Fav Poem Presentation.ppt

Written By: Gary Gildner
Presentation By: Sarah Mitzel
Mark only one circle.
Mark “hot water” even if you
have it only part time.
Are you white, black, Japanese,
or Other?
If you are “Other” print race.
If you are Indian print tribe.
Erase mistakes completely.
Have you ever been knocked out?
How long were you unconscious?
Did it hurt?
Did it hurt very much, not very much, none of
Does anyone outside the immediate family use
your “facilities”?
If you went down for the count, did your mouth
volunteer tiny bubbles?
Did a lady in a sporelike lavender hat
or an ape in red suspenders kick
a midget popcorn vender full
speed on the knee
because they couldn’t see around him?
Have you ever wanted to drown
your sorrows?
Are you sick and tired of being
out of shape?
Are you sick and tired of
dropping your guard?
If elected, will you promise not
to come back?
Good exaggerated
Made me think
To me, this poem is poking fun
of all the pointless survey’s
various companies mail out.
Towards the end of the poem
where it says, “ If elected, will
you promise not to come
back?”, it seems to also be
making fun of the outlandish
promises made by politicians.
~ Caught my attention
~ Could envision the scenes in my head
~ Easy to comprehend
This poem not only made me think, it also made me
laugh because of the exaggerated humor. It also
caught my attention throughout the entire piece.