OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GAIL WILLETTE ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE Page TABLE OF CONTENTS I. STATEMENT II. PURPOSE Ill. HISTORY IV. COURTESY OF QUALIFICATIONS .__............................................................. AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY OF CEM INITIATIVES 1 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . 3 . .. . . . ..._.__.____..............................................,.., 4 .................................................... 5 A. Why the Postal Service Needs CEM.. ..................................................... 5 B. Definition of the Proposed ............................................... 8 C. The CEM Rate ........................................................................................ 8 D. How CEM Would Work ......................................................................... 11 E. Potential CEM Participants 1. 2. F. ENVELOPE MAIL PROPOSAL Classification.. and Revenue Impact ................................. Volumes ..................................................................................... Revenue Consequences ............................................................ Advancement of Postal Service Objectives and Consistency with 39 U.S.C. 93623(c) and 33622(b) .................................................. V. CONCLUSIONS VI. PROPOSED DMCS LANGUAGE .................................................................... Docket No. R87-1 CEM Proposal ........................................................... B. Docket No. R90-1 Courtesy C. Docket No. MC951 A 13 14 15 . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . 22 A. APPENDIX 13 Courtesy 23 1 Envelope Mail Proposal.. ............................ 3 Envelope Mail Proposal.. ........................ .4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GAIL WILLETTE 1 2 I. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS My name is Gail Willette. I have been employed by Office of the Consumer 3 Advocate (OCA) since May 1980. I served as Director of the OCA from March 1995 to 4 February 1999. before 5 beginning with Docket No. R80-1. ,6 application of peak-load costing methodology 7 I presented testimony quantifying 8 Class rate categories, Courtesy 9 Envelopes. I have testified My testimony between ,My testimony Envelope to mail processing. No. MC91-1 difference 11 1, I presented 12 authored 13 UPS,” which was presented 14 Hakone, 15 for classes of mail. And in Docket No. MC95-1, “Regulation the In Docket No. R90-1, for two proposed First- Compatible the attributable Firms: The Postal Service in Postal and Delivery In Docket No. R94-1, I recommended I presented cost In Docket No. MC93- As an adjunct to that testimony, of Unregulated at the Workshop flats. occasions, concerned and Automation concerned flats and nonprebarcoded an analysis of the parcel market. Japan, in June 1994. estimates Mail (“CEM”) IO a paper entitled on numerous in that proceeding the cost avoidance in Docket prebarcoded this Commission I coand Economics, in cost coverages an analysis of the costs of OCA-T-7 Docket No. RZOOO-1 1 First-Class 2 CEM. CEM. My testimony I am an Economist. 3 4 Texas at Austin. 5 where 6 micro-economic 7 statistics. In 1971, I received a BA degree from the University of In 1978, I obtained an MS degree from the University of Rhode Island, I specialized in resource theory, 9 Natural Resource econometrics, Economics 10 impacts on agriculture 11 capacity, 12 Production” 13 Advancement I presented at the My course work included economics. operations From 1979 to 1980, I was employed 8 14 in Docket No. R97-1 was a proposal for the adoption of Division. My work included with~the an invited talk entitled annual computer by the U.S. Department associated 1980 research, regulation meeting “Costs of the and in the of economic pesticides. of Pesticides American science, of Agriculture the analysis of chemical the areas of In this in Agricultural Association for the of Science. From 1978 to 1979, I worked 15 Oceanic and Atmospheric 16 impacts resulting from the regulation 17 authored 18 which was presented 19 Fishing in 1979. for the U.S. Department Administration. National My work included the analysis of economic of U.S. Territorial a paper entitled “Bioeconomic of Commerce, Simulation at the NATO Symposium -2- Fisheries, In this capacity, I co- of the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery,” on Applied Operations Research in OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 II. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY The purpose 2 of this testimony CEM consists again the adoption of preprinted, of Courtesy self-addressed business 3 Envelope Mail 4 envelopes provided by mailers as a courtesy to their customers.’ 5 the CEM rate, CEM mail must: bear a facing identification 6 bear a proper ZIP code; bear indicia signifying that the piece is eligible for the discount; 7 meet automation 8 preapproved 9 by the Postal Service for Qualified 10 associated (“CEM”). is to propose compatibility standards by the Postal Service. as prescribed In order to qualify for mark; bear a proper barcode; by the Postal Service; and be CEM would receive the same discount Business Reply Mail (“QBRM”). proposed No fees would be with CEM. 1 This is a proposal to establish CEM as a rate categoty subclass; the proposal does not extend to cards. -3- within the existing First-Class letters OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 III. HISTORY OF CEM INITIATIVES A summary 2 of the history of CEM proposals 3 material in Appendix 4 material was also included with my Docket No. R97-1 testimony. 5 the Commission 6 stated that its recommendations 7 with and support of the Service’s 8 prebarcoding 9 part “the substantial 10 prebarcoded 2 A provides background is included again recommended savings.“’ A. The and a context for the CEM proposal. The Commission were “based primarily on the Commission’s interest in expanding This In Docket No. R97-1, CEM as a shell classification. The Postal Service Governors questions as Appendix the availability agreement of benefits from again rejected CEM, stating in raised on the record regarding discrete rate treatment for CEM lead us to reject the recommended classification change.“3~ PRC Op. R97-1 75169. 3 Decision of the Governors of the United States Postal Service on the Recommended Decision of the Postal Rate Commission on Prepaid Reply Mail and Courtesy Envelope Mail, Docket No. R97-1 at 5. -4- OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 IV. COURTESY ENVELOPE MAIL PROPOSAL Why the Postal Service Needs CEM 2 A. 3 The diversion of transactions mail to electronic 4 Postal Service for some time. 5 decline in transactions 6 First-Class 7 the study cited by Postmaster 8 1987 and 1998 virtually no growth in First-Class 9 In addition, the Postal Service has postulated 10 price 11 previously 12 Postmaster General Henderson mail coupled with competitive pressures Mail revenue at risk.4 Although in single-piece media has been a concern of the Mail that the can put $17 billion in no elasticity for First-Class General Henderson, First-Class has testified Mail was used in recent data indicates that between Mail occurred in the household sector.’ that there may be a greater response generated by households than had to been observed.’ Figure 1 shows the decline in household 13 1987 household-generated 14 1998, however, only 14.8 percent of First-Class mail’s share of total First-Class mail made up 21.3 percent 4 of total First-Class Mail was generated Assumes diversion of 18.3 percent of the 1997 First-Class volume. LR-I-179. Mail. By by households, Docket No. R2000-1. USPS- 5 See Postal Service response to OCA/USPS-1. 5 Docket No. MC2000-2, Reply Brief of the United States Postal Service at 35. -5- Mail. In Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-7 Figure 1: Household This mail is being diverted reasons. The focus of the Postal appears to be better service.’ be the solution to stemming CEM provides Share Mail to other media or leaving the mailstream Service in attempting the decline in household consumers with a lower cost alternative generated mail institutional costs.’ a needed to slow mail it does not appear to use of mail. the diversion for bill payments. $0.18 for other to retain transactions While service clearly is important, an opportunity provides Of First-Class contribution In addition, each CEM piece generates of mail by providing Each piece of householdto defray Postal Service cost savings at least equal to those of a QBRM mailpiece. 7 Reisner. Bob, Understanding the Business Environment, page 4. 8 Resoonse of USPS to OCAIUSPS-121 -6- Leadership, Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept. 1999, OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 It has recently 1 been using information pointed out that consumers 2 government 3 use. This seems to happen even if consumers The 4 Postal Service 5 delivering 6 security-of electronic 7 payment, 8 resulting opportunity 9 can be valuable enjoys bill payments, could be induced 11 when customers Consumers First-Class transporting undecided and about the about electronic Mail if a discount nicely with new services itself to continue is offered. bill The The Postal such as eBi//F’ay. to be the bill payment reason for supporting medium of choice even small and 14 automation. CEM is fair and sends a message 15 business 16 underpayment 17 associated is as important of postage business CEM is the direct benefit which would accrue to individual mailers from the Postal Service’s to small-volume advances mailers to the Postal Service as that of large-volume in that their mailers. Since does not appear to be a problem, there is little financial risk with CEM.‘O CEM is less complicated other processing, who may be concerned or who are otherwise 13 19 for switch to electronic forms of payment. Still another 18 with that for the Postal Service to further build good will with its customers and dovetail Service can position with are unfamiliar with the technology.’ a reputation to choose to interact if there is a cost savings associated mail in a secure environment. 10 12 technology are willing business correspondents to administer provide than a program postage paid in which creditors envelopes for and customers. 9 Robert D. Atkinson and Jacob Ulevich. Digital Government: The Next Step to Reengineering Federal Government, Progressive Policy Institute, March, 2000, page 11, and 25, note 7. 10 The over paid revenue is greater than short paid revenue by $204.6 million. USPS to OCAIUSPS-69 (Revised 4/7/2000). -7- See response the of OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 Administrative costs and difficulty 2 mailers to oppose Prepaid Reply Mail (“PRM”) in Docket No. R97-1. 3 and more straightfoward 4 automation compatibility recouping product, the postage costs prompted but still puts the Postal Service many large CEM is a simpler in control of its and thus its low cost features. Definition of the Proposed Classification 5 B. 6 The definition of CEM remains the same as its Docket No. R97-1 delineation. 7 In that docket CEM was defined as follows. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CEM would employ a Postal Service preapproved reply envelope. CEM would be preprinted, bear an appropriate ZIP Code and corresponding barcode, a FIM marking as designated by the Postal Service, and an indicia identifying the mail piece as qualified for the CEM discount. The upper right hand corner of the mail piece would, bear a postage ‘affrxation block informing consumers that a First-Class discount stamp may be used.” 15 C. 16 I propose that the CEM rate be the same as rate approved ‘,‘,. The CEM Rate study 18 avoidance 19 Campbell 20 witness 21 Service request, QBRM postage would be 31 cents, three cents lower than the single- 12 13 by Postal Service witness of 3.38 cents for QBRM letters, testimony in this regard, Fronk to pass through Docket No. R97-1, OCA-T-400 Campbell for QBRM, is applicable and also support to CEM.” the decision 3 cents of the cost avoidance.13 showing The cost 17 11 sponsored for QBRM. a cost I support the of Postal Service Under the Postal at 5. USPS-T-29 at 40. USPS-T-33 at 22. Not passing through the full amount of the estimated cost savings is consistent with past practice involving new discounts, and provides a hedge against the product attracting more volume than antiCiDated. Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-7 1 piece rate of 34 cents. 2 single-piece 3 In the event the Commission no change in the First Class rate, the CEM (and QBRM) rate would be 30 cents. It was demonstrated 4 reply mail (“CRM”)‘4 5 today. 6 types is identical.15 7 only one minor alteration 8 consumers in Docket No. R97-1 that the cost avoidance and QBRM letters is the same. Other than the accounting Further, CRM envelopes,will - the addition 10 compatibility 11 reply and meter reply mail to be automation 12 enclosures standards. has ensured The Domestic out in my Docket 14 informs individual 15 around the country 16 order 17 Service provides publications mailers of barcoding to help them provide a significant make their that CRM envelopes Mail Manual requires compatible of these two mail into CEM mail with informing problems. meet automation courtesy reply, when No. R97-1 testimony, business they are mailed amount of technical as postage rate.” the Postal Service Mail piece Design Analysts mail automation-compatible.” designed to be the case on the envelope in letter-size pieces that are mailed at an automation As I pointed of courtesy CEM stamp. The Service be transformed of a CEM indicator that they may use a discounted Postal This continues function for QBRM, the processing 9 13 recommends assistance Further, to help mailers prepare automation also located to mailers in the Postal compatible 14 Courtesy reply mail is a preprinted return envelope (or card) provided as a courtesy to customers. The customer pays the postage. 15 Witness Campbell’s responses to OCAAJSPS-T29-1 and OCAAJSPS-T29-5 indicate that except for the accounting function, these mailpieces are virtually identical. Since no accounting function is involved, there is no need for a fee to be associated with CEM mail. 16 C810.8.0. 17 Docket No. R97-1, Tr. 19D/9350-52. -9- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-7 1 mail (including 2 forums. 3 properly prepare their mail.‘* 4 educating 5 are as automation 6 in electronic It even provides providers format) plastic templates By extension, compatible 8 thereof (such as the additional 9 piece card rate).19 11 estimated for preparing 12 Service customers and ensuring consumers First-Class presented 15 consumer research 16 In evaluating 17 18 19 20 in the same way it surcharge, use of CEM could be $ 9.2 million. and delivering and variations and the single- This is the amount a mailing to every address informing Postal fraud.” The Postal Service also has argued that consumers Testimony directly costs of a mailing to inform the public about the of potential telemarketing 14 that CEM mailpieces postage requirements, ounce rate, the nonstandard The additional of and proper at public the Postal Service should have no problem also can educate informs them about basic single-piece existence consultation as CRM pieces are now. 7 10 technical and gauges free of charge so mailers can about new CEM requirements The Postal Service 13 and it provides by Postal Service witness prefer using only one stamp. Ellard in Docket No. R97-1 presented in support of retaining the “one-stamp” witness Ellard’s study the Commission system for First-Class Mail. stated: The Commission notes that witness Ellard acknowledges that “user preference” is a “complex area to pursue.” This alone, may be sufficient reason to consider the responses less than definitive on the issue of CEM’s appeal.*’ 18 Id. Docket No. R97-1, Tr. 19D19333. 20 Response of USPS to OCAIUSPS-8 (revised), 10, and 73. The response to OCAIUSPS-63 estimates domestic delivery addresses to be 132,152,777. Multiplying 132.152,777 by $0.051, the postage cost would be $6.7 million. The total would then be $9.2 million. PRC Op. R97-1,75189. -lO- OCA-T-7 Docket No. RZOOO-1 Another argument 1 advanced 2 changed 3 objection seems unreasonable, 4 agreed, saying: against CEM is that mail processing since CEM was first introduced technology and that CEM was no longer feasible.” given the nearly identical QBRM. has This The Commission The Commission finds it disappointing that witness Sheehan, after years of Postal Service resistance to the CEM concept. Now claims CEM’s time may have “come and gone.” While processing changes undoubtedly have occurred since CEM was initially raised on this record, Miller’s data show that a prebarcoded piece generates savings over a handwritten piece.23 5 6 7 8 9 CEM remains 10 a workable classification for the Postal 11 appreciate 12 like CEM. 13 D. 14 CEM has been and remains a very simple concept. saving money and will change mailing habits when presented mail envelopes 16 that the CRM envelope 17 envelope that would 18 consumer could affix a reduced-price who now take advantage As I testified is automation of automation compatible. be transformed with a product Providers discounts of courtesy reply already must ensure It is this automation-compatible into a CEM envelope, and upon CRM which the postage stamp. in Docket No. R97-1, the “transformation” 20 CEM piece would be simple. 21 that the consumer 22 same area now used for the postage 22 Consumers How CEM Would Work 15 19 Service. CRM providers would only need to signify on the piece could choose to apply a CEM stamp. block and current Id., 75191. Id., 75195. -ll- of a CRM piece into a This could be imprinted message contained in the therein OCA-T-7 Docket No. RZOOO-1 1 (e.g., “Post 2 standardize 3 effortsz4 Office will not deliver the CEM-message without postage”). to be imprinted 5 the de minimis changes 6 asked 7 compatibility 8 redirect) 9 compatibility 10 analysis.“Z5 11 whether the noted. Postal “No. Service Generally, requirements, has surveyed address through or analyzed reply envelopes has not been the use of standardized 13 accurate, 14 would have these characteristics.27 barcodes. *’ The characteristics educational preprinted He acknowledged of CRM envelopes 16 visited in Docket No. R97-1. The transition 17 straightforward. For current CRM providers, 18 should be the same or substantially 26 Docket No. R97-1, Tr. 4/l 544. 27 Id. addresses -12- on for formal survey or are sent to the correct and through the use of that certified CEM envelopes also have not changed since this issue was for CRM providers to CEM providers There still does not appear to be any requirement standardized. Docket No. R97-1, Tr. 11/5900. automation meet the automation a need printing is costs for new CEM envelopes the same as currently 24 25 the Postal Service witness Moden (answering courtesy so there 12 15 could and would not need more than Witness Fronk noted that CRM ensures that bill payments readable Service In Docket No. R97-1 Postal Service witness Fronk was of courtesy reply envelopes. stated: Postal as part of its overall The current CRM system has proved workable 4 The exist. The same general that the message inside the postage block be OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 formatting would be used; the minor change in wording 2 to add costs. Some CRM providers may have large inventories 3 in the postage block is unlikely of CRM envelopes with the 4 current format. The Postal Service can ease the transition to CEM by providing a 5 period during which it educates 6 time should allow most CRM providers to exhaust current envelope supplies and begin 7 to print CEM envelopes 8 unused stock remaining at the time CEM is implemented, 9 changed the public about CEM and prints CEM stamps. as prescribed into CEM envelopes by the Postal Service. 10 message to the left of the postage block informing consumers 11 may be applied. 12 stocks of CRM envelopes 13 customers 14 the printer for the amendment.” E. 15 take advantage regulations could be thus “amended.” that a discount stamp could specify that remaining Mailers wishing to let their Volumes 18 come from CRM mailers. 19 services are almost identical. 28 Postal Service approved and Revenue lmoact As in Docket No. R97-1, the OCA projects 17 could be of the new CEM rate could have existing stock sent back to Potential CEM Particioants 1. 16 Postal Service implementing If CRM providers have those envelopes merely by printing an additional This This is consistent R97-1, Tr. 21/10690-l. As CEM is defined with my previous recommendation -13- that nearly all CEM volume would above, the ,qualifications on the transition to CEM. for the two See Docket No. OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 The Postal Service has provided ODIS volume information 1 2 Class Mail.29 3 reported 4 9.2 billion 5 adjusted FIM-tagged 6 First-Class single-piece 7 reasonable to assume that a similar portion of First-Class 8 FIM-tagged in the test year. 9 single-piece mail for the test year.3’ for single-piece For fiscal year 1999, the volume of single-piece as 9.2 billion pieces. FIM-tagged Except government, letters would metered, be candidates and FIM-tagged letters is permit all of the for conversion mail, to CEM. letter volume for fiscal year 1999 is given as 9 billion pieces. letter volume is reported Witness Tolley forecasts as 48.2 First- billion single-piece pieces3” RPW Total It is letters would be 52.9 billion pieces of First-Class If the test year volume of FIM-tagged mail is the 10 same percent,.of the, total as in fiscal year 1999, there will be 10 billion potential CEM 11 pieces3’ 2. 12 Revenue Conseauences If every FIM-tagged 13 mailpiece converted, a highly unlikely event in the near term, 14 the impact could reach $300 million ($0.03 x 10 billion pieces). 15 not convert 16 attracts 17 diversion, contributes new volume, more revenue. or retains volume In addition, Every piece that does to the extent that offering that otherwise would CEM be lost to electronic the revenue impact would be reduced. 29 Response of USPS to OCALJSPS-42. Response of USPS to OCIWSPS-39 FIM-tagged volume of 9.0 billion pieces for First-Class Mail. 30 Response of USPS to OCAIUSPS-42. 31 USPS-T-6 at 59. 32 9 I48.2 = 0.18672. reported single-piece Applying this ratio to test year volume of 52.9 yields about 10 billion pieces. -14- OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 Underpayment Service; consumers reasonable of postage to expect that many customers on CEM-qualified 5 keep two denominations 6 consumers to become 7 purchasing habits accordingly. 9 not appear appear to err on the conservative 4 8 does envelopes. to be a problem side when applying postage. will continue to use undiscounted It also seems likely that some consumers of stamps familiar handy. In addition, with the discounted As noted earlier, the cost of informing miltion. 11 materials 12 alternative 13 be avoided 14 letting 15 complaints 16 17 F. 18 employees to a nationwide it will take some time for the public through their stamp a nationwide mailing it can be used could be $9.2 and customers mailing.33 customers know about CEM The approximately could about the increase in the First-Class $6.6 million in postage be effective costs. CEM will advance stated objectives 20 recommended 21 consumers. is consistent CEM See attachment with the Postal Reorganization as a means of extending to USPS response to OCMJSPS-50. -15- customer rate. Objectives CEM proposal could This method of in countering Advancement of Postal Service 39 USC. &3623(c) and s3622tb) the Postal Service’s in the to explain the basis for new rates as an as could some of the $2.5 million in preparation 19 33 postage This cost would be lower if the Postal Service included this information provided It is will not want to rate and change about the new service, and under what circumstances 10 for the Postal and Act. automation Consistency with in this case, and the The Commission benefits directly has to OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 Historically, 1 consumers 2 Recently, 3 and increasingly 4 devices, and by personal computer.34 5 by providing consumers 6 mail. 7 however, have paid their consumers bills through have taken advantage of technological have been paying their bills by telephone, a convenient CEM addresses the use of automation-compatible 9 cost avoidance for courtesy automatic debit payment and less expensive diversion way to return bill payments by has been to encourage mail. In Docket No. R97-1 the Postal Service agreed reply mail pieces CEM reply pieces) (which are for all practical identical 11 avoidance 12 witness 13 mail, the Postal Service is able to permit the general public to more directly share in the 14 benefits of automation 15 to share directly in the benefits of automation for the PRM pieces in its Docket Miller stated, “[b]y recognizing Operational feasibility 18 approach 19 mailers who now enjoy a prebarcode 20 with CEM regulations. has stated that it wants proposal. as the cost As Postal Service with this who return CEM mail will be able by paying a discounted rate. in the establishment to develop for both mailers Under the same some of the cost savings associated is another consideration Postal that is workable No.R97-1 .“35 Likewise, consumers 17 Service is essentially purposes 10 16 to the proposed developments the threat of electronic A goal of both the Postal Service and the Commission 8 the mail or in person. a processing and the Postal Service. of CEM. The and accounting Operationally, discount will have to do almost nothing to comply current Postal 34 Service regulations, the CRM return Xenakis, Spyros S., Trends in First-Class Mail Volumes with Emphasis on Bill/Payment and Advertising Mail, July, 1999 at 11. 35 Docket No. R97-1, USPS-T-32 at 36-37. - 16 - OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 envelope 2 mailers will only have to ensure 3 appropriate 5 additionally of CEM, such that the CEM return envelope bears an stamp indicator. CEM also is consistent 4 To take advantage also must be automation-compatible.36 classification schedule 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the establishment (1) for all mail; 26 to CEM. 27 are particularly 28 29 30 31 32 33 (6) with statutory changes goals. 39 U.S.C. 33623(c) be made in accordance and maintenance requires that with these factors: of a fair and ,equitable classification system the relative value to the people of the kinds of mail matter entered into the postal system and the desirability and justification for special classifications and service of mail; (2) the importance of providing (3) reliability and speed of delivery; classifications the importance of providing classifications (4) high degree of reliability and speed of delivery; the desirability of special classifications (5) and of the Postal Service; and (6) such other factors as the Commission with extremely high degrees which do not require of an extremely from the point of view of both the user may deem appropriate. In addition to the factors listed above, the 39 USC. $3622(b) factors also apply Some are nearly the same as those of 39 U.S.C. 53623(c). Two, however, relevant to CEM: the degree of preparation of the mail for delivery into the postal system performed by the mailer and its effect upon reducing costs to the Postal Service; simplicity of structure for the entire schedule and simple, identifiable relationships (7) between the rates or fees charged the various classes of mail for postal services. 36 DMM §§ C810.8.0 through C810.8.2. -l7- OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 The use of CEM will lower postage 1 costs for consumers. 2 businesses to incur more than very small additional 3 consumers the benefit of using a discounted 4 so doing) need only supply automation-compatible 5 are now doing anyway. 6 their existing 7 indicator. 8 and costs will be achieved 9 rate that accurately adding With more widespread Businesses wishing to offer Stamp (and gain good will from reply envelopes, something many will only have to make one modification the Postal Service approved CEM greater measure as household to postage use of CEM, the goal of more closely aligning in substantially rates mailers pay a reflects costs. It ,is ~useful tq address 10 First-Class These businesses reply envelopes, costs. CEM will not cause the specific statutory of CEM. classification factors and how they 11 would be promoted by adoption The first pertinent factor i&the 12 and maintenance of a fair and equitable classification system for all mail.” 13 proposal will promote a fair and equitable classification system because 14 aligns rates with costs for household 15 costs as described 16 addition, CEM is fairer to those mailers who wish to offer their customers 17 of reduced rates. mailers. CEM envelopes establishment The CEM it more closely avoid precisely the same in Docket No. R97-1 by Postal Service witness Miller for PRM. In the advantage The second factor is “the relative value to the people of the kinds of mail matter 18 19 entered into the 20 classifications 21 means 22 desirability postal and service for returning system of mail.” bill payments. and justification and the desirability Consumers -18- for special highly value the mail system Also consumers for the CEM classification and justification trust the Postal Service. as a The is that it more closely aligns rates Docket No. RZOOO-1 OCA-T-7 1 with costs for household 2 paying bills. mailers and gives consumers The next pertinent 3 criterion is “the importance 4 extremely 5 the type most easily and economically 6 (like CRM) is prebarcoded 7 greater than for much of First-Class 9 of providing high degrees of reliability and speed of delivery.” The next criterion 8 a secure, require an extremely processed low-cost classifications by the Postal Service. of providing 11 This criterion is neutral in effect. 12 The fifth criterion of delivery” is classifications high degree of reliability and speed of delivery.” choice Because CEM mail.37 is “the importance add CEM to the consumer with CEM mail is “clean” mail, and screened for accuracy, the “reliability 10 method of which do not The proposal to list does not reduce such existing, classifications. is “the desirability of special classifications from the point of 13 view of both the user and of the Postal Service.” From the point of view of the 14 consumer, 15 cost-based 16 business mailers, as noted above, CEM offers a more practical and less expensive 17 for them to gain good will by providing 18 discounted CEM is a realistic way to ensure that they will be paying a fair, equitable, First-Class postage. rate for prebarcoded envelopes. their customers From the point of view of with the opportunity way to use While the Postal Service has long objected to CEM on such bases 37 A bill payer may be induced by a CEM discount to use the accurate, clean, prebarcoded envelope provided, rather than choosing a blank envelope. The latter may result in hand addressing, with its added processing and delivery problems. -19- OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 as the “two-stamp” 2 operational objections The 3 problem, final I would observe to CEM in Docket No. MC951, criterion is “such 4 appropriate.” 5 when evaluating 6 around for some years. 7 proposals 8 market. 9 costly for most consumers. other There are several pertinent the CEM proposal. because that the Commission such as well it should here.38 as the Commission points that the Commission may deem ought to consider First, as noted above, CEM proposals have been One can easily infer that the Postal Service has resisted such its First-Class For example, factors dismissed Mail monopoly paying bills by walking Many businesses makes consumers payments a largely captive to offices is inconvenient are national companies Local utilities generally and and do not have 10 local payment offj,ces. 11 arrangements with local banks) so payments 12 few consumers 13 likely because of location inconvenience 14 make such payments. 15 infancy, and many question their reliability; we are still largely a society which needs or 16 desires a paper record of transactions, avail themselves Automatic have one or more local offices (or have may be walked of this opportunity in. under the current and the costs associated debit and computer However, 18 use First-Class 19 the trend toward 20 retain these payments 38 PRC Op. MC951 of payments most payment systems are still in their which payment by mail facilitates. Mail at the full rate in the future. migration system, with spending time to It is clear that the Postal Service cannot assume that consumers 17 relatively The Postal Service has acknowledged from the mailstream. in the mailstream. n5050 et seq. -2o- will continue to CEM provides a tool to OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 Turning 2 degree of preparation 3 evaluating 4 Postal Service’s 5 be clean and that processing 6 to the two particularly relevant factors from #3622(b), of the mail on reducing costs to the Postal Service is important CEM because the CRM mailpieces automation Finally, simplicity environment. are required This characteristic to be compatible in with the ensures that the mail will costs will be avoided. of structure,will 7 because 8 difference 9 while CEM postage is paid by the sender be maintained its rate will be identical to that of QBRM. between the effect of the with the establishment For ratemaking purposes, of CEM the key these two mail types is that QBRM postage is paid by the recipient -2l- OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 V. CONCLUSIONS The concept of CEM is not new to this Commission. 2 3 of years as has mail processing technology. 4 contents 5 Diversion of transactions 6 would send a message to consumers 7 reductions brought about by technological 8 three-cent discount, 9 costs than consumers’ of reply mail are increasing Electronic in availability options for transporting and attractiveness mail is a concern of the Postal Service. advances the to consumers. The adoption of CEM and give them an opportunity to share in the cost within the Postal Service. With a CEM mail will travel under a rate that is more closely aligned with current alternative, simple to accomplish; the First Class single-piece 10 operationally 11 revenue loss even under the most liberal volume estimates. 12 R97-1, 13 classification 39 It has evolved over a period CEM promotes Adoption “the establishment of CEM will not engender and maintenance system.“39 39 U.S.C. 53623(c)(l). - 22 - rate. CEM is a substantial As I testified in Docket No. of a fair and equitable OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 VI. PROPOSED I propose 2 DMCS LANGUAGE specific 3 language 4 100.020X 5 CEM consists 6 mark as prescribed 7 reauirements: 8 a. 9 Postal Service. DMCS language that defines CEM. The proposed DMCS is as follows: Courtesy Envelope Mail (CEM) of mailable matter in envelopes bv the Postal Service. Be a ureaddressed. preprinted 10 b. Bear a proper Zip Code. 11 C. Bear a prooer barcode 12 the Postal Service. 13 d. 14 prescribed 15 e. Bear an indication that must bear a facino identification CEM must also meet the followino elrorbrlity reply envelope, correspondina that the envelope whose desion is aooroved to the proper Zip Code, as prescribed is elioible for the CEM discount, bv the Postal Service. Meet automation compatibilitv criteria as prescribed -23- bv the bv the Postal Service. by as 1 APPENDIX 2 HISTORY OF CEM INITIATIVES DOCKET NOS. R87-I, 3 4 A. IN R90-1, AND MC95-1 Docket No. R87-1 CEM Proposal In Docket No. R87-1, OCA proposed 5 A CEM was 7 with a corresponding 8 CEM characteristic 9 Postal Service’s automation equipment, and, ultimately, to facilitate the Postal Service’s IO processing First-Class, letter mail.’ 11 used CEM mail pieces were self-addressed 12 payments, bearing a nine-digit ZIP Code barcode and a Facing Identification was designed of~,single-piece merchandise OCA’s five-cent discount was not delivered 15 office box or by firm holdout. 16 proposal 17 thereby Examples 18 for the delivery and payment of bills3 2 Id. at 14970. 3 PRC Op. R87-1, n5036. provided and used for bill agencies. on the fact that a preaddressed was delivered Further, the OCA argued that implementation Service more attractive loss of mail volume to computer Docket No. R87-1, Tr. 20/15011 with the of the most frequently. with government by a carrier; rather, the envelope make use of the Postal reduce the potential Each proposed more compatible return envelopes was premised envelope Mark (FIM).’ to make the envelope order forms, and communications 14 1 envelope for CEM. defined as a preprinted would First-Class discount 6 13 single-piece a five-cent return to a post of the CEM to the public and networks and telephone OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 The Commission 1 to preserve did not recommend the “attributable implementation 2 sought 3 nonpresorted 4 a CEM classification 5 recognize 6 Class letter mail during the next omnibus proceeding. First-Class change. any cost differential 8 a prebarcoded 9 included 10 indication 11 post office box delivery address. 12 13 It stated and propose reply envelope a preprinted envelope on the reply envelope In response foundation rate.“4 However, the Commission To qualify for the Commission’s 7 costs for the proposed 25 cent adoption Service be able to would rates for both CEM and single-piece or a business with a ZIP+4 CEM category, reply mail piece. qualified barcode, raised during the hearings, 5 Id., 75038. Id., 75043. A-2 an for the CEM rate, and~:a the Commission [I]t is our view that in the exercise of our classification responsibilities pursuant to 5 3623, the requirement of a ‘fair and equitable classification system for all mail’ compels us to strive for a classification structure which permits the establishment of cost-based rates, In further amplification, the rate for each rate category should not only reflect the average costs of a piece of mail within the rate category, but also the actual unit cost for each piece of mail within the rate category should not vary significantly from each other piece. The cost characteristics of the pieces of mail within the rate category should be homogeneous within reasonable parameters so as to minimize cross-subsidization.” 4 First- CEM requirements quoted the following from Docket No, MC78-2: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 of a mail piece had to be Code and corresponding that the envelope It did recommend that the Postal proposed to several arguments of OCA’s CEM proposal. OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 The Commission [ulnder the Act, we are required to consider the other factors enumerated in §3623(c). The preceding paragraph addresses the requirement of 53623(c)(l) that the classification schedule be fair and equitable. The other classification criteria relevant to the CEM proposal is 53623(c)(5) which requires the Commission to consider the desirability of the CEM rate from the ‘point of view of both the user and of the Postal Service.’ The CEM user, whether it be business or household mailers, will find a special CEM classification desirable because of the resulting rate reduction. Businesses and other mailers who mail nonpresorted mail which will not qualify for the CEM rate will find this classification undesirable as their rates will be higher. The Postal Service will benefit because establishment of a CEM category will provide an inducement to mailers to place bar codes and FIM marks on the mail thereby reducing postal costing leading to increased efficiency. See Tr. 20/14970-71. This fact weighs the minor additional effort the Service faces to administer an additional rate category.’ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 also noted that: B. Docket No. R90-1 Courtesy Envelope Mail Proposal In Docket No. R90-1, OCA proposed 19 20 defined as a preprinted 21 FIM, identified 22 to a post office box, bearing 23 Each 24 compatible.* 25 automation 26 pay a rate commensurate 27 the position that limiting automation mail single-piece as a courtesy piece was discount envelope, as prescribed a nine-digit The CEM proposal discounts, First-Class envelope characteristic a three-cent 7 Docket No. R90-1, Tr. 30/I 5676. 8 Id. at 15634. marked with a by the Postal Service, addressed designed allowed those to make unable and individual with the cost of their automation Id., 75056. machinable, CEM was ZIP Code and the corresponding e.g., small businesses 6 for CEM. CEM mail barcode.’ automation to take advantage of bulk mailers, the opportunity compatible mail. to OCA took discounts to bulk mailings was not justified because A-3 Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-7 1 automated processing of a single piece of First-Class Mail was shown to reduce costs 2 on a per piece basis9 With the increase in First-Class rates, OCA thought that a First- 3 Class single-piece 4 from the Postal Service mailstream automation discount to alternate bill-payment In its opinion, the Commission 5 by individual be achieved 7 barred small mailers from participating 8 to eliminate bulk mailing requirements.” 9 three-cent 10 not distributed 11 c. discounts 14 piece 15 Service’s 16 automation 9 mail pieces and if the bulk mailing requirements proposal in automation discounts, could needlessly then the time had come However, the Commission rejected the OCA’s on the grounds that the cost savings identified were Docket No. MC95-1 Courtesy 13 media.” to all users.” In Docket 12 of bill payments stated that if cost savings from automation 6 CEM discount would reduce the migration No. MC95-1, Envelope Mail Proposal under the Postal Service’s proposal, automation would have been available only to mailers who mailed in bulk. The minimum requirement proposal to ,qualify was compatible 500. for the automation Individuals basic and small category business pieces would have received no discount. Id. at 15534. PRC Op. R90-1, n5164. Id., 75177. Id. A-4 under mailers the Postal who mailed OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 OCA argued that this violated the Postal Reorganization 1 2 of fair and equitable classifications 3 needs of single piece automation 4 its own stated goal of adding 5 considerations 6 cent discount for CEM.‘4 existed.13 goal by not considering the mailers, OCA argued, the Postal Service was violating classifications where To remedy this perceived CEM was defined as preprinted, 7 Moreover, for all mailers. Act’s classification significant mailers as a courtesy to their customers.” 9 rate, CEM mail would have had to: or market inequity, the OCA proposed self-addressed 8 operational business envelopes provided by In order to qualify for OCA’s proposed bear a facing identification a 12- CEM mark; bear a proper 10 barcode;, bear a proper ZIP code; bear indicia signifying that the piece is eligible for the 11 discount; 12 and be preapproved meet automation In Docket 13 compatibility No. MC95-1, proposal, 15 proposal and volume projection. 17 while OCA witness Witness as prescribed Thompson I provided Thompson argued (OCA-T-100) (OCA-T-200) 13 Docket No. MC95-1, Tr. 23/l 0420. 14 Id. at 10425. the cost basis for the CEM provided 15 in its proposal.‘7 OCA proposed CEM as a rate category within the existing proposal did not extend to cards. See Tr. 23/10457. Id. at 10445. 17 See USPS-T-l the policy basis, rate that CEM met the reclassification Postal Service had used to define subclasses 16 by the Postal Service; by the Postal Service.16 14 16 standards at 21-37 A-5 criteria that the Specifically, First-Class courtesy letters subclass; the OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 envelope mail was said to: represent 2 encourage a low-cost 3 modernized entry requirements; 4 operational needs 5 contents 6 content-based mailstream; a homogeneous allow the Postal Service represent further CEM the Postal elrgrbrlrty was Service’s avoidance 9 into account in establishing market and not dependent goal of moving on the away both mail processing and delivery operations.20 C,EM volume of between 11 the range of potential CEM volume, witness Thompson 12 the CEM proposal for the test year to be between $470 million and $783 millionZ3 14 example, 15 Postal 16 businesses 18 Brooklyn Service and 6.5 billion pieces.” estimated and the Postal Service opposed Union Gas (“BUG”) joined in denouncing the CEM Given the revenue impact of OCA’s CEM proposal.24 Reader’s proposal took OCA witness Thompson estimated Some participants 3.9 billion pieces*’ analysis 10 13 from a discount of 12 cents based on a cost- figure of 13.4 cents that I developed. I9 The cost avoidance 8 category; rates.” In Docket No. MC95-1, OCA proposed 7 flexibility a mail category where significant exist; and, because of the mailpiece, cost and market-based Digest Association as fundamentally who provide CEM mailers with reply envelopes. unfair BUG suggested For ‘and the to the that this Tr. 23/l 0422. Tr. 23/10425. 20 For highlights 21 Tr. 23/10450. 22 Id. at 10452. 23 Id. at 10432. of the costing methodology, see Tr. 23110333, 10334, 10340, 10373. 24 The Council of Public Utility Mailers suggested the Commission set an interim rate until the next omnibus case. CPUM Brief at 6. A-6 approve the CEM proposal but OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 inequity could eventually lead to a decrease 2 Service claimed that the large corporate mailers incur the expense 3 pieces, yet they will receive no financial reward. 4 penalized by the effects of deaveraging Service witnesses in CEM voIume.25 Reader’s and of preparing CEM They also claimed these mailers are on the single-piece Potter Digest and the rate.*’ 5 Postal 6 Service’s opposition to CEM on rebuttal. 7 difficulties associated with implementing 8 the certification process necessary 9 the CEM rate. He claimed that this process would be costly and difficult to administer the CEM proposal. 11 place for BRMAS 12 arguably, 13 process 14 duplication alleged operational Potter was concerned BRM, made more difficult by the fact that CEM providers not have any financial be ineffective Postal with He likened it to the process already in incentive because to cooperate.27 certification He also argued would, that the indicia would ,lend themselves to on personal computers.z8 Potter also argued there would be an increase 16 the CEM proposal. 17 and thereby misusing 25 the for mailers to qualify their mail pieces as eligible for and that it could lead to poor customer relations. 15 presented Witness Potter discussed 10 would Alexandrovich He contended in short-paid that the possibility of customers CEM, should not be underestimated.29 mail as a result of becoming confused, The effect of an increase Brooklyn Union Brief at 8 26 RDA Brief at 5. Tr. 36116326. CPUM disputed this argument, claiming that it is the consumer who ultimately incurs the expense of CEM because the cost of envelopes is reflected in the prices consumers pay. CPUM Brief at 5. 27 Tr. 36/16212-13. 28 Id. at 16216. 29 Id. at 16218 A-7 OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 in the volume of short paid mail was projected 2 substantial 3 deliver short paid mail, so workhours 4 would have to be hired. 5 paperwork 6 He suggested 7 due” mail would strain customer 8 cost of an increase in short paid mail volume would be large. costs. Additional to cause the Postal Service to incur hours would allegedly be needed to identify, process, and would increase. Potter contended More revenue protection that both an increased involved with “postage due” mail would contribute that requiring people to come to the post office to pick up their “postage relations.30 Witness Alexandrovich Witness Potter anticipated 10 might need to issue a unique CEM stamp, 11 combination the FIM.3’ He also claimed 12 would 13 stamp.32 suffer because other problems. obscuring retailers would The bulk of Alexandrovich’s 14 15 methodology 16 contention 17 pieces. 18 mailers who do not currently 30 31 and Thompson’s He suggested regardless testimony concerns that the Postal Service that consignment in offering problems although lead to greater volumes that “the OCA has failed~ to provide provide prebarcoded also argued that the of the CEM rate, to avoid not be interested volume estimation, that a CEM rate would He charged and the to possible service delays. 9 postage workload clerks sales more than one in Willette’s costing he also questioned of prebarcoded 004’s envelope any basis to quantify reply envelopes would respond how to a Tr. 36/16221-24 Id. at 16225. 32 Id. A Postal Service survey suggested that at least some of these potential difficulties could be obviated through selection of the CEM stamp’s denomination, or inclusion in booklets which mixed CEM and regular-rate stamps. USPS-MCR-LR-123, Tr. 36/16268. A-8 OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 CEM discount.“33 2 in more prebarcoded 3 Without this information, envelope In its decision, pieces cannot be substantiated.34 the Commission 4 familiar, since the Commission 5 inclusive 6 that the Postal Service, and like-minded 7 criticisms of the proposal:36 category he said, claims that a CEM rate would result commented had recommended in two previous omnibus that the CEM proposal was quite its adoption or recommended rate cases.35 opponents The Commission a more observed of CEM, had revived their earlier 8 9 10 11 12 13 ,14 15 They argue that the costs avoided by CEM are less than the OCA estimates; that CEM volumes are unknown and a discount would produce an adverse financial impact of uncertain but serious magnitude; that administration of a CEM rate would be difficult and detrimental to the efficient ,operation of the postal system; and that a discount to users of courtesy envelopes would be an unearned windfall, particularly to the For the affluent citizens who purportedly would~ be its primary beneficiaries. most part, these criticisms remain unpersuasive. 16 The Commission 17 my cost-avoidance 18 measurable 33 noted that Postal Service witness estimate for CEM did not rebut Alexandrovich’s the existence ,.~‘.’ critique of of significant cost-avoidances3’ Id. at 16307 34 Witness Alexandrovich also testified that Wllette’s cost avoidance figure was inaccurate. Alexandrovich also offered testimony in rebuttal of witness Thompson’s volume and revenue impact estimates. 35 37 PRC Op. MC95-1, at V-33 Id. at V-34 A-9 Docket No. R2000-1 1 OCA-T-7 The Commission took note of witness Potter’s argument 2 would be unduly costly and time consuming. 3 the Service 4 envelope 5 which requirement 8 these pieces conform.38 7 piece as CEM eligible could not be done under the same contemplated 8 It should not be any more costly or time consuming than what the Service has already 9 proposed.“39 this 10 had proposed in its own direct mail pieces included in automation The presumably The Commission that certifying CEM mail observed, case a requirement though, that that all courtesy mailings meet the automation standards, would entail some type of review process to insure that It added that there was “no evident reason why certifying Commission observed that was a review process. confirmed by witness Alexandrovich!’ 11 12 13 14 15 CHAIRMAN GLEIMAN: [PIlease explain to me what additional would be incurred and how they would be incurred simply by virtue fact that I can put a 20-cent stamp on that envelope that has already certified as automation-compatible as opposed to putting a 32-cent on there? 16 17 THE WITNESS: Assuming the certification processes were the same in both cases, there wouldn’t be an additional cost of that. 18 The Commission also found 19 effort or investment 20 in order to obtain a discount!’ 38 to use computers it “improbable” Id. 40 Id. at V-34-35. 4, Id. at V-35. would make the to forge indicia, as witness Potter had suggested, Id. 39 that consumers costs of the been stamp A-10 OCA-T-7 Docket No. RZOOO-1 The 1 2 Commission underestimated 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 also expressed the view that witness Potter the general public’s capability to change their mail preparation seriously habits? The Postal Service has numerous means available to it to overcome potential problems with consumer use of a discount stamp. Also, it is probable that providers of CEM envelopes will assist in the education process to ensure that courtesy envelope mail is used in an appropriate fashion, Likewise, consumers faced with the possibility of a late charge should a remittance be returned for postage due will be motivated to use the discounted stamp only when appropriate. 10 Responding 11 the mailer of the piece, 12 stated? 13 14 15 16 17 to participants who attacked not the provider, the CEM proposal would as unfair because get the discount, the Commission As CPUM has observed, the mailer of the reply envelope ultimately pays for that piece as a transaction cost. Additionally, whatever the motive of the originator in providing an automation-compatible reply envelope, only the decision of the recipient to use it will further the Service’s goal of a loo-percent barcoded mailstream. 18 The Commission 19 be of significant also stated it was reasonable concluded that Courtesy 21 recommendation 22 establishment 23 specific rate for the CEM category. 24 financial impact, and the need to accommodate 42 that a discounted rate will benefit to lower income mailers.44 The Commission 20 to anticipate as a discounted category of a CEM rate category.45 Id. 44 Id. at V-36 45 Id. of First-Class However, Mail remained A-II worthy of Mail, and recommended it refrained from recommending It noted that its ” first consideration Id. 43 Envelope a is its potential that impact in a case in which no class OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 of mail is called upon to produce 2 that while the 12-cent discount 3 per se, “the prospective 4 is cause for serious concern 5 the Commission 6 rates recommended 7 recommended 8 concept for the Governors’ 9 specific discount to a subsequent more, or less, total revenue.” proposed by the OCA was not necessarily volume of discounted wanted regarding the consequent by the Commission Postal in this proceeding.“47 purely as a mail (or so-called consideration, Governors 11 recommendation4’ 12 the point that now a very substantial 13 be in excess of 80 percent, 14 relevant 15 closely 16 induced by the discount to convert from less-desired 17 desired 18 accrue from increased Thus, potential 46 Id. at V-36-37. 47 Id. at V-37. 48 Id. the majority of CEM, estimated benefits benefits worksharing In addition, of First-Class The Commission of creating Commission’s of a had risen’to They found this change any worksharing pool of candidate discount to highly can ,be mailers who might be mail preparation would be replaced CEM by market research practices to more- to the Postal Service which 49 thus “shell”) classification opined that the amount of prebarcoding related to the size of the available ones. rejected already was prebarcoded. the potential and proceeding.48 The The Governors impact.“46 stating it would leave recommendation ratemaking Service’s uncertain of the revised schedule 10 because financial found unreasonable CEM pieces is somewhat to “avoid complication the CEM category The Commission by the prospect normally might of deadweight Decision Of The Governors Of The United States Postal Service On The Recommended Decisions Of The Postal Rate Commission On Courtesy Envelope Mail And Bulk Parcel Post, Docket No. Mc95-1, issued March 4, 1996 (“CEM Decision”). A-12 OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 1 revenue losses engendered by the grant of discounts 2 savings5 The Governors also posited that the envelope 3 incentive to put a barcode 4 financial benefits would be “bestowed 5 receive 6 remittance proportion cost provider would have no direct if not doing so currently because the primarily on those individuals fortunate enough to of prebarcoded reply envelopes from entities desiring mail.“5’ They also thought that a CEM discount could cause the Postal Service to incur 7 8 a high on the envelope with little or no offsetting substantial costs? The Postal Service presented testimony in this case discussing a number of administrative and enforcement concerns that would arise if the mailing public routinely had to choose, on a piece-by-piece basis, between two letter stamp denominations. Potential ,problems include an increase in short-paid mail, delays and increased customer dissatisfaction resulting from the Postal Service’s response to the increase in short-paid mail, longer lines in postal lobbies and higher window clerk costs, friction between the Postal Service and the customers who currently provide prebarcoded reply envelopes voluntarily, and several other potential disruptions to the relationship between the Postal Service and its customers. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 It also stated that there would be a direct revenue loss in the hundreds 21 dollars, which would have to be offset by rate increases for other types of maits 22 Its last concern 23 Governors 24 because stated that addressed the general household mailers the savings realized from automated 50 Id. at 3. 51 Id. at 4. 52 Id. 53 Id. A-13 issue of fairness already had processing of millions of and equity. benefited of household .’ from The automation mail have been OCA-T-7 Docket No. R2000-1 averaged with the other costs of First-Class Class rate increases- Mail, and used to mitigate It stated that when households overall First- use the CEM envelope provided by others, the return letter they mail has relatively low cost. “For the rest of their letters, however, sent in their own envelopes, often with hand-written addresses, continue to deposit relatively high cost mail.“55 “ Unless households households were called upon to pay higher rates which reflect the higher costs of their mail that is not sent in reply envelopes (an approach that would nevertheless advocated by no one in this case), a proposal allow them to pay lower rates which reflect the lower costs of their reply mail seems distinctly one-sided.“” 54 Id. at 5 55 Id. 56 Id. such as CEM A-14
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