Child Obesity Final.ppt

Child Obesity
Presented By:
Mindy Anderson
Tina Dallmann
Definition of Obesity
Also called corpulence or
fatness…excessive accumulation of
body fat, usually caused by the
consumption of more calories
than the body can use (“Obesity”).
All parents explain to their children at one time or
another, “Being skinny isn’t the only way to be
beautiful.” This is very true and a very important lesson
to teach children in a society where thin means
beautiful. Parents, however, also have inform their
children about obesity and how important it is for them
to maintain a healthy weight. The problem is that
parents do not realize obesity is a growing and very
hazardous health problem, especially in children and
Thesis Statement
Medical professionals need to and are,
therefore, informing parents more about
child obesity and what measures they
can take to help evade obesity or weight
problems in their children.
Tips for Parents and
Provide healthy food choices for
meals and snacks(Biskeborn).
 Encourage physical
 Set an example by being
physically active and eating
 Involve children in selecting and
preparing food(Biskeborn).
Tips for Parents and
Teachers Continue…
Volunteer to help children’s sports teams
and recreation programs(Biskeborn).
 Limit television watching or video games
to no more than one hour per
 Do not eat at fast-food restaurants more
than once a week (Obesity and Children:
Helping Your Child Keep A Healthy
Interesting Facts About
 4.7 million children aged
6 to 17 are
overweight (Shore).
 In 12 to 17 year-olds, the prevalence of
obesity increases by 2% for each
additional hour of TV watching (Shore).
More Facts…
 In
a study where 30% of children were obese,
50% of those children were misclassified by
their parents (Many Parents Don't Recognize
Obesity In Their Children).
 Childhood obesity is already the leading cause
of sustained high blood pressure in children
It is important for all parents to recognize
what obesity is, learn facts about what this
disease can do to their children, and learn
what they can do to help their children
maintain a healthy weight and comfortable
lifestyle. Helping their children stay healthy
during adolescence will improve their selfesteem, health, and happiness in the long run.
Works Cited…
Biskeborn, Kristin. “Schools, state team up for first ever student
weight survey; find child obesity a problem in South Dakota.”
News from the South Dakota Department of Health 25 Feb. 2000. 12
Oct. 2001
Epstein, M.D., Bruce A. “Obese Children A ‘Growing’ Problem.”
The Doctor’s Office 6 Sept. 1993. 10 Oct.
“Many Parents Don't Recognize Obesity In Their Children.” Obesity,
Fitness, &WellnessWeekly. 9 June 2001. 10 Oct. 2001: 3.
Works Cited Continue…
"Obesity and Children: Helping Your Child Keep A Healthy
Weight" Information fromYour Family Doctor Jan. 2000. 10 Oct.
2001. <>
“Obesity.” Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
[Accessed 10 October 2001]
Shore, Hennie. “Childhood Obesity: More Prevalent than You
May Think.” Mental Health Net Feb. 1999. 10 Oct.