BEFORETHE RECEIVEII PoSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 2026S-OqsbR31 ,j 39 p/j ‘00 POSTALRATEANDFEE CHANGES,2000 SECOND NOTICE~DF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ~. CONCERNING ERRATA TO TESTIMONY OF WITNESS MILLER (USPS-T-24) (ERRATUM) The United States Postal Service hereby provides notice of the filing of errata to the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-24). The errata appear in the following locations in USPS-T-24: Appendix I - pages 1 and 2; Appendix II - page 1; and Appendix Ill - page 1. The changes to USPS-T-24 result from witness Daniel’s March 1.2000, correction of errors in USPS-T-28. The corrections to USPS-T-24 reflect the impact of the changes in the USPS-T-26 estimates of delivery worksharing-related unit costs. These corrected numbers on the aforementioned pages of USPS-T-24 are highlighted in the attached corrected pages, which supersede the originals filed on January 12,200O. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By tts attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux. Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking Jq 3~hoQ Michael T. Tidwell FIRST-CLASS LETTERS SUMMARY REVISED33ll2OOO (1) ti WLPROC BENCHMARK. NATE CATPripar fWwbl Cost* Wofksbarina (2) &Jl MMwobhflnp Prosmdhal unncsra; TOTAL jJNlT COST MAILPNOC WORKSHARING RELATED jJNlTCO5T 10.470 10.337 8.330 8.239 10.470 5.154 8.33Q 4.311 5.154 4.264 4.311 3.421 4.264 3.179 3.040 3.473 3.421 2.336 2.196 2.630 3.473 2.630 2.991 2.383 ksbmmtl _ (3) DalvERY WONKSHARtNG RELATED UNtTCOST + Wcwtmhavtng Fixed Adiusbnmt Proporaiaul Cost Pwb + Wwtcshartq wd&eand II Pmws8ina unit costs (Wadal CaW%diwhg Prqmiimal Adjusbmmtj (3) tJ5PST-25. Tabb 5 (4) (9 + (3) (8) amcbmwk (4) - Maw cam (4) (4) TOTAL SZWG RELATED ymTCO5~ + Non-Workshartm WORKSHANlNG ItELATED Fixed Adtmbnont Fbmd Cost Pod8 + W&sharing Fixed Adjustment I-1 ,.. -. -. FIRST-CLASS CARDS SUMMARY RE’WSED 3/31/2000 (1) WAIL PROC TOTN jJNtT COST WAILPNOC WORKsHANlNe RELATED YNITCOSS. 4.055 3.316 4.055 2.637 3.316 2.249 Autom&measlcResortcsrdr Automatlon3agiiplesortcards 2.637 2.166 2.249 I.777 A-wResortC8RlS Alltmatbn5DigiPmuntcafds olhersnes c.srnl sites 2.166 1.592 1.518 1.747 1.777 1.203 1.129 1.359 Nonautanation Ptewd Cards (31 (2) DELlVERY WORKSHARING RELATED &&tlTCOST I4 TOTAL WORKSHARING $%%‘T (5) WORKSHARtKG RELATED sAvI)IKis - 1.359 0.744 (2)~~~~-=-ulit Propa(lorul -M cost PO& + wcuksh8ring mbmntj t3l USPS-l-28. T&k (5) Benchmark (4) -Rata Catqwy Ftxed cost Pools + Worksharing Fixed Adjustment 5 (4) I-2 STANDARD (A) REGULAR LElTERS SUMMARY REVISED 3/31/2000 (1) MAlL PRDC BENCHMARK RATE CATEGORY TOTAL UNtT COST Nonautwnstion Basic Presort Letters Nonautomafiin 3-/5-Diill Presort Letters 11.208 9.491 Nonautomation Basic Presort Lettets Automation Basil Presort Letters 11.206 6.234 Nonautomation 3#Di@t Preso~I l+tters Automatim 3-Diitt Presod Letters 9.491 5.262 Automation 3-Di@t preswt Letters AutomaIM SDQil Pms&tLetters 5.262 4.001 (1) CtilaH~P&+sslna lhilt Co&z Worksharing Proportionat Cost Pools + Worksharlng Msil~Pmcssslna Unlt Costs: odd Y&J&= W&shstwg Proportional Adjusbnsnt) (2) CRA Worksharing Proportional Cost Pools + Worksharlng Model-Based Mail Processlna Unit Costsz (&JIM cost l Wokshartne Promrttonal Adjustment) (3) iJSPS-T-28, Table 5 . (4) (2) + (3) (5) Benchmark (4) - Rate Catsgory (4) (2) (3) ,W MAtL PRDC WORKSHARING RELATED UNIT COST DELtVERY WORKSHARING RELATED UNIT COST TOTAL Fixed Cost Pools + Non-Worksharing + WoMhating Fixsd Adjustment (5) SEk RELATED UNtT COST WORKSHARING RELATED SAVINGS Fixed Cost Pook + Non-Workshartng Flxsd Adjustment Fixed Cost Pools + Worksharing Fixed Adwmsnt II-1 STANDARD (A) NONPROFIT LETTERS SUMMARY REVISED 3l3112QOO (1) MAIL PROC TOTAL UNIT COST MAIL PROC WORKSHARING RELATED UNIT COST Nonautomation Basic Prasort Letters Nonautomation 34543git Presort Letters 7.443 6.005 5.954 4.516 Nonautcmation Basic Presort Letters Automatii Basic Prasotl Lattets 7.443 4.662 5.954 3.637 Nonautomation 3+Dii Presort Letters Autcmatii 3-Diiit Prasort Letters 6.005 4.064 4.516 3.039 Automatii 3-D@ Pm&t L&tars Autamatiqn5-DigitfVesortLatters 4.064 3.107 3.039 2.662 BENCHMARK RATECATEGORY (3) (2) DELIVERY WORKSHARING RELATED jJNlT COST (4 : .(5) TOTAL WORKSHARING RELATED UNIT COST WORKSHARING RELATED. SAVINGS ‘, ’ , (1) CRAmii Pr&aa!dna u it cowr Wofkah~rirtg Pmtio:il Coat &ok + Workaharing odd IuwSsQ ~-~~~harlng;mp~~~~j-a”t) (2) CRA Mail Pwass ing Unit Costs: Worksharing Propor6onal Cost Pools + Worksharing Mod&Bawd Mail Pmcafiaina Unit Costaz (Model Coat* Wotlcaharing Proportional Adjustment) (3) USPS-T-26, Tabla 6 (4) (2) + (3) (5) Benchmark (4) - Rate CataBoty (4) Fixed Cast Pools + Non-Wok&why + WorksharIng Fixad Adjuabnant Fixad Coat Poob + Non-W&hating Fixed Adjustmant Fixed Cost Pools + Wodcsharing Fixed Adjustmant 111-1 .-. . .__L._-^. _... I ..--._-.. ---- ..- ,;;_.“-. - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certilj that I have this day sewed the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. 4A-4 -n.!Ld~ Michael T. Tidwell 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 266-2996; Fax -5402 March 31,200O
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