Roddy, BSc (Hons) The he Australian Ausstralian National University ty Canberra Can Canb Australia Thesis Title: “The Use of the Sediment mentt Fingerprinting Fi Finger ngerprinting Technique to Quantify Qua Quan Quanti ntify the nt t Different Sediment Sources Entering Whangapoua Estuary, North Island, Islaand annd, in New N Zealand” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Moyeenuddin Ahmad Sawpan,, BSc B Shah Jahal hall University ha Univversity rsity of o Scienc Scien Science ce Bangladesh, MSc Martin Luther Universitat Germany Thesis Title: “Mechanical Performance rformancee off In Industrial Hemp Fibre Reinforced nforce Polylactide Polylac and Unsaturated Polyester Composites” 22 MASTER OF ENGINEERING Izhar Bin Abd Aziz, with First Class Honours Prashob Punnachen Varghese Robert Max Werner Feldmann, with w First Class Honours Pawan Shrestha, with Fir First Class Honours Paw n Kumar Shres Evan Guy Gray Probert, Class Honours ert, with Second Secon Cl onou s (first division) MASTER OF SCIENCE Benjamin Steven Andrew, Class Honours rew w, with ith First Cla asss H nourss Samantha Samaant a Maree Maree Parkes, withh First Fi Class Honours Dylan Tane Charles Ball, with First Class Honours Karll David Pavlovich James Michael Bier, with First Class Honours Fiona Sanders Emma Jane Coleman, with First Class Honours Renee Deborah Schicker, with First Class Honours Tracey Michelle Eyre, with First Class Honours Talia Mary Simpson, with First Class Honours Stacey Patricia Foster, with First Class Honours Claire Maree Taylor, with First Class Honours Mark Hugh Joblin Xiao Shi Teng, with Second Class Honours (first division) Sook Han Yvonne Lee, with Second Class Honours (first division) Shelley Louise Urlich, with First Class Honours Larissa Claire Macmillan, with First Class Honours Dirk Fraser Wallace, with First Class Honours Bashirah Binti Mohd Fazli, with Second Class Honours (first division) Simon Bastien Weppe, with First Class Honours T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Andrew Wood, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) Dylan Harrison, with First Class Honours Talia Maree Hicks, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS James Robert Oakley, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Isaac John Merrie BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Gemma Louise Acton Ashleigh Renee Rene Jaques Jaq Sally Helen Eva Borland Sarah Sara Hayley Joyes oyes Gregory Stuart Brittan Kasiano Lodoviko K sia Kas s ano Vuso Lod ov Andrew David Crosby Allan Allan a Owen Rayner Ray ayner Roland Christopher Logan Field Maria Mariaa Teresa Revell Revell Daniel Rhys Garnett David D d William Roberts R b Ro Eileen Norah Rose Gillard, also conferred ferred Bachelor of Teaching Kate Elizab Elizabeth Ryan, also conferred beth Ry R Bachelor Management Studies Bachelo lor off M Rebecca Vivian Gladstone-Gallagher llagher Preeti Sharma ti Shar rm ma m Amy Clare Hanlon Jye-Lin Tu J e-Lin nT Nadine Aly Huitema, also conferred nferre Bachelor of Management Studies Jesse J Wilson Je Steven Chen Ning Wu Chen N Karl Gary Jager Myles Christopher Browne-Cole Rowan Guy Freeman Jordan Douglas Edgar, also a o aawarded ard Graduate Certificate in Geography Jeffery eff y Phillip Phi ip Hawkes Hawk Toby Robert FitzPatrick rick Erin Sarah arah Moffet offet Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) Alison Joy MacKenzie POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N SCIENC SCIENCEE ED EDUCATION UCATION N Max Pouwer DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Jason Mervyn Thomas Scharvi, also awarded Certificate in Science Jessicca Eva Smith GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 23 Thursday 21 October 2010 2.00pm Waikato Management School BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Yipeng Chen Boyuan Luo Tabitha Dul Mark Vincent Papworth Sharon Virginia Flintoff Mingxing Shi Kyla Sheree Hamilton Lorraine Nora Silcock Deborah Marie Harris Mohandeep Singh Zheng He Xianan Wang Peter Ze Huang Xiaoyang Xi W Wang Peniasi Racadruta Iowane Weidong W id Xie Sunan Li Runze Zhu BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION CA ATIO ON STUDIES DIES ESS Christopher William Brown Mathew Math hew John Lock Lo ockk Anna Kay Charlie Ross Rosss John McCullough McCullou Sarah Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Zoe Frances Z A Anais Fra nces Meuli Lisa Jane Forrest Mark M k Patchett Patcheett Abigail Sarah Gibson Brad Jame James es Pogson Po ogs Sarah Louise Honiss Jodie Eveline EEvelin nee Schwartfeger Schwar Katherine Dawn Lintott Rachel Wark Rachel M Marie Wa Ma Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC ONIC COMMER COMMERCE MM 24 Vincent Clay Berghan Danielle Pachnatz Danie e Eliz Elizabeth Pach Jin Bo Cao Ashna Rai Prakash A R Solomon Lee Zhenfei Tian Kelly Alexander Milligan Gang Xue BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT ANAGEME ST STUDIES DIES Kylie Rachel Blacklaws ws Yinhua Gong Yi G Christina Robyn Boe, also Bachelor off LLaws lso conferred conferre Bache Xiaochao chao Han H Rebecca Brown Matthew Harriss Matthew Francis Francis Ha Samantha Jane Campbell, pbel also awarded Graduate Diploma in Human Resou Resource Management ce Mana agemeen David Gordon Herbert Timothy Alan Chapman Paris Bess Hodder Weili Chen Larissa Anne Hodgson Yufeng Chen Yun Hong Bentley David Cottle Shan Huang Aimee Jayne Dawson Neihana Russell Jacob, also awarded Diploma in Law Catherine Jayne Dodd Junjun Jin Andrew Mark Dowdle Lisa Maree Jury Rong Du Erin Mae Kearvell, also conferred Bachelor of Laws Tianzheng Du Florence Meenal Kumar Kristen Lee Fahy Katherine Helen Le Heron Yingzhi Fang Yanqing Liang Shaoyan Fu Chen Liu Arias Preet Nicholas Vansh Giri Yanrong Liu T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Sarah Saarah h Leigh L gh Hickey Hickeey BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES continued Ewan Robert Lorney Maria Rose Savage Bin Lu Kelly Maree Scott Deborah Joy McCarthy Amrita Sharma Erin Maree McKinney Jessica Leigh Sherwood Luke Vallance Miller Martin George Simmons Thomas Rawiri Stewart Nabbs Kenny Jongseok Sohn Rhea Edwina Nelis Samuel Ro Ross oss Sowerby Sow r Ann-Marie Noort Hussarne-rama Joseph Unka Hussarne-rama Jo s Matthew Thomas Owen Melissa Jane Van Marrewijk Van M Minshuang Pang Caleb Walker Cale Jordan Walk Ca W e Luke Peter James Pharaoh Melanie Webb Melanie Jane Web bb Adriaan Clement Powell Aaron Jeremy Price Curtis Weier,r, also awarded Curti r s Lance W Weie Graduate Diploma Graaduate Di G plom m in Finance Chen Qian Rangi R gi Korotai Rang Korota Williams W ll Wi Carmen Louise Quinn Carol Wyllie Wyllie Yuanyuan Ren Jing Ye Timothy Abades Sadumiano, also awarde awarded edd Graduate Diploma in Economics mic Di Zh Zhang, also aal als lso awarded awarde Graduate Diploma in Finance Meizi Zheng M zi Zh Zh Charlotte Maria Branch Chao Li Daniel Mark Carey Maria Alejandra Munoz Granados Giovanna Violeta Check Manav Ketan Shah Tessa Claire Davey Ying Wen Melanie Claire Duncan an David John Wylie Wy e Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF TOURISM M GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN N ACC ACCOUNTING UN G Kim Armstrong, also awarded warded Graduate Diploma in Management Manage ent Yanwen wen Liu Joy Elizabeth Coulston on Daniel Daanieel Ryan yan McDonald McDo onald Lin Luo Charlotte Emilie Suzanne Laugel GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Steven Mark Schoultz GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Natalie Mary Lang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Toby John Griffin GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 25 Thursday 21 October 2010 2.00pm Waikato Management School continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC RELATIONS Cathryn May Tarrant GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Brendon David Graham Nathan Arahi Marsden GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Emma Jayne Atkins Bived Datt Maharaj Kate Mariana Landers GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EELECTRONIC LEC CTRONIC COMMERCE Norah Nasser M Alkahtani GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN INT INTERNATIONAL ERNATIONAL ONAL NAL AL MANA M MANAG MANAGEMENT ANAG Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Muteb Ghanam J Al Kahtani 26 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Thursday 21 October 2010 5.00pm Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Murugesh Al Arunachalam, BAcc (Hons) University of Malaya Malaysia, MSc University of Stirling United Kingdom Thesis Title: “A Communication Approach to Accountability for the Common Good: A Case Study of Community Participation in Planning and Policy Making for Lake Taupo” Charis Rita Elizabeth Brown, BCom, MINDS Otago Thesis Title: “Pacific Consumer Acculturation in New Zealand: Understanding the Dynamics of Consumption Using Video Diaries” Alvin Man Hung Cheng, PGDipAcc&Fin, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Explorations of Structure cture re and Choice C in Taxingg Capital Gains: Gains: New Zealand Z Tax Experts’ Perspectives” Hazrina Binti Ghazali, Diploma, BSc BSc (Hons) (Hons) University Technology h l Mara Malaysia, Malay MSc International College of Hospitality Switzerland Thesis Title: “Employee Intention to o Leave Leave a Job: A Case of Malaysian Fast Food Foo Industry” Kartick Gupta, BCom (Hons) The Univ University ersity of Burdwan Burdwan India, i M MA Univer University sity of o Nottingham United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Portfolio Structure aand ndd O Optimisation tionn of Momentum Momen Moment Return Returns”” Kevin Murray Old, BMS, MBA, PGCertBusRes Waikato GCertBusRes Wa W ikato ato Thesis Title: “An Integrated Theory ry of the the Roles off Governing G Boards Boa B of New New Ze Zealand Z and Australian Co-operative Dairy Companies” Krishna Reddy, Diploma of Applied Statistics Staatisticcs University of the South Pac Pacific cific Fiji FFiji, BA, MBA, PGDip Massey Thesis Title: “The Relationship Between enn Corporate Corp rporate Governance Practices Pracctices aand Financial Performance in New Zealand: An Empirical Investigation” nvestigatio tio on” Gregory Brian Willson, BMS (Hons), Hons), MMS MM Waikato Wa W Thesis Title: “Exploring Travel and Spirituality:: the h Role of Tra Travel in i Facilitating LLife Purpose and Meaning within the Lives of Individuals” s” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Chao Zhou, GradDipMgt, PGDipMgt, DipMgt, MMS MM MS Waikato Waikkatt Thesis Title: “The Meetings Incentives entives Conferences ce and nd Events Industry I d in Hang Zhou, Z China: Residents’ Perceptions of Policies” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Nelson Algarme William Hughes Will am Joseph os ph Hug Abdullah Ghazi A Almasri Raewyn Margaret Jarvis-Hall Sarah Marie Ashby Rhonda Lea Kay da Le K Melt Sybrand Bekker Jean Marc K Kightley J ley Kinglina Brookfield Gillian Mary Lawrence James Edward Cooper er Timothy Timo oth Joseph Jos ph Leahy Le Louise Barbara Dean Michael Mich Raynor McCleery er Elizabeth Elsa Goodwin Dianne Marie Morgan Craig Joseph Green Santhergesan Naidoo Stephen John Harcourt Roger Gordon Oed Bruce Cameron Harris Jacqueline Carol Preou Coral Susann Haugh Robyn Mere Rauna Rebekah Littlejohn Herron Yvette Maree Steenson Adam Richard Hittmann David Gerrard White Shona Marie Hobday Sally Jane Williams Daniel Joseph Howard Wendy Leigh Wilson GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 27 Thursday 21 October 2010 5.00pm Waikato Management School continued MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Razel Grace Fernandez Blaza Yunshan Li Tendai Chiwetu Junjie Ma Neekita Suresh Choudhury Kanin Namsirikul Patricio Javier Guzman Henzi Le Thanh Thuy Xu Hong Peifen Zhu MASTER OF MANAGEMENT T STUDIES Said ‘Abdullah Said Al Saifi, with FFirst rst Class Cla H Honours ours Abdulaziz Mohammed Saleem A Al Sa Sawafi, wafi, with First Class Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Mathew Paul Nel Nellissery is David Mark Brougham, with Firstt Clas Classs Honours rs Leii Q Second Qi, with Se cond Class Honours (first division) Mauricio Javier Echeverria Isamit, t with wit w h Second d Class Honours (first division) Weijun First Weiju We un Qi, with wi h Fi rs Class Honours Benjamin Thomas Flay, with First Class Honourss C Honour Priya Girisagar Siriluk Srisurin, Siri uk Srisuri Sirilu Si n, with wit Second Class Honours (first (fi t division) division) Fang Gong Di Sun, with First wiith Fi rs Class Honours Daniel Peter Houppermans, with First Cl Class Honours C Cla ass ss H onours Wenjun Wang, with Second Class Honours un Wa W an ang ng, wit ng (second (seccond ddivision) di vision) div Johanna Brooke Lewis, with First Honours rst Class Ho nours no o 28 Silu Luo, First Class Honours, also awarded Luo with th Firs Postgraduate in Finance Postgraduate Certificate Cer Xin Xi Shen, Shen, withh First First Class Honours Lin Li, with Second Class Honours division), urs (second div ision)) also awarded Postgraduate te Diplomaa in International Managementt and Graduate Gradu duuate Certificate in International Management Chia-Hsuan Wu, with Ch hiaa-Hsu Wu th Second Class Honours (first ((fir division) vision Min Li, with Second Class Honours (first division) Wei Zhu Jiejun Wu, with un Wu w Second Class Honours (second (secon ondd division) div Yun Liang, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC LEC RONIC COMMERCE OM ER E WITH HONOUR HONOURS Tatsuaki Hock Aun Goh, with Second Class Honours (first division), also conferred Bachelor helor of Electronic Electronic Commerce C merc T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Belinda Joy Allan, with Second Class Honours (first division) James Samuel McDowall, with First Class Honours Matthew Samuel Bufton, with First Class Honours Jose Nicolas Nunez Cardenas, with First Class Honours Melanie Anne Clark, with First Class Honours Alex Thomas Fergus, with Second Class Honours (first division) Sean Arthur McKenna, with First Class Honours Clare Elizabeth Old, with First Class Honours Sapphire Diane Gillard, with First Class Honours Blake Elliott Purcell, with Second Class Honours (first division) Rachel Anna Jens, with First Classs Honours Nikita Renee Renee Veaney, Veane with First Class Honours Larissa Helen Logan, with First Class ass Honours Honours Yin Xu, with Fi First Class st C l Honours Connie Joanne Maynard, with First Class s Cla ss Honours POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N FFINANCE NANCE Robert Nathan Twaddle, with Distinction, stinct on, also awarded Graduate Certificate ate in Finance Souparnika S uparnika Ka So Kavuvayal vuvay Varadarajan POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN HUM MAN RESOURCE MANAG MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT GEM Wajdi Abdu S Bahkali Rohan Francis Frranciss MacWan M POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN INTERNATIONAL RNATIO RN NATIONAL ONAL MA MANAGE MANAGEMENT ANAG GEE Jian Gao Fe TTan, with Distinctio Fei Distinction, also lso conferred onferre Bachelor Bachel of Social Sciences POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT M NT Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Geoffrey John Facer POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA O IN MANAGEMENT G AND D SUSTAINABILITY S ece ra with w th Distinction D nct on Fotu Jody Jackson-Becerra, GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 29 Thursday 21 October 2010 5.00pm Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Christopher John Beale Nimnit Lal Jason Paul Christini-Crawford Adolph Carl Marmetschke Wei Chu Hamish Andrew Nathan Vanessa Cootes Manoj Rajagopal Helen Louise Creagh Martin Paul Thomas Hilke Giles Karthick Velusamy Jonathan Murray Gray Sharon Prisscilla Pr sscilla Young Yo POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NM MARKETING ARKETING Maria Jose Jara Munoz, with Distinction inction Sneha Tiwary Atish Bhalchandra Pagdhare POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N PU PUBLIC UBLIC R RELATIONS ELATIONS ATIO ATIONS Jessica Anne Walker, with Distinction tio on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SSTRATEGIC TRAT TEGIC MANAGEMENT Henry Mascarenhas Andrew w Keith Ke Keitth th Nelson, Nelso with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN TOURIS TOURISM SM M AN AND ND HO HOSP HOSPITALITY PITA TALITY MA MANAGEMENT G Mahesh Laxman Hinge Kapil Rajendra with Distinction K dra Saxena, w Sanaya Anna Maria Rodrigues, s with Distinction Distin inct on Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE 30 King Chi Cheung POSTGRADUATE CE CERTIFICATE TIFICAT IN N HUM HUMAN N RE RESOURCE OURCE MA MANAGEMENT ANAG M Nikhil Kantilal Chheda da POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE RTIFICA E IN MA MANAGEMENT AG MENT STUDIES UDIES Karel Hendrik Boonzaaijer Sophie Joe Jamie Michael Brock Justine Justin ne Patricia atr a Maddock Ma k Kelda Findsen Jeffrey Craig Olufson ff Daniel Gerrard Geaney Timothy Arthur Robinson Darryl Grauman POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Yixuan Wang T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Qualifications to be conferred/ awarded in Absentia 21 October 2010 Thursday 21 October 2010 in Absentia Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Hajer Saeed F Aldahri Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D I N A B S E N T I A Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Taghreed Awadh K Alghamdi 32 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Qualifications previously conferred/awarded at other ceremonies Conferred/Awarded 9 April – 3 May 2010 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony held on 9 April 2010 Faculty of Education BACHELOR OF TEACHING Rebecca Amy Cochrane Degrees conferred and d Diplomas Dipl plomas and dC Certifi tificatess aw awarded awa at University of Waikato Ceremony h held hel d on 16 April 2010 Faculty of Education ion GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING AC CH NG SSECONDARY ONDARY EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECO Teupoko Kitera Natua Degrees conferred and Diplomas plo om and nd dC Cer Certificates atees aawarded awarde at University of Waikato Ceremony ny held on 3 M May ay 2 2010 010 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences 34 BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Daniel Betts Tebbutt T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Conferred/Awarded 9 June 2010 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 9 June 2010 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Lisa Lorene Galarneau, BA University of California USA, MSc California State University USA Thesis Title: “Spontaneous Communities of Learning: Co-operative Learning Ecosystems Surrounding Virtual Worlds” MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY O OLOGY Denise Mary Lynch, with Second Clas C Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF ARTS Michelle Edith Campion, with First st Class Cla C ss Honours Honou urs Talia Talia Ta i Laureen Walker, Waalke with First Class Honours Benjamin Jonas Hanik, with First Class C Honours Barrett James Shepherd, with Second cond Class Honours Honours (first division) MASTER OF MUSIC Jennifer Wade Donnelly Johnson, on, with First Class Honours Heuii Won First Class Honours nM Mo, with Fi MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ENCES Glen Andrew Stichbury, with Second Class Honours onour (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Ken Yuan, with First Class Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Athene Claire Jensen, with First Class Honours Christina Helene Reymer, with Fi First Class Hon Honours yme wi u BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION OMMUN CAT O STUDIES UDI S W WITH TH HONOURS NO RS Bonnie Hine Te Ra Frires, First Class H Honours es, with Fir ou BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH HONOURS Tizane McEvoy, with First Class Honours C ass Honour rs Bo Honours o Yue, Yu ue with Firstt Class Classs H onnours Peter Jonathan McKinnon, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Kylie Louise Apiti, with First Class Honours Keagan Blair Fransch, with First Class Honours Millie Moana Berryman Brooke Patricia Hayward, with First Class Honours Kiri Edge, with First Class Honours Christina Marie Jones, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Jennifer Susan Campion Scott David Jones Roger Stephen Hamilton Ashleigh Maree Lack BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Holly-Anne Victoria Thompson GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 35 Conferred/Awarded 9 June 2010 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF MUSIC Moon Young Hong Ying-Te Liu BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Tess Chalmers Naomi Anne Kawerau Oralee Margaret Hapi Jasmine Voletta Leach Hannah Patricia Hemsley POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN APPLIED LINGUIST LINGUISTICS STICS Fan Wang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NM MUSIC USIC Callum George Hall, with Distinction t on o POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N TH THE HE PRACTICE CTICE ICEE O IC OFF PSY PPSYC PSYCHOLOG PSYCHOLOGY C GY Ann Margaret Briggs Kaye ye Rosemary Rosemaryy Kirkpatrick Kir K POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND ECON ND LANGUAGE TEAC TEACHING CHIN Lixia Yan GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL NVIRONMENTAL AL PLANNIN PLANNING Marcelo Rodrigo Mieres Mujica ica GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL DUSTRIAL RELATIONS ONS AN AND HUMAN RE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Miriana Louise Knox 36 GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA A IN SO SOCIOLOGY OLOGY Nicholas John Marryatt Faculty of Computing omputing & M Mathematical athematical Scie Sciences nces MASTER OF SCIENCE NCE Kamilah Binti Abdullah Gian David Perrone, with First Class Honours Jonathan David Miles, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Elliot John William Hutchison, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Jeremy John Tuson POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA COMPUTER SCIENCE Yang An Feifei Lin Haibin Huang T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Faculty of Education MASTER OF COUNSELLING Laurence James Maxwell Hill, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF EDUCATION Nathan Douglas Walani, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH HONOURS Linda Karin Vermeren, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Tuihana Jean Jack-Ainsley BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LLEISURE EISURE STUDIES DIESS Kate Kahurangi Henwood BACHELOR OF TEACHING Petra Maree Campbell Anita A i a Jane Tepania Tepan p ia Saradee Brooke Holten Keren Tuma Tumar Tokunai ar To k Sharon Reddy POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDU EDUCATION CATION CA A N Elizabeth Marilyn Blakeney-Williams Willia Lorraine O’Malley Lo orrai Amiria O’Mal Darryl Anthony Connelly Raksmey ksmeyy Srey Sonya Lockyer, with Distinctionn Jacqueline Tyrrell ine Mary Tyrre POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Genavier Nadine Douglas POSTGRADUATE DI DIPLOMA LOMA IIN SCIENCE CIENCE A AND D TECHNOLOGY ECH HNOLOG EEDUCATION UC ON Chhaya Narayan POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN SPEC SPECIAL EEDUCATION CA ATIO Mansi Doshi, with Distinction t POSTGRADUATE DIPLO DIPLOMA MA IN N SPO SPORT ORT AND D LLEISURE EISSURE ST STUDIES TUDIES Hohepa Mendenhall Elkington GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Meagan Penny Grey GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY EDUCATION Rachael Elizabeth Elliott Michaela Meryan Nicholas GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Kuljit Kaur Rachel Patricia Prole Danica-Lea Larcombe Melanie Jane Sinclair Alicia Brenda Lasenby GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 37 Conferred/Awarded 9 June 2010 Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Michael Biastoch, with First Class Honours Desiree Bychara-Hadjbrik Hermann Heinrich Schemenauer, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Jennifer Susan Campion, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS Lorna Catherine Cable Bhavana SShaveena haveen Singh Junyu Chai Peter Albert Udy Udyy Moshin Hussain School of Māori & Pa Pacific acific Development D Develop Developm BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS ONOURS Zanna Maraea Te Rangi Tuataka Jacqueline queeline Douglas, D with First Class Honours Michael Brentt Taitoko, with First Class Honours T BACHELOR OF ARTS Zanna Maraea Te Rangi Tuataka Jacqueline taka Jacq uelin inee Douglas Dou Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Tawhiwhi Ihaia 38 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Emmanuel Toka anueel Mahana Ma ana Tok Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Rakan Fahad Alharbi Xiaoyun Chen Ta Hong An Tran Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Hilal Khalifa Salim Al Khuwaldi Xuanyu He Nasser Mohammed O Alshehri Zesheng Huang Omar Naji Ahmad Bani Yousef Akinobu Kimura Kimura Jidan Chen Manh Cuong Nguy Nguyen ye Wilson Alcides Cortes Michea Xing Zhou Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Mohammed J K Abuteir Diana Rodriguez Wiesner Di naa Angelica Dia Angelica Ro d Turki Abdulrahman S Aljehani Vijittra Vijii ra Sirikanokkul Vij Vijitt Sirikanokkku Mohammed Nasser Hamdoon Al-Rahbi Raahbi Supannee SSittiboontham ittiboo Ibrahim Ali S Alsabahan Shan Su Osama H M Alshafei Setthapong Settha hapongg Thummavimutti Thumma T Ayesha Anwar Hongjia Wang Hongjiaa W Feng Ge Ruoxi Ruoxi Wu Lijuan Guo Xiaochuan ochuaan Wu Abdulrahman Osama M Hjar Shuyi Yang Yan You Lu Shuo Sh Yang Mohanad Magableh Donghyeon Yoo Hongseok Oh Meng Zhang Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Lijuan Guo Minh Tai Pham Level 4 – Intermediate ate English 2 Ehsan Abrishamkar Evelyn Latin yn Andrea And at Vidal Vid Yahya Mohammed A Abu bu Maghayed Magh yed Boxiang Boxiang Lu Raad Amer A Almutairi airi Tak Chung Luk uk Mohanad Abdullah S Alyamani A ya ani Nisachol Milinthasuwan Nisacho M nthaasuw wan Nareerat Angkanont Wonkyung Min Wasin Angkanont Yusaku Mori Kantathee Chayarat Hiroshi Nakanishi Hao Chen Hoang Long Tran Le Phatchanaphon Chuenchom Hanbin Wang Gongqiu Danzeng Tan Wu Lin Fu Weiwei Yan Bang Hoang Dan Zhao Min Ho Jeong Jie Zhou GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 39 Conferred/Awarded 9 June 2010 Pathways College continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Adel Awad Alghamdi Hao Liu Kholoud Moteb S Alotaibi Duangrak Senavat Rumaih Abdullah A Alrumaihi Prangsuree Thasanatharakorn Waleed Hammad S Alsanad Ezra Tupiti Homoud Mohammad A Alshammari Narongchai Udomlapprasit Khalid Ibrahim I Altamimi Hongyu gy Wangg Jongyop Bae Wei Wei Pornthep Chaiumnuay Shuning Wu Tingyu Du Bo Yu Lingkun Hao Lifeng Lifeeng Lif ng Zhang n Jie He Zhe Zhe Zhang Z Shueh-Chiao Kao Cuiyun Cu yun Zhou Yu-Shan Lin Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English sh 2 Ashwaq Mater Aljohani Mizuki Ono Ono Shoroq Mater D Aljohani Quanjin Quaanjin Ren R Ren Chen Chen Piyada Piyyad ada Subsuksamuthr Subsuksamuth Lingxiao Li Lin Li Tan Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Kuan-Wei Lin 40 Level 7 – Advanced Academic and Literary English 1 Zhe Dong Abdulkhader Mohammed Suleiman Xiaobo Hu Yanfen Wang Seyed Mohammad Lolaki ola i Zhibo Wang Wan Hoai Thu Nguyen Jiyeong Yoo Jy Level 8 – Advanced Academic ademic and an Literary English glis 2 Mohammed Ali A Al Mallak lla T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Adam Joshua Daniel, BSc Washington State University USA, Associate Degree in Arts and Science Columbia Basin College USA Thesis Title: “Detecting Exploitable Stages in the Life History of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in New Zealand” Deniz Özkundakci, Diplom Fachhochshule Lippe and Höxter University of Applied Sciences Germany Thesis Title: “Speciation and Dynamics of Phosphorus in Relation to Lake Restoration Methods” BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Gaojie Chen, with First Class Honours ours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Maree Louise Cotton Anna Shanti LLawless awles POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EA EEARTH ARTH SC SCIENCES CIENCES EN ENCES NCES Hannah Olivia Meads, with Distinction ncction POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN ENVIRONMENTAL E O ONME ONMENTAL ENTAL N NTAL PPLANN PLANNING ING Asaeli Tulagi POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN SCIENCE CIENCE C CIE IIEENCEE AND TECH TECHNOLO TECHNOLOGY HNO OLO Prafulla Bhagat DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Ryan James Nicholl GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 41 Conferred/Awarded 9 June 2010 Waikato Management School MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Yi Fan, with Second Class Honours (first division) Bo Xu, with Second Class Honours (first division) Shana Susan Thomas, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Yukun Li Zhouyang Mao Fang Lu Mo Wang BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT NT STU STUDIES UDIES Callum Richard Cox Xiaoning Wang Wang Nan Li Yu Wu Andrew Dean Parton Peng Pen engg Xu Jinlan Tang BACHELOR OF TOURISM Woo Su Choi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FIN FINANCE IN N CE NAN Yagnesh Nikhil Desai Yu Wang W g Richard Keith Mandeno Jing Jin ng Yao Y o POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN HUMAN RESOURCE UR MANAGEMENT NAGEM Melissa Nola Rose Eagle Bo Xu Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Julena Maree McKinnon, with Distinction 42 POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Craig Stephen Brown John Mwanakasale ohn Chaambwa Ch ambw M akasale Michael Kamuyu Evgeny Rebikov R o Christopher John Lee Mardon Vivienne nne Marlene M e Robinson bin Mary Therese Martin Karl Karl Damon SSpinks inks POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA LOMA IN N MARK MARKETING TING G Swarnab Saha T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Sam Edward Irwin POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Yi Fan GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Lea Adry Ona de Rooy GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM URISM URIS M AND HOSPITALITY MANAG MANAGEM MANAGEMENT GEM Michaela Meryan Nicholas GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN AC A ACCOUNTING CCOUNTIN NG G Gang Graeme Zhang GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN UMAN RESOURCE SO SOURCE OU O OURCE URC CE MAN CE MA MANAGEM MANAGEMENT A N NT Neeta Tota GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN N MANA MANAGEMENT AG GEMEENT Oliver Nicholas Bleskie GRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN MARKETING RKEET Yi-Chen Huang CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Aled Peter de Malmanche GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 43 Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2010 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 18 August 2010 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF ARTS Galina Rose Hanley, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Vanessa Mary Burrett, with First C Class Honours ass Hon nours Jenny Mari Marie Huxtable, with First Class Honours rie Huxt a BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS O ass H onours Delwyn Rae Dellow, with First Class Honours Sa x with First Class Honours Sarah Dianne Knox Knox, BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NCES WITH HONO NC HONOURS ONOURS O NOUR RS Amanda Lowry, with First Class Honours Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Jia Huang Guanghui Guanghu ui Tan Yue Ji Wen Wang W g Yue Lin Yining Y ning Wa Wang W Cheree Alice Phillips Chan-Ting Weng Chan ng We C Natalie Jane Read Yuankun nkun Zha Xiequan Shao Heng Zhang Zha Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES 44 Jason Anthony Howells BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCESS Wei Cai Yizi Yi Hu u Bo Feng Yu Li Jian Fu Yun Yun Tian Ti Sarah Chi Her-Lee POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Chi-Fen Chang Shing Wen Chang, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY Alaina Kim Evans-McLeod POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SOCIOLOGY Damian Joseph Adamski GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN GEOGRAPHY Heather Christine Morrell T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF SCIENCE Alistair John King, with First Class Honours Samuel John McIntosh, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH TH HON HONOURS OURS Shane Anthony Howearth, with Second econd Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AN AND D MATHEMATICAL HEMATICAL MAT A CAL AL SC SSCIENCES Ghofran Emad Aldeen Joudi Khudaish daissh Faculty of Education on MASTER OF EDUCATION Miriama Siliva Kolinio Balenaivalu va Rajalakshmi with First Class Honours Rajalak akssh Krishnamoorthy, Krishnamo Lionel Cliff Kakai, with First Class Honours u Ian I Mitchell hell MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL AL LEADERSH LEADERSHIP HI Samuel Coleridge Aruhu, with First Class Honours Stephanie Lee Campbell bel Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH HONOURS Arihia Waikari,, with Se Second Class Honours Arih a EElizabeth zabeth Wai (first (fi division) di i ) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION UCATION Gerhardus Prinsloo BACHELOR OF TEACHING ACH H NG Gerio Reinardo Gino de Graaf Shane han Ngatai Kara Denise Fleming Anna Barbara Palmer Samantha Jessica Henriques Ruth Ellen Mary Pirini Thomas Miller Johnston Natalie Jane Read Sonja Ann King Rebecca Anne Warren Geoffrey Hugh Livingstone POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Shilo Jane Hayes, with Distinction Robyn Lesley Reid Rangimarie Paterson-Mahuika, with Distinction Linda May Terry, with Distinction GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 45 Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2010 Faculty of Education continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGE AND LITERACY EDUCATION Karli Wereta GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY EDUCATION Alexander Wayne Bryant Cameron Olsen Ruth Margaret Hockin Mark Geoffrey Orchard Stephen Mango Kasongo Anna Joy Standen Ian Peter McFadyen Troy Adam m Surch Steven Rodger Nicholson Jason Wayne Arama Aram m Taane GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ING ACH N PPRIMARY RIMARY EDUCATION DUCATION DU UCATIO ON A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN Timothy James Hersey Conn Jodie Morris Jodiee Kay Mor ris Tracey Patricia Cowley Matthew Bourke Morrison Mattthew Bou rke M GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING CH HING G N EARLY ARLY AR RL C RLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIO EDUC EDUCATION CATIO TO A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN Xing Huang Phillippa Philllippa Jan Ja JJane ne Russell Catherine Trudy Kaiser Suzy Amber Su uzyy Am mber Swanson Diana Jessie Montgomerie Kensie Ke Alicee TThompson Tina Maree Mudgway Stacey Loui Louise Van Den Hurk Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Briar Alexandra Paul 46 Te Piringa - Facu Faculty ult of Law w MASTER OF LAWSS Siray Kamara, with Second ond Class Honours onours (firstt ddivision) ion) BACHELOR OF LAWS AWS WITH IT TH H HONOURSS Keri Haromi Downs, with Second Honours cond Class H on urs (first ddivision) ivisionn) MASTER OF LAWS Sarah Chi Her-Lee Mei-Hsuan Mandy Lu In Tak Lee Linda Gail Silvester School of Māori & Pacific Development BACHELOR OF ARTS Gemma Rangi Anderson T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Ibrahim Hamad I Abu Ghanim Asmaa Alqannas Fatimah Hassan A Al Habrity Xiaojun Li Sarah Jamal R Albalawi Yunpeng Liu Fahad Al-Johani Ifat Abdullah Turkistani Sultan Almotairi Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Hayat Ahmed I Almohammed Hyungbae Kim Fdwa Muqbil M Alshamari Shengjie Xu Hung-Yi Chu Hao Hao Yang Dongeon Doo Shuo Shuo Shu u Zhang Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Iyad Hassan Mohammad Abunahleh eh Naruhito Miyamoto M Miyam mo Hilal Khalifa Salim Al Khuwaldi Manh Cu Cuong Nguyen uong Ng N Ibrahim Awadh K Alghamdi Haejin in Parkk Asma Sewaed S Alharbi Minji Minji Park Pa Par arrk ark Nasser Mohammed O Alshehri hri Weida Weid Pei W ei Adil Saber I Althubiti Li Shen Jidan Chen Zewen Shen Sh Ting Chen Ta Hong An Tran Wilson Alcides Cortes Michea Qian Wang Xiaoteng Fan Xinyu Wang Takumi Kakushi Jing ing Wu Yeongjun Lee Hansongg Zhangg Yuanting Li Zhuding Zheng ng Z Heesun Lim Xing X g Zhou Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Xiaoxu Guo Natpadol Makcharoen GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 47 Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2010 Pathways College continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Mohammed J K Abuteir Hongseok Oh Yoonjung Ahn Xudong Shen Wafa Juma Algheilani Vijittra Sirikanokkul Turki Abdulrahman S Aljehani Supannee Sittiboontham Nouf Rasheed S Alqirnas Tummaruk Suthichoti Mohammed Nasser Hamdoon Al-Rahbi l-Rahbi bi Thi Lanh Tran Aman Abid G Alsharif Paveena Tungsongsawat ngsong g s Simon Alvarez Gomez Ruoxi Wu Ayesha Anwar Xiaochuan W Wu Jinkyu Baek Jun Yamamoto Ju Y Yamamot o Siraprapha Chatikavanij Tao Tao o Yan Yan Jaewon Choe Shuo Shu Sh uo o Yang Feng Ge Shuyi Shuy uy Yang Abdulrahman Osama M Hjar Hanyu Zhang Zhangg Xilin Jiang Yiming Zhang Z g Mingsheng Lin Xinyue Xinyu ue Zhao Zhaao o Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Zhixi Liu 48 Level 5 – Upper Intermediate te English 1 Ehsan Abrishamkar Jinchao Long Jinchao Lo on Yahya Mohammed A Abu Maghayed Boxiang Lu B Khalid Abdulaziz M Alhoumod Maximiliano Mendieta Miranda Raad Amer A Almutairi Nisachol Milinthasuwan Nouf Rasheed S Alqirnas rna Wonkyung Wo kyung Min Mohanad Abdullah S Alyamani Diana Angelica Rodriguez Wiesner Nareerat Angkanont Ryutaro Ry ro Takenaka T naka Wasin Angkanont Emad Abdullah N Turkistani d Abdu kis Kantathee Chayarat Hanbin Hanbin Wang Hao Chen Tan Wu Jingshu Chen Yuqing Yu uqing Yu u Ting Gao Shiping Yuan Minami Hirose Heng Zhang Min Ho Jeong Yuqing Zhang Yeojin Jeong Dan Zhao Yi Ji Jie Zhou Mengyu Liu T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English 2 Kholoud Moteb S Alotaibi Thi Hoai Nam Nguyen Sultan Ghazy A Alotaibi Duvan Segura Camelo Azhar Mohammedayub A Alsaati Shahram Shoar Waleed Hammad S Alsanad Emad Abdullah N Turkistani Homoud Mohammad A Alshammari Hongyu Wang Khalid Ibrahim I Altamimi Zhenchengg Wang Jongyop Bae Wei Wei Pornthep Chaiumnuay Shuning Wu Jing Gu Qixin Xia Lingkun Hao Hao Hao Yu Y Sheilah Verena Jacay Munguia Lifeng Lifeeng Lif e g Zhang Yu-Shan Lin Huaicong Zheng Huaic a cong Zhe ng Hao Liu Cuiyun Cuii un Zhou Cuiyu Level 7 – Advanced Academic and Literary teerary EEnglish 1 Khalid Salem A Alhabsi Xixuan Huang Huang Ashwaq Mater Aljohani Mizuki Mizuki On Ono no Shoroq Mater D Aljohani Emad Abdullah Em mad ad A bdullah N Turkistani Tur Level 8 – Advanced Academic and Literary English Engl g sh 2 Mohammed Faisal A Alkahtani Lin Li Tan Abdulaziz Obaidan R Alotaibi Yanfen Wang Quanjin Ren Jiyeong Yoo Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Abdullah Abdulkarim I Alhussain ssain CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN FOUNDATION STUDIES Mohammed Saeed A Alqahtani Alqahta See Choi hoi William W liam Wan Wan Yixuan Han Mellisa Wraggg isa Wanjiru Wan W Wai Kit Hon Rui Cong Xie Haolong Liu GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 49 Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2010 Pathways College continued Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIKATO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 Omar Abdullhai Abdirahman Justin Louis Dy David Ian Adams Nika Joy Edgar-Brewer Leonardo Ah-Hing Liezel Canlas Efondo Awhina Akuhata Liam Robert Mullins Ehrhorn Althea Hameeda Eblacas al Zadjali Shaun Leonard Ellis Rosemarie Aila Alcantara Derek Matekairoa Kenneth Ereatara Ma ekairo K Nerissa Shazia Ali Sophie h Catherine Cather ne Fisher F Liam Edward James Anderson Luzia Grace Fr Franklin nkk in David Judah Arahanga Maria Elisabetaa Gh Gherca M Elisabet he Salahudin Bahiss Louis L uiss Patrick Gutry Lou Gutr G ry Samantha Louise Barker George G org Ge rge Hugh Hale H Christopher John Winthrop Barton on n Kayla Kayylaa Harvey Christopher Gerald Batterton Muna Hassan M n Aden H Mun as a ass Casey Danielle Baxter Mitchell Antony An ntony tony Head Melia Florence Blackwood Aaron William W m TTahi Hill Callum Michael Bradley Tsai-Fen Hsieh Tsai--Fen H Hsi ssieh Adele Lori Bromley Jiahui Jiahuii Hu H Natasha Janet Brown Moana Mo M Matehaere Hiria Hudson Timothy Brian Brunskill Patriciaa M Ngatare Iasona Meleka e ek Ngatar Shivani Margaret Burnet Arianne Ariann rianne May Agustin Imperial Waipaina Dawn Burns Benjamin Neil Jackett Andrew Gilbert Candy Phylliss Wanita Jackson Talya Elizabeth Carlson son Jackson Graeme ack on Gr eme Jaine Jain Jared Edwin Castle Jennifer enn fer Lucy Lu y Jellyman J ym Hamish George Catley ley Christopher C oph Joe oe Darren Ray Cederman Kimberly Johnson erly Ryann R Jo so Maambo Busiku Chiyabii Petalla Petalla Anissa Phyllis Phylli Kapua Granger Benjamin Jesse Church Andrew Josiah Kavhumbura Sean Leonard MacDonald naald Clunie unie Clay Pakira Pa ra Kelly-Keepa elly--Keepa Cameron Alexander Coe Hyehyun Kim Steven John Coulam Mikyung Kim Alicia Croft Adam Stephen King Gaby Carin Cupido Nicholas Ray Krippner Joshua Thomas Curtis Gijsbert Gerard Wilhelm Lagerwey Dale Gordon Russell Daborn Bianca Langa Alyssa Lipea Maureen Davis Cassandra Louise Terauhina Lewis Keiran Tremayne Dench Rewai Frances Lewis Javier Te Wawaro Nepo Doorbar Mishnah Valerie Lima Predrag Draca Robert Murray Litchfield Thomas James Drummond Tai Young Lo Stevie Dean Duff Alexander Stephen Malcolm T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Tearaia Maoate Martinus Jacobus Ruiterkamp Jacob Michael Marchioni Sara Che Runga Antheney Samuel Marck Diana Maraea Ruri Kelly May Mathews Tayla Russell Pari Manu-Lal Leo Matthews Samantha Michele Ryan Tania Aroha Matua Halimo Salad Salad Tanga Vere Maunga David Thomas Sal Salmon m Kelsey Isobel McLauchlan Amber Lorraine Lorrain Sammut S m Kate Ellen McMahon Joi Joi Ivy I Sarroca Brittany Anne McMichael Jarrod Jarrod r d Ross Saxton Saxto on Shard Anika Blair McNeill Paige Shanaghan P ige Pai ge Elizabeth Elizabeth Sh a Elisha Maria Merrie Ryan Rya yan a Samuel Small Small Hope Louise Millar Raniera Kereru R era Kere Ranie u Smith Sm Karanbir Kelvinder Singh Minhas Declan Eru Eruera uera Spooner-Knight SSp Jodie Machaela Mitchell Rebecca Fayy Stoddard SSt Stod Jamal Hashi Mohamed Latoya Latoy oya Joyy Stone S Brooke Hazel Molesworth Phillip Ph hillipp Su S Sheree Lynette Mundell Destiny Taare Des D Taar Jasmine Shaunie Murphy Narissaa A Anne nn ne Tamepo Jessica Christine Murphy Valentine-Jonathan Tanuvasa Peleti Valentine-Jonathan ent T Te Atakura Murray Orawee Taphianthong Sifiti Vita Nielsen 'Ofa-Ki-Muli Fakalaka Mo'ui Taufa Supun Bandara Nugegoda ego a Katie Kat Lee Le Taylor Taylo Keenan Jay Rutherford O'Brien rd Kennedy ennedy O ien Leanna Leanna Renee en e Teao ao Ifeanyi Silas Onyeiwu wu Annita Meriol A M l Tearetoa Teareto Keiran Leonard James Oxton Adair Chien Chie Fei Teow Te Sweta Padarath Takau Takau Esther Tetava etava Talia Paraha Amelia Christyy Timings g Briana Jade Park Manawarewa Nadia Manaaw rew Nad dia Tom TTomoana moaana Jasmine May Penny Kimberley Maree Trotter Sarah Louise Penrose Kakala Vainikolo Pelenihe Ruta Poasa Angelino Gino Valencia Bessie Caroline Pone Holly Kristin Grace Wade Malia-E-Makulata Pouhila Renee Walker-Chambers Kayla Hannah Pratt Shih-Huan Wei Vaoiva Krystle Pule Daniel James Whittington Emma-Jane Richards Monique Ann Williamson Ashleigh Ann Robb Alex Wong Sonya Monica Roberston May Jan Young Zildjian Rolland Stanley Robinson Weiming Zhang Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIKATO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY continued Jamie Cherie Rossiter GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 51 Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2010 Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Dougal Frazer Laird, BSc, MSc (Tech) Waikato Thesis Title: “Reinforced Sintered Cancellous Bovine Bone as a Potential Bone Replacement Material” Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru, BE Nagpur University India, MTech Indian Institute of Technology Madras India Thesis Title: “Synthesis, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Bulk Ultrafine Grained Ti-47 Al-2Cr (at %) Alloy” MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Narendra Jai Prasad, BSc, PGDip, MSc The University of th the South Pac Pacific cific Fiji Thesis Title: “Organomanganese Compounds C pounds Compo ds in Organic Org nic Synthesis” Synthesis S nthesis” MASTER OF ENGINEERING ass Ho Honours nours Mark Hedley Jones, with First Class MASTER OF SCIENCE Erik Brijs, with First Class Honours Maree with First Class Honours Mareee Annette Annet e Matheson, Ma Nicholas Jules Demetras, with Firstt Clas Classs Honours urs Emma Louisee Re Redgate, with First Class Honours Emm Louis d Ashley Davys Easter, with First Classs Hono Honours H urs Melissa Jane Jaane Troup, Trro with First Class Honours Neville Kingston Masters, with Second Class condd C lass ass Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING ERING WITH T HONOURS NOU OURS Benjamin John McGuinness, with First Class Hono Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Tehnuka Ilanko, with First Class Honours 52 BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING NG NEERIN Mohammad Samir Abdul Majid Alzaidi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ENCE Daniel Reece Morrison Christopher Contreras Ch i t h Daniel D i l Smythe the C POSGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLO A IN EAR EARTH RTH SCIENCES CIENC CESS Anne Marie Norton GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Nicholas Brent Elliott T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Waikato Management School MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Guanyu Ye BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES WITH HONOURS Nicole Marie Coles, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WITH HONOURS Lorenzo Patrick Samuela, with Second ond Class Honours (f (first division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT N STUDIES WITH HONOURS NT Ping Li, with First Class Honours Francis Deva Powley Pow e BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NALY A YSIS Yuchen Hao Dong D ng Do ng Wang Hui Hu Yu W Wang Go Eun Kim Qinyang Zhang Qiny Qinya Zhaang Daniel Ryan McDonald Lingling Zhao Zh hao Qian Sun BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT MENT STUDI STUDIES DIES DIES Xingeting Bai Xianquan Xia an Lin Li Yao Cheng Xiaolang olangg Lin Li David Brian Paul Gerbault Yuqing Wang Yu i W POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ECONOMICS Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Idham Hussain POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Angelica Marianne Castellanos Leon astellanos Leo POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N MANA MANAGEMENT GEM NT STUD STUDIES DIES Royston James Cant Paul William McElwee POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC RELATIONS Johannes Frenzel Ying Wang, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Kay Margaret Harvie Christian Opitz POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Zeyad Hamad S Alshenaifi GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 53 Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2010 Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Peter Harley Dawson Andricksen Lance Richard Kirschberg Emma Louise Bassett Bruce Graeme Munro Kate Simone Brader Ronald Francis Murray Susan Dianne Chappell Ian Stuart Norman Stephen Eric Davies Richard Will Price Christopher William Duncan Darryl Kenneth Schick Andrew John Eckersley Rowan Sc Scott Tonkin ott To Peter John Gudsell Rohun R h Vohra Paul Andrew Hedges GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE NANCE Tao Xu GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN IN INTERNATIONAL NTERNATIONAL ONAL NALL M MANAG MANAGEMENT AN ANA Saleh Abdullah A Altwajri GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARK MARKETING RK KE NG KETIN Jessica Elizabeth Groom GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SUPPLY L CHAIN N MANA MANAGE MANAGEMENT Xiaojing Zhu DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Matthew Alan Barker Johnson 54 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Sarah Kong Congratulations to all University of Waikato Graduates University of Waikato Academic Leaders VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Roy Crawford BSc (Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, whose primary research interest has been in the mechanical properties and processing behaviour of plastics. Previously Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University, Belfast, with special responsibility for Research and Development, he has on-going research and business interests in New Zealand associated with the establishment of a new polymer research centre. He has published seven books, more than two hundred and seventy papers and has been a member of numerous government panels and research grant committees in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal yal Academy of Engineer Engineering. ring. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor Doug Sutton BA (Hons) MA PhD Otago Professor Sutton joined Waikato Vice-Chancellor o Un University versity as Deputy De Vi Vice Vice-Chance lor in January 2006. He was previouslyy Dean at Auckland De n of thee Facultyy off Arts Art A Au Aucklan ckl kla University. In addition to his achievements Professor evements ements as an academic leader, PProfe Profess Sutton has gained international recognition ognition gnitio on for his work as an archaeologist. archaeolog arch haeol Professor Sutton completed his academic micc study mi stu studdy – BA (Hons), (Hons) MA and and PhD PPh – at the University of Otago. Experience appointments rience abroad oaad oad ad has included included appointment appo ointme men ent to the t Smithsonian Institution in Washington British shington DC, the t e University University ersity of of Britis Brit Columbia Colum in Vancouver and visiting fellowships lowships at McGill in Montreal, Montreal the th University of Chicago, Clare Hall in Cambridge College ridge and Templeton Tem emp llege in Oxford. d. Professor Prof Sutton holds an Adjunct Chair in ir in Archaeology gy at Simon Fraser University Un British Columbia. PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR CELLOR (MĀ (MĀORI)/ RI)/ DEAN OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Professor Linda Smith mith BA MA PhD Auck DipT Professor Smith (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Porou) was appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori at the University ty of o Waikato o in in 2007. 200 07. Professor rofesso so or Smith Sm mith previously prevvio sly held eld the he Chair in Education at The joint Th he University nive sityy of Auckland Auc and and and was w joi nt director dir cto of Ngā Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (Horizons of Insight), the National Institute of Research Excellence in Māori Development and Advancement. Professor Smith’s PhD in education was conferred by The University of Auckland in 1996. Her work in the field of Māori education and indigenous people’s education generally, is renowned both here in New Zealand and internationally. 56 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES Professor Daniel Zirker BA MA Montana PhD Alberta Professor Zirker, a political scientist, has a BA and MA from the University of Montana (USA), and a PhD from the University of Alberta (Canada). He served as the Dean of Arts and Sciences at Montana State University, Billings from 1998-2004, and Professor of Political Science at the University of Idaho from 1985-1998. A former US Peace Corps volunteer in Northeast Brazil, he was a Fulbright senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in East Africa and has published works on democratisation, economic development and civil-military relations in Brazil as well as in Africa and Eastern Europe. DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL ATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Professor Geoff Holmes BSc (Hons) PhD Southhampton Professor Holmes gained an Honours nours ours Degree and a d Doctorate tora inn Mathematics Mathem matic from the University of Southampton pton on in n the UK. K Follow K. Following ng a rresearch ress po position sitio in the engineering department at Cambridge Cambridge University, University, tyy he joined join oin Waikato Wai ato in i 1987 as a lecturer in computer science, He ience, nce, and rose up the academic ranks. raanks. H was appointed Dean of the Faculty off Com Computing mputing and Mathematical Mathematicaal Sciences Scie Scien in 2008. His major research interest nterestt is is in machine learning, a topic topic p that involves mathematics, statistics cs and computer mpputer mpu puter science. sccience. He is best b known know kn no both now bo locally and internationally for his contributions tions ti ions to o applied applie machine mach machiin learning, learn deploying theoretical frameworks eworks in practical al situations. situations He H is currently involved in collaborative research search with ith local loc industry try to provide automatic autom analysis of analytical testing procedures. DEAN OF EDUCATION Professor Alister Jones on s BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT p MRSNZ RS Professor Jones was appointed Dean 2007. He was ppreviously ppointed De n of EEducation ti in n2 200 us Research Professor and Director off the W Wilf Ma Malcolm Institute of Edu Educational m Inst on Research at the Faculty of Edu Education. He h has managed directed ti H d and d di t d research h projects that have informed policy, nform d poli cy curriculum um and an teacher development ment in New Zealand and internationally. His research curriculum, terna onal y. H is main mai areas of of rese earcch are cur culum, teaching, learning and assessment, particularly in science and technology education. He has acted as an international consultant in curriculum and assessment and building educational research capability. In 2000, he was awarded the NZ Science and Technology Medal for his significant contribution to the development of technology education both nationally and internationally. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 57 University of Waikato Academic Leaders DEAN OF LAW Professor Bradford Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York Professor Morse gained his Bachelor of Arts, with a major in History and Sociology from Rutgers College and Livingston College, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA in 1972. In 1975 he gained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia, and his Masters of Law in 1981 from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Professor Morse was previously a Professor of Law at University of Ottawa, Canada, and is also a Barrister at Law and Solicitor, Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario), since 1979. DEAN OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING NEERING Professor Bruce Clarkson BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Professor Clarkson holds a BSc, MSc Scc (First (F rst Class Honours) onours)) in Bi Biolo Biological B Sciences Sciencce and a DPhil from the University off Waikato. Zealand Waikato. Hee worked for the t New Ze alan Department of Scientific and Industrial Division and the then dustrial ustr al Research rch h (Botany any Div D Land Resources) from 1981 to 1992 Institute 992 92 and nd then the th Crown o n Research Rese R In Institut titu Landcare Research from 1992 to 1999, 999, returning to the University in in 2000. 200 20 His research interests include vegetation ation ion change, ch hange, threatened plant autecology autecolo aauteco and restoration ecology. He was as awarded warded wa arded the Loder Cup, New w Zealand’s Zealand’ Zeal Ze Zea premier conservation award, in 2006 and for nd currently nd currrently leads a Foundation Found nddaa nda Research Science and Technology ogy funded research essearch earch pprogramme rogram g me on determin ddetermining the best methods for restoring ng indigenous biodiversity b diversity rsity in cities. ci cities DEAN OF WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Professor Frank Scrimgeour g BAgSc (Hons) Lincoln n PhD P DH Hawai’i wa BD D Melbo Melbourne rn Co College ege of Divinity Professor Scrimgeour BAgScc with 1st class from ur holds a BAg lass honours hono ro Lincoln College, a PhD (Agricultural Economics) University cultural and Resource esou co mics) ffrom the he U versit of Hawai'i and a BD from Melbourne Collegee of Div Divinity. rom Melb urne Co inity Previously eviously he has ha worked with NZ Meat and Wool Boards Ec Economic Service, Leaders nd Wo nom c Ser vice Christian Le aders Training College of Papua and Pap New Guinea, G nd the th Environment and Policy Institute at the East West Wes Centre Centre in Honolulu. Hono ulu. His Hiss current cu urreent research ressea ch focuses ocusses on the economics of natural resources and the environment. He is currently President of the New Zealand Association of Economists. 58 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Speaker Profiles WEDNESDAY 20 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Keynote Speaker: Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai (Te Rarawa, Waikato, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pikiao) completed a Bachelors degree in Māori Studies and English literature, and a Masters degree with Honours in Māori Studies from the University of Auckland. She has been actively involved across the spectrum of Māori education within the tertiary sector for the past 15 years, working in both the university and wānanga environments. For two years Dr Tiakiwai was Associate Professor and Academic Director of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi in Whakatane. She has previously operated her own educational consultancy as well as being involved in a range of national research projects. In 2010, Dr Tiakiwai was appointed the first academic director of the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development – the postgraduate facility established by the late Sir Robert Mahuta. Her association with the College began 10 years ago, where she worked closely alongside Sir Robert during the early days of its inception. Student Speaker: Turanga Hoturoa o uroa B Barclay-Kerr rr Degree to be conferred – Master off Arts THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER – 10AM 0AM M (FOUNDERS RS MEMORIAL ME THEATRE) THEAT THEATR Keynote Speaker: Albert Belzz Waikato University's writer in residence sidence den ence for 2010, 1 , award 10, aw winning win winnin playwright playw igght Albert Belz (Ngati Porou, een nw riting full-time l iime forr theatre, l-time theatr the thea h r film and and television tele te Nga Puhi me Ngati Pokai) has been writing for nearly a decade. TTapu,, which won won n a Human Human um Rights R Co mmis He is particularly known for Awhii Tap Commission award for its positive ace relations relations n and Yours Yo ours Truly Tru ruu y which which w on the 2006 Chapman Tripp contribution towards harmoniouss race won utely tely PPositively Outstanding New w New Zealand Play of the Year. Theatre Award over for The Absolutely rsity, y, Albert Alb Alber A rt completed, among others, o other thers rs, the play, Raising the Titanics. During his time at Waikato University, dult novel ell and a developed dev eveloped an outline outl tline for fo orr a play based o ba He has also written a young adult on the Old Testament. Student Speaker: Elisabeth h Borst Degree to be conferred – Doctor tor of Philosophy so THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER – 2PM (FOUNDERS O ND DE S MEMORIAL MEMO ORIA AL THEATRE) TH Keynote Speaker: Tim Naish Tim Naish, the veteran of eight trips “down to the ice”, is Professor and Director of the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University, a Principal Scientist at GNS Science and recipient of the prestigious ctic Med 20 0 New N w Year’s Year s Honours Hono rs list. st New Zealand Antarctic Medall in thee 2010 The University of Waikato graduate led the international ANDRILL Project, which looked at how the Antarctic w warmer. arme Tim’s Tim s knowledge kno dge of paleoclimate paleoclimate records reco has led him ice sheet behaved in the past when itt was le d author aut or the Intergovernmental In nter nment Panel ne on n Climate Change (IPCC). to being selected this year as a lead for dful of N w Zealan rs to bee invited nvite to o contribute contri aat this is level. He is one of just a handful New Zealanders Student Speaker: Sarah Fitzpatrich Degree to be conferred d–B Bachelor a helor of C Communication om mmu cation on SStudies tudiess THURSDAY 21 OCTOBER – 5PM (FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Sam Knowles Sam Knowles, a recent recipient of a University of Waikato 2010 Distinguished Alumni Award, has had an outstanding record of public and corporate service for over three decades. As the architect and Founding Chief Executive of Kiwibank, it has become, under his guidance, one of the fastest-growing businesses in New Zealand history with a customer base of more than 700,000. A graduate from the University of Waikato, Sam worked on environmental and other policy reforms at the New Zealand Treasury before moving into banking at the Bank of New Zealand, and National Bank of Australia. Following this, he took up his first appointment as a CEO, setting up “At Work Insurance”. A year later, Sam moved to NZ Post where he was charged with setting up a locally-owned national bank. After a period as acting Chief Executive of NZ Post, Sam has stepped down as Chief Executive of Kiwibank, but remains a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors, a Director of Trust Power and a trustee of Te Omanga Hospice and the St James Trust. Student Speaker: Timothy Leahy Degree to be conferred – Master of Business Administration GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 59 A Brief History of the University The University of Waikato had its genesis in 1956, when a small group of visionary individuals began working towards founding a university for the people of the South Auckland region. A college, a sub-branch of Auckland University, was established in 1959 and in 1965, after opening its doors in 1964, the University of Waikato was officially opened by the then Governor-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson (later Lord Ballantrae). From modest beginnings, on what was largely farmland and with a handful of temporary buildings and staff, the University of Waikato studentt kato has a stude population of 12,000 of whom more th than han 3,800 complete a qualification annually. ually Today, the University employs some 2,000 0 0 academic academic and support staff, making a significant ant contribution contribution n to the local economy. The University has built research rch quality to to be b ranked No.3 in New Zealand andd has forged strong stro ong international links; 175 agreements ment have been een signed with universities around thee wor world. ld. THE CAMPUS Our quality Hamilton campus us environmen environment, men me men nt, with with grounds covering an area of 65 5 hectares, continues continu nuees to be a source of community nity pride. The Th ggrounds nds include sports fields, walkways, ways, three ree lakes la es and extensive gardens. Maintenance nce of the beautiful bea eautif l grounds is a priority, along with developing the built environment to accommodate the University’s growing needs. The Hamilton campus pus is also al o home me to the WEL WEL Energy Trust Academy off PPerforming Arts, i At a high-technology facility cility for the performance erf ance of drama, music, dance, and Mā Māori cultural ri andd other ot ult performing arts. It is also a vital vit teaching teachin facility ac for the University, and a world-class performance worl l f venue, welcomed by Hamilton wider milton n and the wide Waikato community who share hare it. t. The University of Waikato has a campus at Tauranga and a strong relationship with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Collaborative arrangements include the sharing of resources and services and joint provision of professional development and training opportunities for staff. 60 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Our Vision The overarching themes of our Vision are Excellence, Distinctiveness and International Connectedness; these drive the University of Waikato. We see W see our distinctiveness in terms of three hree interdependent components; Sustainability, Māori and Leadership. Su tai a Ourr re real Ou e distinctiveness comes in their in the context of our th ir synergy sy identity. ide ntit y We are a New Zealand n university, aware of our relevance un iversi andd rresponsibilities to the region, an e determined to compete on an aand nd de international stage. inte ern Our Commitment The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience which is distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Strength in Numbers Through sustained research and the attraction of high levels of external funding from public sector and industry sources, we aim to maintain a highly competitive research profile. Our staff participate in a wide range of research consortia, clusters, and multi-institutional research teams locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. We are well-placed well-placed to contribute to the local and nnational tional al economies conomies by enhancing business capabilityy in the he region and increasing opportunities for the commercialization ommercialization of intellectual property. The University of Waikato showed its strength by being ranked number 1 in New Zealand in 10 subjec subjects in the Tertiary Ed Educ a Education Commission’s 20 06 PPerformance-Based 2006 Re seaar Fund. Research We play an essential leadership role o e in the prosperity prospperity iy of the Waikato, defined also in terms tribal terms of the tri bal boundaries of the 16 iwi affiliated iated to Te Rōpu Rōpu Manukura. We sit at the heart of of a community un unity of strong regional partnerships and nd take ke pride in serving the strengths and interests off our region. o re egion. • Accounting Acc o and Finance • Chemistry Ch e Journalism • Communications, C Co a Media Studies and We are committed to increasing sing both the tth he tertiary he tertiary participation rate of our regional population poppula latio on overall, as well as the proportions ortions of new schooloolleavers and postgraduate students. We We are also committed to ensuring the ongoing going relevancee of the programmes we offer, and the effectiveness off our delivery of them. • Computer Comput Science, Information Technol Technology, Information Sciences We foster a culture of internationalisation, measured through the diversity ity of our o r student ent and staff s ff profiles, a long-standing pride in our reputation for the pastoral caree of our intern international tion students, uden s and the measures we take through th ugh ccurriculum, cu programme design andd our global g obal networks networks and a d connections to international influences. • Music, Literary Arts and ts Other Arts From inception we have been at the the forefront refro ontt of initiatives in support of Māori aspirations. Sir Bernard Fergusson placed Waikato as “the first of the New Zealand universities to be planted right in the heart of traditionally Māori country”. Since our foundation, we have worked closely with local iwi, particularly Tainui, to make the University accessible to Māori students and to foster an environment of success. Today we are proud to have the highest proportion of Māori students of any New Zealand university. We are proud too, of our evolution into a truly New Zealand institution supporting our country’s nation-building policies and reflecting our nation’s identity. • Ecology, Ecology Evolution and Behaviour • Management, M Managem Human Resources, Industri Relations and Industrial er Business Other • Molecular, Cellular and Whole Organism Biology • Pure and Applied Mathematics so ranked #1 in Education We ar are also w n University versity aand College of when Ed ti scores are combined. Education Waikato showed impressive numbers in its quality score for research over a wide range of subjects. We strengthened research performance in more than 85% of our subjects. The numbers reflect the quality of our academic staff and firmly establish Waikato as a top researchled university. The numbers also show that students at Waikato are taught by staff at the leading edge of their disciplines. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 61 Ceremonial Traditions Elements of university graduation ceremonies have evolved from the 12th century when the first universities emerged in Europe. The organisation of medieval universities was modelled on the established institutions of the day – the church, the monastery, and the guild. Latin was the language used by medieval scholars, and it is from Latin that the words ‘university’ and ‘degree’ are derived. The Latin term universitas means a guild or union and universities started as a scholastic guild – a self-constituted community of teachers and scholars. The word graduate comes from m thee Latin tin word gradus, which means step. Admission missi n to study a bachelor’s degree was the first step s ep taken aken towards completing a university education. on n. The The second step tepp was to become a ‘master’. Masters were er s w ere Master Mastter off Arts graduates whose degrees licensed them iceensed the m to teach. The Chancellor, an officerr of the t cathedral, cathedrall, originally granted teaching licences. es. CEREMONIAL ROBES AND ACADEMIC DRESS In the Middle Ages the corporate rporate existence existe steence of ste universities was recognised and sanctioned sanctio edd by b civil or ecclesiastical authority. worn ority. The regalia reg rn by graduates and university ty staff today to oday reflect ref this mix of medieval governance. ance. Robes worn wor o n by the Chancellor resemble those worn by the Lordd Chancellor of England. Graduates and academic staff wear gowns similar to the dress of medieval clergy. Hoods are also fashioned fash one on n an everyday eve yday medieval garment, although wass th ugh the he coloured c ure lining lining w a later addition to indicate the wearer’s university and degree. University of Waikato Academic Dress Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Black gown with red velvet facings and gold piping; three red velvet chevrons with gold piping on the sleeves; black with gold cord and tassel. Tudor bbonnet n Pro Chancellor Cha han Black gown Black go ow with lining of gold satin; button and cord just above the gold bu tt sleeves which are lined with black slee vess w satin; atin; black b a Tudor bonnet with gold and cord an d tassel. HonD H onD D Red ggown with black facings; black Tudor with gold cord and tassel. Tu udo dor bonnet do bo DLit, Lit, D DSc Crimson gown; gow crimson hood with lining; black Tudor bonnet with ccrimson rimson lining cord an and tassel. g gold PhD, EdD and SJD Maroon gown; crimson hood with crimson lining; black Tudor bonnet. MPhil MPh Black ck gown; gown crimson hood with crimson lining; black mortarboard. b mortarbo No Note: Th Those who graduated grad with a DPhil prior to 1992 are entitled to wear a black mortarboard rtarboa d or a black Tudor bonnet. Masters Black gown; gold hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. Bachelors with Honours Black gown; black hood with gold lining and gold border 5cm in width; black mortarboard. First Bachelors Black gown; black hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. 62 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO God Defend New Zealand E Ihowā Atua, God of Nations at Thy feet O ngā Iwi mātou rā In the bonds of love we meet Āta whakarongona; Hear our voices we entreat Me aroha noa God defend our free land Kia hua ko te pai; Guard Pacific’s Triple Star Kia tau tō atawhai; From the shafts of strife and war Manaakitia mai Make her afar he praises prais heard h Aotearoa God defend def d New N w Zealand Gaudeamus (Translation) (Tran anslati tio tion on) Gaudeamus igitur Let be joyful Leet us then t joyfu Juvenues dum sumus while wh we are re yyoung Gaudeamus igitur Let us the then en be joyful Juvenues dum sumus we are young while w Post jucundam juventutem After the pleasure of youth Post molestam senectutem After the burden of old age Nos habebit humus earth have us The ear h will hav Nos habebit humus The earth will have us Vivat Academia! Long g live tthe University! ni rsit Vivant professores Long professors! Lo ng live the profe ors! Vivat Academia! Long University! g lilive thee Univ iv rsity! Vivant professores!! LLong ong llive the professors! f ssor Vivat membrum quodlibet Long live every member Vivant membra quaelibet Long live all the members Semper sint in flore May they ever flourish Semper sint in flore May they ever flourish GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2010 63 Honorary Awards HONORARY DOCTORATES 2010 Margaret Bedggood QSO 1998 Kevin Roberts 2010 Max Martin Gibbs 1997 Manuhuia Augustus Bennett 2010 Jon Mayson CNZM 1997 Hiko Hohepa 2010 Roka Pahewa Paora QSM 1997 Sir Peter Tapsell 2009 Zena Daysh CNZM 1996 Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira 2009 Lynley Stuart Dodd DNZM 1996 Dame Kiri Te Kanawa 2009 Hamish Keith OBE 1995 Elizabeth Ursula Alley 2009 Peter Godfrey Scott Sergel MNZM 1995 Jeanette King 2009 Hēni Materoa Sunderland 1995 Wilfred Wilfred Gordon Go d Malcolm 2009 Wilson James Whineray KNZM NZM OBE 1995 Huirangi Huirang Eruera Erue Waikerepuru 2008 Tessa Duder OBE 1994 The Honourable Ho ou a Justice Dame Silvia Cartwright Rose Ca rtwri 2008 John Allan Gallagher 2008 William Murray Gallagher 2008 Tīmoti Samuel Kāretu QSO O 2008 Rudolf Hendrik Kleinpaste 2008 Brian Richard Perry OBE 2007 Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa naawa 2006 Kenneth Owen Arvidson 2006 Bryan Charles Gould 2006 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary llary 2006 Jeffrey Alexander Jones es 2006 Sir Howard Leslie Morrison son 2005 Margaret Mahy 2005 James Te Wharehuia Milroy 2004 Caroline Bennett ett 2004 David Gordon Edgar Ed ar 2004 Apirana Tūāhae ae Mahuika Mahuik 2004 Hare Wakakaraka ka Puke 2004 Margaret Anne Wilson Wils 2003 Tui Adams 2002 Ida Gaskin 2002 Michael MacRae Hanna 2002 Michael King 2002 Hirini Melbourne 2001 Neil Finn 2001 Tim Finn 1999 Gerald David Gibb Bailey 1999 Sir Douglas Arthur Montrose Graham 1999 Koro Tainui Wetere 1998 Paul Woodford Day 64 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO 1994 Justice 199 19 94 4 Chief Ju sticce Edward Taihakurei Durie Junior D urie u 1994 199 19 94 Dame Malvina M Malv n Lorraine Major 1994 99 94 Waea Mauriohooho 9 Maauri 1994 Charlotte Charrlotte Rachel Anwyl Wallace Josephine 1993 M Mary ary JJo oseph Drayton 1993 Donald 199 93 Do onald Murray Stafford 1992 Frame 19 992 92 JJanet anet Fra 1992 Edwin Morgan 1 win George G Mo 1990 Norman Nor orman William Kingsbury 1987 Sir David Lance Tompkins 1986 Dame Phyllis Myra Guthardt 1986 Rangimarie Hetet 1986 Dorothy D ro hy Jessie ss Stafford affo d 1985 Sir Donald Rees Llewellyn 1984 Sir Ross Malcolm R s Malcol m Jansen 1983 1 83 Henare Henar Tuwhangai uw gai 1982 Henry Rongomau Bennett 1980 19 980 0 Jack J ck Stanford S anfo ord Allan Allan 1979 Frank Maine Bateson 1979 Dame Te Atairangikaahu 1971 Donald Wilfred Arcus 1971 Denis Rogers 1971 Richard Bristowe Waddington 1969 Sir Arthur de Terrotte Nevill 1968 Pei te Hurinui Jones 1967 Lord Ballantrae History RECIPIENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MEDAL 2009 Michael Law 1995 Sir Robert Arthur Owens KNZM CBE 2006 Paul Malcolm Dell 1995 Mary Gordon 2004 Jack Charles (Dufty) Wilson 1994 Sister Heeni Wharemaru 2003 Robert Barrington Grant 1994 Kenneth Eric Jury 2003 Marie Fenwick 1994 John Thomas Kneebone CMG 2002 Yolande Neilson 1994 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 2002 Jeremy Callaghan 1994 Eric Ashley Taylor 2000 Stafford John Smith 1994 Cecil Douglas Arcus 1999 Pam Banks 1994 Brian Richard Perry OBE 1999 Jennifer Alexandra Alford 1992 Ant Anthony Trevelyan Rogers QSO hony Tr v 1999 Ann MacKay 1997 Laurence John Denny 1995 Val Going EMERITUS PROFESSORS 2010 D.I. Pool BA MA(Hons) NZ PhD Ph hD Aus us CPhys FNZIP NZIP 2010 T.M. Reedy BA MA Auck MA PhD Hawaii 1991 D.G. Bett is MA PhD Rhodes Bettison hD 2007 N. Alcorn QSO BA Well MA Cantt PPhD T FNZEAS Calif DipEd Massey DipT 1990 0 J.T. W Ward BSc(Ec Wa BSc(Econ) Lond MLitt Oxxf PhD Oxf O hD Lo Lond as 2007 G.M. Walker MA PhD Glas 1 1988 W.T. Roy MA L'n L'now FRAS FRSA DSc 2002 M.J. Selby BA(Hons) MA DipEd DSc Oxf DPhil Waikato 1988 J.D. D. McCraw McC MBE MSc NZ DSc Wel ell FNZSSS CR Well CRSNZ 1999 K.M. Mackay BSc Aberd PhD Camb CChem FRSC FNZIC 1986 A. Zulauf DrRerNat Mainz PhD Lond 1999 F.W. Marshall MA NZ DU ont Paris OPA DipdeCultFrCont 1981 G.J. Schmitt CMG MA BCom NZ D A Well FCA CMA MA DPA 1999 B.V. Smith BCA Well ACA CMA 1980 P.W. Day MNZM MA NZ and Oxf Ho HonD Waikato A DipEd PhD NZ 1993 J.E. Ritchie MA AAA FBPsS FNZPsS FAAA 1990 R. Ziedi in ns MA PhD Melb Ziedins 1985 J.G. Pendergrast MSc NZ PhD DIC Lond M Chic hic PhD We ll 1993 I.A. McLaren MA NZ AM Well Z PhD DR dg FInstP F 1993 B.S. Liley MSc NZ R'dg HONORARY FELLOWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO 2010 David Swain 2000 Laurie Barber 2007 Antony Millett 2000 Hugh Barr 2006 Michael Hills ONZM 1999 Rachel Irwin 2006 David Coy 1999 Barry Parsonson 2006 Alan Hall 1997 Malcolm Carr 2002 Samuel Edwards 1994 Robert Katterns 2002 Jill Mitchell 1994 Margaret Avery 2002 David Mitchell 1994 John Turner 2000 Peter Ramsay 1994 Guyon Wells OBE 2000 Margaret McLaren 1994 Graham Lamont G R A D UAT I O N P RO G R A M M E O C TO B E R 2 0 1 0 65 The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Phone: 0800 WAIKATO 0800 924 528 Website: waikato.ac.nz Email: info@waikato.ac.nz
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